Tri-weekly constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 18??-1877, August 08, 1851, Image 4

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Ojorlrstott SHIRTS. — Fina Linen and Muslin SHIRTS, mode in the latest fashions, of the best mate rials, and Danskin’s celebrated patterns. W. A. Danskin is the original inventor of the system of cutting Shirts by measurement. Dan skin’s pattern has received the unqualified commen dation of gentlemen in all parts of the U. States, and has been pronounced perfect. The above described Shirts, together with a large and varied assortment of articles necessary for gen tlemen, can always be had at R. M. WELCH'S Fashionable Furnishing Store for Gentlemen, north west corner Meeting and Market streets, Charles ton, S. C. mar 8 J. CHAFFEE, No. 179 East Bay, Charles • ton, S. C., Dealer in Foreign WINES and LIQUORS, TOBACCO and SEGARS, and Manu facturer of LEMON SYRUP. may 8 HLEIDI.V6, Direct Importer of German, • French and English Fancy GOODS, HO SIERY! MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, TOYS, Ac., No. 284 King-st., near Society street, Charleston, S. C. Goods sold, at New York, Philadelphia and Bal timore wholesale prices. mar 7 JOHN MACK, Importer of French and English MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS, Bonnot RIBBONS, Thread and Cotton EDGINGS, at wholesale only. Meeting streot, botwocn the Pavilion and Charles ton Hotels, Charleston, S. C. mar 7 JAMES E. SPEAR He CO., Importers A Deal ers in WATCHES, JEWELRY, STERLING SILVER WARE and FANCY GOODS, at whole sale and retail, No. 235 King street, opposito Hascl, Charleston, S. C. mar 7 Hardware — stevens v uetts, Direct Importers and Wholesale Dealers in HARD WARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, PISTOLS, Ac., Ac., No. 80 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. Joel Stevens. Wm. 11. Betts. mar 7 JS. REACH, wholesale BOOK-SELLER and • STATIONER, No. 5 Hayno street, Charles ton, S. C. mar 7 EORGE ABBOTT, 97 East Bay, opposite Boyce A Co.’s Wharf, Direct Importer of Eng lish WHITE LEAD and LINSEED OIL: whole sale and retail dealer in English and American PAINTS and OILS, of every description; VAR NISH, BRUSHES, French and American WIN DOW GLASS and PUTTY, Ac.; together with a complete and fresh supply of BURNING FLUID, or SPIRIT GAS, with a largo and select assort ment of LAMPS, of the latest and most approved design for tho same. All of which he offers for sale, at a small advance on manufacturer's prices, mar 7 TROUT k DELANGE, 112 East Bay, Charles ton, S. C., Dealers in STONE LIME CEMENT, Plaster PARIS, N. Y. Marble LIME, PLASTER ING, LATHS and HAIR, FIRE BRICKS. —ALSO — Gypsum, or Farmers Manuring PLASTER. Keep constantly on band, a good stock of White Pine and Poplar LUMBER, NAILS, Ac. Orders solicited and will bo punctually and accu rately filled. We recommend all articles in our stock as being of the very best quality. mar 7 CALHOUN CLOTHING STORE.—G. LITTLE Sc CO., (Successors to Johnson & Canfield.) CLOTHING STORE, No. 199 King street, next door to Victoria Hotel, Charleston, S. C. Always on hand, a large and fashionable stock of Ready-Made CLOTHING, at the lowest possible prices. SHIRTS, HOSIERY, UMBRELLAS, Ac., * Ac., wholesale and retail. mar 7 DUNN &• IH RYKA, wholesale und retail CLO THING ESTABLISHMENT, 238 King-st., (in the Bend,) Charleston, S. C. P. S.—Please call and examine. mar 7 SHADES! SHADES! SHADES !—The largest O assortment of Transparent Window SHADES, aro to be found at the Window Shade Depot, No. 177 King stroot. Gentlemen and Ladies visiting Charleston should not purchase before examining this assortment. Sign of the Red Flag. Also to bo found as abovo, PAPER HANGING , and UPHOLSTERY GOODS generally. ' It. N. BUTLER, mar 7 No. 177 King street. C Charleston steam sugar refine- J RY.—Doublo Refined Loaf, Crushed and Pow dorod SUGAR. —AI.SO — White and Yellow Clarified SUGARS, —AND — Sugar House SYRUP, in hhds. and bids. J. T. WELSMAN, mar 7 105 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. ANTT, TOFF k GANTT, Factors and Gen eral Commission AGENTS, Accommodation Wharf, Charleston, S. C. feb 26 (CHARLESTON FEMALE INSTITUTE, by J Mrs. H. L. Moise, (late of Augusta.) ENGLISH TUITION, with Board, at S2OO per annum. French, Italian, Spanish, Music, Drawing, and Painting, at Professor’s prices. Pitt street. 6 m • mar 4 I ISAAC moise, BROKER, AUCTIONEER Mid COMMISSION AGENT. Stocks, Bonds, Real Estate, and Negroes, bought and sold per order. One door south of the P. & M. Bank. OuwU«ie»- S. C. _ mar 4 G& H. CAMERON, Direct Importers and • Wholesale Dealers in CROCKERY", CHINA and GLASS AY ARE, No. 145 Meoting-st., Charles ton, S. C. Have always on hand a largo and extensive as sortment of the above Goods, (selected by one of the firm at the Manufactories of England and Franco,) which they offer for sale at as low rates as they can be purchased in any city of the Union. mar 4 CT. CHISOLM’S PORTER, ALE and YVINE STORE, by the dozen or quantity, No. 33 Broad street, Charleston, S. C. mar 4 Z B. OAKES, BROKER and AUCTIONEER, « No. 7 State street, Charleston, S. C. Slaves, Real Estate, Bank Stock, &c., bought and sold on commission. mar 9 EC. THARIN, AUCTIONEER and GENE . RAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 24 V endue Range All Grain consigned to mo, together with other Country Produce, will meet with prompt sale and attention, having large Storo Rooms. Charleston , .S'. C.