Newspaper Page Text
fl R ?‘4‘*‘ ‘.-153“# fi"{*m ;“;l A S
L. L. Cook having made applica
tion to me in due form to‘go ap
‘pointed permanent administrator
‘upon the estate of Mrs. Augusta
Cool; late of said county, Notice
is hereby given that said applica
tion will be heard at the regular
term of the court of Ordinary for
said county to be held on the first
Monday in January 1910, Wit~
ness my hand and official signa
ture, this the 6th day of December
' Hexry Cook,
¢ Ordinary.
GEORGIA---Jefi Davis County.
By virtue of an order of the court
of Ordinary of said county, will be
sold at public outery on the first
Tuesday in January 19190, at the
court house in said ceunty, between
the usual hours of sale the follow
ine real estate situnte in Jeff Davis
county, to-wie: The north half of
lot of land number 458, in the
second land distriet, containing two
hundred and forty five acres.
Terms will be cash or credit, as will
be determined by the administrator
on the day of sale: the sale will con
tinue from day to day until com
pleted. This the 6th day of Decem
ber 1909. IN L. Dyar,
Adminis! r:'.torl
Friends and C '
P q’fl‘ o ¢
riends and Gustomers
i »d ; , Y | . -. .
We keep constantly on hand for sale >~
Horses, Mules, Wagons,
~—— Buggies and Harness.
We can suit you and save you money on
Anything in Our Line
' It is one of our greatest pleasurésto be able to
please our customers, in whatever they might need '
in our line, We have lived here all of eur lives,
and are well known from one end of Jets Davis
county to the other, Thanking our friends and cus-~
tomers for their past patrenage, we are,
Yonrs te serve,
. &R. B. Will
ugene R. B. Williams.
RN vt g vy gl e YR
pegun here against Dr. Annabel Ze
laya, second son of President Zelaya,
of Nicaragus, by Mlizabeth Juliet
GEORGIA----Jeff Davis County.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has applied to the
Ordinary of said county for leave
to sell land belonging to the estate
of William H. Brown for the pay
ment of debts. Said application
will be heard at the regular term of
the court of Ordinary for said
county to be held on the first Mon
day in January 1910. This 6th day
of December 1909,
Mgrs, Lora B. BRowN,
Administratrix upon estate W. H.
e T s A ——————
Yo whemit mayconcern
GEORGIA----Jeff Davis County.
John W. Hinson, Guardian of
Fmma Wilcox. has. applied to me
for a discharge from his Guardian
ship of IXmma Wilcox: this is there
fore to notify all persons concerned
to file their objections, if any they
have, on or before the first Monday
in January next, else he will be
dischtrged from his Guardianship
as applied for. This the Bth day
of December 1909.
Henry CooK,
Ordinary Jeff Davis County, Ca
wbl “woligi %bi 7 i fi.\;‘m :'
R Mflfi.‘m P i 1
by John W. Hinson, Jr., in favor
of the Union Savings Bank of
Augusta, Ga., and transferred to
the undersigned, dated Oct, 5, 1907
recorded in Book 1, page 551, the
undersigned will scfi before the
court house door of said county, on
the Ist Tuesday in January, 1910,
between the legal hours of sale, to
the highest bidder for cash, the
following described property to-wit:
Lots of land Nos. 250 and 211 in
the Ist'land district of said county,
formerly Coffee County, containing
980 acres, and being l_yw home
place of said Jno. W. Hinson, Jr.
Said property to be sold as the
property of the said Jno. W. Hin
son, Jr., for the purpose of satisfy
ing the debt secured by said securi
ty deed,together withinterest there
on and expenses of this sale.
Amount of debt, $2000.00 prinei
pal. ‘Termsof sale cash, Matured
by reason of default in paying in
terest. This 7th day of December,
1909. Gro. J. Basson,
Parker & Highsmith, Attys.
for Transferee.
If vou wish to borrow money at
8 per cent, apply to A. J. Herring
ton or J. C. Bennett, Correspon
dents for James Fran & Son,
Pgt+ Vo VA 3 745 nanglig
1t i was v, the
with the sparse whiskers beckoned to
a walter, Ny L o
“My friend.” he sald, “perhaps 1
have made a mistake, 1s this a pay as
you enter restaurant?”
*“No, sir,” responded the young man
in the white apron, yawning. “This is
a dinner cooljed while you wait res
Thereupon he resumed his dreamy,
contemplative attitude, and the man
with the sparse whiskers walled some
more.~Chicago T'ribune,
A Reply to Gladstone.
