The Blackshear times. (Blackshear, Ga.) 1876-current, November 14, 1889, Image 2

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Thf, Blackii; \r Tie : 1 ' * — . .... ...... ,v ° , ‘ j- * li«T.-h«r,■ „ «**., a* mv n *«• •“*- -if 1 ;\\<}. ADV PTISuNG 24?,.S: ?atu'.:.d •pphcati-a. F<»i iilcr nn*1 M ;i*;i\ now f »l*f tljp h|. i mI v -!ki i •i iii * r ?«;t it'll iron* " ,, l >lv , !>• '■ « 1 I * ,, >'•«•»»• . « . * "* !,<’ l , lioii-v , n , I , I , i p,nr i- r ' n '.mI piapc h<p in*i* many plainl 1! t' ti*r!rK nro lie ml iIh-iv. ■4 hroni' iC. Diynln. inv on, is a verv |tro|*ei f">ri <tl I ti 1 liif; 1 lit don't put oil I '* •ili'i'li o| it. oi vow in y i.e taken ibr n (not mao. T'ch All ihiuj/s iniiril have an eiel. the Sc'-i'm *<l a Grergia lauir*- ’ Tlio I2(J <luvs have net led lor each lueinlier $5# I. The Savannah Wnhty Snrn O the lx*-! weekly paper in the United plates. What it <l<x'S not cmitaiii i not worth knowing. We c*,inmen<i it, to the attention of the people. — ..... -sa- — ■ Y'linii* iiian. do not be dceeiveil Yonr he-t girl doe-lft erne, Ii ill so tnnrh nliout your fitting a nm-taelie raised nx xhe doe« about your get tine vour atilory laised. Hurllhf/fati /'//* J*rrsn, Tin* Cionin trial, iii Cliiengo. i developing very ugly phases. Sand bagging witnes-es hi get lid of tho'ii will not add to the public sympathy lor the aroused. We are lr ing in strange times pay ing long prices for the benefits of experience. 'Jin' Old Jfmnrstiini Mugazine puli Vislied hv the Du vis Rios., of Bnvan nuh, i“ a Southern enterprise that should receive a generous putioimge, not alone because it is a Southern literary predic tion, but as a recog tiition of its merits. The Davis Rros. alcsiTvc the ‘‘well done" of the pco pie. “Among the Tittux brightest week ly exchanges is its imme-nke, is publish • d at Blnckslieur It a most imtont luetor in developing its territory, and is conducted with much newspaper abilty." - Urunmick Timex. —Nov. 7th, 1889. . " i? ! rC ,T ' V 1" Ihc noln ol , Journalism i to attempt , to conceal our gratification nt tho-c encouraging words of our brethren of the press. M o look to time, and the use wo make ol it, to establ sh our claim b> public esteem. io . Muon,itn , \iitmis ■ . , .. ti , pnsl few weeks arc a M.ffieuut imh cm,on that when the people weigh Republican promises and ■ncos in thr mental sc.ih*. tin promises are discovered to pull down a much h.-avicr figure turn Hie **[[[" """ 1 -• In *'-*.» '*••' , •fforj lo osclinm, "V\o (.1, alio retirement of koraker Muhone is . but the ol what presage Is to follow The “hand-writing the wall" needs no prophet to inter prot its meaning. Time and patience are the !>ost allien ol the Democracy. The Grand Jury of AVnvne County in it* general presentments at the October Term, embodied the follow “In taking le“ tV Honorable Court, we l*og to extend our abound Ing thanks to the Honorable 8. R. Atkinson for the clear, concise and olahoratc charge, and the especial earnest intere-t in suppre-sing crime and bringing to justice tho offenders of ihe law; also to Hon. \V. G. Brantley. S*>l. Gen , lor his courtesy to this body, his ever readiness to aimptily the mysteries of the law, his good and patriotic advice. Wo feel, with Solicitor W. Brantley „ , on the side of the state, that crime ere long will abate in his circuit, un<) the red handed criminal will quake at h s presence and lose all that hope, that “thelawyers can save me." XAN'3 