Newspaper Page Text
Y Shérit Bales. .
GEORGTIA—Je&ff Davis County,
Will be sold, on the first Tues
day in October next, at publicd
outery at the court house in said
county, within the legal hours of
sale, to thé, highest ; bidder for
cash, cer talxi?poperty, of which
the following is g full 'and com"
plete description: , One Hundred
(100) acres, more oz less, of land
lying and being, in the North
West corney of lot of land' pum
bered Three Hundred and’ Fif
teen (315) in the 2nd land district
of originally ‘Appling, now Jeff-
Davis County, Georgia, and
bounded on the North and West
by the original land lines of said
lot, on the East and South by
lands of Mary C. Tucker.
Said property levied on as the
property of J. T, Bryant, to sat
isßfy an execution issued from
the city court of Douglds, Ceffee
County Georgia, in favor of The
Citizens Bank of Hazlehurst
against M, A. Bx?ant, J. J Jow:
ers, J. T. Bryantand J, 1.. Her
rington, saic pro&)erty being in
possession of J. T. Bryant.
Said property pointed * out by
J. L. Herrington, indorser and
tenant inpossescion notified in
writing. This the Ist, day of
Sept. 1900. W. H. ELurs,
GEORGIA—Jeff Davis County.
Will be sold on the first Tues
day in Octoper next, at public
outery at the court house in said
county, within the legrl heurs of
sale, to the highest bidder for
cash, certain property, of which
the following is a full and com
pleie description. all of the South
half of lot of land numbered
Five Hundred and Forty K Two
{342} in the 2nd § land district of
«aid county, containing Two Hun
dred and Forty Eive (245) acres
mere or less. and bourded’, on
t..e North by landg of E. C. Yawn
aud Delonea Yawn ond on East
~oath and West by original land
ws. Said property levied on as
v2e property of J. N, Yawn to
.isfy an execution isgued from
e city court es Hazlehurst, Joss
Duavis County, Georgia;, in favor
ui the Baxley Banking Cempany
against Janes H, Yawn, James
N. Yawn principals and J. E. and
.. W. Varn, indorsers. BSaid
property being im posgession of
J. N. Yawn, and pointed out by
J. E.and J. W. Varn indorsers.
This the Ist day of Sept., 1909.
W.H. Eius, .
: : Sheriff.
" Also at thé same tiwme and
place will be sold -the fillowing
property, to-wit: 145 acres of
Lot of Land N0.»241 first Dis
trict of Jeff Davis County. levied
upon and will be sold as the prop
erty of Jas. W.\Wéal; to satisfy a
tax fi. fa. issuéd by W, J. Googe,
Tax Oollector Joft NMavis County,
for State and-Cauaiy-Taxes for
year 1908. :This Sept. 6, 1909.
W. H. Evris, Sheriff.
Will also be:!sold before the
court house on the first Tues
day in December 1908 the
following property to-»wit: Lot
of Land No. 267 alse lot No. 266
beth lots lying and being in, the
Ist District Jef* Davis County,
levied upon as the property of
Frank M, Appleby, to satigfy ai
tax fi. fa. issued by ‘W, J. Gobge,
T. C. Jest Davis county for State
and county taxes for the year‘
1908. This Sept. 6th, 19C9. |
W. i, Ervnie, Sheriff,
Also at thesame time and
place will be sold the following
property to-wit: 18 acresof lot
of land No. 362 first District Jeff
Davis county, levi:l upon as the
property of Lucy? Buckhannon;
10 satisfy 4 tax £i. 7. issded by
W. J. Googe, T. €. Jeff Davis
county for state an& county tax
es for the year 1908, This Sept.
6th 1909. ~W. H. Eiis. Sheriff.
He Likes the Kisci King Shee.
Fitzzseald; G, May 2), 1909, i
T. K. WeathefTy—Dear Sii:
b+ Please send” me ‘p}m“ N 0.." 6
Kiser Kinfg INo. 872 dlives. The
pair that I bought off you tém
months «go ‘is. good for four
monthsf more. T wathf ‘aflb&m
pair before you'are out, for they
the best and _easiést’ 'fl i .
ever wore, Respt, “*!'] .
- .. John Rough. '
T, B, Weq;thera..fid_te agent, ‘fi.'t
Davis County,Ga. & pedm’!
|3 Dr.’()‘lnristlm' no': had & filll
supply of his fambus Catsrrh
N, | |
The Old Relidble
‘k7o, sl ) v
J: J. Frazier & Son,
bo i R
86 PHONE 86.
| | 1
i A - &
Free Delivery to Any Part éf City
Square Deafiags &nd Goods of (aaliy
.." s .