“Gladstone had no great scientifie
knowledge,” sald an English writer,
“and at a dinner, when Faraday de
scribed an important new scientific
discovery, the premier showed indiffer
“crAfter all.’ he said, hiditg a yawn
behind his hand, *what use wii it ever
**Why. said Faraday, ‘there's every
probability, sir, that some day you'll
be able to tax it.'”’ "
A Turn Down.
Snaggsy—Dßeg pardon, mister: I'm a
stranger in dese parts., [Farmer Har
row—Well, I dunno of anybody that
wants to git acquainted with ye.
(Turns away.—Boston ‘l'ranscript,
Victim of Wueer Accident,
Webster City, Mo.—F, A, Edwards,
former mayor of this city and now
president of a savings bank here, was
the vietim cf a peculiar accileat. Mr.
Edwards, prenaratory to opening the
bank, was in the office dusting the
furniture., While doing so a revolver
lying on a cesk came in contact with
the duster and was accidentally dis
charged, the bullet entering his stom:
ach. He _was unahle to telephone for
help but attracted aid by hurling his
shoe through a large window cf the
Thankegiving Pardons,
Nashivlle, Tenn.—Governor atter
son’s Thanksgiving pardon list in
cludes eighteen priseners, ten whites
and eight blacks. Most of the men
are incapacitated for work by dis
ease. Nine of the prisoners are taken
from the list furnished by the advis
orv hoard of pardons,
Ladies, if you anticipate buying
a new dress, call and see our stock,
we are closing out our dress goods.
H. Cook & Son.
Peoples Drug Store,
We handle nothing but the wve ry best
™2 —— and purest ——2
All Preccriptions Receive our Promp"t Attention.
Just received the prettiest line of Solid Gold Jew
elryever seen in Hazlehurst before; and, you
wiil find our prices are right, too.
We carry a fine line of STATIONERY of every
description. When in need of writing material
S 0D e W o LT
Peoples Drug Store.
J. W, TARVIS, Prop.
. W. T. PATRICK, Prop- —
s ©
i carry a fresh and complete lice of :
I carry One of the most complete R
J¢ linesof J¢
\ Ever Shown in Hazlehurst
I live within a few steps of my drug store, and can
easily be called at any hour of ihe night by those who
may need medicine after I have closed.
Elegant Ice Cream and So_dé Parlor. .
Q",’é“fl:m&‘; " o #VW “ e |
- ‘ &’i‘* Ain i e ;
',; W, w. ;'.."- g the
of the inquiry of the 'West Virgin.
state board of regents in the hazh
of Miss Mattie Taylor, a student |
the Fairmount Normal scnool, of
young woman teacher in that scha
has been denied t’ae privilege of t|
girls’ hall and six’ young women st
dents are denied 'many privileges fi
the remainder of [the term,
Miss Taylor reported a few da
ago that she hagd been given an 1
cold bath, and then her body M
| been painted red by the hazers, T
. regents held that the hazing “was n
of a vicious ch-{racter." f
j—— ,
Slaycr of White Is Resolved to GJ
His Liberty,
’ White Plains, N, Y.—Notwithstan
'ing his repeateéi rebuffs by the court
Harry K. Thaw is still trying to g
|awav from Matteawan, !
His attorney has obtained an ord
'here (lirectingQ the 'authorities of tl
asylum to shqw cause why Tha
'should not be| transferred to son
other institution. The petition ¢
‘which this order was granted wi
made b Mrs | Mary C. Thaw, who ¢
lcges that Thaw is being mistreats
at Matteawan. | '
Pat Calhour;'s Trial Continued, |
San Franclsc'\(o.—Thc trial ¢, Pd
rick Caihoun, presideat of thef yr;ite
Railways of thls city, has 2(/:“ co
tinued by Judge\ William B, Lawiqg
until Jenuary 100 This ‘was at ti
request of the dlstrict” attorney ar
councel fer the defense. District A
torney Langdon explaineq that he'«i
sired to give the incoming distri
attorney, Charles M. Fickert, an d
portunity to assist in selecting t 1
All subscribers to {he cupil'
stock of the Hazleiurst Cotton (
Co., who has paid nart on the
stock and owe for the "alance o
lequested to come forwardinrd
the balance they owe on their ste,
within thirty days, or such shar
will be canceled, and the amm,z!
paid in will be forfeitod to the C¢
ton Oil Co.,
JNxo. F. HaLyy
Oct 26th.1909. Presiden