—Refer to Col. James Gads den, and M. C. Mordocni. mar 4 Jos. LAWTON & CO., Importers of Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, No. 40 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. mar 7 JOHNSTON, CREWS & BRAWLEY, Import ers and Dealers in DRY GOODS, No. 181 Last Bay, Charleston, S. C. mar JOSEPH WALKER, Charleston, S. C.. Agent for John T. YVhite; TYPE FOUNDER, of the “ Hoe” Printing Press Manufactory. PRINTING INK of the best quality, all at New York prices—actual expenses only added. Largo stock constantly on hand. mar ‘ ARRIAGE REPOSITORY.—W. J. GAYER, South-east corner Mooting and Wcntworth sts., Charleston. S. C., has constantly on hand, a great variety of CARRIAGES, of ovory desenp tion, calculated for tho Southern market. m 7 ILHAM H. BARTLESS. FORWARDING and COMMISSION MERCHANT, Brown's Wharf, (foot of Vendue Range,) Charleston, S. C. He will give his particular attention to Receiving and Forwarding Goods—his long experience as Secretary and Forwarding Agent of the South Ca rolina Rail Road Company, gives him peculiar fa cilities in this line of business. mar I LEWIS M. HATCH, No. 120 Mooting street, Charleston, S. C., Agent for tho sale of OILS, WHITE LEAD, IRON SAFES, Platt, Stone & Borgardus’; STEEL MILLS, LEATHER and RUBBER BANDS, and for a groat variety of ar ticles required by Manufacturers and Mechanics, mar 7 GRIFFIN & PULLMAN, Wholesale Dealers in FANCY DRY GOODS, No. 60 Queen streot, Charleston, S. O. mar 7 ’KENZIE, CADOW Sc CO„ wholesale DRY GOODS, No. 82 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. mar 7 EDGERTON & RICHARDS, DRAPERS AND TAILORS, No. 32 Broad street, Charleston, g. c. mar 7 CARR. AND TAI HaffaEtwavs on hand a httnflsome assortment of CLOtHSrCASIMERES, VESTINGS, and FAN CY ART'Which he offers on the usual terfcis, or at I" pPPj discount lMwa.-l 1 jsjut l MC?MOKBE( AI, ASOTIONEER and COM * MISSION MERCHANT, Charleston, S. C. Agent, U- WW Steam Ship ISABEL, sailing from CharleSpHSfllavana, on the Ist and 15th ot each mar 7 PR EMIUMCO XFKCTIONEIIV, by JOSEPH WHITE. Awarded the highest Premium by South Carolina Institute. CANDY sl6 >er hundred pounds No. 355 King streot, South of Boundary streelpuharleston, S. C. mar 7 CHARLESTON HOTEL—BV* HT’mTx iflfj Charleston,!?. C. mar 7 CHARLESTON, S. C.—SPRING OF 1851. W. G. BANCROFT, 253 King-st., Charles ton, S. C., invites the attention of Country Mer chants to his stock of DRY GOODS. He is pre pared to offer a very large and desirable stock of rich and elegant DRESS GOODS, together with a complete assortment of French, English, German, and American Fancy and Staple Goods of every variety. He has made extensive additions to his Whole sale Rooms, and his stock of Dress Goods will bo found unusually attractive, embracing the largest stock ever offered in Charleston. The Goods and prices will be well worthy the at tention of close buyers. mar 11 OP ERAT IO X ON THE TEETH J. A. CLEVELAND, D. D. S., 207 King-st., Charles ton, S. C. mar 7 J 11. TAYLOR, AUCTIONEER AND COM • MISSION MERCHANT, 17 Vendue Range, Charleston, S. O. Agent for the sale of the Charleston Steam Mill Goods, and of various Georgia and South Carolina Shirtings and Osnaburgs. mar 7 MILLAR’S BISCUIT BAKERY, No. 131 Meet ing street, opposite Market, Charleston, S. C. Soda, Butter, Water, Sugar and Lemon BIS CUITS, in boxes, barrels and kegs. Orders from tho country' promptly attended to. _ mar 7 EB. CREWS, Successor to Dick & Chews, . AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, Charlestop, S. C. mar 7 WM. MATTHIES r SEN’sTVHOLESALE CLO TIIING WAREHOUSE, corner of East Bay and Queen streets, Charleston, S. C. Manufacturing House, No. 36 Platt street, New York. Country Merchants purchasing Clothing, will find it to their advantage to look through the stock of their extensive Clothing House, where they will find fresh and desirable Goods, at prices as low as they can bo purchased at in New York. m 7 GEORGE OATESs Dealer iirPIANOFORTES, MUSIC, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, &c., 234 and 236 Iviag street, at the Bend, Charleston, S. C. mar 7 B johnson, um b rella "m anufactif • RER, No. 263, King-Street, (near Went worth,) Charleston S. C.—Has on hand a large as sortment of Silk, Gingham, and Cotton UMBREL LAS: also, the largest supply of BUGGY UM BRELLAS in tho city, which are warranted supe rior to most imported, and sold at a lower price. P. S. Having enlarged his facilities, he can manufacture the above articles as cheap as any manufacturer in the North on elsewhere, may 5 ly Gillilands, howell & co., importers and dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, No 33 Haync-stroet, Charleston S. C. may 15 ly COURTNEY & TENNENT, direct importers of HARDWARE, No. 35 Hanyne-street,Charles ton, S C. may 15 ly JEW DAVID'S, HEBREW PLASTER. THE GREAT REMEDY, ]7'OR RHEUMATISM, Gout, Pain in tlie Side, Hip, . Back. Limbs and Joints, Scrofula, King's Evil, White Swellings, Hard Tumors. Stiff Joints, and ail fix ed Pains whatever. Where this Plaster is applied pain cannot exist. Those Plasters possess the advantage of being put up in air-tight boxes —hence they retain their full virtues in all climates. Have you Friends going to California ? By all means advise them to take along a supply of this Plaster, it may save them hundreds of dollars, if not their lives, as the exposures which they have to endure in the mines is sure to bring on disease, which might be easily cured by the use of this celebrated Plaster, for the want of which many have been obliged to quit their labors and fall into the hands of the physicians, who, by their extravagantly high charges, soon take away the hard earnings of the bravest laboring man. By sleeping in tents or on the ground, Rheumatism, gpinal Disease, Stiff Joints, Lame Back or Side, and all like diseases, are sure to