Tri-weekly constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 18??-1877, August 31, 1851, Image 1

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®l)e ffiri-uJeeklj) Constitutionalist. I-.. :/. ~.txr:ri;-:.:—X- - . - .... I■ " . • ; t ■ \ ,'• J *. ~ . ; - . * 'V* .-,: BY JAMES GARDNER, JR. . ‘. •■*, '■ *-■ [oowirsicAiKi).] - *aj^irf«g|ip3g Privit and Oonfldinshxl. . Jto. iii. ' ‘ , TO THE HON. EGBERT TOOMBS An Irishman ntter is o«r perlite—• Irveand afey jay I, if it lades *o a fits: An this Being my motto, ft' I’ve written to Cobb, Sans « rcmomc, I write yon, dear Bob. Didn't ye. or did ye. the night o’yore spache At the City H»U, notice jist out ov the rache Os yoarwMe-wavin arm, awiht Irish lad That scramed like an injin and went on like mad, Coomin down now and then on the floore aid a thump Os his crab-tree ahillelah whiles you had the stoqiup ! Well, Bob, that was Pathrick, and woonderfull well Our iffortswint off—l mane yore spache and my yell; But in honer, dear Bob, tis mo duty to say Though ye well aped “OULD HARRY,” twaso’erdone for Clay— (Tc know since ye heard “ Hal * here some years ago, Your ropy by some folks was thought quite “ so-so.") for an ould chap foremast me sphakesto me very, low, *• Wat's the matther wid Boh—a leetle how-come-ye-so, KhT’ -Och! diril a bit darlin,” see Ito him. “ It’«_» way that he’s got—he sphakes always wid ‘vim,’ When they git him rite mad aud sei111;, 1; Morc'n. that, A gent In August; tli* 4 sliood lia bin flat Os his back long ago, to Bob s great surprise Sits o’er on that bench—and he’s got his kane eyes Fastened plump upon Bob, and its natural enuff '-*■ A* Cnliss a man’s made othe bist Irish stuff gjffVj Like mesclf,’’ tea I, winkin. -to be snmmut put out At mating a ghoust a wandherin about, Stid of dacently lying snug and slttilt in his grave | Its enough,’’ seal, -ould mun, to make any mou rave," ! The ould follow laughed at me qusero explenashun Jg But I’m much fearin, Bob, laste your past imputation For glttin up at Bhort notice, s good - dayiintlatioh," Has been summut impared by that ripresintation. Bnt to com* to the point, this letter, dear Bob, In the fame kindly spirit I wrote in to Cohb, Is meant to point out the weak points in your spache.. And togive ye me aid in rupoirin the braohes. • (You’ll excuse me omishun to put in French, That mnrtheroua jargon girsuie tongue sic a wrench. ! I fear twill quite ruin this bad pen to write it, And therefore this letther is in Irish indited.) First, a dale of complaint I hear at your delay In building yore altar; twould be best right away ! Yd proclaim that 1 tie bricks are already in mould. On the Hamilcar pattheru, like he used of ould, j And that ye've sint to-ould Krin for Phelim McScag. j (A broetbec of mine, and a bit of a wag, I But an ilegant mason.) who'll shortly ho here. i To give shape anfl form to yore project so dew. Tbo - maskedbattry,” too. has bean too long kipt goln; The paple now say there's no w av of kuowin , How long you will stay snugly tucked up behind it, Amt think it high time you get Qiddiugs to mind it. They want you among (Arm—there's been so much de sertion ywjrir ' 'i* 5 4b*|/’• sjt. ' K Prom the Southern radiks lately, they think your di version Should now come to a close; and as you know the ways Os this masked battry well, they say all the bays And laurels that are won, if you'll lead the attack, iJhall circle yonr brow. Will you stand to the rack ? 1 know you will, Bob, and I’m pledgin yc to It. And byway of assistance to help you to do it, iiird on that bright sword which you thought So -sug gestive,” yt '* ; -Causing wise pica to ponder," (Come, Bob! don't be restive,) «.* , ■„ ,' '* j “And brave men to act," and as you gaze on onr title To our fate acquisition, let each jot and each tittle Os all your professions be strictly adhered to [ And silence this slander thatve rather have veered to : Du* North op the compass, and aro summut Inclined, Like a church-staple rooster, to crow with the wind. But here is the bitterest pill that’s been made— (Laste that Febwery spache could lie laid in the shade— Alas! it stands on the record,—the best India-rubber Could never eflaeejt—nay, nor angul’s best blubber!) 'Tis said that you claimed from England and Russia. From fhrriners, aliens, Spain, Prance and Prussia, Both non-interference and npn-intervintion, And istablUhed your claim beyond all contravention f ‘ But the North, you »»fd, bwod, both that and protection. Which, If we failed to get, stern nccessfy’s direction (Justified Iff our interests, our safety, our honor. Than all human governments hild to be stronger.) TO u's, as oar duty, was at once to Sacede. j Or make onrsllres ‘-aliens," as you make it read. And thin In yore spache on the MeLernand bill, Wbcr* you first undertook that arduous, up-hill And profitless task, of the Hamilear altar. (A job *o severe tis no wonder you falter.) You make uj believe you will strike for disunion, If we don’t get protiction in the pale of the Union: Yet mitmbilt dicta: (do yc rude latin, Bob ? IS ye don’t you can turn o'er these hard words to Cobb.) Yotf now hold tjiat the doctrine of non-iotervintion Was all the Booth asked for’by word or intintion; That this she has got, and has no right to complain For the loss of adocthrine yon fought for in vain.