The Blackshear times. (Blackshear, Ga.) 1876-current, January 13, 1898, Image 1

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^^TreaTTn all ^ I !*>*» until •-*’ it is too late. Con . sumption. uninteirupted, means speedy and certain death. Address T. A. Slocum, M. C.,98 Pine street, New York, and when writing office the Doctor, give express and post ihis address, and please mention reading aiiieie in (he Blackshear Times, adv. Two Millions a Year. When people buy, try, and buy again, it means United they’re Slates sati-tied. The people of trie ■ -Candy Cathartic are now buying Cascarets at the rate of two million boxes a year and it will be three million before New Year’s It means merit proved that Cascaiets at e the most delightful -bow el regulator ft r everybody the year round. All druggists 10c, 25c, 50c. sept 9. v«iu„i,ic to Women. Especially valuable to women is Browns’ Iron Bitters. Backache vanishes, headache disappears, weakness, strength takes the plaee ot and the glow of health readily comes to the pallid check when this won derful remedy is taki n. For sickly children or overworked men it has no enunl. No home Browns'Do.TBittl if^id'bHll ZurV Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrisonburg, Pa., says “Mv child is worth millions to me, yet 1 would have lost her by croup had 1 not in vested twenty-five cents in a buttle of One Minute Gough Cure ” It cures coughs, colds and all throat and lung troubles. Goethe & Rodgers. Try a bottle ol Wilke’s Great Irish Specifi il your blood is out of order. -----il l - To Cure Constipation Fcrevei. Take Casc arets ( andy Cathartic. 10c or . 25c. If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists rc fund Bioney. sept 9. a trood blood purifier try a bot tie of Wilkes' Irish Specific. tf: Educate Your Bowels With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, core constipation forev er. 10c. If C. C. C fail, druggist refund money. sept 9, Attention , icrcc Co* OPliliStS. ■ I , The Peoples Party is hereby noti' tied to meet a' the court house, in Blackshear, at 10 o’clock, a. in,, on Saturday, January 29th. 1898, lor the purpose of electing a new com mittee and to attend to other busi f ^ess ol importance, All people who favor reform in our government it cordially invited to cjise out on the day mentioned. I am making every ^jjjrt to have a good speaker press ent to speak on that day. D. It Johs-os. Chairman. Pc-ph-s Party Ex. Com., I'. C. - ------ H , O' CU CURE FOR CURS WHERE ALL tlht rAiLS. Use „ Best < SyrT im «9 GooC. m tuae. iri by 6roggi*u. CON S.U MP TION 25 ■ CTS I oojvwIck; ria., enuiosifig a dollar bill for The Times one year. Thanks. Rev. Thos. J. Peck is absent from town this week on a trip to Cordele, through the country. Prof. P. IT. Hurst, col . of Jos up. and one of the best teachers of his race that ever taught in this coun ty, has again been employed to teach the public school in Blackshear. Ilis people should not (ail to patronize his school. Miss Allie Hughes, Norfolk, Va., was frightfully burned ou the face and neck. Pain was instantly relieved by DeWitt’s Witch Hazle Salve, which healed the inju ry without leaving a sear. It is the fa mous pile remedy. Goethe A Kodgers. The Board of Education made I he type J1 to lie last week by failing to meet from some misunderstanding; , . but they held a meeting last Tuesday and transacted quite a lot of busi ness, which is perhaps the last meet ing of the old board. Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Ridge, O., says: “After two doctors gave up my boy to die, I saved him from croup by using One Minute Cough Cure.” It is the quickest and most certain remedy for coughs, colds and all throat and lung troubles. Goethe & Rogers (he municipal election was held last Saturday; there being but one ticket out the following named gen tleraen were elected: # For Mayor— A, B Estes; A'dermen-A.P. Brant ' i* t0 ^xV ’ ' T ' ni ' Wm ° Ahl. The new board was qualified Monday morning and im mediately entered upon the d.scharge of their duty. Murrietl Sunday morning _ in town Willie E. Robbins to Miss Hester Morris, of Appling county. I he young couple first sought the Meih odist iniuister to make them man and ,w. «b. w.