The Griffin news. (Griffin, Ga.) 187?-1876, March 02, 1876, Image 4

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WEEKLY NEWS. SlUSCHiraiONi vj n K AJiSOI. J. D. ALEXANDER & E. P. SPEER, EDITOnSi. THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1876. A CHANGE OF BASE. The republicans of Indiana have taot only, in convention assembled, nominated Morton for President, but, an the person of Goodlove S. Orth, advanced a gul ernatorial standard-- bearer, who has to run on a “rags gnoney" platform. In add tion to this, the anti-contraction party, which ■seemed at a discount outside of Ohio and Pennsylvania, has made formida ble progress even in the east, and bids fair to become the most popular in the country. When Wm. Allen was running for governor in Ohio his ideas were scouted by the Republi cans and his defeat compassed by their prodigious efforts- A cry for the repeal of the resumption act as cends vociferously on all sides, and Wm. Allen stands to day the most sagacious man in all the land, as well as the most deserving of a success he "was cheated out of by a people who did not recognize their own interests, as clearly as they were recognized by the old statesman of Ohio. THE RECONSTRUCTED CABINET. Where there is so much smoke chere must be some fire. Washing ton dispatches generally agree that Bristow will not remain long in the cabinet, and one of the latest is em phatic in stating that the President has said in the past three days that Bristow shall not remain in the cab inet. and such is his intense bitterness that, although it is not stated how he will be got riil of, it is certain that he •■nust go. The schedule of the reconstructed Cabinet now stands as follows: Secretary of State—Hamilton Fish. Secretary of the Treasury—Zacha* iah Chandler. Postmaster General Alexander Jdamsey. Attorney General—George H Wih iiams. Secaetary of the Interior —Alphon* no Taft, of Ohio. Minister to England Edward Pierrepont. It is suggested that there may be some change in this schedule. THE WORLD’S OPINION. The New York World would nail the democratic streamer to New York’s masthead. It says: “There is no present reason to doubt that Ohio or Pennsyluania can be recovered from the republican party this fall. There is no reason to doubt that New York will stand fast in the democratic faith of hard money, free trade and home rule. The democracy can lose Ohio and Pennsylvania, yet win the presidential election without a shad ow of doubt- Nobody with an ounce of sense supposes that New York can be lost by the democracy yet the presidential election saved.” The estate of the late Charlotte Cushman is valued at SOOO,OO. This is a very large sum to accumulate by personal efforts on the stage without resorting to theatrical management, but it must be considered that for many years Miss Cushman has not played for less than SSOO a night, and that she sometimes received more, A Washington special states that action of the National Democratic Committee in selecting St. Louis is regarded as a victor}' for the Hen dricks element Law is an expensive luxury in Brooklyn. Mr. Beecher stated before the advisory council last week that that the expenses of the late trial on his side amounted to SIIB,OOO. Wanted, Three hundred cords of TAN BARK. Bring ns your Hides, Tallow, and Bees Wax, and bny vour Boots, Shoes, Leath er at and Findings, cheaper tbau from any other house in the Sta'e. HASSELKUS, PATRICK & CO. janlß:w2m —• • • San Francisco now manufactures fire crackers instead of importing them from China. In two factories with Slo,ooo capital invested and using raw material to the amount of §7,500, fire crackers of the value of §30,000 were turned out last year at an ex pense for labor of $5,000. —- o o The late Eeverdy Johnson leaves twelve children, about fifty grand children, and several great-grand children, nearly all of whom were pre sent at the anniversary of his golden wedding on November 16th, 1869, Ii is said that the chairman of the Congressional Committee on Apro priations expects to effect a tot 1 re duction in expenditures of $35,000,- 000. You Have !So Excuse, Have you any excuse for suffering with Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint ? Is there auy reason why you should go on from day to day complaining with Sour Stom ach, Sick Headache, Habitual Costive ness, Palpitation of the Heart, Heart burn, Waterbrash, Guawing and burn ing pains ai the pit of the Slomach, Yel low Skin, Coated Tongue, and disagreea ble taste in the mouth, coming up of food alter eating, low spirits, etc. No ! it is positively your own fault if you do. Go to your druggist, Dk. N. B. Dbewky —and get a bottle of Greek’s August Flower for 75 cents, and your cure is certain ; but if you doubt this, get a Sample Bottle for 10 cents and try it. — I wo doses will relieve vou. Tie Byingti Hotel, euu-m. ;v. CHANGE OF BASE! Reduction of one'third in Board! subscriber having taken oharge of this JL well known and popular Hotel, is prepared to accommodate in good style, the travelling public and citizens generally, at prices suitable to t o times- Most of the furniture has been renovated and new furniture added within the last few days. His table will be supplied with the best the market affords, and an experienced Porter will he in