The Blackshear times. (Blackshear, Ga.) 1876-current, December 12, 1889, Image 2

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The Blackhfar Timit ~s -rr Entered at the Pas o“ <f in i ■ ):?( kdtrar, V • js nd-clas* mat ha in. kVxSTISIMO BAnsT-Parahcd sc Ucatim. KOT1CM, Utfr If you are not a SITSC1MB ER, this paper is sent to y u for your inspection in the hope Butt you will find it worthy of your support. We will under no circuinMances lake advantage "t ihe newspap* r law to compel any body to pav to- a paper; -for which they have not subscribed It is our j urj ose to make The Tim-ls the represent a live paper ot Pierce! county and South Georgia, and we will spare no effort to accomplish that object. If. otter a careful ex amination, you find The Times wor thy ol support wo will iio .pleased to have your subscription,. Tub T'nt'Ks I*Oci.mHiXO Co., Hlnekshcor, Ga. Good intentions wiil not help n Jinan on to succor*, when he is si riv ing to reach it by traveling the Wrong load. ,n:n f.uson />.t v/s. The following beautiful and touch ing tribute to (he South’s great, chief ttain, Jeff’-i.son Davis, who died sud xJcnly on the morning ol the <?th in (Ktaiit, iu New Orleans, iH from the $>eu of the gilted Grady, of the Con stitution. At 12:4. r > o'clock fids morning a great heart ceased to beat a stain 4 csh life wasclo«ed' Jefferson Davis,'fu st and lad pres ident of the southern conlcderacy, is dead! Ah we write these words u thousand miUuv uway,-the liodyot the Tmirisani cluofUuu, from which tin* breath lias scarcely beneath parted, lies mute and motionless the touch of reverential hands while in the regions ol the blest, tho groat soul, weary of the trotting hindrances of the flesh, greets li lends mid com radcs gone belorc 1 And now-has passed away the la-t di’ the mighty leaders ol tho hist cause! Cobb, Stephens, the kingly Toombs and the steadfast Mill; Van s-ey the Impetuous gentleman. Lee the ipulndln ol battle, and Jackson all gone! who Tilled its storm* gone Gone to the great tribunal, before which all things ure judged, and to Him who searclietli all hearts and measure! Ii to victor and beat on, in infinite mercy and infinite justice. Closed I be drama need which they fought, or plead ns heroes— si runt-hod the sword, furled the banner, sealed the reeoid—and then deal names -and tame, but u metuorv and a hern age to their......pie! With linn who •doeth all things well, they ' rest ut Just! Jetfemm Davis will be mounted iu millions ol hearts this day! Govern went will not render to him the pomp ■and eireuinstanco of n great death. but Ills IM-Oide will give to him n tribute ol love nud tears surpassing all that government could d<>, and honoring his memory ns earthly pantile could net do! lie is our dead! And horn M.ujl.ind to lex. is wliei ever mi other stales or in other laud.-, *. s |H.*ople inav havo wandered— wherever dauntless courage is or ht “'" ,,ss .. ....... ,,ma ° , “ t ; n ,ls “ av n e r o v o r , 1 * •' who have suffered ure love and su purb fortitude muy touch the heart or dim the eye there Jefferson Da vis—Uml biess his nuatc, as we write if—mill Ik' honored and mourned to day! H amid the winds id the new Morning into which kis soul has ou RtTOti. the grid ol this woilil muy come, he will be oouteni to know that his people love him, ami loving, oiourn ! Greater h- ;o t!;an is Ls, this people hath giveu. and can give •»««! Heroic* Versus Monarchic.. Brazil has changed her form 0 f torernment: SV is now a republic, ami, judging lo the lendeney ol the times, Utere appears to be a general gravitation towards republics througboiu the world. We that the object ol government is the preservation ol the persons and erty of met.. Turning to history we discover that in Rome, under the despotism of Nero, aed in l-Va-ioe under tho denomination of the National Conveu tion, men lived in tear of their lives, nud also of their possessions. We find Denmark well governed under an absolute monarch, and the United States equally happy under popular representation. Wbat is the inter cnee? That there is something be sides the mere 1 rraot government which conduces to a pe ?plc's hap piness. Lord Macaaley once remarked it: an essay on the “Utilitariaa Theory of .’