The Blackshear times. (Blackshear, Ga.) 1876-current, January 09, 1890, Image 1

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- BLACISHEA 4 R TIMES. YOL. VI. The Government of Russia is building a railroad across Siberia to the Pacific Ocean. There will be 4000 miles of track and 2500 miles of river transportation. According to a recent telegram from Ottawa, Canada, it is stated that 125, 000 French Canadians crossed the bor der into the United States during the year 18S9. Capital punishaient does not seem tc be much of a preventive against the rise of revolutionists in Central America. They spring up and are shot down with remarkable regularity. A Chicago man is being denounced it cold type as “a hog” because lie won’t sell to the city of Sacramento, Cal., tin site of the blockhouse built by Captain John _ A. , before „ tin Butter seven years discovery of gold there. The Sacra mento folks want it lor a memorial park, A romantic story comes from Kaloska, in Hungary. A young pupil entered a seminary to prepare for the priesthood and lived exactly the same life as the young men on the premises. The Cardi nal’s suspicions were aroused, and it transpired that the pupil was a lady, who said that she desired to become s priest. A new substitute for tobacco is being introduced, It is a mixture of British herbs—the particular plants are kept se cret—and smokers xvho have tried the compound declare it to be deliciously flagrant, slightly exhilarating, and withal soothing to the nerves. Combined with ordinary tobacco it is said to make a blend as satisfactory as that of chicory with cof fee, but such a blend is illegal and punishable by very heavy fines. At pres ent it is prepared in Scotland, under the name of “herb tobacco,” and it lias rapidly grown in favor. A small boy at Marshall, 111., has voiced a seutiment which would be a good thing for general adoption, He was a very tough urchin, and together with his little brother got so had that the townspeople decided to send him to a reform school, so he was arrested on an old charge of theft and advised to plead guilty. The little fellow stoutly main tained his innocence of this particular crime, and, while acknowledging that he ought to go totlc reform school, declined to plead guilty to something he had not done. 11c won the sympathy of both the spectators and the court, and xx'as finally discharged. Saccharin is beginning to be felt by the beet sugar manufacturer as a dangcr ous enemy, It is stated that iu Ger many already so much saccharin ha been made as to render 5000 tons of beet sugar superfluous. It is principally em ployed in the preparation of fruits and the production of sweet liquors. It is not a food stuff. Indeed, declares a con temporary, it has been condemned by •minent medical authorities as directly prejudical to health. The sugar manu facturers are of the opiniou that sac •harin should only be sold by chemists. France, Italy and Portugal are already contemplating imposing a tax upon it. In _ a recent t number of r the . bulletin . 1W . ol , the Horticultural Department of the Agricultural Experiment Station of the Coileoe Goitege of ot A^ncumir Agriculture of Cornell orn Uni- Lni versity, a tomato is put through a sort of civil service examination. The scale of points for a perfect tomato, says the bulletin, will probably ... run about . thus: . Vigor of plant........................... S :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: “ .......................... » shape of frut...........................20 10 Sue of fruit ............................ Flavor ............................. 5 •-'ooktorqualities....................... •» ...........................* ion An impressive lesson for the United States comes from South Africa, where no rain has fallen fora year, and there is much suffering for want of water, p ro _ fessor Seeley, the American geologist, who has just made a tour of the coun try, says the same cause that rained Egypt. Mesojsjtamia and India, once the most fertile countries in the world, is at work in South Africa. It is the dest rue lion of the timber, and the same cause that turned those countries into deserts is producing the same effect in South Africa. It is at work in the United -date®, and we shall see the same de structive effects from it More many years. BLACKSHEAR, GA. THURSDAY, JANUARY 9. 