Tri-weekly constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 18??-1877, September 05, 1851, Image 3

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38q Ifinjitttic tftltgrnjlj: Reported for the Constitutionalist. BAD NEWS FROM CUBA IF TRITE LOPEZ SHOT. 15$ American Prisoners in hands of Government. We received the following des patch from New Orleans, dated 4th inst. We sincerely hope the information may turn out un true. The steam ship Cherokee is coming up. A despatch to the Picayune says that Lopez had been captured, and was shot at Havana on the Ist inst. One hundred and titty five prisoners, mostly Americans were in possession of the Govern ment. All who left in the Pampero were killed or made prisioners. * The Insurgents still hold possession of the mountains near Principe. (Correspondeme of Baltimore Sun.) Washington. Sept. 1,1851. The President held a cabinet meeting to-day present all the members, except Messrs. Hall, Crittenden and Webster. I do not credit the story of the New York Ex press that, on Saturday, the moment the Presi dent arrived here, he sent otf orders to N. York for the breaking up of illegal expeditions. It would seem to be a mockery to defer orders of this kind till after the departure of expeditions, in every case. I perceive that the U. S. officers in New York had such orders long ago; but, ac cording to the New ,York Mirror, did not heed them. It is probable that some supplies have been sent by the Cuban Junta in New York to the eastern part of Cuba; and that some supplies and reinforcements, have been sent from N. Orleans and Kev West and Jacksonville. The U. S. mail steamers to and from ports in the Gulf of Mexico, have been permitted to arm, in order to meet emergencies. If such a case as that of the Falcon should again occur, there may be a collision. The indignation ofibred to the Spanish Consul at New Orleans may pro voke retaliation. Yours, &t\. lon. t i'elegraphed for the Charleston Conner.) New-Orlkans, Sept, ft, 9.3 p.,m. Three hundred bales of Cottpn were sold to day. The tables have been cleared of samples, and a further advance Os from an eighth to a quarter has taken place. Middling is quoted at 8| to 91. The America has arrived, but her news has not as yet l>een published. Pork is firm; and Mess is worth 8161. Gunny Bagging has advanced to 101 cents. New- Orleans, Sept. 2, 8.40 p. m. Twelve hundred bales Cotton were disposed of on Tuesday. An advance of from a quartet to three-eighths of a cent has taken place since the reception of the Atlantic's advance.. Flour is steady, and St. Louis is worth 81. Mess Pork is quoted at 8161. The shin Quebec has cleared for New-York, and the schooner J. H. Flannerlfrr Savannah. Coi.omiha, Sept. 3, 10.32 P. M. An improvement has occurred in this market to-day, and twenty bales were sold at 7.j cents. From a telegraphic dispatch received by the agent in this city, we learn that the steamer Ma rion arrived at her wharf in New-York, on Tues day morning at 6 o'clock. A reference to the report of the City Register, in to-day's issue, will satisfy the most sceptical as to the health of our city—the deattis during the past week only amounting to fourteen , viz : whites five, three of whom were adults and two children; and negroes nine, four of whom were adults and five children.— Ch. Courier, 4tli inet. A letter from Sumter District, states that the recent storm was not as sev ere as the one which took place about the same period last year.— lb, The steam ship Southerner, in consequence of having to lay up for the purpose of receiving a new shaft, will not leave this port on Saturday next, as has been previously advertised. The .Marion, however, will leave on Saturday week, the 13th inst.— lo. Heavy Defalcation in Philadelphia.