.Join* Government ” that H we ought ail" <!.e constitution of tbo-e communities in which, under wliat ,<vor form, the blessingsol good ermueoterceqjoyed; aodtodi^ver, it p.-.-shfe. in what they eacl: oilier, and in what they differ tona those societies in which the xiUect of government is not at laked. ?Jv proceeding thus we shall univo, not indeed at a perlcct tlieo rr of government, lint at a theory wtriiffi will lie ot great practical use, and which the experience ol every seccessNe generation will probably bring nearni and nearer to perfec lion.” lli.-t ry, llicretore, bus Us practical uws. and must torm the bares ol a sound judgement, so cs.scn tial in a county in which the poorest citizen exercises, through the medium of the ballot-box, the function ol gov eminent. The differentiation ol form will not account for the divergence of results attained in the history of incut It is certain that under despotism the absolute ruler is weighted yviih a personal rexponni bilily that mu-t, in h greater or less degree, exercise some influence on his conduct. Under the rule of the majority to what source can nny responsibility be traced? Is a mu jority necessarily tlie embodiment ol all wisdom, justice, mercy, charity, liberty and integrity? Then, lor the the time being, the republican party baa succeeded to tlr« possession of those a It lib* ties ot which Democracy has been posse-sed by the ballot bol, and the minority, according to the rii^ta ol a large proportion ol the press, has no rights which the majority^ bound to respect. To him who is watching, with grave attention, the signs of the times, there will come u conviction i hat the grim shadows ol ultra communism, or rampant socialism, is hovering behind the throne is which majority Bit' and must sit. The point the most worthy off con siileration is this: Docs the term Republic, ns defined by the Fathers of American govern*, nt, moan the sumo thing now ? In Brazil, preset,t, at any rate, it simply rneuns tlio auprumaev ot military lorco over til conditioned masses. la i.. ii,,. u,u United States, it is becoming very t,iett,> ** iat we iiro passu* g turoii'di tentative phases, iu which is to be demonstrated whether the ntlc the nmjoritv will be fouait consistent W1,h , ,l,ul ' : lur “™ount . sd personal , « u liberty and salety of property id which the le; in republic 1 was once the synonym. Popular government will, nndoubt .i,,, „ w , ut ‘ .i.i., !? ‘ ‘ n " ignorant ertuen .-hall Itecoino the exception, when shall bo driven by public fcorn into obscurity, and envy shall give pluce t(| Umt « Mllontuiont vsh^ok is e: .joined * a 1,10 ^aered 1 ll ' text UM as *■ a chrmuaM I'Uiisuaw virtue. ---- From our * eiltS- v PATTHRSOS roQfTSSS. S ' ‘p \Gtr1.n ' t';V v ‘ ’ ” Doc J ’ 1H8«* j On: Times representative was on hand, promptly this morning, « a ix?s|Kinse to an invitation, to be a partaker of the Alliance dinner given Iiert' , to dii.v. , ll« .. «K.n Wml , ,, ,, m the midst of a host of tRhers on a i>»ke . bent About ., . mtsston . joeiockthepeoplo began tj assemhio fr0,u a!1 ^’CMon-, and «>on tutor son was hlleti with people. Hitchiug ponto were tn great de uiaiwl. Horses ol all conditnms,— Iat - u,ui not Sl * (al ’ ,1U10S ani occasionally m ox. were to be seen. AHogctlier the scene was quite un animatetl oue. At . eleven , o , ehvk * , tJje ntemliers . . Patterson ,, Alliance ... assembled ., , . in iheir hail and listened to an address ^>’ ^ r - U- h- Bhatley. 