1890. CURRENT NEWS. l CONDENSED FJiOM THE TELE• maiui 7 '* iva t'.tprr ' ’ THINGS THAT HAPPEN FROM DAY TO DAY THROUGHOUT THE WORLD, CULLED FROM VARIOUS SOURCES. France, acting in accordance with Eng land. k about to recognize Hypolite as President of Hayti. Another nihilist plot against the czai has been discovered in St. Petersburg. Several arrests have been made. The iron firm of Curtin & Co., near Beliefonte, Pa., made an assignment Thursday. Liabilities about #200,000. The French government intends to en force the legal penalty against 300 priests convicted of meddling with elections. The international maritime conference, ? Mch has been “ sessio “ iu Washington for tunc, , adjourned die lues some sine dav About fifty men attacked the temple oi the faith healers, in Tuscola, Ill., Thurs day, and smashed its windows with stones. During the goods past ten months the imports of woolen amounted in value to #47,167,423, against #44,010,890 during the same months of 1889, The conductors’ and switchmen’s strike on the Evansville and Terre Haute, and Evansville and Indianapolis roads, of the Mackey system, still continue. Twenty-two Russian officers have been arrested charged xvitli being members of a secret society, the object of which is to establish a constitutional monarchy. A disastrous fire occurred on Tuesday at the industrial school in West ham, Eon don. Twenty-four lives were lost, The buildings were almost totally destroyed. The Berlin Ttigblatt says it has infor mation that Dr. Peters and the members of liis party arc certainly alive and that tho expedition is marching between Kenia and Baringo. A dispatch received from Oporto, Por tugal, .Saturday, says that the ex-Em press of Brazil, who has been visiting that city with Dorn Pedro, died Saturday. Her death is supposed to have resulted from heart disease. The Academy of Music, in the course of erection at St. Louis, morning. fell in a heap at 10.30 o’clock Monday Fifty workmen werel.i the building A mini hero! them are missing, and firemen are at work searching the rums. The Sioux chiefs, uow in Washington, appeared before the commissioner of In dian affairs on Wednesday, and stated their dissatisfaction with the schools at Hampton and Carlisle, and asked that schools be established on the reservation, It is stated that the steel trade of this country is to be revolutionized by a new process lor making open hearth steel as cheap or cheaper Ilian Bessemer steel. A test was made a few days ago at Pittsburg, Pa., interested. which was fairly satisfactory to those It'is estimated at the treasury depart ment that there has been a decrease of nearly $4,000,000 in the public debt dur ing the month of December. Reduction for the calendar year, ending $01,536,148 Tuesday, is $81,481,258, against for the calendar year of 1888. At Rochester, N. Y., on Tuesday, the general term of the fifth department handed down a decision in the case of Kemmler, the murderer condemned to death under the new Jaw providing for exeeuti.m of eriminala bv constitutional’, eleetrieltv which, the court holds to he Intelligence has been received at Paris, Tai from Oboe, the French settlement on jurat. Bav, on the east coast of Africa, that two French missionaries who were traveling from Zeilah to Ilarrar, under es cort of eight Greeks, were attacked murdered. bv natives and all the party ' were Alderman M T, II. Porter and w Constables , . . , . hephar.l, Parker and Carney, were con victed at I ittsburg, l a., This on :i«--.Jny of conspiracy to defraud makes five aldermen convicted of receiving money to settle illegal liquor s< lling cases. 1 he ;;r< * now 8ervin K terms in the w< ^ Th " fonr ^ bous f f Bergernan r .National hale and Exchange stables, at Baltimore, caught fire Tuesday. Jhere were seventy-five horses in the place were rescued when the save fire tenon wt« discover^ the third *oor. AU The property destroyed was valued at #30,000, and was fully insured. la•Xnu-.ii" miuion dollari “ompanv ti „ !:ir ,„. “ffS kt basin.-s writ df assurance/of in The out- 8tan ng the society now exceeds #625,000.000, the assets are .'