Newspaper Page Text
— e —
Extravagance, Public and DPrivate,
America’'s Worst Menace,
‘A few nights ago I sat with a party
of men-—one an upstate banker, two
New York merchants, one of them
head of a great corporation whose
product enters into the manufacture
of a dozen or 'more leading staples
used in nearly every home, and the
other engaged In a large way with in
ternational trading, the fourth gen
tleman, a Miterary man of recognized
attainmenits, and the last other than
myself, a C;::lltlclan of naitonal repute
myself, i politician of national repute
posae;zlfr of a large fortune acquired
principally by making shrewd invest
menté and as a result of advanced in
favthation respecting Wall Street op
The topie, entirely by chance, was
the extravagance of the present age,
and the consensus of the opinion ex
pressed and assented to by all was to
the effect that National, State and
municipal governments rush into en
gagements involving in execution vast
sums of money raised and to be raised
through the only available source,
taxation of the people, and many
times larger than the known wealth
of the country or the probable en
durance of the people's prosperity
warrants. The people, inherently
committed to woeful waste and prodi
gality according to their means in
personal expenditures, are blind to
proper realization of the meaning of
these stupendous budgets. They are
too much absorbed in their own pur
suits to give attention, even could
many of them do so understandingly,
to the direction aflcirs are taking.
The multiplicity and duplication of
‘public offices and the incumbents
‘thereof, many of whom are in charge
of vast expenditure of public funds
are in the hands of men who never
have made and never could make
commercial success in business ven
tures of any description. They look
on while grafc, direct and indirect,
runs riot with the people’s money.
Conteruplation of the foregoing pie
ture is not pleasant. Is it too grossly
painted ?-—Communication in New
York Sun,
Religion is not something to get
and keep, but to have and use.
As a usual thing the woman who
speaks plainly looks that way,
It is better to have begun and quit
than never to have begun at all,
Pride sometimes goes before a fall,
but it nearly-always follows a rise.
The lazy man’s idea of brains is
that they are a defense against work.
Do not fight the devil with fire.
Get him into the parlor and freeze
him to death. -
As a general thing, the public
never recognizes a genius until he
begins to make money.
About the hardest work a woman
has to do in this world is to look as
young as she says she is,
It isn’t absolutely necessary for a
schoolboy to love his teacher, but
after honesty it is the best policy.
One of the hardest things in this
world for an heiress to do is to lose
her money and keep her husband.
A husband is a person who is will
ing to forego romance if it interferes
with the resting of his feet on the
The kind of people who think they
are too old to learn never acquired a
great deal of learning even when they
were young.
The price of broomcorn has gone
so high it is cheaper for the average
housewife to wipe up the floor with
her husband,
Even after the millennium dawns
it is doubtful if a man’s wife will be
able to buy a hat that suits her at
a price that suits him.
The head of the house may as well
make up his mind at once that if only
one member of the family can wear
good clothes it isn’t he.
When a girl is a peach, it is a sign
that she hasn’t reached a ripe old age.
One of the strangest things in this
world is why a self-made man so sel
dom wants his son to be one.
The pastor of a prominent North
ern church has forbidden the girls in
the choir to wear rats in their hair,
and the girls are now charging that
he has bats in his belfry.—From
“Snap Shots,” in the Dallas News,.
: Bells Silent For Years,
On the wall in the immediate rear
of the Collector of the Port’s desk in
the Custom House in Savannah are
three electric push buttons, placed
there fifteen years ago for the conve
nience of the Collector in calling his
assistants at the other end of the
building. The three assistants have
always during this time been white
men. John H. Deveaux, colored, was
Collector of the Port for twelve years,
He never touched one of these but
tons. The three bells bear silent wit
ness to the discretion, deference and
regard for the proprieties which were
characteristic of the man.—Savannah
Press. b L
L sesaiElE S RV SRR 1 B ’
N 4
e Give Away 2
Absolutely Free of Costy 18t
The People’s Common Sense Medical Adviser, in Plain * ‘ N
Bn‘lilh. or Medicine Simplified, b{ R. V. Pierce, M. D,, i Gy
Chief Consulting Physician to the Invalids’ Hotel and Sur- Ry, W
gical Institute at Buffalo, & book of 1008 large pages and
over 700 illustrations, in strong paper covers, to any one sending 21 one-cent
stamps to cover cost of mailing only, or in French Cloth binding for 31 stamps,
Over 680,000 copies of this complete b‘nmily Doctor Book were sold in cloth
binding at regular prioe of $1.50, Afterwards, one and a h,ll million copies
were given away as above, A new, up-to-date revised edition is now ready
for mnilifl. Better send NOW, before all are gone. Address WorLp's Dige
pENsARY MEpicAL AssociaTion, R, V., Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N, Y,
THE ONE REMEDY for women’s peculiar ailments good enough
that its makers are not afraid to print on its outside wrapper its
every ingredient. No Secrets—No Deception.
