Constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-18??, September 28, 1851, Image 1

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Constitutionalist ant> Hcpublic. BY JAMES GARDNER, JR. Two brokers, A and B, were travelling together and, during the journey, traded in stocks, in which operation A shaved B enormously. One morning, after B had become conscious oi his singeing, he told A|he had ajremarkable vision du ring the night. ‘‘lndeed,” siys A, “what was it?” “Why,” replied B, “I dreamed that I was j dead, and was cast into the dominions of the Evil One—the Black Spirit considered my case, and assigned me a position in a very warm cor ner of his dominions. Others of our acquain tance and profe-sion, I saw present, and heard doomed to various degrees of suffering: the docket was nearly cleared, when an unusual bustle was manifested by the attending fiends, and upon looking up, I saw one of them lead you in and j heard him announce your name to the cloven footed chief, and relate a brief sketch of your character. The judge seemed puzzled what to do with you he ordered, the fiend in whose charge you was, to repeat a portion of your history, when after looking with an unsatisfied gaze into some of the deepest pits around him, Satan sud denly rose, and with an air of great deference, said, “Mr. A, you may take my chair. Boston Pott. When the Due de Choiseul, a remarkably meagre man came to London to negotiate a peace, Charies Townsend, being asked whether the j French Government had sent the preliminaries j of a treaty, replied, “ He did not know, but they j had sent the outline of an ambassador.” How THEY PRESERVE ORDER IN AUSTRIA.— j The Vienna correspondent of the London News j describes the following shocking affair as having ; taken place at Szent Maria, near Gross-Wara dried, lately: “ At a peasant’s wedding, when the procession ; of the betrothed was moving towards the church, j the gendarme approached the bride and sum- , moiled her immediately to divest herself of the • red, white and green ribbons which she had in j her dress, according to the customs of the coun- j try girls, saying that these colors were revolu tionary. The bridegroom objected, saying that ! after the ceremony the bride would comply with j the desire ol the gendarme, but that now they \ could not keep the priest waiting at the altar.— | The gendarme retired, the procession proceeded to the church, but at the moment when the bride was kneeling at the steps of the altar to re- j ceive the benediction, the gendarme rushed : forward and cut her tresses and ribbons, with ! scissors, from her head. In Hungary it is con-! sidered a great insult to a female to cut her hair; ' it conveys the notion of infamy. Naturally an ! affray took place; the gendarme was assailed by the bridegroom; other gendarmes arrived in aid of their fellow-official. The people, though without arms, rushed upon them, and the result was the slaughter of seven men, three gendarmes > and four peasants, among them the bridegroom . and the brutal assailant of the bride.” A Promise. —A promise should be given with j caution and kept with care. A promise should be made by the heart, and remembered by the head. A promise is the offspring of in tention, and should be nurtured by recollection. ! A promise and its performance should, like the 1 scales of a true balance, always present a mutual adjustment. A promise delayed is justice defer- . cd. A promise neglected is an untruth told. A promise attended to is a debt paid. Sai.lie St. Clair.— Sallie St. Clair was a beautiful,darke-eyed Creole girl. The whole of her iove was lavished upon Sergeant Jasper, who on one occasion, had the good fortune to j save her life. The prospect of their separation | almost maddened her. To sever her long jetty ringlets from her exquisite head, to dress in male attire, to enroll herself in the corps to I which he belonged, and to follow his fortunes in the wars, unknown to him, was a resolution no sooner conceived than taken. In the camp she attracted no particular attention, except on : the night before the battle, when she was notic ed bending over his couch, like a good and gentle j spirit, as if listening to his dreams. The camp was surprised and a fierce conflict ensued. The lovers were side by side in the thickest of the 1 fight; but, endeavoring to turn away a lance i aimed at the heartof Jasper, the poor girl receiv- j ed it in her own, and fell bleeding at his feet. ' After the victory, her name and sex were dis covered. and there was not a dry eye in the corps when Sallie St. Clair was laid in her grave, near the river Santee,in a green shady nook that look ed as if it had been stolen out of Paradise. Editorial Courtesies. —The editors of the Indianapolis Sentinel and the Journal are sworn foes. The Sentinel threw the last brick thus: “The above is a lie, and the author, John D. Defrees, a liar. Let him wear the brand like a coward, or resent it like a gentleman.” The ; Journal responds. “We are asked to resent the j courteous language appled to us ‘like a gentle- : man.’ Now, we would like to know what the ' editor would consider ‘like a gentleman;’ and, j should he determine it to be that we should kick him through our streets, (if we could find a pair of boots that would not be disgraced in ' coming in contact with him,) we should certain- j ly undertake the employment. Will the editor ] so decide?’ Matters are decidedly interesting at Indanapolis. A “crisis” is not far off. Legal Examination. —W. G. Tobin’was ar rested in this city on Sunday evening, upon a charge, founded upon a telegraphic communica tion and a letter, that he had been concerned in the murder of one Mr. McDaniel, of Barnwell, South Carolina. Being brought up by Habeas Corpus before the Judges of the Inferior, Court, I he w'as discharged—there being no legal cause of imprisonment.— Savannah Republican, 25 th init. Worth Knowing. —A young lady of this city, ; while in the country some years ago, stepped j on a rusty nail, which ran through her shoe and foot. The inflammation and pain were of course very great and lock-jaw was apprehended. A , friend of the family, however, recommended the j application of a beat, taken fresh from the garden and pounded fine, to the wound. It was done, j and the effect was very beneficial. Soon the inflammation began to subside, and by keeping j on the crushed beet, changing it for a fresh one as its virtue seemed to become impaired, a spee- j dy cure was effected. Simple but effectual rem edies like this should be known by every body An exchange defines meanness thus:—Steal ing the reading of a paper and then grumbling at its contents. It is next to changing a man's politics for the sake of keeping an office. A curious and laughable exhibition at the London Fair, is a bedstead containing a spring in a matras, which being set at a certain hour, wakes the sleeper, by turning him strait over on the floor. A man met an old woman in an English town driving several asses. “Adieu, mother of Asses,’ cried he. ‘Adieu, my son,’ w‘as the old crone’s reply. The fellow went his way feeling for his ears. Barn Burnt. —We gregret to learn that the barn on the farm of Dr. I. P. Garvin, near the city, with all its contents, was consumed yester day afternoon, by fire. In it was stored his en tire crop of fodder and a large portion of his corn crop, which had just been gathered. We did not learn how the fire originated.— Chronicle of ves- Ur day. J * EAGLE FOUNDRY. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Jones - Street, 4pt*Pgkksg^^Nea r the Old Planters’ Hotel. THE undersigned having purchased the interest of Mr. John Tilkey, in the EAGLE FOUND RY, is now prepared, with his increased Ma chinery, to furnish STEAM ENGINES, of any size or power; CASTINGS, of every description, in either Iron or Brass, for Saw, or Merchant Mills, Factories. Gin Gearing, Ac. Ac. Also, PULLEYS, SHAFTING, and all kinds of MACHINERY. Having a great variety of PATTERNS on hand, and first rate Workmen in his employ, ho is en abled to furnish all orders entrusted to’him, at short notice, and at prices fully as low ns work of the same quality can be laid down from tbo North or elsewhere. Thankful for the liberal patronago heretofore be stowed upon the old firm, ho respectfully solicits a continuanco of the same, and guarantees a prompt and faithful execution of all orders sent him. aug 3 T. L. NEESON. READ THIS ! THE Rev. James Perryman, a Baptist Clergy man, who is extensively known in Georgia, states thus: Talbot County, June, 1848. Dr. Little, Dear Sir: Having boon so much bon efitted by your medicines, I will cheerfully state the case. For years past I havo been badly dyspeptic, such as tightness and oppression after meals, acidi ty of the stomach, debility, want of digestion, Ac. In this state many articles of food were obliged to be avoided, to say nothing of tho languor and wretchedness often experienced any way. It was about under thoso circumstances, I began using your Antacid Vegetable Pills and Tonic Bitters; Tery soon I found much reliof, with quito an im provement of health. The medicines I continued with tho greatest advantage, particularly tho Anta cid, finding it always to givo quick relief, and to promote digestion I had not taken them long, bo fore I could use any kind of food I choso with im punity, even cabbage, and other things heretofore inadmissible. For many months past (since taking tho modicino) I havo onjoyed good health, which has not been tho caso for years bofore. Thoso of my friends and acquaintance similarly afflicted, I would advise to try these Dyspeptic medicines. Yours truly, (Signed) James Perryman. Tho sac sitnilo of tho signature of Dr. W. G. Lit tle will bo found upon tho outside wrapper of each of his medicines. Sold wholesale and retail by tho proprietor, at tho Manufacturing Depot, No. 264 Market street, Phil adelphia, and Macon and Millodgovillo, Ga.; and also, E. W. Willis, Augusta, Ga., and by Agents and Druggists generally, throughout tho Southern country. dAc2w sept 17 WASHINGTON HALL, ATLANTA, GA. THE Undersigned, anxious to rondor tho above Establishment ovory way acceptable Bill! to tho travelling public,has recently added to it a new DINING ROOM, and mado sovcral other material alterations in