Newspaper Page Text
Don’t Rum
The risk of losing vour rights by not having your
Deeds and Mortgages on Record. .
Every Deed Conveying Land
Should be recorded in the office of the Clerk
of the Superior Court of the County where the
land lies. Record may be made at any time, but
such dexd loses its priority over a sbusequent re
corded deed from the same vendor---Sect
ion 36; 18.
“Mortgzages on realty must be recorded in
the county were the land lies; on personality, in
the county where the mortgager at time of ex
ecution.”’---Section 27, 26.
[ will record at half price any deed recorded
in the old counties. .
The Capitol Drug Store
Hazlehurst, Georgia.
Having recently begun the Drug
Business in your community,
~I take pleasure in inviting
vou to call at my store
when in need of anything
usually found in a
complete and up-to-date
I Keep a Clean @nd Fresh Steck o_i_‘
Drugs Medicines. Druggists, Sun
dries, Cigars and Tcilet Articles
Bear in mind, our stock is complete and we cheerfully
solicit your patronage.
DR. L. P. PIRKLE, Prop.
oy B P praeh joh TR WO
' ; : " H\E B
,' A t.‘_\:.:,‘,‘ y A : .’.;‘V‘.‘f.'.: h %‘: >
.‘l”“_} B ! g ] ,)i,a “ [:‘-‘, 3
i EGL 5
/ Qvercoats made with regard to fit and service. These two
essentials, as well as style, are found in the “Shield Brand’’ 1
garment, built to meet every possible requirement demanded bv
I either weather or wearer. Correct lengths, full width and artful |
5 designing furnish the style. A cold
winter day will prove thc reliability - R
of the “‘Skieid’ Overcoat. — '\g;
i . aeedl?? 0 - Qql fl
/3) “Shield Brand” Gvercezts. A A >
V=3 < Thel top golté:h of style :z,lnd } ‘ -fl'
\ quality. Soldinsevengrades P W /1 ‘
at seven prices, ranging g vz :
) from SIO.OO the lowest, to !f iV7 s‘, ;
‘‘\ ) $20.00 the highest. ‘, !‘f.’/ '
A Each garment bears two )
shields, one gives price, so / ; fiz‘s &
the other proteceion. et @’ A
Look for the “‘Shield.’” e & 1 ’-\.(
I“l It means satisfaction. A /
This is the label that is sewed [ SyD BRAND ]
toinmce of the cont elene v)| M 4 14 /I
Bfllld"s;!;menti,either men’s, \"‘ EWHL@\)@““ J / ,
| youths’or boys’aresomarked. \ GLAVHING / | |
N MY ik
oo | Wl 8
R "IIIMHHIUI"” 1111 e
..;‘,‘b'}?fl 3 iy 4( oV VR e M N N
R.. Ay T,
Many Liquor Houses Intend Relocat
ing In Chattanooga,
Cincinn..ti, Ohio,.~ln order to be
closer to the lucrative dry territory
of Georgia and Alabama, eleven of
the twenty-five wholesale liquor and
mail order houses which moved to this
city from Tennesseq with the enact
ment.ot the state-wide prohibition law
in that state last summer, are moving
back to locate in Chattanooga.
This is te result of favorable ac
tion by the courts of Tennessee, In
interpreting the law to mean only
the prohibition of the sale of liquor in
Tennessee within 4 miles of a church
or school house, and not to interefery
with interstate commerce,
The whiskey men say they will be
able to do business outside of Ten:
nessee without interference,
The final decision on the fight the
former Chattanooga men are making
will be made in the supreme court,
and they say it will be favorable to
them. If not, they will move back
North Carolina Woman Uses Razor
Upon Herself With Fatal Effects.
Durham, N, C.—With her throat
slashed with a razor by her own hand.
which she carefully laid back upon
the mantlepiece after committing the
act, Mrs, Thomas Lipscombh, wite of
a former county commissioner and a
member of a widely known family in
this place, was found dead at the
home of her daughter, whom she was
After eating a hearty Thanksgiving
dinrer, Mrs. Lipscomb went to her
room. Later some of the guests of
the house went for her to play ac
companiments to solos by the giests.
It was then that the horricle dis
covery was made. It is helieveq that
despondency over the death c¢f a
daughter prompted Mrs, Lipscomb to
commit suicide.
Bridesmaid Found Dead in Bath Tub
Just Before Ceremony.
El Paso, Texas.—Miss Maragret
Bacon, who was to have been brides
maid for Miss Carolyn Fall at the
latter’s marriage to Hanlon Everhart,
of Pueblo, C 01.,, was found dead in a
bath tub at the Fall hcme, and the
wedding has been postponed. The
cause of the death is not stated.
Miss Fall is a daughter of Judge
A. B. Fall, a personal friend of for
mer President Roosevelt. A rehear
sal for the wedding had been held
shortly before Miss Bacon’s hody was
sasggire "eklhic Roaus.,
New Orleans.—The first state con
vention in Louisiana looking to the
improvement of public roads brought
several hundred delegates together in
New Orleans, It ig believed the gath
ring will result in a concrete mgve
ment for highway improvement. A
number of parishes in the state have
already voted for the issuence of
bonds to imiprove their roads.
A Reproof.
Perent—Willie, my father used to
whip me when 1 behaved as badly as
you are doing. Willie—Well, 1 hope
I'll never have to tell my little boy
that.—Exchange. ‘
e o == _ S=
. = oe O — '/‘r -._—_.'- —— -—-——:: ~' E l ‘-,' . ;Jl'if; ’
3\v ) e - ) —_——— (_‘(} J »vg g u >
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|eRN 2e\ o, G—— = ) = R
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' v lfi§\‘ —~ )fi“ = e—— e
S A — jr— isn’t anything
= %%fl»fi“’, 7N N 7 If a chap isw’t any
g \»\‘5«,3\}2%,3% \ '?"?”‘\r =/ e //( o l 7
<NV Z 777) in particula ble asset
bA;* o 4 's @ mighty valua -
Re o — i like something special.
