The Blackshear times. (Blackshear, Ga.) 1876-current, October 10, 1889, Image 2
The iiJacik.sJjejir Turn-*. wusufflimnuaw. ». IV Mte i., m mx ■■■!*' *•"’ u *.‘ " * ,rl AXVERTTLIN 3 RATES: Onr inch, i no insert ion..... ... ......«1 00: Y.acr n’jtxnsjneiit in-criimi......—......-Wio. !v*fr»l ndvi rtinewci u inwr^r-il hJ i m jjrvwritx-d by l»w. Liberal concessions niadc I c advrrltws mcnt« rtmninf from six to iwelvi- months. Hills for advertising il,T ducmflcr die first i..wrtKin, unl*«- nrr**ig*-uiriil. to the contrary in t» Make nil rhorks mm] drafts payable tn ThkTimkh Pent ihow, Cowan v SALUTATORY. In offering to il*e public, Tur. BlacksHKah Timka, we do n«t m»Ve the customary pledges, which, uwd ly, are so uncertain of hdllliinenL me can only promise te make a fm per that i-hall ai-c ,rd with the tmp ^•ort it may receive. The management ol the Timkh bo lieTea that a k<hkJ paper wliir.h shall puhllnh to the world the inherent •dvautages of our county, both noil and <t 1 Climate, and which Hliall labor tinlirinkly to build it up, must find it warm place in the heartH ol the people. We truat that our vtfirts Tor advancement an 1 prosperity of •country and town may meet with •apprnwafl of the puWic, and t hat finny receive ita cordial Http port. Wnny |»ai'ent.n. of lllucksbear, -seemingly do not rsHlito the. import ODoe of education, Judging by the in difference tiinnile.-t-il in ihe niHMri of m'lnling their children to nchoi I. -Apparently they aro jpoerued h\ the idea that, though with only n JimiP’il education themaelvea,— and, IperhapH, their Inthein hefnre them,— they have succeeded ineanural)ly well thus lur in lile, end therolore edm a tion in not a necca-ity They lorget Glut the world ih making great and rapid progress et «ry day that they live, and that with It* piogreas the demand for the educated man, in every vocation in lile, grows greater, nnd that without education their children will In* lilted to occupy only the moat menial place*. Thta indifference is doing incnlcu lultle injmy to the children, The rltihl should tie given every possible advantage within the means of the parent, even to the extent ol sell-de nial on the part of the parent. Parents educate your ehddren! and they will rise up and cull you blessed! Rally to the support of your pub lie sehtvol. Semi your children promptly and regularly, nnd thus en courage your teachers to work more earnestly for your children a lasting good. Any sympathy shown G ><‘ teacher, will re’itlt in Increased efit to your child. There is a ju-t ambition to nmel alt duty, to hear all burdens imposed by our obligations to God and socie ty, t® stand More both as an ex ponent of sincere righteousness, ot ®elf-demon*trating trulhofulnew, al ways and evert where, II a man can do this at the head, or near it, or any of the controlling interest of the land, he should not shirk the ros|K'n aibtbty. Rut it is a bargain that noas can afford -to get a position at Gte c**st of deceit—the sacrifice of un honest heart. Ambition has no gilt to offset the ln®s of sell-respeet—in wan! truth and honor. The forfeit *re of these is the wreck of charact er—and miilens tn bank or bond* cannot comspensate for that. Though everything Is not right and perleet in the world, we cannot help thinking that, if we took half (he pleat ore m seeking out good things that tre do in ’■e.irch of evil, we . * n -■■ ,f alisc-iver much hidden ueasui-c Which « tread daily uudcrltH>L * c A **••»*' iiietorr, in 8 <iv*;irn. h. now aeons to lx* an as*nred turf. , |te „„ ................. h.™ hMI_*»««. .»l III' tm-(.In* buildings will S'*>n !m ira<lc, It Mi XiK-CU H »h»t the (acii.iy will I*. in B ucce*-ful operation within mx month?. If the ei.tei pi iso piovi-H to l*e succe«Hf il. Mini there is no mason why it ‘houhl not. it will doubtless lend to tne building i f other factories ............ ...... innc! ‘" ing tlar borne ronsuniptinn of our rott hi, which must in.ikc (or us a In-Hit k< t We wish the enter pit-c abundant huccchs. A store in Atlantn. so we are t rt M, has been built ft*I truly of paper. Men have tried to run .’tore* •'htlrelt • •u paper lor m tay years, w.lh nt> very good results. In an niticle descriptive of Hlavls shenr, in the Octnber iiuudifcr <d tlii Old lIoniUMead, we Aud the Ibllow- i* «: - Hlack-h'-at lia» a delixhtfnl clima's tie- 5’eiir rouii'l. Tin. hack romnr* im-xr^'lhuii ly well druitlisl, nnd the h iFaniir islnr anil ii.fliM-fii'i-H f rmu lh<- |itn<- nuke ihissrct iiii l'«-riilihrly blcwas). The town m-t-ds n liuiu.m»th hot. -I. It . (liMiiJd Iihvc urn-like the I’oOce di J<s»n, in M. t iit'ii-tiiiH, or tin- IteSnlo, in Suv mmili. With such ti hvld, IJta.< k -K• ■ sr won 1 <I bloom out u» n ln-ilih ic*ort, A' <1 her altmotioos woubl indue' tbo'Mxitd* i»i »isit hi-r end Is-h< U'tit’il In' Ins? iiH-o»i|mrnhh- cliiiiali*. Iiimiiv rtcill lhn |h o|,|t; UK" ho-|iitiihli-, itod with st'Huiiiv vtietliality welcoim- tlo ne who vi-ii t em f r pic.-ihiir-- or Imiimss. If the Koni*'* **y-U rftcitiioii u-ul r«-<-nn- - i n they will find tnvtli in do- divi-rs li d al ir '(-lion snd H'-iifth- (fiviiiK I, i-<vA hmI pure 0/011 iiii|ir'v;t sind with tin- uirdi i iuiiiI j11 <11>< r. i.-o «>1 lln-pi ie. We Itelicvc there is not a more hetilihlul, or u more deWuhtlul ci'nt nle in the wm hi than oars; and i-iin be no doubt t han tt l u ge well ( "lu'uctoi! hotel wont'I pay h.iiul.-otn iy. If the pr ■•per ' ffnt Iw* made, nipitaliM who will Mivcdt hiri money in *hi’Ii no enterprise here, cun found. li in Kui't that lii uti.-a mk'd eutlnti I'.iclory will be in operation the next thirty dat a. .S,ivrtBUah has boon visited ii n. >t her disastrous conflagration. Thu Lower Hydraulic cetton press, the Tyler press, and five cot ton ut the fool ol li.ty street, wuh -f.» 0 o iMiJoHotetoiton, sored in sheds, wore burned Wednesday ing. The losti is esltmat d ut $10(1,00(1. NHi'es-it) is utioui the only inspn a ti< -n which some men pos>( and yet they com pi# H of t( when without •*>" G" ,r biey a ould U|»m> into an tic atupor. -------- The aitcMun well in I’ordelo, la., is a wonder. After going down into the earl It for al»»ut 4 MI feel tia* con tractors straek tvhnt was seemingly a strata rock ot tpiteJtsnnd. Leaving thep |«esll iu the well over night they found tho next morning <hut all the piping was heavily charged with magnetism. A amali nail laid on the side ol the pifie will not lull oil. Tlw Mtwlle OB a KurV r V . r « compass j B mii-acted by tins current nt least ton leet trom the menth of the well, wngneGu c«m rent is so stnmg that the powe: ut the engine, tiigeth ■ r with all tlte iwizes thev have bt'en able to put on the piping wi.l not • truw it tioiii the well. Gin*d larmers o<<mp'nin Icsv than anytNMly el.>e ctmtw.nug bud season*. Of course the paxi funner d» sires a propitious >e®*»n just as earnestly a* uuylMMly else, but his latltire to get it dot's not necessarily bring with it a tailuie »»! bis season s work. Com plete tadiite soldi>nts tali’ to his lot. and Ins liud years are often bt'Uer one* tn the outcome that the gisvd of Ins cat less neighltors. (Nh»iI forming ia aimed not only at taking the most complete advantage ol fa» orahje oiivimi'tanees i>at in overcom ing adverse conditions in whatever •orm they may present themselves. True faanhood is mg reached by a sudden leap. Its growth is not rapid like Jonah's gourd, hut solid and steady lik*» that of the cedar or the It nust be rocket! by storms. r-fc-tted \ tin* winter's I lasts, atul h the summer's warmtli.— ! Hoaiest ad. DIE VMS'] liTKinill T o mo .l» »,,it rfdntto. (Ml k>« W Imho niTf>iIn unv inantia’i'f .p’’ on tins fontim*’t i* admitted ti< sT 1 1 ATISE tfc MHO’S CLOTHI\(r I inn w>rc tin- ti nt .1 ii.