Newspaper Page Text
&0 X\poXon
May be permanenily ovexcome
by propex pesonol effors with e as:
sistanceof Wie one bruly beneficial
\axalive vemedy. Syrup offigsablude
o Sennawtiich enobles onetoform regulax
“habits daily s 0 ok assistance o notwee
way be %roA\\u\\y Aispensed with
“ when 1o longer needed. os Ye best of
vemedies whenrequired are Yo assiet
nature, and net 1o supplant The nalurol
functions which vust depend. W —
~makely upon proper nowrshwent,
%ow efforts.and n&\:‘\;vmg goncrally.
ei do st b gonin,
16 SYrRUP ?090
OILED . . \\m'
will give you full value RIS |
for every dollar spent ) ;'”? : \
frd heep youdihan B
wettest weather. F, '
SUITS $322 Yl \
SLICKERS #32¢2 _/' A
‘352 »- l‘tl XWy
A.J.Toweßr CO. BOSTON,U.S.A. 0
A man’s failure is always due to
the fact that he didn’t succeed.
) s
lieves the sching ’.;a‘”e:..“m’z,fi:‘flzfi;.
&éfld and restores normal conditions. It's
d—effects immediately. 10c., 25¢. and
, at drug stores
It was the first day of kindergarten,
and the new pupils stood waiting to
give their names—eight little maid
ens all in a row.
There were Rose and Margaret, and
down to three-year-old Jane, so shy
and sweet that all eyes were upon
“Your name is Jane, dear?” asked
the teacher.
“No, ma’am, not Jane Dear, just
Jape,” lisped the baby.
“Well, «what is your other mname,
little one?”
“Oh, my ozzer name is muzzers
pet lamb, but we don't tell' it tc
It was too sweet to spoil. So the
teacher just wrote it down Jane, and
bided her time to find out “muzzer's
pet lamb’s surname.—Washington
Star. ‘
Pretty Customs In Brittany.
Plougastel is one of the most in
teresting places in Brittany, for herc
the peasants have preserved their
strange customs and costumes better
thon anywhere else in the country.
Several “pardons’” are held here, the
principal one on Midsummer Eve.
This is a very picturesque ceremony,
accompanied by bonfires and other
festivities. The children’'s fete is a
charming sight. Little Bretons, clad
in their zay old«world costumes, go
out bird hunting in the woods on
Midsummer Day. The birds are put
into cages and tended till St. John's
day comes arocund again.-iWwe
Broken by Coffee and Restored by
A banker needs perfect control cf
the nerves and a clear, quick, accur
ate brain. A prominent banker of
Chattanooga tells how he keeps him
:self in condition:
“Up to 17 years of age I was not
allowed to drink coffee, but as soon
as 1 got out into the world I began to
use it and grew very fond of it. For
some years I noticed no bad effects
from its use, but in time it began to
affect me unfavorably, My hands
trembled, the muscles of my face
twitched, my mental processes seemed
slow, and in other ways my system
got out of order. These conditions
grew so bad at last that I had to give
up cofi'{ee altogether,
““My attention having been drawn
Postum, I began its use on leaving off
the coffee, and it gives me pleasure to
testify to its value. I find it a deli
cious beverage; like it just as well as
I did coffee, and during the years
that | have used Postum I have been
free from the distressing symptoms
that accompanied the use of coffee.
The nervousness has entirely disap
peared, and | am as steady of hand as
a boy of 25, though I am more than
92 years old. I owe all this to Pos
tum.” ‘‘There’s a Reason.” Read the
little hook, “The Road to Wellville,”
in pkgs. Grocers sell.
Ever read the above letter? A new
pne appears from time to time, They
are genuine, true, and full of human
¢ T s
Presidents of Two Republics
Visit Each Other.
President Taft is Lavishly Entertained
at Banquet and Eats From Dishes
of Emperor Maximilian.
El Paso, Texas.—The long expect
ed meeting beeween President Taft
and President Diaz of the Republie
of Mexico, took place here, Outwara
ly it was atiended with a display
of soldiery, a flare of trumpets, a
boom of cannon and a pomp of cerc:
mony suggestive of supreme author
ity; but in the actual handelaps of
the two executives and in the' ex
change of courtesies words which
passed from lip to lip there was sim
ple but cordial informality.
President Diaz was the firsl to
speak. He assured Presidenl Taft
of his warm personal regard and his |
high esteem of the man wlio had :w-!
- complished so much in the Philip
pines, in Cuba and elsewhere, and
who had now the honor to be the
chief exccutive of #o great a nation
as the United States, President Taft,
in simple Americgn fashion, declared
he was glad to meet President Diaz.