tho House, with a view to tho promo tion of tho comfort of thoso who may favor him with their patronage, and has socured, as a general Superintendent, tho sorviccs of Mr. Geo. U. Fra zer, formerly of tho United States, and lato of tho Eagle A Phoenix Hotel, Augusta, Ga. It is his in tention to sparo noithcr expense nor exertion to mako tho Washington Hall deservedly popular. Ho has recently added to his Establishment five food family Rooms, Lathed and Plastered, with ro places in oach. Also, a fino BATHING ES TABLISHMENT, where can bo procured Warm or Cold Baths. There is a BARBER SHOP undor tho samo roof, and a LIVERY STABLE at a convenient distanco. Servants always in attendance upon the cars to conduct passongers and convoy baggage to and from tho Depot. JAS. LOYD, Proprietor. Geo. R. Frazer, Superintendent. N. B.—The aboro house will always furnish Din ner to the passengers from tho West, at 3 o’clock P. M. dAcly may 7 SI,OOO REWARD. DR. HUNTER'S celebrated SPECIFIC, for thocuro of Gonorrhoea, Strictures, Gloot and Analagous Complaints ofthoOrgans of Generation. remedies yet discovered for the above complaint, this is the most certain. E?"It makes a speedy and permanent euro with out restriction to diet, drink, exposure, or chango of application to business. rry- It is perfectly harmless. Gallons of it might bo taken without injuring tho patient. E7" It is put up in bottles, with full directions accompanying it, so that persons can euro them selves without resorting to physicians or others for advice. One bottlo is enough to perform a certain euro.— Price sl. Hy It is approved and recommended by tho Roy al Collego of Physicians and Surgeons of London, and has their certificate enclosed. E7* It is sold by appointment in New York by Robert Ellct & Son, and in Augusta, Ga., at No. 195, Metcalfs Range, Broad street. 7m july 6 NEW YORK AND SAVANNAH STEAM SHIP LINE. FLORIDA. /. —AND— ALABAMA Capt. Ludlow. Belonging to tho New York A Savannah Steam Navigation Company. On and after the 11th Jan., will leave Savannah and New York evory SATURDAY until further notice. Those ships are 1,300 tons register, and un surpassed iu comfort, safely and speed. Cabin Pas sage $25 —payable in advance. Agents PADELFORD, FAY A CO.„ Savannah. SAMUEL L. MITCHELL, jan 12 194 Front street, Now York. AUGUSTA, DEC. 28, 1850. WE HAVE received per stoamer, a superb lot of WATCHES, some of them of tho manu facture of T. F. Cooper, London, in hunting and other cases—boautiful Watches for tho pocket, and of the best quality. Wo have also received a Model Gold Watch, in hunting case, 20 kt. fine, with diamond push bolt and ruby jewels; the movement of gold 18 kt. fine, with chronometer balance: per haps the finest Watch in America—made by Chas. Taylor & Son, London. A full assortment of all kinds of WATCHES and JEWELRY on hand. For sale Wholesale and Re tail, by CLARK, RACKETT & CO. CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASS WARE. THE SUBSCRIBERS have constantly on hand, a general assortment of CROCKERY, CHI- I NA and GLASS WARE, to which we would in ’ vite the attention of those in want of any article in ! their line. Give us a call beforo buying elsewhere N. B. —Orders from the country carefully pack ed and warranted to go safe. MUSTIN & LATHROP, aug 16 } below the Post Office corner. ROBERT H. MAY, Coach Maher, corner of Jack son, and Ellis-streets, in rear of the Globe Hotel. KEEPS constantly on hand a good \JS!*nS><3 assortment of CARRIAGES, BUG GIES, file., to which he would call the attention of those wishing such articles, as he i 3 determined to sell on as accommodating terms as any other es tablishment in the city. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, Ac., made to order with despatch, in a workmanlike manner. REPAIRING done at short notice, and on th 6 most reasonable terms. s26t ly NEGROESTnEGROES! NEGROES! JUST arrived SEVENTY-SIX young likely NE GROES, which, added to our former stock, will make one hundred and fourteen, wo have now on tho market. By calling at our Depot at Ham burg, S. C., purchasers can be suited, and thost ‘ wishing to purchase are requested to examine ouj ' stock before purchasing elsewhere. JENNINGS A ROBERTSON oot 4 tt ALABAMA AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1851. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CONFECTIONARY. THE UNDERSIGNED take pleasure in inviting their city and country friends and customers generally, to their largo and well selected stock, consisting of Confectionaries of the greatest diver sity and of superior quality; West India Fruits, Nuts. Jellies, Jams, Preserves, and all kinds of Syrups and Cordials; French and German Toys; Pickles, Lobsters, Salmon and Mackerel, fresh, tickled and in oil, from the restaraut of Messrs. nderwood A Co.; Sardines, in oil; Marseilles and Olive Oil: Imported Liquors, consisting of Brandies, Port, Madeira,Claret,Rhine and Champagne Wines, Scotch Whiskey, Holland Gin, London Portor, Absynthe and Kishwassor; Havanna Segars of tho most popular brands of tho day ; Newark Cider and Augusta Cream Ale, which they offer for sale upon reasonable terms at their well known