DUTY TO NDD” KIS CBLI3AIICSS. That which binds society together in concrete form, and which alone can impart vitality to commerce, i the perfect reLanee which one Individual can place upon tlie in,eg rity of another. Apart altogether trom a religious view of the matter, •ud setting the obligation ioTOXrt .» » bdi* i, . pirticu'ar I *” 4 15 ’ or ootninercial relations whatcrci Pan lx- •‘ii-i iiriL-il wh -re mor 1 •-,* 'J lions are di*i<g;*id« 1. *l’r in;-* -* |,ke fit.) ust," exclaim H.V 11 !,;. „*! . .. ^ '' m.nldv, in urn, oar • ».v. the Double to «<• ->i I r tin; vital iht^rrrffcH involve.) id u-* iiiiii.' <*oi. !hJi?ii • f riroi'ix***. A « >iihv i ro m iikjm i , e»»n.-r.U | wealth, * but * if . * b Uorleitx , iIn* *■* ll* by di-re guiding ihe oongaiioti-nt , In- ph*dg , , ed word, ho hec.iunes a |i.irtali, and noon di-covers that money wi.'l IMicba-e re-p'et; on the other hand, ■*•' aa :t»«liv dual h-- ever -<* poor I'm* w-o i I's o.«*■ 1-, lie is really richer -i tin* |«»— —ion ol jmhlie i -tm'iii. , .i* i < hu - • I with an unhli'iijwlied '•Ii n aeh r in up.notary t runs •ml lor gemral fi lelily to a promi-e. ill it Iiih rich, hut unieliuble, imigb h ir. Dot lor 11ii. to he Iiim the conditions must be favorable. Di-honesty ili-eutegrat,'s society nml converts ii into a jninhle ol sell ish units producifig a state ol chao in wliieli Hie fntiocctit. imi-t, inevitably suffer with the glibly. In lb* c uiiuercial ruin in winch the South "ii- involved by the war, credit, or mlii'f in promised, wu- all that -aved thou amis limn -larvalion. True, cairn'd to extreme, it involved disas ler a'so. Rut eiedit in’s l»e**n ii HCt.ically de-tn-yed, and by what ? ity repudiation ami evasion ol jn-t debts; by an almost general di-rc gard of ‘‘promises to pyv; .** by a • p"< ms ol cold-blooded dishotie.'.ty tied xuirises with the e.annino of -hamo the check ol every hme. t man. I’ublie opinion Ii m liecnmc dcinor a It zed in a measure. It 4 need pu* ifleation. II' the time ever romo wlmi the iiiiiii who di-ho ic-lly faiis to meet his iiionctury obligations will liud liiui-ell pilloried by an ludiguant public opinion, public confidence will be restored, and the meritorious rtloved ol the incubus ol misloriunc arising from general mistrust., Thc normal will succeed tho abnormal, and even tin* sharper will discover "i.u honesty pay.- better than repud abou. Ignorasca is Danjarctn. Editor 1 >i.acksiika ii I’imk-:—I very sincerely tru-t that the "‘ V ' Vul Ut 11,0 Methodist church of ihepud week may prove ol perma m*i:t lamcllt to the town of Black r I wid be the lust, 1 hope, loijuurrcl with any instr'utneutulity |,y wag<**d wotk may be ueenm piislied, or to object to any melhol or agency udonted for advancing ihe cause of religion, or improving ^ wi( . mora ^ u lui , )lllt0ra ,. v , his „ oL i( .„ l)(l|stwIlt Wlth tt ,| 0(!j , re t . iu „j while it is true that ^ ,, a8 s 4 , h( ,. on tLo weaK ,- l|(itl worUI t „ c „„| 0l | l)(i ,i H , -trong, U is fijuulh true llul a truinetl intd liii-mv wurkii.jr in ii }jo.iii cim-c, „ Ul , more elloctive than ignorant z-ul. . lUU ‘* T a ,1>au '" lal! v ‘S nor, ‘ nt ° r - mteinpimg to drive n pus-.