1 *he I.’mks representative, not beteg a member u * Alliance, was not permitted to Avar this addre-s, but he does eot doubt that it was unable one and Wt ‘^ delivered— at ant rate he confident that it was a vigorous and earnest speech, for he occasionally heard the vo«ce ot the orator as it " u!d rise above the dm of the multitude, so earnest was the speak er - '■ And next came dicecr! and suck a dinner! The writer must confess >• ' >"«'»'•».'* '•> «<'**''* 1!,e Fplendid past Hut wa, spread lor the The table, which wa*, prolrably, one hondred toet to *g. faid l««m prepared in a tamtit'ul grow, ami was lit era Hy toaded with things. At the proper moment Dr. Whatley, the master of cereino hies, announced that dinner ira?. ready ami invited ail present to partake their. A. The writer partook, The ladies who bad the preparation of I he dinner in hand deserve great credit. The dinner was a great success. TflK Times tnau is a stand ing candidate tor an invitation to tlie next owe. In our article last week we mentioned several of I’atter-on's busy merchants, and this week wc have the, pleasure of speaking of others. Among Patterson's young business men none stands higher, perhaps, tlriry jessie l. casojt, who occupies the Miller building, .Mr. Cason is a young man of sterling qualities, and Las the confidence ol the people. A sturdy business man is a. i,. oniN'Kn, w j 10 j g well known to the citizens the county, having, at one time, filled the office of sheriff. yi r Grincr is doing a good business, and carries a weil selected stock of goods. e. 8. m’oeh ,*f I is the proprietor ol a large ginsing establishment, and enjoys the reputa tion of being a first-class ginner. go far this season he has ginned 125 bale-- of Sea Island cotton. Mr. J. N. Itaiilcrson says, that the people in his motion are anxious to see the South Brunswick & Cmldele railroad built, and he docs not believe that a single man will refuse to give the right-of-way to the company. The Times representative was , much gratified to hear numerous enmmeinlatious of The Blacksheak Times, and to find that it laid so ii. any warm supporters in this sec tiou Mr. .h If Dickson says that, we 1 ,nu > consider him a standing subseri wr 10 T,,E Timks, ami that every man * n tbe county ouglit to lake it. ^ can 1 rca '*? pet haps the children can; ’ and if none ol them l ^ 111,1 ,oa ^ 18 " OIt 'T * (,r wtnncn to cut paterr.s out ol.” Another warm supporter of The Times is Mr. James S. Thorn •Hs, one of Pierce county’s many sub stantial farmers. The writer had the pleasure of spending a couple h,,urs 1,1 Mr - lho,,ma hospitable j homo u • a ^‘ a,,cc invites bids, from the merchants ol the county, for supplies ibr Kr 1B 1890 *'v* The int bids mils should nomo be oe hand- nano ^1'» > as soon as possible, and will tic aelc ‘* U P° Q t * ic ' r lnst - 1 egular meeting ut January. . Mr - K - McGee’s gin bouse Came b-iug destroyed by fire afternoon. A match in the cotton was run through the gin and set fire K,ul 0,10 hun,lrcd pomdAo{ 1 ' nt Cotton which was destroyed. unately ’ no other damage ® was done. Flyer. Meeting of the Colored Alliance. Oo,,,n,unic * , * d - The colored Farmers’ National A „ iuncp of j» iereo countVf | ie i d a ! niectin „ in Blackshear ia-t’^it.mlav ' ^ . 11,11,1 . . t ,l ‘ 1 ’ K • order , and meeting to explained the uf ||K . a||ia „ m botno interesting . , .. information f from ^ XaU0(ia , AUia3ce uf 1Vxas wer0 road (^ for cthe meeting. Sev er> , illtorcstinj? | ectures wore listened t( and considerable interest was A reflation urging all in0Inbers to Mv the assPssment ol $2., necessary to become a member of Xa , iona , Eschan in Char!s to[) ^ ’ q ’’ wus ‘ a< jonteri 1 Ail members . earnestlv were re quested ...... to attend second meeting. a which .. , will be held at early , day. , an VIVID. Coli mbcs, Ga.. Dec. 9, 1889.