Hazlehurst news. (Hazlehurst, Jeff Davis County, Ga.) 190?-19??, October 25, 1928, Image 6

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Personal and Locals Firsch’s FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIALS Men’s Sweaters 88c U R R SRR 10 yds. Long Cloth 88c R R R SRS 8 yds Riverside Homp. 88c. _ 10 yds Bleeching 88¢c R T Boys Suits 88c A S Children’s Dresses 88¢ Watch For Weekly Specials. And come to us for Bargins. HIRSCH & CO. Please assist me in gathering the local news items by phoning 64. Mrs Otto Middleton. Mrs. Delia Evans spent last week with friends and relatives in Tennessee. Mr. Coffee, Miss Margaret Middleton and Mrs. R. P. Middleton motored to Jackson ville and spent the day recently. Circle No. 2 will meet with Mrs. Otto Middleton Monday afternoon. Col. and Mrs. John Rogers moved into their beautiful new home last week. Miss - Alexander Highsmith who is teaching in Appling county, spent the week-end with homefolks here. | See the faculty play next Friday night at 8:30 o’clock. Mrs. S. S. Hayes and Mrs. B, B. McDonald spent the week-end in Macon. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Williams and two children spent Sunday in Waresboro. Mrs. Hobart Brooks and Miss Ada Beth Jarman spent the week-end in Macon. Mr. and Mrs. George Bean and Mrs. H. G. Moore, of Statesboro, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Knox. SAVE YOUR MEAT Our Storage Room Opens November Ist. | DRY SALT or SUGAR Cured | Hazlehurst Ice Co. | Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Haarison and children, of Baxley, spent Sunday with relatives here. Come out and see how Daddy should Behave. Messrs. T. B, Clark, Jr. Ed ward Lee and Raford Knight, of Savannah, spent Sunday in the city. ; Mrs. Maude Lott and Miss Estelle Harrison motored to Douglas and spent the day re cently. Earl Cromartie has returned to his home in the city after giving bond for court appear ance coused by the automobile wreck in Douglas which hap pened on the Brd of September. This wreck, which caused the death of a baby and a lady, was deeply regretted by the friends of Mr. Cromartie in Hazlehurst, and there is no doubt about it being an unavoidable wreck and purely accidental. ; Making Daddy Behave—a comedy in three acts at school auditoriums Friday night, Oct. 26. Admission 156 and 25 c. Mr. S. J. McCarty, of Moul trie, Mr. V. M. Clark, of Muske gon, Mich., Mrs. E. E. Bishop, os Monticello, Fla., Mrs. W. E. McDuffie, of Macon, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Clark, of Tampa, er. and Mrs. Alphonso Clark, of Atlanta, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bean, of Deorum and Mr. Oscar Clark, of Atlanta, are at the bed side of Mrs. S. J. McCarty, who is critieally ill at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Clark. Mrs. Holt, nee Miss Eunice Miles, of Decatur, is the guest of relatives here. Mrs. B. B. Rawls and two children, of Charleston, S. C., aro expected to arrive in the city this week on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harrison. Circle No. 1 will meet with Mrs. G. M. Quinn Monday after noon. Mr. Dickerson and family left last week for Manassas to make their future home. Mrs. W. H. Towers and little son spent Sunday and Monday in Macon, Mr. and Mrs, James Holland of Savannah, spent the week end with Miss Hope Jordan. We are glad to” welcome Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Mallette back to Hazlehurst as citizens, These good people have hundreds of friends here. | To Democrats: (From front one) the publication and distribution of this scurrilous ecircular that Mr. Wright and Brother Gantt are seeking to charge Governor Smith with the appointment of this negro, when in truth and in fact the appointment was made by his bictter political enemies and is directly trace able to the Republican Party, of which Mr. Wright and Brother Gantt are now active but not honored members, As still further proof of our statement we will call as a wit ness in this case another pro minent member of Mr. Wright’s and Brother Gantt’s party in the person of one W. E. Dubois of New York City. Dubois is a Republican, a Negro, and the Editor of a Negro Newspaper called the Crisis. Like Mr. Wright and Brother Gantt, Dubois is likewise an active member of the Republican Party and an ardent supporter of Herbert Hoover. In an editorial published in his paper only a few days ago Dubois said: “In allof Governor Smith’s long political career he has se dulously avoided recognizing Negroes in any way. He has twice vetoed bills which would have given a colored magistrate to Harlem, and he has never given a Negro an appointment. He has seldom been willing to receive a negro delegation and it is doubtful if he has met personally in all -his career as many a 8 a& half dozen of the 250,000 Negroes now in New York State.”’ It is therefore clearly evident that our Republican Friends have gotten their wires badly crossed in some way, and that there is a wide varence between the Breteren as to the true facts in the case. In other words there is a distinct issue between the “‘Lily White”” Republicans of Georgia on one side, and the *Black andTan’’ - Republi cans of New York on the other, and the loyal Democrats of Georgia can now stand on the gidelines and laugh while the brethren fight it out between themselves without regard to ‘‘Race, Color, or Previous Con dition of Servitude.” | We might say however, in{ passing that inasmuch ae the colored breathern are on the ground, have better opportuni tiesof knowing the facts to which they testify, and are ap parently less inclined to misrep resent the truth, that it begins to look like that the ‘‘Black and Tan’’ Wing of the ‘‘Grand Old Party’’ is entitled to a verdictin the matter. In this connection permit us to say that we are somewhat sur prised that Messrs Wright, Gantt et. al. would endeavor to raise any question as to what party has stood for White Sup remacy in the South, as we were under the impression that this question had long since been ad judicated. Inasmuch however, as these gentlemen have only recently become Republicans it may be that they are somewhat ignorant as to the record and platform of their recently embraced Party i‘i“ this particular. For their benefit therefore, we are calling another witness in the person of the Right Honorable Benjamin Davis, who is not only a Repub lican and a Georgia Republican at that, but who is also National Chairman of the- Republican Party in this State, and as guch is the titular head of -the party in Georgia. - J Davis i 2 consistent Republi can of many years standing and is likewise a Negro, the Editor of a Negro Newspaper, and an ardent supporter of Mr, Hooveri for President. ” 'ln a recent edi torial in the Atlanta - Independ ‘ent, of which he is Editor, Dnvill said: . “lama Republican because the Republican Party is the Ne gro’s Party and is the only par ty to which a decent Negrocan consistently belong. It is the party which gave him his freed om, gave him theright to vote, and which through the Fourtee nth and Fifteenth Amendments to the Federal Constitution has sought to place him upon an eq ual plane witn the white race. “‘On the other hand the Demo. cratic Party is pow, and has sl ways been, the traditional enemy of the Negro Race. It does not recognize him as an equal but treats him as an inferior, and in the Southern States it forces him to attend separate schools, ride on separate cars, and to occupy menial positions only. “So long as the Democratic Party insists on their so-called White Supremacy through their ‘‘White Primaries’’ and ‘‘Jim Crow Laws’’ lam and shall re main a Republican.”’ In the above editorial the issue is expressed as clear as the noon-day sun, and as loyal Southern Democrats we take up the gage of battle as thrown down by this Republican Negro. Qur reply is that we are Demoorats because the Demo cratic Party is likewise the only party to which a decent South ern white man can belong. We believe with all our minds, hearts and souls in the white supremacy which this Negro Republican Chairman condemns, and we will not surrender our separate schools, separate cars, separate churches and white pri maries. We throw back in his teeth the challenge of this arro gant Republican Negro with the assertion that so long as the Republican Party, either under its own name or under the alias of ‘‘Hoover Democrats,’’ stands for and endeavors to force upon the people of the South social and political equality, weare and shall remain Democrats. - 2~ "% JEFF DAVIS COUNTY SMITH CLUB Sinclair-Bennett ‘ A marriage of cordial interest toa wide circle of friends was‘ that of Miss Eula Sinclair and Mr. Lawrence Bennett, which took place Sunday morning. Rev. D. F. Miles performed the ceremony, The bride is the youngest daughther of Mr. and Mrs. I, C.