Newspaper Page Text
L ¥ LR
. .The News,
& A l‘Afl!Ll!;. Rditor and Pub'r
SWLIAN X, PARKER, Asso, Editor
. Acdwg :
‘iGotered as second elass matter
March 1,1904, at the post office a
W'Gw’ 3 >
e s e be e e R T
+ PHURSDAY, JULY 30, 1800.
Offies = = = 2I
\iLet Us Be Censistent.
" Editor News—Please allow me
a short space in your valued col
umrs, to sét at naughi sente
speculative talk relative to: my
position concerning county coni
missioners. .. ; ;
' T have been informed thdt some,
who oppose the establishment of
gounty commissioners, say that
we who favor the {‘establishment
ol the same, are doing o 0 for the
sole purpose of;gpifiking a fight on
the Ordinary, and that the fight
is agitated by John Boon and my
self. I wish to'say that I have
heard of na one who John' Boene
bas undertook to change' his o
pinion, and as for myself,interro
gate the nuinerojs citizedts who
call at my ‘office daily and you
will not find & dozen with whom
I have discussed ¢ounty commis
sioners. - ‘
‘ We have not made a campaign
for the establishiient of a board
of county commissieners, but
have rested the matter with the
recommendation of our Grand
Jury and our able representative
‘who favors their establishment.
We who favor .county commis—|
sioners, have pure motives,® and
are justly entitle Yo our epinions.
Again, if is said that John
Boone and 'Arthur Herrington
was the '‘Tax payer” replying to
/'Citizen” in" their controversy
about commissioners. . I deny
this for (pardon ‘'me for being
egotistic) either of us could make
it interes%:xng for ‘‘Citizen.”
However “Tax payer” gave him
a good dose. But let usnot for
et reason and remember that
each of ug is a part of what it
takes to make a govefient for
Jeff Davig county and that we
will move'along if we get com
missioners or if we don’t get
them. Arthur J; Herripgton.
Among the many cepies of the
‘Bpecial edition we have sent out,
one of them fellin to the hands of
& farmer in North Carolina. This
farmer js anxious to come to Jeff
Davis county to lige, for he says
in a letter that he wrote to a rel
ative Rere; that'he was “tired
turning over those old ; rocks up
there, %ryipg to make 3 living by
farming,” ai;ld he wants to make
achange. 'He wantsa one or
two horse farm in this county,
aund he wants tolive op it one
year and cyltivate the land, with
' the privilege vs buying it attheend
of the year.. Now, to %hose who
have a farm of this size to séll,we
gould advise them to confer witly
ok. Grant; of the law firta of
Price & Grant. Their officeis at
the court Libuge. | ! i
A Legjslator from spme of the
lower cotinties was so shkocked
in Atlanta the other day by see
ing a young lady riding & horse
“man fashion” ‘until He went
right to his’ room and, framed a
bill, and haqd it jassed; prohibit
ing women'in the state of Geor
gia (save circdy perivrierd) to
ride astride a borsg like .a man.
‘Hurrah for thiy” Legislator who
Qb this bill through. If a woman
8 far forgets Lerself as to want
Aoxide a horse lik¢'a man, she
ffih@fl}db? forced to stay ina wo
man’s’ 3pbere. |
, After frplicing around with !
the Georgia editors’ a few days,
Judge Julian H. Parker las re
‘turned, to Hazlshfrst looking
fine, and sesms to "‘ge at' peane
xfiith thgworl;l a?indb | man kindl,,
‘He certginiy had a big time While
‘gway, ar dlfi’ - fi"’f
i ollh sl b B et o
s :
."“. -'. lbae—— | "l"
The Labkey Whé Changed Places With
+ i Hie Former Mastér,
Bome’ years ago & remarkable occur
rence transpired at Nice, which 1s very
pear 'to Monte’ Carlo. A notorious
babitue: of the cdsino, who had made
bis money principally there, had set
up an English vehiclo, a pair'of horses,
“tiger” aud all,’gnd cut quite a swell
driving in the neighborbood, says Il
lustrazione, Oune ddy¥®he was riding
i{n-the eunvirons of the'town when his
servant, sitting upon ‘the ralsed box
behind, who had been feeling some
what uneasy at not recelving his
wages for some time, seelng his master
quite alone, ventured' to ask him
throdgh the back winddw if he ‘Would
pbt make it convenient to pay him.
