Tri-weekly constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 18??-1877, July 23, 1851, Image 3

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llotirrs. LAW SCHOOL, AT AUGUSTA. o.7"The Ltlurrs will be resumed on MON DAY, the 20th of October. The object of this School is to give systematic in struction to Southern Students, in the common Law of England, as adapted to their own institu tions, on the plan so long followed at Litchfield, Connecticut. The weekly oxercises consist of five Locturos, an examination, and a Moot Court. TERMS, as heretofore—one hundred dollars for the first year and sixty for the second, payable quar terly, in advance. The subscriber will be happy to furnish any furth er information, whenever applied to, personally or by letter. WM. TRACY GOULD. Augusta, Ga., July 15, 1851. f6Ac6 jy 23 Lady’s Hook for August, has been re ceived at Geo. A. Oates A Co’s. Piano, Book and Music Store, Broad-street. Subscribers will please call for their copies. july 22 Notice.—Messrs. Gibbs A McCord are our authorized agonts during our absence from the city, GIBBS A HARDEN. july 20 1m OCT* Clothing!— Very Cheap in Augusta! — Wo offer our stock, which, we think, is the host, at pricos which, we think, the lowost, in Augusta. Our stock is ample, having every articlo useful and nooossary, for gentlemen’s wearing apparel. july 17 WM. O. PRICE A CO. KF*Notlce. —Post Office, Augusta, June 2d, 1851.—0 n and aftor this date, tho Western Mail will close at 3 P. M. Northern nnd Charleston Mails at 5 A. M. Savannah Mail at 8 P. M. Tho Offico will bo opened at 7A. M. and closed on tho arrival of tho Northern Mail, which will bo ready for dolivory by 4} I’. M., aftor which the offioo will continue open until 8 P. M. On Sundays, the offioo will bo opened from 8 to 1) A. M., and from 5 to 8 P. M. Porsons having Key Boxos and wishing Letters charged, aro requosted to make tho following de signation: “Ckargo Key Box No.—.” juno 3 BEN J. F. HALL. P. M. liy Notice—l’ost Office, Augusta, June 39 On anil after tho Ist July, Mails for tho following Stations on tho Ooorgia Rail Road, and for points diverging tliorufrom, will bo closed at 9 o'clock P. M. 8011-Air, Union Point, Barzolia, Buck lload, Lombardy, Social Circlo, Thompson, Conyors, Camack, Stone Mountain, Double Wells, Lythonia, Crawfordvillo, Decatur. Mails for (Jreonsborc, Covington, Madison, and Atlanta will bo closed as heretofore at 3 P. M. jun 29 t B. F. HALL, P. M. CHEAP READY-MADE CLOTHING. J. M. NEWJIV k CO., Under the United States Hotel, Oy Will sell out what SUAIMER CLOTHING they havo on hand, at prices loss than they have over been offered at bofore in Augusta. Among tho stock can bo found good choap Drap Dote Frock and Dross Sack Coats, Black and Color ed Alpaca Sncks, Linen Coats, Sacks and Coatocs, Ac., Black Drap Doto, Fancy Caps and Linon Pants Vests of all descriptions, Ac. Thoso in want of Clothing, will do well to call •early, as woaxp otormined to sell. 07” Soda Water—Cold SODA WATER, with a variety of Sviurrs, at tho Drug Store of PHILIP A. MOISE, Metcalf's Rango. N.B.—Congress Water always in Ice. may 24 snt Oy”Mr. E. C. Sofge having met with such lib oral encouragement, takes pleasure in informing his friends and the public that he has permanently located himself in Augusta as Professor of the Piano Forte, and Organ. Communications loft at tho Music A Book Store of Messrs. Goo. A. Oates A Co. will bo punctually attonded to. jan 3 __ Hy Locating Land Warrants.—l havo effect, ed an arrangement with a gentleman of the west for tho purpose. lam also authorized to purchase the Land after it is located, mar 2 6m ANDREW H. 11. DAWSON. (Eommereial. Augusta Market, July 23. COTTON.—During the past week the market has been in a dull and declining state, prices having given way since the arrival of the Asia, J to 1 cent per lb. on all qualities. At the above noticed decline, buyers have been reluctant operators, and the sales have been limited, not averaging over 200 bales per day. Tho bulk of tbe Cotton on band is held by planters, who show more disposition to sell than has been evinced on their part for some weeks past. In the pres ent state of the market it is difficult to give quo tations with any accuracy, although the market yes terday. Tuesday, was more regular than on any day during the past week. Tho following quotations are as nigh correct as we could ascertain at the close of ope rations last evening: Inferior and Ordinary. 4} a Aliddling 6 a6| Good Middling 6J a 7 Middling Fair. a 7J Fair to Good Fair 7} a 8 RECEIPTS OK COTTON. From Ist September , 1850, to latest dates received. 1851. 