The Blackshear times. (Blackshear, Ga.) 1876-current, October 31, 1889, Image 2

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The Hi.ackhfar ....r IKES lvtu« r«* i n» liu* !**>+ oH rv in 1 Uu i xlitrar, 4ia., ** nor in:* I »• :t P*f. ALVAETIUSO BATES: • to. inc 1 ., # or i' M rli<>" *1 'SI; Kach a’lba.qtient in ertion..............-S»c. »<lv. rliwiiK'..t« Iiiwrlcil at r l«» |il»MT l>. d by law. Liberal cono Miinn made f radvediso til*- 1 it- running front -ix to iw.-lvc months llilla lor advertising arc due after die firm i m'iiioii. -|m rial arr.ingvim.-ttl to tlir n'rarv re m-d--. Mid r id I check* ami draft- partible lo Tiik.Timks i‘ rm ism No L'omimsv Er.LTNrwics ciecuit. 8. It. A'kimmn Judge; W O. Itrnntb-y, Srdlct or General. (Tmoh First Monday* in March and October. A|>1>Ii ivk Sis ond Monday* in March and O. tober. Wayne Third Monday* in March and October. Pierce Fourth Monday# in March and OciobcT. Ware— Fir*t Monday, in April and No* vamher. Coffee—Tuesday afler aerond Monday in April and November. Charl-on Tmsdnv after third Monday# in April and November. Camden Fourth Monday* in Aprit and November. Glynn O-inrnenring on the Aral Mon day* in May and Proetnber, and in e n tinuv tiro week., or a* long ua the Iniaiiicaa may require. Wo invite brief communications from our citizens upon subjects ol public inlcre-t. Our farmers should give more attention to raising pare blooded sti ck. Careful!} managed the breed ing ol pure blood stock would prove a profitable source of revenue. Out growth as an agricultural count} has Ihmsii rnphl. and stillfgoes on; then? should be n correH|HJiiding k growth in stock breeding. A county lair association should be organized in Pierce county. The Times will gladly lend its columns to aid such uu organization. Who will be the first to take definite action in the matter? Wo will bo glad to have sugge-tions from our firmer frlends. It has been demonstrated that hay can be made a most profitable crop on our lauds. It is jiossible to make four crops in a year. Hungarian grass, with favorable seasons, will mature in thirty-five to forty days alter planting, ar.d makes an excel lent hay. Why use western and northern grown hay, when our own lands muv be inude to produce it abundantly? Pierce county’s wealth steadily increases year after year, and the increase is largely due to the tfevcl opement of its farming resources* The total amount of taxable (iroporty, in 18M, was $M4,000; iu 1880, it is $1,095,000, an Increase of more than one hundred per cent in nine years, or about eleven pet cent a }ear. Very few, il anyof the counties in the .State can show a bettor per-centage •of increase iu tho same jH'riod ol 4imo, due to the devdopement of farming Interests. Life is not all in getting, but quite •a much iu helping. Property is not an absolute possession, to bo used or abused at will, hut a responsible trust. laibor is not genuine has no Itoart or conscience in It. The mutual obligations of men are not discharged when they have |>ertorui ©d their.tasks und paid the stipulat ed price The objector, whose whole stock in trade is 1 1 watch every suggestion made for the public good, offering tioth’iig 111 place of it, seeking lo make enpi la! out ot fighting every movement made with a view to progress and growth, p suggesting some interested motive .. m every proposition offered: , who, under a |ilea of guardianship of the public treasury, advocates under plar f.»r officials, and opts tees public is a. ™ wrong side os the idl*r and drone. Keither accomplishes any good He la even worse, for he does positive harm. —Rrunsuick Times. There are truths that some men •leapisa because they have not a turned and which they will not ex amiae bccau-'*: they desptse. A CettBty Pair Aucciatim. There is no reason win I’i* r < Hi ou d not have a <--»u»iy Ian assiM iaiu»ii. That Mich an a-Min .ition would prove oI gre.