trouble them, and many times entirely lay them up, when the simple application of this Plaster would give them immediate relief, and en able them to proceed with their labors without delay. It has been very beneficial in cases of weakness, such as Pain and Weakness in the Stomach, Weak Limbs, Affections of the Spine, Female Weakness, See. No fe male. subject to pain and weakness in the back or side, should be without it. Married ladies, in delicate situa tions, find great relief from cqsatM*tl.v wu«rin» ’ The applications of the Plaster between the shoulders lias been found a certain remedy for Colds, Coughs, Phthisic, and Lung Affections, in their primary stages. It destroys inllammation by perspiration. - A VOICE FROM GEORGIA. Read the following testimony from a Physician. ■Gentlemen: Your Hebrew Plaster has cured me of pains of which I have suffered for twelve years past. During this period I labored under an afiliction of my Loins and Side, and tried many remedies that my own medical experience suggested, but without obtaining re lief. At length I used your Plaster. I will recommend the Jew David or Hebrew Plaster to all who are suffer ing from contraction of the muscles, or permanent pains in the side or back. The people of Georgia have but to become acquainted with its virtues when they will resort to its use. Yours, truly, M. W. WALKER. M. D., Forsyth, Munroe county, Ga. To Messrs. Scovil Sc Mead, New Orleans, La. JEW DAVID'S, Oil HEBREW PLASTER IN NORTH CAROLINA. Messrs. Scovil Sc Mead : I have been troubled with the Chronic Rheumatism for the last twelve years. On the Ist of July, 1549, I was so bad that I could not turn myself in bed, and the pain so severe that I had not slept a wink for six days. At this time lily attending physician prescribed the Hebrew Plaster, and it acted like a charm j the pain left me, and I slept more than half of the night, and in three days I was able to ride out. I consider the Hebrew Plaster the best remedy for all sorts of pains now in use. G. W. McMINN. Hendersonville, N. C., Aug. 10, ISSO. Beware of Counlerfets and base Imitations! (£7= The genuine will in future have the signature of E. Taylor on the steel plate engraved label on the top of each box. Purchasers are advised that a mean counterfeit of this article is in existence. The genuine is sold only by us, and by our agents ap pointed throughout.the South— and no peddler isallowed to sell it. Dealers and purchasers generally are cau tioned against buying of any but our regular agents, otherwise they will be imposed upon by a worthless ar ticle. SCOVIL & MEAD. 113 Chartres street, New Orleans, sole General Agents for the Southern States, to whom all orders must in variably be addressed. Sold wholesale and retail, by Haviland. Risley & Co., Augusta, Ga.; Barrett. Carter & Co., do.; Wm. K. Kitch en, do.; D. B. Plumb & Co., do.; Haviland, Harrall & Co. Charleston, S. C.; P. M. Cohen Sc Co., do.; Haviland, Kease Sc Co., New York; and by one appointed agent in every town in the Southern States. 6m apr 22 COMPOUND’ FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHU, &C. IT being exceedingly difficult to make an extem poraneous preparation of BUCHU, retaining it* fall medical properties, the propriety of having a reliable preparation of it in a convenient and pala table form, at once suggests itself to the practising Physician. This artielo is no nostrum, but simply a concen trated fluid extract of Diosma, Paraira and Uva Ursi, carefully prepared from the best materials, and has been successfully used by several of the most ominent Physicians of Augusta and vicinity, in Chronic diseases of the Genito-urinary appara tus, such as Gleet, Irritable Kidneys and Bladder, Stranguary, Ac. Ac. It has also been found a valuable addition to Atlsamic mixture for Gonorrhoea. formula by which it is prepared can bo ex amined by Physicians at thoir pleasuro. Sold by D. B. PLUMB A CO., apr 2 Druggists, Augusta, Ga. CARPETS AND RUGS. C. A. PLATT , WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM the public, that he has now on hand one of the largest and best assortments of CARPETS AND RUGS over offered in this city, which have all boen pur chased from tho manufacturers, at the lowest possible prico, and will bo sold at prices to defy all compe tition. The stock comprises TWO HUNDRED PIECES, viz: Extra Brussels, Brussels, 3 Ply CARPETING; Imperial, Superfine, Medium, Common, and Stair CARPET. AI3O, and extensive and beautiful assortment of RUGS. TABLE AND FLOOR OIL CLOTHS Os all qualities and widths, which can be cut whole to any dimensions without any scam ; together with a large assortment of FURNITURE AND CABINET WARE, of the latest and most approved styles. CURTAINS, SHADES and CORNICES, of all descriptions. Merchants and Families are cordial ly invited to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere, as he feels assured they will find the largest and best stock in the Southern country, at the lowest possible price. 03“ Carpets and Floor Cloths cufto fit without extra charge. aug 16 NEW CROCKERY ESTABLISHMENT^ AT THE STORE, recently occuphd by Messrs. Hopkins, Kolb A Co., nearly opposite Lamback's, where can be found every article usually kopt in a CROCKERY, (ifflNA AND GLASS STORE, To which we respectfully invite the atention of tho citizens of Augusta and surrounding country. City and Country Merchants will find it ducidedly to their intorcst to give us a call before making their pur chases, as we are determined to sell Hoods low. Also, Wooden, Willow, and Brifcnnia WARES, Table CUTLERY, WAITERS Ac.. Ac. oct 11 J. J. LATHIIOP A CO. BleMcal <£arl>s. DR. J. M. HILL, [ Greene Street, opposite the Bapti'4 Church. mar 27 ‘ j lyr DRS. J. E. & H. A. BIGNON. Office on Broad St. opjmsite Bridge Sank hmldin g 03=“ Offer their professional servijes to the cit zens of Augusta and its vicinity. jan 14 H. VAN VOOKHIS. MjA. HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. 