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r‘é?.( HINTS |
Seed for raiing fall cabbages
should be sown oi a very rich bed and
the same be ket moist to force a
quick growth s¢ that the plants may
be ready to set out in the latter part
of September. Flat Dutch and Savoy
are the varielles to grow.—Farmers’
Home Journal.
Don't forget to keep picking the
cucumbers as they ripen, Look
through the vines carefully (they
have a great way of hiding in the
leaves), so that none will be over
looked; for two or three large ones
going to seed will gap all the strength
of their vine, whereas in picking them
right along new ones will form, and
a continued supply be secured.—
Farmers’ Home Journal.
Last October we planted two Ro
man hyacinths, both white, both
equally fine bulbs, one in a tin quart
can, the other in an earthen pot,
glazed, holding about a pint, on the
same day and in the same kind of
Both came into blcom during the
holidays; while the one in the can is
almost a perfect specimen, the other
is about half as nice; also the one in
the can was perfect until after the
16th of January, while the other was
almost gone.
Both were given the same treat
ment, kept in the dark and cool, mod
erately wet, until the sprout showed;
then gradually brought to the full
light from a west window. Hereafter
the bulbs shall have the quart can
home. The longer root growth and
also larger roots, that the can al
lowed, was respcnsible for the finer
bloom, longer period of blossoming,
and the two bloom staiks, to a great
extent, at least, but the rust from
the tin can seems to impart e:;tra’
vigor of growth and bloom.—E. C.,
in the Indiana Farmer.
A most interesting experiment is
reported from France, where an at-l
tempt was made to ascertain the in
fluence of color of the soil on the
growth and fruit production of
grapes. An experimental plat con
taining ninety-nine vines was covered
with a concrete made up of lime,
water and basic slag from one and a
half to two and a half inches in depth,
a small clear space being left at the
base of each plant to insure the
pentration of rain water. The cov
ered portion was colored, one-third
being white, one-third red and one
third black, to correspond with differ
ent types of vineyard soils. The
check plat in each case was a grayish
soil cultivated in the usual manner.
The data secured show the vine
growth to have been greatest on the
black plat and least on the white plat.
The growth started at the same time
on all of the plats, but the growth on
the red and black plats quickly sur
passed that on the check plats. The i
growth on the white plat was slower
than on the other colored plats and
continued throughout a longer period.
‘Measured by the yield of fruit, how
ever, the white plat was first and the
black plat third. The white plat ap
peared to have suffered least from a
prevailing drought and the soil was
found to contain a greater moisture
content.—Farmers’ Home Journal.
As a companion plant for the well
known Wistaria chinensis no more
appropriate subject could be chosen
than Wistaria multijuga alba, while
for covering the roof of a pergola it
would be difficult to think of a betier
climber. Although it has not the
long inflorescences of W. multijuga,
it possesses its free-flowering peculi
arities, and the pendulous racemes,
gix inches to nine inches in length, of
white flowers are extremely beautiful.
W. multijuga is a Chinese species,
and the white variety is also of Chi
nese origin. It can be propagated by
layers or it may be grafted on to
roots of W. chinensis. The plants
may be supported by iron stakes, and
the side branches kept spurred back.
On the spurs that are formed in this
manner flowers are borne with great
freedom. Grown on a pergola, this
plant and the better known W. chin
ensis are even more beautiful than
when grown on stakes,as the racemes
can be seen from below. When, how
ever, stakes have to be employed the
great point to note is to keep the side
branches spurred back regularly so
that they do not become entangled,
which takes away the effect of the
flowers. A good method of growing
this or any other wistaria is to let it
ramble at will over a somewhat thin
headed tree, such as a laburnuin.
Grown in this manner it is very beau
tiful.—lndianapolis News, ;
During the year 1908 the telephone
was adopted on 2357 Dhiles of rail-
Toad. T 3 S GTP e M ST
Example of Careless Traveling.