— Very well, but you said that protiction refused, While it made us degraded, outraged and abused. W ould cause you at once for fradom to gthrike, (fndipiudancc you lulve it—but the words are alike) . And the papte now ask if ye’re yit struck the blow. ('Twas like that, if ye have, that laid Pattkersou low ;| For the divila l it can they find any place Where your finger* have left any sign, print oMkce ! «g * This winds me up. it must not stop you— Ye must git out if ye can—raise a hullabeloo, And ere the noise and eonfusion hev intifely subsided, To some place of refuge we’ll hope that ye've glided. But Pegasus Is weary—this abominable road Is very fatagtog to a nag but half shod: Bo there shall draw rein—but before I git down. Laste Cobb makes a failure ingettin Ihc erowh. On yore way.Bob, to Paris, your thravellin bag Would he wi ll taken care of by Augustt/j Jergy. - PATHBICK MogC’AO [Telegraphed for the. Baltimore Sira.} ' New-Yoex, August 36th. Another Cuban Meeting in New- York—Great Excitement, sr.-A nother tremendous gathering of the Cuban sympathizers was held 'in the Park . to-night. At least 10,000 persons were present. Edward Blockman presided, and the meeting was addressed by Enoch Camp, Thomas N. C*n , Capt. TRynders and others-. The language ck the speakers were more-violent and exciting than on the previous evenipg, and as a consequence the root' were raised to the highest state of en thusiasm, Bannefswith Bloodly mottoes were ilstributed among the crowd, and every means ... used to increase the feeling of resentment against ihe Cuban authorities. Cheers. )|rrea'ns and groans were' heard on all sides, anajthe latter especially predominated, when the Courier, Express and Tribune papers were alluded to. One of the speakers, in the midst of a violent harrangee, begged t he listeners io do nothing rashly, and especially deprecated the attemptto molest the Spanish Consul, as had I been threatened, “His office, 1 ' said he “is at 119 . tCgtdSi ’> ut do,l ' ! ' my fnends ' d 0 any I Alter hi 6 ®pvech, the sympathisers formed a S procession, headed by a band of music, and pro ceded up Broadway j n the direction of Leonard Sfe ‘treet, hootingo’ellmmand threatening vengeance m k ;pt out of the way, under K st *ndmg that a coat of tar and feathers had been |T prepared for him. In consequence of threats di lected against La, Chronica, the Spanish naner k an extra police force of 300 men had been sa! B tinned there. V <&***"* I present uiet' P ' d M '7 At Bff violence, Thf Xb J»ad&pw#d NEW GOODS. I T? laßt steamer from N'ew-Y'ork: | XW Ulam, low priced mid fine linen cambric Hand kerchiefs , hem-riitebed Riviere and ScoU’d do. do. : Siroer Freneh Furniture Prints, for Laid work and Borders; fine and super twisted silk Mitts. 1 Black silk Mitts, (long.) ■ Super Garment Dimity. V' t Jaeeonet and Swiss Scolloping and Insortings. Plain and dotted Swiss Madias. ! French colored bordered plain linen Towel* do. do. Huekabuek do. 12-4 Bobinet Lace for Pa^Uioas. 9-4 Pavillion Qauao. w Blue and green worsted Barcgo. ' Lace and Muslin lenders!eeves. Lace Capes, and a variety of other GOODS. All of which will be sold low, by \ ,iune 16 3 NO. P. SETZE. T ALLEHSTEDT & AVIMBERLY have roceived ! -L* this d»y per steamer from New to k s very choice lot of New Style Lace CAPES, Hamilton Lace Under SLEEVES, , v Extra RichNoodleworked COLLARS Superior Jaconet and Swiss TRIMINGS, Thread and Lisle Edging,. “ J «.L&t Jaconot and Swiss Muslin, Pigurnd and Plain. , To which they invito attention. jnno 8 A CHOICE LOT of Medicinal Wines and Bran dies, selected by "one who knows,” on hand bv Aug-1 D. B. PLUMB & CO ' A "'VERY fine lot of fresh'beat MiE: strictly . ptim* and No. I. l Also, some strictly prime LARD, in barrels. For sale lew, by " W. H. ST URGES A CO. ''TwpSJiMto!! TUMBLERS l‘P ‘ 1 /VY >OZEX TUMBLERS, olovery variety and color, suitable lor Family, Hotel, and Bar use, for sale at exceedingly low prices. N. B Good heavy flute TUMBLERS, at 75 «onts per doien. Call at the Wholesale and Retail Crockery Store, few doors above Messrs. Richards A Son’s Book Store. _may2 J. J. LATHROP A CO. „ WHOLESALE AND ~ CONFECTIONARY. THE UNDERSIGNED take pleasure in inviting their city and country friends aad customer* ! generally, to their large and well .selected stock, ! consisting of Confectionarios of the greatest divor : sity and of superior quality; West India Fruits, i Nuts, Jellies, Jams, Preserves, and all kinds of Syrups and Cordials; Fronch and German Toys; ( Pickles, Lobsters. Salmon and Mackerel, fresh. ; pickled and in oil, from the rostaraut of Messrs. Underwood* Co.; Sardinos, in oil; Marseilles and I Olivo OB : Imported Liquors, consisting of Brandies, | Fort, Madeira,Claret,Rhine and Champagne Wines, .Scotch Whiskey, Holland On, London Porter, Absynthc and Kishwasser; Havanna Sogars of the most popular brands of the dfly; Newark Cider ! and Augusta Cream Ale, which they offer for sale upon reasonable terms at tboir well known estab lishment, opposite the old Bridge Bank building, and formerly occupied by Mr. Martin Frederick; whose successors they afc. N. GIRARDEY A SONS. . Augusta, Dec. SL JSSO. t NEW YORK AND BAVNNAAH STEAM ~ SHIP LINE. ~’ ' i - —AND— ALABAMA Capt. LodloW. Belonging to the New York A Savannah St*am Navigation Company. » On and aftur the 11th Jan., will leave Savannah and New York every SATURDAY until further notice. These ships are 1,300 tons register, and un surpassed iu comfort, safely and speed. Cabin Pas ♦ sago s2s—payable in advance. Agkjits PADELFORD. FAY A CO.