Tri-weekly constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 18??-1877, August 20, 1851, Image 1

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/A ~ ' ' - "■-■BBggg-W « 'I !"l I,IJ il!'„ „.| &t)t eri-tUccklii Constitutionalist. BY JAMES GARDNER, JR gjicciflt tlotirfi grand bally of the friends of THE SOUTH! BURKE COIXTV. Qs= TUcrc will be a SOUTHERN RIGHTS BARBECUE given at the following places in Burke county. August 13th, at Whitaker's Springs. August 16th, at Bark Camp Academy. August 23d, at M. P- Green's Steam Saw Mills. August 30th, at' Lumpkins Stoic, on the Rail Road. September 6th, at Dr. Bynes Gough Springs. September 13th, at Hodge's Store. September 20th, at Waynesboro - . At all thq.Barbecues except the last, Messrs. Q. gp.iiio, A. McKenzie, John J. Jones, and J. R Stnrgcs, are expected to address the people. Afthc Grand Rally at Waynesboro', Messrs. Col quitt, Howard, and McMillan, are expected to ad dress the people. All persons friendly to Southern Rights and the public generally, are invited to at tend. Come one! Comeal/.' The following gentlemen compose the Committee of Arrangements for the county Barbecue, on the 20th of September, viz: feW, W. Hughes, H. J. Schley, feCol. A. H. Anderson, J. H. Cox, James Grubbs, M.D. Jones, ■J. W. Carswell, Ez Williams, WJ- M. Reynolds, A. W. Whitehead. H.m. SAPr, Henry Hikes, Jos. Hines, J. T. Bxovv.v, A. W. Wiggins, K. J. Carter, Robt. Walls, Wm. Byne, W. S.C. Morris, Jos. Key, Jr., H. J. Blount, B. L. Perrins. The abovo Committee are requested to procure ||| subscriptions in their settlements, and convene at j Waynesboro - , on the Ist TUESDAY in September, W to complete the arrangements. I J. C. POYTURESS, President, Southern Rights Ass’n. E. 1,. Antony, Secy. pro. tern. ang.7 GJ?- Phrenology.— Prof. Charles Drew is prepar ed to make Phrenological examinations at Dr. £. Girardcy's office, Broad Street. Families will be waited on at their residence. Examinations with charts sl. Prof, D. will receive subscriptions for tho Ameri can Phrenological Journal, published by Fowlers & Wells, New York. aug 14 ftf IY?* Social Circle. Ca., Aug. I lilt. lt>so.—Pub lic Discii-sion.—At a meeting of tho citizens of this place, held to-day, irrespective of parties, it idfc agreed that a PUBLIC POLITICAL DISCUS SION should take place, on Saturday the 23d inst., at which time Judge Doughorty, Judge Hillycr, Hon W. C. Dawson,Hon. A. H. Stephens, T. F. Jones, Esq W. Harris, Esq., Hon. R. Toombs, and jicrhaps Judge McDonald, are expected to be present, to take part in tho discussion. There will be a Barbacuc prepared—every ono invited. John Scott, ) J. A. Clark, | H. H. Clapp, ) Committee of Invitation T. A. Graves, j ,T. L. Gresham. J aug 13 05“ The Trustees of the Waynesboro' Academy will eloct u RECTOR for the Academy, on the 16th September next, to serve for one yoar. Candidates will pleaso address tho Secretary a written applies-, tion before the day of election. C. W. WEST, uug. 2 Soc'y. Waynesboro' Academy. Wave Temple of Honor, No I will celebrate its first Anniversary at Knoxville, on the 10th of September next Address by Brother Charles Fulwood. M. A. MARSHALL, W.P. jy29 t JOHN 0. GARTRELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MARIETTA, CA. Will practice in the counties of Cobb, Cherokee, Cass, Gordon, Forsyth, DoKalb, Paulding and Campbell. nl2 ly JOHN MILLER. ATTORNEY AT LAW, THOMASVILI.E, GA, Will attend to all business entrusted to him in any of tho counties of tho Southern, and in Decatur anil Baker of the Southwestern Circuits. Refers to July 16 wly sewakd t love. JAMES 0. LONGSTREET, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CALHOUN, GORDON COUNTY, GEORGIA, Will practice in thosovcrnl Courts of tho Chero kee Circuit. —REFERS TO — Siil ***■*• «* Richard J. Peters, Esq., Atlanta, Ga. VV. Aiken, Esq, Cassville, Ga. july 23 _ ts BENJ. L. PRESCOTT, AT T O R N,E Y AT L A VV , SYLVAXIA GA. Will practice in the Middle Circuit. March 30. ‘ WM. PHILLIPS. | ATTORNEY AT LAW, I myl3 ts MARIETTA, GA. JAMES W. GREENE. ” ATTORNEY AT LAW. ap23 THOMASTON, GA. B. K. HARRISON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jan. 31 LUMPKIN, GA. ly SEWARD fit LOVE, ATTTORNEYS AT LAW, Jan. 22 . thomasville, ga. ly LALLERSTEDT & WIMBERLY have received this day per steamer from New York a very choice lot of New Style Lace CAPES, Hamilton Laco Under SLEEVES, Extra Rich Ncedloworked COLLARS, Superior Jaconet and Swiss TRIMINGS, Thread and Lisle Edging, Jaconet and Swiss Muslin, Figured and Plain. ' To which they invite attention. jnne 8 A CHOICE LOT of Medicinal Wines and Bran dies, selected by “one who knows,” on hand bv aug. 1 D. B. PLUMB A CO. ‘ TUMBLERS !! TUMBLERS !! 1 / V VDOZEN TUMBLERS, of every variety -l jv/v/ and color, suitable for Family, Hotel, and Bar üße; for sale at exceedingly low prices. N. B.