-ugcr traiu on a tur.k line, li W,ul1 ' 1 1,0 J nst !,s u ’ distant to hold in contempl beenu-o some men and women have contrived to KCO,UO vor - v l 'C‘gious, or very without it. In no other cause have greater C ‘" ,K ' S » u ‘ ! rv‘tra.ed than in the ua " ic ' ol ' vdigum. And why ? W lien ** 10 L *mish church, in the middle ages, burned heroi cs -it the stake, aud desolated recusant countries with tire and sword. When New England hung Quakers and Witches, and drove Baptists into the wilderness, it was i t times when igoorauee and the most grievous super-tit on niaivhed hand in hand, as it were, and was done in tho name ot religion. When education became » i“*' . : >_ rnffu-ed men . k’amo* ,, t , ia.. ^ hrislianity, us taught by A nti-t., uieaut Charity and L*ve to one s Ik “'gLbor ; and that ! aul. the fiery, was n*>l the least ot tfie Apcstles, b< eau e he was learned in all the lore Gentile and the Jew, and had nnbit>ed knowledge "at the leet ot ok: x;e. The meeting ol the Board of Trus tees ‘ 1 1 the Black-hoar Academy, invited by the Principal kr Satuniay last, at noon, did not materialize, but mem'icr of the Board respond ® t0 :i ’ oa ‘ T; e failure wa ‘ ,,! . e- rrwv TTT'^ W * „ *4. • »« M . * »»*i * T’.c S nth S i la ron in*; rn'*r< !»“ iHuou- ar.d, nub**.- all -ium* i di. i ti f comiz winter uli tt »• !■ ui.rku.ble activity. ospemai..* matter* < *er w. n <» ,;n- -i i u**ii In I <et the vlr-n* iJ wo m w 1aL<* not, i* »‘li j ,,v : ;/• i.iMn 1 *' ;,=• <*) «* t tr<-‘jM 1 iitiou- ii* •'**! in’-. ol f-nirrjM iro: ^ „ fl<1 a Ui**l tendency in vain**-. —/Pitti «**/*•*• Juan'njnchirnifl ,, Hnurd. , , 'J'hat the above i- true there can no manner ol doubt. All the jx»int way. .j Ijr qne-iion |i*r u 4 , ol Pierce county niai-kshear, to cieisider is, are we to p.xinbiL oui-.-'Ives as dismal rjon- to Midi a jirospi-et? Is lei <*v -o to i n-lave our energies that we r hali he I mud inking behind in marcli of pro>rrp—, mere drags on the '.vheel ol turn ' It is puerile Vi whine about dilficulties, even where they God Inis always helped those who have luithl'ully tried to iicip themselves Look arouml you, lirui out what you eun do, and do it, and no it at opportunities me i.*»t lacking, uiv not wiiiiiinc, t ere is i.o lack ol' lesourm.'-; we nave all the natural advantages w ; can desire, why not utilize them, and make them available capital, The needful thing to do Is to com logetiier and not hold aloof I'rOiri caen ot ier. (bur interests are identical. Farmers and merchants and men are all in same bout, and must sink or float together. The snag that makes a lion* in the bottom swamps the lot, and we -hall ail go under in company whether we like it or not. Rut b\ uniting our-trengtli we can poll up stream against all difficulties, and "get there uli the same.” In thi H matter ol u County Fair Association, all that is needed is unity, concord, and singleness of purpose, and one „|- t | 1( . ni08 t petent agencies for iniproveinent will be realized. There is no room for croakers, w r u<. up uiid talk up the resources, ;U1(1 ^vantages ol location of your county and town, Northern man ulueltiier- are seeking locations in Hie genial climate of the South bringing with them capital, <‘"<1 population to make capital; lho newspapers are daily recording such incidents. Has any other seevion our State advantages superior to those we can offer? in only one thing are we lacking \Ve are deficient in vim. Yes; perhaps there is another want. We need a little more mutual cohesive ness, a property that binds people u Kiin r in a common cau-c and a common aim. Mb-are living in the Nineteenth ^ (Vli . Lite 'flows onward with ino-tble force ami impetus. We must torwonl with tlio tide or be con ^ A Na\z Dog Stsry. This, wo think, is a new, and of coult0 true, vlog story. A geuile lll!in wag out shooiing near Tomes t , )0 o q 10l . «) a y, when he Lad the misloi tunc which has previously oc curred to other sportsmen to shoot ^ |lsi Kora moment he was too overcome to see what damage he had ,, 0I1C IIlt , bd()ro , 10 oolllll rcc „ ver hiuiwl f the animal, a black retriever, i, ai i ixmio up to him bringing in hi? mouth its own tail, which had i>een shot t if. Next, please.