estab lishment, opposite tho old Bridge Bank building, and formerly occupied by Mr. Martin Frederick; whose successors they are. N. GIRARDEY A SONS. Augusta, Dec. 31, 1850. t GLASS JARS, from 1 quart to 2 gallons, suita ble for Preserves, Brandy Peaches, Ac. For sale by MUSTIN A LATIIROP, aug. 16 f below tho Post Office comer. north Carolina mutual LIFE IN SURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated January, 1549. Central Oefice, Raleigh, N. C. HAVING established an Agency in this city, arc prepared to take LIFE RISKS on tho most favorable torms. Tho tablo of Rates arc thoso mado by Joshua Millar, and known as “ThoCarlislo Table,” uni versally conceded to be tho most correct in uso. The advantages offered bv this Company, are such as merit tho attention of the public, and will bo pointed out and oxpluined at any time by tho Agent. Insurances are taken on single lives, for ono yoar, seven years, or for lifo. On joint lives, for life. On slaves at 2-3 value, ono or five years. Tho undersigned can, at all times, ho found at the Law offico of G. J. A W. Schley, Esqs. Lottcrs, post-paid, directed to tho Agont hero, will be promptly attended to — ll P r J? S. H. OLIVER, Ag’t., Augusta, Ga. REMOVAL. THE SUBSCRIBER has removod his Estab lishment to Mclntosh-stroet, 2d door below tho Georgia Rail-Road Bank, and next door to the Constitutionalist office—and is constantly receiving additions to his formor stock of GUNS and Equip ments, which, whon complete, will bo tho bost as sortment in tho city, and will consist of Doublo Barreled GUNS, all sizes and prices, from sl2 to SIOO each. 3 dozon Single Barrel GUNS, for boys, Ac., from $3 to 12. RIFLES, Northern mako, from $lO to S2O. Do. of my own mako, from both Iron and Cast Stool Barrels, from $lO to $l5O. W. Richards’, Cox's, and Walkor’s Eng. Caps also tho G. D. French do. Duponts and Hazard's American Sporting and Kentucky Riflo Powder, in canisters and by tho keg or quartor keg. Colt’s and A lion’s Six Barrolcd Revolving Pis tols; also, tho Single Sols-cocking Pistol; Riflo and Common Pistols. A fine assortment of Gamo Bags, Shot Belts and Powdor Flasks, Wash Rods, Nipplo Wrenches, Drinking Flasks and Cups. Also a fino invoice of choice Pocket and Pen Knives, Razors, Strops, Ac. N.B.—RIFLES mado to order, and Restocking and Repairing of all Guns, Ac., dono in tho best stylo, and warranted. out 20 ly E. H. ROGERS. NEW NOVELS, NEW NOVELS. NOBODY’S SON, or Lifo of Porcival Mayberry. The Mysteries of tho Pooplo; by Eug. Suo. Cruise of the Creseent; by Sir A. Fisher. Mary Morcton ; by T. S. Arthur. Rena, or tho Snow Bird; by Carolino L. Hontz. Consuolo ; by Gcorgo Sand. Tho Widow Rugby’s Husband. Tho Duchess, or Woman's Love, and Woman’s Hate. Tho Web of Crime; Mary Lawson, by Suo. Tho Banker's Wife, by T. S. Arthur. Tho Forest Roso; Tho Daughter of Night, by Bennett. The Sea King; Maid of Canal Street, by Miss Leslie. Heirs of Derwent Wnter, by Blanchard. Godolphin, by Bulwcr. Dennings and their Beaux, by Miss Lcslio. Together with several hundred copios of new Novels and interesting books. For sale by jy26 (Ac DUNHAM A BLEAKLEY. belcher &. Hollingsworth; wholesale and retail GROCERY MERCHANTS, Augusta Ga. HAVE now on hand a largo and well selected stock of GROCERIES, to which they in vito tho attention of their friends and tho public generally. All Goods purchased from us will bo sent to any point in Hamburg that may be desired, froo of charge, and all orders promptly attended to. Wo havo removed to our new store on Broad street, '■ext door to Adams A Fargo’s old stand, whore we shall be happy nt all timos, to see our friends. J. M. BELCHER, oct 11 J. H. HOLLINGSWORTH NEW PUBLICATIONS. Romantic history of the hugu- NOTS, by Mrs. Marsh. The Confessor, an Historical Novel. Service Afloat and Ashore during the Mexican War, by Lieut. Raphael Semmcs, U. S. Navy. Para ; or Scones and Adventures on the Banks of the Amazon, by Warren. Katharine W alton; or tho Rebel of Dorchester, an Historical Romance of tho Revolution in Caro lina, by the author of the Yemassces, Ac. Memoirs of the Lifo of Mary, Queen of Scots, with Anecdotes of tho Court of Henry 11, by Miss Benger. The Geological Observer, by Sir Henry T. Do La Boche. Hand Books of Natural Philosophy and Astrono my, by Dionysius Lardner, D. C. L. Americans warned of Jesuitism ;"or tho Jesuits unveiled, by John Claudius Pitrat, formerly a Ro mish Priest. The above just received by sept 21 TIIOS. RICHARDS A SON. NEW CARPETS. SNOWDEN k SHEAR. HAVE just received from New York, a supply of THREE PLY, andINGRAINjCARPETS of new and splendid patterns, to which they respect fully invite the attention of the public, sept 5 Magazines for October Graham’s and Sartain’s Union Magazines, for the above month, have been received by the subscribers. Subscription $3 per annum; single numbers 25c sept 20 GEO. A. OATES A CO.fe FINE COLOGNE. —A lot of choice German COLOGNE, in long bottles. Just received by sept. 4 D. B. PLUMB A CO. | BUTTER AND CHEESE. "CVIVE kegs prime Goshen Butter. A Few boxes do do Cheese. Just received per steamer from New York. For sale by A. STEVENS, aug 29 ~ DA BBLS. Charleston Rosined SUGARS, eC\J 5 hhds. St. Croix do. Just received by sept. 13 HUTCHINSON A THOMAS. 