„ Savannah. t SAMUEL L. MITCHELL, jan 12 _ 194 Front stroot, New York. ROBERT H. MAY, Coach Maker, corner of Jackson? and EUU-strects, in rear of the Globe Hotel. 1- ' T KEEPS constantly on band a good vJLA|3fco I 5 assortment of CARRIAGES, RUG GIBS, flic., to which he would call the attention of i those wishing such articles, as he is determined to sell on as accommodating terms as any other es tablishment in the city. 1 CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, Ac., made to order with despatch, in a workmanlike manner. i REPAIRING done at abort notice, and on the Boost reasonable terms. g2Cfly CARRIAGE REPOSITORY AND MANUFAC | TORY, BY LCTHER ROLL, AUGUSTA GA. DEALER in every description of ■ 1 >'ira»/v CARRIAGES, sucb as COACHES BAROUCHES, BUGGIES, Ac., both of Northern and hia own maniilhcture. Also in CARRIAGE FINDINGS, viz: Springs, Axles. Leather, Laces, Bands and Harness. Carriages, Buggies, Ac., built to order, and of excellent quality, and at as low prices as can be ob tained in this market. A good assortment always on hand- , . ’ rs ■■ REPAIRING of all kinds dpneln the bestman ner, and ai the lowest prices. Justreeeivbd, some tine TILBURY BUGGIES, ROCKAWAYS and CARRIAGES, which will be sqld low for cash or approved paper. v . It affords him jdeasure to state that lio has eu-' gaged the services of Mr. Israel Bond, whose skill and workmanship are well and extensively known. His establishment is situated on the comov of Washington and Reynold streets, near the Eagle and Phoejx Hotel, and Stovall’s, and Kobortson A Crocker’s Warehouses. au2oftf ~ WHITE SULPHER SPRINGS. ~ " Six miles from Gaiifgsville, Ifall County, Ga. THE PUBLIC are informed that, having pur chased, this well known Watering Place in the mountains of Georgia, from its former proprie tor—Mr. L. A. McAffce—and completely repaired and refurnished the house, ho will bo prepared on the first day of June to receive company. It is al most needless to say, that with the combinations of Sulpher, Iron and Magnesia in the waters, pure and invigorating atmosphere, delightful Scenery, and means for exercise, together with the best the market affords, in the way of eating,- no other place of summer resort in Georgia can excel it. Public conveyance from Athens direct and also vii the Clarkesville road to the Springs, three times a week, will afford every opportunity to visitors from the seaboard, and elsewhere, that may be de sired. E. PACE. ' June 4. fistSep. ... HATS, CAPS, AND STRAW GOODS AT CHARLESTON PRICES. T TAYLOR, JR. fc CO., would respectfully «J J • inform tho Merchants of Georgia, and ad joining States, that they are now receiving additional supplier of Goods in their line, their stock being now the largest and host selected of any ever offered in this city, and are prepared to sell HATS on as rea sonable terms at Groceries, Saddle*, Drugs, Ac , can Plcaae call before going below. npr 8 LOOKING-GLASS WAREHOUSE. The Oldest and most Extensive in the V. Stetta. Richards kingsland, no. 38 c«urtiandt ’ Street, New York, Wholesale Dealer in and 1 Manufacturer of Loekiug-Glassee, and ItnpoHer of Looking-Glass Plates,-and Plato Glass for House and I Store Windows, respectfully invites the attention of Southern Buyers and Dealors to his extensive Stock —embracing all kinds of Mahogany Toilet Boxes, Swings, Mahogany and Gilt, and Gilt Glasses, suit able for the Trade. Also, constantly on hand, a largo assortment of all kinds and sizes of Ornamen tal, Plain, Pier and Mantel Glasses, Portrait and Picture Frames, got up in the richest and most gor jraous styles, from tho latest Parisian and Foreign Any inquiries, made by letter, relative to the pri ee*ef Goods, will be cheorftilly answered by return ;-* B—All orders promptly attended to, »nd ftoodejftefctt with the greaieet care, jane J#-3in A1 m STA. GEORGIA, SUNDAY. AUGIST :jl, 185) " NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE IN -BURANCJS COMPANY. Incorporated January, 1849. Centbal Oefick, Raleigh, N. C prepared to take LIFE RISKS on the most favorable terms. Tho tabjo of Rates are those mailo by Joshua Millar, and known as ‘‘The Carlisle Table,” uni versally conceded, to ho tho most correct in use. Tho advantages offered by this Company, are such as merit tho attention of the public, and will be pointed out and explained at ilny time by the Agent. Insurances are taken on single Uvea, for one year, seven years, or for life. On joint lives, for life. *.t 7 On slaves at 2-3 value, one or five years. * . r s ;' The undersigned can, at all times, bo'found at tho Law office of ©. J. A W. Scrnay, Bsqs. Letters, post-paid, directed to the Agent here, will be promptly attended to apr II a. H. OLIVER, Ag't., Augusta, Ga. F2FLEOT, AND BE REFLECTED.