—Good heavy flute TUMBLERS, at 75 ® 6n « per dozen. Call at the Wholesale and Retail Store, few doors above Messrs. Richards ® SonVßook Store. - may> J. J. LATHROP A 00. wt-s- and glass. iVI of ir LATHROP have just received, and July 1 k° a!e Kenning articles of all kinds. ASan S dVo ot l.° f fr “ W b6at MCE ’ « trietl y StriCtly P vr m oH2& in barrels. For july » 7 W ' H STUftGES A CO. - GROCERIES, iron, NAILS, &.C. 100 VTSaIS? Ric0 ’ Mua ® ov ** > > and - -100 packages Loaf; Crushed, Powdered, and Clarified SUGARS, 400 bags Rio, Java, and Maracaibo COFFEE, 1 iO hhils. choice MOLASSES, 500 pieces Gunny and Kentucky BAGGING, 500 coils prime Hemp ROPE 2000 lbs. Three Ply TWINE 40 tons Sweed Bar IRON', ’ 5 tons Hoop and Band IRON, loan I 0 and Blister STEEL, 1250 kegs NAILS and BRADS 300 boxes SOAP and CANDLES 500 bags SHOT, 5000 lbs. Bar LEAD, ion J ill I >ont3 anil Kentucky Rifle POWDER. 100 boxes manufactured TOBACCO 3000 Sacks SALT, A stock of LIQUORS, 100,000 Spanish and American SEGARS For sale by BAKER A WILCOX. July 9 S t° LE t ! ' r .’ ? n Sunday night last, a -LJ Pockctbook containing about twenty dollar* with notes made payable to Thomas Cahill or or dcr, yn: One on James McNorrcllfoi* $127,92, ono on Thomas PollhUl for $lB, one on William S. Al exander for S2O, one on William Hutching for $9 and one on narman H. Williams for ?s, all made payable on the Ist of January last, excepting the one on James McNorrel, which was due on the Ist of October last. A liberal reward will be paid to any ono leaving them at the Republic office and all persons are hereby cautioned against trading for or paying the above described to any person except the undersigned. THOMAS CAHILL. J L ' l4 ttf W. A. ARCHER, H DRAPER AND TAILOR. AS REMOVED to the norlh side of n2J Broad-street, a few doors below the AN Augusta Bank, and takes this opportunity to ” solicit tlio favors of his friends and the public Grateful for tho patronage whicli he has liorcto foro received, he trusts by particular attention and by knowledge of his business to retain it All articles of work confided to his care will be quickly and faithfully executed. He keeps on hand a good assortment of Cloths, Lasiniores and \ estings, Ac. Renovating and Re pairing dono at the shortest notice and the neatest manner. His aid will bo cheerfully givon to gen tlemen in making selections of cloths, Ac. nsftf OKJUpRE.VS WILLOW CHAIRS AND d.\R- RIAGhS, for sale by „ Must in a latiirop, North side Broad St. below Post Office Cornor jelfi t TRAVELLERS OUTFITS I’F.R STEAMERS 20l'II JUNE. LINEN OVER SACKS, Travelling CABS, Silk and Gingham UMBRELLAS, Silk and Gauze Cotton UNDER SHIRTS, Linen and Colored Gingham SHIRTS, New patterns Summor CRAY ATS and STOCKS, Water FLASKS, Toilet CASES, Scgar CASES, Money BELTS, Shoulder BRACES, and almost evory article useful for the Traveller, july 1 WM. O. PRICE A CO. PIANO FORTES. ' THE SUBSCRIBERS would res poctfuily call the attention of their friends and the public, to their V• ft " assortment of Rosewood and Mahogany PIANO FORTES, from the well known and justly colcbrat od Manufactories of Burnt 4- R.rvefi, A. K. Cate <V Co., and Du hois 4- Seahury, Now York, which are war ranted in every respect, to be at least fully equal to any instruments manufactured in this coun try or Europe. Tho subscribers would also state that tho instru ments new on hand are of the latest paterus and fashion, anA fresh from the manufacturers. For sale at very low prices for cash or city acceptance at GEO. A. OATES A CO.’S Piano, Book A Music Depot, Broad-st. CHEAP GROCERIES” INTENDING to close our business, wo offer our stock of GROCERIES for cash, or notes on short time, at tho very lowest prices. Merchants and others will do well to call before buying else where. Our stock consists of evory thing usually kept by Wholesale Dealers, july 8 ts FRENCH A BUTLER. WORMS ARE OFTEN THE CAUSE OF FITS. A Case Curat. Bibb County, Feb. 1849. DR. LITTLE—Sir: In a case of fits of a child, wo liavo tried your Vermifuge, which caused the expulsion of a large quantity of worms, by which it has been entirely cured. Yours, Ae., * J. BAYLEY. A Letter from Arkansas. Union County, Feb., 1850. Dr. Lit.tle —Sir: When in Macon in Decem ber last, I procured a package of your Dyspeptic Medicines, consisting of Tonic Bitters, Antacid and Vegetable Pills. These were for my wife, who had for a long time been sick, and doctored for a Liver complaint without being much benefitted. From your medicines she has found tho greatest relief.