Daily true democrat. (Augusta, Ga.) 1860-18??, December 16, 1860, Image 1

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YOL. 1. DULY TRUE DEMOCRAT. PUBLISHED BY WM. J. VASON & CO. JAMES M SMYTH E, Editor. Daily, per annum $4 00 Weekly, per annum 1 50 (invariably in advance.) Hates of Advertising. 1 Square 1 insertion $ 50 1 “ 2 insertions 75 1 “ 3 “ 1 00 1 “ 4 “ 1 25 1 “ 6 “ 1 50 1 “ 6 “ 1 75 I “ ,12 “ 3 00 I •’ 1 month 5 00 1 ’ “ 2 months ..... 800 1 “ 3 “ .... 10 00 ’ 1 CO “T “12 “ 20 00 Larger Advertisements in proportion. |3J’ Advertisements published till forbid will be charged Fifty Cents per square for the first insertion, anil Twenty-Five Cents for each continuance. SPECIAL NOTICES will be charged 5 cents per line for the first and 3 cents for each sub sequent insertion. MARRIAGES, DEATHS and FUNERAL NOTICES, inserted free of nharge. OBITUARIES will be charged five cents per line. PROF. Jj. MILLER’S HAIB INVieORATOR, AN Effective, Safe and Economical Com pound, For Restoring dray Hair to its original coin without dyeing, and preventing the Hair from turning gray. For Preventing Baldness, and curing it, when there is the least particle of vitality, or re cuperative energy remaining. For Removing Scurf and Dandruff, ami all cutane ous affections of the Scalp. For Beautifying the ITair, imparting to it an un equalled gloss and brilliancy, making it soft and silky in its texture and caus ing it to curl readily. The great celebrity and the increasing demand for this unequalled preparation, convince the pro prietor that one trial is only necessary to satisfy a discerning public of its superior qualities over any other preparation at present in use. It cleans es the head and scalp from dandruff and other cu taneous diseases ; causes the hair to grow luxuri antly, and gives it a rich, soft, glossy and flexible appearance, and also where the hair is loosening and thinning, it will give strength and vigor to the roots and restore the growth to those parts which have become bald, causing it to yield a resh covering of hair. New York who have had tinffr iiiiir u stored-by the use of this Invigorator, when all other prepara tions had failed. L. M. has in his possession let ters innumerable testifying to the above facta, from persons of the highest respectability. It will effectually prevent the liair from turning gray un til the latest period of life; and in cases where the hair has already changed its color, the use of the Invigorator will, with certainty, restore it to its original hue, giving it a dark glossy appearance. Asa perfume for the toilet and a Hair Restorative it is particularly recommended, having an agree able fragrance j and the great facilities it a thirds in dressing the hair, which, when moist with the Invigorator can be dressed in any required form so as to preserve its place, whether plain or in curls —lienee the great demand for it by the ladies as a standard toilet article which none ought to be without, as the price places it within the reach of all, being Only Twenty-five Cents per bottle, to be hod at all respectable druggists’ ami perfumers. L. MILLER would call tlio attention of Parents ami Guardians to the use of his Invigorator, in oases where the childrens’ Hair inclines to be weak. The uso of it lays the foundation for a good head ,f hair, as it removes any impurities that may have become connected with the scalp, the re moval of which is necessary both for the health ot tlio child, and the future appearance of its Hair. CAUTION.