A ragor strap that followed B. W.
ftephens around the world after be
ivg lost at a dozen places on the
way has just been returned to his
homo, in Columbia, Mo, from Blue
Mountain, Miss, with the usual post.
age-due stamps attached. Mr. Ste
phens has used the strap for years,
and has oarried it on all his travels—
when it was not on the way from his
last hotel, The strap was lost once
in Hongkong, and later rejoined the
Stephens party in Calcutta. Mr. Ste
phens got his razors in extra keen
trim and luxuriated in close shaves
until he reached the Holy Land. The
razor strap was again forgotten, this
time at Jacob’s Well, near SBhecham,
but overtook its owner at the Bea of
Galllee. In Cairo the strap was lost
again, but was recovered in Athens
At several Ruropean hotels it was
forgotten and made short jumps, the
hotels having forwarded it with the
mells to the addresses left by the
travelers. The strap has cost a doz
en times its original price in post.
age.~Kansas City Star,
Not a Penny to Pay For the Fullest
Medical Examination,
1f you are in doubt as to the cause
of your disease mail us a postal re
questing amedical examination blank,
which you will fill out and return to
us. Our doctors will carefully diag
nose your case, and if you can be
ocured you will be told so; if you can
pot be cured you will be told so. You
are not obligated to us in any way;
this advice is absolutely free; you are
at liberty to take our advice or not as
you see fit. Send to-day for a medi
cal examination blank, fill out and
return to us as promptly as possible,
and our eminentdoctors will diagnose
your case thoroughly absolutely free.
Munyon’s, 53d and Jefferson Sts.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
All the world’s a stage and most of
us want to be critics.
o P (q’»(‘v'.”‘- ,~ , f.,;i...&i:‘:.. _xfi.,'-.:‘ N;w:"‘,',ft 6" 1(7'1 by ‘-
Tk (T AT A Ve T\ 28 YAeT SMo ) s
iR Can be handled very easily. The sick are cured, and all others in
- e U same stable, no matter how “exgosed." kept from having the
e Lol 3 ]A £ Pty on the tongue or in feed. Acts on the blood and expels germs
SR N NAR of all forms of distemper. Best remedy ever known for mares in
LT sSo ,',’Tvsfi’ Ak \A\ RN foal. One bottle guaranteed tocure one cage. 50c and §1 a bottle;
e et NN/ ekiggT ) 85 and $lO dozen, of druggists and harness dealers, or sent express
A 5 »\‘,\\‘f,&\‘g ORI , | paid by manufacturers. Cut shows how to poultice throats. Our
Wt oML NSRS Rl (' free Booklet gives everything. Local agents wanted. Largest
ot s S R SRS i b selling horse remedy in existence—twelve years.
SBPOHN MEDICAL CO., Chemists and Bzcteriolegists, Goshen, Ind,, U. 8. A,
Some men are born fools, and the
rest of us acquire foolishness,
Take a hint, do your own mixing. Rough
on Rats, being all poison, one 15c. box will
spread or make 50 to 100 little cakes that
will kill 500 or more rats and mice. It’s the
unbeatable exterminator. Don’t die inthe
house. Beware of imitations, substitutes
and catch-peuny, ready-for-use devices.
The wisdom of the world lies in
our minds, but often it lies too much.
Whether from Colds, Heat, Stomach or
Nervous Troubles, Capudine will relieve you.
It’s liquid—pleasant to take—acts immedi
ately. Try it, 10c., 25c, and 60c. at diug
Weeping women are oft most win
some, |
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for Children
teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma
tion, allays pain, cures wind eolic, 25¢ a ottle
Man, maid and moonlight make
Dr. Pierce’s Pellets, small, sugarcoated,
easy to take as candy, re%xl’ate and invig
orate stomach, liver and bowels and cure
Pessimists picture pleasures pernic
ious plagues.
Stop guessing! Try the best and most
certain remedy for all painful ailments—
Hamlins Wizard Oil. The way it relieves
all soreness from sprains, cuts, wounds,
burns, scalds, ete., 1s \vond_erful.
Divers dark deeds drive directly
to divorce decrees. /
Hick’s CAPUDINE is the best remedy—
relieves the aching and feverishness—cures
the Cold and restores normal conditions. It’s
liquid—effects immediately. 10c., 25c. and
60c., at drug stores
Love lights the lamps that illume
the line of life, :
Are you losing flesh through a racking
cough that you cannot check? Allen’s
Lung Balsam will cure the trouble.
Saints, unlike sinners, shun society
to seek solitude,
Rough on Rats, unbeatable exterminator.
Rough on Hen Lice, Nest Powder, 25c.
sough on Bedbugs, Powder or Liq'd, 25c.
Rough on Fleas, Powder or Liquid, 25c.
Rough on Roaches, Pow’d, 15¢.,Liq'd, 25¢.
Rough on Moth and Ants, Powder, 25c.
Rough on Skeeters, agreeable in use, 25c,
€. 8. Wells, Chemist, Jersey City, N. J.
Says the Ph'iladelfihina Record: It
would take more than a music teach
er to cultivate the voice of conscience
in some people.