— Pleaso send me three packages by the way of New Orleans immediately, Ae. Yours truly, WM. JAMESON. The sac simile of the signature of Dr. W. O. Lit tle will be found upon the outsido wrapper of each of his medicines. Sold wholesale and retail by the proprietor, at tho Manufacturing Depot, No. 2C4 Market street, Phil adelphia, and Macon and Milludgcvillc, Ga.; and also, E. W. Willis, Augusta, Ga., and by Agents and Druggists generally, throughout the Southern country. dAc2w july 30 NEGROESUNEGROES! NEGROES! JUST arrived SEVENTY-SIX younglikely NE GROES, which, added to our formor stock, will make ono hundrod and fourteen, wo havo now on the market. By calling at our Depot at Ham burg, S. C., purchasers can bo suited, and thos wishing to purchase are requested to examine ou.' stock betorc purchasing elsewhorp. jennings a Robertson oct 4 te MARINE, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE BY .THE COMMERCIAL INSURANCE CO., Os Charleston, S. C. CAPITAL $250,000, ALL PAID IN • Office, No. 4, Broad Street. PRESIDENT, WILLIAM B. HERIOT, DIRECTORS, James K. Robinson, I Henry- T. Street, Geo. A. Trenhoi.m, | Wm. Mcßurney, Robert Caldwell, J. H. Brawley, A. R. Taft, T. L. Wraog. A M. LEE, Secretary. E. L. TESSIER, Inspector. B. C. PRESSLEY, Uolicitor. R. A. KINLOCH, Medical Examiner. This Company is now propared to receive Propo sals for MARINE, FIRE and LIFE RISKS, and to effect Insurance on fair and liceral terms. The subscriber having teen appointed Agent for the above Company is prepared to take Marine, Fire and Life Risks at customary rates. G. WALKER, Agent. Office at Ware House of Walker, Bryson A Co. Augusta, May 12, 1851. ly may 13 NEW SPRING GOODS, JOHN BRIDGES. MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 230 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. (Noxt door bolow the United States Hotel.) IS NOW RECEIVING and opening, a full as sortment of suporior CLOTHS, Caaimeres, Vest ings, Drills. Drap d'Ete, Cashmerets, and Trim mings, of all descriptions; full assortment of Fan cy Articles, for gentlomen’s toilet; ladies Under Vests; Umbrellas, Ac. Military Work, and Making and Trimming in the best manner. may 6 I -ITTAITERS, WAITERS.—On hand, and for I VV sale low, a large lot of common and fin* ! J. J. LATHROP A CO.’S. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1851 TNEW MUSIC ! !. HE following pieces have just been received by the subscriber: SONGS. , Child of the Wave; The Child's Wish; Song of I Mercy; IV hen thou art nigh; I’ve a home in the | \ alley, an answer to tho popular Song of Give me j a Cot in the \ alley I love; Since you and I were young; Calmly the day is Dying; Those Happy Days are gone, as sung by Miss Catherine Hays; Sweet Maid of Windermere; Oh! bo my Bride; But where art Thou; The Wandering' Bird; I speak not, I trace not: Song of a Little Heart; Passing away or Dreams of the Heart; Tho Au- : tumn of our years; Bay of Naples; Oh ! sing once i more that Melody; Lucy Gray; I know who; The ! wild Harp of our Land is Broken; I'm only Six teen ; Xarica ; I know that my Redeemer Livoth; l The Slave Ship; Bright glowing Iris; The Gin I Fiend; The Bag of Gold; Oh ! wort thou but my r own love. VARIATIONS. An Evening in Spring; The Bold Soldier Boy; V ellow Haired Laddie; Logic O'Buchan; Tho Keel Row; Yo Banks and Braes of Bonnio Doon; High land Mary ; Scot’s Wha Hac ; Jock O'Hazeldean; Cornin' thro' tho Rye. WALTZES. Le Prophcte; Porodi’s Waltz; Italian Lovers Waltz; The Kingston Walt/,; Album Waltz: Tho Little Toaze Waltz; Tho Crazy Polo Waltz ; Plea sant Hour do.; Sonnet to Youth do.; Jenny Lind's do.; Jenny Lind’s Grand do.; L'AraabiHto do.; Ophal do.; La Pervcnchc. POLKAS. Cottage: Fire Fly; C-Cade; Keepsake; Rural; Argyle; Mount Pleasant; Sphinx; Chinese; Hop, Skip and Jump. - MARCHES. Maverick; Bernou; Gulf; March du Sacred, from the Opera of the Prophcte. SCHOTTISCHES. Festival Schottisch; The Paris Schottisch. july 13 GEO. A. OATES A CO. BOUNTY LANDS. BY an act of the late Congress, Bounty LANDS have been granted to tho Soldiers and Wid ows of Soldiers who sorved in tho last War with Great Britian, in 1812, or in any of the Indian wars since 1790; also to Commissioned officers of tho Mexican War. Having formed an association with legal gentle men in Washington city, I will soon - bo prepared with the necessary terms and requirements of the Acts, to proceed in behalf of all those interested therein; also to prosecute claims of every descrip tion against the Government: Office on Mclntosh, betwoen Reynold A Braod-st. oct 9 JNO. MILLEDGE. REFLECT, AND BE REFLECTED. — Wo have just received a. largo and well assorted lot of LOOKING GLASSES, which wo aro willing to sell vory low for cash. Do not forget to oall at I J. J. LATHROP A CO'S., Broad street. DISSOLUTION. THE firm of HOWARD A GARDINER was dissolved, by mutual consent, on tho 13th inst. Either party will use the name of tho firm in set tlings accounts due the concern. WM. H. HOWARD, JAS. T. GARDINER. Augusta, April 23, 1851. apr 24 NOTICE. ' THE Undersigned will continuo the GROCERY BUSINESS, at tho Old Stand of Howard A Gardiner, where he will keep constantly on hand, It well selected.