« equal to and then went on their way happy. Mayor Estes held the first session of police court Monday morning and he presided with.the grace and mfv that characterizes a judge of a mucil higher court. Ill.-i honor gave the . that . . T he would tmiTOSElOn mil thftt court 0D legal principal? and the good people of the town will co operate with the now administra'. tion that the former quietude of our will soon he restored. . tin- HU, PPBi^^oical and refreshing discovery to the of the uge, gently pleas and positively taste, act cleaning the entire on kidneys, liver and bowels Ueadach, (ever, syslem, habitual dispel colds, cure and biliousness. Please buy and constipation try a box of C. C. C. to-day; 10,25 and 50 cents. Sold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. For Safe Cheap. A desirable residence in the town of Blackshear, seven rooms and two acres of [f”J ;" r J fect, di tddr^ T z'byrd^ 1 * 8 ’ Illackahear, Ga. Gone to Cordele. Dr. J. E. Goethe has leased his residence to Mr. John O. Ward with a view to moving to Cordele. He lelt Monday for that progressive lit\ lie city and his family will go about the first of February. Dr. Goethe has been a citizen of Blackshear lor the past ten years arid has made many warm friends and built up a large practice, and otherwise prov ing himself a gentieman in every res sped ami a good citizen and a good doctor, worthy of the confidence and respect of the good people ol Cordele or elsewhere. We regret very much to see him leave our town and coun ty, both as a doctor arid citizen. Judge H. P. Brewer, pi Waycross, wa9 j n town this morning on business j or j| )C ,-ail r oa<l he so ably represents as ' a 8toc ^ a>;ent We have ju8t been informed thut a little shooting scrape took place up on llie Hurricane ceek yesterday, Mr Wm Djri a Mn (>( Mr A|fre<J IMs ^ ^ a ncgrQ na(QC(1 Tmu being the participants. The negro Davis with a pistol the ball tak jpg effect in the thigh. We don't think the negro has been arrested, The TimE3 only $I . Q0 perjear> an( j you 0U g|,t to have it. ** ^ -- FAWCETT & C M CO, 4 A ( i | \ Pr^rMov. gjg** •( Commission ft Merchants. t t Manufacturers . , of Salf-Ratwncj „ nour t Gri*t, r ... y, I Meal, and all kind* of Torn Gooda. . ~ J 4 ia Flour l p«okft I'ar,ka#<*» {1 either of In Id; lit r, r fj ,t \ , >;p«r fcity •!* . J ™ | | „ ii**'“ t t d2™ c ZZ£%nZ £‘HftU 4 j 2(0-218 BAY STREET, WEST, i Savanna**, Ga. i Beginners WTuiry Algebra, Latin, I’hys eoelV and cc.Stiansiiip $ 2 . 00 . COLLEGIATE. Chemistry, Bids"' History, Algebra, Rhetoric, Physics, ics, Surveying, Geometry, Latin, Trigonometry, Civ ing), and (Grammar and Read Greek...................... $2.50. fita^No deduction will be made for lost time except in cases of protracted illness. Rev. S. A. HEARN, A. B., Principal. Miss ALMA HENDRY, Assistant. W. I & CO , CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES. Dry Goods, Notions, Hats and Shoes, Ail at Lowest Prices. TIN WARE & Crockery, Etc, New (loodft constantly arriving. Seed Oats, Bran, etc. 8^„.Jiring us your produce. Bring us your SEED COTTON From Maker Hired io Purchaser. % A. Good ? 'ft m : Piano ft will last a ^ ft endlcs ami glva en- /Mj ft )</ymen . »• ft — flag... ft <* * ^ g WfotlllKllPfr iUMllUoL CK 9 ft S IiwSlT.^a^'uVy^wa^ 11 ?-^ A g .....^ * • chw/t, n -k mn-. -.ihat but. mor- tiu.n « >* *■/,. poor Jfl , jn'ivo, tj <\. much the J^yC . u X'i Voothcr il Ai tirade PJanoa< ,1 no (W ,ic. Ia/ttory pricp-i to rcliOl ft LUDQEK & BATES, 1 jS ! "nvuMitnh, <»h., nod St-vr York Git*. ft “ SdMfv *5fw,}0 MP.M) ———----- BLACKSHEAR TIMS. . * i I'V , rliin FRESH rRESH FRESH Seed Seed Seed. Early yellow ti weeks Beano ‘20 cts per qt. Red Valentine Beans 20 cts per qt. Mohawk 0 weeks Beans 20 els per qt. Yellow wax Moans 20 cts per qi. Southern Prolific Pole Boons 50 cts per qt. Fat Horses, or Crease Back, Pole Beans 30o per qt. Blackeyc Marrowfat Peas 20c per qt. McLean’s Little (Jem Peas 20c per qt. Champion of England Pens 25c per qt, Salad Peas 25c per qt. Small seed of all kinds from 10c to 20c per ok. Red and white onion sets .... AT.... TaME 'toAMMmm Blackshear, Ga. WILKES’ iillETI IRISH SI 1 IFIIL CERTAIN CURE ForCANCER, all oilier itnpnrilies CATARRH, of the 8CROFULA Blood; also mid cures LuGrippe. H. A. McDonough, Sole Agt. For Alabama, I'lorida, South Carolina and Georgia This great Blood Pnrifrer is for aaie by The Henry I lycra Company, Patlcmm, Ga. and Goethe A Taylor, direct, Blackshear, Ga. If yon can’t get this medicine in your town, send to thi-Sole \ >•. nl, ut Blachear, Ga. PRICG: $ 1.00 Per Bottle; 6 Bottles #5.00. 