«■»« «• if •**»**#»,*». A test was made Tuesrlay of the elec trieal machine putting purchased murderers by the state death. of New York for to A horse was killed in l.rss than half a min ute, and without the animal struggling, The doctors w ho witnessed the experi ment are entirely satisfied that the ma chine will produce instantaneous death, Employes of Carnegie’s Homestead steel wr , r k;j a t Pittsburg. Pa., have been noti fied bv the firm that the new scale of wa ges will go into effect immediately. The advance in wages will average about 1J cents per ton. These figures were given by one of the workmen. A scale has not been arranged, but will lie be lore the mom.i e.spires. Dr. Barboza. the Brazilian minister, e* timates that the total expenditure for 1890 will be 68,(XKl.000 milrel*; that the treasury baiante will lie 82,000,000, and that the balance from the' interior loan will cover the deficit and allow the com pletion of interior contracts. The uublic debt is 1,03 2,000,000 milrels. The par value of a milrel is about 50 cents. A Chicago dispatch, of Saturday, says: States Attorney Lougnecker makes public the information that ho has secured, eon siderable evidence against four or live other men who were suspected of com plicity in the Cronin murder, and that he might, indicted before long, take steps trial. to have lie them and brought to declines to mention their names. The exports of specie from the port of New York last week amounted to #770, 9G8, of which $04,349 was in gold and ? n s ‘. lver - °J ** *? tal CX ^ #,04,002 m ^Iver went to Europe, and all the gold and #2 227 ... stiver went to South America. 1 ho imports ot spi c te for the week amounted to $170,4.>8, oi which #123,850 was in gold and #40,008 ' in silver ' A dispatch Irom lopeka, , Ivan. ,, says. The banners’ Alliance, Mate Grange and Knights ot Labor there have formed an offensive ami defensive alliance according to the recommendation ot thurecent farm ers’ convention and Knights of Labor con vention. The object of the combination is co-operation in Kansas business and politics. The combined alliances iiun.bei In their ranks over 125,000 members. A dispatch of Tuesday, from Loving ton, 111., says: Great excitement prevail. here over an attempt ol .mile members of the Pentecost band to deny two highly There respected girls from their homes. was almost a riot af the depot when the faith healers tried to take the girls with them against the wishes of their friends, and knives and revolvers were shown. The feeling against the faith healers runs very high. The western inssen-vr ^ rate war is now / fairly • i begin). , Keduced i> i i rates , I ft rom st Sr. Paul to Chicago went into effect Thins day, and to make the light more andBt. interest- Paul ing the Chicago, Milwaukee road has ordered a cut of #2.50 in the first-class rate from Kansas City to Chicu go. The evident object of the cut is te punisli the Burlington and Quincy for flit action of the Burlington and Northern. T four i l hundred -I-, vout-hM, rom posing t lie , • ' r C ,i hicim-o . press r ,, coders’ , , union, . struck , tor , , an advance 7 of pay oif r Monday. i rn I fiev were receiving from #7 to #1, a week, ami gave two hours’ notice of a demand for #10.50. Except in one instance, the de maud was refused. The strike affects only local and job printing offices. The employers decided to Unitedly light the strikers’ demands. A dispatch from Nebraska City, Neb., , has nTS . ftimpson, ex-county with treasurer, been arrested, charged zling the funds of the county. Simpson had completed a four years’ sentence on a similar eliarge,Ids term expiring Tuesday, when lie was arrested on two other counts. The total amount of {simpson s embezzlement will never be known, but a shortage of #88,000 was found. Pay Clerk .Tones, of the Government marine Christmas corps, disappeared from examination Washing ton night, and on been of ]u’s accounts shows them to have falsified and a default of $2,500 has been discovered The matter has been placed in the hands of the police. The Iosh fall/ on Major Goodloe, paymaster of the ina rine corps, and his bondsmen. .Join* tried to create the impression tliat he had committed suicide, but tliat is nov doubted. ‘ SOUTHERN HISTORY. I * APEI!S llKAD krvohk the aveiucan histohicai. association. - The American Ilistorieal association, . wliich lias been holding its annual meet- the j n f at Wtrfiui.Kton devoted Tuesday, ,!ist .