<- li«?u• uianular ut« High .Vrt Clothing \nd hnv<- improved (h"ii already perfect gaiments every Henson until now they have rea'hcd ih<- vrn fiin n-le of tieifetion in cut. m ike up Dimming t tinis 1 Ami it i» with no small i l etr , '“c ofprid>’ Unit i t.i mv cii turner* nmt hi-tid* that I have*-ecuret the sue: of these go« (is in this uiaik ct. and that. ! am now abe to -Jiow AClassofClothing addition That lias never Uteri hamil d in Wuvrros- hefnre. In to utar siien. thev m.uufae.t.ire 5l Kpeoiltl line for tall slim men tintl stout fat men. V?c aic piopared to lit and tl It'III Mil. Wo al.-o carry a complete line of Furnishing Goods and Shoes for men ar "* l,OVi - Trunks, I a fiscs, (trips, Shoulder nays, Shaul Straps c\y\, cSy*. All sit rock bottom prices for hard cash. F.C. OWENS, - - JAMES & MAYEH BUGGY CO. r~* n li Sa /z. \ 7 <=£=5 THE Vehicle for the FARMERS’ & RMNTS’ USE. Tim niimt 8 ty]inh, Host finished and Most durablo medium priced VEHICLES ever offered in America, fciciid for full IUustratod Catalogue, 67, 69 and 61 Elm Sircot, CINCINNATI, Ohio. jji J K\V I’LKKS, ' , 'Waycross - (I oorLC’a. m iv M Iit jniiip” mui l r ngr;iMii" ncatlv exccut e *“ ul. Wcihling Rii-pi a Specialty. Wit das, Clinks, Jewelry. atul Sp.-et eh s At T’nttoir. p- i'-es A lat i’i -tuck of Iihn.k liookt and t a ^*r**w^ Sin th ni n alwivsiu hand. pH m I W rile to uk for j rices. m i * la; V ;r s * 6ENESE0 ROAD CART! ■npjiLiil T First Premium and Gold Medal at New Orleans Exposition, 1888. 8.‘9 Nrtv Thoiutnmliv mile In It ut tin- XV orlil'a I.\|kimiiou.K] i:»pohition. OrleuiiN. I 8 h l .\a[ l.ouikVille IS SO, ami iirosottlirril it Itic best in the world; V‘E aim al ilit* iUininuiiolia liigtti'M luduatrinl hoitora. Expoaiiloa lust, umi rcri'lVMl tuo *®ai‘*’A«A This Cart rido3 as easy as any Buggy, and positively free from Horse Motion. twr» cranks to mown in umssti with th»* bonw^e P —fcw At ittip, AteU aiwitys w*t'btwir in * b. riiwt-UiHu**. / OUR CUARANTCE. iwif T i— .A-umwH will nil you » i M u Gnuetievu on TkB gw b/ * Days Tiuat. nnd wy guivraoWow it to n<l«) / as t*AMg nnd U> be m rsn mom nnitg* Motion m any bugny 1/ »«>% Ju«i m Nfrasmlsd, rwlura to us At our 9 •XfWiBAO. 771 YN STOOD TH£ TEST FOR OVER TWO YFA»I. / Send for Cirrulars & Testlmoniais. ACeNTS WANTEO r> I* »vcsy Tcwi, not a r»*dy taken. D. F. SARGENT & SON, Patentees, Ceneseo, III. A?*. Every word w» my we ceo stand by. Gear Sir : l>o you want to see the j latest WONDER of ’87. ANSWER TO DAY. A $35 Single Harness reduced to $ 25 . The finest Harness MADE for the money. Handsome nickel or imitation rubber gold finish mountings. HAND made from csk stock, unsurpassed for style and durability. If you will allow us . W we will send you a sample for your inspec Al tion to show you what progress we hare made by making a SPECIALTY and get i, ,«k, d;;J | ting keep out over the 800 sample setts each only month. $20, $5 You less can at than price here or return at OUR EX TENSE. Can we make a more liberal ■W. -•wsE? offer? We saying shall YES expect send to hear from Harness. you at once on your I dfowL j|||M Folded or single strap style. National Harness Co., ■w To Wholesale Manufacturer?, A- ANDERSON. U 24 Iiv Us St. Buffalo,N. I*. Ccll»r ae ! Hume*. J. Extra. No Bmst Coll»r Kins of Hxrnoss M&nuf-kctunrv Muiw*t of the —— Style for Price, 00 National Harniss Oo , Whotosalv Mfrs.. Double two burs- K. 35 . . THE TIMES ’ ILIS 111 (0 r u. is prkpakfd to do all maw hi; of ,K)B WORK. FHOMPTI Y AM) ^ * l»r.AM-N \ !>I,K iK!tK^. Ni'tfi: e !:!«>!-(. LAbs- \...k dt: 1C. Patronage H’iieitcd. LLACivSiiEA it, LA. GO TO 1 ( 1 . E. LOCEPST'S — For Strictl> FIRST CT ASS — U /y R 0 C E R I E S FA^cY PATENT j-LoUk. iA SpednIv Tie Celebrated giavcly Tobacco atnl ‘’Daily Grub” Cigars always in Highest market p’ice paid for all country ptoilnce. BLACKSAKAIt,---GEORGIA. 