11)11 i ■’ H- A. McDOHOUOE llUl ^L. Propriety, Anriftci+P °PP 0S ™ fhp ^ ^ e P 0t “ PT AP^TTPAP BA. PA *_ Q i< A A T 1 p rV.b C n w / DCQ r r.K n II M A V Y * v * * 1 1—# v—/ 1 ( * V l x M. y * [\/( * r> LAI * r o W Kill »-a - T ^ JVl Csji LO J U V > LN I Al f Q, This home lias been thuroughly Renovated from floor to garret and furnished with New Furniture out and out. The labtes are supplied with the best the markets can afford. The bast house between Savannah and Waycross. mNoiic but transient Hoarders Solicited .:»• ISjrPORTERB MEET ALL PASSENGER TRAINS. "^^^^WnTiRlucliHlieiir, Tni'Mliiy in February, 1K9N, i between ii I lie the IftfH 1 hours (iI’niiIc iIid following property, tu-wit: Four liundr tl itntl ninety acres of loti'I lurid No, llil, io the 6th district of I’it-rci county, mid levied upon us the prop < itv of K 10. Wc,t A tii,, def- iidnnti, l*y virtue of nu execution issued out Appling Superior noun in favor of J. A. Coekmun for use vs E, K. Wi'Ht it Co. Written uo lice given to tenant in possesion. T b'l * -Ith day of Janniiry, ISOH. T. A. Davis, Hluritl. Sheriff’s Sale. (J K<)U( 1 1 A Pierce ('ounly. \A V V /* of * '• I Vlu fcuiii (>ii 181W in* lictwc K.tlsiy tii 1 ' tilt* fir I legal day iifirv, ii horns of Hale n*. the t.'ourt IIoipb* dor in l»link>, the i /iiuwinj' prooerty, tiler, to-wit: OlKi 2.*> II. i*. Kii^ine Wild It one No. 2tt:iw Mill complete, Knw < > n in in r. 1 tie Hull ing .Saw iind lixtureH one JCiglit II, J\ <* and I'oiler one tflnuu Pump, one Hand Pump, nvo Lot? ( -iri i complete, t'liairiH and IfariinM, two lnnieq, urn- (/ray inim* mule named Maggie, about .six y viirs old, one hay mmv nude about 12 year , old, named Lou* h-iu! piopeity locate.d on Me Donough’H Tram road near Mirhoj, and known aw Marion Dixon’a Mill, the name being cumhci’Kome. an<l t*xj>en ivc to m*»ve will he Kohl win le it in itatbmed. an tin; properly of i)ixou & Pryan \» s 11 i- 4 Ty two execution*! ihkiumI from the County ('onrt of‘ PieK!" county, one in lavor of Al abama of I’ajnipmeut Manley (’ompany, tmd one in favor Machine t 'ompany, both ntpiiriHt I>i x«>n At lbyan and M. id lb’ ix on. .January 5th, 1808. I . A . I >4 vim. Sheriff, P, ( Administrator’s Sale. (\ ){{(/ J A, I*i«'i cl* (Aunty. Of KSI ANT in order gninted <d or/<* I lly'js, Adujiiiis.uilor and (In i it Jliiuileivon, A'lmx. will m al lie Court I fou*.e door in J'hickKio • tiist day . of I'f'bniaiy, till' Jc^al il li in^tlie lirst.'i'nrsdny, ami Jri tW'HMJ llOlll'K til calf* ti;o lollovv propiTty to-wit: Om'treet. of land eon tinning 100 uereH of lot No. 7H in h' otli dtHlrici of IMer' c oountYy an ! Uunw. it H the Joseph VValkep jj *,( And on(* lot, 400 nere‘s ; N• C til in the otli dtsiriet of Pi'-rec county, and known :n* I lie Me(,'ully |>iacv, .00 Mere i defired land, good dwcliju/ and kitchen and out Imild mg- Thu Walker dwelling, place lia« 20 fu-ivri of cleared laud, g od kitchen and out huildingF. Tcnna hallC ikIi halitnc'' till January l>t 1800 wit 1, good approved sccuiiiy This Oth day of January, 1808. < iKoiigi. 11 yj-;jo4, Ad ruin it-ha ror, 11 a fenrr i r ItAt'i.KKnON, Adutx.; on c-ftate Ivcnlie Uaulcr-on, d**(' ;c cd. FOR RENT OR SALE ONi; WlIOflliN STORK Ifol.'SK one fctory hi#!», 21 x 52 ft*;4, ^ood condition Apply Ut W. T. lIUOIIKn, Jilju.ksln; • r, (in. — AMD—• ■STARS PIPS, America'^ lutlrimtms. T.ending JESSE FRENCH PIANO & ORGAN CO. Manufacturer* anti Dealen, No. oa» Olivo Street, ft. Louis? Mr*. Nashville, Dallas, Texas. Term. Monigo Birmingham, Ala, Ala, Factories: Richmond, Ind. tnciy, Write our nearest house, A accent r.tu*np taef save you utauy dollar*.