Newspaper Page Text
i AIR LINE ' .
g TO THE . |
Summer Tourist Tickets -
Lake, Mountain and Seashore. Resorts
and all Eastern Cities, :
Full information carn be had of any _Seaboard‘
Ticket Agent, or by applying to :
R. H. STANSELL, Ass’t Gen’l Pass’r Agt.,
Savannah, Ga.
&2 dear old tunes we all love, words
and music complete for piano or or
gan, for 10 cents. America, Annie
Laurie, Auld Lang Syne, Battle Hymn
of the Republic, Catch the Sunshine,
Columbia, Comin’ Thro’ the Rye, Dar
ling Nellie Gray, Dixie's Land, Flag
of the Free, Hail Columbia, Home,
Sweet Home, Juanita, Lead Kindly
Light, Lilly Dale, Long Ago, Marching
Thro' Georgia, Massa's in the Cold
Ground, My Bonnie, My Maryland,
‘Old Kentucky Home, Old Black Joe,
Robin Adair, Rocked in the Cradle
of the Deep, Swanee River, Sweetl and
Low, Blue Bells of Scotlard, Last
Rose of Summer, Old Oaken Bucket,
Star Spangled Banner, Vacant Chair,
Those Evening Bells, Tramp, Tramp,
Tramp, Uncle Ned, We're Tenting To
night, When the Swallows Homeward
Fly and twenty others for 10c, stamps
or coin, Particulars of our great of
fer of a Piano Free for a little assist
ance in your own home is enclosed
with the song book. You can earn
a piano by merely allowing your
neighbors to se it, if you send at
once. For a short time we will send
a gold plated finger ring FREE as a
gouvenir to each- one who sends a
dime for the song book. Send today
to Piano and Music Co., Galesburg,
il . ts
An old established manufactory oi
high class goods desires to secure a
little more capital to meet the in
creasing demand for their product. It
offers a small issue of 6 per cent cou
pon bonds at 80c on the §l. $25 bond
for S2O. SIOO bond for SBO. Kor full
particulars address Drawer 52, Gales
burg, Il tt
T A e |
€ Gtenerations of live, wide
awake American Boys have
obtained the rizht kind of
by being equipped with the
unerring, time-honored
| All progressive Hardware and
S&)‘orting Goods Merchants handle
STEVENS. If you cannot obtain,
we willghip direct, express prepaid
. upon receipt of Catalog Price.
‘ Send 5 cents in stamps for
I¢o Page Illustrated Catalog.
ltelplete with
- /2 and general
L o S g g firearm in
'/ ¢ i;ormati()m
N Striking cover
\\“-\ in colors.
\\\ '
,4 : ) \ * J, STEVENS
SN ) P.0.80x 409 o
h” 2 Chicopee Falls, Mass,
1 1"‘""
The man who flirts then runs away,
may have to come back to face a
preach c¢f promise ease some day.
Not every time that the prospect
nleases sis man yile; sbmetimes he
is trying asfully hard tb be gocd.
Professional Cards.
e eeed
Doctor of Dental Surgery.
Chapman-Patrick Bullding.
Dr.L.P. Pirkl
r elsold o lr e
Physician & Surgeon
DPiseases of women and children a
specialty, . °
Calls attended to promptly—day or
Office in Capital Drug Store. Office
Phone 51; Residence Phone 92.
Attorneys at Law
Hazlehurst, Georgia.
Practices in' state and federal
courts. <Collections a specialty. ©Of
fices upstairs in Court House.
King & Sellers,
Will practice in all the courts.
Office at the Court House.
Attorneys and Coun;elore At Law,
- Lawyer
. I secure loans on your
farm lands for any amount
at fper cent interest.
Call and see-me before you
boriow money. All loans
* made promptly. ;
9-6-06. -
Short Breath
“I‘'or many months I had great
~difficuity in breathing, and was un
able to take much exercise. The
l use of Dr. Miles’ Heart Remedy
) was suggested and in six months i
was practically cured.”
HUGH SLOAN, Poynette, Wis.
A sign of poor blood circulation
| is shortness of breath after walking,
going up stairs, sweeping, cxcite
ment, anger, fright, etg The quick
est and safest thing to do is to take
Dr. Miles’ Heart Remedy.‘
\ It is so sure to help you that it is
sold under a guarantee that if the
‘ first bottle does not»benefit the drug
| gist will return your money.