—W e have just received a large and well assorted lot of LOOKING GLASSES, which we are willing to sell very low for cash. Do not forget to call at [j J- J. LATIIROP A CO’g., Broad street. ‘ REivmv/tir THE SUBSCRIBER has removed his Estab lisHment to Melntosh-street, 2d door below the Georgia Rail-Road Bank, and next door to tho Constitutionalist office—and is constantly receiving additions to his former stock of GUNS and Equip ments, which, when complete, will bo the best as sortment in the city, and will consist of Double Barreled GUNS, all sizes and prices, from sl2 to SIOO each. 3 dozen Single Barrel GUNS, for boys, Ac., from $3 to 12. RIFLES, Northern make, from $lO to S2O. Do. of my own make, from both Iren and Cast Sfe?} Barrels, from $lO to $159. W. Richards'-, Cox’s, and Walker's Eng. Caps also the G, D. French do. .Alvi- Dupont’s and Hazard’s American Sporting and Kentucky Rifle Powder, in canisters and by tfec keg or quarter keg. Colt'* and" Allen’s Six Barreled Revolving Pis tols; also, the Single Self-cooking Pistol; Rifle and Common Pistols A fine assortment of Gamo Bags, Shot Bplte and Powder Flasks, Wash Rods, Nipple Wrenches, Drinking Flasks and Cups. Also a fine invoice of choice Pocket apd Pen Knives, Razors, Strops, Ac. V N.B.—RIFLES made to order, and Restocking and Repairing of all Guns, Ac-, done in the beet style, and warrahted. ' oct 20 V* 1? E. H. ROGERS?' LADY’S BOOR FOR SEPTEMBER, haTbeen ■ r«**iv*d by ®BO. A. OAT« A CO. , | WASHINGTON HALL, ATLANTA, GA. I rp**E Undersigned, anxious to render the apt j X above Establishment every way acceptable Rk !to the travelling public,has rocently added to it a new • DINING ROOM, and made several other material { alterat ions in tho House, with a view to Hie promo . tion of the comfort of those who may favor him j with their patronage, and has secured, as a general Superintendent, the services of Mr. Geo. R. Fra ' 5, BR > formerly of the United States, and late of the Eagle A Phoenix Hotel, Augusta, Ga. It is his in tention to spare neither expense nor exertion to make the Washington Hail deservedly popular. He has recently added to his Establishment five good- family Rooms, Lathed and Plastored, with (ire places in each. Also, a fine BATHING ES TABLISHMENT, where can be procured Warm or Cold Baths, There is a BARBER SHOP under the same roof, and a LIVERY STABLE at a convenient distance. Servants always in attendance upon the cars to conduct passengers and convey baggage to and from the Depot. „ _ „ JAS. LOYD, Proprietor. Geo. R. Frazer, Superintendent. -N. B.—Tho above houso will always furnish Din ner to the passengers from tho West, at 3 o’clock F- M- dAcly may 7 LADIES* DRESS GOODS: -- - SNOWDEN & SHEAR TTAVE now on hand, a beautifnl supply of La- AA dies' Dross Goods, among which arc: French Printed Jaconets, of now and boaittifu! styles, Rich Embroidered and Fancy Colored Grena dines, of the latest styles, White Dotted Swiss Muslins for Ladies’ Dresses, Rich Embroidered Colored Muslins and Fancy Bareges. Superior Whito and Colored IGronadino, and Crape Shawls, Ladies' Worked Lace and Muslin Sleoves, of beautiful stylos, Ladies’ Freneh Worked Mualin Chimasette.-, Col lars and Sleeves, Ladies' White Lace Scarfs and Mantillas, Ladies] French Worked Muslin Mantillas, Ladies’ Hem-stieh Rivicro and Freneh Lawn Handkerchiefs, With a great variety of other articles, to which tlioy respectfully invite tho attention of tho ladies, juno 21 * dtAc NEW BOOKS ! NEW BOOKS !! JVST REC EIVED by THOR RICHARDS A SON from tho Press of Harper A Brother’s: Part B—London Labor, Ac. August No. Harper's Magazine-. Oodfiey Malvern, or tho Life of an Author, by Thomas Miller, author of “ A Day in tho Woods, “Imdy Jane Gray, ’ Ac. -Travols In tho United States, etc., d.uring 1849 and IHSO, by Lady Emmeline Stuart Wortley. ATLANTA IRON FOUNDRY. ~ I AM NOW f iIEPARED to mako to order, MILL GEARING of every description, and all other CASTINGS mado in similar establish ments, including GIN GEAR,PLATES A BALLS, Ac., Ac. -—AI-SO— BARK MILLS, With the latest improvemeents, all of which will bo warranted to be of tho best material and work manship. I will also furnish all kinds of MILL ROCK, at the lowest rates for cosh. A. LEYDEN. PATENT CAST IRON WATER WHEELS, Which will bo warranted to out two thousand feot of Plank per day, under any head of water above four feel. Mannfootnred by may II dfA ly A. LEYDEN. BOOKS! BOOKS"! Thomas rich ak ns t son have for safe the ■following BOOKS: , ' , Household Words, Vol. I and 2, by- CKas. Dick ens. A Alderbroek, by Fanny Forester. The Clorgy of America ; anoedotes illustrative of the characters of Ministers in the United States. Cruikshauk at Homo ; a new Family Album of endless entertainment, with numerous illustrations. Second Love, by Martha Martcll. The Solitary of Juan Forhandez ; or the Real Robinson" Crusoe, by author ofPieeiola. Rejected Addresses ; or the now ThentrUm l’*eta rum, by Horace and James Smith. Episeiles of Ineoot Life. Advico to Yeung Ladies on their duties, Ac., in Life, by T. S. Arthur. '■l The Song of the Bell; by Schiller, with sixteen illustrations. < ' OuUo-Mer, a Pilgrimage beyond tho Sea, by Longfellow. Moore’s Life of Byron, 2 vols. The World’s Roligion, by Lady