-Atock of GROCERIES,.and be re spectfully invites his friends and tho public, gene rally, to call and examine his stock before buying elsewhere. VV. 11. HOWARD. Augusta, April 23, 1851. apr 24 WM. E. EVANS & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ACCOMMODATION WnAKF, CHARLESTON, S. C. WM. E. EVANS, WM. M. D'ANTIGNAC, nov 5 ly GEO. VV. EVANS. NEW AND FASHIONABLE GOODS. COATS, w.O. PRICE & CO.; HATS. “iSk V.MU .. Business Wholcsalo and Retail 1 Shoulder I Comfortables -- ** ! ami Sack CLOTH I NO COATS, c l O T 111 Na . Silk, Lum*. ®j« BROAD-S TREE T, Cloth. coats. Augusta, Ga., L lall A and ofalldoscrip- INVITE Plain kSancy T " K iTTESI,OJ ‘ OK GOODS, PANTS' CUSTOMERS, , VFV % * a!<D 050 V KS, HHTR™ ' STRANGERS, STOCKS, I Under Sldrts Visiting the CUy, I’UKSES, and TO their DRA I VERS, SPRING STYLES OF cravats anmvt /*“ ™ pply 0 AND GOODS TRIMMINGS. BCARFS - i GARMENTS. > the ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING. THE SUBSCRIBERS have entered into Co partnership for the transaction of tho abovo business in all its branchos, and respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. wm. McLaughlin, PHILIP CA VENDER. N. B.—Our Shop is on M’lntosh-st, opposite tho Post Office, tho second Paint Shop from Broad-st. sept. 7 ts. AUGUSTA FOUNDRY, ~ KEAH THE GEORGIA RAILROAD DEPOT. THE PROPRIETORS of these works respect fully tender their thanks for tho liberal pa tronage which they havo received. They aro still prepared to furnish IRON and BRASSUASTINGS. Also GEARINGS for all descriptions of Machinery. STEAM ENGINES Os various sizes made to order. VVo have in course of construction, two of twelve, and one of twenty-five horse power. Also, Gearing for Mills. In February last, we started an Engine of twonty fivo horse power, at Abbeville,C. 11. S., C. VVc take the liberty of inserting a letter receivod from one of the Proprietors of the Mills. TALIAFERRO <fc TORBET. Abbeville, April 9th, 1851. Gentlemen: The Engino still works well, and is admired by all who have scon it. Scvoral gentle men from a distance, who ere well acquainted with similar work, pronounce it a fine Engino, and ex press somo surprise when I told them it was manu factured in Augusta. Wo are cutting from 1700 to 2000 feet a day now, but you know our hinds are slow and incxpcrionccd. They will do bettor after a whilo. I remain yours, <tc., ap 15 6mo CHAS. H. ALLEN. NEW GOODS. RECEIVED per last steamer from New-York: Plain, low priced and fine linen cambric Hand kerchiefs ; hem-stitched Riviere and Scoll’d do. do. Supor French Furniture Prints, for Laid work and Borders; fine and super twisted silk Mitts. Black silk Mitts, (long.) Super Garment Dimity. Jacconet and Swiss Scolloping and Insertings. Plain and dotted Swiss Muslim. French colored bordered plain linen Towels. Do. do. do. Huckabuck do. 12-4 Bobinet Laco for Pavillions. 9-4 Pavillion Gauzo. Blue and green worsted Barege. Lace and Muslin Undursloeves. Lace Capes, and a variety of other GOODS. All of which will bo sold low, by jnno 15 4 JNO. P. SEIZE. SAVANNAH MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Agency In Augusta. THE undersigned has been appointed Agent for tho abovo Company, and is now prepared to take Fire, Marine and Inland Navigation Risks.— Premiums in all eases will be reasonable. H. L. JEFFERS, Agent., j rot 3 If Office, Mclntosh street. CLOCKS, WATCHES & JEWELRY WOODSTOCK & WHITLOCK, I Two doors's above the U. S. Hotel, and opposite the Bank of Augusta, 1 XT AYE on hand, and are constantly re- go .XX coiving, a fine assortment ol WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Sil- O , ver and Plated Ware, Fancy Goods, Guard and ■ Fob Chains, Breast Pins, Ac. Ac. Their stock is entirely new, and will be sold cheap for cash. VV. G. WOODSTOCK will give his strict at tention to REPAIRING WATCHES and CLOCKS, having served a regular apprenticeship in one ot : tho hngtst manufactories of London, and from his ! long experience, he feels assured of giving perfoot satisfaction to all who may entrust their work to j dAely jan 17 J BELCHER & HOLLINGSWORTH, WHOLESALE and retail GROCERY MERCHANTS. Augusta Ga. HAVE now on hand a large and well selected stock of GROCERIES, to which they in vitp the attention of their friends and tho public generally. AH Goods purchased from us will be sorit to any point in Hamburg that may be desired, fnt of charge, and all orders promptly attended to. We have removed to our new store on Broad strpet, next door to Adams A Fargo's old stand, wltero wc shall bo happy at all times, to see our frihids. J. M. BELCHER, det 11 J, H. HOLLINGSWORTH NQRTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE IN -BURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated January, 1840. Central Oefice, Raleigh, N. C. HAVING established an Agency in this city, aro prepared to take LIFE lUSKS on tlio most favorable terms. Tho table of Ratos arc tlioso made by Joshua Millar, and known as “Tho Carlisle Table,” uni versally conceded to be tho most correct in use. The advantages offored bv'this Company, are sueh as