1850. Savannah. July 10 288.102 310,318 Do. Sea island 12.250 9,647 Charleston, Julv 17 362.371 339.512 Do. Sea Island 15.882 16.514 Mobile, July 11 428.074 325.910 New-Orleans, July 11 940,595 782^916 Florida, July 2 178.411 179.000 Texas, July 6 41.073 29,015 Virginia, July 1 19,140 9,200 North-Carolina. July 5 12,359 9,888 Total Receipts 2.298,857 2.015,595 2,015,595 Increase of Receipts this year, 288,262 STOCK OF COTTON Remaining on hand at the latest dates received Savannah, July 16 6,343 19.591 Do. Sea Island 1.148 188 Charleston. July 17 20.141 31,000 Do. Sea Island 2.400 2,308 July 11 51.654 41.248 • New-Orleans, July 11 61.990 69,746 (■Florida. July 2 8.239 10.333 BTexas.JulyS 1.877 880 and Hamburg, July 1... 39.397 46.420 JfMaeon, July 1 10.590 9.813 Virginia, July 1 1.800 600 July 5 300 300 July 8 49,944 92.009 Total 254.823 313,562 254.823 Decrease in stocks 58,739 GROCERIES. —IVe have to report another dull week in the Grocery line, with little or no change to notice in prices from last week. The stocks of our merchants are good and well assorted, and every day is adding to that on hand. BACON. —Prices arc firmer, and by the quantity sales have been made of sides at 10$ to 10] —by small parcels at 11 a 111 cents. It will take a good article of sides to bring our outside figures. Sholders arc selling from 9f to 9J cents. LARD. —Good is scarce, and sells readily at 11 cents by wholesale, and 12J at retail. BAGGING. —There is less demand for Bagging than lias been experienced in the market for a number of years past at the samfe period of the year. By retail it is selling at 15} to 16 cents. BALE ROPE. —The stock of Kentucky on hand is on the increase, and sales are making at 8} to 9} cents, by the small quantity. FLOUR. —We have on hand a fair supply of Northern which is dull of sale. Augusta Canal sells readily at S7J to 8 per bbl. for new Wheat, and $6 to 7} for old. WHEAT.—Prime White is worth $1,25 per bush el ; good new Red sl. I COFFEE.—Fair stock on hand, and prices still tend downwards. Wo quote Rio at 10} to 11 cents, the latter price by the small quantity. CORN. —The market is well supplied with Maryland and North-Carolina, and sales are making by the small quantity at prices ranging from 75 to 95 cents—the lat ter price for a beautiful article of Maryland and North- Carolina White. MOLASSES—Fair stock of Cuba on hand, which is selling by the hhd. at 25 a 26 cents. New-Orleans is still scarce, and is worth 37 a 40 cents per gallon. FEATHERS.—Large stock on hand, with but a lim ited demand. Holders are asking 33 cents. SUGARS.—We have no material change to notice in prices, although the stock is light. If any thiug. prices are looking up. SALT.—By wholesale sack salt is held at $1.12 a $1.15 Retailing from stores at $1 25 per sack. DOMESTIC SPIRITS. — Market well supplied—de mand limited. We quote Whisky at 28 a32 cents. EXCHANGE.—We have no change to notice in the ratos for Northern Exchange, which continue at } per cent. prem. for Sight Checks on New-York and other Northern cities. On Charleston and Savannah our Banks are drawing at par. STOCKS. —We have heard of no transactions this week. Little or none offering. FREIGHTS.—Our River is still low, and none but light draft steamers can reach the wharves. We have no change to notice in rates, which continue at 60 cents per bale to Savannah and Charleston. But little Cotton offering. SOUTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD. PASBENUEK TRAINS. FIRST, OR ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leaves charleston daily at 8 A. M., and arrive at Hamburg at 3} P. M. Loaves Hamburg daily at 6 A. M., and arrive at Charleston at 1} I J . M. This train takes up and sets down all way passen gers. SECOND, OR EXPRESS TRIAN. Leaves Charleston daily at 11} A. M., and ar rive at Hamburg at 5 P. M. Leavos Hamburg at 10 A. M., and arrive at Charleston at 3} P. M. This train takes through Passengers only, ami always arrives in full time to connect with the eve ning train of tho Georgia Rail Road, at Augusta, going West, and with the Wilmington Boats, and with tho Now York and Philadelphia lino of Steam ora going East. FREIGHT TRAINS. FIRST, OR UEUULAR TRAINS. Leaves Charleston daily at 5 A. M., arrive at Hamburg beforo 11 A. M. next day, and as many traius loave every morning as may be necessary to tako off all thu Goods reeeived before 0 o’clock tho evening before, and on their arrival at Hamburg, are immediately discharged, and sont over to tho Georgia Rail Road. Second, or Express Freight Train to commcnco running on 20th August. Leave Charleston 5 p. m., and arrive at Ham* burg at 7, a. in., next morning. Leave Hamburg at 5 p. m., and arrive at Charles ton at 7, a. m. This train will take light nnd valuablo Goods only, say boxes and bales Dry Goods, Hats, Shoos, Saddlery, Glass, Drugs, Ac., Ac., which will be sent over immediately on arrival to tho Georgia Rail Road Depot, at Augusta, and from thonco will bo despatched by the day or night mail trains, or by extra express of tho Georgia Rail Road, to thoir points of destination. In addition to tho above, Messrs. Combs & Chamberlin havo made arrange ments to express light Goods on thoir own account by the Passenger Train. Tariff of ilates. j