Colquhorri. Light and Shadows'of Scottish Life, by John Wilson. • ~v Midnight Uarpionies; or Thoughts for the Sea son of Solitude and Sorrows, by Winslow. Memoir of Mr*. Mary Lomaio Duncan, by her Mother. ,*• , " X. Rena, by Mrs.Hentz; Linda, by Mrs. Hentz. Shelley’s Pootical Works, Tupper’s Works, Prose and Poetical. The Microsoopißt,'or a Manual on tho use of the ' Microscrope. Imagination end Fancy, by Leigh Hunt, uug 39 * ’ NEW SfRING GOODS, JOHN BRIDGES, MERCHANT TAILOR, v No. 230 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. , below tho United Stotea Hotel.) T s NOW RECEIVING and opening, a full as ii A sortment of superior CLQTHS, Casimeros, Vest I ings, Drills. Drap d'Ete, Casbmorots, and Trim - mings, of all descriptions; foil assortment of Fan -9 fy Articles, for gentlemen’s toilet; ladies . Under \ e ts; Umbrellas, Ac. Military Work, and Making 3 , »as Trimming in the best manner. may 6 B - GROCERIES, IRON, NAILS, &C. ■IOO "*■****■ ““ • ““ " d a» f R S! K®? Rio ’ aud Maraoaibo COFFEE, t r I<o hhds.ohojco MOLASSES, o 600 pfoees Oitruiw and Koutueky BAGGING, „ f 500 coils pripia Hemp ROPE, A 2000 lbs. Three Bly TWINE, 40 tons Sweed Bar IRON, 5 .tons Ho'bp and Baud IRON, 1 ‘ous best German and Blister STEEL, I I * -3250 kefp NAILS and BRADS, 800 boxes SOAP and CANDLES, 500 hags SHOT, 5000 lbs. Bar LEAD, J , “P ont s and Kentucky Rifle POWDEIL j 100. boxes manufactured TOBACCO. 30O« Sacks SALT, A stock of LIQUORS, ' 100,000 Spanish and American SEGARS. For sale by BAKER A WILCOX. - jniy»; NEW NOVELS, NEW NOVELS. r ® or Life o( Pereival Mayberry. X 1 The Mysteries of the People; by Eug. Sac. j Cruise of tho Cresocnt; by Sir A. Fiahor Mary Moroton; by T. S. Arthur.. ( B ena , or tho Snow Bird; by Caroline L. Hentz. Consuelo ; by Georgo Sand. _■ , The Widow Rughv’s Husband. ~ • The Duchess, or Woman’s Love, and Woman’s jlato. J,! 10 of Crime; Mary Lawson, by Stic. > f' ulkor ' 8 Wlfo ’ b y a 'Arthur. Tbo Forest Rose; Tho Daughter of Night, by a beUQOtt. jjbo Sea King; Maid of Canal Street, by Miss Heirs of Derwont Water, by Blanchard. Uodolphin, by Bulwer. I Dennings and thoir Beaux, by Miss Leslie. logether witli several hundred copies of dow Novels and interesting books. For sale by 1 j >' 20 JM DUNHAM A BLSAKLEY. ■ TJAIK BRUSHES, &c.—A fine lot es fine Bng 4-A lish Hair and Teoth Brushes, imported ex , irressly for us. Also, fine Iyory, Horn and Buffalo Drefomg Combs. Just rcoeived by f. . . B. FLUMB A CO. D SI,OOO REWARD. R. HUNTER’S celebrated SPECIFIC, for the cure of Gonorrhoea, Strictures, Gtoot and Analogous Complaints of the Organs of Generation. Qy Os all remedies yet discovered for tho above complaint,.this is the most certain. UT*'lt makos a speedy apd purtunnont euro with -3 out restriction to diet, drink, exposure, or change . of application to business. I * 'f •' It is porfectly harmless. Gallons of it might t be taken without injuring tho patjont. It is put up in bottles, with frill directions accompanying it, so that persons can ouro thom selvos without resorting to physicians or others for t advico. s On* bottle is enough to porform a certain cure.—. iMe* sl. .. is approved and rocommonded by the Roy al College of Physicians and Burgeons of London, and has thoir certificate enclosed. 1 Robert.KUotA Son, and in Augusta, Ga., at No. 195, Metcalfs Range, Broad streot. 7m july 6 ■- ?#•«•'• T - G. P. GREEN. Fashionable tailor. 208 UROAD-ST., AUGUSTA, GEO. if EEPS constantly on hand, a handsome assort- of CLOTHS, CASSIMEREg AND VESTINGS, of the firostand most fashionable pat terns, which will bo wade tip to order, in a style not to be surpassed by any other establishment.— Having received the very latest improvements in the art of curing, he will be able to give a bettor and oasier fit than has been delivered by any South ern establishment. lie also keops a good assort ment ofßcady Mado Clothing. ap9. ' t*ie. CUT BAR DECANTERS.—Beautiful Cut Glass DECANTERS, for saio low, at nia 27 J. J. LATHROP A CO’S. WATCH MAKER AND JEWELLER. ~" F. A. BRAHE, AT HIS OLD STAXO; N«. 214 BrOAU STREET. Respectfully returns his (grateful acknowledgements to his friends and J®L the public, for the vory liberal share ofpa-«£u£» i tronago ho has received in his lino, and trusts i that by personal application and strict attention to all work entrusted to him, to continue to give sa- 1 tisfaotion, and merit further ccufidcnce. N. B—l have reeeivod, and offer with confi dence, Gold and Silver WATCHES, Fancy JEW - o ELRY, such as Fanoy Guard and Fob Chains, Breast Pins, Broaches, Mantle Clocks, and many articles too tedious to enumerate, which the pub- . lie are invited tr txamino before making thoir pur ■ ;Cf .V’-o ' o*'t CLOCKS, WATCHES' & JEWELRY - - ; WOODSTOCK k WHITLOCK, Two doors's above the ts. 8. Hotel, and opposite the ( Bank of Augusta, HAVE on hand, and arc constantly re- {■©_ 1 coiving, a fine assortment ot ’ 7S\ | WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Sil- (SuK ; ver and Plated W are, Fancy Goods, Guard’ and Fob Chains, Breast Pins, Ac. Ac. i Their stock is entirely new, and will be sold | cheap for eash. j w. G. WOODSTOCK will give his strict at- j tention to REPAIRING WATCHES and CLOCKS, having served a regular apprenticeship in one ot : the largest manufactories of London, and from hi* ; long experience, ho feels assured of giving perfect satisfaction to all who may entrust their work to him. dAcly ' jan 17.. I BELCHER fit ; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , GROCERY MERCHANTS, ! Augusta. Ga , j TTAVE now on hand a large and well selected ! 