The Blackshear times. (Blackshear, Ga.) 1876-current, October 24, 1889, Image 2

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The Bl/ckh ar T I ij r T W h.ntcre i a the I’"- <>' ■ . >< r. € in., lute nui a *o. AEVi rr.'b ::g r.hZ~:.: < V in* •’», < nc 00 ; I,ar<» #jn**i t in <* 1 * «/ii ........ Iai mlv • r:» .. t * at r t ‘ . jir w*r h <1 by law . LiJ>er «i c'tnci’ sioiw tiimle f r mUdM/su Blent- jii'tiiii, Ip'ii ■ iS 1 -» -* 1 Bo i o< - |{> *. lor • V;-, f Mfti: air lint* I I fu—t i Mf 13 . Hot - * a I arr n u» >d< ul to flu* r-»n*rary r< i.) — 5 lake nil cheek* m il draft* jutyi" 'J ill I IMI ' i’l l r-IIIM. 1 IIMC '■ '• v n *»•»< J:illi'k t *. Illi.liWl, S. 11 A:kin*«n. .Imlyc; W <». franti y. . T' T'if ■: ■ I, IM < )< loli r. jiplinp Sctoml Mnnil *'f in M r< Ii and * I l< lii -r . V\ a\np Third Monday* in Mandi and Orlu’.nr. l'irm- I'onitli M nd.iv* in March awl I )cIoIht. Wnr.— Finn Monday* in April and No Tinnhcr. C'.ifiv.— Tiirwlny afn-r Msond Mnniluy in A | riI and Novcmlx-r. f Ii.. 1 1 on Tn< *dav nft'T third Mundn" in April and Nowinh r. Cniiidi n Fourth Mnndny* in Aptil and N. v. ii.hi r. (ilv mi r nimcncing on tW fin-t Mon day* in M iv and Ih cciiiIkt, audio c n linn - t*o wi'.*k», i,r a* long a* ihv bu»iiii*s limy K.jiuri factory. .. WtiycroHs want' a cotton Mr. W, Mencliam batstaturn ■vil to W’liycross and re'Uined Id lor liter connections with The. Reporter. The I{<porter is one of the best week- 1 pa; ers in Georgia. There ih u iiiovrtncni. among llto negroes in some portion# of North Georgia to colonize, atid move we t. ]n Cobb county several meetings lutv Ix-eii hold, and over five hundred outlies have been secured to a pelt In at asking Congress to donate land in some western territory and tmiLe an appropriation to defray transportat ion ex peases. — There is no doubt, that railroad facilities mo powerful factors in dovclopement. * uml growih ol a soli . t"> ftr< ,l " 1 " > a a., i v i -- to pm any real growth |H‘!tiianent vulue. Ulnek-bour iiinplo railroad facilities, and is supported by a prosperous and oner nolle running element, With happy combination there is no doubt ol the future of tli • town. Though giowth L' gradual; it is nl.-o pemta nent. We need some luet,tries, and with lhem our town would grow as it by mag e. A cotton factory would pay ; a li-i tilixer hickory is needed; u band lac lory is almost a necessity. Why m t build them!' ‘‘Let iis bo up an I do iuji. That Pierce e unity is pit ly n farming county may bo success fully shown by the annual value o tier farm products. At a lair e.-ti mate, the annual value of tile grown in the county is not loss than $,t.‘tI.If.iO uml we I elieve thees'i male is below nn average as tollows: lSA.OiW lm-h< l« vorii nl MV. StiT.MKI. 100,000 buslirl* ,»wi potatov* at 2M ...........$25,000. 50,000 t>tmlieF •*(•«( :> 0 v......$ 15 ,(MK). 1,?50 t>*tv* S. I. tsviion... SUs.TTO. AH other pnxluol.*, ineludiiig m<»r c»ne, pea», ive, riia-, vie. $75,('00. T.lnt $::at,'.’v 0 . As a rule our tanners are imlii-tn ous and economical. A gient many of them are progressive in their and ... U'lieve in improvement in evety way. Each year witnessxu the in titHliietion of new umlimproved ing implements, and a oorrrs|>ond ing improvement ‘ in met tioda of I arm «ng. - J*ueli , progros-ivenoss is telling; ,, «n cverj luind n\&\ U' seen oviiicncoj* oC‘ prosperity; / uod (he time Ij» not far •iistant * when Pierre countv ns a progressive and sueees-iul farming, will Ik- the equal oi anv 1,1 Georgia. n ithui Die i ist two months, savsa Columbians. einnaii Kmpnrer, * ) di>|viU-li (h*-r»* ha- to the Iteen Cin a brisk demand in that s.