' He was glad to know the President
of such a great nation; especially
glad to know the present president,
who had made the nation great,
Both presidents dwelt upon the cor
diality of the relations existing be
tween the United States and Mexico.
President Tait declared that the meet
ing was not necessary to make the
bonds of friendship stronger—it mere
ly typified the strength of the bonds
as they already exist,
There were less than a score of per
sons permitted to witness the meet
ing of the two executives, Even
these were excluded later when Pres
ident Taft and President Diaz wit;l;-l
drew into an inner room of the Chare
ber of Commerce building, where the
historic meeting took place, and were
only attended by Governor Creel of
the state of Chihuahua, former am
bassador to the United States,. who
acted as interpreter. |
The scene of the ceremonics shifi
ed from time to time from this thriv
ing little Ameorican city across the
shallow, wandering Rio Grande river
to Lhe typical little Mexican settle
ment-of Ciudad Juarez. |
In the customs house there Presi
dent Diaz received a return call from
President Taft, and later enteriained
the American president at a Ilarge
dinner party al a state banquet,which,
‘ in all its surroundings of lavish dec
- orations of prilliancv in color, of the
wealth of silver plate, handed down
from the time of Emeperor Maximil
ian, and in every carefully counsidered
detail was probably the most noiable
feast ever served on the American
' continent. , :
‘ It was at this banquet that the
- more formal and public expressions
j of regard between the two executives
as the representatives of the people of
the United States and Mexico, were
~ The day was marred by but oneun
toward incident. A lad of fifteen years
was stabbed to death by a school com
panion just as President Taft was
: stepping from his special train upon
its arrival in the center of the city.
For First Time in History of River the
Body Was Recovered.
Niagara Falls, N. Y.-—Within balf
an hour after he had gone over the
American cataract, two guides at the
Cave of the Winds—William Barnett
and George Wright—recovered the
body of George Macro (or Mavrocor
dato) of Milwaukee, a man ahout 40
vears old.
Never before in the history of the
river, under normal conditions, has a
body been recovered from the rampart
of rocks that fronts the rocks.
Maero was seen to enter the water
from the north shore of Lune lsland
by Joseph Lennox, a hackman, a
young bridal couple, iriends of his,
and an officer, Alexander.
Maero did not lose his footing in the
current, the water at that point being
very shallow. He sat down in the
stream and then, bumping along on
the rocky bottom for about forty feet,
he plunged over the crest into the
Alexander ran to the Cave es the
Windg house and informed Barnett
and Wright of the suicide.
In less than five minutes Maero’s
~body appeared, bobbing on the churn.
ing water., By an odd turn of fate it
~ was washed upon a flat rock and held
‘ there. Wright and Barnett, with
- ropes about their waists, clambered
~down, and, securing the body with
i difficulty in the blinding spray, car
‘ ee e D eAI #3- 8
Feeling is Fomented by Circulars of
Chinese Association.
Tokio, Japan.—Copies of circulars
issued in China by a body of €hinese
calling themselves the “Popular As
sociation of Three Eastern Provinces,”
and spread broadcast, created a sen
sation upen their receipt in Japan.
Th® circulars contain inflammatory
statements against the Japanese.
They bear upon what is called the
weakness of poor China and the “in
sulting aggression of Japan.”
Efforts are being made to prevent
the spreading of their contents among
Japanese of the ignorant class, be
cause of the danger of arousing feel
ing at this time, -
Tomasco and Grace Viviano Were Kid
naped in St. Louis Last August.
Chicago, Ill.—Tomaso and Grace
Viviano, the children kidnaped last
August, from their home, at St, Louls,
and recovered here, while wandering,
cold and hungry, about the streets,
spent. a quiet night at the Passavant
Hospital, The girl, at first believed
to be suffering from pneumonia,
brought' on by exposure to the cold,
was sald to be suffering from nothing
more serious than a severe cold,
The children talked scarcely at all
after awakening, but the warm food
given them and the solicitous care of
the nurses were indicated in bright
er eves and the return of blood to
their checks,
Little could he gained from them re.
garding the kidnaping. The boy spoke
of being in a wagon drawn by two
horses, and declared that the driver
was a fine man who had given Grace
a chain, Subsequently they were ta
ken @ board a train ‘and the whistle
tooted,”* kv
The children were returned to their
father, who declared that no ransom
had been paid. The children are be
lieved to have been treated brutally
to force them into silence under any
any and all conditions and to be still
undar the fear of punishment,
“We were with ‘Sam’ and ‘mama,’”
said the hoy to his father. “We lived
in the basement of a wooden house.