03’" Is permanently located in Augusta, and is to be found at Mr. Beer's, corner of Broad and Jackson streets. Refers to G., J. and W. SCHLEY, Bags. m 14 A CARD. 03== DR. EDW. GIRARDEY ttqders his Pro fessional Services to the citizens of Augusta, and its vicinity. 03“ Office one door abov4 Martin Fred- ly j oct 30. J. M. HAWKES, M.t 02?“ BOTANIC PHYSICIAN Sc fiI'RGEON. — Treats disease on purely Physiolonal Principles, rejecting all known poisons, winner vegetable, animal or mineral. 03*“ Office, a few yards South of;ie Post Office and opposite the Young Men's Libr ry Association. August 1, Ga. ly feb 1 03“ DR. M. J. ROLAN, Offers is professional services to tho citizens of Augusta 1 id its vicinity. Otliee at his rosidence, on Broad rcot, above the Upper Market. (im ap 8 03“ DU. J VS. D. MACK 1 1£ teidyrs respectfully his Professional Services to the citizens of Augus ta. Office on Jackson street, betneoi Broad and Reynold streets. 6mos jan 12 MEDICAL CARD. 03“ DR. P. M. STOTESBURV ofl'ers his Pro fessional services to the Public. Office on Broad-street, first Dwdlfcig above tho Franklin House, where he may bo found at all hours, when not professionally' engagol. References. —Dr. M. S. Thompson, Macon, Ga.; Dr. J. Toole, Scriven county, formerly of Ham burg, S C. mar 14 DENTISTRY. D. S. CHASE, M. DXTIST, AUOUSTA, GEORGIA. Artificial TEETH*scrtcd on Gold Plate, with Gasps, Spiral Springs, by Atmosphere pressure, or ‘ * f with an Air chamber Partial. Sets inserted in a neat and beautiful manner, without either Clasps or Springs. Palatine made and inserted so as to enable the patient to speak distinctly, and with case. . l',ti tieular attention paid to lAaitition, and the preservation of the Natural Teetl. Office south side of Broad-stleet, ono square above the Globe, and a few doors below the Frank lin House. iy jan 3 ~~~ 0. MUNSON, A. M., M. D., SURGEON DENTIST, AUGUSTA, GA. OFFICE over Carmichael A Co.'s A Hardware Store. TEETH constitutionally healthy, Plugged, and warranted for life . References— Drs. Eve, Means, Campbell, Le Conte, Messrs. Bones, and Hand, Fleming £ Co. apr 29 ts PROF. A. C. BARRY’S TRICOPHEROUS OK MEDICATED COMPOUND, for restoring, preserv ing, and beautifying the Ilair, eradicating scurf and dandruff, and curing diseases of the skin, glands and muscles, stings, cuts, bruises, sprains, Ac., See. It has been ascertained by experiment that Harry's Tricophe rous has produced the same effect in curing diseases of the skin. See., of the horse and all the animal kingdom. The following testimonials, selected from linndj similar import, will serve to show the vale* paration, and the estimation in wliiefi-li > who have ttiv.on >* - ‘ York. Sept. 22,1850. Prof. Barry,—Dear Sir:—l have been allieted with a cutaneous eruption of the scalp, of a most aggravated character, for tlft last sixteen years, and during that pe riod have had the advice of some of the most eminent physicians, and have tried all the preparations for tire hair and skin now known, without the leas benefit. I was advised by a friend to try your Tricopherous. I did so, as a last resort, and, to my surprise aid gratifica tion. found myself cured in about two mojtlis. Such was the violence of the disorder that at time; I was par tially blind. Respectfully yours, G. V. M. RAX’ELYE, 140 Columbia Street Brooklyn New York, Ocf 23, 1850. Prof. Barry,—My Dear Sir: —About tw< years ago my hair came out a great deal, and my lica4 was much affected with dandruff. I was told by a fi end to try your Tricopherous. and I did so, and to in astonish ment my hair was firmly rooted, and all t e dandruff disappeared, as the head now shows itself. Hth respect, I am your ob't serv’t. J. S. TREADWELL, 653 BLadwav. If any lady or gentleman doubts the autumticity of the above, they will please call at Professor AtC. Barry’s Office, No. 137 Broadway, New York, where lp will pro duce the original letters. (From the Military and Naval Argus, Nov. 1. 1850.] There is no remedy for the permanent cut of bald ness and diseases of the cranium that has reached the popularity enjoyed by the articlejinown as Professor Barry's Tricopherous, or Medicated Com pound. It is extensively used by the upper Masses of the community ; in almost every nursery in tie land it is used in preference to other articles of thekind. It imparts vigor to the roots of the hair, and fius pro motes its growtli to a remarkable degree. Itidestroys the dandruff and scurf, and yields the hair finejnd glos sy. It will cure all diseases of the scalp, suet as weald head, dew worm, and other obnoxious disorders of the skin: in cheapness as well as efficacy, it standsunrival lcd. It is sold in large bottles, price 25 cents, al No. 137 Broadway, and at the Druggists generally thnughout the United States and Canada. juue f-iStc HOPKINS, HUDSON & CO , COMMISSION MERCHANTS , Office Frazer’s Wharf, Charleston, SJC. THE UNDERSIGNED being loave to inform their friends and the public, that thej have opened an office in the City of Charleston, S. C., for a GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS. Particular attention will be given to the sale ts Cot. ton, and all other Country Produce, purebise of Merchandize, and receiving and Forwarding ioods- The customary cash advances and facilities >4ll be afforded customers. J. R. Hudson and John J. Cohen reiifle in