Newspaper Page Text
. .
We are Jending money on im
proved real estate, in Jell Davis
county, b years at 7 per cent in
terest: .We want your business.
« M. A, GRACE, Manageer,
A W Douglas,
X Dealerin &
" Ihnve some bargains in dwell
ing aouees, alse in vacant lots.
_“ .ash, balance;] terms te
81. ‘ W .
Haalehutst, » » # # # q:orgaa‘
Farming Impliments I‘?;r Balc.
I have in my posse. sion, and
am agent for same, one and twe
two horse Cltivators., " 'These
are greatlabdr-saving machines
on the farm, and "are thie latest
improved and are made frcm
the best material.” They alse ds
the very best worl that can be
done, with farming impliments.
These machines can be *bought
within the next 60 d:ys at actual
cost, for casl.
I havealso, corn and cotten
planters, which will be seld at
cost, within the next 60 days.
Coma and see thewm, if "You
need anything in this line
H. J. Fussell,
Hazlehurst, Ga.R. F. D. Ne. 2
" Listen—— We would like to
make about six lcans of from
SIOOO,OO to $3000.00 each in Jest
Duvis County, o good men, on
well improved farms, at the in
erest rite of 6 per cent. Loans
regotiated pl‘O:.'_fi_p'fly with no red
tope. IE you gle:;tire
either invest or pay off a mort
yage on your farm and have five
vears in which to pay it hack,
now is vour time. National Loan
& Trust Company. Tifton, Ga.
? -( -»1 _’-‘ !
Asthma Cured
Expert Medical Saie'atist% An
nounce Startling Resuits Ob
tained by Senpine.
T'New York—Thousands are taking
advantage of the generous piler made
by The Wocedworth Co. Livi Lruadway
New York City, requesting aa exte.i
mental package of Senpire. the great
discovery for Astuma. Hay {fever,
Bromchitis and Catarreh whichis mail
ed free of charge to ail who wuite for
ite It is curing thousands of the most
stubborm cases, It makes no difference
how iong you have been suffering or
how scvere the climate conditions are
wheré you .ive, Benpine will cure you,
If you have experimented with other
treatments and have failed t 0 - find a
cure do not be disceuraged but send
for a trial of this wonderiul truly mer
itous remedy which is a scientificcom
pouna discovercd by a Professor of
Veinna University, ¢nd is being re
commended by thousands.
Eczema Gired,
Pimples Disappear and Complex
: jfon Cleared Over-night.’
New York—Thousands sre taking
advantage of the generous offer made
by the Woodworth Ce. 1163 Broadway
New York City requesting an experi
ental vackage of Lemola the sew skin
discevery, which is mailed iree ot
charge to allwho write for it. Italone
is sufficieat to clear the comnvlexion
over night and rid the face of pimples
in a few hours.
Those who have tried Li 2 nsla will|
find that the 50c box on sale in Hezle
hurst at ali drug stores. is sullicienc to
gure the worss form o jiczemy where
the parts affected a 1 Lot tOO large.
on the first application of Lemola the
itching will stop. it has cured thous
ands afflicted with Eczema, Teeters
Rashes, Itches, Irritations. Acmes.
Scalings and Crusting of skin, scaips
of infauts children and adults, It is
good for preservitionand pur.fication
of the skin, sculp, hairand hands for
the prevention of the clogging of the
poers the u ual cause ol piwples also
the trestent ofseulds wounds sores
chappings as well as the toilette and
Hunt the Tent,
FE. Wacwym, Photographer,.
Out and in door work. All kind
of Photos, large and small sizes.
Post cards a specialty, Group,
private and public buildings,
views, &c. Give me a call.
Located back Best & Williams.,
o s £ B T BT S e A
Lost, o
On streets of Hazlehurst, mile
age beok on Southern .Railway,
with fifty to scventy five miles of
mileage. Return toundersigned
4nd receive reward, . -
SRR AL\ 4%’&?% ;mfi
' | » *
, The Old Reliable
J. J. Frazier & Son,
Free Delivery to Apy Part of City
Square Deatings and Gogds of Quality,
. .
~ :
We are Aiways in the
We handle everything that is kept
n a iirst=class
. (rocery Store.