30 FIRKINS BUTTER. O/ \ firkins good Goshen BUTTER, just ro- OVy ceivod and for salo by sept. 13 HUTCHINSON A THOMAS. PEACH BRANDY 23 YEARS OLD. ONE bbl. of old Poach Brandy, distilled in 1828, by Joel Hurt, of Oglothorpe C*., Ga. Just received and for sale by aug 29 A. STEVENS. ,V TOBACCO AND SEGARS. \fcwE HAVE just received 300 boxes of different grades of TOBACCO, 200,000 SEGARS.— AIIW which will be sold low. s-frt. 10 WILLIAMS A BROTHER. MONONGAHELA WHISKY OF SUPERIOR QUALITY. WE HAVE, This Day received, 50 hhls. pure Rye, Old Glade and J. Barton Whisky. sept. 10 BROTHER. STARCH POLlSH.—Beaumont's Patent Starch POLISH for giving a beautiful gloss to Linens, Muslins, Cambrics, Ac. It also prevents tho Iron from adhering to tho linen. For sale by sept, 4 D. B. PLUMB A CO. HATS ! HATS !! HATS !!! NOT the Gennin, but tho genuine true Fall Style. Just received by aug24 WM. 0. PRICE A CO. ~ LARD, BUTTER, &C; 1 A BBLS. Leaf LARD. -L 20 Kegs do 5 “ Goshen Butter. 5 Casks primo Sugar Cured Ilams. Just received, and ior salo by T'KRAI’ER\S PATENT AIR - TIGHT INK- U STANDS, a beautiful article. For sale by ttpt. 7 THOS. RICHARDS A SON. O^FFH:!^ C. RAIL ROAD COMPANY CHALERTON, AU GUST 20, m\-EXPRESS FREIGHT AND NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. —On and af ter This Day the above Train will commence, and continue to run between Charleston and Hamburg, leaving at tho following hours: UP. DOWN. Loavo Charleston, sp. m. Loavo Hamburg 6a. m. Arrive Hamburg 5| a.m Ar’vo Charleston 7J a. m. Tho above Train will only tako Through Freight, and will bo confined to Light Goods only; and all articles intendod to bo shipped by this train must bo dolivored at tho Depot previous to 3 o’clock, p. in. J. D. PETSCII, Supcrintondant Transportion, S. C. R. Co. Charleston, Aug. 20 aug. 21 ~ WHISKY, GIN, &.C. £)/\ BOXES old Eaglo and Nectar WHISKY. eC\J 10 Bbls. Choice Eagle. do 20 “ Old Ryo. do 25 “ Roso Gin. 20 “ Choice Cordials. 5 “ London Cordial Gin. 5 “ Wild Cherry Brandy. Together with a good assortment of other Liquors, Wines Ac., Ac., Just rocoivod and for salo by A. STEVENS. THE FIRE IN CONWAY, MASS. WE insert with pleasure, tho following lottor from tho Conway Tool Company. It shows oloarlv that tho faith of tho public in Rich's Sala mander Safos has not boon misplaced:— Conway, Mass. July 14, 1851. Messrs. Rolf, StoarnsA Co., successors to C. Rich A Co., 146 Water street, Now York:—Gentlemen— To your inquiries respecting tho fato of tho Sala mander Safo, No. 3,381, purchased of you through Mossrs. Wm. Bryco A Co., it is perhaps sufficient to say, that I am at present writing on paper which was in tho Safo at tho time of tho destruction of our manufactory by firo, on tho morning of tho 27th inst. Tho Safe was on tho lower floor of a throo story building, containing considerable quantities of seasoned beach timber, and it was at a red heat when it foil into a bed of live hard wood coals, in which it remained imbedded about throo hours, whon it was drawn out, and, as soon as practicable, oponod. Tho loather bindings of tho books wore heated by tho steam, and sumo of tho loose papers wore somowhut stained; but not a single partilo of paper in any book was injured, and not a single mark on any looso paper, whether mado by a pen «r pencil, is defaced. Wo consider tho Safe in question as having passed through ono of tho so vorest test to which it could have boon put, and wo nood not assure you teat wo rejoice at its succoss. Wo will forward you tho burnt Safo, and in tho moantime, send us another of tho samo sizo and pattern, for immediate uso. Yonrs, respectfully. Conway Tool Company—A. PARKER, Agont. An assortment of various sizes and patterns, with and without powder-proof locks, for sale at 146 Wa ter St., Now York. ALMON ROFF. JOHN G. STEARNS. A. S. MARVIN. An assortmonffalso for salo by Chr's. 11. Camp field, Savannah, Ga. july 27 f3m BOOTS AND SHOES. THE subscriber thankful for past favors,® gx wishes to call tho attention of his and the public generally to tho beautiful and well selcctod stock of Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses, Chil dren and Boys BOOTS AND SHOES, which will bo sold wholesale and retail at reduced frices. Please call and examine before purchasing else where. Nearly opposite the Eaglo A Phoenix Hotel. JAMES DALY. N. B. A handsomo lot of Trunks, Valises, Ac., always on hand. J. D. jys fly WATCH MAKER AND JEWELLER. F. A. BRAHE, AT HIS OLD STAND, No. 214 BROAD STREET. Respectfully returns his ,gratofui go acknowledgements to his friends and tho public, for tho very liberal share of pa-«£Li& tronago ho has received in his lino, and trusts that by personal application and strict attention to all work entrusted to him, to continue to givo sa tisfaction, and merit further confidence. N. B.—l havo received, and offer with confi dence, Gold and Silver WATCHES, Fancy JEW ELRY, such as Fancy Guard and Fob Chains, Breast Pins, Broaches, Mantio Clocks, and many articles too tedious to enumerate, which the pub lie are invited ie sxaminc before making their pur ha oct G. P. GREEN. FASHIONABLE TAILOR. 