Charleston. L. Hopkins continues his residence at Augusta, Ga. engaged in the Commission Business as heretofore, where he may be consulted ir,dela tion to business designed for our House in Charles ton. LAMBETH HOPKINS, Augista. JOHN R. HUDSON, \ Char ,, eton JOHN J. COHEN, j unari.eton. nov 2 iy HOUSEKEEPING ARTICLS. BRASS ANDIRONS, SHOVELS A TOSGS FENDERS AND BELLOWS, Hearth and Crumb Brushes, , Dish Mats. Waiters, Candlesticks, Castors, Cake Baskets, Plated and Britannia Tea Sotts, Coffee Urns and Biggins, Solar Lard Lamps, Candelbras, in Gold and Silver 1 Dish Covers, Beef Stake Dishes, Egg Boilers, With 3 minute Glass attached, And many other desirable articles. For sale Ijv nov 9 Ac CLARK, RACKETT A CO GEORGIA SARSAPARILLA. PREPARED BY J. DENNIS, M. D., AUGUSTA, GA. FOR DISEASES of the Liver and to purify the Blood. Dr. D. has made his preparation as pure as possible. Its bitter taste corresponding witli taste of the roots, prove its purity. Its beneficial effects in diseases of the Liver prove it to be the most useful preparation of Sar saparilla that is made. The prevalence of diseases in the Southern elimate, arising from an inactive state of the Liver, and the ef fect of this Sarsaparilla in stimulating the Liver to in creased action, causing by its alterative and mildly' pur gative effect the removal of the morbific agent from the Blood, have induced the Proprietor to uso the pure Sarsaparilla and nothing else in this preparation. For other diseases Physicians using this preparation in their practice can combine, or prescribe with it such ar ticles as they might consider the most appropriate in cases under their treatment. As those who use the Georgia Sarsaparilla and find benefit from its use—recommend it to others, and the fast increasing demand, proves that the labors of the Proprietor to make a good article have been duly appre ciated by Southern people, there is no need of publish ing certificates. Northerrn preparations should not be usok in the South, unless they are made freer of sweet ened water and other things than they have been. Price. $1 per bottle; 6 bottles for $5. Sold in Au gusta, by Wm. H. Tutt, D. B. Plumb & Co., Ilaviiand, Risley St Co., P. A. Moise, W. 11. St J. Turpin, \V. K. Kitchen. Barrett, Carter St Co.; at Athens, Hill & Smith; Madison, Seymour St Service; Atlanta. Dr. T. S. Denny; Marietta. Win. Root; Mason. Payne A Nisbet; Charles ton, S. C.. P. M. Cohen, and Carey St Conturier; Colum bia, Boatwright St Miot; Hamburg. A. J. Creighton. Outers with money will receive prompt attention, ap 13 • t&c RF-MOVAT. The SUBSCRIBER has removed his Estab lishment to Melntosh-streot, 2d door below the Georgia Rail-Road Bank, and next door to the Constitutionalist office—and is constantly receiving additions to his former stock of GUNS and Equip ments, which, when complete, will be tho best as sortment in the city, and will consist of Double Barreled GUNS, all sizes and prices, from sl2 to SIOO each. 3 dozen Single Barrel GUNS, for boys, Ac., from $3 to 12. RIFLES, Northern make, from $lO to S2O. Do. of my own make, from both Iron and Cast Steel Barrels, from sl6 to $l5O. W. Richards', Cox's, and Walker's Eng. Caps also tho G. D. French do. Dupont's and Hazard’s Amevican Sporting and Kentucky Rifle Powder, in canisters and by tho keg or quarter keg. Colt's and Allen's Six Barreled Revolving Pis tols ; also, the Single Self-cocking Pistol; Rifle and Common Pistols. A fine assortment of Game Bags, Shot Belts and Powdor Flasks, Wash Rods, Nipplo Wrenches, Drinking Flasks and Cups. Also a line invoico of choice Pocket and Pen Knives, Razors, Strops, Ac. N. B.—RIFLES uiado to order, and Restocking and Repairing of all Guns, Ac., done in tho best style, and warranted. oct 20 ly E. 11. ROGERS. NOW ON HAND. A FINE supply of CIIAF ING DISIIE S— -3 sizes, and just in time for Oysters and Game 4 do. Oblong GREQUERS, 2 do. Oyster CHAFERS, 3 do Coffee FILTERS. 4 do. ALABLOSE and STF ** DISHES. 2 do. URNS, with H<-«=rs. Also Beer PUMP**. Block Tin and Lead I’IPL, all sizes with an assortment of the finest Parlor ObaTES ever offered in this Market. For sale one door below Mechanics’ Bank. mar 2 B. F. CHEW. JUST RECEIVED. Fisk & Raymond’s celebrated me- TALIC BURIAL CASES.—The subscribers, in addition to thoir general line of business, have been appointed sole Agents of tho county for ‘He sale of the above, so highly approved for preserva tion and utility, recommended nod used, also by the most distinguished loon of our country. For further particulars see pamphlets. The public are invited to call. HENRY A SKINNER. Cabinet Makers and Undertakers, Broad st, oppo site M. Frederick’s old stand. ap 17 CLARK, RACKETT &. CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Elated Ware and Fancy Goods. HAVE now received their stock, compri- <-0 sing besides the Staple articles, many jfc/N new things in Silver and Plated WARE andeLLis FANCY GOODS. Also, in WATCHES and JEW ELRY. House keeping ARTICLES, of choico kinds. We offer to the trade at Wholesale, Watches, Jewelry, Jewels, Ac., not generally to be found, and at prices as low as elsewhere. ' oet 8 THROUGH FARE FROM CHARLESTON TO NEW YORK, 820. The Great Mail Route from Charleston, S. C. LEAVING the wharf at the foot of Laurons-st., daily, after the arrival of tho Southern cars, via WILMINGTON and WELDON, N. C., PE TERSBURG, RICHMOND, FREDERICKSBURG to WASHINGTON CITY, BALTIMORE, PHIL ADELPHIA and NEW YORK. Tho public is respectfully informed that the steamers of this lino, aro in first rate condition, and are navigatod by well known and experienced com manders, and the Railroads are in fine order, (the Wilmington and Weldon