Ham- (freight the same by both! burg. Dejiot at TRAINS.) Say from Charleston to Adray'ge Ist Class —Consisting a t Bridge, of boxes Hats, Bonnots, and Furniture, per cubic foot Bcts 10 c. id Class — Boxes and bales Dry Goods, Shoes, Saddlery, Glass, Drugs. Ac. Ac., per 100 lbs 45 50 3 d Class — Bagging, Rope, Butter, Cheese, Tobacco, Loathor, Feathers, Loaf and Crushed Sugar, Hides, Cotton Yarns and Domestics, Down,Tire,Bar and Sheet Iron, Window Glass, Paints, Oil, Crockery and Glass Ware, (in crates or casks,) Castings,Hard ware, Ilollow-waro, Lard, Tal low, Beeswax, bales of Rags, Ginsing, t Mill Gearing, Bacon (loose,) Ac. Ac 20 25 4 th Class — Suguar, Coffee, Itice, Pig Iron, Mill and Grind Stones, Nails, Bacon in boxes and casks 10 20 Specific Articles — Sait in sacks 25 35 Flour, bbls ! 25 35 Corn, Wheat, Oats, Rye, Peas,Ac. 7 8 Pipes and hhds. Liquor 3 00 4 00 Quarter Casks and Wet Barrels,! 75 1 00 Dry Barrels, Ac. Ac | 00 75 All goods consigned to tho agent of tho South Carolina Railroad Company, Charleston, accom panied witii BUI of Lading, or advice, will be re ceived and forwarded freo of commission, but with out such Bill of Lading, or advice, the Company will not bo responsible. For tho rules and regula tions of the Company generally see tho Tariff of Rates printed on cards. J. D. PETSCH, Sup’t. Trans’t. Charleston, July 20, 1851. dAc july 23 JAMES 07 LONGSTREET, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CAI.IIOUN, GORDON COUNTY, GEORGIA, Will practice in the several Courts of the Choro kce Circuit. ’ —REFERS TO — Hon. J. P. King, ) . ~ Robert F. Poe, Esq., j Au « uata ’ Ga - Richard J. Peters, Esq., Atlanta, Ga. W. Aiken, Esq., Cassville, Ga. july 23 ts sellingToff at reduced prioesT* To close the Summer Trade. CLAYTON & RIGNON, No. 197 Metcalf’s Range, ARE now reducing the price of the remainder of their Spring and Summer stock of Ready- Made CLOTHING, for the purpose of selling them out to make room for their new Fall and Winter stock, which they will soon be rocoiving from thoir manufactory in Now York, and to which they in vite the attention of their friends and customers. july 23 J. J. PEARCE, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Jackson Street, Augusta, Geo. I TAKE this method of returning my fxxvtx thanks for the liberal patronage to the late firm of Pearce A Simpson, and to in- form my old friends, and tho public generally, of Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, and Tennessee, that I still continue to transact tho COMMISSION BUSINESS, in its various branches, in my own name, and will store all Cotton consigned to my charge the ensuing season, in a FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE. I will give my personal attention to tho selling of Cotton and furnishing such articles as my friends and patrons may order from this market, and will make to Planters liberal cash advances on Cotton in Store, when requosted. I confidently hope, from my prudence and experience in the business, to have the continuation of all my old friends, and a share of public patronage. J. J. PEARCE. Augusta, July 22, 1851. The lato firm of Pearce A Simpson was dissolved on the 16th of Juno last; the unsettled business of which will be attended to by i july 23 wAc6m J. J. P. Jiliseellctncotts. CHEAP BLACK ALPACA SACKS, &.C. J. M. NEW BY & CO. HAVE ON HAND, a lot of Bl'k Alpaca SACKS, which they will soil at $1,50 to $2, and va rious other styles of goods equally as cheap. Call soon if you wish a cheap Coat. lmo july 23 S2OO REWARD. I WILL pay the above reward to any one who will apprehend and commit to Jail in this State, DANIEL TOBIN, charged with the murder of JohO McDonnel. Said Tobin broke jail on Weil nesday night the 16th inst. He is about six feet high, well built, very little beard, blue eyes, black hair, thick lips, has a scar on under lip, and is about twenty years of age. W. R. HALFORD, Sheriff Barnwell District, S. C. july 23 c3*ctf HORSESFORSALE. ~ A LOT of Northern Horses for sale. Ap ply to A. WILSON, Hamburg, S. C. july 22 dAcl FLOUR! FLOUR!! 1 BBLS. Baltimore FLOUR; 15 bbls. Canal -*■ tJ Flour; 10 half bbls. do. do.—sweet and sound. Landing and for sale by july 22 3 A. LAFITTE. NOTICE. THE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing under the firm of GRENVILLE A BATTEY, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Either party is authorized to use the name of the firm in the settlement of their business. CHAS. E. GRENVILLE, WM. 11. BATTEY. Augusta, July 20th, 1851. 