208 BROAD-ST., AUGUSTA, GEO. KEEPS constantly on hand, a handsomo assort ment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, of tho finest and most fashionable pat terns, which will he uiade up to order, in a style tjot to be surpassed by any other establishment.— Having received tho very latest improvements in the art of cuting, he will bo able to givo a bettor and easier fit than has been delivered by any South ern establishment. He also keeps a good assort ment of Ready Mado Clothing. ap9. fAc. FOR THE TOILET. FINE China, Granite, Alabaster, Mahogany and Paper Puff Boxes. Superior Toilet Powdor. Fino French and English Odors, and Essences for the Handkerchiof, of almost every purfume. Real English Hair Brushes. Ox Marrow Pommade. Eau Lustralo, or Hair Restorative. Phalons Hair Invigorator. Otto Rose Lip Salve. Hauel’s Nymph Soap. Jnst receive by D. B. PLUMB A CO. sept. 4 INSURANCE; THE SUBSCRIBER Agent Southern Mutual Insuranoe Co., continues to take MARINE, RIVER and WARE HOUSE RISKS, at his office on Mclntosh street, promptly meets all losses. His terms are from 15 to 25 per cent lower than that of any simular institution in tho state, aug 22 T. W. FLEMING, Agent. PISTOLS. SEPTEMBER 2, 1851. COLT’S k ALLEN’S REVOLVERS, aU sizes. Derringu’s Belt PISTOLS. Allen’s Self-Cocking do., all sizes. Just received and for salo by sept. » CLARK. RACKET! A CO. PIANO FORTES. THE SUBSCRIBERS would res- wa pectfully call the attention of their friends and the public, to their 1/ ® * SJ " assortment of Rosewood and Mahogany PIANO FORTES, from the well known and justly celebrat ed Manufactories of Bacon if Raven, A. H. Gale if Co., and Dubois if Seabury, Now York, which j are warranted in every respect, to be at least fully equal to any instruments manufactured in this coun try or Europe. The subscribers would also state that the instru ments new on hand are of tho latest paterns and fashion, and fresh from the manufacturers. For salo at very low prices for cash or city acceptance at GEO. A. OATES* CO.’S Piano, Book & Music Depot. Broad-st. W. A. ARCHER, DRAPER AND TAILOR. HAS REMOVED to the north sido of v3J Broad-stroct, a few doors below tho Augusta Bank, and takes this opportunity to Ira solicit tho favors ofhis friends and the public. Grateful for the patronage which ho has hereto fore received, he trusts by particular attention and by knowledge of his business to retain it. All articles of work confidod to his care will be quickly and faithfully executed. He keeps on hand a good assortment of Cloths, Casimcrcs and Vestings, *c. Renovating and Re pairing done at tho shortost notice and the neatest manner. His aid will bo cheerfully given to gen tlemen in making selections of cloths, Ac. nsftf LOST or STOLEN, on Sunday night last, a Pocketbook containing about twenty dollars, with notes made payable to Thomas Cahill or or der, viz: Ono on James McNorrollfor $127,92, one on Thomas Pollhill for $lB, ono on William S. Al exander for S2O, ono on William Hutching for $9, and one on Harman 11. Williams for SB, all made payable on the Ist of January last, excepting tho ono on James McNorrel, which was duo on tho Ist of October last. A liberal reward will be paid to any ono leaving them at the Republic offico and all porsons aro hereby cautioned against trading for or paying the abovo described to any person except the undersigned. THOMAS CAHILL. _jcl4 ftf MARINE, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE BY THE COMMERCIAL INSURANCE CO., Os Charleston, S, C. CAPITAL^S6,OOO, ALL PAID IN. Office, No. 4, Broad Street. PRESIDENT, WILLIAM B. lIERIOT, DIRECTORS, James K. Robinson, I Henry T. Street, Geo. A. Trenholm, | W*. Mcßijrney, Robert Caldweli., J. H. Biiawley, A. R. Taft, | T. L. Wraug. A M. LEE, Secretary. E. L. TESSIEIt, Inspector. B. C. PRESSLEY, ltolicitor. R. A. KINLOCH, Medical Examiner. This Company is now prepared to reccivo Propo sals for MARINE, FIRE and LIFE RISKS, and to effect Insurance unfair and liccrnl terms. Tho subscriber having 1 ccn appointed Agent for tho above Company is propared to take Marine, Fire and Life Risks at customary rates. G. WALKER, Agent. Offico at Ware House of Walker, Bryson A Co. Augusta, May 12, 1861. ly may 13 PORTRAITS. CHARLES UERUFF—ARTIST . From the Academy of Munich, Bavaria. GRATEFUL for the encouragement on him tho past season, informs thoKfgyN ladies and gentlemen of Augusta and nity, that has ho removed to tho rooms over Miss Catonnet's School, (two doors abovo Clark, Rackot A Co.’s corner) atld is prepared to furnish POR TRAITS of tho finest execution, at the shorcst no tice. Thu Public aro respectfully invited to givo him a call. RV* A few more Pupils in DRAWING can bo accommodated. References.