Road having recently been re-laid with heavy T rail) thereby securing both safety and despatch. A THROUGH TICK- I ET having already boen in operation will be con tinued as a permanent arrangement from Charles ton to New York. By this routo travellers may reach New York on tho third day during business hours. On and after the first day of July next. Bag gage will bo ticketed from the point of departure to Washington City, under tho chargo of a special Agent or Baggage Master. At Washington tho sumo will bo transferred to tho caro of similar agents, who will accompany it to New York, and tho like arrangements will be pursued in returning South. Through Tickets to New York can alono bo had from E. WINSLOW, Agent of tho Wilmington and Raleigh Railroad Company, at tho office of the Company, foot of Laurens-st., Charleston, S. C., to whom please apply; and to Charleston, at tho of fice of tho New Jersey Railroad and Transportation Company, New York. jun 28 TABLE CUTLERY. We have just received a large lot of fine Ivory Handlo Knives and Forks. For sale by the dozen or in setts. Also, a good assortment of common Knives and Forks. For sale, at low prices, at our wholesale and retail Crockery Storo, (a few doors above the Book Store of Messrs. Richards A Son.) june 8 J. J. LATHROP & CO. Itiarr-.goiises. BUFORD, BEALL & 00., WAREHOUSE A GROCERY MERCHANTS, T„„ AUGUSTA, GA. HE UNDERSIGNED tender thoiriN-'oc-xx thauks to tkoir. friends generally, for the patronage so liberally extended to*3S9 them .during the last season, and would respectfully inforfc them that they continue business at the same well known stand, (two doors abovo the Franklin House,) where they are constantly receiving a largo and well selected stock, comprising every article usually kept in a Grocery Store, all of which they offer as low as any other house in the city. On the Ist of October next, they will removo to thnt desirable Fire Proof Brick Warehouse, formerly occupied by Fleming, Whitlock A Co., and immediately in front of Adams, Hopkins A Co. All Cotton consigned to thorn will be sold free of commission. Liberal cash advances mado on Cotton and other Produce in store when required. W. 11. BUFORD, W. M. BEALL, July Ist, 1851. J. W. L. STOVALL, july 19 t*tc6m M. P. STOVALL, Warehouse and Commission Merchant, AUGUSTA, GA. CONTINUES tho business, in all its rjT'CY'tx branches, at his old stand, Fire- Proof Warehouse,) corner of Washing- ton and Reynold-streots. He hopes, by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him. CCP" Orders for Family supplies, Bagging, Ac., promptly and carefully filled, at tho lowest market prices. Liberal advances mado on Produce in store, aug 1 dtActf FIRE-PROOF WARE HOUSE. WRIGHT, SIMPSON A GARDINER, Ware-House and Commission Merchants. Office and Sales Room, Mclntosh street, near the Tele graph Office, Augusta, Ga. THE UNDERSIGNED, have this associated themselves in tho Ware- House and Commission Business, in all its branches, and by this medium tender to the friends and patrons of each, and tho public general ly, their thanks for patronage formerly bestowed, and earnestly solicit a continuance of tho same in this connection, assuring all who may favor us with their business, that they shall have our personal and undivided attention, feeling thnt tho interest of the Planter is equally the interest of his Factor. for BAGGING, ROPE and FAMILY SUPPLIES, executed on tho most advantageous terms. Liberal Cash Advances made on Cotton and other Produce in store. SAML. WRIGHT, J. R. SIMPSON, JAS. T. GARDINER. Augusta, June 24, 1851. 6mos juno2s ROBERTSON Sc CROCKER, " Warehouse and Commission Merchants, RESPECTFULLY tender their for the liberal share of patronage cv tended to them during tho last season—and an nounce that they will continue the abovo business at their Old Stand, on Reynold-streot, where one or both can, at all times, be found ready to attend to any business in their line. Liberal Cash Advances made when desired, on Cotton and other Produce in store —and all orders for BAGGING, ROPE, GROCERIES. Ac., filled with despatch. o low est market prices. T*--, nope, by a strict atten- Fian to g.o interest of their customers, to merit a liberal share of public patronage. E. D. ROBERTSON, JOHN R. CROCKHH. Augusta. July 26, 1851. ts july 27 _ A CARD. WARE-HOUSE & COMMISSION BUSINESS, JACKSON STREET, AUGUSTA, OA. TIIE SUBSCRIBER bogs leave to in-KSA form his friends and the patrons ofjaBWBS Walker, Bryson A Co., that ho will continue the Ware-House and Commission Business, at tho Ware-House formerly occupied by them, and hopes by strict attention to the interests of his customers, to receive a continuance of the liberal patronage bestowed on tho late firm. Ho will give his person al attention to all business entrusted to his care.— Particular attention will be given to buying of lag ging, Rope awl supplies for his customers, which will at all times bo bought at the- lowest price, and liberal cash advances will be made on produce m store. ALRRR july 2 —- WAREHOUSE AND COMMI^ 10 ' BUSINESS. THE undersigned w i l Vin mm toc tcJxt WAREHOUSE »nd COMMISSION mrSTNESS in a ll its branches, on their own acce-at, at the old stand of Dye, Heard A Mclntosh-street, where they respectfully a continuance of the patronage of the friends of tho old concern, and a fair portion of the busi ness of the community generally. Their Warehouse is FIRE-PROOF, and from its favorable position, being entirely surrounded by Fire-Proof houses, is as free from tho dangers of fire as any house in the city. Their attention will he exclusively dovotod to tho business, and no efforts spared on their part to pro