3 july 22 DISSOLUTION. v TIIE copartnership heretofore existing under the firm of CLARKE A RAMEY, was dissolved on the 15th inst., by mutual consent. Ail the un settled business of tho firm will be attended to by Messrs Ramey & Story. JOHN CLARKE. july 20 -R1 JOHN D. RAMEY'. CO-PARTNERSHIP. THE UNDERSIGNED having this day pnrehased of J ohn Cluko his interest in the lato firm of Clarke A Ramey, will continuo the GROCERY BUSINESS under tho firm of Ramey & Story, and have now on hand a large and general assort ment of goods, which will bo disposed of on tho most accommodating terms. JOHN D. RAMEY, SAM'L. G. STORY. july 20 _ __ 3f _____ MAGAZINES. —Graham’s and Peterson’s, for August, just roceived by july 20 GEO. A. OATES A CO. BUFORD, BEALL & CO., WAREHOUSE & GROCERY MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA. THE UNDERSIGNED tender their thanks to their friends generally, for the patronago so liberally extended to them during the last season, and would respectfully inform them that they continue business at the same well known stand, (two doors above tho Franklin House,) where they are constantly receiving a large and well selected stock, comprising every article usually kept in a Grocery Store, all of which they offer as low as any other house in tho city. On tho Ist of October next, they will remove to that desirable Fire Proof Brick Warehouse, formerly occupied by Fleming, Whitlock A Co., and immediately in front of Adams, Hopkins A Co. All Cotton consigned to them will be sold free of commission. OF" Liberal cash advances made on Cotton and other Produce in store when required. W. H. BUFORD, AY. M. BEALL, July Ist, 1851. J. AY. L. STOVALL, july 19 |Ac6m TOY DRUMS.—Toy Drums, assorted sizes. For sale by THOS. RICHARDS A SON. july 19 GROCERIES, IRON, NAILS, &.C. 1 / \ HHDS. Porto Rico, Muscovado, and X JLUU O. SUGARS, 100 packages Loaf, Crushod, Powdored, and Clarified SUGARS, 400 bags Rio, Java, and Maracaibo COFFEE, 170 hhds. choice MOLASSES, 600 pieces Gunny and Kentucky BAGGING, 500 coils prime Hemp ROPE, 2000 lbs. Three Ply TWINE, 40 tons Swoed Bar IRON, 5 tons Hoop and Band IRON, 2 tons best German and Blister STEEL, 1250 kegs NAILS and BRADS, 300 boxes SOAP and CANDLES, 500 bags SHOT, 5000 lbs. Bar LEAD, Dupont’s and Kentucky Rifle POAVDER, 100 boxes manufactured TOBACCO, 3000 Sacks SALT, A stock of LIQUORS, 100,000 Spanish and American SEGARS. For salo by BAKER A AVILCOX. july 9 AUGUSTA SEED STORED FRESH and Genuino TURNIP SEED, warrant ed new crop of 1851. Ruta Baga, largo Globe, Flat Dutch, Red Top, large English Norfolk Turnip, Ac., Ac., Fall and AA’intor Cabbage Seed, Ac. Just rocoivod and for sale by J. H. SERVICE. _ J u b' 8 dAclrno W~ ANTED - TO RENT IMMEDIATELY—A small House as a Dwelling, ono in the 4th Ward preferred. Also, wanted to hire, a trusty fe male SERVANT, one of 40 or 45 years of agepre forrod. Apply at this office. july 18 TO RENT—Tho lato Sand Hills residence /Sj% of James McLaws, deceased, situated up-.niiii. on the Railroad, about four miles from Augusta. Possession given immediately, july 17 AYM. 11. MeLAAYS, Adm'r. POOR SCHOOL SUPERVISORS. Georgia, county of Richmond—clerk’s Oflice Inferior Court, Monday, July 7th, 1851. Present, their Honors, Garey F. Parish, Thos. Skinner, AVilliam J. Rhodes, Justices. Agreoable to the request of tho Grand Jury of tho second week, the following persons were ap pointed supervisors of the Poor School in tho sev eral Districts named: For the 119th, or Bel-Air District—Goo. AY. La mar, John Millcdgc, Goo. AY. Crawford. 121st, or Tarver’s District—Rev. Jamos Kilpat rick, Adam Johnson, Sami. Tarver. 123 d, or Poor House District—AVm. W. Holt, A. W. Carmichael, Geo. Schley. 124th, or Bridge District—Geo. L. Twiggs, AVm. AY. Holt, D. F. Dickinson. Before tho account of any Teacher will be allow ed, certificates of competency and moral fitness from at least two of tho Superintendents for the District, must be exhibited. A true extract from minutes. july 11 dfAc2 A. H. McLAAVS, Clerk. BACON ! (BACON !! "I (\ AA/1 LBS. of primo Bacon SIDES, J iWvy VI 2,000 lbs. of prime Sugar cured 2,000 lbs. of prime Georgia-cured SHOULDERS, 10 bbls. of Leaf LARD, 10 kits “ “ “ Just roceived and for sale by july 12 dAclrno A. STEA T ENS. TO THE PUBLIC. THE SUBSCRIBERS have this day established themselves in a general BAKERY AND CON FECTIONARY BUSINESS, at tho well known stand of Schultz A Diehl, north-oast corner of Ellis and Centre streets; where they will bo able to fur nish every variety of Bread, Cakes and Confec tionaries. Toa Cakes, Family Bread, Puiseuits, Crackers, Pilot and Ship Bread, Pies, Tarts and Candios, made to ordor at short notice. The senior partner, late of New York, and of the recent firm of Ayres A Smith, successor to R. Gil moro, tenders his thanks for the sharo of patronage so liborally bestowed on them, and solicits a con tinuance of the same to the subscribers. He will bring his exporionee to bear on the manufacture of the above articles under his own suporintondance, and his partner pledges himself to furnish every thing of tho host quality, which when tested will be patronized. F amities and Hotels will be furnishod regularly at thoir own doors with any article required in our lino. T. SMITH, july 13 12 WM. ODEN. CUT BAR DECANTERS.