— The Philadelphia Bank has discovered a deficit of 5150,00 to 8200,000 in its books, owing to parties being allowed to overdraw their accounts. The Bank is fully covered against loss. The Cashier, J. B. Trevor, has resigned, and B. Cor melegs elected in his place. sj)ffiiii llotirrs. Rev. LOYIC PIERCE, D. 1).. will preach at the Methodist E. Church, To-Morrow evening. sept. 5 FEMALE SCHOOL. H7=‘ The Exercises ol Miss Cutonnrtt's Scliouj will bo resumed on the first MONDAY in October i over Mr. Hoadley's Carriage Repository No. 228 Broad street Miss JOSEPHINE BRI'X will continuo to give Lessons in the French Language, and Mr. BERUFF in Drawing. lmo sept. 5 sty The Ellis street Ice Company deeply re grets the necessity they are under, of announc ing to the citizens of Augusta, and their customers in the up country, that their ICE has given out. They made every exertion to have a sufficient quantity to last the whole season, by ordering double the amount, they havo ever ordered before, but owing to the extreme heat of the weather, about three-fourths of the quantity ordered, melted. In July, discovering that they would not have enough for the season, they ordered an extra cargo, which did not arrive in Savannah until two day ago, and in consequence of the low state of the river, the Agent of tho Steamboat Company, says it is im - possible to get it up. The Company have for the last ten days been or dering Ice from Charleston, at a loss of $lO dollars a day, to keep up the supply until they could get their cargo from Savannah, but finding it impossi ble to have it brought up, they are compelled to suspend the losing business of any longer supplying the city with Ice from Charleston. sept. 4 d2Acl Visiting Cards. — Master EDWARD WIL LIS will write Visiting Cards, and be thankful for any orders of tho kind. ts sept 4 | CHEAP READY-MADE CLOTHING. J. M. NEWBY A CO., Under the United States Hotel, KF" Will sell out what SUMMER CLOTHING they have on hand, at prices less than they have ever been offered at before in Augusta. Among the stock can be found good cheap Drap Dete Frock and Dress Sack Coats, Black and Color ed Alpaca Sacks, Linen Coats, Sacks and Coatees, Ac-, Black Drap Dete, Fancy Caps and Linen Pants \ este of all descriptions, Ac. Those in want of Clothing, will do well to cal early, as we are ctermined to sell, june 29 D3*“Mr. E. C. Sofge haring met with such lib eral encouragement, takes pleasure in informing his friends and the public that he has permanently located himself in Augusta as Professor of tho Piano Forte, and Organ. Communications loft at the Music A Book Store of Messrs. Geo. a. Oates A po. will be punctually attended to. jan 3 CLAYTON & BIGNON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, &C. 197 METCALF’S RANGE, BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Ck B. are now receiving THE LARGEST AND BEST GOT UP stock of FALL ane WINTF.R • READ! -MADE CLOTHING, over offered in this city. They also keep Men's and Boys Hats, Shirts, Suspenders. Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Carpet Bags, Ac., Ac. In addition to the above, they in vite partieu/ar attention to their Stock of YOUTHS' AND CHILDRENS' CLOTHING. Country Merchants and Strangers visiting our city, are -.requested to call and examine our stock, at No. 197 Broad street, Metcalf's Range. JOHN J. CLAYTON, Augusta, September 2nd, 1851. Crnos A. P. BIGNON. Commercial. Augusta Market, Sept. 4—P. M. COTTON.—'there has been a gool enquiry to day, and in consequence of the favorable news brought by tho America, holders have advanced their asking prices Ja J tent. The sales, however, have been light, as the quantity offering is still limited. We quote Good Middling 8J a 81: Mid dling Fair 8J; and Fair 9 cents per lb. ATLANTA, Sept. 3.— Cotton —None offering It would command from 6 to 74. Corn. —Prices are declining." It is offering at $1 per bushel, but finds puiehasers with difficulty, and only in small quantities. It may lie quoted at 95c. Conrmeal, —Wholesale 95 cents. Retail $1 per bushel. Bacon. —No change sinse our last. The stock on hand is quite limited. Lard. —Stock on hand small, and demand good. We quote it at 14 a 15 cents. Flour.— A good supply. It soils at from $4,50 to f>,so porbbl. , Wheat is selling at from 90 cents to $1 per bush el. Mackerel, No. 2, per bbl.sl2. Do. No. 3, $8 tp 8,50. MACON, SEPT. 2— Cotton. —Our market has oponod with few symptoms of Returning animation, and the few sales that has boon made of the new crop, were at prieeg rangin'#from 7 a 7J. We quote to day extremes, old and new, 6 a 7J. SAVANNAH, Sept. 4.— Cotton. —The sales yes terday amounted to 113 Imles, at 7 apd 7J cents.— The sales were made at prices paid previous tp tho accounts by the Atlantic. SAVANNAH .EXPORTS—SEPT. 3. Per schr. Midas, for Rio de Janeiro—63.sl6 feet Lumber, and 3,245 lbs. Beeswax. CHARLESTON IMPORTS—SEPT. 3. Newport, {Emg.)