mote the interest of their patrons. Liberal advances made on Cotton and other Pro duce in store, when required. •All orders for Bagging, Rope, and Family Sup plies, promptly filled at the lowest market price. JAMES M. DYE, sept 1 STEPHEN D. HEARD. . HEABD A DAVISON, Warehouse and Commission Merchants, m’iNTOSH-STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. ANNOUNCE to their friends and tho public generally, that they continue the WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION iMSSK! BUSINESS, at their Fire Proof Buildings, on Mc- Intosli-strcct, and will devote their undivided per sonal attention to all business confided to them. They solicit a continuance of tho very liberal patronage extended to them for a number of years past, and hope their experience in their line will enable them to render satisfaction. ISAAC T. HEARD, apr 28 JOHN DAVISON. GIBBS A McCOBD, Warehouse and Commission Merchants, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. THE undersigned beg leave to say to their friends and the public in Gcor gia, South-Carolina, Alabama and Ten- nHSSS nessec, that they still continue the above bnsiness at their FIRE PROOF WAREHOUSE, on Mcln tosh-stroet, in all its branches, and would respect fully solicit a continuation of tho patronage of their old friends and customersand as ever, they will faithfully perform their duty to them. Their charges will be moderate, and in conformity with other reg ular Commission Houses in this city. They will make liberal CASH ADVANCES on Produce in store or transitu, when required. Orders for Merchandise will bo promptly and faithfully executed. THOMAS F. GIBBS, aug 20 1 y GEORGE McCORD. WAIIEHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. WE are prepared with large and convc-iw-'OU'N nient Fire-Proof Warehouse Stores, on Mclntosh street, (which is the centre of tho Cotton, Flour and Bacon trade,) for the storage of COTTON, FLOUR, GRAIN, and BACON: and continue to offer our services to storo and sell COTTON, FLOUR, BACON, GRAIN, Ac., and buy to order supplies for Planters and Mer chants. Our H. L. JEFFERS, well known in this mar ket, and long engaged in tho business, is always at his post, either selling or buying for their friends, and watching their interest —knowing that to bo tho proper course to promote our own. We therefore hope, by unceasing industry and attention to the interest of our friends, to merit and receive a full share of patronage, whilo we return our thanks for past favors. Those for whom we havo done business, and aro not personally acquainted, and who we would be glad to visit, but believing it bettor for our patrons to bo always at home ready to attend to their or ders, wo therefore send you this circular, and refer you to the Merchants of Augusta, or those for whom wo havo done business. Planters and Mer chants of Tennessee, will refer to Messrs. John Fain & Son, W. H. & J. S. Moffett, and Gen. Wm. Bra zelton. Our W. S. COTHRAN, may bo consulted at his plantation in Cass county, or at Romo, Ga. JEFFERS, COTHRAN & CO. S.—Liberal advances will bo made, whon re quired, on Produce in store. J. C. A CO. * sept 6 d&c NORTH AMERICAN ELECTRIC WASHING FLUID. For scashing in hard or soft water. TniS is the only genuine article to be found in the world; and possesses double tho power of any thing ever discovered for washing clothes, at a trifling expense, doing away with wash boards at once. In fact, it seems to be the long soutght Philo sopher’s Stone, or universal solvent; seeming a magi cal preparation, its operation being of the most as tonishing character. A common sized washing may bo done with one gill of this Fluid, in less than two hours. It softens and removes the dirt, leaving tho articles of the most brilliant whiteness. It being as harmless in its operations as pure water, and cloth ing will wear much longer than when rubbed to pieces by tho common method of washing. This Fluid is a powerful agent, to bo used in all cases where soap is required, particularly for clean ing milk utensils, cleaning windows and paint, scour ing floors: in short, it is beyond a precedent, as its use is universal in the washing world. W. H. MAHARREY A CO., Role Agents for the State of Georgia. They also keep on hand, a large and well selected stock of RANGES, STOVES, FOSGENE, CAM PHENE and BURNING FLUID, GAS LAMPS, Suction and Force PUMPS, tfin WARE. [PROOFING and JOBBING done at short no tice, and in workmanlike manner. The latter branch of tho business is under tho superintendence of Mr. E. E. SCOFIELD. dee 1 ly W. 11. M. & CO. THE SUBSCRIBER, thankful for past favors, again oilers his surviecs to his friends and tho public, and will continue to carry on the TIN BU SINESS at his Dwelling opposite tho Catholic Church, whore all who want cheap and substantial Work done, will please give him a call, july 13 3m B. F. BOUYER. H. G. FARRELL’S CELEBRATED ARABIAN LINIMENT. t he most Extraordinary Discovery in the World is the great Arabian Remedy for Man amt Beast TIIK miraculous cures performed by the Arabian physicians in the days of old. were then looked upon as the result of magic, hut since we have become intimate with their history, we can thus account for their surprising power over diseases. Their attainments in the knowledge of medicine, were the wonder of tlie age. while at the same time the science of Chemistry, which with them had its origin, was to the rest of tile world u a sealed hook.