—None genuine without tho fuc simile “Louis Miller” being on the outer wrapper; also, “L. Miller’s Hair Invigorator, N. Y.,” blown in the glass. Wholesale Depot, 58 Doy st., and sold by all the principal Merchants and Druggists throughout the world. ■Tjr.it- Liberal discount to purchasers by the quantity. also desiro to present to the American Public my NEW AND IMPROVED INSTANTANEOUS LIQUID HAIR DYE which after years of scientific experimenting I - irti\p brought ’o perfection. It dyes black or Brown instantly without injury’to the Hairor Skin; warranted the best artiele of the kind in cxisteneo. Price cnly 50 Cents. DEPOT, 60 DEY STREET. aug3o-diwly New York. PRANK H. MILLER, XTTORNEY AT LAW, Augusta, Gn„ will practice in nil tho counties of the Middle ( ‘-ciit, and in the Circuit Court of the United hU.A COMMISSIONER FOR New York, North Carolina, Illinois, Massachusetts, South Carolina, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Mississippi, California. Office in the rear room over Sherman Jessup A Co.’s Store, opposite tho United States Hotel. jylS-tf To the Stockholders OF THE IRON STEAMBOAT COMPANY. TAKE NOTICE, that John M. Turner has instituted a Suit of Complaint, at Law, in the City Court of Augusta, returnable to the Au gust Term, 1300, of that Court, against tho Tron Steamboat Company, for tho recovery of a balance claimed to be due him ou account, of Three Hun dred and Twenty Dollars and Fifty-seven Cents, with interest from tho first dny of May, 1859. J. C. A C. SNEAD, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Augusta, 22d August, 1860. dlawlw ai 3 . m si ‘b e *33 ar&v 9 219 BROAD STREET, HAS just received a lot of NEW BOOKS, in Cloth and Paper. Airs. Southworth’s and ethers. nov2i-3t IV EW YORK BENEVOLENT INFIRMARY- Established and endowed for the relief OF THOSE SUFFERING WITH CONTAGIOUS, VIR ULENT, and Chronic diseases, and for the ERADICATION AND EXTERMINATION OF ALL DIS EASES OF THE URINARY AND SEXUAL ORGANS, OF WHATEVER NATURE. The Journal of Medical Reform, containing VALUABLE INFORMATION on Spermatorr hoea and the New Rtmcdiks employed at the In firmary, for tl|e cure of the above diseases, sent to those needing medical aid, in sealed letter enve lopes, free of charge. Don't fail to send for a copy. To Parents of many scrofulous and diseased children, certain means of prevention will cheer fully he communicated, on application, by mail. The Prescriptions for Consumption, used by the Infirmary, will be sent Free to all who need it. It never fails to cure Coughs, Colds, Asthmu, Crftarrh, and Consumption, ns thousands can at test. Send before you perish. To all who apply by letter, with a full descrip-- tiou of age, occupation, symptom* of disease of any kind, and habits of life, Vandyjrtavice} free of charge, will bujpven, by the Chief Physician or Surgeon. & % V Address, with two or throe stamp* lur postage, Dir. A. II ERNE Y, Secretary, (Box 141.) Williamsburg, New York. novl6-d<fcwly LEONARD SCOTT & CO.’S RE-PRINT OF TIIK BRITISH SI¥HWI AND lllack wood’s .n a g’:aziai e • L SCOTT & 00., New York, continue to pub is lish the following loading British Periodi cals, viz: 1. Tho London Quarterly, (Conservative.) 2. Tho Edinburgh Review, (Whig.) 3. The North British Review, (Free Church.) 4. Tho Westminster Review, (Liberal.) 5. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazize,(Tory.) These Periodicals ably represent tho three great political parties of Great Britain—Whig, Tory and Radical—but politics forms only one featuro of their character. As organs of the most pro found writers on Science, Literature, Morality and Religion, they stand us they ever have stood, un rivalled in the world of letters, being considered indispensable to the scholar and tho professional man, while to tho intelligent reader of every class they furnish a more correct and satisfactory record of tlie current literature of the day, throughout the world, than can possibly be obtained from any other source. EARLY COPIES. Tho receipt of advance sheets from the British publishers gives additional value to these Re prints, inasmuch as they can now be placed in the hands of subscribers about as soon as tho original editions. TERMS: Per ann For any of the four Reviews, - - - - $3.00 For any two of the four Reviews, - - - 5.00 For any three of the fourJLtfiyiows, - - - 