° f lts “ wnon - ° h,;an '^ l ,a I"' rs oli ( ? . ^Mory. Among these was one “ titled > “-^tenals for the btudy of the Government of the houthen. Lonfcder \ iy John (>sb f ! nle H ar V a rd umv, ' rs, . t -'\ I "Wedthat ( much of , this , , . material , of value laid been de stroved during the closing scenes of the war Loc umenls accessible. were also preservwl which are not yet There wer. many e jecutive messages and <l< - p ar t me n tal reports obtainable, and journals of the confederate congress ;ire p ( . ; p existence. After mhih reference to tl . histories written by Jef fenon Davis and Alexander 11. Stepb.. s as well as to other recent works, the paper closed with a plea for information as to the existence and whereabouts of do. u meats bearing upon '^ntederate history that are as yet imprinted. 1 he final paper of the session was delivered by Professor William E. Trent of the University of tin I »s"Trr,!.i;' A V? J-J 1 < ullcetio r. of r mat. I rials for a south ^ ^ ' W V ' rk) t ‘ h ,. i af .j: 0 f nublie enthu- j.,™ in h.'work* receive more attention in the future, and expressing the hope that southern history may be studiiil by the peojde of all sec tions. FEEDING THE HUNGRY WICHITA, KANSAS, REMEMBERING BUF FERING FARMER*. A train of eighteen ears left Wichita. Kansu*, Thursday night for the suffering districts in Stevens, Morton, and Hodg mar counties. The cars were loaded with clothing and food. Report* recently re ceived were to the effect that several hundred jx-rvins are suffering at present, Peopie at the end of the railroad at Lib eral and vicinity were ready with wage,ns to make an attempt to transjs/rt relief from forty tej seventy miles to where it is needed. It is believed the weather may get extremely cold and thus increase the suffering. SOUTHERN NOTES. INTERESTING- NEWS FROM ML POINTS IN TIIE SOUTH. GENERAL PROGRESS AND OCCURRENCES WHICH ARK HAPPENING BELOW MA SON'S and dixon’s link. , r 1 ,, lie / tmo-Democrat pronounces the gravel i ,i roads of New Orleans a success, which n f ar preferable to the shell roads were tiret tried There were 1.140 negro exodusters on a • ;| , f N <>., * n , . J hur ^ lHV llight< all K1V0 lif t y going to bobbin Mississippi. Thousands more will leave ' ro at once ' while . four boys, , between the ol ages six and eight years, were playing under t jj,. (.jgj. 0 f a wm( i bank in Jackson, Ten on Tu , S(l . lv _ tb( . I)llnk caV c<l in. hsirving ^ ' them under about ten feet of T Th (U . ad wlu , u ,. rt ricate«l. * Richmond, . A a on Monday, __ , 1 Ik os! - luspcdor Wilde arrested J nucs P. \\ right a letter earner in the lunond postothce. charge,1 with rob A £'■ was louml on his person. \\ right was f„ rluerlv a Methodist minister, ' A , “wm of . 1 i,„-sch drawing . a party - returning Teun Tuesday Horn n wedding in ( hattanoogu, n.glit, ran into a broken telephone wire that had been crossed with M .'Kdr.c light wire. Hoth horses we,e *'\ d t '»' driver was knocked sense •>' the shock. 1 lie incident created ^' !lt '‘ x< ' lte,n, '" t - The store of \V. T. Massey & Co., at Iii" <l,lnto "’ N ' ( ''> " ils lmr u'ed Saturday. Tile stock, ’ valued at #15,000 to #20,000, I ™ » totaMoss. . , Heventy hales , of col on 1,1 ll “’ were burned, but loss is . covered by insurance, Tho build mg valued at #8,000 was a 0 ,1 UI,< '• ° <. Sales of new leaf tobacco in the Dan viile, \n., market lor I he past three months was 8. 1:1, ,413 pounds, an increase over tho riuih* period 1 of thoprevious 1 ve«r ot . 4,o,)<,.>•>£ , ~. K1 pounds. . Output ,. , . iniinuiue- \ 1 1 lured , tobacco . , lor tin 4 year 1881) was r ‘-H’’ 8 ** 4 , ovcr the 4l l- ' .ous year of 2,251,771 pounds. . The Kentucky legislature organi/.ed at Louisville, Monday. Governor Buckner's message shows the defalcation ol Treas urer late to lie #17-1,001. Alter all credits bv sale of bis properly are deduet jf’ and n ‘ du, accounts "‘ tlns t0 yet ftl unsettled ""f. ^'50^100,. will fur- mid ,lls j m,ou,,t i ,s to , ,M: . collt ‘ c ‘ wl fro "' 1,18 ,Kmasm ™ Austin, of Decatur, Ala.,, was appointed receiver ol the P irst. National of Sheffield, Ala., by the l uib d States court on lucsday, and lileri Ids bond in the sum ol $ 100,000. Austin ^as formerly assistant doorkeeper of tha house of representatives was at one time 1 proprietorof 1 the Knoxville ('hronicle. ^ terrific explosion ol gas occurred in two-story brick building, corner hlisian Pelds and Victory streets, New Orleans, Monday, demolishing two buildings and burying six persons beneath the