*' And in botany they were the most soalous of students. i„ the beautiful grove which skirt the deserts of Arabia, abound rave plants and odorous woods, whence are obtained those aromatic gums and fragrant balsams, of w hich this incomparable liniment is composed, and by w hose stimulating, unctu ous. penetrating and Anodyne properties it is, when ap plied, instantaneously diffused through the whole nerv ous system, allaying the most intense pain in the in credibly short time of 10 or Ift minutes. Its action is prompt, powerful and effectual, without the least dan ger. It penetrates the flesh to Hie bone, relaxes con tracted cords, restores use to limbs which have been palsied for years, causing the shriveled llosli to prow out, and rich blood to circulate through its veins* u rmtores the Synovial Fluid or Joint Water, and this is siwaifr - V been so universally successful in of t e u'ineT- « Joints - I” chronic affections of the Spleen, it is aV.. ,m gUU V r 'll', matism it lias performed some most ry cures on ; also for Cram Wounds, Chilblain. Burns “welling*, Tumors, &c. &c. It is equity efficacious in diseases of Animals, such as Fistula, P»'n Evil, Sweeney, Stiff Complaint, Distemper, Farcy, trains, Bruises, Wounds, Mange, Spnvins. Windgalls, and for nearly all diseases, either in man or beast, vhich require an external ap plication, this Liniment +ands at the head of all med icines. LIVER COMPLAINT, ERY;\pELAS AND RHEUMA TISM C/tXED. Raywick. Marion ?.0., Ky„ May 27. 1549 Mu. 11. G. Farkelil—Dear Sir Your Liniment is sell ing very well, and doing a vast d<\l of good among the people. It has cured a had cas* of EIIYSIPKbAS, and another of a bad pain in th# breast. A lady, who was confined to her bed for several months with Liver Complaint and Affection of the Heart, was entire ly cured by the use of your Arabian Liniment. She said the doctors could do her no good. It has been ap plied to a fresh cut, and cured it in a short time. I have been afflicted with Rheumatism for a long time, and just before a wet spell it pained me so much that I had no peace all day; and in the night I commenced bathing and rubbing with your Liniment, and before I was done rubbing, tho pain ceased. JOHN BUCKMAN. STIFF COMPLAINT. SWEENEY. DISTEMPER, CORKS AND SORE EYES CURED. [M. Mitchell, Postmaster at Fiat. Fulton co. 111., says:] Mr.*H. G. Farrell: Your Arabian Liniment is high ly prized here. We cured one of my neighbor's horses lof the Stiff Complaint by about four hr five applica tions, and I cured one of my own of the Sweeney. Our Sheriff', Joseph Dykes, cured his horse of a had Cork with it; he also tried it on a colt that hail the Distem per very ba<l, and cured it immediately. He says it isilc -1 cidedly the greatest horse medicine he ever used. There have beau numbers cured of Sore Eyes with it. I find it a very valuable medicine both for man and beast. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. TO GUARD AGAINST IMPOSITION, READ TIIE FOLLOWING CAREFULLY. The Public are particularly cautioned against a Base- Counterfeit which has lately made its appearance, and is called by the Impostor who makes it, “ W. B. Farrell’s Arabian Liniment.” This is a dangerous fraud and more liable to deceive from its bearing the name of Farrell. Therefore be particular never to rail for it by the name Farrell's Liniment,” for unprincipled dealers will impose this SPURIOUS Mixture upon you for the genuine, but always ask for 11. G. Farrell’s Arabian Liniment, ’’ and take no other , as the genuine always has the letters H. G. before Farrell's, his signature is also on the outside wrapper, and these words blown in the glass bottle—* 11. G. FARRELL’S ARABIAN LINI MENT. PEORIA.” AGENTS WANTED in every town. Village and Ham let in the United States in which one is not established. Apply by letter to H. G. Farrell, Peoria, 111., with good references as to Character, Resposibility, &c. Call on the Agent, who will furnish, free of charge , a Book containing much valuable information for every class of citizens. Price—2s cents to 50 cents and one dollar per bottle. The only Genuine is manufactured by 11. G. Farrell, sole inventor and proprietor, and wholesale Druggist, No. 17 Main street, Peoria, 111., and for sale, wholesale and Retail at Proprietor's prices, by june 5 3mo IIAVILAND, RISLEY & CO., Augusta AUGUSTA, DEC. 28, 1850. WE HAVE received per steamer, a superb lot of WATCHES, some of them of the manu facture of T. F. Cooper, London, in hunting and other cases—beautiful Watches for the pocket, and of the best quality. We have also received a Model Gold Watch, in hunting case, 20 kt. fine, with diamond push holt and ruby jewels; tho movement of gold 18 kt. fine, with chronometer balance; per haps the finest Watch in America—mado hy Chas. Taylor A Son, London. A full assortment of all kinds of WATCHES and JEWELRY on hand. For sale Wholesale and Re tail, by CLARK, RACKET!' & CO. - SjLVER plated castors. WE OFFER at low prices, a good assortment of silver plated CASTORS, with cut Cruets.— Those in want, will find it to their advantage to give us a call before buying, may 27 J. J. LATIIROP A CO. DRY GOODS IN CHARLESTON, S. C. C. & E. L. KERR ISON' A CO., KING STREET, corner of Market, invito the attention of MERCHANTS, PLANTERS and FAMILIES, to their well selected stock of Fancy and Staplo Dry Goods, mostly of their own DIRECT IMPORTATIONS, and comprising the newest styles and richest designs in all FANCY DRESS GOODS, with a full assortment of HOUSE KEEPING ARTICLES and PLANTERS SUP PLIES, among which will be found all tho SOUTH ERN FACTORY GOODS. Our business being done on the principle of ONE PRICE ONLY, our friends can depend on finding all Goods to ho as represented and at tho LOW ESI' MARKET PRICES. Terms cash, or city acceptance. C. A E. L.‘ KERRISON A CO., ap 24 Corner of King and Market sts,