LR :‘,;_-f‘-‘f 4 lool: Ui
P e eTRsP‘ I L 0 S fll
v Ngy Wal N . : of a
ee N R i ection
G T d thorough Insp
ottt I IR W ROO > an .
’ i =’-:.-:-,;i-.-';:.:-:-;-.-:;‘:-,':z:_.12:=z;-:-;}::z: After a i‘are'fidring we have decided to feature .
A I M) . 0 ’ .
it BB o h w’?, £ nes of tai ’ €.
s“; the 2"'5;31113]3 RLBERG & CO’S. servic e
Y L 4 Rj/ /2 the S. E. the best i
-:; ;% o We are Certa}?hv;heir exceptionall}’ fine fabrleii
% ;:( Ir( \ of our git X]d moderate prices which we w ;
)Bl g ilorin .
&w -? 2 reliable tailoring ith their line.
|BT R ble to offer w . eral other
be a ents of fabrics from sev bt S e
g’ : b various assortm il patrons will be a |
i G ] We show but believe our most cri PERLBERG & CO.
d houses, the S. E. |
oi o | 800 ir clothes from : ily. -
Pl ] G select their cl mer woolens satisfactorily . ‘
.y (B 8 Bttt Sin and Sum s tion and
EDR i ray of pr g r examina
Jor . !E/, "f':."l':'.'J ]o y 2 now Opcn for you
/4J il | " All our lines are |
W I $40.00 «
iif",_ epy | \‘-;‘E i a roval. E 13.50 to
R e e
| R WN e e N e
? ,E‘ N\‘ K SON
So N H. COOK &
Ex-Congressman and' Editér Dles at
Bainbridge, Ga,
Balpbridge, Go,—After an illness of
three weeks with pneumonia, ‘ex-con
gressman, Benjamin E, Russell died
at this place,
Captain Russel! was 65 years of age
and had always resided in thizs city.
He served with distinetion in the civ
{l war and had been prominently con
nected with the affairs of the city and
country all his life,
He was editor and owner of the
Bainbridge Democrat until his' elec
tion to congress a few years ago,
Former Cashier Not Guilty,
Greensboro, N, C.—A verdict de.
elaring H, Battle, former cashier
of the wrecked City National Bank,
of this city, not gullty of abstraction,
false entries and misleading reports,
for which he was indicted, has been
returned by the jury whith for tne
past two weeks listened to the evi
dence in the case before the United
States court here.
Georgia Princess Loses Musband,
Rome.—Princnr Enrico Rusrnli is
dead at his chaicau at Nemi. He was
born at Rome in 1877, and on March
2, 1901, at Washington, married Mrs.
Enfield Bruten, widew of a wealthy
manwfacturer of Nacshville, who was
Viss Eugenia Derry, of Oakhill. Ga.
Augusta, Douglas and Madison Division.
No. 3, No. 5, No. 1, Bhibiieris B No. 2, No. 6, No. 4,
l Dary Dainy Dainy A Y ’:‘ OVe DaiLy Daiy Day
135 920 Lv Augusta ... Ar . 530 1145
C. of G.
330 1110 ArMilkn,(l).. Lv 340 935
SOO 1115 vy m... .AF 330 905
| 542 11 53 "ArGarfield, 2) . Lvn 249 823
| 631 12 36 Ar Stillmore (3) Lv 200 734
730 138 ArVidalia (4) .Lv 100 89
.- B 158 LvVidalia ... Ar 1240 615
630 915 313 Ar Hazleh’st (5) Lv. 1126 505 900
745 1025 422 ArDouglas (6). Lv 1012 400 749
827 503 ArWilla’chee (7) Lv 932 705
913 542 Ar Nashville (8) Lv. 853 627
10 18 647 ArValdosta (9) Lv 750 >22
11 40 810 Ar Madison (9) .Lv 620 400
No. 24 No. 18 No. 8 BroxtoNx Brance N 0.7 N 0.17 No. 23
AN AN PN LD ..% AN .0 T B
1020 10 20 800 Ar Broxton..Lv 730 345 345
1124 10 49 827 70 319 307
N 0.25 N 0.15 N 0.9 Sparksfißraxca No. 10 No. 16 No 26
rEy 7 AN e s 8. AN A B
645 640 10 40 Lv Nashville. .Ar 500 818 840
750 720 11 25 Ar Sparks (11) Lv 420 740 730
| DaiLy---No. 1, with C. of G. Ry. No. 4. with S. A. L. Ry. No.
7. with A. C. L. Ry. No. 10, with F. O. &B. Ry.
Sunpay ONLy--No. 2, with S. A. L. Ry. No. 5, with Southern
Ry. No 8, with A. C. L. and G. S. & F. Rys. No. 11, with G. 8. & F.
and Sparks Western Rys.
DaiLy Excepr Sunpay---No 3, with Wadley Sonthern Ry. No. 6,
with A. B. &A. Ry. No. 9, with S. A. L. Ry.
Traffic Manager. General Manager.
Don’t Forget
When in town to
- U ... .
Cut Yoar Hair
and Shave You,
v Do your clean- F
ing aud Pressing
¥t for you. v,
We also make 0
a specialty of ,@
Dying »
All clothes sent
g‘ for and delivered 3@