7.00 For all fowL/'f tljojleviews, ----- 8.00 Fyp 4buek\vood’s a jiPllzinc, ----- 3.00 For Blackwood and one Review, - - - 5.00 For Blackwood and two Reviews, - - - 7.00 For Blackwood and three Reviews, - - 9.00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews, - 10.00 Money current in the State where issued will he re ceived at par A discount of twenty-five per cent, from tho vbove price will bo allowed to Clubs ordering four or more copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus: Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will lo sent to one address for 89: four copies of the four Reviews and Black wood for S3O, and so on. POSTAGE: In :ill the principal cities aud towns these works will be delivered fiike When sent by mail, the postage to) any part of the U. Stjites will be but twenty-four cents a year for “Black wood,” and but fourteen ceuts a year for each ol the Reviews. N. B.—The price in Great Britain of tho Art* Periodicals above named is s3l per annum. LEONARD SCOTT l CO., jyLS-diwtf New York. TO THE BUSINESS MEN OF AUGUSTA. THE UNDERSIGNED, PROPRIETORS OF TUB INDEPENDENT SOUTH, Published in Waynesboro’, Burke County, Georgia, would respectfully call the attention of the MERCHANTS and other BUSINESS M EN of Augusta, to their paper, as an advertising medium, in the counties of Burko, Columbia, Emanuel, Jefferson, Scriven and Richmond, in which it has a large and gen eral circulation. Terms liberal. BLOUNT, ASHTON & CORKER. sepl-lm AUGUSTA M & SHEET IRON WORKS, GAS FITTING & PLUMBING, Water Pipes, <3z>o. ITT E beg to remind our numerous friends that VV we arc still prepared, with (1 ItEATLY IN CREASED FACILITIES, to execute at short notice every description of TIN & SHEET 111 WORK., GAS FITTING, PLUMBING, WATER PIPES, &c. As heretofore, all orders left with us will re ceive prompt and careful attention. We have a full and efficient force of First Class Workmen ; and when to this is added the fact, that our senior associate brings to his aid over THIRTY YEARS of CLOSE PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE in this branch of our trade, wo feel assured that we can rely confidently on retaining the leading position in this department that lias been accorded us for the past eight years, beyond all controversy 1 Prices as Usual! ALWAYS EQUITABLE & REASONABLE S. S. JONES & CO., octlO-cUwlm 192 IJROAD STREET. Paper for Sale Cheap, INTENDING to remove ray office on the Ist 01 October, I will sell out tbo remaining stook Ol NOTE, BILLET, LETT KB AND CAT PA VERS AND ENVELOPES, at and blow cost. WRAPPING PAPERS a! ■, at low prices. DEO. W. WINTER, Hath Paper Mills, sonfi-tf A 252 Broad-*treot ■ AUGUSTA,-BA., SUND’AY MORNING, DECEMBER 16, 1860. WM. 8. JACKSON & CO., FACTORS PP * AND ” 1, Commission Merchants, COHN Ell BA Y AND DBA YTON STREETS, (Up-Stairs— <fc Freeman.) SAVANNAH^GEORGIA. WM. B. JACKSON, Formerly with Cnpt. Jno. Vi. Anderson. F. M. MYRELL, Lto Superintendent FloridiCßoatr. REFER TO Cnpt. Jno. W. Aniikuson, Sa vannah, Ga.; E. F. Kixchlev, Augusta, Ga.; Cl.vghoun & Cuxninghah, Savannah, Ga.; Swan A Duo., Eerusndina, Fla.; Boston A, Villalon ga, Savannah, Ga.- Bisbek & Canova, Jackson ville; Euwin A Hakdek, Savannah, Ga.; H. L. . Haut, Pnlutka, Fla.; Jas. 11. Raymond, 187 w ter street, N. Y- Si-re *• niTv, Hawkin.riL j. Aleuts tr"sfcamer EVERGLADE. “ “ “ ISAAC SCOTT. “ “ “ OAK. OCtl I-dAWI JAMES A. JONES, Warehouse & Commission Merchant; No. (i Mclntosh Street , Augusta, G-eorgia, WILL continue the Commission Business in all its branches. Personal attention given to the sale aud storage of COTTON aud all other PRODUCE consigned to him. Thankful for tho liberal patronage of his friends in former years, he would respectfully solicit a continuation of the same and that of the public generally. Orders for BAGGING, ROPE, aud FAMILY SUPPLIES carefully filled at tho lowest market price. Liberal CASH ADVANCES made on Product in