— London Globe. An Krener. — Salesiuun— Well, whsteher want l Utistomer—1 want t<> buy a hat. Salesman—Why didn't ycr say so? Move lively now. This ain't nu morgue! Customer—I don’t like to be spok to like that. Salesman—Yer don't? Well, what yor stoppiiU the wheels f trade ler ? jy t >r ever see a real hat ? Customer—That's enough! Good >• isdesman—Just wait a moment. sir. I recognize you us tho ticket seller at the Imperial Central station. j triod to buy a t ckot ol you yester da v, and I've just endeavored t ) give you an imitation ot the way treated me. What’s the s:ze, ti; ?— Puck. It is rumored that Mej >r Campbell Wallace will soon resign Lem Railroad Commis-.on. Major Wall ice bas filled the position ot Chairman cf the Commission with great ability, •* pooplo. m in laet. xl::: c;ti csnszupciuDKr:. H BOX KM < 4 A., XoV. 12 h |«.— leaeheii h**tv G-t, rijur ; ,. oi the murder ol Frank Porrv l»v ;., w (iljvl „ u (both colored. ) ( !>■* < * * • * ' ’ ib ut. ion n*iHLS . w *»m Ii hor *. The caiw oi the ilitticultv lias n it ixi.u r.aiie Known vot. l*«T>-Vk..... lie hno retuv i. (* il!e»l him to the i > ir and -lr t. Inn in the abdomen with a load ol hunk-hot. Guyton has f!-'d to parts unknown, llioiiili every eflbrt is beii." ma<ie t-* 'd |t 1110 ^ m ‘ Mr. I L. Daniel went to LniriK * ( ^ Sunday. Mr. Whitley Lan^-tou came down 101 " biaek-hear inis uioi n:nir. Mr. •!. C. Orr*-. ol Xotasulga, Aia. came in last Saturday to accept a pos'tioD with Raxley Riles *k Co. Mess. W. A. Martin ami J. F. Clayton went to Br un-wick this morn ing. A delightful entertainment given at the residence ol Mr. I. L. I an-el iasl Friday evening. J. T. L. Hon. Hoary Kyors. IIodse OF RkpijksKATATIVES: -\t'ta. Ga., Nov. fi, BlacksiieaU Timks:— lion, Huts is one of the most punctual members of either branch «d the General Assembly. He altend strictly to all liis legislative duties. He is a member of several of most important House Committees, on a'l of which lie makes a punctual and dutilul member. All the session lie has advocated Hie passage of all laws that, will «’flt the farmer and the working l^ e - No county in the State sends a uiore iepresentativc man liete, and all the members w< uld like to him a member of the next L"gi.«la "ire. He is highly esteemed by all the members as a punctual and a good and u-eful citizen. N. Srni.ATTKiiVii.i.K, Ga. Nov. 9, '89. The young men of this place ^-g-.Hdzed a debating sociev. AVe V .. lliev will make it a great suc cos«. Col. L. L. Thomas, of Wareshoro, was in attendance upon the court, here to-day. Mr. Davis, ol Black-hoar, visited Schlnttorville yesterday. Mi-s Emma Re-'ii, tt. who has been visiting relatives here the past week returned home yesterday. R. i/s;v; ADVERTISEMENTS. 273 ft ** a kJ V L Ja CA L!V i rt Large and varied stock of FANCY & FAMILY GROCERIES, Every thing needed lor the table. BTItCIALTY 137 FINE CHKW IHOT03.&CCO U CXGAK3. } > j > ROW 1 Satisfact n*n guaranteed BLACKSHEAR, GA. JOS. A. IIAItPElt, ; n ? toek a full . 