— Ship J. P. Uarward—s,s22 bars Railroad Iron, to Carson, ilarleo A Co. *'■_ ".'I'J-IL i i Slipping intelligent*. * arrived, Georgia Steamboat Company's Steamer Tennes see, with tow boats Nos. 9 and 8. Mdzo. Ac., to John A. Moore, Agt. ; 11. Bowdre, John Bones, W. 11. AJ. Turpin, Hopkins, Kolb A Co., B. F. Chew, Huviland, Risley A CV, Bones A Browj*, G. W. Garmany, G. Van Ness, S. D. Linton A Co., H. A J. Moore, Win. Houslcy, Jr., Barrett A Carter, A. Frederick, J. Taylor, Jr. A Co., G. W. Ferry A Co., P. A. Moiso, T. S. Metcalf, J. Meigs, 0. 11. Lee, Wm. Rowland, Gould, Bulkjey A Co.: F. C. Arms. Sup't., and C. A B. ARRIVALS FROM CHARLESTON’. Steamship Marion, Berry, New York. Schr. T. A. Alston, Nelson, Baltimore. • CHARLESTON, Sept. 4.—Arr. ship J. P. Har w*rd, Andros, Newport, (Eng ); schrs. Ellen Uolds borough, Gourlay, Baltimore; Triton, Fisher, do.; Sami. Bolton, Mershon, Philadelphia: Isabella Thompson, Willetts, do. Went to sea, steamship Albatros, Bennett, Phil adelphia; Br. brig Wondar, Huntor, Liverpool; schrs. Louisine, Smith, NewlYork; Northern Light, Pierce, Baltimore; AUice, Phillips, do.; Onward, Hudgins, do.; Rachel P. Brown, Burns, do. SAVANNAH, Sept. 4.—Cld. sclir. Midas, Ha gerdon, Rio de Janeiro. Departed, steamer DavidL. Adams, Posted, Au gusta. COMBS & CHAMBERLAIN’S EXPRESS. THE SUBSCRIBERS having made arrange ments with tho different Railroad Companion, hare now in operation, A DAILY LINE, IN CON NECTION W ITH NORTHERN AND EASTERN LINES, for the transmission of light and valuable packages of GOODS, MONEY, Ac., with the facili ty of the mail, from Charleston, S. C., to Augusta, Atlanta, Ga., Chattanooga, Tenn., and Montgome ry, Ala., Columbia and Camden, S. C., and Rpmc, Ga , and Charleston, East Tennessee, and all the intermediate points. Having competent resident Agents at tho important points, the Agents of the Road at other points acting us our Agont, and a faithful messenger with each train, by punctuality, we hope to receive a liboral patronage. Office in Charleston, 3 Ilayne street.. Office in Augusta in tho corner store, adjoining Walker A Son's Warehouse, near the Globe Hotel. COMBS A CHAMBERLAIN, Proprietors. Sterling,T. Combs, Moody Chamberlain. fAclm . sept. 5 NEW CARPETS. — * SNOWDEN A- SHEAR. HAVE just received from New York, a supply of THREE PLY, and INGR AIN CARPETS of new and splendid patterns, to which they respect- j fully invite the attention of the public, sept 5 BOOKsT BOOKS ! - L YELL’S TRAVELS in tho Upited .States. Coleman's Travels in Europe. Steam for tho Million. Principles of Zoology, by .Louis Agassiz and A. A. Gould. Grimes's Mesmerism and Magic Eloquence. Not so Bad as we Seem, by Sir E. Butwer Lyt ton. Advice to Young Ladies, by Arthur. Five Years in Africa, by Cumming. First Impressions .of England and its People, by Hugh Miller. Stuart of Dunleath, by Mrs. Morton. The Rone, by Bulwer. Twice-Told Tales, by Hawthorne. The above for sale by sept. 5 _ THOS. RICHARDS A SON. FOUR MONTHS after date, application will bo made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Burke county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell tho Real Estate of William L. Dodd, deceased, late of said county. sept. 5 HENRY HARGROVE, Adm’r. LANDS FOR SALE. I OFFER a tract of LAND for sale in War-jBN ren county, Ga., about one and a half miles from Wrightsboro'. and 5 miles from Thompson Depot, Georgia Railroad, eommonly known as Wil liams place, containing 977 acres, with a good por tion of good wood Lands. This may be purchased i in two parcels, as it can be divided into two Farms. This place is in good repair. Terms easy. sept. 5 c 4 JURIAH HARRISS. | ~ LANDS FOR SALE. j I OFFER a tract of LAND for sAle in Co- *££, lumbia county, on both sides of the road3C , leading from Atigusta to Washington, which cross- j es Little River at Pascal's Lower Bridge, contain ing about twelve hundred acres, fully 300 of which is good wood Land, with a plenty of young Pine be sides to keep up the fences and to supply the farm with coal wood. The place is in good repair. Terms easy. JURIAH HARRISS. sept. 5 c 4 . BORGIA, WALTON COUNTY—Whereas. HAR VEY TREADWELL, applies to iqe for Letters of Guardianship for MARY A. C. CAMP and MARTHA C. R. CAMP, minors of Russell Camp, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all anu singular, the kindred and creditors of said minors, to be and appear at my office, witliia