’§ 21 —— -
Alcohollc Atmosphere ' Has Disturb.
Ing Effecta on Strangers,
There can be no doubt that the afr
of distilleries, wine and spirit vaults
must contain appreciable guantities of .
alcohol. The stranger on his first
vigit to the great sherry bodegas in
the south of Spain, experiences at
first a decided sense of exhilaration
with quickening of the pulse, follow
od by a narcotic effect, a feeling of
languor and headache. In the great
brandy stores of Cognac, again, to
sonfe people the air is sickening,
It might be naturally expected that
the more volatile constituents of
wines and spirits would be the first
to evaporate into the air, and possibly
the volatile ethers would thus pre
vail, It has been said that the effect
of inhaling the air of the sherry
vaults {8 more marked than when
other spiritous liquids are kept in
Air, therefore, impregnated with
the vapors of spirits and wines, must
have a deteriorating effect on the
health, And according to an examin
ation made of the air of a distillery,
it would appear that no less than an
ounce of proof spirit, or one-half
ounce of .absolute alcohol may be
present in five cubic feet of air. And
since this alecohol would gain access
to® the circulation through the lungs,
it foMows that special arrangements of
ventilation are an absolute necessity.
..Geological Survey Says Every
County in Country Can Make It.
‘A bulletin issued by the geological
survey on the “Concentration of Ce
ment Interests” declares “it can be
said that there is noticeable a cer
tain, concentration of interests in the
cement industry, and that this will
probably become more marked year
by year. The eighty-eight plants in
existeéhce 'in- 1905 are owned by sev
enty-eight companies, and several of
these mominally independent compan
les are closely connected in owner
ship. : : :
“The nature of the cement industry
‘renders it improbable that any com
bination or noncompetitive arrange
ment can be carried to such a point
as to result in a monopoly of the in
dustry and permanently high prices.
“Good raw materials are so widely
distributed in the United States that
there is hardly a county which could
not produce Portland cement if prices
were forced high enough. The only
limitation now on the erection of ce
ment plants is the fact that the great
cost makes tha ventures prohibitive
for the individual or for the small
firm.” .
Mrs. Stubb—Jchn, they say that
one-half of the world don't know how
the other half liver T wonder which
half knows. . ,
~ Mr. Stubb—Why, the feminine
half, Maria. If they don’t know they’ll
soon find out.—Bcston Pcst.
Archbishop Farley of New York
has definitely settled upon the pur
chase of the homestead of Pope Pius
IX at Senigallia, Italy. It will be
transferred into a shrine in which
relics of that pontiff will be placed.
. Doctor’s Test of Food.
" A doctor in Kansas experimented
with his boy in a test of food, and
gives the particulars. He says:
“I naturally watch the effect of
different foods on patients. My own
little son, a lad of four, had been ill
with pneumonia, and during his con
valescence did not seem to care for
any kind of food.
“] knew something of Grape-Nuts
and its rather fascinating flavour and
particularly of its nourishing and
nerve-building powers, so I started
the boy on Grape-Nuts and found
from the first dish that he liked it.
_ “His mother gave it to him stead
ily, and he began to improve at once.
In less than a month he had gained
about eight pounds and soon became
so well and strong we had no further
anxiety about him. :
“An old patient of mine, 73 years
old, came down with serious stomach
trouble, and before I was called had
got so weak he could eat almost
nothing, and was in a serious condi
tion. He had tried almost every
kind of tood for the sick without
- avail, :
l “] immediately put him on Grape-
Nuts, with good, rich milk and just a
little pinch of sugar. He exclaimed
when I came next day, ‘Why, doctor,
I never ate anything so good or that
made me feel so much stronger.’
“] am pleased to say that he got
well on Grape-Nuts, but he had to
stick to it for two or three weeks,
' then he began to branch out a little
with rice or an egg or two. He got
entirely well in spfte of his almost
hopeless condition. He gained 22
pounds in two months, which at his
age is remarkable, |
“I could quote a list of cases where
Grape-Nuts has worked wonders.” |
“There’'s a Reason.” Read “‘The
Road to Wellville,” in pkgs.
Ever read the above letter? A
new one appears from time to time.
‘They are gewuine, true, and full of
w *.R!M‘ Pt B et I O A
| 3.7 . ‘s i .