THE ONE REMEDY for women which contains no alcohol and
no habit-forming drugs. Made from native medicinal forest roots
of well established curative value.
IR, et ot e es T I :
y &
in Sealed Cans.
Insist on getting
No chance for Dust and Dirt to get in it.
It is clean, full weight and wholesome.
Packed by
rdmife el et inad s S PRI R TR i R T
R i ORI AFY, { "\"," ’Vi .:.,...- . "‘.‘h;l:.:::'_..};z.‘\}gt‘i-~ 4[ v :1%; ) ,3551 rrai ¥j.
bl &.“ 1 B 2RO ! J.:.: \‘\\%/', 34 %o p - o B S _;“: i ‘f‘
R e \\\\”‘s;? e et
o A eLM A A R o L 1L A
Now open to those wishing to learn TELEGRAPHY, TYPEWRITING
and RAILROAD AGENCY. Tuition reduced to $45, and $2.50 of stu
dents’ railroad fare paid. Excellent board at low rates. Students qual
ify in 4to 6 months. Our graduates POSITIVELY GUARANTEED posi
tions paying $45 to $65 per month to start on. Diplomas awarded. Great
demand for Telegraphers. Write today for Free 64-page illustrated
catalogue which gives full particulars.
BOX 272 ¥ & % & + 4 ¥ NEWNAN, GA.
Some men get up with the lark to
take a swallow before breakfast.
. ,t\
Eye-Balls and Lids Became Terribly
Inflamed — Was Unable to Go
About—Alll Treatments Failed—
Cuticura Proved Successful.
“About two years ago my eyes got in
such a condition that I was unable to go
about. They ‘were terribly inflamed, both
the balls and lids. I tried home remedies
without relief. Then I decided to go to our
family physician, but he didn’t help them.
Then I tried two more of our most promi
nent physicians, but my eyes grew contin
ually worse. At this time a friend of mine
advised me to try Cuticura Ointment, and
after using it about one week my eyes were
considerably improved and in two weeks
they were almost well. They have never
given me any trouble since and I am now
sixty-five years old. I shall never fail to
praise Cuticura. G. B. Halsey, Mouth of
Wilson, Va., Apr. 4, 1908.”
Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Sole Props.
of Cuticura Remedies, Boston, Mass.
Many an heiress buys a gold brick
in the form of a hushand.
Mrs. Winsalow’s Soothing Syrup for Children
teething, softens thegumgs, redu%és in{damma
tion, allays pain, sures wind colic, 25¢ a } ottle
In a man’s life the greatest neces
gity is more money.
Impossible to find anything better for
sideache, backache or stitches than Perry
Davis’ Painkiller. 25c., 35¢c. and 50c.
A horse is broke @?e_hé_gose on
a race track, a man after.
Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pelléts cure consti
ation. Constipation is the eause of many
&m. Cure the cause and you cure the
disease. Kasy to take.
Reality is a puncture in the tire
of hope.
Whether from Colds, Heat, BStomach of
Nervous Troubles, Capudine will relieve ¥
ifi‘i':l'nqnég;:;toul::t o take—acts unn&
» .o 350. md m ”
Nothing is so evil as the thought
of a weak enemy. |
Tteh cured in 30 mmutes by Woolford’s
Sanitamy Lotion. Never fails. At druggists.
None of the rallroad companies
which have adopted electricity in
the regular service of moving trains
seems disposeq to give out any fig
ures showing the cost of operation
S aauo‘pt those ugty, mm. groy hairs. Vee "' LA ‘ " HAIR “"’0”& . Price, 81.00, ma e
"Log SR EREF TSR RR T 4':»;‘ "‘.4;.%,. ‘
% We Buy ol ) O
La URs w 2 2
; h'/ : i
4 Hides and . P o
‘ ¢ K”
# Wool -
'l Feathors, Tallow, Beeswax, Ginseng, {3
B Golden Seal,(Yellow Root), May Apple,
Wild Ginger, otc. We are dealers;
§ esixblished in 1836—""Over half a century in
B Louisville”—and can do better for you than
8 ageots or commission merchants, Reference, §
@ any Bazk in Louisville. Write for weekly
M price list and shipping tags. 3
g M. Sabel & Sons,
227 6. Market St. LOVISVILLE, KY.
a \
{ A DposkoF \
“YHE 2EST MEnME FOR GuenswGros
‘.; is as safe as it is effective. Guar- l |
, anteed to contain no opiates. Itis
I i very palatable too—children like it. |
& All Druggists, 25 Cents )
One gets it by highway men—Tens
of thousands by Bad Bowels—No dif
ference. Constipation and dead Ever
make the whole system sick —Every
body knows it—CASCARETS regulate—
cure Bowel and Liver troubles by simply
doing nature’s worlk until you get well—
Millions use CASCARETS, Life Savergsz
CuT THIS om-,' mail it with your address to
Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago, lIL, and re
eeive a handsome souvenir gold Bon Bon FRER,
The less a man knows about women
the more he thinks he knows.