merit the attention of the public, and will be pointed out and explained at any time by the Auftit. Insurances aro taken on single lives, for ono 1 year, seven years, or for life. On joint lives, for life. On slaves at 2-3 value, one or five year*. j Tho undersigned can, at all times, be found at the Law offico of G. J. A VV. Schlev, Esqs. letters, post-paid, directed to tho Agent here, will be promptly attended to “P 1- * I 8. H. OLIVER, Ag t., Augustn, Ga. WHITE SULPHER SPRINGS. Sir miles front Gainesville, Hall County, Ga. THE PUBLIC aro informed that, having pur chased this well known 1 Watering iPfaee in tho mountains of Georgia, from its former proprie tor—Mr. li. A. McAffec—and completely repaired and refurnished tho house, he will bo prepared on the first day of June to rcccivo company. It is al most needless to say, that with the combinations of Sulpher, Iron and Magnesia iq the' waters, pure and invigorating atmosphere,' delightful scenery, aiid toeans-for oxcrciso, together with the best the market affords, in the way of eating; no other piaeo of sPmmor resort in Georgia can excel it. Public conveyance from Athons.diiect and also via the Clarkosvillc road to tho Springs, three times a week, will afford every opportunity to visitors ! from the seaboard, and else whore, that may be de ’ E. PACE. JoirtcJ. • ftstftup. ALABAMA AND TENNESSEE. FERRIS A PAUL aro receiving weekly, by stoamors from New-York, tho latest patterns and styles of gentlemen's Wearing Apparel. And wo havo on hand, a fino assortment of Cloths, Fancy Cassimcrcs, Vestings, and Linen Drills, Drap d Etes, Cnshmeretts ana Trimmings, of all kinds, which we offer to mako up to order at short notice, and disposo of at modorato profits. ALSO READY MADE CLOTHING, Consisting of black and fancy Cassimcro Pants, black Satin, Linen and Marseilles Vests; Alpacca, Linen and Queens Cloths Frock Coats; white and colored Shirts and Collars; Silk, Morino and Cot ton Undor-Shirta; Linen and Cotton lJrawers; I men s and boy's Braces; Spenders' Money Belts; Silk, Cotton and Linen Halt Hoso; Cravats, Pocket Handkerchiefs and Qloves, of all descriptions; In dia .Rubber Balls and Bathing Caps; and other tnirifcw numerous to mention. J. C. Ferris. . | a . a. iUul. HATS, CAPS, AND STRAW GOODS AT CHARLESTON PRICES. J TAYLOR, JR. fc t:o., would respectfully Vs • inform the Merchants of Georgia, and ad joining States, that they are now receiving additional supplies of Goods in their lino, their stock being now the largest and best selected of any ever offered in this city, and aro prepared to sell HATS on as rca sohable terms as Groceries, Saddles, Drugs, Ac., can be bofight in this city. Please call boforc going bolow. apr 8 i LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. SNOWDEN k SHEAR TTAVE now on hand, a beautiful supply of La- XX dies’ Dress Goods, among which are: French Printed Jaconets, of new and beautiful styles. Rich Embroidered and Fancy Colored Grena dines, of the latest styles, White Dotted Swiss Muslins for Ladies’ Drosses, Rich Embroidered Colored Muslins and Fancy Bareges, Suporior White and Colored -Grenadine, and Crape Sh'awls, Ladies’ Worked Laco and Muslin Sleeves, of beautiful styles, ladies’ French Worked Muslin Chimasettcs, Col lars and Sleovcs, Radies' VV’hitoLace Scarfs and Marti Has, Ladies’ French Worked Muslin Mantillas, Ladies Hcm-stich Riviere and French Lawn Handkerchiefs, With a groat variety of other articles, to whicli they respectfully invite the attention of tho ladies. jano 21 dtAc LOOKING-GLASS WAREHOUSE. The Oldest and most Extensive in the XJ. States. Richards kingsland, no. 38 Courtiandt Street, New York, Wholesale Dealer in and Manufacturer of Loeking-Glasses, and Importer of Lo&ing-Glass Plates, and Plate Glass for House and Store Windows, rcspoctfully invites the attention of Southern Buyers and Dealers to his extensivo Stock —embracing all kinds of Mahogany Toilet Boxes, Swings, Mahogany and Gilt, and Gilt Glasses, suit able tor tho Trade. Also, constantly cn hand, a large assortment of all kinds and sizes of O.namen tal, Plain, Pier and Mantel Glasses, Portrait and Picture Frames, got up in the richest anil most gor- Sdous styles,.from the latest Parisian and Foreign c.-igns. Any inquiries, made by letter, relative to the pri ces of Goods, will be cheerfully answered by return mail. X. B.—AH orders promptly attended to, and Goods packed with tho greatest care, juno 19-3 m BOUNTY LAND AND PENSION CLAIMS. 