-d Iweefil t> our (Myopic cannot t#<* ilmbled. \\ • may say that an annual fair is a necessity in any prngre-sivc agricul tural coinrniinily, ami} -so in Pierce county. Aside Imiii the (treat lienefit to lx: derived from tin: together (or inter-change once a year, friendly rival ry would lie crealeo; eeclt farmer would strive t‘> excel his neighbor, i a • x cel lent crops and improved stock. Tie'll the la r would he instm mental in introducing improved farming niachim ry on«i blooded The Times believes that a five fair association would do much for the up building of our county, by ad vancing our lut tiling intci 0 HtH w Our people should conic toueiher. and devise a plan, to pul this iinportimt idea into successful operation. i’icrce county can moke an exhibit that would surprise even our own Why not have an annua; f.iit ? The South Brunswick Terminal Railroad, from Waynesville to Colo inTs I-land, bus been completed, This week a survey will be begun from Waynesville to Cordeb*. jl the purpo.-c of the , Coin jinny to extend their line to Oordelc without delay. Blackshcnr Is deeply interested in the but ( mg n o ... tus. hue. .. There is rot a more beautiful location for « lnrge city, on the line of tin* Savan mill, Florida A Western Railway, than ours. Thousands could find • -oiufortablc and hcalthlu! homes on ,,l, r g ,,|| tle hill-, and the surrouiidmg country is admirably udapted ««* f irming, Iruit growing and guid--n mg. With this new line of railroad Bluckshear would quickly become a tiniving city; and the bcuutiful farm lands, all round us, would be culti vii ted by a happy and contented people, who would find in Bluckshear a market for ull of their produce. Let the people come together, and take action m their own interest. Ever y possible encouragement should lie given to the budding ol tins new railroad. A crisis is upon us; ore we equal to itr Thanks. [Whiglntni Advance] Thk Bi.acksiieau 'I imks conics to us this week, filled with very interest ing reading matter. It is publislied by t hu Timks Publt-hing Company, und „hows decided signs of energv in its management. We wish the Tim vs much success and prosperity, in our native county. [Savannah Local.] The Blackshkah Times comes to us bright and newsy, with the salu tatory of the Bluckshear Times Pub lishing Co. Improvtmict C:mp»ay. In almost every growing town there is an organization of some kind, to promote and loster improve ments. These organizations own real estate, buy and sell, and make such improvements us may be des r uble. They publish pamphlets descriptive of the country and its advantages ot location, soil and climate; and do everything possible to induce a desirable clu- s Ol mum grants to come iu to it. These organizations woik great good to the town or city in which they at located, and to ail tho surrounding country. needs improvement lilackshear an company, and must have one. Our country possesses a great many advantages which should be made known to home-seekers everywhere. ° ur *' n “ ™poa*M «»•* made , to produce abundantly; almost cvery va „ etv of vegetables may be grown advauUgtHiuslv. Our lands are gently rolling, affordiug pnss<xi uaturai drainage, Our 1 in the whole world. We are absolutely free from malaria and zymotic lufiueuees. U*t our people organize, and publish to the world our iucoutpar able advantages piw% An improvement would of lasting beuefil to lilackshear and U eroe aui1 wou,i m “ ke ,Lf minbcnj icu. Eivaroah Tires. A great deal of Savannah ha I'm u up in smoke within the lust lew i m aitii-. a mi an i’limen « amount of propeity lias supplied food fur the — While ivr -iiiC'-rcIy CJnl .!<•, with Siratinah in these luislortuncs. we eanm t avoid an expression of sur prise l hat. no more stringent have li en made to discover the ivm-e-.of such serious disasters.—The April fire was no my.