Newspaper Page Text
. Speculative Liss Insurance. |
A manin for speculutive lnsnrances
~on the lives of public personages pre-‘
- walled In England during the elght.
_eenth century, Warren Hastlugs, the
~ pretender, the rebel lords or the une
fortunate Adiniral Dyng answered
equally the purpose of xpeculation, and
there were also regular quotations on
the llves of noterfous hlzhwaymen,
~ Bir Robert Walpole at one period of
bis career, when his life wasx endan
gered by popular tumnults, was Insured
for many thousands, and when Gour;:a“
11, fought at Dettingen 23 per cent was
paid agalnst his return. Such specula
tive Insurances were, however, largely
checked by the gambling act of 1774,
which made Insurable interest a neces.
sary condition for a valld polley.~Ar
No Picnie.
- A Junction City man told of a re.
mark made by a woman at whose
home a number of people took supper
one night during 2 politleal eampalgn
fin Sumner county, This particular
woman, though young in years, way
the mother of seven children, Nat
urally the children were reasonably
close to one size. When the “eam
palgners” went into the woinan's
house one of them noticed the bunch
~of children and sald to the woman in
a friendly way, “These all yours, or is
this a picnic®* “They are all nrine,”
she replied wearily, “and it's no ple
nic.”—Kangas City Journal,
Tipped. 1
“Doesn’t this boat tip a graat doal?"‘
asked a timid ycung woman of the
*The vesscl, ma’am,” said the stewse
ard, “Is trying to sct a geod example
%0 the passengers.” {
An Attraction. ‘
Mrs. Gillet—So there is a‘tablet iz
your transept to her memory. Did shel
do anything to bring people into the
church? Mrs. Perry—Well, she wore
a 8 new hat every Suncday for tbhree
Mot the Same.
The new minister was making a auty
eall at the home of one of his flork,
and, taking a lttle six-year-old miss
upon his knee, he said, “Now, my dear,
you want to be a Christian, like ma
ma, don’t you?"
“No, sir,” was the unexpeeted reply.
“l would rather sing in the choir.”—
Chicago News,
: Indulgent. :
“Her husband is very good to her.”
“Is that so?"
“Yes: he does everything to please
her, even to talkingz back when she’s
looking fer an argument.”—Detroit
Free Press,
Land Posted.
Legel notice is herel'y given to
cach and every person to not hunt
or fish or trespass in any way on
my land that l'es In the second,
origanally District of Appliug coun
ty, now Jeff Davis. Lots number
ed as foliows: 6C5, 640, 644, 643
641, 595. Anyone caught will be
reported to the Game Warden who |
is paid to prosecute them and it
will be done to the full extent of
the law. Jos. T. R. Rowland.
Eczema Cured
Pimples Disappear and Complex
ion Cleared Over-night,
New York—Thousands are taking
advantage of the generons offer made
by the Woodworth C». 1163 Broadway
New York ity iequesting an experi
enral nackag: of Lemnla the new skin
discovery, which is mailed free ot
charge to allwho write for it. Italone
is sufficieat to clear the comvlex’on
over night and rid the face of pimples
in a few hours.
Those who have tried Li2mola will
fi-d that the 50¢c box on sale in Hszle- ‘
burst at al: drug stores. is sufllcient to
aure the worst form o! I£czema where
tne parts affected are wot too large.
on.the first application of Lemola the
iteching will stop. It has cured thous
ands afflicted with Eczema, Teeters
Rashes, Itches, Irritations. Acmes. ‘
Secalings and Crusting of skin. scaips
of infants children and adults, It is
good for preservationand purification
of the skin, scalp, hair and hands for
the prevention of the clogging of the‘
.poers the u ual cause of p:mples also
the treatment of sculds wounds sores
chappings as well as the toilette and
He Likes the Kiser King Shoe
Pisz gy d, G, Ivr2) 1909
TH. Weatherly—Dear Sir: .
Please send me pair No. 6
Kiser King No. 872 shoes. The
pair that I bought of vou ten
months ago is good for . four
months more. I want ancthe
pair before you are out, tor they
the best and easiest shye I
aver woie. Respt, :
John Rough
72, H. Weatherly sole agent, Joss
MNavia County,~a p-3m
A dark-brown Jersey heifer.
unmarked, two and a half years
old. Will pay ‘a liberal reward
for the return of said heifer to
The Old Reliable
J. J. Frazier & Son,
86 PHONE 86.
Free Delivery to Any Part of City
Square Dealings and Goods of (Quality.
We are Aiways in he
We handle everything that is keptl
in a rst-class :
(rocery Store.
e thank our old customers for their
patronage, and solicit new ones. If
'you trade with us ohce, you are sure
to trade with us ever afterwards.