5T AT 81% o pihep sS D M e T '.".'"_‘. SR i NTT it bt 0P LLN B S SN s e it LRSS RG L T ST
NL IR T T BG y ; NI AN IR & TR ADO * e RT e P e S AT I S RS Ny o el O ROV 0 et Ll B e PAA NT g e T
RS 1 eALSLB R R Po b gART,eI Tl T L ARy [RERHK BR ASB TG T bs X R AR SRR i R I T S Ba4eRR AR ST R o e »‘u,\m“ SRR o PR BSt
) vy AL " 10l heoly ) oL A ! i (Rt yp:.y,}, AR NI RNit el dem et tizeih AN et Tl RE) NDL prtr VERO, As citl 0E Y > &é 3 PRI EA
RETAT gt L Hia i N f P SRR TR R 0 S [PI SRR A BREES i DSI Ak R- S U 0 A 0 SRR AR A 0 e SRR s S Bt Sa i } 3 ""s’%v AN " VAT B ib P
NG LASKE QLS - G TR LT RPR ERTNY LR n,)‘ e b s 4Vg oey Ll MERIAN b\ MIDT AT AAR SR ARFRA WY o VAT e, LR Tey SRR $45773 T A Sty 1 b e PR
R i ok g e)IR U g ot AN COREBAREA, OKA o Sy ?‘v'fifi'/?"w’ A Rdeth sPDto ¥A AR 4 aIANAEE LG A RA R LA OB LY RIS i | i i
T G e AR G NIRRT W G C DBnatisl B P ANo L 1 N ¥ Rops i PR o B o it o 1% et
AL Wy SRR RS 3 . L § iy 24 i 83 o 5 s A : b ' ; ; ; %2 23 AdDs & A
. RS {0 ' ] R dh s B A 4 s % : i R F B : o ad B B L v
; f ke .2 g J2s Strd ' " . 4 % n R i Rt
! ‘ i knnt s I IS D I.“’._"_.“ ” oly y o A " B Rl (R L 4 R: e
; g L) 1r Ennh : Rt 4 A N - , i N ] ; Abd R g ; 2
‘ 4 ¢ 0 4 e QL B r i B i : % 3 . p P
\ H K et i ; uAR & 1 > ‘g ; J wi ot ol Py iz ) -3 P t
- : ‘ ot ; AT I oA / H ; P ; : e o i iyl AT e
Ag ] My ; i) SR ) \ } A 4 - <) > | o A Fid v
¥ . LN T > a o ol o Ve B ) (5 -
AR PN > & A e A 4 U et ograra(t Rl Ky o T Y 1 ' &
; e b T e [ e ieIST YA o ity ix A f O S 2 57 RN, :
Because of those ugly, grizzly, gray hairs. Use *‘ LA CREOLE" HAIR RESTORER. Price, SI.OO, retall.
A Clean Man ¥
Outside cleanliness is less than half the battle,” A man may L
sorub himself a dozen times a day, and still be unclean, Good [l <
health means oleanliness not only outside, but inside, It means 5 )
a clean stomach, clean bowels, cleas blood, a clean liver, and L
new, olean, healthy tissues. The man who is clean in this way 2 % K
will look it and scot it. He will work with energy and think gzgl‘:‘
d“n' d“f. h“lthy MBP“. g‘ ‘l ) ]
He will never L. troubled with liver, lung, stomach or blood ]
disorders. Dyspepsia and indigestion originate in unclean stom« o A
achs. Blood diseases are found where there is unclean blood,
Consumption end bronchitis mean unclean lungs.
Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery
provents these diseases. It makes a man's insdes clean
: and healthy. It cleans the digestive organs, makes pure,
clean blood, and clean, healthy flesh.
It restores tone to the mervous system, and cures nervous exhaustion and
prostration, It contains no alcohol or habit-forming dmg.
Constipation is the most unclean uncleanliness, Dr. Picrce’s Fleasant Pel
lets cure it. They nover gripe. Easy to take as candy.
It Is a simple and effective home remedy for Chills, Fever, Malaria, and all other diseases arising
from a disordered liver, It is effective for Constipation, Indigestion, LaGrippe and Colds in the
Head, Throat and Chest, and is sold under a strict guarantee. If the first bottle does not greatly
benefit you, return the empty bottle to your druggist and get your money back.
