Newspaper Page Text
VOlo 10 NO 340
AT ,
All Spring and Summer Geods for Mex.
Women and Children will be seld during
the month of August
We Must Have Reom for g
‘_ Large Fall Stock.
Mrs. Welfson and Mr, B. Wolfsen, Jr. are
" new getting busy, loeking out for
~ Bargains in all lines for the coeming -
" We expect lots of Goods to come in frem
now os, and as the Summer Goeds is* in the
way, wé madée upour mind te get rid of it
: B Popular Price Store,
.. : Hazlehurst, Ga,
There is no Other Store that Can Meet Our Prices
- Qur Semi-Annual Sale is Now On. |
Now is the time for the late buyers to save big money, by spending ;it
with us. To the people who doubt, we say, come and be convinc ed. Come In
and let us prove our claim, for a pint of evidence is worth aton o f talk.
' In this Clearance Sale you will find anything in the follow’in g lines:
Fine White Goods, Fine Colored Wash Goods, Fine Wool
. -Dress Goods, Fine Laces, Eine wash Silks, Etc.
- In fact everything the ladies need to cemplete their summer w ardrobe at about -
* | one half the price the same goods can be bought else' where.
Clothing of ‘every description goiitg ‘at a give-away price. 500 pairs of extra
g T 51')ants, to close out at any price. ’ e
@omg Quiek ! Bhis Islike Getting a Silver Do llar for 50ets.
‘ : - l".r, ;T| s s ,_,,.z;,:” :,‘ —~r "T'-Jj - ~/'T "' ‘. e
lv/- Rl mpe i ey wr s ee S R ‘%zmM vx B ALy A | x (YA §
Hazlehurst, Jeff Davis County, Georgla, Thursday, Aug: 19,1909,
Capitol Drug Store,
Hazlehurst, Ga,
‘Phone No. 51; =
- Having recently be;gu‘n the
Drug Business in your coili
munity, [ take pleasure: in in
viting you to call at my store
when inneed of anything usu
ally found in a complete up-tc'=
date. :
G have 2 freeh and __.cle‘an stock. of
Drugs, : Medicines, Druggists’
~ Sundries,Cigars and Toilet
~ Articles, T
It my servica suifs you, tall ofhars, if not, tell ms.
Our MOtEO: Reinbic Gosds:
Bear in mind, our steck is Complete and we
Cheerfully Solicit Your Patronage,
" DR. L. P. PIRKLE, Prop’r.
SI.OO Per Year,
My, Su'u;th, who was with the
Wilson, McDowell & Co., for
quite awhile, as their book-keep
er, returned on Saturday last.
We have not learned whether he
has come back to stay, or just
heieon & visit.s We know that
he left many good friends through
out this section when he left
here last spring, on account »
' bad health.
~ The Fgin near The News
office started up for business on
Monday morning last. It did
make us feel zood to see several
wagon loads of seed cotton roll
up to the gin house door and un
load. It was a sign that the
monied season had opened up.
The firgt party toarviveat tka
gin with cotton, was W. B. Atta
way. Mr. William Morris who
‘lives about eight miles from town
outonthe Altamaha river, was
the next to roll in with cotton—-
about one hour behind Mr, Atta:
way. And thus it is, the cotton
season has opened up, and mon
oy has began to circulate, caus
ing our merchants to smile, and
every body else te feel good.
Mo Likes the Kiser King Bhee.
| Pitzgerald, Ga., May 20,1909,
T. N. Weatherly—Dear Sir:
'+ Please send me pair No. 6
Kiser King No. 872 shoes. The
pair that I bought of you teun
months ago is good- for four
moilths more. I want another
pair’ before you are ous, for they
the test and easiest shne 1
ever yvore, Respt, b %
y John Rougixw
T. H. | Yeatharly sole agent, Jeff
Davig C 'ounty,Ga. | n-3m
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o "ih%‘. ‘man they "m
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