We are Aiways in the
§. o o
We hand!: everything that is %ept
o afi rst=class {
| i S » ’ : f w
Gl‘ OC’ery Store a\
We thank otir sld customefs for their
patronage, amd solicit new onés; If
F sy v R T
you-fradt with ug oncl yoiidre ,s’df
gol okt SRS BB WRLER
~ Real Estate for Sale
Hazlehurst, Ga, ‘
Trace No. 1-=I,OOO acrez in body,
125 acies in culfivation, 3 good faia
buildings, 7This land has cne mile
river front, can be 800 acres put in
farm; 3 miles north of City of Ha
rlehurst, At SB.OO per acre, :
Tract No, 2—150 acres in bedy, good
location for stock farm, cuii be 400
acres put in cultivaticn, small farm
now on lands, very good Louse un
finished, has one mile river front; 5
miles northeast of Hazlehurst, Ga, At
SB.OO Dper acre, ’
Tract Ne. 2370 acreg Ia body, 49
acres in cuitivation, good bulidings, 4
miles of Hazlehyrb:, west, At §709
per acre, ;
Traet No. 4—200 acres in bedy, 4
miles north ot Hazlehnrst, with 175
acrs in cultivation, 30 acres good
swamp plantafion, 25 acres upland,
all very rich 'and and very produc
tive, buildings .in fair condition, At
SIO.OO per acre,,, : ,
Tract No. §—243 ecras in body, 8
miles .cast of Hazlehurszi, 65 acres in
cultivation, good land, good building,
excellent water, AU § G.ooper acre.
Tract No. 6—245 acres in body,.7 1-2
miles of Hazlehurst, 40 acres in cul
tivation, commecn buiidings in good
condition. At §6.coper acre.
Tract No. 7T—300 acres in body, €3
acres in cultivation, .good 6 room
house frame, finished and painted;
zood barn @nd other outhuildings; 6
large bearing pecan trees and apple
orchard and good water. This farm
is two miles north of Hazlehurt, with
pubiic road in fromnt yard; telephone
line passing, with connection, This
is ene of the most comfortable farms
in the county, healthy and productive.
High . red pimply lands. $4,500. Terms
$1,500 cash, S3OO Jorary 1, 1910, §SOO
Januar 1, 1911; SSOO January 1, 1912;
Juae 1, 1912, 1560, icterest on
deiered payments at 6 per ceat,
A Cieval
Peoples Dru¢ Siore,
Wehandlé nothing but the vcry best and purest
Ril Prescriptions Receive Prompt and Careful Attentiod,
A cemplete stock of all Drug
- 'Store Sundries,
Just received the prettiest line of ‘Solid Gold Jewelry
,ever seen in Hazlehurst befors; and, you will
find eur prices right, tee.
e e e e e T
We carty a fine line of STATIONERY of avery des’
_cription. When in nesd of writing material
{ come to tis *
Peoples Drug Siore,
J. W, JARVIS, Pre.
The City Pharma
he Gity Frarmacy,
W T. PATRICK, Prop'r,
4. loty i treshiand chonpleid ling of ~;
Y ' r L ge e L alid
Prugs and lledicines:
Toilet Atticles, Perfumery, Etc.
~ : ;Beaiiéiful l{fio of e «
Bleghsit 168 Crdiim 4ad 89da Pisle”
,oo A Ve WIDIR & IOW F i *‘4.‘”’:""‘ ;,f;g‘,;;:*‘?jgi@ ¢a . MR
_ ils be called. &t sh; m J the night by thesé ~
will be proud of call at once an
we show you what'l have, Will!
casy terms aud paymeats on all |
City Property of Hazlehurst, |
No. I—One house and lot ln‘;
of ilazlehurst, Ga., consisting of
halt ‘acve of lund fronting on 1
hussco street, the wain stroetg
city, and Cemetery street; a
lot, with 6 rocia building, 2 gan
and lot and barn; rents for §
per month; will sell for SI,BOO, §
cash; SSOO January 1, 1911, or
take gooed uctes bankable for e
No, £=oOne heusze and lot on
ley and Mcßae streets, consistit
one-half ecre of land; new, wel
ished 7 room bLuilding, house
paiuted; good mew barn; will se
$2,500; easy paywents; rents so
per month,
No. B—Tbhree-fourths of an ac
land fronting Tallabassco street,
two very gcoed houses; remt for
each per month; will sell for §!
casy payments,
No. 4—One vacant lot om Tall
soo street; one-half acre; well |
ed; will sell fov. $500; cash or
hank notes, . ,
No., s—Two vocant loss om
tery street; one-hall! acpe front;
sell for $300; cash or good note
No. 6(—One vacant 19t fronting
liams gireet; one-half acre front;
sell for $l5O. /
Ne. 7—One vacani lot on Baxle;
Mcßae slreets; one-half acre;
se!l for $250. <Cash or good 1
Come and sce this property an
a home in the City of Hazle
Geod faeilities for educa.ting]
children; good water; healthy p
good locality for any kind of '
ness, : Y el