debris, but by the heroic ' lloris of the firemen 'md police they were rescued without sc nous injuries. Many window glasses in -|djacent buildings were shattered by the lorce of the explosion, Fannie Bryant, tlie negro woman con yicted as the accomplice of Dick Hawe« in the murder of hn, wife and chi dren a Birmingham, Ala., was on Mon. ay sent to the pen.tent,ary to serve out a life sen H p r ease was appealed to the su preme court, but errors in the bill of ex - . pi ions threw it out of court. The wo ....... M .ise.1 o make any statement before ‘ he J 81 ‘ Mrs. Maria Louise . Longstreet, , consort r ,f Gen. .lames Longstreet d.ed at Gaines v.lle Ga., on Monday. Mrs. Long-,tree several becn confined to her room months and bore her suffering patiently unf ] w ,th Christian resignation. Her maiden name was Garland, a daughter of General John Garland, of the I nite.l states army, and a distinguished citizen of Virginia. She was bora on the l«tli lay of March, 1827, at Fort Smiling, Minn., and was married to General Long tnf*t in LyiH-hburg, Va., on March 8th, jtjJH. A * . f . ia] from Rirmingham, Ala., says: . fri K lltfll i ,. r , r ,. M1 ninir in th« k;a( h ot - two men and the in jury of I wen , Jj,,. . 0 t j^Vrilr-m, b ,. rs occurred Thursday morning on B,oekto„ and Birmingham . •. k , in)ll l(t .i, a . i j . . lh „„ t t wo bun.lnd \ Jong’and from’t went v-five to fifty »<■•»* • ... ...... «*«« , Webb, two of the carpenters at work «» the irestle, were killed, and twenty l,then T1,,r " werc numeroui l,n,k ' -n J ^> rite a, '‘ l ^ms, an.l several of the injured may die. HORSE THIEVES AT WORK. A REGULARLY ORGANIZED BAND OPERAT ING IN' TENNESSEE. counties V. . middle . . rr Tennessee. A 4 splen- i ” in didlv organized band of hor- thieves has h’-Tor^hindran >■<•' It hi "Vrin^teH that within the last two weeks 200 horses have been stolen and run into Kentucky fastnesses, follow’them where it is next to impossible to or tho l>«-en thieves. Jtet one of these animals has recov ered. Gen. W. II. Jackson, of the famous Belle Meade furm, Colonel John Overton and the Cockerills are preparing a farm ers’ association, which, with an abundance uf money to back it, will employ an ade quote and competent force to annihilate tjy. robbers. BUSINESS REVIEW ntK WEATHKIt M \Kt-’S SKVKHAt. BltAKCIIRt ; OK TRADE VERY 1HT.L. K. G. Dunn & Company’s weekly re view of trade, says: A pause iu business is usual at the end of the year, hut ihh« year the unseasonable weather and much pressure for money at tho Fast, makes dullness border on the depression. Whilt the prospects for the future are generally regarded w ith great confidence, the pres ent state of the trade is not quite satisfae tory, and in some sections ol the country delay of collections causes fear of commercial embarrassments. The holiday business lias been large at nearly every point reporting. Tlse move ment of grain at Chicago continues equal to that of last year to date, with an in crease of lifty per cent, iu beef products, receipts of butter nearly doubled, and a slight increase iu lard, but some decline in cheese, wool an.l hides. The grocery trade reports a prosperous year, but very light sales at present. Tim paper trade is also light stud collections there slow. At Boston, all the wholesale trade lias been quiet, ahead but some retailers report holiday sales of last year. Wool Is inaetiva but steady, and hides, leather and hoots and shoes moving fairly at unchanged prices. those The weak points of the situation are trades which are most affected by two successive mild winters. The anthracite coal trade is stagnant, in the absence of demand, and tho situation is almost without precedent. More than half the Reading coal mines have closed, throwing eight thousand miners out of work, and it is stated that twenty thous and miners are working on three-quarters time. The bituminous coal trade is more active but lacking ears. No delimit.' re lief in the woolen goods business can be expected caused until prolonged cold weather 1ms a well-sustained demand, and the clothing business in all parts of the country must necessarily weather. depend,to a great extent, upon the To a greater or less extent, many other kinds of busi ness arc disturbed and sometimes put to strain by the absence of demand incident to the season, ami in all quar ters the delay of