They would never let us go to play.
‘Mama' took us out on the street the
other night and left us hy ourselves.”
The *“Sam” mentioned is believed
to be Samuel Turisi, employed by the
Vivianos, and for whom the police
have been searching.
Margaret O’Mara Refrained From
Marrying at Mother's Request.
Grand Rapids, Mich.—Because she
staved home and cared for her pa
rents for nineteen years when she
might have married and made a home
for herself, Margaret O’Mara was
awarded $3,114 by a jury in ciremt
court in a suit brought agajnet her
mother, Catherine O’'Mara,
It developed that the mother prom
ised to pay the daughter regular
wages if she would stay at the old
farm in Ada township.
Remarkable Mode of Suicide.
Asheville, N, C.—Leaping from be.
side his watchful keeper, who" was ac
companying him on a walk, J. R. Giles,
of Wilmington, N. C., an inmate of
an Asheville sanitarium, jumped head
long beneath the wheels of a 15-ton
steam roller and his head was crush
ed - out of shape by the ponderous
wheels of the machine.
‘Temporary aberration, for which
Mr. Giles was being treated here, caus
ed this remarkable mode of suicide.
Maxim Believes in Alrships.
New York City.—Declaring Napo
leon’s dictum that God fights on the
side with the heaviest artillery entire
lv out of date, Hudson Maw»im, the in
ventor of explosives and engines of
war, predicted in a public addrese
here that God hereafter would fight
on the side with the strongest flying
‘machines and the most of them. He
added that aeroplanes with explosives
could do little harm,
Homes Without Bibles.
Nashville, Tenn.—Rev. William
Thorne, moderator of the synod of
Tennessee, Presbyterian church, Unit
ed States, made the startling an
nouncement to that body, which is in
session here, that there are forty-one
civil districts in this state which have
no church of any kind, and that there
arc hundreds of families in which
thete is no Bible, -
N. G. Farmer Killed By Son.
- (harlotte, N. C.—Colonel Robert L.
Abernethy, one of the largest owners
of tarm land in Mecklenburg county,
‘was. shot and killed by his son, Reu
‘ben Abernethy, at the home of the
father at River Bend, the son claim
ing self-defense, There is said to
‘have been trouble between father and
‘son for some time. The son made no
‘effort to escape.
-+ City 6,000 Years Old.
. Paris. France. — The expedition
‘which has been excavating on the
site of the Shusan of Bible times has
uncovered the remains of three an
}cient cities, one above the other, and
the lowest dating about 4000 B. C.
lln a monument was unearthed the fig
ures of two men and records of the
Chaldean era, which will throw new
light on the Old le_f..t.ament.
Insane Farmer Kills Aged Man.
Charlotte, N. C.—W. S. Wise, a
wealthy farmer of Lincoln county,
while insane, cut off the head of his
father-in-law, Joseph Hallman, with
an ax, then barred the door of his
home, set fire to the turniture‘ and
was cremated. ;
* First Killing Frosts.
Nashville, Tenn.—There was a Kill
ing frost throughout this section. Be
cause of the lateness of the season
the damage will be small. Thin ijce
is reported. 2
Huntsville, Ala.—The first killlng
frost of the season fell here. The
late cotton crop is believed to be
damaged to a considerable eéxtent.
Charlotte, N. C.—Killing frost and
the lowest temperature of the fall
was recorded in the cotton belt, ac
cording to the weather bureau here,
Considerable damage has been done
to cotton but to what extent yet is
a matter of speculation, Young corn
was ruined, but the pea crop general
ly is saved. L
. 8 l I
We know of no other medicine which has beer‘so suc
cessful in relieving the suffering of women, or setured so
many ienuine testimonials, as has Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound.
In almost every community you will find women who
have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg
etable Compound. Almost every woman you meet has
either been benefited by it, or knows some one who has.
In the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., are files con
taining over one million onerl‘;undred thousand letters from
women seeking health, in which many openly state over
their own signatures that they have regained their health by
taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has saved
many women from surgical operations.
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound is made ex
clusively from roots and herbs, and is perfectly harmless.
The reason why it is so successful is because it contains
ingredients which act directly upon the female organism,
restoring it to healthy and normal activity.
Thousands of unsolicited and genuine testimonials such
as the following prove the efficiency of this simple remedy.
Minneapolis, Minn.: —“I was a great sufferer from female
troubles which caused a weakness and broken down condition
of the system. I read so much of what L¥dip, E, Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound had done for other suffering women, I felt
sure it would help me, and I must say it did help me wonder
fully. Within three months I was a perfectly well woman.