1 THE undersigned continues to prepare and for ward to a competent agent at VVashington City, applications for Bounty Land Warrants and Pen sion Claims which will moot prompt attention. Apply at tho office of my father, over the Post Offioo. feb22. ftf G. A. SNEED. JETNA INSURANCE AGENCY? DR. MILLIGAN having resigned the Agency, the under^gned, has been appointed and duly ; commissioned the JETS A INSURANCE ' COMPANY, and is prepared to take Fire and In land Navigation Risks, on as reasonable terms as any othor office. Applications left at the office of Jeffers, Cothran ; A Co., Mclntosh street, wiU be promptly attended te. H. L. JEFFERS, Agent, apr 12 6mo ORNAMENTAL HAIR WORK. THE UNDERSIGNED has just receivod an as sortment of Gentlemen’s Wigs, Ladies Fronts, Braids and Curls, which ho offers for sale at his Barber Shop under the Washington HaU, Broad street, Augusta, Ga., on accommodating terms. ! I WILLIAM CORMICK, octl2 ly Barber and Hair Dresser. 1 WASHINGTON HALL, ATLANTA, GA. THE Undersigned, anxious to render the tff** above Establishment every way acceptable Hill' to the travelling public,has recontly added to it a new DINING ROOM, and made several other material alterations in the House, with a view to tho promo tion of the comfort of those who may favor him with their patronage, and has scoured, as a general Superintendent, tho services of Mr. Geo. K. Fra zf.r, formerly of the United States, and lato of the Eagle A Phoenix Hotel, Augusta, Ga. It is his in tention to sparo neither expense nor exertion to make tho Washington Hall deservedly popular. He has recently added to his Establishment five food family Rooms, Lathed and Plastered, with replaces in each. Also, a lino BATHING ES TABLISHMENT, where can be procured Warm or Cold Baths! Thcro is a BARBER SHOP under the same roof, and a LIVERY STABLE at a convenient distance. Servants always in attendance upon the cars to conduct passengers and convoy baggage to and from the Depot. JAS. LOYD, Proprietor. Geo. R. Frazeb, Superintendent. N. B.—Tho above house will alwayi furnish Din ner to the passengers from the Wcst, at 3 o’clock P. M. dAcly may 7 SI,OOO REWARD. " DR. HUNTER'S colobrated SPECIFIC, for the cure of Gonorrhoea, Strictures, Gleet and Analogous Complaints of the Organs of Generation. Of all remedies yet discovered for the abovo complaint, this is the most certain. makosa speedy and permanent cure with out restriction to diet, drink, exposure, or chango of application to business. Qfp* It is perfectly harmless. Gallons of it might bo taken without injuring the patient. Oy It is put up in bottles, with full directions accompanying it, so that porsons can cure them selves without resorting to physicians or others for advice. One bottle is enough to perform a certain cure.— Prico sl. CET-It is approved and rocommended by tho Roy al College of Physicians and Surgeons of London, and has their certificate enclosed. Dy It is sold by appointment in Ne n York by Robert Eliot A Son, and in Augusta, Ga., at No. 195, Metcalfs Range, Broad streot. 7m july 6 ATLANTA IRON FOUNDRY. I AM NOW PREPARED to make to order, MILL GEARING of evory description, and all other CASTINGS made in similar establish ments, including GIN GEAR,PLATES A BALLS, Ac., Ac. —also— BARK MILLS, With the latest improveincents, all of which will be warranted to boos the best material and work manship. I will also furnish all kinds of MILL ROCK, at tho lowest rates for cash. A. LEYDEN. PATENT CAST IRON WATER WHEELS, Which will be warranted to cut two thousand feet of Plank per day, under any head of water above four feet. Manufactured by may 11 djAcly A. LEYDEN. AUGUSTA FRENCH BURR MILLSTONE MANUFACTORY. THE Subscriber, thankful for the kind patron age recoivod, would respectfully inform their friends and the public, that they continue to exe cute orders for their well known Warranted French ,Burr MILLSTONES, of siio, at the lowest price, and *hc(toet notice. They also furnish ESOPUS ANI) COLOGNE STONES, SMUT MACHINES, of various patents, BOLTING CLOTHS, of the best brand, CEMENT for Millstones, and every other article ■ necessary in a Mill. Also, for Planters, small GRIST MILS to attach , to Gin Gears. All ordors promptly attended to. july 18 c WM. R. SCniRMER. BURR MILL STONES. WM. R. SCHIRMER. surviving partner of SCIIIRMER A WIG AND, begs leave to in form tho old customers of tho firm, and the public generally, that tho manufacture of BURR MILL STONES in all its various departments, will ho con tinued by him at tho old stand. All orders executed with promptness, and in the very best stylo. Augusta, Ga., July 17th, 1851. july 18 TO - PLANTERS. HE would respectfully inform Planters that we furnish SMALL GRIST MILLS, Suitable to bo attached to Gin Gears, of different sizes, and of different patterns at the lowest prices. These Mills have given tho highest satisfaction, I and can be compared with any from tho North. Pleaso give us a call before buying elsewhere. WM. R. SCHIRMER, Burr Millstone Manufacturers. Augusta, lie | TRANSPORTATION. THE SUBSCRIBERS are Agents for the following Packet Lines from Charleston, S. C.: MERCHANTS LINE to New Orleans. PALMETTO LINE Baltimore. CAROLINA LINE Boston. Composed of first class vessels, and commanded by experienced and careful Captains. All proper ty consigned to us for shipment, will be promptly