The master was in a good 'humor and
aaked: . P, &
‘*How much ¢ it, La Fleur?'
*One hundred and twenty-five lt&ree,
fi*y it please you, monsieur.” .
“Very well; here it 10,"“ sald the
master, spreading the sum in paper
currency upon the seat of the vehicle.
“Now, La Ileur, have you & pack"'ot
cards with you?”’ _ :
~ mcertainly,” answered the obsequious
lackey. “I always carry them, mon
- gleur,” producing the cards at once. ~ ¢
| . “That 1s well: Now; I will be bauk;,
‘ér, and you shall play against me. ‘1
will take the front scat, the back one
shall serve for our table, and you can
look through this back window™
"The lackey assented to this, amused
at his master's condescensiotf. Luck
was rather on the master’s side, but
both- men became quite eager in, the
game, thinking of that, and that only.
Little by lttle the footman’s mongy
went until all that was left of his
wages was § livres. He began to feel
anxious, when suddenly his luck
turned, and he won the whole sum
back, with every sou his master had
about him. N 4
~ Piqued at his loss, tlhe master wa
gered a horse, which the lackey won;
then its mate, next the barness and
lastly, the carrisge itself. Luck ran
al¥one way, and the servant, La I'leur.
won everything. The master took out
his watch and put it do%m against a
given sum. The cards were shuffled,
and the lackey won. : |
“f have nothing more, La Fleur. You
have cleaned me out,” sald the halt{
desperate gambler. . 5
The servant was in high spirits‘at
his strange run of luck. | ‘
, “Here are a hundréd livres, monsieur.”
I will stake them against your posi-
Hon. If you win ihey are yours. If.J
you lose we changé seats.” . 4
. “Agreed!” . : i - |
‘The cards .were shufiled. La Fleur
won, and the.vehicle returned to Nice}
with its former master occupying the
servant’s box behind and-La Fjeur sit
ting inside! 3 1
i The Last Speaker of Cormish. ]
.In the little yillage of:St. Paul. near
Penzance, there is a mgnument erectedl
to the memory of Doll, or Dolly, Pent-l
reath, who attained the age of 102‘
and was the fast woman who ispoke
the Cornish tongue. This 1s the in
seription: “Here liethsinterred Dprothy
Pentreath, who died in 1777, caid to
have been the last.person who con
versed in the ancient Cornish, the pe
culiar language of this country from
the earliest times till it expired in
the eighteenth century in this parish
of St. Paul. This stone is erected by
the Prince Louis Lucien Bonaparte, in;
union with the Rev. John Garnett,
vicar of St. Paul, June, 1860." .‘Hoiwr{
thy father and thy mother that thy
days may be long upon the land which
the Lord thy God giveth thes’ (Exodus
xx, 12)."—London : News. ,gi. o "
b The- Youngster Hushed. .
* When thé great French chemist Che
vreul attained his liindredth birthday
he was entertained 4t a public dinner,
at which his son, a high official in the:
department of justice, sixty-seven years
old, was also present. The old man
mede a speech and in telling dn anec
dote made a slight slip, which his son
corrected. 01d Chevreul turned around
quickly and satd in & sharp tone,
“Hush, youngster, when I am talking.’”
‘And the “youngster” held his tongue.
i An Cdd Perquisite.