' e
General. '
The royal train bearing King Victor
Emmanuel to his summer palace at
Racconigi ran down and killed a flag
man at a crossing near San Vin
cenzo, The king ordered the traln
stopped and, alighting, ordered his
secretary to see that the needs of the
man's family were provided for,
Struck by a bolt of lightning as he
sat on his plazza at Broxton, Mass,,
his hand resting on the brass-studded
collar of his dog, George E. Bowman,
a twenty-year-old artist, whose work
recently won him a prize of SSOO at a
New York exhibition, is lying at his
home speechless and sightless,
On board the United Fruit cofu
pany's steamship Limon when sue
reached port at Boston, Mass, from
Port Limon, Costa Rica, was no lgss
distinguished a personage than
“King” Alonzo Adams, supreme rul
er and owner of Swan Island, situat
ed in the Carribbean sea, and one of
the most important strategic points In
the entire West Indies,
While exact figures are unobtain
able, it is conservatively estimated at
Pittsburg, Pa., that a loss of $60,000 s
incurred each day the steel car strike
continues, Nearly six thousand men
are idle, The plant has a capacity
of about one hundred cars a day,
which sell at an average price of
SI,OOO each. The figures show that
the company is sustaining a tremen
dous loss while no product is being
turned out,
So fond of jumping was Heather
bloom, the $20,000 world’'s champion
jumping horse, that he topped every
fence built for a paddock. He reach
ed ‘'his limit, however, trying the high
est fence ever placed around him,
and was so badly injured that, in
mercy, he was shot. He was owned
by Howard Willets, of White Plains,
N. Y, and Marlborough, Mass. Mr.
Willets refused SIO,OOO for him from
Barnum’s circus only this season.
Heatherbloom had held the world’s
record, eight feet, six inches, having
made the record in Chicago, winning
from a class of fifty horses,
The figure heads, used for orna
ments on the battleship Alabama and
the cruiser Montgomery, will be given
to Montgomery, Ala, Such accessor
ies are being taken from all the war
ships and Congressman Dent has se
cured these two for Montgomery.
It is-.reported here that prominent
American bankers are to refund the
public debt of Honduras at the pres
ent time, amounting to about SIOO,-
000,000, The firm of J. P. Morgan &
Company is mentioned as among
those who have the matter in hand.
There is a decided sentiment for
the abolishment of the Panama canal
government as it now exists and for
the substitution of a “one-man rule”
in the canal zone. In the opinion cf
members of congress who have look
ed into conditions in the canal zone
and who have ‘examined the great
work of construction, there is toco
great a division of respensibility and
authority under the commission form
of government as it now exists,
A special meeting of the cabinet
was held at the white house to dis
cuss further the matter of cutting
down the estimates of the various de
partments for the coming fiscal year,
according to the statements of sever
al of the-cabinet members before en
tering the consultation room with
President Taft.
It is clear that the widely published
attack on the estimate of farm re
serves of wheat on March 1 was with
out basis; that it was unjustifiable and
that its sole object was to enable
the speculators who made it to gain
personal profits at the expense of the
general public, was the summing up
of Secretary Wilson in a statement
given out in answer ton the criticism
from several quarters that the depart
ment’s estimate as to the amount of
wheat on farms in the United States
was entirely too high. The secretary
says that “the estimate was challenged
as being much too large, and consid
erable agitation was aroused by specu
lative interests desiring to create a
public belief in a serious shortage in
wheat supplies.”
The conferees on the tariff bill for
mally adopted the corporation tax
amendment as redrafted by Atttorney
General Wickersham, with practically
no amendment, The amendment re
duces the rate of tax from 2 to 1 per
cent, eliminates the holding compan
ies and strikes out that part of the
original amendment which made
building and loan associations subject
to the act.
The city of Panama is anxious to
have an officer of the American army
detailed for duty as inspector and in
structor of the national police of that
city. A cable resolution making such
a request has reached the state de
partment. The army, however, is
short of-officers and it is not likely
the request will be complied with,
a similar- request from Bogota, Colom
bia, recently having been declined.
The hookworm, or “lazy bug,” as it
has been shown to exist in the south
ern states, according to investiga
tions of the physical condition of
army recruits, will form an interest
ing chapter in the forthcoming report
of the surgeon general of the army,
and probably will lead to a wide
spread effort on the part of boards of
health of the southern states to erad
icate this disease, which, a few years
ago, was brought prominently to the
attention of the world in connection
with the Porto Ricans. The investi
gations have been progressing quietly
during the last six or gseven months,
so that when Surgeon General Thorny
crofts makes up his snnual report, he
will have data to prove the prevalence
of. the hookworm among soldiers en
listed from the southern states.