the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not Be granted. ' Given under mv hand, this Ist September, 1851 sept 5 JESSE MITCHELL, C C. O W. C. ADMINISTRATRIX’S SALE. By virtue of an order from tho honorablo tho In | forior Court of Gwinnett county, Ga., when sit ting for ordinary purposes, on the first Monday - i in Septombcr instant, will be sold at the Court s House door of said county, on the fir3t Tuesday j in NOVEMBER next, between the lawful hours j of sale, ■ | A part or the whole of that tract or parcel of 1 LAND, whereon Benjamin Etheridge, late of said . county lived at tho time of his decease. To be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said de ceased. Terms to bo made known on the day of sale, sept. 5 NANCY ETHERIDGE, Adm’x. L PENFIELD PROPERTY FOR SALE! 1 rriHE SUBSCRIBER is now offering to soli ; fa, -L liis HOUSE and LOT in the town of Pen-Sii r Bold. Tho House is largo and conveniently ar ranged, and tho Lot well improved, i All the improvements are nearly new. Within half a mile of the Lot is a small farm of near threo hundred acres of Land, in a high stato of improve ment. 1 Persons wishing to scttlo in this pleasant little town might do-woll to examino this property, as a - bargain is now offered. PETER NOKTHEN. i Pcnfiold, Sept., 1851. ctf sopt, 5 GEORGIA. WALT! )!?*cbuNTV.—Whereas, Will- KINS IVEY amt DOUGLASS ECKI.EB, Executors 5 | of the last Will and Testambut of JEREMIAH IVEY; , deceased, have, at the September Term, 1851, of' the r j Court of Ordinary of Walton county, petitioned said j Court for Letters of Dismission from their said Execu * torship, and said Court having ordered a citation to he I issued and legally published in this behalf. These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to show cause, if any they have, at the reg ular terra of said Court .of Ordinary, to he held on the } lirst Monday in May, 1852, why said Letters of Dismis sion should hot be granted, this citation having been | previously published in one of the public Gazettes of i this State for the space of six months, t I Giyen under my hand, this Ist September, 1851. »~> JESSE MITCHELL, C. C. O. W. C. Georgia, walton county.—whereas, john w. R ALLEN, Guardian for STIRD, ARTHUR, 811- l ! SAN. MARY and MARTHA CAMP, minors of Russell j Camp, deceased, applies for Letters of Dismission from j said guardianship: ! _ These are. therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to lie and appear at my office, within the time proscribed by lew, to show cause, if any they have, wily said letters should not be granted the said applicant. Given under my hand, this Ist September, 1851. sept- 5 JEBBE MITCHELL, 0.0. () W..C. * SEGARS! SEGARB !! JUST HEFEIVED 45,000 fine Havana SUGARS at Sogur anil Tobacco Store, one door holow J. P. Set/., corner Broad-street. ' sepi. 2 j YOUTHS AND CHILDREN’S CLOTHING. ’ TUST received this (lay, at Clayton A Ilign on's an i J Invoice of tho above articles, consisting of Coats , y osts, Sacks, Over Coats, and Children's fancy suits, complete. Call and look at them. ’ sept 1 6 SEED BARLEY. A FICW sacks fresh country SEED BA RLEY— warranted. —also— A few bbls. PEACH BRANDY—pure. For sale by FRENCH A BUTLER, aug. 31 • Iwcl J FOR THE TOILET! , EHNE China, Granite, Ahibustov. Mahogany and U Paper Put! Boxes. Superior Toilet Powder. . Fino French and English Odors, and Essences for | tho Handkerchief, of almost every purfumc. | Hoal English Hair Brushes. ’ Ox Marrow Pommade. Eau Lustralc, or Hair Restorative. Phalons Hair Invigorator. Otto Roso Lip Salve. Ilauel’s Nymph Soap. Just receive by D. B. PLUMB It CO. : sopt. 4 TO DENTISTS.—Wo have on hand a largo case ofgood substantial Dentists INSTRUMENTS, adapted to almost any oporation in Dental Surgery. Also a fino assortment of TEETH F'ORCEI’S, STUBBS, FILES, Ac. D. B. PLUMB A CO. sept. 4 ]yiNE COLOGNE.—A lot of choieo German COLOGNE, in long bottles. Just received by ■ sept. 4 • D. B. PLUMB A CO. ! OIAHtH POLlSH.—Beaumont’s Patent Starch 1 O POLISH for giving a beautiful gloss to Linens, i Muslins, Cambrics, Ac. It also prevents tbo Iron 1 [ from adhering to the linen. For sale by • | sept. 4 D. B. PLUMB A CO. [ WANTED, IN an Auction Storo an intelligent and active Young Man, as CLERK, one who would undor . take the crying will be preferred. Address Key i Box 31, in own hand writing. Ail communica ! ;Mm- will be confidential. 