" Real Estate for Sale
Hazlehurst, Ca,
Trace No, I—l,ooo acres in body,
125 ucres in cultivation, 3 goud Laim
Jwldings, This land has one wile
diver nioat, cun bo 300 acres put in
wim; 3 .ailes north of City ot Ha-
Jeaurst, AL §>5.00 per acre,
Tract No, 2=750 acres in body, good
Location for- stock iarm, can be 4dv
acres put in cultivation, small ifara
now on lands, very good house un-
Jnished, has one mile river front; o
miles northeast of l:azlehurst, Ga, At
#.BO per pcro,
Tract No. 2=—370 acres in bedy, 40
acres in cultivartion, good ouildiugs, 4
miles of Haulehurst, west, AL %700
per acre.
Tract No, 4—300 acres in body, 4
a.ile. north of Hazlehurst, with 175
aers in cultivation, 50 acrez good
swamp plantation, 25 acres upiand,
all very rich land and very produc
dve, buildings in fair conditicn, Al
sl¢.oo per acve,
Tiecet No. - S!5 acres in body, S
milzs caxzt of lHazlehurst, 65 aeres in
cultivation, gocd land, good building,
excellent waier, At $6.00 per acre,
Tract No. 6—=245 acres in bedy, 7 1-2
miles of Hazlehurst, 40 acres in ecul
tivation, common buildings in good
coudition. At s6G.coper acre,
Tract No. 7—300 acres in body, €3
acres in cultivation, gocd ¢ room
houce frame,. finished oxd painted;
gocd *arn and cther cutbuildinzs; 6
large bearing peecan trees and apple
orcanard and gocd water, This farm
is two miles _ncx'th‘ of Hazlehurt, with
public road in front yard; tclephone
line passing, with cennection, This
is one of the most comfortable farms
in tlia county, healthy and productive.
High red pimply lands. $4,500, Terms
$1,500 cash, SSOO January 1, 1910, §SOO
Januar 1, 1911; SSOO January 1, 1912;
June 1. 1912, 15ee. icterest on
deiered payments at 6 per cent,
-~ 1 h e .8
Peoples Dru¢ Scure,
We handle nothing but the very best and purest
Ail Prescriptions Reszive Prompt and Careful Attention.
A complete stock of all Drug
Store Sundries.
Just received the prettiest line of Solid Gold Jewelry
ever seen in Hazlehurst before; and, you wiil
find our prices right, too.
We carry a fine line of STATIONERY eof every des
cription. When in need of writing material
come to the
Pcoples Drug Store,
J. W. JARVIS, Pro.
The City' Pharmacy,
W. T. PATRICK, Prop’r,
I carry a fresh and complete lice of
Drugs and lledicines.
Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Etc.
, ——Beautiful line of—-
Elegant Ice Cream and Soda Parlor.
I live within a few steps of my drug store, and can
easily be called at any heur of the night by those who
may need medicine after I have c¢losed. -
will be proud of call at cnce and let
e ghow you what I have, WII make
easy tesms and paymeuts on all lands,
City Property of Hazlehurst, Ga,
NO, I—one aouse and lot in City
«Of liazlchuret, Ga,, consisting of one
half ace of land fromting on Talla
hasse2 sureet, the main sueet of the
city, and Cemetery street; a corner
lot, with 6 rvomn ouilding, 2 guidens,
and lot and Dbarn; rems for $12.0)
per wouth; will sell for $1,500, $1.300
cash; SSOO January 1, 1911, cr will
take good uotes bankablie yor entire
No, 2—One¢ houze and lot on Baz
ley and Mcßae streets, consisting ot
one-half zere of laud; mnew, well #n
ished 7 room Dbuliding, house wcell
jainted; goed new baru; will vell for
$2.500;, easy paymeits; riats for $.3
T 3 Bk
No. J—Turae-fouiths of an acre of
laud fronting Tallauassee street, with
two veiy seed houses; rent for §3.00
each per month; will sell for §1,200;
casy payimnents,
No, 4—One¢ vacant lot on Tallahas
sce street; one-half acre; well lecai
ed; will gell fur $500; cash yr gocd
banli: notes.
10, s—Two vacant lots on Ceme
tery =treet; one-half acre froni; wil
sell for §300; cash or goucd notes.
Ne. (—Cr2 vacant let fronting Wil
lianis strect; cune-Lalf acre freut; w:ili
cell for $1350.
Ni. 7—one vacant lot on Baxicy and
Mchae streels; one-half aere; will
gell for $250. Cash or good notes.
Come and see this property and get
a home in the City of Hazlehurst.
Goed faeilities for educaiing your
children; good water: healthy piace;
cood locality for any Kkind of busl