collection is felt. On tlm other bund, the iron business continues to prosper. Prices are very firm at Philadelphia, and #10.50 is quoted for number one. Bales of 35,000 tons steel rails are reported, and with the Chicago. price steady at #35 cast, #36.25 ut Bar iron is firm at 2 cents, and confidence in tlm future is in all brunches of the iron ■yi.l 4cgl business uudituinished. In llup qieeulalive markets there tins been little 'linage, except in corn, which has dropped il cents, with sales of 11,000,000 bushels. Coffee a quarter higher, with sales ol only 160,000 bags, according and cotton steady. November exports, to official reports just completed, exceed imports by the unprecedented sum of #31,403,710, and at New York, in December, exports show a d.'crease of 5.1 per cent., xvhlls imports increase 22 per cent. But even at. this rate, the excess of exports for the whole country would lie over #10,000,000. The treasury is so conducted ns to sustain the money market as easy as practicable, in and #3,200,000 has been paid out ex cess of receipts this week. But the move ment of #70,000,000 cash from the treas ury and banks to the west, and south since August 1st, makes the present stringency failures by no menus surprising. Business throughout, the country during last week number, for the United States 240, Cana da 30. Total 288 failures, against 342 last week. A HOLOCAUST. A LONDON SUHOOLHOUHE ItUHNED TWENTY SIX BOVS I-ERISH IN THU FLAMES. A London dispatch says; The boys' section of Papers’school,in the district oi Forest Gat.', iu connection with White Chapel Wedneaday and Popular Unions, took lire night, while the inmates were asle.p, arid was burned, with terrible ro suits, twenty-six of the boys, who were in the upper stories, bemg suffocated before they could be rescued. Fifty eight other bovs were safely taken from the burning r ' building , amid ferr ),!<• exeitement. Iv.o of the matrons ot the ms .tut,on eseap. .1 in safety l.v .sliding down the water pipe Several rjf the hoys escaped ,n the same way. J he supermtemlent of the s. I..a. rushe.1 through the flames repei.t.-dlv an.l brought out a number of inmates. There were «W) per .on* in the institution. The fire was started by the overheated stove, The female department, m winch were 250 girls, was not touched. The Iwys r< - tired in the highest spirits, having been promised present* at the Ncw Yeari* fete on the morrow. The scenes in the main hall, where the bodies of the dead boys luv. were bitrrow-infr TAXING RAILROADS. '""- .miu u KAROLINA LEGISLATIVE COM MITTEE INVESTIGATING Hit MATTER. the A joint committee was appointed North hj last legislature of Caro lina to examine into the matter of taxing railways, his which claim ex. motion from fax. an important matter, as the two largest railways, among others, Haim The "committee will confer There is a Jarire and powerful * i h iwnt hi the state ^ whkh jg cJ niorwill for a railwav J .ornmis Bj ul .„ f „ r „ awil „ nt f , alPS hy * ,J n ‘ ihva Y s ' The Farmers' Alliance will »P<^k on tl.ese subjects, it wul De an is * ue ,n « ,c ncXt <: |jf* l * ,ure FLORIDA PHOSPHATES. A dispatch from Jacksonville, Flu., says: There is considerable excitement throughout the state; over the recent dis covery of phosj»ate depzjsits in Marion county and counties lying vicinity south of it. I.and owners iu the are ad van ring prices and prospectors are exam iniDg the country. NO. 14. THE “LA GRIPPE.” INFLUENZA RAPIDLY SPREAD ING OYER THE COUNTRY. MANY NORTHERN CITIES INVADED—ONE TUIRD OK THE POPULATION OF PARIS DOWN WITH TIIE PLAGUE. The Russian influenza, the gen'.rine ( C LnGrippe,” lias shown itself and proba ble head in Chicago, and already a largo number of cases have been reported. All of these enses have shown unmistakable signs them of Russian influenza, and some of have developed into very serious ones. the 'The “Grippe” is officially ignored at sanitary headquarters in New York City. Unofficially, the representatives of the health department say that probably 50,000 people in New York are suffering from more or less severe attacks of influ enza, but they refuse to give it official recognition. found The disease seems to have the a goodly number of York victims among Saturday's employes of the New posfoftiee. office absentees in the general numbered sixty-live, and in many instan ces persons on