Newspaper Page Text
Some Tkinfi
me uoyt
are Doing
and Saying
Some Witty
Some Wiee
and Some
Half Soles from the Shoe Bench.
(By Barney Q immons)
We have been right busy the past
week hulfsoling shoes for the boys,
we have worked on fifteen paif al
ready and have several more pair
on hand, and will be some time
halfsoling the rest of them as there
is but one boy working on them,
and he is kept pretty busy.
We have on hand a large supply
of good leather and also a supply
of tacks.
There are about one hundred and
nine boys and each boy has a pair
of shoes to l-e worked on.
Barney Simmons one of our car
penters have been promoted as our
shoe boy while the shoe business is
going on, we started on the house
boys shoes first but we can not tell
whose we will wind up on.
Lead thy mother tenderly
Down life’s steep decline;
Once her arm was thy support,
Now she leans on thine.
See upon her loving face
Those deep lines of care,
Think—it was her toil for thee
Left that record there.
Ne’er forget her tireless watch
Kept by day and night,
Taking from her step the grace,
From her eyes the light;
Cherish well her faithful heart,
Which through w^ary years
Echoed with its sympathy,
All thy smiles and tears.
Thank God for thy mother’s love,
Guard the priceless boon;
For the bitter parting hour
Cometh all to soon.
When thy graceful tenderness
Loses power to save,
Earth will hold no dearer spot,
Than thy mother’s grave.
Sparks from the Anvil.
(By Carl Self.)
Fig Leaves from the Clothes Room.
(By Paul Yarbray.)
The clothes room is pretty crowd
ed now, we have 109 white buys
and it takes up all the room on the
shelves for the new boys that come
in lately.
We have all the patching done
j this week and all the clothes in the
| boy’s racks and all the new boys
j numbers up.
j We have a lull supply of soap
on hand now.
1 We received a new shipment of
; shoes and socks for the boys.
John Mann, our bread boy was
paroled out this week and-we miss
him very much, Dalton Suits is\nir
'new bread boy and he is learning
| very fast, we hope he will make
I We are having some rainy weath
er and it is hard for the clothes to
get dry.
Trips by the Teamsters.
(By Rudolf Jennings)
We have not been running our
wagons much lately as it has been
too wet.
We have not been running the
steer wagons at all.
We hauled some hav from the
Walker place to the barn. We
used about all we had at the barn.
Mr. Nolon took a wagon Tues
day and hauled our weekly supply
of corn to the mill.
We have some new curry combs
now for the mules. We have them
all one apiece.
We are feeding our mules on hay
instead of fodder as we have plen
ty on hand.
We hauled some timber to make
a bridge with Friday We have it
about finished now.
Estees Atkins, Cland Harmon,
and Will Tullis are our wagon boys
We are picking up in our work
very nicely.
We have been wot king on the
blacksmith tools this week, we al
so did some plumbing at the colored
building this week the freezing has
caused us to have to do plumbing
everywhere we hope we won’t have
any more trouble with the water
pipes this winter.
We are now making a pair of
pliers we needed them very much
for our old ones got lost, we hope
to get them made soon.
We made a fine job of welding
a pick this week, we done a better
job than we ever have before.
We received a coil of wire and a
big supply of nails.
Dalton Suits one of our carpen
ters, was promoted to the kitchen
this week and we hope he will hold
his job as good as he did in the
shop. He is a good worker.
We have got two new shop boys
John Smith and Henry Fields, we
hope they will ‘make good in the
“Pi” from the Printshop.
(By Alvis Stallings)
Edward Dixorf is a new boy in
the printshop he has been at work
on the pi job.
Harry Wallace cleaned and
straightened out the stock room the
first of the week.
The print shop boys were permit
ted to see the movies Saturday.
We got several of our weekly
column heads set up by linotype
this week, they are a great help.
'Che shop crew has been working
on our presses repairing and clean
ing them up.
We received a supply of potash
to clean type with.
We received a new pair of steel
roller supporters from the shop.
We have done several small job
for the institution last week.
The door of Opportunity is labelled “Push”, but some near-sighted folks mis-read it“Pull^.