*cii.m lor eon louei ate gt eenbacks aud bills of d»‘ luuct-lute banks. I boy a tv mostly used bi trave.ers to baud over lo irum robbers. “I knew a man." said Eli Perkins. “who was meaner than a dog. This n *"' Wi ** “ ^‘r n *r I* i** , I 1 ’ , " , S I,! ’ ,n * 1 ’ 1 ^ ! ^ va a ' : ' Hl '.* H'OU h^uic l ke a jivutkuiau, h cscr.c-z r. :-:z:z A vh ;i ft'-y in the judge:-h-'.i of Hue Ridge circuit i- c‘;i!!-> i t . -death <•( .!>otae U :!' J. W in t Monday i i_!,t. Am -»g t '• -i'vit ii-i.-l ii-i> for ihe |;« - tt- ', iii'i r ■■ I'qi'Mfif, lire <* stand Fino e piori 'Mil |h n 11 II. (i.'UI ;i‘ F. G(/t)"l\ 'I M •:! I t D 1 i , . < t ? a, * * < i *'< «i.! H • . ' J‘ )Sil - * i • ■ * ir |>lt;o .“<;<! to c ii<l*.(or I In* (kisitiou We It,ivc J;n ui Mr. Gore (p-rson -| p |,, r mi ,,!,•• ycais, aiiii know that Ir* (» i'i every aense ol the won) n h \ m l . nun ’lie graduated ■ ml' <• Sf.f C .ivc.-ity. m Athens, ■ft I :. i Ton i- mul imn.'.ih'.iD-h • . ,n r tlie etitfi * f law in the tiftlw - I 1 > ; :jv iiii ii. y -'in al"er : Uu ■ imi to tl'i 1 liar, lie wa -1 I ct'<i S iicil mi- (ieueral ol (he Iline Ki<!ge irircmt. lining the (rosilion two onir with <r (i a', honor to him-'H uni fo tin ° entue sai)sl'ieti"ii oi the neo|'»l«'.. In ISSS, lie (helmed a Te elecliof,. jjie.h i'ing l> devote Ini' lime ( | t( . practice ol h s pcutessTon. and to M I in Ihc n|i-bnilding of .M-nneUA. IF is identified I here with even u.F i c-I o| in p ii lance, and has <1 oin* , much lo d' velopr and advance every oiifevpi ise caW'iiialed to inci'cas" the prosperity of that place. In and legal knowledge, Mr. Gobcr ir iIt • jieer ( f any lawyer in Gco-gin. lie is an mdi f uignole worker, und ^ j wonderful snccr-s attim bar. The people of bis eiicoil repose every confidence in him, and worthily, We. are, in u powtkm to know that Mr. Gobcr docs not seek the position I r peeonian Fr,. 'ii;, lor Ins pmetiee is wor It unii ij times more than the suhtiy,-tnit Hint lie may lak" a .•until needed rest from the arduous I iabor imposed by his targe practice, A-judge he would uphold the digni , tv of the law, and odintnister justice with a firm und impartial hand. IJ> electing him judge of tlK! Uluc limit, the legislatti.-e w.ll n ll'ct credit upon it.-elf and In imr Geor git. Dr. L IS. Gliftoti. tim Macon on loiaologi-l, has evolved a ta w idea 1 the ol .. exieniiinntion .. ot , in win . ’ ii.. ti .u ...i ... i- ’ | vi F I,,,, ,... « in-,. I i;i -i■ •• ■ He so vs.- ‘‘It is nothing more mil ess than the raising of millions ol red ,„ K CaM p.llai s nr, de.-true j live in wet than in dry weather, thin is duo to the tact that they nr, , then protected from the ulta, ks ol the i:Me red ant. There are inaii.y other species ol unt und a large number of other in-eels, birds, und even uni m.ii - , that (wjstrnv mo,n «»r nl these insects, out (lie little red tint is the iip'ml ot th - planter, It would lie uu e.vcelleiit plan to ro-erve, be twieii eivry live or .-i.\ rows ol eotlon a land especially lor the homes ot I lie ant.-. Throw this lui-d up ml■> a limb 1 jdgti iind not disturb it vvnli tin . 