the sick list were letter axsorters. Eighty-one members of the suffering Brooklyn police force are reported to be with the grippe. The recent mortality in Paris, from the ravages of the influenza, is as follows: Wednesday, 318; Thursday, 3S)3; Friday, 344. The sudden drop from the figures of Tliursduy evidence to those of Friday is taken as an that the dreaded epidemic is on the wane. A prominent physician of Philadelphia says; “There arc fully 25,000 persons now in this city being treated for influenza in some form or other. All classes of citi zens are iimubere.l among its victims, and Home of the leading business men of th( city have been compelled to business absent them selves front their places of on ac count of the grippe.” The disease has also made its appear inee in Detroit, Boston, Baltimore, New Brunswick, N. J„ and Kansas City. At Detroit over live thousand are down with the disease. Fifty policemen, more than half the city's oflieers there and their assistants, ire laid up, aii. 1 is hardly a store or factory in the city whose clerical and working force is not seriously crippled. DIAGNOSIS OK THE INFLUENZA. The Midiriil Neies , of Philadelphia, quick says; Influenza conies suddenly; goes as ; least robust at anv age and women seem to be its first victims. It is here a ques tion of eondition not of sex. 'The largo numbers siinullsn.wish attacked attracts general attention and thus those most im pressionable facilitated are seized, depressing the onset ion, being like illness. by any emol tear or There is no rigor, prop erly to he finis designated, lint heat rather a series of chills and a feeling of there with, sometimes malaise.>f a general kind is experienced, but, like the attack itself, is of short duration, lasting but a and few hours, With the lust access of nasal facial irritation, come a chilliness, which is followed by some feverishness with more headache, pronounced weakness malaise, and and in a gen- of eral soreness the members, and especially of the larger joints. With the progress of the ease in some epidemic, there is considerable gen eral weakness, even a marked depression becomes of the vital powers. The finis.; small, an.l tin; min.l gloomy and rest lessness ensues. When a fatal ternyna I ion is to occur, ns a rule, an extension downward into the. trachea and brcnclii takes place. Watches Spoiled By Electricity. [f you are going out on the eleetrio railway you had belter leave your #(100 chronometer at borne and carry st Wstter bury, for there is so much electricity around that it e. apt to mavnitize your "atch. Scm-ihI (icopte complain that their ii.litable atebc. have bc n reii <l< i. .1 u < h ,, I i .liir <m the. Leking Jou line. Him is son . fJiiiig that cun lmr,ll y >'<' '‘leotneity will '‘ Sr ' " ,sl * ' l,k '' |‘ wi, ! c h I', 1,1 1 " ,‘• J< 1 ."I* T . ""l' ,l "’ " H " l k ;*“ lrom t Iif • wim > wJurli roudii<!t | 1 | it into Min V( ., . ljr itM . lf aIld the delicately oon w|ll „.| , „ f u w . atHl , at eh it held up. T)ji „ ;ll)d . u .„ j f , force until the value ,, ,. “im a tim ekeefK-ri js ,|,. Hll „ y ,,|. xiiere are some U on n ( ., i( . WH , ( . il( . H li ;tl i . ,„ )W which of ugninst Midi dangers, an.l non-magneti ■ <•:.-<•« u.v also put out, whirl, prove cquullv tei vieenb e. But , w ,.li to <>l ..-rve the precaution but when not 0 ulv on. lerti i.- mill- ad , near the dynam.m of an electric-light plant, -IWushitieteii P"sf. THEY WILL REJOICE. TOE ADVENT OK THE BRAZILIAN REPUBLIC TO BE CELEBRATED APRIL 7TO. Letters and papers from Brazil, under ff*te of December 12th, say tliat the gov* , has urged all |s,liti< ul kind parties to constitute immediately some of a representation from the different states iu »iew of the rapidly mererising di-orgam za ** on prevailing di'poutj^*" ith the military dictatorship. 7th. republic citizens will of be Jii# < thaf Arming Home a society to assure Dorn I i annuity equivalent to the interest o.. . .000 centos. BANK STATEMENT. The following is a statement of the as «'■;-iated banks for the week ended Sat urday, December 28th: Uesere- decrease. ........ .......$ 1 , 372,050 Loans increase........... ...... 2 , 217,500 ^ Ie ....... 1,238,000 Legal teml'-rr. i!e<;re»»e. ....... 60,000 l ><increase ...... ....... 344 200 Circulation de create. ....... 115,000 Banks now hold $2,021,375 in exceaof the 25 per cent. rule.