Hazlehurst news. (Hazlehurst, Jeff Davis County, Ga.) 190?-19??, October 14, 1926, Image 2

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AR _The Hazlehurst News - AND ENTERPRISE ——-—————-—-—"_F—_‘-———‘ OTTO MIDDLETON, Publisher 1 Entered at the Post Office at‘ Haszlehurst, Ga., as second class Mail matter. : The old swimming hole is clos ed for the season. One crop that never fails is the sweet younfi things, accord ing to Jack Davis. Cooks ure important things— when you haven’t got one. It is about time for the ‘‘shop early’’ slogan to begin to work. One-arm driving may cause a lot of accidents butit has advan tages. ' Theend of the world will catch many people builcing cas tles in the air. " Some neighbors, if they ceted COMPANY, Inc. ~ For Friday and Saturday ' | . OCTOBER Bth and 9th. | e . -241bs Sack S-Rising Flour, Guaranteed, sl.lO 24 lbs Sack Plain Flour, Guaranteed, sl.lO.- Flour per Barrel $8.35 10 pound Sack Sugar[69c. 25 pounds Sugar 1.69. 100 lbs Sugar 6.60 Lard per pound 16c. 45 pound can Lard 6.95. 10 pounds best Riceßs¢ 10 Ibs Green Coffee $2.40. 6 plugs Brown Mule Tobacco $1 00 - Bacon per pound 23c. D-S5-P Bacon per pound 17¢c - Georgia Cane Syrup per gallon 90c, per half gallon 45¢c. ~ Staleys Sugar Syrup per gallon 69c 2% : 1 gallon Oil Can filled with K-oil 59¢, 5 gallon can filled with K-oil 1.98 Georgia Grown Fulghum Seed Oats per bushel 95c. Seed Rye and Texas Seed Oats, Fresh supply of Garden Seed, Onion Sets and Cab bage Plants. . . . Nl Complete Line of Feeds of All Kinds Hay, Corn, Oats, Sweet F eet?fs,, Meal, Hulls, Bran, Shorts, Purina - Cow Chow. 100 Ibs sack C-S Hulls 85c._ lOOllgbs C-S Meal $1.85. e Hundreds of other items we can save you money on. g "~ The House of Quality, Service and Price. = | . COUNTRY PRODUCE BOUGHT and SOLD “ Hinson=Atkinson Co. Gt _ | (Incorporated) ik | PHONE 88. - i ~ HAZLEHURST, GA. true to ‘tho'lg “teelings, wbfifd_j Mg One of the. main difficulties in runninß The Hazlehurst News is meeting the bills, When the circul\omes to town a lot of people have to stop work right away. A good mottp for living pleas antly with your fellow citizen is ‘to let them alone. \ . A R R y Two men recently agreed up on the manner in which the world is to be reformed, That’s a reform itself. Our extra slice of pie for this week is given to the lady who said that she thought bobbed hair was awful. Now is the time of the year for the farmers to get plenty of advice. We sometime passit a long ourselves. You can always tell a man who has been paid a compliment by the beam of satisfaction that lights his countenance. . “G.‘f". "“a'm .m. 2 ' '*. thy of its ndme and - publised by Greater Georgia, Inc,, is do ing much to*adv&fli"f&iwfld. Jeff Davis county should ‘ secure a page in this- good magazine and tell the world just what we have to offer. It cost our farmers about 15 cents a pound to raise and gath er cotton, yet, they are selling it for six and seven cents per pound. This is the best argu ment in the world for diversifi ed farming, and Jeff Davi® county is the best county in the world to grow anything in. | This is one thing sure, Dr. Hardman will make an improves ment in the Governor’s office. One reason why there is so‘ many fool things going on in this country is that most men prefer a good look to a good book. Pay your subscription to this journal of progress this month and be thankful next month that you wont have to-reveat the act for eleven months, /w RS LRRCEL DR | PSSRV o ) Law IS m“moacmn}‘ THIS COUNTY. “You can see, #nyday, two'or three boys of school'age loafing around the streets, growing up in ignor ance. i Well, lets all close up and go to the circus. 3475 Acres Of Good Land For Sale Place known as the J. M. Denton, orW. B. Rice place, one mile from Denton, Gcor gia,on G. &F. R. R. Has good turpentiné timber, fish pond, ten horse farmin cul tivation, good house includ ing two new tobacco barus, is said to be best grade to bacco land. Terms and price will be made right. G. H. Willjams, Dublin, Ga. ‘ A A S S 4 s*Work along withus in boost® ing Hazlehurst. ] - HAZLEHURST | Thursday, October 14th,. |WQ°LTER L.MAIN‘ YamcCIRCUS s T SO T ;fifmqfi% \tflka‘; P (PR 6\ 33:1,, R ‘\\‘\":‘fis. ;\é & ex» o Teld @§fi®: ; *";[ O avw"“” q v % 'W@'& ) %J’ T ,‘»“-%. 3 ;f‘o»f . TR M 2% C,} 204 NN S BV o 8 fx A "frx ’f' \'"> c;’l' K " -“l’i\.. -' ~L\ fm—,f > [3 ‘@ 1\ fi_&g . )7 2 O N 3 FEIE N QY kgReN ; Lige L] 165200/ L\ VR ORGANI%IG%QJ :2’ [{ f#u Inélgngf éfi; @, Mf»/x Acumnc A SHOW OF SUPREMELY STUPENDOUS SURPRISES { A PEERLESS PROGRAM OF- PRE-EMINENT PERFORMERS Everything New, Novel, Costly and Coavincing. =An Henest Show Conduckt on Up-to- Carth’'s Mest Marvelous Amusement Enterprise. The Res) Stars of the Cirews Firmament, FREE TO ALL—ONE MILE OF MAGNIFICENT PARADE AT 11 AM Py : \Pnlcmamu 2 and 8 P.M. Doors open } and 7 P'M. Tickets On Sale Circus Day At Collins Drug Store A Fine Line of Sta tionery Just Receiv ed. The News.: Georgia State Exposition " MACON, GEORGIA October 14thto 23rd Inclusive, 1926, ~ Thousands of Dollars Offered in Premiums : (Send for catalog) Big Agricultural Display from all sections of Georgia. Wonderful Poultry Show, Unusual Live Stock Exhibits, Farm Machinery, Georgia Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs, Woman’s Domestic ‘Work, Flower-Show, Art Display. etc. etc. bR R B . e ————— Georgia Vocational Schools Displays Georgia Boy Scouts Exhibits and United States Govern ment Exhibits. ; w Great Midway of Amusements and Wonderful Free Acts Entertainment Program Day and S . e B i —— Polack’s World At Home Shows. Famous Whippet Dog Races. Something Do- MEEVEEYDaY. - . . Oh Boy! What A Fair! It will be moonlight nights in Georgia! All roads lead to MACON and reduced rates on Railroads. Don’t miss the Big Fair IN THE HEART OF GEORGIA. Georgia State Exposition ' ~ E. G. JACOBS, Pres, ' | E. ROSS JORDAN, Sec.-Mgr. :