Newspaper Page Text
An Election called for the 22nd
day of September 1909, to elect a
Mayor for the unexpired term
caused by the resignation of
Mayor J. C. Bennett.
The registration books will
be open from the 14th to the
16th, inst., inclusive for those
who have mot previously regis
tered. By order of the Council.
September 7, 1909.
H. E. DEFOOR, Clerk.
W allace Varn Acquitted.
Wallace Varn, & son of J. E
Varn, a highly respected citizen
of this county, has been acquit
ted of the charge of killing his
business partner, at Cacaria,
Durango, Mexico.
Mp, J. E. Varn has just re
turned frem an extended visit
with his sons, Wallace, Grover
and J. E Jr., at Durango an
his daughter, Miss Letitia, Whe
has been eut there for a yeur
returned with her father.
Uncle Jake says. that there are
ways to convey ideas other than
talking, for when he reached
Mexico the natives could not
understand his language, but he
being very hungry discovered
that signs soon brought him the
Uncle Jake also ascended 3 me
of the mountains out there and
says thot seeing is believing, and
that it is possible to gt above
the clouds.
The Zora cemetery needs work
done on it badly. and everyhedy
who has dear ones or friends
sleeping there are requested to
meet at the cemetery on Thurs.
day morvning, Sept 80th, for the
parpose es giving this burial
ground a thorowgh cleaning up.
Bring your dinner and be pre
pared to spend the day there
workine. T.S.Hairison, L. W,
AUGUST 30TH, 1909.
We your Committee on reso'u
tions begs to submit tt}e follow
ing reporct and recommend its a
doption as an expression of what
we think best for our common
schools and teachers. Beit re
so'ved, 1.
That we, the teachers of Ap
pling and Jeff Davis Counties in
annual institute assembled ex
tend our sincere thanks to Pro
fessor K. L. Ray for nis able and
untirin ; efferts to make theses:
sion both pleasant and instrac
2. ‘hat we exten our sincere
thanks to the presiding officers
commissioners J. H. Parker and
1. J. Edis for the. courtesies
shown this body this week.
3. Minat we thank Rav.J. M. De
{fooe for his presence and words
of encouragement
4 That we thank Prof. Ter
vell for his assistamce and words
of encouragement.
5. And we also thank Mr.T. H.
Turner, a member of our board
for his presence and ingerest
6. I'hat we thanrik the Court ofii
cials for their presenec and
close attention.
7. That the peopie of Hazlehurst
hiavi: our thani« for the kindness
shown us while among them
8. "I'hat we hereby petition our
coanty board of elucation to en
force rigidly the present law
compelling teachers to attend
9. That we strive earnestly” for
sell improvement, and that the
seed sown during the week have
fallen on good ground and shall
gevminate and bring forth
abundantiy. *
10. That we heartily endorse the
salary plan of paying teachers,
and respectfully urge its adop
o, Be it resolved that we
Liold 4 monshly teacheuas meeting
iimgmning the Foarth Saturday
1 Septetnver.
11 Be it resolved that every teach
er subscribe for some good school
Journal and exhaust our utmost
effarts for professional advance
12. Be it resolved tnat a copy of
these resolutions be furnished
the News Banner of Baxley, The
Times of Blackshear, The Doug
las Enterprize, The Hazlehurst
News, and The School and Home.
S. P. Settle, Chairman, Miss
Maggie Minchew, Secretary,
R. E. Johnson, L. L. Wolfe. Miss
Cooke Millikin. Committee
Give Us Your Ginning.
lam in the ginning business.
I gin both Upland and Sea Island
Cotton. Will gin Sea Island cot
ton at $1 00 per hundred, and
cover for same. Upland cotton
40cts, per hundred, and cover
for SI.OO. Wil deliver it at the
depot at Pine Grove free of
charge. Bringon you cotton,
M. B. Johnson.
e ———— ks
Farming Impliments for sale.
I havein my possession, and
am agent for same, one and twe
two horse Cultivators. These
are great labor-saving machines
on the farm, and are the latest
improved and are made from
the best material. They alse d«
the very best work that can be
done, with farming impliments.
These machines can be bought
within the next 60 duys at actual
cost, for casl
I have also, corn and cotten
planters, which will be =old at
cost, within the next 60 days.
Come and see them, if you
need anything in this line
| H. J. Fussell,
Hazlehurst, Ga. R. F D. Ne. 2
J. A Armitage still paint
houses. The fall is the best time
to nave your p.inting dene.
Mr E. L Burnham, es Colum:
bus is visiting relatives of neat
the city.