— Your correspondent arrived here Saturday, last, alter considerable riding over different parts of the «tate, which, as a matter of course, rendered rest appreciable which I erjaye«l at our quiet home among the red hills, seven miles north of thus yestetdaj. * Thurstlay night at ^v cn o’clock 1 was on the Atlantic between Cumberland i> aud an?l the edv ot Brunswick, and Sittrday roorniag was in the queen city of the valley, Columbus An unosaal ca-e of suicide was wit here a few days ago. A lew years ago a citizen of Columbus loll osw ol Alabama's fill Widows, to whom lie offered his heart and hand and was accepted. Accordingly the couple were united in marriage, ami until a short time ago, when another claimant to the beautiful woman showed up and put in his claim, they had lived very together. it was a great surprise to husband number two to learn that b ind number one was still alive, It was found that the first husband had, several years ago, killed a man and was sentenced to prison for life, but on receiving a pardon from the Governor of A abama, began search his loving wife, whom be had left in poverty to battle with the world alone. Here lie found her, and declared her his. The same love and devotion for him, still existed in the bosom of the faithful wife, who had lived apparently happily with her second husband, a gentleman in splendid circumstances and one of Columbus’ mosl ''cspectable citizens, and she decided to put an end to her trouble, which she did by taking a dose of strychnine. L. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cut-, Bruises, Sores, Ulcer?, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter. Chap lied Hands. Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Files, or no payment required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per b >x. For sale 1)V T L. Acosta & Co. POINTS OF SUPERIORITY OF The Damascus Plow- 1st —The niou!d*bo ird is east on polished iron plat s, isclii led and is harder than the highest tempered steel. It will, in sandy soil, last ten times as long as a cart-iron mould-board, and -,vill scour in sticky soil where a east one will not 2nd.—Most on -horse plows are top heavy; the Damascus has most of its weigt t b low the top of the mould-board, and whether at Work or standing still will stand up of its own nc.-ord. Ii runs lor this reason v-ry - dy and easy f a- tlie plowman. **rd.— The -hnpc of the s ill makes it less fia de io ehg tlinn o l.- r plows. 4th. — The draft is known as a draft” and on the “DaMas. : i” is as much si? as is that of a pole of a twu liorse wagon. Clh,.—Tliere is da? head of the beam bolt or obstruction of aror sort for trash to hang to. 6lh ’ T1 ' ,r ? is room for trad? tom., lett , well , ft? the right of tlie to Int' as as standard. ,th.- he beam ,« adjust able on thenhiiter between the nniidles, so as to turn it u? or from the land, smlie exact centre of draft may he found, thh.—-The hand Vs nr.? so placed that the {•lowinnn behind the walks plow. m die furrow ducctly mh.—From the thick: o^s and compact arrangement ol'tbc ca-ting-it is the , strongest one-horse plow in the rnurk et lOth.