attended to. Unnecessary charges will, at all times be avoid ed, and strict attention paid to orders. G. M. FOWLER A CO., Vandorhorst’s Wharf. W. H. STURGES A CO., Agents in Augusta. Charleston, S. C„ February, 1851. f 8 NEW WORKS. The girlhood of shakspkare's he roines—Tales 5, Meg and Alice. Salander and the Dragon, a Ramancc of the Ilartz Prison. The Young Governess, or the Education of Cir cumstances. Gathered Leaves, by Miss H.F. Gould. Now Poems, by Miss 11. F. Gould. The Dyer and Color Maker’s Companion. Tho Turner's Companion. The Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer's Com panion. Painter, Gilder, and Varnisher's Companion. Land and Leo in tho Bosphorus and Argean, by Rev. Walter Colton, lato U. S. Navy. The Cow and tho Dairy, showing the best mode of constructing stables, managing dairies, and de tecting the frauds of dairymen; by Robt. M. Hart ley. Just published, and for sale at GEO. A. OATES A CO.’S, Piano, Book and Music Depot, Broad-stroet. july 31 SHAKSPEARE’S WORKS. TALLIS’ Library edition of the Works of Shaks peare, revised from the original editions with Historical introduction, and notes explanatory and critical, a life of tho Poet, and an introductory essay on his phraseology, and metre, by James Or chard Hallowcll, F. k7 S. Ac., now publishing in thirty numbers, at 25 cents per number, each part embellished with two beautiful steel engravings, from daguerreotypes taken from life, expressly for this work, of the chief Dramatist, and of all the principal actors and actresses of the day, in their most celebrated characters, and also in private cos tume. Published by John Tallis A Co, London. Subscriptions received by .. . i GEO. A. OATES A CO. -j ulv 31 Broad-st., opposite State Bank. D. B. PLUMBITcfL Between U. S. Hotel and Post OHlce Corner, i AUGUSTA, GEO. Dealers m druqs medicines, chem icals, Surgical and Dental Instruments, Paints, | Oils, Dye Stuns, French and American Window Olass, Trusses, Abdominal Supporters, Shoulder Braces Brushes of every description, Paint Stones, Paint Mills, Ac. Ac. augl ARTHUR’S LIBRARY. STORIES for young House Keepers; Lessons in Life; the Ways of Providence; Woman’s I ri als; Married Life; Two Wives, or Lost A Won; Home Scenes; all of the above for sale by aug 1 THOMAS RICHARDS A jftON. NEW SERIES -VOL. VI. NO. 99. IN QUART BOTTLES. FOR purifying tWßlood, and for the cure of Scrofu la. MercuriiHDiseases, Rheumatism, Cutaneous Eruptions, StubboKOltters, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Bronchitis. Salt Fever Socos, Fe male Loss of Appetite, Pimples, Biles, General This preparatfoniHn now borne the test of over 14 years experience, since its first introduction to public fa vor, during which time numerous imitations have sprung into existence, founding their claims to the confidence of the community on the curative powers contained in Sarsaparilla Root, the great reputation and extended use of which has been mainly attributable to the many wonderful cures effected by the use'of this preparation. While Sarsaparilla Root forms an important part of its combination, it is, at the same time, compounded with other vegetable remedies of great power, and it is in the peculiar combination and scientific manner of its prepa ration, that its remarkable success in the enreof disepaa depends. Other preparations imitate it in the style of putting up, and bearing tlie name of one of its ingredi ents. and here ends their resemblance to it. Those needing a remedy and purifier like this, are requested to note where this difference exists, and in making choice of w hat they will use. not to take any other but that one entitled to their confidence, from the long list of cures it has effected on living witnesses, whose testimonials and residences have been published, and who are still bearing daily testimony to its worth. The whole histo ry of medicine has scarcely I'urnishud a parallel to the numerous and remarkable cures effected by its use, and ' what it has effected once it can.effect again. FROM KENTUCKY. Inflammatory Rheumatism Cured. Baiidstown, Ky., July 10, 1849. Messrs. Sands —Gentlemen'. It in my duty to commit* nicate facts in relation to the beneficial effect, of your Sarsaparilla. My wife was afflicted with inflammation and soreness of the stomach of the worst character; her limb* and chest were ranch swollen; site had constant headache, and last spring was attacked severely with in flammatory rheumatism. The best medical aid we could obtain afforded only momentary relief; and a itile in thi, situation, she heard of the many remarkable cures ef fected by the use of Sands’ Sarsaparilla, and commenced its use, which produced instant relief, and leas than sit bottles entirely removed all the dropsical swelling and • every other inflammatory symptom restoring her per fect health. I send this statement as an act of justice, believing it to lie my duty to