“J want this letter made public t%show the benefits to be
derived from Lgdia, E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.”—
Mrs.JohnG.Moldan, 2115 Second St. North, Minneapolis, Minn.
Women who are suffering from those distressing ills
peculiar to their sex should not lose sight of these facts
or doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Compound to restore their health. {
« D \X
NM\% piad
A\ ToT, /D
Rankin—Why don’t you open & sav- l
ings account? |
Fyle—l guess I'll have to—they’'ve
shut down on me where I've been l
running a spending account.—Chica
go Tribune. ‘
Rough on Rata, unbeatable exterminator.
Rough on Hen Lice, Nest Powder, 25c.
Rough on Bedbugs, Powder or Liq'd, 25¢c.
Rough on Fleas, Powder or Liquid, 25c. I
Roagh on Roaches, Pow'd, 18c¢., Lig'd, 250. ‘
Rough on Moth and Ants, Powder, 25c.
Rough on Skeeters, agreeable in use, 28c. |
K. S. Wells, Chemist, Jersey City, N. J.
“For my part, I don’'t see any more
harm in a game of cards than in a
game of chess.”
“But consider the associations.”
“What associations?”
“Why, at chess you play with two
bishops, while at cards you play with
four knaves.'-—Tit-Bits.
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for Children
teething, softens thegums, reduces in{lamma
tion, allays pain, sures wind colic, 25¢ a tottle
“Why are you making those hor
rible faces?”
“I'm amusing the baby.”
“But the child is screeching.”
“Yes; some people can’t realize
that they are being amused.”—Louis
ville Courier-Journal.
It will pay to investigate the terri
tory traversed by the
Atlanta, Bimingham & Alantic Rallroad
This line penetrates the Garden Spot
of the South. Lands are low in price,
very fertile and adaptable to the wid
est range of crops. Reports show that
the crop yieid of this section for 'this
year is phenomenal. The territory is
attracting attention throughout the
country, and those d,esirifig to invest
or locate, will do well to communi:
cate early. i
inquiries are Invited, and literature
treating fully with the population, soil
conditions, schools and churches, et
cetera, will be promptly mailed,
Goneral Passenger Agent, Atilanta, Ga,
For Pink Eye, Epizoojtic
Shipping Fever
& Catarrhal Fever.
Sure cure and positive preventive, no matter kow horses at an{ age\m
tnfected or “exposed.” Liquid, given on the tongue; acts on the Blogd and.
Glande, expels the {misonous germs from the body. Cures Distemper in Dogs.
and Sheep and Cholera In Poultry. Largest selling live stook remedy. Cures.'
La Gripps among human beings and is a fine Kidney remedy. 60c. and §1 a
bottle; 85 and §lO a dozen. Cut this out. Keep it. Show te your drndglm‘
who will get it for you. Free Booklet, “Distemper, Causes and Cures.’
Spacial agents wanted.
Chemists and
A thing of beauty is a joy forever
or at least until it goes out of fash
As a horseman, a lover of horses, as well as
an owner and trainer, I cannot do justice to
your Medicated Salt Brizk. I used and sold
quite a lot of it before and since you made the
improvement. Bince you perfected it I find it
lasts longer, and on this account. it gives bet
ter satisfaction. They are the thing for stock
in Spring, Summer, Fall and all the time, I
cannot recommend it too highly.
Detroit, Mich., August 14, 1908,
To Blackman Stock Remedy Company,
If your deeler don't sell it ask him to write for prices,
— e —e———
«Before I began using Cascarets I had
s bad complexion, pimples on my face,
and my food was not digested asitshould
have been. Now lam entirely well, and
the pimples have all disappeared from my
face. I can truthfully say that Cascarets
are just as advertised; I have taken only
two boxes of them.”’
Clarence R. Griffin, Sheridan, Ind.
Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste Good.
Do Good. Never Sicken, Weaken or Gripe.
10c, 25¢, Soc. Never sold in bulk. The genu
ine tablet stamped CC C. Guaranteed to
cure or your mouney back. 927
\QTe__, 8
- 5 -‘ ‘.‘ “_.‘,‘ fi .
Moserzcr R
/% UCED.
RolLerFeengn ver P
A Y. i D
. ‘ y GA.
ler .
. w 2 [ @lves
Y s ll; Quick
G % : Relief.
\- A . Removes all swelling in Bto2o
SJT days; effects a rermanent cure
4 .d in3ooto 60 days. Trinltreatment
: .‘\ P D criven free. Nothixazcanbefaxrer
A s write Dr. H. H. Green’s Sons, -
SRR soeciaiists, Eox' B Atianta, Ga