5 sept. 4 ' WANTED, 1 A COLORED WOMAN, who is a good Cook, j Washer and Ironcr. Apply at tins office, j sept 4 ts ! CORN! CORN! ~ 9( W W 1 BUSHELS prime White CORN, just O vvv received and for sale by jbpt 4 5 A. LAFITTE. | * WALTON SHERIFF'S SALE. Will bo sold on the first Tuesday in OCTOBER next, before the Court House door in Monroe, Walton county, within the legal hours of sale: One Negro, to wit, NANCY, a woman about thir i ty-fivoyears odd; levied on as the property of Wil liam 0. Clegg and Nancy Clegg, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Walton Superior Court, in favor of AmbroseG. Haney vs. William 0. Clegg and Nancy Clegg. Sept, 4 JAS. P. WILKINSON, D. Sh ff. Book-keeper wanted. Address Key box 72. sept. 3 WANTED IMMEDIATELY, ONE or two first rate Tin Plate ROOFERS, to. covor 150 square, for which good wages will be given. None hut sober and industrious mon need apply. Address R. W. HART, sept. 3 3 Sparta, Ga. pistols! SEPTEMBER 2, 1851. COLT’S A ALLEN’S REVOLVERS, all sizes. Derringu s Belt PISTOLS. Allen's Self-Cocking do., all sizes. Jdst received ahd for sale by sept. 3 CLARK, RACKET!’ A CO. THE LATEST PUBLICATIONS. Travels and adventures in Mexi co, irr the course of Journeys of upwards of 2500milek, performed on foot, by Wm. W. Carpea ! ter, late of U. S. Army. i THE FATE: Atateof stirring times, by G; P. ;R. Jamos.. The above received by aug. 31 THOS. RICHARDS A SON. BOOKS ; /'tENERAL THEORY of Bridge Construction — l UI containing Demonstrations of tho Principle of the art and their application to practice, by Her man Haupt, A. M. Harper's New York and Erie Kail Road Guide—with Scenery on the Road- For sale by THOS. RICHARDS A SON. sept 1 TOBACCO! TOBACCO] OQ BOXES commun Tobacco a good article for Plantation use, for sale low at GUSTAVUS VOLGAR'S - sept 1 f Segar and Tobacco storn. LARD, BUTTER, &c! 1 /\ BBLS. Leaf LARD. 1U 20 Kegs do 5 “ Goshen Butter. 5 Casks prime Sugar Cured Hams. Just received, and for sale by A. STEVENS. itliseellaneona. TO RENT, i A SMALL DWELLING, on the South oast^f^ I corner of Oroene and Kollock streets, I next below the new Presbyterian Church. The House has four rooms, a small Kitchen, and Shod Room. Possession can he given early in September. Apply to A. STEVENS. nag- 30 ts TO RENT. THE LARGE and commodious STORE on Broad street, and back STORE on Ellis- jfcii. street, at present oocupied by French & Butler, in the IV holesalc Grocery business. —also, — Eor sale, at cost, the romainder of their Stock now on hand. FRENCH A BUTLER. aug. 20 die PEACH BRANDY 23 YEARS OLD. ONE bbl. of old Peach Brandy, distilled in 1828, by Joel Hurt, of Oglethorpe C'o., Ga. Just received and for sale by au S 2# A. STEVENS. ELIGIBLE DWELLING ON GREENE-ST., BAPTIST CHURCH SQUARE, FOR SALE. THE NEW and commodious DWELLING, -jr-- second house above the Baptist Church, iL;L I ' s oflered for sale. The House contains la plastered rooms (of which 14 have fire places,) besides 2 plastered and shelved Store Rooms, and 1 large unplastcred room over the wing, and is abundant ly turnished with roomy and convenient Closets throughout. The House is built and .finished in the very best manner, the work in the various departments having been done by as good mechanics as have everbeon in Augusta. The frame is unusually strong, the joists, studs and rafters being only 12 to 15 inches apart, the wholo frame, including the roof, being enclosed with inch boards fitted close, beforo the weather boarding or shingles wore put on. The basement is perfectly dry and tree from dampness, the floor being first paved witli brick, that eovorod with dry sand, and then a thick coating of pitch and tar, over which UJ'C laid 4 inch scant ling, and over all narrow lj inch flooring, secret nailed. The partition walls in tho basement are all of brick. The floor in the main story is "deadened’’ (to pre vent the passage of sound from below) in all the rooms and tho passage. Evory sash, in the house is hung with best patent cord amt round iron weights: there are roller Venetian Blinds ta every window. Tho rooius are large and airy. The dimensions and other particulars will be furnished to any person desirous of purchasing, to whom tho premises wilt be open for inspection on and after the Ist Septem ber, from 11 to 1, and from 4 to li o’clock. . $5,000 of tho purchase money may remain on bond