—Col. Turner Canton, Messrs. Thos. Richards, J. Gardner, Jr., A. Lafitto. sept. 14 ORNAMENTAL HAIR WORK. THE UNDERSIGNED has just roceived an as sortment of Gentlemen’s Wigs, Lf.dies Fronts, Braids and Curls, which ho offers for salo at his Barber Shop under the Washington Hall, Broad stroet, Augusta, Go., on accommodating terms. WILLIAM CORMICK, r**t 12 ly Barber and Hair Dresser. AUGUSTA FRENCH BURR MILLSTON E MANUFACTORY. Til E Subscriber, kind patronago re fully inform his friends and tho pub lie, that he continues to execute orders for wiinfsi&i his well known IVar ranted French Burr MILL STONES, of every desired size, at the lowest price, and SHOBTEST NOTICE. He also furnishes ESOPUS AND COLOGNE STONES, SMUT MACHINES, of various patents, BOLTING CLOTHS, of tho best brand, CEMENT for Millstones, and overy other article necessary in a Mill. Also, for Planters, small GRIST MILS to attach to Gin Gears. All ordors promptly attended to. july 18 c WM. R. SCHIRMER. TO PLANTERS. THE SUBSCRIBFiR would respectfully inform Planters that ho furnishes SMALL GRIST MILLS, Suitable to bo attached to Gin Gears, of different sizes, and of different patterns at tho lowest prices. Theso Mills have given tho highest satisfaction, and can be compared with any from the North. Please give us a call before buying elsewhere. WM. R. SCHIRMER, Burr Millstone Manufacturers. Augusta, G a HATS, CAPS, AND STRAW. GOODS AT CHARLESTON PRICES. J TAYLOR, JR. 4c CO., would respectfully n • inform the Merchants of Georgia, and ad- M joining States, that they arc now receiving additional supplies of Goods in their line, their stock being now tho largest and best selected of any over offered in this city, and aro prepared to sell HATS on as rea sonable terms as Groceries, Saddles, Drugs, Ac., can be bought in this city. Please call before going below. apr 8 CLOCKS,“WATCHES &. JEWELRY WOODSTOCK 4c WHITLOCK, Two doors’s above the V. S. Hotel, and opposite the Bank of Augusta, HAVE on hand, and are constantly re- go ceiving, a fine assortment ot WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Sil vor and Plated Ware, Fancy Goods, Guard and Fob Chains, Breast Pins, Ac. Ac. Their stock is entirely now, and will be sold cheap for cash. CLr* W. G. WOODSTOCK will give his strict at tention to REPAIRING WATCHES and CLOCKS, having served a regular apprenticeship in one ot the largest manufactories of London, and from his long experience, he feels assured of giving perfect satisfaction to all who may entrust their work to him. dAcly jan 17 HATS! HATS!! HATS!!.' Fall Styles lor 1851. IF YOU wish to look at some of the finest m HATS in tho United States, just call in at«4p' J. TAYLOR, JR. A CO.’S, near the Post Office cor nor, and examine their Fall styles for 1851. aug. 16 SHIRTS ! SHIRTS !! SHIRTS ! H JUST RECEIVED, per Steamer Southerner, a full supply of all sizes and qualities of SHIR IB and COLLARS. —ALSO— A few very superior Solo Leather Hat CASES, with loek and key. WM. 0. PRICE A CO. NP:W SERIES—VOL. VI. NO. 116 IN QUART BOTTLES. FOR purifying the Rlood. and for the cure of Scrofu la, Mercurial Dineaseß, Rheumatism. Cutaneoua EruptiouH,Stubborn Ulcers, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Salt Rheum, Consumption, Fever Sews, Fe male Complaints, Erysipelas, Loss of Appetite, Pimples, Biles, General Debility, &c. This preparation has now borne the test of over 14 years experience, since its first introduction to public fa vor, during which time numerous imitations have sprung into existence, founding their claims to the confidence of the community on the curative powers contained in Sarsaparilla Root, the great reputation and extended use of which has been mainly attributable to the many wonderful cures effected by the use of this preparation. While Sarsaparilla Root forms an important part of its combination, it is, at the same time, compounded with other vegetable remedies of great power, and it is in the peculiar combination and scientific manner of its prepa ration, that its remarkable success in the cure of disea** depends. Other preparations imitate it in the style of putting up, and bearing the name of one of its ingredi ents. and hero ends their resemblance to it. Those needing a remedy and purifier like this, are requested to note where this difference exists, and in making choice of what they will use, not to take any other but that one entitled to their confidence, from the long list of cures it has effected on living witnesses, whose testimonials and residences have been published, and who are still bearing daily testimony to its worth . The whole histo ry of medicine has scarcely furnished a parallel to the numerous and remarkable cures effected by its use, and what it has effected once it can effect again. FROM KENTUCKY. Inflammatory Rheumatism Gured. BARDBTOWN. Kt., July 10, 1849. Messrs. Sands —Gentlemen: It is my duty to commu nicate facts in relation to the beneficial effects of your Sarsaparilla. My wife was afflicted with inflamn.totion and soreness of the stomach of the worst character; her limbs and chest were much swollen; she bad constant headache, and last spring was attacked severely with :r** fiammatory rheumatism. The best medical aid we could obtain afforded only momentary relief; and while in this situation, she heard of the many remarkable cures ef fected by the use of Sands’ Sarsaparilla, and commenced its use, which produced instant relief, and less than six bottles entirely removed all the dropsical swelling and every other inflammatory sympton, restoring