store. [jy27-d*wfim] J. A. JONES. P. (r. MORROW, Warehouse k Commission Merchant (At tbo Fire-Proof Warehouse of Phiuizy & Clayton.) -A. IT GrU ST Jk. , O-A Office at the Corner of Reynolds and Camp hell-sts., up stairs. Sales Room below. WILL devote my personal attention to sale and storage of COTTON and all otlu PRODUCE sent me. Orders for PLANTATION and FAMILY SUF PLIES filled at the lowest market price. CASH ADVANCES mado on produce in Rates customary. auls-d&wfiflnl W. M. & A. A. Warehouse & Merchants, A U GU BTAY'O EO liCH A. WE will t.iiUjuuf ■t mlly soUqu a eontlnaanerbpfhe patroiliMM : cf‘ore-#o extendeq. *pd that of pul diepledging the rffifewat personal ‘iow to all hu::;v .-H entrusted to our <*ir< • BHMM^Kcoivc prompt attention. Tho usual Qas'it Advances made on produce in store. Orders for Bagging, Rope and Family Supplies promptly filled. novl6-d*wtf HEARD & CLARKE, Warehouse & Commission Merchants AT THE FIIIE-VIIOOF WAREHOUSE, ON REYNOLDS-STREET, A-ug-ust-a, Q-eorgia,. (NKAIt THE SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD DEPOT, WI LL devote their personal attention to tho sale and storage of COTTON and all othm PRODUCE; also, to receiving and furwwMing GOODS. Orders for BAGGING, ROPE. ,and-F AigfeY SI I'l'ld US, promptly attended to. jp-.T Liberal CASH times ou I’roducajn store. . ISAAC TANARUS, jy2t-d.uvtf | HENRI ® CLA^^B harpSTo. Warehouse & CommissielfiSerchaHt, FIRE-PROOF AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, WHERE his personal attention will bogiveL to the Storage and Sale of COTTON and OTHER PRODUCE. Orders for Family SuppEe promptly attended to. Cash advanced on Produce in store. Sales Room and Office on Reynold, be tween Jackson and Mclntosh streets noy-'l Ipi.v wtf ANTOINE POULLAIN, COTTON FACTOR, (WAREHOUSE ON JACKSON STREET,, AiagU-Sta, Gra. mill: usual CASH facilities required will be JL extended to my friends and customers, and the sale of all COTTON consigned to mo shall have my personal attention. au9-d*w6m. ‘GARDINER & MOORE”’ Warehouse k Commission Merchants, ( U'<*. rhuii.e .13 c I is i okh-SCrw (. A U GUSTA, I ling of Cotton, at may Im* snfc to them Jgßfeif-'Kv piidiiing i.nblic. Orders for 11aggih'g^^CiS^^Kl^^h['plies filled t the best adr&ntaPMH Cash Advances mado upoti Produce in Store, when required. • JAMES. T. GARDINER, (formerly Simpson A Gardiner.) ST. JOHN MOORE. novlG-d&wfcC CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE undersigned have this day formed a Cos Partnership under tho name and stylo o Jones & Chew, and will continue the Wholesal and Retail DRUG Business, at tho stand, unde the Augusta Hotol, Augusta, Ga. M. J. JONES, JNO. 0 CHEW. IV, 1860. scp!3-dlm AT BROOM & D AY’S, jl 238 |L| AUGUSTA, GEO. CAN BE FOUND CLOTHIIG AND Furnishing’ Goods FOR dl£.v .f.ro SBOYB. t —ALSO,— CLOTHS. CASSIMERS AND VESTINGS made to Order ■fek IN TIIE ! ASB S^lra.K j TO (lustouiefs! (Ckorgia IttiUsi A GOOD STOCK ON HAND GIVE US 4 £4ll. CctlO-tJI 1860 ! 1800 FALL ¥rF GOODS. THOMAS PHIBBS, 272. Broad Sfreet, 272. IS NOW IN RECEIPT OF HIS [FALL AND WINTER ■ mp'3C'ucz:kk. 9 Comprising a very fino assortment of DRESS GOODS, SILKS, FREMII AND ENGLISH MERLVOS, PLAIM AND PRINTED WOOL DELAINES, Alpaccas, Poplins, Coburgs, &c.; AND HOOP SKIRTS, -A.T AILL FLIICES. A LARGE STOCK OF COLLARS & EMBROIDERIES At Great Murrains. HOSIERY, GLOVES, RIBBONS, &c.; SHIRT INGS, SHEETINGS, DIAPERS, TICK INGS, BLANKETS, KERSEYS, OSNABURGS, &c., &c. All of which, having been carefully selected late in the season, and at unusually low prices, will bo sold as cheap as in any other house in tho trade. TfilOS. FBIIRBS, N? 72 ISrosul Street, oc(21-tf Opposite Augusta Insuranco Bank Texas Valley Land FOR SALE. THE Subscriber offers for sale his FARM in Tcx.iS Val oy, Floyd county, seven miles from tho city of Romo. The place contains 32(1 acres, 80 of which have been cleared three years, and will produce eight barrels of Corn, or from 1,000 