atiendance at the arrival of each train, to conduct those stopping over to the Hotel, not more ‘than thirty steps distant from the depot. Every effort will bo made to render easy and comfcrtab’e all those sojourn ing with him. A liberal share of public patron age is solicited. Board for transients, per day-, $ 2 00 Board and Lodgings, per week, 5 50' Board, without Lodgings, per month, 18 00 Give me a call. Respectfullv, fobl3 tf THOS, CAUTHOEN, Lessee' GBOO’Y EH, STUBBS & LO., Cotton Factors and General Common Merchants, hi. BAY SIREEI, SAVA.WAH, - GEOKUA. Our Fire-Proof Warehouse is one of the largest and finest in the State. Consignments are solicited for Sale, Slapmnnt to Liverpool, or Storage, on which liberal advances will be made. Terms reasonable. BAGGING AjND THIS FtBIIISHED. oct23 5m On Consignment AT JoMsjm l Men's, A LARGE LOT Tobacco, Segars a rad Smoking Tobacce, WITH ORDERS TO Close out at Once B®”Farmers wanting Tobacco by the box can be suited by us both as to qual ity and price. We have opened a retail stand for Cigars and Tobacco, and. invite the pat ronags of Chewers and Smokers. Office and Retail Department in Johnson’s Bank Building. Call and see us JOHNSON & TOLBERT, Com' Merchants and Real Estate Ag’ts. Griffin, Ga. jan2o tf Copartnership Notice. fIIHE undersigned have formed a copartner- X ship under the firm name of JOHNSON A TOLBERT, to do a General Commission and Heal Estate business. JOSEPH 11. JOHNSON, J. R. TOLBERT. Griffin, Ga., January Ilth, 1876. H. T. Brawner & Son, Booksellers, Stationers mi Music Dealers, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. CASH. feb24 ’ fcf j,c7raG I am now offering Bradley’s SEA FOWL GUANO AND Aiawiiiatei DissaM Boae! At $65 and $57 per ton, payable in cotton at 15 cents. These Guanos are of Standard Quality, and well known throughout this coun‘ try. Best References can be given to any one who will fa vor me with an order. Gill on me or W. M. MISKLEBERRY I'.EFESfUfVBS : Henry Dixon, R A Chum, R D Ren tier, Robert Pbwell, Merriwethor roanty. Judge Stilweip John H Mitchell, ■J F Dupree. Spalding county: £eb9lm J. C. s£lNGr. WHOLESALE urn i GBIFFIN> GEORGIA. ALSO, CMS t TOBACCC. SOLOMON STREET\ Opposite the Brick Warehouse. N. G, PHILLIPS. may NEW GOODS ~AT— SEEKS & WHITCOMB’S Furniture Warerooms. JUST RECEIVED, New style Dressing Case Baits of all the latest styles. DOMKTIC GOOM In endless variety. BURIAL GASES Our stock of Burial Cases and Coffins is complete. We will duplicate Atlanta prices in everything in onr line, freight added. SOLOMON STREET, GRIFFIN, GA. nov‘2-1 tf C. S. WRIGHT. JEWELER —AND— PRACTICAL WATCH MAKER, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. Glee over T. J. Brooks’ Store-' ALL work warranted and charges reasonable. june 73-tf, 100 TOMS EUREKA GUANO AT | 'Johnson & Tolbert’s. Wo ha-re accepted the Agency tor sale of the above excellent and pop- Tar FERTILIZER, and offer it with confidence to oar planters at the follow ing easy terms : On time till Ist November payable in Cotton at 15 cents. - ” - $67.50 Cash, - - - - - 50.00 David Dixon certifies : U I have sold for the last four years over two thousand tons &S the “Eureka Ammonia-ted Super Phosphate of Lime,, which has proved the best standard Fertilizer I- know of; and' have used it myself for the last five years, and find it to be best I have ever used. You3:> truly. DAVID DIXON.“ Gall and examine samp[e, ceriiikafces, etc., at our office in Johnson's Bank Building. JOHNSON k TOLBERT. Griffin, Jauutry 26. 1876.—tf Commission Merchant. The Largest Stock of tods EVER THROWN ON THE MARKET IN GRIFFIN, AT Strictly New York Cost ! foil cash orsrtiY. $ 12.000 Worth of Goods ! A LARGE VARIETY OF Ladio’ lire** Goods, Consisting of Scotch Plaids, Pongee Silks at 63 and 75 certs. Alpacas, White Goods, Embroideries, Laces, & Also, a large stock of STAPLE GOOOD3, Consisting o.ißleachings, IG-1 Sheetiiags, Brown Goods, Stripes and Plaidfi, Fancy Cassimeres, Jeans, Opera Flamris, 35 to 50 cents. Also, Red, White Shaker Flannels From 17" 1-2 tc* SO cents yard. THU LARSSET LOT'GsF BOOTS AND SHOES $2;500 -WORTH;. Whole Kook Best Made Brogans froml.2&l,6sper pair ALSO SPLENDID* LOT OF Ladies', Misses’ & Childrens’ Shoes 1I VTH, C VFS, FiT C • This immense stock is all fresh, having been purchased the past fall and this winter at strictly Cash Prices. Many of these Goods will be sold at lc3 than cost. This sale is made to close this branch of my business, sad not for the purpose of making-room for another Stoek. No Goods will be delivered until the cash is paid My old friends and the public generally are cordially invited to call and examine these goods and secure great bargains. feba-lm T. J. BROOKS, DRUG S I Patent Medicines, Glass, Paint, Oil, Glass, Alsace Clover, Sapling Clover, Red Clover, Blue Grass,Herds Grass, Orchard Grass, Ger man Millet, Early Rose Potatoes (besr North ern raised), Onion Sets red, Onion Sets white, Landrethis Garden Seed, Johnson & Robbins Garden Seed. Chemicals for Fertilizers Put up in convenient form for Composting, Costing about one-fourth the price of Commercial Guano. SAVE YOUR MONEY By using the manure made on your own farm, which is easily clone by"mixin the chemicals with it a N. B. DHEWRY, i an25 ‘ Drewry’s Building, Hill street, Griffin, Ga.