her •»per fect health. I send this statement as an act of justice, believing it to be my duty to encourage the suffering portion of the human family to use Sand's Sarsaparilla, which I believe has no parallel in the catalogue of me dicine. With feelings of lasting gratitude, I remain your friend. SAMUEL P. HARGER. Read the following from New-Orleans, Nov. 12,1849. Messrs. Sands —Gentlemen: I take the liberty of sending you a letter which may be of importance to those who are suffering as 1 have done. I received great benefit from your Sarsaparilla, having been cured of a malady after suffering six years. I hereby cheerfully certify to the good effect of your medicine, and I hojMi God will reward you for all the good you have done. A chronic cough had tormented me day and night, and re peated attacks of fever induced me to believe that I should die with Consumption. One day,/ hile suffering a violent attack of burning fever, a friend >ersuaded me to try your incomparable medicine, but tot *ll the truth, I had uo confidence in it. I finally purcha ted a bottle, and by its use and the help of God, I was restored to better health than 1 had enjoyed for six years. I can not but Mem the author of this admirable medicine. With great respect, I am, gentlemen, Your obedient servant, FERMIN GROUPAZ. “ Truth is stranger than fiction New Durham, N. J.. June 30,1849. Messrs. Sands —Gentlemen: My wife suffered with a distress and buruing in hei chest for many years, and my daughter was afflicted from her birth with a humor in her blood. We consulted various physicians, and tried numerous remedies, without much benefit, until we heard, through Rev. Thomas Davis, of the great me dicinal value of Sands’ Sarsaparilla. On his recom mendation my wife and daughter decided on trying it, and soon experienced permanent benefit. My daughter'a skin assumed a new appearance entirely; from being rough, hard and scaly, it became smooth and soft. My wife's sufferings are almost gone, and its use a short time longer, it is my firm belief, will produce a perfect cure. Yours, with respect, „ . G. S. HENDRICKSON. Pastor of the Baptist Church at the English Neighbor hood. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail,by A. B. kD. SANDS, Druggists aud Chemists, 100 Fulton street, cor ner of William, New York.—Sold also by Druggists gen erally throughout the United States and Canadas. Pri%* $1 per bottle; six bottles for $5. For sale by Ilaviland, Risley & Co., Barrett, Carter k Co., W. K. Kitchen, Philip A. Moise, Augusta; by Hill & Smith, Athens; by H. C. Seymore k Co.. Madison; and by A. J. Creighton, Hamburg, S. C. dfuceoc july 4 ALABAMA AND TENNESSEE. FERRIS & PAUL aro receiving weekly, by steamers from New-York, the latest patterns and styles of gentlemen’s W earing Apparel. And we have on hand, a fine assortment of Cloths, Fancy Cassimcres, Vestings, and Linen Drills, Drap d’Efces, Cashmeretts and Trimmings, o all kinds, which we offer to make up to order at short notice, and dispose of at moderate profits. ALSO READY MADE CLOTHING, Consisting of black and fancy Cassimcre Pants, black Satin, Linen and Marseilles Vests; Alpacca, Linen and Qucena Cloths Frock Coats; white and colored Shirts and Collars; Silk, Merino and Cot ton Under-Shirts; Linen and Cotton Drawers; men’s and boy’s Braces; Spenders’ Money Belts ; Silk, Cotton and Linen Half IIoso; Cravats, Pocket Handkerchiefs and Gloves, of all descriptions; In dia Rubber Balls and Bathing Caps; and other things too numerous to mention. J. C. Ferris. | G. A, Paul. BOUNTY LANDS. BY an act of the late Congress, Bounty LANDS have been granted to the Soldiers and Wid ows of Soldiers who served in the last War with Great Britian, in 1812, or in any of the Indian wars since 1790; also to Commissioned officers of the Mexican War. Having formed an association with legal gentle men in Washington city, I will soon be prepared with the necessary terms and requirements of the Acts, to proceed in behalf of ail those interested therein also to prosecute claims of every descrip tion against the Government: Office on Mclntosh, between Reynold A Braod-st. oct9 JNO. MILLEDGE. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING. rpHE SUBSCRIBERS havo entered into Co- A partnership for the transaction of the above business in all its branches, and respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. wm. McLaughlin, PHILIP CAVENDER. N. B.—Our Shop is on MTntosh-st, opposite the Post Office, the second Paint Shop from Broad-st. sept. 7 SAVANNAH MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Agency In Augusta. THE undersigned has been appointed Agent for the abovo Company, and is now prepared to take Fire, Marino and Inland Navigation Risks.— Premiums in all cases will be reasonable. H. L. JEFFERS, Agent, nov 3 1? Office, Molntosh street. TO BENTISTS.—We have on bond a large caso of good substantial Dentists INSTRUMENTS, adapted to almost tiny operation in Dental Surgery. Also a fine assortment of TEETH FORCEPS. STUBBS, FILES, Ac. D- B. PLUMB A CO. sept 4 CAPETS BAGS—Carpet Bags of every siae and price can bo had of sept. 21 THOS. RICHARDS A SON,