31 stock of GROCERIES, to which they in vite tho attention of their friends and the public generally. All Goods purchased from us will be sent to any point in Hamburg that may ho desired, , tree of charge, and all orders promptly attended to- | We have removed to our new store on Broad street, next door to Adams. A Fargo * old stand, where we shall be happy at all times, to see our friends. J. M. BELCHER, oct 11 J. H. HOLLINGSWORTH HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING. i ITIHE SUBSCRIBERS have entered into Co- . X partnership for the transaction of tho above. ( business in all its branchos, and respectfully solicit a ( share of public patronage. • | wm. McLaughlin, ; v ' PHILIP CAVENDER. f N. B. —Our Shop is on M’lntosh-st, opposite the i Post Office, the second Paint Shop from Broad-st. ! . ■ wipp.^r 1 - ■• : -ts. SAVANNAH MUTUAL INSURANCE .■i.-i-V' COMPANY. . j Agency in Augusta. ; *Tw|E,jjifoersigncd has boon appointed Agent for , tt« Company, and le now pre#red to* , take Fire. Marine and Inland Navigation Risks.— Premiums in all case* will bo reasonable. H. L. JEFFERS, Agent., ‘ . »»v 3 ly Offlco,’ Melntosh street ORNAMENTAL HAIR WORKr^ rnHE UNDERSIGNED has just received an as -1 sortment of Gentlemen’s Wigs, Ladies Fronts, Braids and Curls, which he offers for tale at M* Berber Shop under the Washington Hall, Broad i street, Augusta. On., on accommodating term*. i ' WILLUM CORMICK, j o»t 12 ly Berber and Hair Dr«s«r. ] NEW S ERIES ~Vo£. VI, \G. 104. PIANO FORTES. rnHE SUBSCRIBERS would res- ifggSEi^ A poctfuily call the attention of their friends and the public, to thoir U « * u " assortment of Rosewood and Mahogany PIANO FORTES, from the well known and justly celebrat ed Manufactories of Bacon $ Raven, A. 11. Gale (V Co., and Dubois J- Seahury, New York, which are warranted in every respect, to be at least fully equal to any instruments manufactured in this coun try or Europe. Tho subscribers would also state that the instru ments new bn hand are of tho latest paterns and fashion, and fresh from the manufacturers. For sale at very low prices for cash or city acceptance at GEO. A. OATES A CO.’S _ . Piano, Book it Music Dopot, Broad-st. X\f AITBRS, Waiters.—On haiidr*nTfor VV sale low, a largo lot of common and fine Waiters, at) jnno'B J. J. LATHROP & CO.’S. W. A. ARCHER, ' - DRAPER AND TAILOR. HAS REMOVED to the north side of Broad-street, a few doors below the Augusta Bank, and takes this opportunity to ifif solicit the favors of his friends and the public. Gratefitl for the patronage which ho has hereto fore received, he trusts by particular attention and by knowledge of his business to retain it. All articles of work confided to his care will be quicldy and faithfully cxocutod. He fcoepe on hand a good assortment of Cloths, Casimeres and Vestings, Ac. Renovating and Re pairing done at the shortest notico and toe neatest manner. His aid will he cheerfully given to gen tlemen in making selections 6f cloths, Ac. * usttf CHILDREN’S WILLOW CHAIRS AND CAR RIAGES, for sale by . , MUSTrN A LATHROP, North side Broad St. below Post Office Corner. J 619 1 ' T RAVELLERS OUTFITS.” } PER STEAMERS 20TH JUNE. | LINEN OVER SACKS, Travelling CAPS, Silk and Gingham UMBRELLAS, I Silk and Gauze Cotton UNDER SHIRTS, Linon and Colored Gingham SHIRTS, ’ Now patterns Summer CRAVATS and STOCKS, Water FLASKS, Toilet CASES, Sugar CASES, Money BELTS, Shoulder BRACES, and almost every article useful for the Traveller. jnly I WM. 0. PRICE A CO. LOST OR STOLEN, on Sunday night last, a Pockotbook containing about twenty dollars, with notes made payable to Thomas Cahill or or der, viz: One on James McNorrollfor $127,92, one on Thomas Pollhili for $lB, ono on William S. Al exander for S2O, one on William Hatching for $9, and one on Harman H. Williams for SB, all mado payable on tho Ist of January last, excepting I tho ono on James McNorrel, which was due on tho Ist of Octobor last. A liberal reward will be paid to any one leaving them at the Republic offioo and all persons aro hereby cautioned against trading foir or paying tho above described to any person except tho undersigned. THOMAS CAHILL. jell ftf CHEAP GROCERIES. " INTENDING to close ouv business, we offer our stock of GROCERIES for cash, or notes on short timo, at the very lowest prices. Merchants and others will do well to call before buying else where. Our stock consists of ovory thing usually kept by Wholesale Dealer*. . .j, J ts FRENCH A BUTLER. NEGROES J NFOBOrgI WOfik ftrini TUST arrived SEVENTY-SIX younglikely NE *l GROSS, which, added to our former stoek, will make ono hundred and fourteen, we have now on too market. By calling at our Depot at Ham burg, S. C., purchasers can bo suited, abd thus wishing to purohaso aro requested to oxamine ou stoek bofore purchasing elsewhere. JENNINGS A ROBERTSON 00*4, V - to ' , MARINE, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE ' Bt TUB - - V ■ J ,- I > ' COMMERCIAL INSURANCE CO., •Os Charleston . 