1 plow (luring t he season. I I e.a v, ■ the niinibers of the ants eouid be in er< n-eil tea fold by this arrange incut,” As tc tka Sttto Esad. ! The General Assembly has hei r, in sesdou several months and the nio-t important cpie-tiou demaiidiug Meir eonsidt'rutioti is still in chaotic sEit, . They have d seus-ed the S ate R '« use, but they have not disput'd it. neither have tiny perfected the net The claim of the losses betterments stands unadjusted, it m»t even being known what their chum is. whether just or te ju t large small sati-tnetory or unsatislaetorv. although a joint committee was i.p j pointed to tiivo-ign by throe te. but. mouthms went de pieces in part It believed l>;. eliding to »ct i' many tin t no int<*ll!g>>i t or iidvuut api'us lease ol the road can bo made mi I it i- known xvleit ” the 11,1 * vt l,u o ( Bond lias to offer for lease, and cannot l»e determined unt ft s nne un dcr-tanding is reached with the pres out lessees, that will goe a (pectus t'*G:i-nnkmtique-tnmol ti-tteriuents. j Wb ii business man m Georgia i |ljeJV w jj„ would ti.fle «•;.!, an im ;int hu^liioss matter like the le^r istature has trifled with the Stale Ivoao uursu-m; .... I he liilure , ot 4l \ms - ,va: P"’l“Ttv is involved and yet I'veiyiinni^done s> lar indicates :t purpose to let this pnipei ty suffer, wtueh may involve I t gatiou, exoen sive andd atstn us. It s h gh itine that steps were taken to bring almut a chaigo in the present o«tl(K>k. The proper!v mii-t be lea'isl and at a go.vt price. This c >n only t’edme by clearing Die title and removing nil doubt as to the condition ot the prop erty to t»e delivered to tuc new tes sexs, vhoe^r they nay be. Die duty ol the legislature, (hereforo* to take steps at once looking lo this end. Immediate action is demandtHi hv »hmp e. The f.miiness man ifested is inexcusable as well as n>-t u ‘ die tax p-ayeru.—Marivt'a * L ur * IT:-: Cowry,G eorgia, i IiABLE IIOJTE (!)?. TAP. VWT'EK: IVe Ter K (iAHUiVAis; Tiik Futrr <; Cbeai* Lands—I’itd: , i -A- •££ RVtrh-A JiKAi.Tin j eiJMATfi— A Sanitarium kou| Ti: <. v- rurmr. and THo-I. Tint bleu with rmttmi.u, TlMMIBLES — 1 ‘RKK FROM MaI.AUIa! and Zymotic Diskaskh Gknkhad i.y. - BY CITIZEN.— I’,, .r.e ya oi. • ot ti, • S Ka stern of lie- Stue, lying in the Li o ■ r v. Tuc T -Visiiiiah, Fioriila ami We- , i n 1 C.v jm- os «•*•!.ir.Oi 1 1 1 ■ <■ mil t fr m l. i-t t < tVe t, a 'i'- lance ol twenty five miles. , on ly >ifce, FI e k-’n-ar, is n.ih s West i.T Savannah, on this IFif way. 'i'nc soil i-a fine sarn'y loam, in i.m -;'(*i -ed ii'Miei'aily w ith a brown p, FFie. w ill, a clay i-uhsoil from 1 l’ ii,g| inches Iroin tia; sn: lace. The greater part <>| tie; (soiniiy i- a mod (grille l,i |y lolling country, well drain *d ami walcii d by <pi ek numing and -pail.ling ,'tl'eam-, reminding you ol i ac eoentry in Middle Georgia. It i-railtci sparsely pepirbuef and mo-tol the lauds are still in their p.i.c lore-t, excepting whero cut, off by the lumbermen or boxed for turpentine purposes. ecm, years larming wus neg.ected the moreuttraetbe and (tally money returns retdizisii la tunb -ring—Tint same parties have found fanning in i series ol years to pay bettor, h ov ever, linn nr.; ally, lo say nothing el i the increased comforts of homo life. titan their old way ol a mixed j ittess, timbering und slovenly ing and neglected homesteads. These tacts have materially retarded faint piogic.-sion in this eo’inty, but 1 can proudly say to-day that Fierce we county la. mers are realizing the t' tiv ! value ot their country and arc advanc ing in prosperity, intelligence; ami re* i tinment ino.