—Beautiful Cut Glass DECANTERS, for sale low, at ma 27 J. J, LATHROP A CO’S. JlUseeUaneous. NEW MUSIC ! THE following pieces have just been received by the subscriber: SONGS. Child of the Wave ; The Child’s AVish; Song of Mercy; AVhen thou art nigh ; I’ve a home in the X alley, an answer to the popular Song of Give me a Cot in the Valley I love; Since you and I were young; Calmly the day is Dying; Those Happy Days are gone, as sung by Alisa Catherine Hays; Sweet Maid of AVindermcre; Oh! be my Bride; But where art Thou; Tho AYandering Bird; I spoak not, I trace not; Song of a Little lloart’; Passing away or Dreams of tho Heart; The Au tumn of our years; Bay of Naples; Oh"! sing once moro that Melody; Lucy Gray; I know who; The wild Harp of our Land is Broken ; I’m only Six teen ; Xarica ; I know that my Redeemer Liveth; Tho Slave Ship; Bright glowing Iris; The Gin Fiend; The Bag of Gold; Oh! wert thou but my own love. A'ARIATIONS. An Evening in Spring; The Bold Soldier Boy; Y'ellow Haired Laddie; Logie O'Buchan ; The Keel Row; Y'e Banks and Braes of Bonnie Doon; High land Mary ; Scot's AVha Hae; Jock O'Hazeldean ; Cornin’ thro’ the Rye. AVALTZES. Lo Prophote; Parodi’s AYaltz; Italian Lovers AYaltz; The Kingston Waltz ; Album Waltz; The Little Toazc AYaltz; The Crazy Pole AYaltz ; Plea sant Hour do.; Sonnet to Youth do.; Jenny Lind's do.; Jenny Lind’s Grand do.; L’Amabilito do.; Ophal do.; La Pcrvencho. POLKAS. Cottage; Fire Fly; C-Cade; Keepsake: Rural; Argyle; Mount Ploasant; Sphinx; Chinese; Hop, Skip and Jump. MARCHES. Maverick; Bernon ; Gulf; March du Sacred, from the Opera of tho Prophote. SCHOTTISCHES. Festival Schottisch; The Paris Schottisch. july 13 GEO. A. OATES A CO. STAPLE DRY GOODS. SNOWDEN i SHEAR HAA r E now in store, a largo supply of STAPLE DRY' GOODS, suitable for Family and Plan tation use. AMONG WHICH ARE Superior 12-4 Linen Sheetings, and Pillow Caso Linens, Superior 4-4 Irish Linons and Long Lawns, Suporior 8-4 and 10-4 Tablo and Damask Dia pers, 8-4, 10-4 12-4, 16-4, and 20-4 Damask Tablo Cloths and Damask Napkins, Superior Bird's Eye and Scotch Diapers, Heavy Huckabucks, and Plain Crequillas, for Towels, Plain AA’hitc and Fancy Colored Furniture Dimi ties, and Cotton, Fringes, Plain Linen Ginghams, Toil De Indc, and Pop lins, for Ladies’ Travelling Dresses, Ladies and Gentlomcn s Hosiery, of superior stylo and quality, t Suporior AA'ater-Twist, N. York Mills, and Frame Y'arn Bleached Shirtings, 12-4 Bleached and Brown Shootings, of tho host quality, Superior Pawtucket, Merrimack, and Atlantic Mills Brown Sheetings, Augusta and Graniteville Brown Shoetings and Shirtings, Heavy Cotton Osnaburgs. Georgia Stripes and Negro Kerseys, Apron Checks, and suporior Amoskoag A. C. A. Tickings, Superior AVhito Gauze and AYelch Flannels, AYhite Marseilles Quilts, of suporior styles and qualities, A large supply of Ingrain, Throe Ply, Brussels, and Tapestry Carpets, AYitb a great variety of other articles, to which they respectfully invito the attention of tho public. june 21 dfAc _ NEW GOODS. RECEIVED per last steamer from New-Y'ork: Plain, low priced and fine linen cambric Hand kerchiefs ; hem-stitched Riviere and Scoll’d do. do. Super French Furniture Prints, for Laid work and Borders; fine and super twisted silk Mitts. Black silk Mitts, (long.) Super Garment Dimity. Jaoconet and Swiss Scolloping and Inscrtings. Plain and dotted Swiss Muslins. French colored bordered plain linen Towels. Do. do. do. Huckabuck do. 12-4 Bobinet Loco for Pavillions. 9-4 Pavillion Gauze. Blue and green worsted Barcgo. Lace and Muslin Undersleeves. Lace Capes, and a variety of other GOODS. All of which will be sold low, by ■ June 15 JNO. P. SETZE. LALLERSTEDT A AVIMBERLYhavo roceived this day per steamer from New York a very choice lot of New Style Lace CAPES, Hamilton Lace Under SLEEVES, Extra Rich Needlcworked COLLARS, Superior Jaconet and Swiss TRIMINGS, Thread and Lislo Edging, Jaconet and Swiss Muslin, Figured and Plain. To which they invito attention. jnne 8 THIRTY DOLLARS REWARD. RUNAAVAY' from my Plantation, in Sum tor District, ALICK, a bright mulatto, about 35 years of age, 5 feet 2 or three inches high; said boy is quick spoken, and intelligent, wore a white wool hat, and was well dressed when he left; I think he has a tioket to pass him to Greensborough, Ga. The above reward will be paid for his delivery, or if lodged in any jail in this State or Georgia, so that I can get him. Apply at this office. —Charleston Mercury. july 1 tuf 8 LOOKING-GLASS WAREHOUSE. The Oldest and most Extensive in the TJ. States. Richards kingsland, No. 38 Courtiandt Streot, New Y'ork, AYholesale Dealer in and Manutaeturer of Looking-Glasses, and Importer of Looking-Glass Plates, and Plate Glass for House and Store AVindows, respectfully invites the attention of Southern Buyers and Dealers to his extensive Stock —embracing all kinds of Mahogany Toilet Boxes, Swings, Mahogany and Gilt, and Gilt Glasses, suit able for tho Trade. Also, constantly on hand, a large assortment of all kinds and sizes of Ornamen tal, Plain, Pier and Mantel Glasses, Portrait and Picture Frames, got up in the richest and most gor geous styles, from the latest Parisian and Foreign designs. Any inquirios. made by letter, relative to the pri ces of Goods, will bo cheerfully answered by return mail. X B.