- Sinclair, who moved here from Alamo a few years ago. She isa noted beauty and is very popular with the younger get. S The groom is the second son as Col. and Mrs. J. C. Bennett, who are members of one of the most prominent families in this gection of Georgia. He was reared in Hazlehurst, andis a young man of integrity and ‘worthy ambition. | Shortly after the ceremony the couple left by motorona trip to Atlanta and other cities of interest, after which they will - 'be‘at™ home to their ‘many friends in Hazlehurst. Their friends extend to them hearty congratulations and good wishes. ’ County Agent’s Column Marketing farm produce is one of the hardest things i the world to do, . It takes.cooperation of enough people to~ load a car in order to gell to any advantage. - - Jest * Davis county will hold its first cooperative hog sale on Friday, Nov. 9, and we hope to get two cars of fat hogs. Every farmer in the county that has a fat hog to sell should write the County Agent at once. - Potatoes are now bringing about one .cent per pound, so Here's Honest Value In a Radio Set... ATWATER KENT v MODERN V¥ ELECTRIG " » Model 40- v i 3 Completely Installed Only $lO down;balance, 12 months! This is the time for you to buy an Atwater Kent gll-electric radio sét. The air is full of politics, football games, musical and dramatic programs. of every kind. Don’t miss them. During this sale ending November 3rd - we'll al-- low you SIO.OO for your old radio...or, we'll give you a handsome radio end table. Then you-pay just $lO dollars down, the balance in 12 easy monthly payments. Ask for a free demonstration. in your home. GEOE k""l.‘ \ A - rowrr (§s¥ commany A CITIZEN _wnnn"zvxn WE SERVE every man that has any potatoes to sell please meet me at the court house on Saturday, Oct. 27, at 2 o’clock. Youth Is Accused Of Shooting Uncle Millen, Ga., Oct. 18.—A pre liminary hearing for Henry Burke, 18, held in connection with the shooting Oct. 7,”“0f his uncle, V. L. Burke, Jenkins county merchant, was held this afternoon. % : The elder Burke, aged 63, is in a local hospital with no hope eeld for his recovery. He was shot in the back while walking near the Baptist church shortly before midnight. Apparently robbery was the motiye but his assailant friled to get $713 he had in his pocket. . ; Detectives employed by the ‘Burke family to investigate 3}! shooting are said te have dis counted the young man’s con nection with'the case. Rewards totaling SIOOO have been posted for the arrest of Butke’s assailant. Georgia, Jeff Davis Counly. - " At the home of the.late Mrs. A. E. Griffin, in said county, on the 26th day of October, 1928, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, I will sell ali of the personal property of said Mrs. Griffin: estate, except: that’ the cattle may be sold at a meighboring: place, the property consisting of household and kitehin furni ture, mules, cows, vehicles, farming tools and any crops on hand. This Oct. 16, 1928, Jno. A. Cromartie, Administrator estate of Mrs. A. E. Griffin | BILL BOOSTER SAYS: : @mosmmnue o | METHODS OF PROMOTIIR . LOCAL PROGPERIVY IS YHE - PROMPT PRYMENY OF BILLS & *° MONEM TRAVELS IN A GRALE B3| " IS YOWN, SO THE MONENYWW mmmsooueousu? PROIA THOSE WHO Owe Yol £0 1F YOU OWE AINBODH, SEND 'ENVA CHECK AND MKE “TMEM FEEL GOOD oy P BEL) ~ ? A = _ : [X]4 9~ ‘E‘% =3 C B \ } Bl SNy ,7/.” =1 2% il = ' Happy Thought. A married man has to be & byfifiant liar to keep peace in the family. On® of them talked ahout Mary in his sleep all night recengly, and his wife’s mame is Sarah. Apd there was "heltupay next morning uctil he had an idea and w that he went to see Manyg ord in a movie drama the lg before andehe dreamed about the show all night. And he got away wilh i, ton—Arkampen- “omas Cat. ~ .. Stage Tragedian's Joke They used to say of the late Leui® Fames that he was one of the greatest humorists and praetical jokers B :gp history. Bt is'recounted of Rdsm ton a cersain occasion, in ene of the Shakespearean tragedies lNavieg to shake hands with a brother tragedi an, be left clutched inescapably in 198 latter's fist a fat, raw oyster, whith the unfortunate individual was obiigell to keep by him through the remaiedes .of the scene. i | Cutting Glass Circles. It 1s possible to break out circies of glass, such as leases for headlighis, by making a number of straight culs from the edge of the glass und beeak fng these sections ot one: st v, s Ba careful not to cut inside the Mge EHe oMbt .