-terv, but tin . constant recurrence of (hes amongst thc slii|ipinu during the cotton son, amt the evident work of diarism in various parts of the city seem in indicate iipint le ss in Savan '•ah's official* in tracing ( fleets brick to causes. Vigilcnce mu-t (kj lucking some where. Sparks from pa* ing steamboats and donkey en g ues might Ik: avoid. d, and ihe donkeys who carry pipes and cigars might be puin hed for such criminal carelcssccss, but it does a|i[»ear to lie a pity that ho much property must Ik: destroyed lielore these very obvious provocatives of conflagration ore removed. Would it not be cheaper to expend more money and energy in the pr-von'ion of fires than in means to extinguishing them '( (T.) Hon .lames M. Smith, the big t’lrmer of Oglethorpe county, com n.-mced business alter the war as a peddler, and carried hi- goods in a pack on his back. When lie bail '‘•‘veil up a little money lie c immenc farming in a small way. He lias prospered nil the while, and has con linuedtoeiilargehisfarmingopera tiot.s, until it is now safl he will cluur $75,000 this year. He has built 11 t ailroml eight miles long, to con neet his large p. farm with the Georgia “ railroad. , Mr. Smith ,, is ..... now one ol , llm hugest and most sueees.-lul Ihnn eis m Georgia. The Georgia Sjuthe. n und Florida Railroad Conijmny has established U|J ,.x|>oiimrtital farm, on its line of road, near Tiilon. 'Ihe bum is net established solely for the purpose or mukiiig experiments, but it is pro |K»sed to make it a profitable invest ment. Although a large amount lies been expended in inqiroving the lands and prepuring it lor cultivation, the outlay will be lull} covered h} the yield. It is never the opinions of others that displease us, but the jier tinucity they display m obtruding them upon us. POINTS OF SUPERIORITY OF The Damascus Plow- 1st — The mould-l>oiird is cast on poliilied iron (dfcft-s, is chi I led and is harder than tin- !ii|;lu'#t tempered steel. It will, in sandy soil, lust ten times ns long us u cast-iron mould-board, und will scour in sticky soil where a east one will not 2nd.— Most one-horse plows are top the Damascus has most of its weight b low ihe top of the mould-board, and w hether at work or standing still w ill stand np of its own accord. It runs for this reason vary steady and easy for the plowman. 3rd.— The shape of the standard makes it less liable to cleg than other plows. 4th.—The draft is known as a "centre draft" and oo the “Damascus” is as much so as ii that of a pole of a two horse wagon. ith.—There is no head of the beam boll or obstruction of auv sort lor trash to hang to. tith.—There is room for trash to run to the left as well as to the right of the standard. 7lh.—The beam is adjustable on the shifter between the handles. $o as to turn it to or from the land, so the exact centre of draft may be found. 8th.—Ihe handles are so placed that the plowman walk* in ihe furrow ihrectW behind ihe plow, —Fioui the thickness and compact arrangement of the castings it is tto strongest oue-horse plow in the mark et 10th.—The handles Are fastened directly to the stand:*r*i. which takes all «tr.*in off the mould-board and landside, and brings the plow under perfect contrul of the plowman. 11th.—The w earing parts of the landside and share are thoroughly chilled, and ad of the material and workmanship are of the be-t. 14th. — Il is the only genuine chill“d plow ever put upon the market at about the price of common cast-iron plows. manitacturkp by ROLAND PLOW WORKS BillilUOPf 13 -IMK SALK BY A. P* BFvAiITlS __ . __ . CO., i & BLACKSHEAK, GA., w r . j;hn ALEEIESS’S KAKBEK SHOP, in the rear of the Ex l revj i-lliee, if you want a g.n*d thaw, etc. ADVKRT1SEM ENTS — HENDRY AND STRICKLAND, SOUTH SIDE RAILROAD ST., BLACKSHEAR, GA, Invite their many Iriends and cus to inspect their Complete Stock of Cm CilWdl BEFOIIE Bl YlSd EI.