' No Place to Advertise.\
Miss Anha Held, at a dinner in
New York, admitted that her recent
statement to the effect that she had
made $1,000,000 in the last thirteen
years was a very good advertisement,
“And an advertisement,” said this
pretty actress, smiling, “is never out
of place., Stop, though, Once one
was. It was in Nola Chueky.
“The local preacher of Nola Chucky
conducted the general store, and on
a Sunday morning in June he was
nearly half an hour late for church,
Finally, about 11, he hustled into the
pulpit, mopped his brow, bheamed
down on the impatient, wondering
congregation, and said:
“‘Dear brethren and sisters, I heg
you to pardon my tardiness this
| morning, but the fact is, T was kent
up last night till the small hours open.
ing the finest stock of summer ‘dress
goods ever brought to Nola Chucky,
We will now sing hymn six hundred
and two!'"—Washington Star,
Nervave Trounies, Capuding il o &
It’s liquid=pleasant to take—acts immedie
ately. Try iy, 10c., 25¢c, and 50c. at drug
slores. e
Knicker—What did the gardener sap
when he saw your lawn
Bocker—He asked if I shaved my.
gelf.—~New York Sun.
Was So Sore, Irrvitating and Painful
That Little Sufferer Could Not
Sleep—Scratched Constantly—
Cauticura'’s Efficacy Proven.
“When about two and a half years old
my daughter broke out on her hips and the
upper parts of her legs with a very irrizat
ing and painful eruption. It began in Octo
ber; the first I noticed was a little red sur
face and a constant desire on her part to
scratch her limbs. She could not sleep and
the eruptions got sore, and yellow water
came out of them. I had two doctors treat
her, but she grew worse under their treat
ment. Then I bought the Cuticura Rem
edies and only used them two weeks when
she was entirely well. This was in Febru
ary. She has never had another rough
place on her skin, and she is now fourteen
years old. Mrs. R. R. Whitaker, Winches
ter, Tenn., Sept. 22, 1908.”
Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Sole Props.
of Cuticura Remedies, Boston, Mass.
! Ellen Glasgow has gone to Europe.
She expects to remain there for some
time, and will carry on her literary
work in some quiet place in England.
Painkiller (Perry Davis’) should be on
hand now for colie, dysentery and other
summer complaints. 25c., 35c. and 50¢.
“1 want to ask your advice, said
King Midas. “You've heard that ev
erything I touch turns to gold.”
“yes,” answered the financial ex
“What shall 1 do about it?”
“Get out a prospectus and start in
declaring dividends so that our stock
can be floated before the myth ex
perts get busy.”’—Washington Star.
“What did they do with the money
their aunt left them?”
“Spent it for a monument to their
aunt’'s memory and an automobile.”
“What did the monument cost?’
~Qeven dollars.”—Cleveland Plain
For Benefit of Women who
Suffer from Female llis
Minneapolis, Minn.—“l was a great
sufferer from female troubles which
T caused a weakness
bE o land broken down
. AN Ak | condition of the
S fi;-f system. 1 read so
SR TTMRE: | muchof what] A{'dia
. "‘; #{ E. Pinkham’s Veg
’Q ; ;-‘-.2?;;;:;§§§:~;§fé % letable Compound
o ey % had done for cther
Gyl eo ] suffering women I
R v ] felt sure it would
| Safgee” © | helpme, and I must
PR "¢ | say it did help me
[ . Fel wonderfully. My
GRse. - SN pains all left me, I
grew stronger,and withip three months
I was a perfectly well woman. .
“T want this letter made public to
show the benefit women may derive
from Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Compound.”’— Mrs. JOHN G. MOLDAN,
2115 Second St., North, Minneapolis,
Thousands of unsolicited and genu
ine testimonials like the above prove
the efficiency of Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Ve%etable Compound, which is made
exclusively from roots and herbs.
Women who suffer from those dis.
tressing ills peculiar to their sex should
not lose sight of these facts or doubt
the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound to restore their
Ifi'ou want special advice write
to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass,
Shewill treatyourletterasstrictly
confidential. For 20 years she
has been helping sick women in
¥his way, free of charge. Doun'd
hesitate — write at once. e