1hoqpv ( fm COMPOUND EXTRACT/ 3* Mi Vj m E] The Importance of purifj-lng the blood ,-an not be overestimated, for without pure k 04 you cannot enjoy good health. At this season nearly every one needs * good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich the blood, and tvo ask you to try Hood’s Peculiar Sarsaparilla. It strengthens and builds up the system, creates an appetite, and tones the digukion, while It eradicates disease. Tlio peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation of the vegetable remedies used give to ITood’s Sarsaparilla pecul- To Itself tar curative powers. No other medicine has such a record of wonderful cures. If you have made up your mind to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be induced to take any other instead. It is a Peculiar Medicine, and Is worthy your confidence. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is sold by all druggists, Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar Star Hair Curler. Mu< 1 n of punp stool, nickel plated, Wrlth rr-—^ cither roxfWtMMl or ol>ony lwimlltf. It xrr-^ slum id have a place In tl»t S<et of every r — lady nnd geutlcinan. j? With thin Curler curled the hair, ty*Ar<l or nnistaohe can be lu any at) le In a i—~ ..j few momenta c zzpj Fur Ladies It protlGcfS file •' Langt-rr,*' _. “Montague Curl” “Patti ll/iiu,” umi 1 hair any sty 1 .* deirireil by lacUea w« ttring their In a ltxtw 1 mode, Tht*«* who wesr rrirups or o(lu*r fal.-b* bolrwill find this [rrr— J curler u useful article. the lik« It does not break off hair the eri'iipinyc process. Works as well in co !4 2SSSS s *nt on receipt cl price to any part of the United,Slates. T’ar«e curle.m are In two quali tl ’s, L 5 .^ and JVC eta. ThAd better <3*.udltjr Iwlnff of pure Ptool, n wWihnI bniidli* and handsomely ftni«li(*»i oi, i nlfkcl plated. Tiu* olG’ftv^fAtnc h.v an obftnlsrd hon die*, and wiiile not flulslmd so highly \m nn oxofUcitl Mirier, in fact Mic l>ost In tiiu market for tho price. Ea;S Curlar Stamped “ STAB.’* Bl* Sitfo you grt a Lr> STA1 HAiR CURLER. Br E. F. BOWEN, 275 Westminster St., - Providence, R. L tv~ lila InduwmeBt. to Acroti. jsa ro«C OUGHS.CHUUP -- AUD - CONSUMPTION use “P& m WHjp ■t -.SF. - Si&SI I ■ Wf ; Wf y Ys. ms r, m . ' is'* <r a.\s> Jl Je / ' N -SWEET CUM AK 3 MULLEIN. T?to C’t"). patheml fnicr a trt**' Sfinie p : i!'i»\gmwi: c Uivv.g the small djs •. 4 - “ Southern Males, ttbitain? a stimulating *_»• r^cti'rant the principle early that kKtaenA '-ungh. the kg-T j>u’e>::D -iiui^'.-i ;*» > un.r:M:iK - . , lechlld throw r»*?the false nicTit.ranc to .n cro>;p StJt l t- ; p 1 i-s'otiph. VVh*. n con wi:h • 1 • frps l ig tnucilagimnis principle in the n»utle*a fn iS! *t >f the okl pei.lA. pre^ems in T.tYieui CUOKKK RCMKPT OFMVEETGVM AND Mi l-' 1 kin ihe finest known rented tr TnrGmghN.Orotip U heKTt.iug-ccaighand consumption; aia; so pa *> any child i« pleased to utke it. .Asi t ut : - t Price t‘»c. nr. *. 5 ?!.<><►. WALT! K V.Til LOH.Allnittn.r® ISfftTnB FEES! .. iisRi mum ofvi fa v r hmtr-nc Given • * fcwS ortiomr ; - '.me.r: _ cco. f'sEAly r r* * vi v- -.r .**• s i 'a s.-n - 4 g.' i Lie rvi.e# a; id a-idrc^of « -V* On* Alia r ** • .’its ■PXtra, .*.1L. *-U.. I-OLo a;. >. j JAS. D. SWEAT, —DKALEll IX — Si Hjdc, Fancy an 1 family f?r- eofics, Cigar;* tt..ti T«»l*oeco. Country Pr o tl lie Q bought iind sold. I HANDLEONLYON* LY FIRST 0 L/ISS GOODS Give Me a Trial, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. \V street, in the ol»i Portotfice RL.yJCKxllEeLR, - - - (RL THIS SPACE. I- Unnerved f!>r nn ins & Waters. T. L. ACOSTA & CO. lYlacksdiear, *---Gu-r This sparer is reserve*! for T. U Acosta & Co. who will a*> n o n n tr e next week the special drive i.b*-y ro-e mwk i D g i o their sak’d of grocer iiv. Call in the meantime and exam ine their complete stock. T. L. ACOSTA & CO. I31ackslihar---- Gu.,