One of tlie most curious perquisites
in connection with English corona
tions is tle right of one of the peers
to claim the bed and bedding used by
the heir apparent on“the night preced
ing the coronation. In olden times
this ‘was 1 perquisité of considerable
value, as the “bedding” :usually com
sisted-of riehly embroidered coverlids
of velvet or silk, with priceless hang
ings of clcth of silver and: gold. s
et L
Criminat, - o o
She~l can't bind inyseif untll I'm
sure. Give me time to decide, and it
six months hence I focl as 1 do now
I vAll be youts. Ardent Adorer—l
could never wait tbat long, darling.
Besjdes, the cotrts Gave decided that
dealing id futures without the actual
deli¥ery of the soods is ghmbling pure
and'simple.~Puck. - S
L ie, SRS
© 1 The One to Blathe. BX ‘i
i o o pretr 84 of
idwell sald ?Wgfiw%wwfi’m .
"g y" .{i:f “f'”:‘ AP ORTCERL. Y e
} v - r 5 £ .5
S e L
"In the'Rod pea redfs of \bright piak
coral are clearly to be seemm Much of
the rocky bed of this. bea is the work
of the cordl insect, But probably the
true reason for the name of the Red
sea 1s because along: its eastern shore
lles anclent Edom, Thissword signifies
“red.” It was giyen to the region not
from the color of its sandstone hills,
but from lits people. ‘'Whese are the
dgscendants of him who camesin faint
and weary from' hunting and said to
his brother, “Fwed me, I pray thee;
with that, pottage, for I am
%t:" therefore waa his name galled
mo G avemntd —o . o . ‘{"
. . '(T: \M LR
' e
DU s e gy dat ! -t
’.:,' L Auek ; 3‘: .'
P’" '?% His Popularity. i.t' P
. A;'. you popular wuhim Kash
"%m« it I know. Eath ove alk
ways introduces me as a fritod of her
sister."~Cleveland Leader. .
Sheriff Sales. . 1
GEORGIA—Jeff Davis County,
Will be sold before the courtl
house of Jeff Davis county, in
Hazlehurst Georgia, the usual
place for holding Sheriff’s7sales
of said eoufity, on the First Tues
day in August, which is the 3rd
day, 1909, within the lefial hours
of sale, the hereinafter dascribed
personal property, said proper
ty to be 'delivered where the
same is now located, to wit:
Near theresidence of W. H. King.
One 15 horseé power engine, Tal
bot make. "One 20 horse power
return tubler Dboiler, one pop
valve, ‘ene :steam gauge and
piping, one governor. Said
property levied upon and by
virtue and to satisfy thiee (3)
attachments fi. fas. issued from
‘the county court of JET Davis
county. One in favor of Carver
Brothers, one in favor of Lott &
Poer, and one in - favor 'of W. T.
Cliett, and against W. ‘H. King,
said property levied upon_ as the
property of W. H. King, Defend
ant in attachment, and in his
possession, said property pointed
out by the Plaintiff, ).
Said above described proper
‘ty having been advertised and
sold accord.fg:g to law, and P. L.
Smith being’ then and there the
‘bést and highest bidder, énd said
P.’L. Smith having failed: to pay
thg purchase price’at said sale,
thé same is thereof re-advertised
arid sold. at the risk ~ of the : said
P. L. Smith, the pu-thaser there
of at said sale. g ‘
This sth day of July, 1009, . |
y .- > W. H.ErLpis, |
| SheriZ Jeff Davis County.
: ‘ \
Netice Stockholders.
The stockholders of The Hazle
hurst News Publishing Co., are
requested toe meet at the court
house on Saturday morning July
31, 1909 at 10 o’clock to tran-|
sact business of importance,
iAg BA o e 0
For sSale
We have practically 2’ new Ke.