to 1,200 lbs. of Cotton per acre. About 10Q acres in bottom, and it is said to bo tho best Farm in tho Valloy. There aro on tho premises good new oabbins and a good barn, and a nover failing stream runs through it. Apply to AV. B. Torhuno, Esq., Rome, Ga., or to A. H. DAVIS, Jr., oct23-ddtw6w Rome, Ga. RAILROAD REGISTER. GEORGIA RAILROAD. On and after SUNDAY, Jan. 15, 18G0, Passon j ger Trains Leave Augusta 2.30 p. m. and 12.30 a. m. Arrive ut Augusta 6.00 a. m. and 6.20 p. m. CONNECTIONS. Connect with South Carolina Railroad. Arrive Augusta 11.15 p. m. and 1.15 a. m. Leave Augusta 7.50 a. m. and 7.20 p. m. With Western <f* Atlantic Railroad. Arrive at Atlanta 1.40 p. m. Leave Atlanta 10.20 a. m. H ith Atlanta & LaGravgc Railroad. Arrive Atlanta 7.59 a. m. and 7.51 p. m. Leave Atlanta 0.30 a. m. and 10.10 a. m. With Athens Branch—Sundays Excepted. Leave Augusta 12.30 night, ami Atlauta 8.40 night; arrive at Athens 8.30 a. in. Leave Athens 11.00 day ; arrive at Augusta 6.20 p. m., and Atlanta 11.45 p. m. With Washington Branch—Sundays Excepted. Leave Washington 1.30 p. m.; arrive Augusta 6.20 p. m.; and Atlanta 11.45 p. m.; Leave Augusta 2.30 p. in. and Atlanta 10.00 a. iu.; arrive Washington 7.20 p. m. With Warrenton Branch—Sundays Excepted. Leave Warrenton 3.00 p. m.; arrive Augusta 6.20 p. m. and Atlanta 11.46 p, m.; leave Augusta 2.30 p. ra., and Atlanta 9.05 a. ni.: arrive at Warrenton 6.30 p. m. GEORGE YONGE, General Superintendent. CENTRAL RAILROAD. On and after Sunday, February 26th, 1860, the Trains will be run as follows: Leave Savannah. 10.05 a. w., 1.30 p. m. and 11.10 p. in. Arrive at Macon, 8.55 a. ra., and 11.05 p. m. Arrive at Augusta, 6.35 n. m. and 6.50 p. m. Arrive at Millcdgerille, 12.30 p. in. Leave Macon, 10.00 a. m. and 10.00 p. ni. Arrive at Savannah, 7.20 a. m., 7.45 p. m. and • 10.40 p. ni. Arrivo at Augusta, 6.30 a. ra. and 6.35 p. in. Leave Augusta, 12.30 a. m. and 2.00 p. ra. Arrive at Savannah 7.29 a. ra. and 10.40 p. m. Arrive at Macon 8.55 a. in. and 11.05 p. m. Train that leaves Savannah at 10.05 a. ra. only runs to Millen, arriving there at 3.10 p. ra., con necting with 10 a. m. Macon Train* to Augusta. Passengers taking the 2.15 p. m. at Augusta, will leave Milieu 5.50 p. in. aud arrive at Savan- j nail at 10.40 p. m. Passengers by 11.10 p. m. from Savannah, will go through direct to Augusta. Passengers by either 1.30 or 11.10 p. in. Trains from Savannah, for Macon or points beyond, will meet w ith no detention at Millen. Passengers for Atlanta and points beyond on Western and Atlantic Railroad will leave Savan nah on the 1.30 p. m. train ; for Miltedgeville and Eaton ton on 11.10 p. m. train; for Southwestern Railroad below Fort Valley, on 11.10 p. ra. train; those for Columbus, Montgomery, Ac., by cither train. Passengers from Augusta for South-West ern Georgia should take 12.30 a. in. train, to avoid detention at Macon; thoso for Columbus, Montgomery, Ac., may take either train. Trains connect ut Macon with Macon and West ern Trains to Griffin, Atlanta, and the West. Also, with South-Western Trains to Albany, Cutli bert, Eufaula, Fort Gaines, Americas, Columbus, Montgomery, Ac., and at Millen with Augusta and Savannah Rairoadto Augusta and tho North. At Savannah with the tri-weekly steamships to New York; also, with steamships to Philadelphia tiinoro. change in schedule the connection both VejHh Augusta, with the South CffMina Kail- and Passengers will have no de- at Augusta or Millen as heretofore. GEO. W. ADAMS, Gen’l Sup*t. SOUTH WESTERN RAILROAD. Two daily trains between Macon aud Colum bus. Leave Macon at 9.45 a. m. and 11.50 p. m. Arrive at Columbus, 3.30 p. m. and 5.35 a. m. Leave Columbus at 3.15 a. m. and 3.30 p. m. Arrive at Macon at 8.56 a. m. and 9.05 p. m. Ouly daily Mail Train between Macon and Al bany, and Cuthbert, Coleman aud Morris. Leave Macon at 10.25 a. m. Arrive in Albany at 4.55 p. m. Leave Albany at 2.00 