and mortgage for several years. For further particulars, enquire of JAMES GARDNER, Jr., Mclutosh-st. or JAMES RIIIND, on the promises, a ug 22 fjg ts EXECUTORS’ SALE. WILL BE SOLD, in front of tho office of thfi Augusta Insurance mid Banking Company, in the City of Augusta, on THURSDA V, tho THIR TIETH DAY OF OCTOBER NEXT, and if neces sary, from day to day thereafter, during thu usual hours of public sales, the following property, part of the estate of Thomas Cumming, deceased, to wit: Tho Lot and improvements, on the north side of Broad street, in the city of Augusta, former rosi •dence of the deceased, fronting-on said stroot, about sevonty-sevon (77) foot, bounded west by a line be ginning on that street, three and a half feet from tho corner of tho main building thereon, and ex tending thence to the northern lino of said lot, east by a line beginning ou Broad struct, four foot west of the corner of tho building now occupied by Rich ard Allen, and others, and ruuning thence two hundred and eighty-one feet, more or less, to tho uorthern boundary of said lot, and parallel with tho western line above mentioned, and north by an alley about twenty-three foot wide, witli the right of way through said alloy, and another running thence to Reynold street, in common with other lots touch ing the same. Also four unimproved lots on the north side of Reynold street, just below Washington street, each having a front of about forty-one and a half (41 j) loot on Reynold street, running back about ono hun dred and seventy-seven and a half (177 J) feet to an alloy about twenty (20) foot wide, on which each of them has a front of about thirty-nine and a half (39 j) feet, with tho right of way through said alley, in common with the three lots next mentioned, and also through tho alleys lying respectively on the east and west of the same lots. Also, tho throe unimproved lots abovo referred to bounded north by Boy street, on which each of them has a front of about forty-two feet four inches, extending back one hundred and seventy-seven and a half (177-J) feet to tho alloy above mentioned, liy which they aro bounded on the south, with tho right of way in common with tho tour lots above describ ed, through tho three alleys mentioned in the des cription of said-lots. The said soven lots, (four pn Reynold, and" three on Bay street,) and the alleys therewith connected, occupying the ground known as tho old Eagle Tavern lot. Also two Lots of Land in the Village of Summer ville, of which one, fronting on Milledge stroet ou the East, and Cninming Street on tho South, con tains about six (ti) acres; and tho oihor, fronting on Cumming Street, adjoining tho last mentioned on tho East and Mr. Jesso Ansley on the West, con tains four acres more or less. Also about two hundred acros of Woodland ad joining the Villago of Summerville, bounded South by Walton Way extended, and adjoining tho West over tract and others—to be subdivided before sale, when a plat will bo exhibited. Also a tract of Pine Land containing about fifty acres, commoqlv callod tho “Qfiarry traot,’’ oil which is a'valuable Quarry of White Froc Stone.t Terms of Sale. Ono third cash, the other two thirds in two equal annual instalments, with interpst from day of sale, secured by Mortgage of the prop erty sold. LET" The Executors while offering tho property in the Lots abovo designated, may,« previous to the sale, torthc interestol the Estate or tho-convenience of pupchasers, make some change in the parcels t>f fored,-by throwing together portions now separated —subdividing others now offered entire, or modify ing the subdivisions above mentioned. Distinct plans of tho Lots, as offered, will be pre pared and ready for examination before and at t iiuo ofsale. WILLIAM CUMMING. ROBERT F. POE, HENRY H. CUMMING, Executors of the Will of Thos. Cumming, deceased. Augusta, August 2a, 1851. wtd THE FIRE IN CONWAY, MASS. WE insert with pleasure, the following letter from the Conway Tool Company. It shows clearly that the faith of the public in Rich's Sala- 1 mander Safes has not been misplaced:— Conway, Mass. July 14,1851. Messrs, ftoflj Stearns & Co., suoeessors to C. Rich A C0.,-140 Water street, New York:—Gentlemen— To your inquiries respecting the fate of the Sala mander Safe, No. 3,381, purchased of you through Messrs. Wm. Bryce & Co., it is perhaps sufficient”to say, that I am