-The handles are fastened directly tot >e standard, winch lakes all sn-. m off the mould-board and landstde, and brings the plow under perfect control of the plowman. lItl Ro.d r durearlTh,IrYtdRy h hiS C ait of the material and workmanship of tlie ^'-t. 12th,— ll is the only genuine chill“d plow ever put upon the market at about the price of common east-iron plows. MAXUF.UTUKCI? BY ROUND PLOW WORKS, Baltimore, Md. -FOR SAUK ltY A. P. BRANTLEY A CO., BLAFKSHi: UL i; A., HOTELS. — BROWN HOUSE, NEAR THE RAIL ROAD DEPOT, n a ’ at Special conveniences for Cummer cial Travelers. Lfps tOiic .All an o ’Rmtirn O rOWIl, jrTQ Prn’e 5. STRICKLAND e -a HOUSE. — Crr:d:e the Tepcf— BldCksliePr Ga. In business pari of the town, Terms ^as-uable. J. W. STRICKLAND, Proprietor* IllHilEH SIIOI 1 ! •e^P.tron; Mr. JIHN AllSIISI’S you warn;. ^>Vsh^ ’ BUSINESS ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 L 1 J-jJN & YVAlDlio DEALERS IN {1f}|ft|}q UwwIrW alt Akfl if “ ^ NotiOilS > * m K '- T I UL/CI IbOj 1 UDgUUU Oh CJT"^3* "" We sell cheap for cash, and guar antee to please you. Your WATCH needs repair 9 c : J. M. WATEBS, •Tender , Will fix it for you reasonably. OFFICE WITH TUTEN & WATERS BLACKSHEAR, GA. M. M. COHEX, CORNER RAIL-ROAD AND STREETS, HI aeks 1 i e ar- Ci n. , Keeps all manner of GOODS for the Farmers use. Dry-Goods- .Hoots and Shoes? Hats and Caps? HAEDWARK. Groceries? etc - etc* SHOUT TIMS AMD CLOSE PKOFJITS I want to sec you. Have got just what you are looking for. tf. I). II. BURNEY, MLY & EANCY GROCERIES, \ ou want your food , good and un adulterated—I have them. Don’t Keep anything bat Firs^-Class GOODS. Prices arc right every time.’t fail to see mo. My Goods and Prices me sure to please you. (AT BYRD’S OLD STAND,) BLACKSHEAR, GA. Exterminate the Larkin’s Lighining Reach • die best on the market. Tor sale by A. P. BRANTLEY & CO, JOHN A. STRICKLAND, -DEALER IX General Merchandise, a Country Produce &c. BLACKSHEAR, GEORGIA. nor 21 ly BRANTLEY, SESSIONS k CO., IkA.AIRvIIETT.A, GA. The Largest Store In North Georgia. Imported Novelty Suits, Foreign and Domestic Dress Goods, Plaids and Trim miners, bilks and Velvets, Woolens, Hosiery and Gloves, BRANTLEY, SESSIONS k GO. covl2;f THE HUES ITHLISIIIli; fOllPTW, IS PREPARED TO DO ALL MANNER OF JOB WORK, PROMPTLY - AND AT REASONABLE PRICES. Nothing but FIRST-CLASS Work done. Patronage - licited. BLACKSHEAR, GA. GO TO \V. E. Lockhart’s —For FIRST CLASS — r( _/\r.r»'nT-n R 0 I, K I S n IT U H v v J-i r X X Xu r KJ FaUCy PatSllt FlOUr A Special y. The Celebrated Gravely Tobacco “Daily Grub’’ Cigars always in stock Highest market p ice paid lor al^ country produce. 1 T. L ACOST k & CO. LIVE GROCERS Large and varied stock of choice FANCY a FAMILY GROCERIES, Every thin,, needed lor iiiu table. ErrciAETTr^irr fixte chew ZICCi TOBii.CCO St CI3ARS. PEICES LOW! Satisfaction guaranteed BLACKSHEAR, GA. WEBSTER ___ THE BEST INVESTMENT s. For the Family, School, or Professional Library. j /MpicTw mJ M r itself Has been for years Standard Authority in the Government Printing Office and U. S. Su preme Court. It is highly recommended hy 38 State Sup’ts of Schools and the leading College Presidents. Nearly all the School Books published in this country are based upon Webster, as attest ed by the leading School Book Publishers, 3000 more Words and nearly 2000 more Engravings than any other American Dictionary. SPECIMEN TESTIMONIALS. The New York World says: AVcbster is »1 *~Tnost universally "conceded to be the beet. Tho Boston Globe says: Webster is the ae knowledged standard in lexicography. The Atlanta Constitut ion says: Webster has ! Ton^eeiuIn^taiKlTrd authority in onr office. I Th9 Chicago Inter Ocean says: Webster’s Unabridged lias always been the standard. The New Orleans Times Democrat says: Webster is standard authority in our office. ^ New York Triba iiesay ' q: Itisrocogni ’ 7>,d as the most useful existing “word-hook” of the English language all over tlie world. Sold by all Booksellers. Pamphlet free. C. & C. MERR1AM & CO., Pub’rs, Springfield, Miu Ladies Wraps, FEEXCH MILLINERY. Men’s Furnishings, Fine Slices, Hats. Mail order department under the per supervision ol one of the firm. EF”Requests for samples and prices, receive prompt attention.