—All orders promptly attended to, and Goods packed with the greatest care, juno 19-3 m NEW YORK AND SAVANNAH STEAM SHIP LINE. lld StCam . —AND— ALABAMA Capt. Ludlow. Belonging to the New York A Savannah Stoam Navigation Company. On and after the 11th Jan., will leave Savannah and New Y'ork every SATURDAY' until further notice. These ships are 1,300 tons register, and un surpassed iu comfort, safely and speed. Cabin Pas sage $25 —payable in advance. Agents PADELFORD, FAY A CO.„ Savannah. SAMUEL L. MITCHELL, jan 12 194 Front street, New York. ON HAND, a lot of superior COTTfJNY'ARN S, which we will sell very low, in order to close 8al . 08 ; FRENCH A BUTLER. July 20 3 MACHINE BELTING. Till 1 , subscribers offer for sale, at manufacturers’ pricos, a large assortment of No. 1 Patent, Riv eted. Stretched and Comcntod LEATHER BELT IN G, assorted widths, of tho most approved man ufacture. and of warranted materials. To which thoy invite tho attention of Machinists and Mnnu facturers generally. AYRIGHT, NICHOLS A CO. J ul y 10 tAcJmo PAINT MILLS AND STONES.—An assort raent of Paint Mills, Paint Stones, Ac., Ac For gale by D. B. PLUMB A CO. ROSE DOUGLASS, or a Autobiography of a Minister's Daughter. For sale by july 15 THOS. RICHARDS A SON RING TRAVELLERS. A LARGE supply of Ring Travellers, just re ceived and for sale by junct 6 th 6 JOHN BONES' iUtsedlancoHS. MANAGER’S OFFICE. GREEN AND PULASKI MONUMENT LOT • TERIES. Managed, Drawn, awl Prizes Paul by the well known awl responsible firm of 3. AY. MAURY A CO. Class 69, to be drawn at Augusta, July 23, 1851. Sales close AA r cdnesday at 3, P. M. PACKAGE SCHEME! 14 Drawn Ballots from 78. Capital, $4,000 DOLLARS!! BESIDES NUMEROUS OTHERS ! Tickets $1 —Shares in proportion. Risk on a pack age of 26 Quarters only $3,50. Class 70, to bo drawn at Savannah, July 25, 1851. Sales close FRIDAY, at 3, P. M. SPLENDID SCHEME ! 13 Drawn Ballots from 75 ! 10,000 DOLLARS!!! $3,000; $2,000; $1,500; $1,196; 5 prizes of sl,- 000; Ac., Ac. Tickets $2,50 —Halves $1,25 — Quarters 62 cents. Extra Class 68, by Monongalia G., July 26,1851 Sales close SATURDAY, at 3, P. M. BRIL LIANT SCHEME! 12 Drawn Ballots from 75 ! • 65,000 DOLLARS!’! $33,627; $21,000; $10,000; $7,000; $5,000: $2,835; of $1,500; 113 of SI,OOO. The lowest 3 number prize is 1,000. Tickets $20 —Halves $10 —Quarters $5 —Eighths $2,50. JOHN A. MILLEN, South side Broad-street, a few doors below Post Office Corner. IT?** Orders from the city or country, strictly confidential and promptly attended to. july 23 LUCKY OFFICE^ GEORGIA STATE LOTTERIES. Ibr the benefit of tho Independent Fire Company, Augusta, Ga. Managed, Drawn and Prizes paid by tho well known firm of D. PAINE A CO; By Susquehanna 32, July 23, 1851. Sales close AVodnesday, at 3, P. M. Brilliant Scheme. 12 Drawn Ballots from 75. Cupital Prize, 30.000 DOLLARS! 20 Prizes of $5,000; 20 of $1,000; 20 of $500; Ac. Ac. Tickets $10 —Ilalvos $5 —Quarters $2,50 — —Eights $1,25. CP- LOOK AT THIS ! By Patapsco 201, July 24,1851. Sales close Thurs day, at 11 A. M. 15 Capital Prizes of 1,000 DOLLARS ! AVITH NUMEROUS OTHERS!!! Tickets $1 —Halves 50c.—Risk on a package of 25 Quarters $3,90. J. AY. ADAM opposite the Post Office. CP” All orders from the city or country strictly •onfidentirl, and promptly attended to. july 20 THE SUBSCRIBER, thankful for pari favors, again offers his survices to his friends and the public, and will continue to carry on the TIN BU SINESS at his Dwelling opposite the Catholic Church, whore all who want cheap and substantial AVork done, will please givo him a call, july 13 3m B. F. BOUYER. ICE! ICE!! ICE!!! FURNISHED TO ANY PART OF GEORGIA. PERSONS wishing ICE at low rates, cither at wholesale or retail, can be supplied, by ad dressing a letter to John B. Martin, Agent, Charleston Neck Ice House, So. Ca. Ice carefully packed in hegshead, or in blankets, at tho shortest notice. july 12 12 J. B. MARTIN, Ag't. N. I. 11. TO RENT, FROM the first of October next, acomforta bio DAYELLING HOUSE, situated on Hill. Ellis street,opposite Mr. Jacob Danforth’s residence, now occupied by E. Murphy. Apply to JNO. D. RAMEY. july 9 CHEAP GROCERIES. INTENDING to close our business, wc offer our stock of GROCERIES for cash, or notes on short time, at the very lowest prices. Merchants and others will do well to call before buying else where. Our stock consists of every thing usually kept by AYholesale Dealers, july 8 ts FRENCH A BUTLER. BURR MILL STONES. WM. R. SCHIRMER, surviving partner of SCHIRMER A AVIGAND, begsleave to in form tho old customers of tho firm, and the public generally, that tho manufacture of BURR MILL STONES