encourage the suffering portion of the human family to use Sand’s Sarsaparilla, which 1 believe has nojiarallel in the catalogue of me dicine. M'itlf feelings of lasting gratitnde, I remain your friend. SAMEJtL V. HARGER. Read the following from Nkw-Oklkaxs. Nov. 12,1849. Messrs. Sands —Gentlemen: I take the liberty of fending you a letter which may be of importance to those who afb suffering as I have done. I received great benefit from your Sarsaparilla, having been cured of a malady after suffering six years. I hereby cheerfully certify to the good effect of your medicine, and I hope God will reward you for all the good you have done. A chronic cough had tormented me day* and night, and re peated attacks of fever induced me to believe that I should die with Consumption. One day, white suffering a violent attack of burning fever, a friend persuaded me to try your incomparable medicine, but to tell the truth, I had no coulldence in it. I finally purchased a bottle, and by its use ams the help of God, I was restored to better healtli than I had enjoyed for six years. I esu uot but bless the author of this admirable medicine With great respect, I am, gentlemen. Your obedient servant, FERMIN GROUPAZ. “ Truth is stranger thanjietion'' New Dcrium, N. J., June 30,1819. Messrs. Sands —Gentlemen: My wife suffered with a distress and burning in her chest for many years, and my daughter was afflicted from her birth with a humor in her Mood. We consulted various physicians, and tried numerous remedies, without much benefit, until we heard, through Rev. Thomas Davis, of tho great me- I dicinal value of Sunds’ .-sarsaparilla. On hi, recom- I meudation my wife and daughter decided on trying it, I ami soon experienced permanent benefit. My daughter’s skin assumed a new appearance entirely; from being rough, fcbrd and scaly, it became smooth and soft. My wife's sufferings are almost gone, and its use a short ; time longer, it is my firm belief, will produce a perfect cure. Yours, witti respect, _ , G. S. HENDRICKSON. Pastor or the Baptist Church at the English Neighbor hood. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail,by A. B. AD. SANDS. Druggists and Chemists. 100 Fulton* street, cor ner of William, New York.—Sold also by Druggists gen erally throughout the United States ami Canadas. Price $1 per bottle; six bottles for sb. For sale by Ifaviland, Risley & Co., Barrett, CarterA Co., W. K. Kitchen, Philip A. Moise, Augusta; by Hill A Smith, Athens; by H. C. Seymore k Co.. Madison; and by A, J. Creighton, Hamburg, S. C. dtuceoc july 4 G. P. GREEN. 1 FASHIONABLE TAILOR. 208 BEOAD-ST., AUGUSTA, GEO. KEEPS constantly on hand, a handsome assort ' ment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND \ ESTINGS, of the finest and most fashionable pat terns, which will be made up to order, in a stylo not to be surpassed by any other establishment.— H aving received the very latest improvements in the art of cuting, he will bo able to give a hotter and easier fit than has been delivered by any South ern establishment. He also keeps a good assort ment of Ready Made Clothing. ;apl). t&c. NEW NOVELS, NEW NOVELS. T~ NOBODY’S SON, or Life of Percival Mayberry. The Mysteries of the People; -by EugcSue. Cruiso of the Crescent; by Sir A. Fisher. Mary Morcton ; by T. S. Arthur. Rena, or tho Snow Bird; by Caroline L. Hentz. Coneuclo; JiyJHeorge Sand. The Widow Rugby’s Husband. Tho Duchess, or WOman’s Love, and Woman’s Hate. The Web ofCrimo; Mary Lawson, by Sue. The Banker's Wife, by T. S. Arthur. Tho Forest Roso; The Daughter of Night, hv Bennett. The Sea King; Maid of Canal Street, by Miss Leslie. Heirs of Derwent Water, by Blanchard. Oodolphin, by Bulwcr. Dennings and their’Beaux, by Miss Leslie. Together with several hundred copies of new N o vcls and interesting hooks. For safe by jy26 t&c DUNHAM A BLEAKLEY. SHIP AND SHORE, in Madeira, Lisbon, sod the Mediterranean, by Rev. Walter Colton. Land and Lee in tho Bosphorus and Aegean; or views of Athens and Constantinople, by Bar. Wal ter Colton. , ■ Lives of Declaration of Inde pendence, by N. Dwight, Esq. Tho above for sale by july 29 THOS. RICHARDS k SON. C~ UT BAR DECANTERS. -Beautiful Cut Glass DECANTERS, for sale ' ma 27 j, J. LATHROP A CO’S. WATCH MAKE* AND JEWELLER. F- A. BRAHE, at his old stand, No. 214 Broad Strbet. Respectfully returns his acknowledgements Jo his friends and the public, for the very liberal share of pa tronage be bg£ received in his line, and trusts that by personal application, and strict attention to all work entrusted to him, to continue to give sa tisfaction, and merit further confidence. N. B.—l have received, and offer with confi dence, Gold and Silver WATCHES, Fancy JEW ELRY, such as Fancy Guard and Fob Chains, Breast Pins, Broaches, Mantle Clocks, and many articles too tedious to enumerate, which the pub lic are invited t# examine before making their pur -1 chases. o«t 24