6’. C. ' CAPITAL $250,000, ALLPAIDIN Office, No. 4, Broad Strrrt. j PRESIDEXT. " l! WILLIAM B. HERIOT, i DIRECTORS, ' . >O , 4 James K. Ronixsox, HRnrt T. Street, } Geo. A. Trenholm, Wm. Mcßurxey, , - Robert Caldwell, J. H. Braweev, A. R. Taft, T. L. Wrago. A M. LEE, Secretary. E. L. TESSIER, Inspector. iB. C. PRESSLEY, Rolicitor. * : - R.,A. KINLOCH, Medical Examiner. This Company is now prepared to receive Propo sals for MARINE, FIRE and LIFE RISKS, and to effect Insurance on fhir and liberal terms. The subscriber haring been appointed Agent for too above Company is prepared to take Marine, Fire and Life Risks at customary rates. G. WALKER, Agent. Office at Ware Houso of Walker, Bryson A Co. Augusta, May 12, 1851. ly may 13 ~ TRANSPORTATION. ~ THE SUBSCRIBERS are Agents for tho following Packet Lines from Charleston. S. C.: . MERCHANTS LINE to. .New Orleans. PALMETTO LINE. Baltimore. CAROLINA LINE .Boston. Composed of first class vessels, and commanded by experienced and careful Captains. AH proper ty consigned to us for shipment, will bo promptly attendedto. Y- • Unnecessary charges will, at all times ho avoid ed, and strict attention paid to orders. 1 G. M. FOWLER A CO., Yanderhorst’s Wharf. W. H. STURGES A CO., Agents in Augusta. Charleston, S. C., February, 1851. <8 AUGUSTA FRENCH BURR MILLSTONE MANUFACTORY. THE Subscriber, thankful for tho kind patron age received, would respectfully inform their .friends and tho public, that thoy continue to exe cute orders for their well known Warranted French Burr MILLSTONES, of every desired size, at the lowest price, andshaatest notice. They also furnish ESOPUS AND COIitGNE STONES, SMUT MACHINES, of various patents, BOLTING CLOTHS, of the best brand, CEMENT for Millstones, and every other article necessary in a Mill. Also, for Planters, small GBIST MILS to attach to Gin Gears. All orders promptly attended to. jnly 18 c WM. R. SCHIRMER. BURR MILL STONES, W M schiSrawto atol” 8 r rt T: 0f 6U4URMEK A WIGAND, begs leave tom tom toe old customers of too firm, and the public generally, that tho manufacture of BURR MILL STONES in all its various departments, will he con tinned by him at tho old stand. All orders executed with promptness, and in the very best style. Augusta, Ga., July 17th, 1851. july 18 TO PLANTERS. Suitable to of different , sizes, aad of different; patterns at the lowest prices. . These Mills have given* the highest satisfaction, aw^j^be.compared with any from the North. K&ffiST i Burr MilWffee Manufacturers. Augusta, Q d Between UvS and F»*t Office Comer. AVBVSTA, at o. TYEALERS in DRUGS MEDICINES, CIIEM- U foals, Surgical and Dental Instruments, Paints, Oil*, Dye Stuff*, French and American Window Glass, Trusses, Abdominal Supporters, Shoulder Brace* Brushes of every description, Paint Ston*#, 1 Paint Mills. A*. A*. ! FOR purifying the Blood, and for the eure of Scrofu la,' Mercurial ‘ Diseases, Rheumatism,. Cutaneous Eruptions, Stubborn C leers, Direr Complaint, Dyspepsia, Bronchitis,S&lt Rheum, Consumption, Fever Scr.-s. Fe male Complaints, Erysipelas, Dona of Appetite, Ptmnlev, Biles, General Debility, ®c.l > y. T This preparation h'as now borne the SslSt of over M years experience, linee ite Bret introduction to nubli* fa vor, during which time numerous imitations ha?e sprung into existence, founding their claims to the coufideuce of tlie community on the curative powers contained iu Sarsaparilla" Root, the great reputation and extended use of which has been mainly attributable to the many wonderful cures effected by the use of this preparation While Sarsaparilla Root Forms an important part of its combination, it is, at the same; time, coriffiounded with other vegetable remedies of great power. Sud tjtis in the peculiar combination and scientific manner of its prepa ration, that its remarkable success iu the cure of fiisesas depends. Other preparations imitate it in the style of putting up, and bearing the name of one of its ingredi ents, and here ends' their resemblance to it. Those needing a remedy and purifier like this, are requested to note where this difference exists, and In making choice of what they will use. ribt to take any other but that one entitled to their confidence, front the long list of cute* it has effected on living witnesses, whose testimonials aud residences have been published, and who are still beatipg daily testimony to ith worth. Tllfwliole histo ry of medicine has scarcely furnished a parallel to the numerous and remarkable cures effected by Its use. and what it lias effected once it can effect again k’T" FROtyKENTUCKY - Inflammatory Rheumatism Cured. t *. . ~ _' „ Barßstows. Kt., July 10,18 d« Messrs. Sanrls-~- Gentlemen ;-It isnav duty to comma nioate facts in relation to the beneficial elects of von, Sarsaparilla. My wife was afflicted with .fcflas.E~tion ;iwl soraues* of tlio stomach of the worst character; he limbs and chest were much swollen; she hod constant | headache, and last spring was attacked severely with s ~ flammatory rhehinatism. best medical aid wo conM obtain afforded only momentary relief sand while in this situation, she