p. m. Arrive at Macon 8.26 p. m. The Mail and Passenger Trains from Coleman Station 10 miles west of Cuthbert, on the Fort Gaines Line, and from Morris Station, 11 miles west of Cuthbert, on the Eufaula line, connect daily with the Albany Mail Train at Smithville, No. 10 S. W. R. It. The Road will bo open to Hatcher’s, on the Eufaula line, 15 west of Cuthbert, on the 15th March next. Leave Coleman at 11.45 a. m. Arrive at Smithville at 3.04 p. m. Leave Smithville at 3.35 p. in. Arrive at Cuthbert at 5.54 p. m. Arrive at Coleman at 6.48 p. m. Arrive at Morris at 6.57 p. m. Making the connection with the up and down Albany Mail Train. Trains to Columbus form a thorough connec tion to Montgomery, Alabama, and Augusta, King ston, Wilmington, Savannah, Milledgeville and Eaton ton. Post Coaches run from Albany to Tallahassee, Bainbridge, Thomasville, Ac. Post Coaches and Hacks make a daily connec tion with the Trains at Coleman for Fort Gaines, at Morris for Eufaula. Hacks run six times a week from Fort Valley to Perry, Hayncsville and Ilawkinsville, and tri weekly’ to Knoxville, Ga. Passengers for points below Fort Valley should take the Night trains from Augustaand Savannah to avoid detention at Macon: for other points, take either train. VIRGIL POWERS, Engineer and Superintendent. SAVANNAH, ALBANY A GULF RAILROAD. On and after Monday, the 18th June, IS6O, tho cars will run daily (Sundays excepted) as fol lows : Leave Savannah 9 a. m. Arrive at Station No. 14 5.45 p. m. Leave Station No. 14 7 a. m. Arrive at Savannah 3.40 p. m. Connecting at Mclntosh, Station No. 3, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays with a lino of coaches to Darien. Returning on alternate days in time to connect with the cars to Savan nah. Connecting at Station No. 14 Daily, (Sundays excepted,) with a line of coaches to Thomasville, passing through Troupville and Quitman; arriv ing at Thomasville at 2 p. m., in timo to connect with the coaches to Monticello and Albany. Re turning on alternate days, connecting with tho cars for Savannah. Connecting at No. 14 with a daily line of first class coaches to Madison C. H., Fla.; thence by railroad to Tallahassee, St. Murks, Ac., and by stage with Lake City thence by rail to Jackson ville, Fernandina, Ac. N. B.—Freight trains leave Savannah on Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6.30 n. m.; re turn on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11.30 a. in. Freight to bo forwarded by freight train must be delivered at the Savannah Depot the day previous to shipment, excepting live stock, which after having given one day’s notice, will bo re- j ceivod on the day of departure, if delivered at the Depot thirty minutes boforo tho leaving time. Freight by Passenger Train should be delivered at tho Depot at least thirty minutes before tho regular timo of departure. Doable regular rates to be charged on all such freight, excepting oys tors, fruit, fresh fish, fresh meat, and other perish able articles.'’ Freight received nud forwarded to No. 14. GASPER J. FULTON, Superintendent. NO. 130 ALEXAWDREORGANS I TH E iiiimcnse resources of the house of Alex andre have enabled them, after twenty years of unceasing experiment and the most lavish out lay of money and labor, to solve the great musi cal problem of the prescst century : the produc tion of an Instrument, which, while it should an swer the demands of the most exacting of artists, should still lie within the rcuch of all for cheap ness and facility of performance. Such has been tlie success of tho house of Alexandre, Peer & Fils, Paris, that several thousands of theso in struments aro annually sent from their Ware rooms. With the “percussion” and the “expres sion ala main” tho Alexandre Organ is a com plete Orchestra; and if for the Drawing Room, by the depth and sweetness of its tone, it has bo eoinc the marvelous interpreter of the most ten der inspirations. It is no less, by its majestie