1,10 . . l,,t * ‘ ,ul • «* r108 * which he w offering at clo-e prievs for ea-U. DOMESTIC WINES OF MY OWN MAMJFAC i JRE A SPiiL.ALi _ Y F -h ami Oys ters regularly supplied to t omers who leave their or tleis with me. Fresh supplies constantly be;ng received. t SOITH SIDE RAIL ROAD STR EFT. G a. J. M. SHAW. SAW AVI) fT> H T t 1 AM' i rOTT »x I G!N k ) ii J DEALER IN ^ AMlLY <, ROCERIEn ^ ^ M »a02»il L lyirge Stock always on hand. Prices to suit tiro times, My -hire and Office is at my Mill. DLACKSIIEAR, GA. Lightsey, Eyers & Co., The Alliance Store* Have in stock everything needed by the farmers, at Alliance J’rices. Your money’s worth, and a little thrown in, every time TRY US m BE COMIHCED. BLACKS HEAL, GA M. M. COMEN, CORNER HAIL-ROAD NAD “A." STREETS, j >lackslienr. Cara., Keeps all manner of GOODS for the Farmers us . TDrv'Groods- 1 loots and Shoes* Hats and Caps* HARDWARE. Groceries, etc - etc* 3E0&T THIS A BID CLOSS nuFDlTS I want to see you. Have got just what you are looking foi. if. ‘. i: '1 3 "m.g'g‘ 25 1.7“) 4 A \ ‘yJmefi t. j E; .E 1* E 2; : ‘ 9 IS PREPARED TO DO A LL MANNER 0i" J01} WOIllx', 1’1{Ol\ll’TI.Y AND AT REASONABLE PRICES. Xothing but, l“IRh"l'»CLASS Work done. Patronage Sc-licilcd. BLACKSHEAR, GA. D. II. 13 L 11 NEY, iAMILY j & ANCY n s, S You want your food good and un adulterated—1 Lave them. Don’t Keep anything but First-Class GOODS. Prices are right every time. Don’t fail to see me. My an,i lv,ces are surc 10 p leasc * vou - (AT bybd’s oli> STAND.) BLACKSHEAR, GA. R. W- FULLER. M U . PHYSICIAN AND Black-eeae, Ga. f*^“No»r the “old Po-t Office. 3r. ^ioore, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN 7 BLACKSHEAR, GA Calls promptly attended to day and eight J. A. STKICKLANI), rrAirr. isr General Merchandise* TOBACCO. CIGARS a PATENT MEDICINES. Cnnintiy I'n otiic** 15, lit n;■* * S •!<!> to'. A. It. K. .Str et, ISlacktshear*----Gat GO TO Vv. E. Lockhart’s —For FMlST-CL VSS— GROCERIES Fmoy Pateat Flour A Special(▼. The OelebrnU'il Grarely Tohaccd and "Duily Grub" Cigars always is stock Highest market p 1 ice paid (or ail e.ount.ry pi odne, -. BLACKSA FA R,---GEORGIA* IF YOU WANT BBH acszrAr%, 41 LU. 1 k Honest Weight and Long Measure at the Lowest Figures for Cu-h. Examine the Stock of HUGHES & FOLSOM -DEALERS IN Dry-Goods, Groceries, Hats, Slices & Furnishing Goods &e, -—oOo— you have 1ml r single dollar t<# spend _vi>u should get tae value of 100 cents for it, and receive the same courteous ai teinion as if you were spending a hund red or a thousand dollars. See ns, Try us, Trade With ns t JAS- D- SWEAT, —DEALER IN— Staple and Fancy Groceries Cigars and Tobacco. o COUNTRY PRODUCE ROUGH'D AND SOLD. \ HANDLE ONLY FIRST-CLASS GOODS. &dj“Give me a trial, Satisfaction guaranteed. “ A ” Street, DLACKSHEAR GEORGIA. W. 0 , PAUL, Groceries, Fruits Etc v (At the old Bakeyr Stand.) Offers special inducements in tfro way o Fresh Goods and Low Prices. •fcayAnxiuns tr> please you. TRY ME! BLACKSHEAR, GA. Are 7ou Looking For t TT AD QUAR' ifiS? - 1 11JJ THAT’ A. X. Smith’s, Agent STORE. - I l*»ve got a large line of Dry G; o<ls, Roots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hardware & Groceries. I want to seK.. If you waut to buy we ll soon make a trade. feiTDon't lor get the place. A. X, Smith, Agt., BLACKSHr-AR, GA. Exterminate the Roaches. Lsrkin's Liefeinirg Roach Exterminator the best on the market. Kor eale by A, P. BRANTLEY & CO.