Oxidine has a direct action on the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and is a powerful invig
orator and reconstructive. It destroys the germ of malaria, stimulates the liver, enabling it to
throw off the poison in the system, and flushes the stomach and bowels, It also strengthens the
kidneys, which often become clogged and inactive in cases of Malaria Fever, and forces them to per
form their natural functions. The symptoms of malaria are so numerous and varied that many
people suffer from it for yea s without discovering the true source of their troubles. Chills do not
always accompany malaria troubles, and chronic Constipation, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, many
forms of Skin Disease, Piles, Enfeebled Heart action and pains in all parts of the body may be due
to Malaria, and can never berelieved without first discovering and removing the. cause. Oxidine re
lieves by removing the cause, It goes to the seat of the trouble, destroys the germs of the disease,
restores the organs to a normal condition, builds up the system and aids nature.
Made in Regular and Tasteless Forms, all Druggists. 50c Per Bottle.
Save the Baby—Use
Should be given at once when the
“ little one coughs. It heals the del- "
icate throat and protects the lungs
irom infection—guaranteed safe and
very palatable.
All Druggists, 25 cents.
“I find Cascarets so good that I would
not be without them. I was troubled a
great deal with torpid liver and lreadache.
Now since taking Cascarets Candy Cathar
tic I feel very much better. I shall cer
tainly recommend them to my friends as
the best medicine I have ever seen.”
Anna Bazinet,
Osborn Mill No. 2, Fall River, Mag 3.
Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste Good.
Do Good. Never Sicken,Weaken or Gripe.
10c, 25¢, 50c. Never sold in bulk. The genu
ine tablet stamped CC C. Guaranteed to
cure or your money back. 928
4 o b N R ":a‘
et '7,&:(‘,1 £, A
VNG N bl Y
0 N\ O
FAR S v: LIV Ay & lot
il @y SCHy
AN ksl 15
2 )
R\ Werlds B
{ \&3% , ©
3358 edicin®
Cures Constipation, Diarrhoea, Convulsions,
Colic, Sour Stomach, ete. It Destroys Worms,
Allays Feverishness and Colds. It Aids Diges
tion. It Makes TEETHING Easy, Promotes Cheer
fulnesr and Produces Natural Sleep.
some people never have a show be
cause thev are waiting for free passes.
Buy Your Coffees & Teas
in Sealed Cans.
Insist on getting
No chance for Dust and Dirt to get in it. °
It is clean, full weight and wholesome. «
Packed by
; = °
£ =g .
=t | jve Meat
‘F T From the moment you strike
mew ;) a match and touch it to the
wick, a powerful live heat radi
|s B - ates from the
R Noy . AN 0y '
e . ULI Liealer
\%fi*),»t/ifi‘ (Equipped with Smokeless Device)
f v cti®® \@ Which burns for 9 hours with
F - ; % one filling of its brass font,
3 which holds 4 quarts.
One of the strong features of the Perfection Oil Heater is the new
o ®
- Automatic Smokeless Device
which makes smoke impossible, even when the heater is handled by
a novice. Permits instant removal for cleaning.
There is no danger of turning the wick too high—this automatic
smokeless device prevents it.
This means a perfect, odorless, smokeless heat that carries com
fort, cheer and satisfaction.
Beautifully finished in Japan or Nickel—no cast fron to break—
legs, base and top stamped out of one piece of steel—damper top
—aluminum metal window frames that heat will not tarnish—handle
never hot. Made in various styles and finishes.
. Every Dealer Everywhere. If Not At Yours, Write for Descriptive Circular
to the Nearest Agency of the
(Incorporated) 5
and Advertising Offer, 10c. 8. WALLACE
CHEMICAL WORKS, 45 La Salle St., Chicago, Il
If aficted vfli‘ ’ L w
h weal ; l
szt Thompson's Lye Water
1 more
Copy of H unt‘bmu'-‘tm
o monthly m.uu‘.:’n or more
pages about steel traps, snares, deadfal mm
secrets, raw furs, dogs, blfi game hunting, eto,,
n 64 page booklet, contalning game laws cnmplz
hints, ete,, all for 10 cents. A, K, g&umu
PUMN, CO., Box 799, Columbus, Ohlo,
The New Pulaski
The right kind of accommodations at the
right kind of a price. The Pulaski patron
age is among the people who appreciate
& good home.
To sell Stereoscopic Views of the GREATEST
SOUTHERN Scenery. 40 per cens commission.
Write for terms or send 10c for sample & terms.
Address Walter Hunnicutt,Tallulah Falls,Ga.
TAR TR AL AW 13 ISRO£ AY P 10 230 Te S Sy )
. (At-44°09)