-t satisfactorily, ' I lic-t‘ 1 lefec county . lands , are nut- . * utull.v poor, bat uicsusccpttblo , ,. (>l titiv 1 mmiiint nl lmtiliz ttion. The wider j kl , uW8 Uv0lltv forIV six bt.shelh o( - corn t „ t|l0 ut . Tl! u> Uavo made on lands Icitili/.ed With twC pints ol cotton seed—Four hundred J „,i,| fifty pounds of Upland and three hiitixlr.-.i pounds ol S a Island cotton i 1 ,hc all " lt ' ,0 UCTO ll, '° ««.pi . of over the county. Ninety bit hols oats and .'RSOO Ib.s of Grub and Grow loot ,:ra.-s hay and 3 o 00 l"s. ol ri in grass Itav to the uel'c at one cut* i ting are b, ing, and this van be d ine by any intelligent and oner geiiv farmer on these Ian Is. Th • sweet potato crop can 1 made to almost anv extent, as can the lii'h potato, vvliich has prov 1 go those niteipri-ing enough plant them for market ptirpo-e-, a most remuneiMtive money crop for April and May. S i:rar cane grows most luxiiriaut ami |«rodtu:es i.bmuiantly, uml i al-o a tir-t class money crop. Ip. all vegetalki-s do well and can h,r the inarkeis to great vantage owing to the many rail mad mutes in reach of this count v. As a fruit anil grape county it has a-lvan'agcs the Let onto pear has done re markably well in this county and no blight as yet lias b -en seon< The writer has seen as large and tit." flavored peaches grown in this county as he ever saw in Mnl-I'e or Noith Georgia, and from ,-ee. ! lings raised in the count v. A- ti ie Summer ami f all apple ( u , _ , ir to this place tins year as are grown m n uthctu parts ot the State. Sttawnerrii-s can be grown as a masketeropto . ffreat ri 4l> au>antace, v^,, ,, R , ^ ,i . ,: 1, \ ,,,arket . y '' r ?™ r] > i Senpj>ernon^r J 0 ^rajie jrrous t ae jwi^- fevti--n. a»«d imicii good w itie lias i,een made wiihoitanv preparation t *r it- uaturng than could la* I on ml at anv lioim stead. \\ ith a i.eaitnv climate, good vru ter. olio .o .a ids, susceptab.e ot any amount oi lertilitv by a judicious sys tem ol liilago and fertilization, all ludusirioU' |»cop : o want in a country to found for ibeiti-clvt-s perous aud happy homes? __________ *___ ft Hr. JCHN AITSIISS'S B vKBM: stk'l’ in she rear <u' the F.\- 1 rev. li .-e, ii ' ou »j: I a jiv'd shave, etc. ADVERTISEMENTS. HENDRY AND STRICK : SOUTH SIDE HAIL ROAD ST., BLACKSHEAR, C-A, Invite tin ir many friciida and ch^ lomer.s to iiirpect I heir Coinjilete Stock of (x C t i fx V(lf 1 Ici'cJidUdi l i* > pjjfljj pplJJIP otlllljO Ail*ii jK|j ilull ITS) PplPPtJ FiuiJju 1 I EV -1 Our Motto l- iS-Sal -fact <,n «»iiaPA'r»’:..« . 1 . T. Is. ACOSTA & m, PH E LIVE GROCERS Large and varied stock of choree FANCY & FAMILY GROCERIES, Every thing needed lor the table. SPECIALTST Itor PXJT 3 C CZ7.T.V7 X 2 IG TC 33 X 1 CCO Sc CIGAHS. PRICES LOW! Sulisf.iotton guaranteed BLACKSHEAR, GA. TUTEN & WATERS DEALERS IX DRYGOODS Notion, s, Groceries, Tobacco a CIG-ABS. M’e sell (dtoup tor cash, ami guar aidee to please yon. LavYoitr WA'lVll i.eeo.- repair? J. M. Wu 'We «*.' > Jeweler , Will fix i; lor you reasonably. oi-tk’i: with TSTEM & WiTISS P,LACKS!! FAR GA. New Store* Nt'w Goods! Now Prices! o n n ! T 1 ' ut (AT CVai‘KNTKI»’s (>LP STAND.) BLACKSHEAR, GA. Wnen it comas to good goods and close p' ieO', vve ‘‘get to the rack every time ’’ WE put in to give satisfaction every Indy that trade- with us. X • ‘ Monkey Bus iness” with us. We expect to ukt theuesure. COME SEE US. J S. A. I i * T» f > l-TI> 1 ^' 11 a - in sti'ek a In!} .,j Family tiro ecv.'S. wiii Li be is offering at cio.