-KWIIEUE. [JJJJ] fjjjlJJ jjjfl . iOW . PRICES ......, IS Our Giotto {^‘Satisfaction Guaranteed. T. L. ACOSTA & GO. r - \ LYE GROCERS Largo and varied stock of choice FANCY & FAMILY GROCERIES, Every thing needed for the table. SPZtCIAXiT-vr IH FINE CIIJRW IKOTOiACCO & CXGAJtS. PRICKS LOW! Satisfaction guaranteod BLACKSHEAR, GA. TUTEN & WATERS DEALERS IN DRY-GOODS m Notions , Groceries, Tobacco & OXGKA.IR, s. We sell chea|> for cash, and guar antee to jilease you. fitjrYour WATCH neeus repair? J. M. WA TERS , Jeweler, Will fix it for you reasonably. OFFICE WITH TUTEN & WATERS BLACKSHEAK. GA. New Store i New Goods! New Prices! -p AVIS k ROGERS J (at carpenter’s oi,d stand.) BLACKSHEAR, GA. Whan it comes to good goods and close prices, we ‘‘get to the rack every time ” WE put in to give satisfaction to every body that trade- with us. No ‘‘Monkey Bus iness” with us. We expect to i;kt there sure. COME SEE US. JOS. A. HARPER, Has in stock a full line of Family Gro ceries, which he is offering at clo.-e prices h r cash. DOMESTIC WIN'S " OF MY OWN MANUFACTURE A SPECIALTY v Fish and n ter? regularly supplied to cus t o ni e r s who leave their or ders with me. Fresh supplies constantly being received. SOUTH SIDE RAIL ROAP STREFT. Rlaclvsheai*. Ga. J. M. SHAW. SAW AND I IBM 11 I ! IflHl jj I I I L) \ COTTON A GIN NI > . HILL DEALER IN y AWlLY ROCERIEn And Hay .IlCorn & Oat A, L irg" Stock always on band. Prices to suit the tiroes. My .-tore ami Office is at my Mill. IJLACKSflEAIl, GA. Lightsey, Hyers &]Co., The Alliance Store Have in stock everything needed by Die farmers, at Alliance Prices. Your money’s worth, ami a little thrown in, every tinn; - TRY US AND BE CONVINCED. BLACKSHEAK, GA M. M. COI1EN, CORNER RAIL-ROAD AND STREETS, Hlaeksltear- Cta., Ki*cps all manner ol GOODS the Farmers use. Drv Goods I toots and SI toes. Ha ts ard Caps HARDWARE Groceries* etc - etc* 5H0ST THUS AMD CLOSE PIUmTS I want to see you. Have got just what you are looking fin. if. 'IIIE ‘ Tl H E? x l’ l; 1] BLISEHM: ‘ " [ ‘6} E am“ ; , IS PREPARED TO DO ALL MANNER 0!" JOB WORI{. I’ROBIPTLE’ .AND AT REASONABLE PRICES. Nothing but FIRS'I‘—CLASS Work done. Patronage solicited. BLACKSHEAR, (i A. D. H. BURNEY, family i Farcy GROCERIES, Yon want your food good and un adulterated—I have them. Don't Keep anything but First-Class GOODS. Prices are right every time. Don't fail to see me. My Goods 3n ' ,Pricesaresure 10 p ,eas °- v ° u - (AT BYRD S OLD STASD.) BLACKSHEAR, GA. _ R W- FULLER, ’ M □ , PHYSICIAN AND DRUGGIST Blackshf.ab, Ga i^“Xear the “old I\*-t Office. .A M. MOORE, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, BLACKSHEAR, GA. Calls promptly attended today and night J. A. STRICKLAND, cr AISH I IT General Merchandise* TOBACCO. CIGARS & PATENT MEDICINES. Coiiiutr} I'n.ijiice B .u^lit and S Id. to A. K. K. Mtr-ct. Rlaclo.h e a r* -- Ga. GO TO W. E. Lockhart’s —For FIRST-CLASS— Fancy Patent Flour A Special }'. Tne Uelebratcd Gravely Tobacco and "Daily Grub” Cigars always in stock Highest in rkoi p 1 ice paid for alt count; ,- y puxltic •. BLACK.SAKAR,---GEORGIA. IF YOU WANT aYiCat^ lU^TF tills Honest Weight and Long Measure at the L iwest Figures lor C.tsh Examine the Stock of —DEALERS IN— Dry-Goods, Groceries, Hats, Shoos & Furnishing Goods &c. —oOc teiT If you have but a single dollar to spend you should get t'.e value of 100 cents for it, und receive ihe same fourteen# al ien ion as if you wore spending a hund red or a thousand dollars. See us, Try us, Trade With ns ii JAS- D. SWEAT, —DEALER IN— Staple and Fancy Groceries Cigars and Tobacco. •i> COUNTRY PRODUCE BOUGHT AND SOLD. I HANDLE ONLY FIRST-CLASS GOODS. eor-Give me a trial, Satisfaction guaranteed. “A ” Street, BLACKSHEAR GEORGIA. W. C. PAUL, Groceries, Fruits Etc, (At the old Bakery Stand.) Offers special Inducements in the way o: Fresh G<xids and Low Price*. Hay-Anxious to please yoa. TRY ME I BLACKSHEAR. GA. Are You Looking For Head quarters?” THAT’ A. N. Smith’s, Agent STORE. I have got a large line of Dry Gnods, Boots and Shoes, lints and Cap?, Hardware & Groceries. I want to sell.. If yon want to buy we ll soon make a trade. 6®*Don't lor get the place. A. N, Smith, Agt n BLACKSHEAR, GA. Exterminate the Roaches. Larkin's Lightning Beach Exterminate r the best on the market. For aale by A. I*. BRANTLEY A CO.