heard of the many remarkable cures ef fected by the use of Sands* Sarsaparilla, and comtaeueett its use, which produced instant relief, and less than six bottles entirely removed all the dropsical MreUSn* and . believing it to be my duty to encnwnge the suffering portion of Hie human family to use Panda Sarsaparilla which I believe has no parallel in the catalogue of me dicinc. With feelings of lasting gratitude, I rfemaia your friend. SAMDED P. HAfiGKK Read the following from ‘ ' „ „ Nsw-ORi.rA.vs, Nov. Id, lfi« Messrs. Sands— Gentlemen : I tako the libertv of sending you a letter which maybe of importance to those who are suffering as I have done. I received great vialsSy a Her sntfiA fug "iiix years' "i 'hereby ‘ cheerfui ly r certify to the good effect of your medicino, and I hope God will reward you for all the good you have done. A chronic cough had tormented me day aud night, and re peated attacks of fever induced me to believe that I should die with Consumption. One day,/ hile suffering a violent attack of burning fever, a friend lersuaded me to try your incomparable medicine, but tot ill the truth, I had no confidence ih it. I finally purcha *d a bottle, and by its use and the help of God, I was restored to better health than I had enjoyed for six years, f can not but bleas the author of this admirable medicine. -i With great respect, I aui, gentlemen, , Your obedient servant. * FEBMIN.GBOtIPAZ , . ‘ Trulk it stranger than fiction." ‘ > New Dveusu. \. J„ June 30, 1549 Mtsirs. Saiuts— Gentlemen : My wife suffered with a * distress and burning In hei chest for many years, and my daughter was afflicted from her birth with a humor in her blood. We consulted various physicians, and t. ied numerous remedies, without much benefit, until we heard, through Rev. Thomas Davis, of the great me-' dicinal value of Sands’ Sarsaparilla. On his recom mendation my wife aud daughter decided on trying it, and soon experienced permanent benefit. MydaughlSi, * skin assumed a new appearance entirely; from being rough, hard and scaly, it became smooth and soft. My wife s sufferings are almost gone, aud its use a short time longer, it is my firm belief, will produce a perfect cure. Yonrs, with respect, r. G. S. HENDRICKSON. Pastor of the Baptist Church at the English Neighbor- ■ hood. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by A. B. It i). SANDS, Druggists and Chemists, 100 Fulton street-cor ner of William, New York.—Solid also by Drumista"gen erally throughout the United States and Canadas. Price $1 per bottle; six bottles for ii, - *” - . For sale by Ilavlland, Kisley & Co . Barrett, Carter t Co., W. K. Kitchen, Philip A., Augusta; by Bill * Smith, Athens; by H. 0. Seymore & Co., Madison: and by A. J. Creighton, Hamburg. SC. dtuceoc July t DISSOLUTION. " ' ’ THE firm of HOWARD & GARDINER was dissolved, by mutual consent, on the 13th inst Either party will use the name of the firm in set tlings accounts due the concern. Wit H. HOWARD, * JAS. T. GARDINER Augusta, April 23, 1851. apr 24 NOTICE. ffIHE Undersigned will continue the GROCERY J. BUSINESS, at the Old. Stand of Howard & Gardiner, where ho will koop constantly on hand, a well selected stack of GROCERIES, and he re spectfully invites hfe friends and the public, gene rally, to call and examine bis stock before buying elsewhere. W, H. HOWARD. Augusta, April 23, 1851. apr 24 ALABAMA AND TENNESSEE. FERRIS a Pa UL are receiving weekly, by steamers from New-YOrk, the latest puiterna and styles of gentlemen's Wearing Apparel. T And wo have on hand, a fine assorthot of Cloths, Fancy Cassimeres, Vestings, and Linen Drills; Drap d’Btes, Cashraeretts and Tripfinings, o all kinds, which we offer to make up t» 'order at short notice, ana dispose of at moderateM)®*? ALSO READY MADE CLOTHIN-L Consisting of black and fancy Cnssiuicre Pants, black Satin, Linen and Marseilles Ve#; Alpaca*,. . Linen and Queens Cloths Frock Costs, white and colored Shirts and Collars; SUk, Maggi' yd Oot ton Under-Shirts: Linen and Cotton Drawers; men’s and boy’s Braces: Spendcni' Moncy Belt*; Silk, Cotton and Linen Half Hose; Cravats, Pocket Handkerchiefs and'Gloves, of ail descriptions; In dia Rubber Balls and Bathing Caps; and other thingstoo numerous to ruenttom _ ' •**. J. C, Ferris. 1 gtf &■ A.- Pax'l. " booStylandb. BY an act of the late Congrnw. Bounty LANDS have been granted to tygpadiors and Wid ows of SWdieis who served* the last War with Great Britian, m JSli, oaffiElfer ofthe Indian wars since 1790; also to Coiaigppbßed officers of the Mexican War. - •*' Having.formed an asagiflNfr >with legal gentle men m Washington soon be prepared with the necessary tpHßs and requirements of the Acts, to proceed ifMaferf of all those interested therern; also tojpro%ttte claims of every descrip tion against Office on Mol a tosh, between Reynold A Braod-st. IpFjKO. MILLED! i K. ""RENA—-LINDA. fTIHOS. RICHARDS i SON have received an- X other supply of Rena ;or the Snow Bird, by Ml*. Henti. ’ *. Also, Linda ; or the Pilot of the Belle Creole, by MHUSTIN A LATHROP have fast received, and ■ are offering, cheap for cash, a large stock of well assorted CROCKERY, GLASS AND CHINA WARE. Also, heoas furnishing articles of all kind*,