-e prices ler ca-h. DOMESTIC -WINES OF MV OWN , r * NUFACTURE a SPECIALTY F..-li ami Ovs t *i - regularly .-applied t • cus tomers who leave their or ders with me. Fre.-h supplies constantly being received. SOUTH slt'K KAll K'V.n *7.7ITT. I31acTv*shear <^a. J. M. k % SAW AND wi —■>* MPWMN ttmAr&r A COTTON AX" (»i y 1 L DEALER in p AVltLY t\ RGCERlEu r Catd, iiad Eay,«>a& SDck aiwiiya on ban.}. PiIo3S to suit ths My store and OfLce is at my M ULACfvSil KAII, GA. taghtsey, Hyers S. Co., Ths Alliance Store. Have in stock everything needed by the farmers, at Alliance I’n'ces. Youi' tnoriev’s worth, and a thrown to, every time TRY US AND BE COIIYINCSD. BLAC KS HEAR, GA A . M. CO HEX KAIL-IJ 0 AH AND - A." SSTREETS, l jlac-lcsliecr. Ga., Keeps all manner oi GOOFS for the Farmers use. Dry Goods .Hoots and Slioesi Ho ls ard Caps- 11 A II I ) \Y r A. RK ( *T*ocorio.n etc - etO £HCr.T TIKE AKD CLOSE I want to see you. llaVe got ju-t what, yon are locking lot. if. 1% ‘1 ‘2 mm 7 N H 73' Egg Ngg‘éa M.Efi'fl {5'55- ‘1” 3% '1‘3 L J J' t LIE .i -g ’ a in L 4. 9 IS PREPARED TO 1'10 ALL MA KKX-IR' ()5? (I013 VVOTi IC, l’IKODIIVI‘I/Y” .ANI). A1" IH‘..-\S().\'.\I§LE I‘IHL‘IES. Nuthing but Fills'l‘~€L.‘xE~i':f~“ Work. done. Patronage 5t licitcd. BhACKSHEALL GA. i). IF. BURNEY, l - T V Cm • c— Ot ■ GROCERIES ) You want your food good and tin adulterated—I have them. Don't Keep auytliii^ but Firsi-CIass GOODS. Prices are riglit every time. D m't fail to see mo. Mv ami Prices are sure to please you. ( AT BYRDS 01.D STAND.) BLACKSIIEAK, GA. R. W FULLER, M U . PHYSICIAN AND DRUGGIST Black -heap. G a. p^*Near the -‘old I’o-( Office. A T<r. MOORE, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN. BLACKSHEAR, GA f'alts j'p aiy tlr attended t day and cighl J. A. STRICKLAND, 23 Airs ITT General Merchandise T0S4-CC0. CIGARS & PATENT MEDICINES, C(},ill:t>',\ I'l'i Much B anil S i| ( u . A. K. !i. Sir et 1 sir:ok -Aiorvr- - Cqiy CO TO W. E. LoeiKItART s - Fur FI It "T-CL \SS — GROCERIES Fancy Patent Flour A S’f>e<'.:il v T ie Ce'ehraD-il GiuviJY T»T» eeo a in I "Ih.iiy Gr.b” Cigars always in Slock iiiirlirsf m rhri )) ice paid for all 1 eoniit y p odne ■. ! BLACfCSAFAI«,---(rEOUGlA. IF Yu’J WANT NHOB wassav*' CT SC >-.l *• Honest Weight and L' ng Mensure at the Jj nest Figures lo f Casli Fxamine the 1 Stock of HU@SES& F 0 LS 01 —DEALERS IX— Dry-Good^, Groc(T*ies, Hats, Shoos & Furnishing Goods &c, —oO> i— fifS'-ff you have but a- single dollar to spend von should get t ,e value'of 100 cents for it, and receive the same Coin-Irons al tendori its if yon were Spending a hund red or a thousand dollars. See us, Try us, Trade With ns. IKDS k F 5 IS 3 M. 1 UCE 9 KUL JAS- D- SWEAT, —DEALER IN— ! Staple and Fancy Groceries Cigars and Tobacco. COUNTRY PRODUCE BOUGHT AND SOLD. I HANDLE ONLY FlftST-CUSS GOODS. l*g”G:ve me a trial, Satisfaction guaranteed. “A ’’ Stijket, BLACKIHE AR GEORGIA. W. C, PAUL, | Groceries, Fruits Etc., (At the old Bakery Stand.) Offer* special inducements in the i way (i I’.csli Goods and Low Prices. ; JKsT“Anxioiis£tn plea.-e you. TRY ME! BLAGKSIIFAK. GA. Are Yon Looking For EAD QUART EftS?" THAT’ A. X. Smith’s, Agent STOBE. I have got, a large line of Dry G' ods, Boots and Shoes, Hat^ and Caps, Hardware & Groceries. I want to sel .. If you want to bay we ll stud make a trade, fey*Don’t lor get the place. A. X, Smith, Agt., BLACKSHEAR. GA. Exterminate the Roaches. Lsrkin’s Lighikicg B ach ExlerroinaW she best c>» the aiarket. F or sale by A. P. BRANTLEY fc CO.