The Future citizen. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1914-????, July 22, 1916, Image 1

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/ 1/L/&^ l THE Ft0WERS coiircW 7 Per Copy Per Year 5 Cts. lhc Future Citizen $1.00 A Paper With a Purpose, Printed by the Reformatory Boys Doing the Best They Can. Volume ill. Millcdgeville, Ga., Saturday, Ju r v 22, 1916. Number 14 JUS! LIVING IN ME PRESf.NI lENSEk^tT^rt^r^in: Who Can Call a Man a Success or a Failure. To-Day He May Be A Success, And To- Morrow A Failure The time to live up to the measure of a m in is now. It is enough to have lived well in past. The past was worthy good men. but no more so full not the ot than the present. The importance with which one views the needs of the w orld will go a long way toward measuring one’s personal con tribution to the age in which he lives. No one is likely to offer a worthv contribution who does not view life seriously enough to con sider his personal obligation to men. It .is a very great misfortune that, too many people live almost wholly in the pa*t. Their post suc cess is their clre* stock in trade. That lhey have made a good show ing, in their own estimation, is the principal topic of conversation among both their intimate friends and those who are strangers* It is a pleasant thing to be able to realise that past efforts have not been wi'hout their reward. In fact, there is little to iaspire in the thought of having been a failure in the work which you felt called to undertake, on the other hand, he who has succeeded , is cheered by the thought of success. Who shall judge whether a man is a success or failure? May it not be true that what was called su.cess in the past, might scarcely be con sidered litrie le«s than failure today, in the light of advanced oppor tunities presented. The great danger of living in the past is t he barrier to our greatest p-ogress. He who becomes satisfied with his standard of excellence at tained is less likely to reach his up early in the morning gathering inspiration from the freshness of the dewdrops sparkling in the first rays of sunlight like polished diamonds Just as tense denotes the time of j an action or event, so emphasis and j effort denote the likelihood of us ; attaining what we call success. That too many have looked to the [ future and are looking still for it to! bring them success is a fact we j dare not overlook, I will save my wages next year. It will be the j part of wisdom tor me to ge' every thing ready so there will be just as little expense as possible then we can make a better showing. Llow many persons have talked just about that way this year, llow often persons promise VIEWS FRO! ME INSIDE LOOKING 001 Life is a Bundle of habits, And The Bundle Loses Its Form It Must Be Re-Formed And Made Straight (By CECIL A. DUTTON) Can a man or boy reform? It true a man or boy can reform. he starts out the right way and tries to do what is right. To reform means the act of turn ing over a new leaf. Some people say you cannot reform but you can if you only half way try. Some people look down upon a boy because he has been to a re- tbemselves! formatory but lie can come out and they will leave off their costly habitp j make good if he tries, at the end oi the year. There are a lot of men in this , Perhaps vou know some one who; world who is willing to help him- promised himself he would quit'self. swearing, but when the time came. It is but natural that a man on his force of character was not strong learning your past history would enough to back him up in his good think twice before hiring you, but resolution and he still swears, very if vou just show him that you have much to his own disgust. He has changed over and trying to make become a victim, gowing weaker! a good citizen instead ol a crook. with the passing of years. Here is another fellow who Reformatories are no longer spoken of as a place of punishment reasoned with to lead a better li r e, j but a place of reformation, and a and this was his idea. Let tne alone j great number of these boys being until I get ready. Some of these j admitted to these places are under times I will surprise you. He is the impression that they are to juggling with time as if it belonged } reform, “You can lead a horse to him personally. to water but you can’t make him Young man, let me suggest to i drink.” So it is with men in you that since you have made such I charge of these institutions. They poor use of the past, and since the lean tell you how and show you the future is so very uncertain, it would | way to reform, but they cannot become you very well if you would, make you reform. So you see that change you tactics and place the jit is a matter for self, A person emphasis where it properly belongs, i can reform tl be will only try. .. , -vr ' . i Again, some boys say what is the on the present, i oil may have I h e P ~ , a Ttll 1 J • use of reforming in Merer I II wait much to piomise for the .uture, but j ( jjj j out. Bin afler he gets out he will say, “there is no need of reforming now.” If you really intend to make pound ot right this minute is worth ^ ooc j to ma k e a man of yourself tomorrows” half a ton. t , low and rest assured that. “A million going-to do-its” would! not balance one “has done.” Ai Continued on page 8. column e.) you must start til' you get out. not wilt HAVF YOU A LmLE FUTURE CITIZEN Y A UR HOMF.?—WELL. YOU SHOULD