We thank our old custemers for their
patronage, and solicit new ones. Ifi
yeu trade with us once, youare ‘sure
to trade with us everafterwards,
e . NN T
Réal Estate for Sale
- Hazlehurst, Ga,
Trace No., I—l,ooo acres in body,
125 acres in cultivation, 3 good farm
buildings, This land bhas one mile
river front, can be 800 acres put in
farm; 3 miles north of City of Ha
zlehurst, At SB.OO per acre,
Tract No, 2=750 acres In body, goed
locetion for stoeck farm, can bo 430
acres put in cultivadon, small farm
now on lauds, very geod house un
finished, has one wile river tront; o
miles northeast of Huzlehurst, Gu, Al
SB.OO per ncre,
Tract No. 3—370 acres in body, 49
acres in cultivation, good buildiugs, 4
miles of Hazlohurst, west, Al $7:00
per acre,
Tract No, 4—300 acres in bedy, 4
miles noith of Hazlehurst, with 175
acrs in cuitivation, 50 acrés good
swamp plantation, 25. acres upland,
all very and .very produc
tive, buildings in fair (conditice, At
SIO.OO per acre, . :
Tract No. s=-243 acres in body, §
miles east of Hazlehuisty G 5 acres in
cultivation, goed land, good building,
sxcellent waterc At §sG.oqper acre. .
Tract Nc. 6—245 acres in"body, 7.1-2
miles of Hazlehurst, 49 acres in cuk
tivation, common buildings in good
condition. At s6.coper acre,
Tract No. 7—300 acres in body, 65
acres in' cultivation, good 6 room
house frame, finished and painted;
zood barn and other outbuildings; 6
Jarge bearing pecan trees and apple
orchard and good water. This farm
s two miles north of Hazlehurt, with
wublic road ia front yard; telephone
iine passing, with connection. This
is one of the most comfortable farms
in the county, healthy and productive.
High red pimply lands. %4,500, Terms
$1,500 cash, SSOO January 1, 1910, SSOO
Januar 1, 1911; §560 January 1, 1912;
June 1, 1912, 13e0. icteresy on
defered payments at G per cemt, .-
: |
: 3
Peoples Drug Store, |
___& TELEPHONE No. 7. samee. |
We handle nothing but the very best and purest :
jJi Prescriptions Receive Prompt end Cgrefazi Attention, :
e e e e e |
A complete stock of all Drug :
Store Sundries. '
PR T |
TJust received the prettiest line of Selid Geld Jewelry
ever seen in Mazlehurst before; and, you will
' find eur prices right, tee.
We carry a fine lire es STATIONERY pof every des’
cription. When in need el writing material
come te the
Pecoples Drug Sfore,
J. W, JARVIS, Pre,
The City Phormacy,
W. T. PATRICK, Prop'r,
| T 8
I carrya fresh and complete lireof |
Drugs and [ledicines.
Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Etc.
——Beautiful ling as——
~ Elegant Ice Cream and Soda Parler., /
I I};6 within & sow sieps of my drug stere, tl{f:,‘
Ll x”’"?"?"?'m"‘h‘ by thesq, mie .
will be proud of call at once a
me show you what I have, Will
easy terms and payments on all
City Property of Hazlehurst,
No. I—One house and lot i
of Hazichurst, Ga., consisting ¢
halt acre of land fronting on
hussee street, the main street
cily, and Cemetery sirect; a
lot, with 6 room building, 2 gu
and lot .and barn; rents for
per month; will sell for §I,BOO,
cash; SSOO January 1, 1911, o
take goocd notes bankable for
No. 2—One house and lot o 1
ley and Nicliee streets, consist
ouna-half ecre of land; new, v¢
jshed 7 room building, hous:
painted; good new barn; will s
s2,soo;\easy payments; rents lor
per wmonth. 4 :
Mo, 3—Three-fourths of an ac
lend fronting Tallabassee strect
two very good houses; rent so
each jper moiyth; will sell for ¢
¢asy payinent, '
No. 4—One: vacant lot on Tal,
see street; one-half acre; well
ed; will sell for §500; cash or
bank notes, \
No. s=—=Two acant lots on
tery street; one-balf acre front
sell for $300; ca{{h or good not
No. 6—One vacgnt lot fromtiin
liams street; one-gals acre front
sell for $l5O.
No. 7=—One vacant lot on Baxle
Mcßae - streets; ome-half acre;,
sell for $250. Cagh or good
Come and see thik property ar
a home ‘in the (fity of Hazle
Good faeilities )for educating
children;: good water; healthy |
good locality soy any kind of
ness, { A'%B )auhl'-flé.‘.