in all its various departments, will bo con tinued by him at the old stand. All orders executed with promptness, and in tho very best style. Augusta, Ga., July 17th, 1851. july 18 AUGUSTA FRENCH BURR MILLSTONE MANUFACTORY. THE Subscriber, thankful for the kind patron age received, would respectfully inform their friends and tho public, that they continue to exe cute orders for their well known AVarrantedFrench Burr MILLSTONES, of every desired size, at the lowest price, and shortest notice. They also furnish ESOPUS AND COLOGNE STONES, SMUT MACHINES, of various patents, BOLTING CLOTHS, of the best brand, CEMENT for Millstones, and evory other articlo nocessary in a Mill. Also, for Planters, small GRIST MILS to attach to Gin Gears. All orders promptly attended to. july 18 c AVM. R. SCHIRMER. TO PLANTERS. HE would respectfully inform Planters rihat we furnish SMALL GRIST MILLS, Suitable to be attached to Gin Gears, of different sizes, and of different patterns at the lowest pricos. Theso Mills have given tho highest satisfaction, and can be compare j with any from the North. Please give us a call before buying elsewhere. AVM. 11. SCHIRMER, Burr Millstone Manufacturers, Augusta, Ga. BOLTING CLOTHS. OF AVARRENTED quality, furnished and put lip in Bolts to order. MILLSTONE PLASTER, prepared for bakeing Millstones, cheap, and of best quality, for sale july 18 AVM. R. SCHIRMER. WATCH MAKER AND JEWELLER. F. A. BRAHE, AT HIS OT.D STAND, No. 214 BROAD STREET. Respectfully returns his grateful acknowledgements to his friends and 7£/X the public, for tho very liberal share of pa-g-at tronage ho has received in his lino, and trusts that by personal application and strict attention to all work entrusted to him, to continue to givo sa tisfaction, and merit further confidence. X B.—l have received, and offer with confi dence, Gold and Silver AVATCHES, Fancy JEAA r - ELRY, such as Fancy Guard and Fob Chains, Breast Pins, Broaches, Mantle Clocks, and many articles too tedious to enumerate, which tho pub lic arc invited to examine before making thoir pur chases. oct 24 A CARD. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and tho public generally, that ho has this day established himself for the transaction of a GEN ERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS, and as AVholc salo Dealer in AVINES and LIQUORS of all de scriptions at No. 92 East Bay, former stand of Jas. Bancroft A Co. CHARLES 0. AVITTE. Charleston, July 1,1851. ws 6 july 2 J. W. HOLBERTON, 75 MAIDEN LANE,. NEW YORK. IMPORTER and Jobber in FRENCH and ENG LISH FANCY GOODS, German Toys, Glass Y ases, Beads, Slates. Slate Pencils, Snuff Boxes, Accordions, Looking Glasses, Violons, Ac. Agents for Faber’s Lead Pencils. Manufocturere's Agent for American Tin Toys, Fireworks. Ac, 2mt july 15 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICET " TnE undersigned has This Dav associated with himself his brothor, JNO. BONES MOORE. The business of the firm will be conducted under the name and style of H. A J. MOORE—and will be continued at tho Old Stand, where wiP bo found a largo and extensivo assortment of HARDAVARE and UTLERY, IRON, STEEL, GUNS, PIS TOLS, Ae. HENRY MOORE. Augusta, July 1,1851. d7cß july 2 Baits. BY HUTCHINSON & THOMAS. Bacon Sides. Will be sold, in front of our Store, on Wednesday, 23d inst,, on account of all concerned, 10 hhds. BACON, ALSO. Will be sold GROCERIES, 4c., at 10 o’clock in front of Store. Terms—Cash. j u iy 22 BY A. LAFITTE. Deniable Lots near the Georgia Railroad. THURSDAY, 24th instant, at 10 o'clock, will bo sold, on the premises: 7 desirablo LOTS: one situated on the S. E. cor ner of Jackson and Fenwick-sts., fronting 44 feet 9 inches on Fenwick-st., and 6 other Lots adjoining the above to the eastward, having a front of 40 feet onch on Fenwick street. The whole running back to the southward 88 feet more or less. Said Lots imme diately opposito the Georgia Railroad Work Shot) and Foundary. Terms—One-fourth cash, balance in one, two and three years, with interest from date, secured by bonds and mortgage on the premises. Purchasers to pay for papers. A plat of the above can be seen at the store of A. Lafitte. td july 18 BY A. LAFITTE. Sale of Valuable City Lots. On Monday, 28th inst., at 9 o’clock, A. M., will be sold, on the premises, 204 CITY LOTS, situated as follows: 72 Lots lying between Centre and Lincoln, and Calhoun and D, streets. 4 Lots lying between Fenwick and Calhoun-sts. 4 “ “ Watkins and Fenwick-sts., next above the Jail. 52 Lots lying between Lincoln and East Bound ary, fronting on Walker and Watkins streets. - - 32 lots lying between Houston and East Boun dary streets, and fronting on Talfair and Walker streets. 16 Lots lying between street and East Boundary, and fronting on Groena and Telfair sts. 6 Lots lying between street and East > Boundary, and fronting on Greene and Ellis streets, f 10 Lots lying between street and East l Boundary, and fronting on Broad and Ellis streot. 