Chords and powerful combinations, tho coldest in strument of praise in the House of God. Thero is no kind of music which is beyond the resources of this Instrument, not oven the most brilliant and elaborate. lienee ith, that all lovers of good music, whatover be the peculiar charaoioristio of ouch, are equally enraptured with tho “Alexan dre. Pure in tone, unlimited iu power, flexible to tho slightest shade of expression, this instru ment has been pronounced by the greatest artists to have realized their highest idea of perfeotione. Some of these instruments have been imported and are for sale hy the Agent. GEO. A. OATES, tlccT-diwlt 210 Broad Street. CONNER’S U, S, Type Foundry, JYos. 31 .ml 33 Beckman Street , .V. Y. TO PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS.—The subscribers aro extensively engaged in tho manufacture of PRINTING TYPES, and in sup plying every article necessary for a perfect Print ing Establishment, from a Bodkin to a Mammoth Power Press, and from one to twci^ 1 thousand pounds of Type. Their type is cast from CON NER’S celebrated Hard Metal, and will be sold proportionally low for CASH or approved paper. Orders, whether by letter or in person, will bo thankfully received, promptly attended to, and sent forward to any part of the world (with ac cents necessary for location) carefully packed, jyis JAS. CONNER .t SONS. Fall and Winter BONNETS. MISS MATTHEWS has rourned from New York and will, on Thursday, Octo ber 2oth, open a rich stock of French and Ameri can BONNETS, CAPS, and HEADDRESSES. On hand a large lot of CLOAKS, which will bo sold ot a great reduction. Also, a variety of other GOODS, such as Embroideries, Laces, Dress Trimmings, Hoop Shirts, Corsets, Gloves, Iloiserv, Furs, Worsted Goods, <fce. oct24-15* WM. MATTHEWS. SCRIVEN HOUSE, SAVANNAH, JjA. MRS. S. B. SiJIKY, Proprietress. This new and elegant Hotel, fronting Monument Square, is now in complete order, and ready to iccomraodate, in fine style, the travelling public. The Rooms are large and airy, and the Table fully equal to any Hotel, North or South. Feoley’s splendid four-horse Omnibus is always at the Depot and Steamboat Landings, to carry passengers to ami from the House, at half tho usual rates. N. B.—Pay no attention to Baggage Runners on the road, who are interested in some inferior Houses. .iyis WANTED, IMMEDIATELY, A SERVANT, whito or colored. Apply at the office of tho True Demoorat, or at No. 83 Broad street. dec7-tf INCORPORATED 1819. Charter Perpetual. /ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY HARTFORD, CONN. CAPITAL §1,500,00 SURPLUS 550,000 ASSETS 2,194,000 This Company is well known to this city, and throughout the Union, as tho leading Fire Insu rance Company. It has earned a reputation for prompt attention to business, and an honorable, liberal and equitable performance of its obliga tions, unequalled by any other Company. During forty-0110 years this Company has paid $13,000,000 losses. B. 11. BROADNAX, Agent, £ for Augusta and vicinity, oct3o-3m opposite Bridge Bank Building. THOMAS W. MILLER. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Augusta, Ga., will . practice in the counties of Richmond, Burke and Columbia, and may bo found for tbo present, sit the office of M. 11. Talbot, Esq., nearly oppo site the United .States Hotel. .Same entrance as to tho offico of the late firm of Millers Jc Jackson. iylS-tf Poster Blodgct, Jr., INTO. 204, 9 GrTUSTAA, Ga. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN EVERT DESCRIPTION OP LADIES, MISSES, GENTLEMEN’S, ANE CHILDREN’S BOOTS AND SHOES aul7-d.twtf AMERICAN HOTEL, Corner King and Georgc-its., Charleston, S. C. G. A. Nkufpeu, Mrs. M. L. NitriTEß, Superintendent. Proprietress. BOARD AND LODGING PER DAY, $2.00 EDWIN RICHARF?, ATTORNEY AT LAV, office in ijaFayclte Hull Building, Augusta, Go ylB-ti TO RENT, TWO ROOMS at LaFayetto Hall. Applv a this Office, or to I. P GIRAIIDKY. septS-tf