Some people suffer continually with
tired, aching and swollen feet. Little do
they know %ow soo_thm% is Hamlins Wiz
ard Qil. Rub it in at night and have
thankful, happy feet in the morning.
If you want an encore, warns the
Philadelphia Recerd, don’t sing your
own praise. o
The German Koli Works have talked Potash and its bene
fits for twenty-five years, They have never sold a pound direct
to local agents or farmers,
You know how hard it was to buy and get Potash, Things
have changed. The mines are now producing enough to enabfie
us to offer
m carload lots of twenty tons, to local dealers without interfering with the
requirements of those to whom we have sold Potash to be used in mixed
goods., We have, therefore, established a Selling Agency in Daltimore, Md.,
and in 1910 will scll all potash salts i carload lots for cash direot
frqn} the mines to the buyers in D l. G d
original sealed bags, or Kkainit in e lvery ual‘antee
bulk, at lower rates than were ever before quoted. o
Potash Pays
GERMAN KALI WORKS, Continental Bldg., Baltimore
| £ 2=
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No fuss—no-flurry—no smell—and, above all, no smcke. The
® ©
Automatic Smokeless Device
which automatically locks absolutely prevents smoke. Removed nan Instant.
Solid brass font holds 4 quarts of oil—sufficient to give out a glowing heat
for 9 hours—solid brass wick carriers—damper top—cool handle—oil indicator,
Heater beautifully finished in nickel or Japan in a variety of styles.
Every Dealer Everywhere. If Not At Yours, Write for Descriptive Circular
i to the Nearest Agency of the
(Incorporated) :
Sl Bk S Ra gßbfh B S Be B
A )
N "
The Only Paper in Georgia that
Takes the Trick Every Time.
To readers of this ad 60c per anmnum; 235c¢ six months; sample ocopy
_free. Edited, owned and controlled by Hon. Emmett R. Shaw. Money
refunded if you don’t lfke it. You need to know the truth and this
sheet will tell It if it brings a panic, earthquake or war. Address
Fort Gaines, Georgia. e e
$3,00 $3.50 X SZOOO SHOES
i @3 Wear W, L. Douglas comfortable, §
B ‘ f s easy-walking shoes. They are }
e ¥ ‘,j' made upon honor, of the best leath=
TR ’. 4% ers, by the mostskilled workmen,
ERRE | \ o A4B In all the latest fashions. Bhoes In ¢
O | ot [ AN ©VerY style and shape to sult men
B | [OS )‘\il In all walks of life.
A w 0 S [ /aveee 1f | could take you into my largre
R @ J . ';,-I.;';__ factories at Brockton, Mass., anil
S/ alts® S OAR show you how carefully W. L. Doug™
/ x e [2s shoes are made, you would
T & [EREIES then understand why they hold
) ')‘) S thelr shape, fit better, wear longer
AT LA and are of greater value than any
il </ SR other make.
i\ /A RO CAUTION.—See that W. L. Douglas
‘ LGSR name and the retail §rioe is s.amped on
D 748 N the bottom. Take No Substitute.
O L T L e
. your reach.’ If your dealer cannot fit you, write for
" Mail Order Catalog. . W. L. Douglas, Brockton, Mass. '
3 h.-“-‘-,’ 2
oY "‘-:;:'l £
o = R T
‘2 Noe=l oM J
ol N
""T' e \.//
During the year 1908 the telephone
was adopted on 2,357 miles of rail
You can buy the real potash salts—plant food without fillers or
make-weights—you save all the money you have been spending
for interest, freight, excessive profits on fillers and mixing charges.
For particulars and prices write to o
Ofall “STANDARD” Makes, at Prices from $12.50 and up.
Aflanta Typewriter Exchangs, ™ "AriaNta, Gac
Have IHeat
Brought To You
When your bed-room, bath-room
or dining room is chilly, you may
have heat brought to lyou in just the
degree you desire, liis easy when
you have a
- Qil Heater
'(Equipped with Smokeless Device)
available, Place the heater where the
coid is most annoying, strike a match.
etk Thompson’s Eye Water
. 38
b 8 -”;.‘.’;‘-m‘ \\4. :
g PR Ty
Pnta] e i
5 g !
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BORDNOREY, Copr 11777 Lol udt