1 8 Lots next below Thomas Tobin, and fronting on W alker and Telfair streots. TERMS. One-filth cash, the balance in ten equal annual instalments, with interest from date of sale. Furthor particulars will bo declared at tho sale. Purchasers to pay for papers. - N. B.—The saio will bo continued from day to day. A plan of the Lots may be seen at tho storo ot A. Lafitte and at tho office of the Clerk of CoßMil - july 11 REFLECT AND BE REFLECTED.—Wo have just received a large and well assorted lot of LOOKING GLASSES), which we are willing to sell very low for cash. Do not forget to call at J. J. LATH-HOP 4 CO S., Broad street. FOR SALE. A SUPERIOR Saddle HORSE, largo, JjX—, gentle, aud warranted sound. Apply at this office ts june J 9 FOR SALE* " A YOUNG WOMAa, a good Sempstress, and House Servant, and her infant child. The woman is 23 years old, tine looking, of good temper and warranted sound. 1 Inquire at this office. ts june 11 FOR SAVANNAH. - To leave every Tuesday morning , at 9 o'colck. THE new aud splendid light m it draught steamer HANCOCK, Bsi "i Capt. Murry, built expressly for tho Augusta and Savannah trade, will leave Augusta for Savannah every Tuesday morning, at 9 o clock. lor freight or passage, having fine accommoda tions, unequalled by any boat on the river.—Apply to the Captain on board, or to tho Agents a P I D.L. ADAMS 4 SON. “ TRAVELLERS OUTFITST” PER STEAMERS 20TU JUNE. LINEN OVER SACKS, Travelling CAPS, Silk and Gingham UMBRELLAS, Silk and Gauze Cotton UNDER SHIRTS Linen and Colored Gingham SHIRTS, ’ New patterns Summer CRAVATS and STOCKS Water FLASKS, Toilet CASES, Segar CASES* Money BELTS, Shoulder BRACES, and almost every article useful for the Traveller. july I WM._O. PRICE 4 CO. MACKEREL. —20 bbls. choice inspection new brand of 1851. Just received and for salo bv j»ly 1 HUTCHINSON & THOMAS. WHISKY I \ BARRELS New Orleans WHISKY, lan -L \J\J ding This day, and will be sold low, if taken from the wharf. may 17 T. W. FLEMING 4 CO. 1 BBLS. Stuarts, Crushed, Powered and -t V/\s Clarifiod SUGAR, just received and for sale by WILLIAMS & BROTHER. ORNAMENTAL HAIR WORK. THE UNDERSIGNED has just received an as sortment of Gentlemen’s Wigs, Ladies Fronts, Braids and Curls, which ho offers for salo at his Barber Shop under the Washington Hall, Broad street, Augusta, Ga., on accommodating terms. WILLIAM CORMICK, . oct!2 ly Barber and Hair Dresser. AVERY fine lot of fresh beat RICE, strictly prime and No. 1. Also, some strictly prime LARD, in barrels. For sale low, by W. 11. STURGES 4 CO. july 9 COSMOS —VoL 3d; received by july 15 THOS. RICHARDS 4 SON. NEW PUBLICATIONS— Received by THOS RICHARDS 4 SON, The Daughter of Night: a story of tho present time, by S. W. Follom. 3d vol. Humboldt’s Cosmos. july g SODA WATER] THE subscriber respectfully informs tho eitizons of Augusta, that he is Manufacturing the best article of SODA WATER, which he will deliver daily, in any quantity, in any part of the city. apr 11 sin E. D. MEYER. LADIES’ MOURNING GOODS. SNOWDEN & Sill EAR HAVE received from New York, a largo supply of Goods for Mourning, among which are : Lupin's superior Black Bombazines, Superior Black Alpacas, of tho best style and quality, 41 * ; Superior English Blade and White Prints and Ginghams, Plain Black Silk Grenadinos and Black Bareges, Black Marquissc and Plain Black Crape De Pa ris, Black Grenadine and Love Shawls, and Black Crape Veils, To which they respectfully invite the attention of ho public. dfAc june 21 BACON. —5 hhds. choice SIDES. Just received and for sale by HUTCHINSON 4 THOMAS, July 12 Auctioneers. TO HIRE.—From the sth of July, for three or four months, a first rate Washer and Ironcr, who also understands Chamber and House work.— A situation in tho country preferod—best recom mendations givon. Apply at this office, june 27 DRY GOODS AT PRIVATE SALE . T BRENNAN 4 CO., will sell tho balance of • their SPRING GOODS, at their old Store at greatly roduced prices, as they are about to close up the concern, and remove to their new Storo on the Ist of October next. tclw july 17 UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. NEW YORK AND CHARLES TON, Steam Packets, Loavo on every Tuesday Afternoon, through in 60 hours. THE NEW STEAM SHIP MA RIOX, 1200 Tons, Capt. M. Beiir y. STEAM SHIP SOUTHERNER, 1000 Tons, Capt. John Dickin son. THESE SPLENDID Ocean Steamers will leave Adgor’g Wharves regularly every SATUR DAY AFTERNOON, throughout tho year. Tho MARION commences her trips, leaving Saturday, May 31st. Passengers by this line may expect every possible comfort and accommodation. For Freight or Passage, having splendid Stato Room accommodations, apply to tho Agent, at Charleston, S. C. IIENRY MISSROON, Cor. East Bay 4 Adgcr’s South Wharf. Cabin Passago, $25: Steerage Passage, SB. No berth socurcd until paid for. The SOUTHERNER will leave Charleston for New York, on Saturday Afternoon, 10th and 24th May. t 3 moa may 4.