6 Remington typewriter which
we will sell for S3O. cash, Write
at once, National Loan & ’l‘ru-‘s'sl
Company, Tifton, Georgia. ‘
vistreade ("N O\
W,Yge‘l:is h
er Acre® B
6 *_;:vm—f;f‘-}\.‘, S R
\EEsaar IO N ACy
The BEST of evefythinglt
Ml] R FortiiizErs Tieart 111
11 B Virginia Carplina gi ¢
DR, >0 AR Y| |
P and the greatest quaititiesofevery %
growing thing can readily be pro
i duced with theliberaluseof Virginia- ¥
{ Carolina Fertilizers, togethor with K
- B careful cultivation. The materialsof KN
B whtflhtheyatemsde.camethemm&;
ki viclr the land,"and the plants tocode
‘¥ up rapidly and more prolide. Use ¢ @&
M “Vifginia-Carolina Fortilizers o m A
lon your fruits and fruié—ttees v w
4 ofu? kinds, corn, wheat and G 4 ¥
i all (trucks. For, at barvesi NG B
bR timo, you will have the largest . fc:dg
4 (10,-'.: these wm-‘;épure:se-‘lg%‘: 'i§s; &
e poe oo smd b, SR B
our farmlife, - Don't by the: »
.) g&: "lub% ag,lut ;.:ryfi A
¥ v "»nn A ;" <
ey g soo Ml
;, ' l.‘t’ \; ;
s7oh Menday last, between F. I,
Bray_’f and Hazlehurst, a watch.
Nicke! case with Elgin move
ments, Finder will retyrn same
te Guy Hall, or the News effice
ard be rewarded. This May 11th
1909. 2t
5 d ill .
cnc.:t ?:hil?.::d %'39«7 Pri‘eu:;S;“
pmmy 0 : ! d
The City Pharmadcy,
W. T. PATRICK. Ptop’s.
- N .
et -,\~l carfy a fresh and con{n}oh li:e‘\.clf‘
.‘Dmgé and l‘ledid hes.
' z«Mmm .
Toilet Articles; Perfumery, Etc.
| . ——Beantiful lindef—
e Elcgint Ice Cream and Soda Pt'}‘glor.
i,live within & few steps of m; drug stors, and can
easily be called at any heur of the nmight by those who
may need mediqino after I k?avo closeq.;
. Don’t Run
The risk of losing your rights bv net havifig
your Deeds and Mor'tgagés on Record.
“Every Deed Conveying Land
o :; ’ 3 i
Should be Rezorded in the; effice of the
Clerk of the Siuperiog Courtef the County
where the land lies;, Recard gmay be’
mad¢ at any time, bnt such.deed loses its
prierity gver a subsgquent gecorded deed
from the same vendor.;~=Section 36: 18.
“Motigages on reilty must be recorded
in the’ county where the land lies; on per
sonalty, in the ceunty where the mortgager
residesat time of execution.”-Sdction 27, 26
I will re~record at half price any deed
recorded in the old counties. ,
Yours for prétection, i
Peoples Dru¢ Siore,
> TELEPHONE. No. 7." L :
Wc handle flothi‘fig but the very bcsf}nd purest
&31 Prescriptions Recéive Prompt and Carefil Atteation.
:.% X o
A complete ‘stock of ail Drug
Store Sundries,
Just receiied the pretilestlinaof golid Gold Jevelry
‘ever seen in Hazlzdurst bafere; and, yotu will
% tind ewriprices righat, twe.
Wecarry a fine line as STATIONERY of évery des’
‘cription. | When id need of writidg material
come to the
Pooples ; Drug Sit
- Peoples ; Drug fore,
Lo YRy o PARVIS e 0
Thé Carpenter Morten Cef
Besten, Mass. were thefirst paint
concern to effer Varnish Stains
to housekeepers. Cambells Var
pish Srain is eriginal first made
in 1888, and today recognized,as
the mest satisfactery article'of
the kind wpon the market. Pee
ples Drugs. Store carries a com
plete stock.
Pl t immediate rellef from
i iB . Shocop’s Magic Olntment