at present writing on paper which was in the Safe at the time of the destruction of our manufactory by fire, on tho morning of the 27th inst. Tho Safe was on the lower floor of a three story building, containing considerable quantities of seasoned beach timber, and it was at a red heat when it fell into a bed of live hard wood cools, in which it remained imbedded about throe hours, when it was drawn eut, and, as soon as practicable, opened. The leather bindings of tho books were heated by the steam, and sonio of the loose papers were somewhat stained; but not a single partile of 1 paper in any book was injured, and not a single mark on any loose paper, whethor made by a pen or pencil, is defaced. We consider-the ‘Safo in question as having passed through 4 ono of the se verest test to which it could have been put, and we need not assnro you teat we rejoice at its suoeess. We will forward you tho burnt Safe, and in tho’ meantime, send us another of tho same size and pattern, for immediate use. Y'ours, respectfully. Conway Tool PARKER, Agent. An assortment of various sizes and patterns, with and without powder- proof locks, forsalo at 148 Wa ter St., New York. ALMON ROFF. JOHN G. STEARNS. A.S. MARVIN. An assortment also for sale by Chr’s. H. Camp field, Savannah, Qa. july 27 |3m HATS ! HATS !! HATS !!! ! NOT the Gennin, but the genuine true Fall Stylo. Just received by »«g 24 WM. 0. PRICE A CO. flUaeellaiteons. MANAGER’S OFFICE. GREEN AND PULASKI MONUMENT LOT TERIES. - Managed, Drawn, and Prizes Paid by the wel ‘ known and. responsible Jinn nj' J. W. MAURY & CO. Drawn Numbers of class 87, drawn at Augusta Sept. 3, 1851. 73 22 30 29 03 4 61 48 23 12 35 13 78 Class 88, to bo drawn at Savannah, Sept. 5, 1851 1 Sales close Friday, at 3p. m. Splendid Scheme 15 drawn ballots from 75. iI.OOO DOLLARS!! $3,000; $2,000; $1,185; $1,000; 4 of $500; 1 0f5250: Ac. Ac. Tickets $2,50 —Halves sl,2s—Quarters 62 cents. Extra Class 74, by Monongalia 115, Sopt. fi, 1851. Sales close Saturday, at 3, P. M GRAND SCHEME. 13 Drawn Ballots from 75. 35,000 DOLLARS !!! 5 of $10,729; 40 of $1,000; 40 of $300; 200 of S2OO, besides numerous others. Tickets $10 —Halves $6 —Quarters $2,50. Class 89, to bo drawn at Savannah, Sept. 9th, 1851 Salos close Tuesday, at 3, P. M. FAVORITE SCHEME. 14 Drawn Ballots from 78. 20,000 DOLLARS! $10,000; $5,000; $1,000; $3,000; $2,524; of $1,500; 5 of SI.OOO Besides numberous others, tickets $5 —Halves $2,50 Quarters $1,25. JOHN A. MILLEN, South side Broad-street, a few doors below Post Office Corner. Ct?” Orders from the city or country, strictly confidential and promptly attended to. sept. 4 C. E. GRENVILLE & GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, CHATTANOOGA, TKNN., Wlf.L pay strict attention to the pur chase of GRAIN, BACON, FLOUR or other articles of Tennessee Produce, Those articles being sold only for cash, Mer chants or Planters will remit the sa mo in their or ders, or give authority to draw upon their Factors j at s Augusta, Macon or Savannah- Any information as to prices will ho given at any rime. d2BAcIQ aug. 26 "BARRELS MACKEREL, just received, 30 Barrels large No. 3 New Mackerel. aug 28 HUTCHINSON A THOMAS. 500 BUSHELS CORN. JI'ST arrived 500 bushels good White Corn, will bo sold low in quantities to suit purchesers. aug 28 IJUTCIIINSON A THOMAS. FROM THE “ WORLD’S FAIR,” DIRECT. PER STEAMER PACIFIC.— Choice Cravats, Stocks, Handkerchiefs, Scarfs, Gloves, Sus penders, French Silk Umbrellas, and a variety of fancy articles. aug. 7 JVM. 0. PRICE A CO. X/1 BONES PRIME CIIEESE, in store, and til/ forsalo by aug. ft WILLIAMS A BROTHER. I WHISKY, GIN, 4UJ. ,)/ \ BOXES old Eagle and Nectar WHISKY. iv\l 10 Bbls. Choice Eagle. do 20 “ Did Rye. do 25 “ Rose Gin. 20 “ • Choice Cordials. 5 “ London Cordial Gin. 8 " Wild Cherry Brandy. T ogother with a good assortment of other Liquors, Wines Ac., Ac., Just received and for sale by- A. STEVENS. , SODA WATER. THE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Augusta, that ho is Manufacturing the best article of SODA WATER, which lie will deliver daily, in any quantity, in any part of the city, aprll 5m E. D. MEYER. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE undersigned have formed a copartnership daring from the 23d July, 1851, for the pur p.isool TRANSACTING a general DRYGOODS BUSINESS, and to he known under tho firm and • style of COSGROVE A BRENNAN. TERENCE J. COSGROtE. THOMAS BRENNAN. They have rented the targe and omrruiodious stun, formerly occupied by Mossrs. Kerrs A Hope, and - which is immediately opposite the old store of T. Brennan A Co., whose entire stock has been remov ed and placed in the store of tho new firm. They will foel hnppy in receiving their old customers and friends as usual. COSGROVE A BRENNAN, Near tho Globe Corner. Augusta, Aug. 6, 1851. DISSOLUTION. THE CO-PARTNERSHIPfbrmetIy known under the firm of T. J. COSGROVE A CO, and T. BRENNAN A CO., was dissolved on the 23d day of July, 1851, by mutual consent. All outstanding debts d»o tho concern, are to be paid over to tho new firm of Cosgrove A Brennan. T. J. COSGROVE, lm THOS, BRENNAN HATS ! HATS !! HATS !!! ’ Fall Styles for 1851, LF YOU wish to look at some of the finest** HATS in tho Unitod States, just call in atU, J. IA Y LOR, JR. A CO. S. near the Post Office cor ner, and examine their Fall styles far 1851. aug. 16 60 BALES HAY ) BALES good Northern HAY. Just re ooived and for sale by aug. 23 HUTCHINSON A THOMAS. AUGUSTA, DEO. 29,1860. WE HAVE received per steamer, a superb lot of WATCHES, some of them of the manu facture of T. F. Cooper, London, in hunting and other cases—boautiful Watches for -the pocket, and of the host quality. Wc have also received a Model Gold Watch, in hunting ease, 20 kt. fine, with diamond push bolt afid ruby jewels; tho movement of gold 18 kt. fine, with chronometer balance; per haps the finest Watch In America—made by Chas. Taylor A Son, London. A full assortment of all kinds of WATCHES and JEWELRY' on hand. For sale Wholesale and Re ta-il, by CLARK, RACKET! 1 A CO. CHARLES BERUFF. PORTRAIT 6r MINIATURE PAINTER. Room No., 6, Masonic Hall, HAVING located in Augusta, with the purpose of pursuing his Profession, 4*5319 will be pleased to receive the calls of tho3c®BiSsP who may favor him with their patronage. Mr. Beri ff will teach the principles of-tho Art ifa class should bo formed lor that purpose, aug 21 BOOTS AND SHOEfT ; THE subscriber thankful for past wishes to call the attention of his and the public generally to the beautiful and well selected stock of Ladies, Gentlemen, Missog Chil dren and Boys BOOTS AND SHOES, which will be sold wholesalo and retail at redi-ced prices. . Please call and examine before purchasing else where. Nearly opposite the Engle A Pho-nix Hotel. vr t, a . , JAMES DALY’. N. B. A handsome lot of Trunks, Valises, Ac. always on hand. j y jy*» tly " ' GLASS JARS, fro* 1 qnart to 2 gallons* suita ble for Preserves, Brandy Peaches, Ac. For sale by MUST IN A LATHROP au ß- 16 I below the Posi Office corner. CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASS WARE. THE SUBSCRIBERS have constantly on hand a general assortment of CROCKERY’ OHl! N A and GLASS WARE, to which wo woflld in vite the attention of those in want of any artielo in their iine. Give ns a call before buying elsewhere N. B.—Orders from the country careftilly pack ed and warranted to go safe. MUSTIN A LATHROP, aug 16 | below tho Post Office corner. OE’S FRACTURE APPARATUS.—A few setts, with latest improvements. Also, fine French Articulated Skeletons. For sale by au K- 1 D. B. PLUMB A CO. JAMES HULBERT & 00. 1 CORNER of Ellis and Mackintosh streets, Man ufacturers of CARRIAGES, of all descriptions, j REPAIRING done at short notice. <l2B SHIRTS ! SHIRTS lT SHIRTS I JUST RECEIVED, per Steamer Southerner, a full supply of all sires and qualities of SHIRTS i and COLLARS. —ALSO— A few very superior Sole Leather Hat CASES, with lock and key. WM. 0. PRICE A CO. iiltKtllaufons. SOUTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD. l PASSENGER TRAINS. FIRST, OR ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. LEAVES CHARLESTON daily at 8 A. M., and arrive at Hamburg at 3J P. M. > Leaves Hamburg daily at OA. M., and arrive at Charleston at P. M. This train takes up and sots down all way passen gers. SECOND, OR Exrltrss TRIAN. Leaves Charleston daily at lIJ.A. M., and ar rive at Hamburg at 5 P. M. Leaves Hamburg at 10 A. M., and arrive at Charleston at 3$ P. M. This train takes through Pas«e .gers only, and always arrives in full time ti connect with the eve ning train of the Georgia Rail Loud, at Augusta, going West, and with the Wilmington Boats, and with the Now York and Philadelphia line of Steam ers going East. FREIGHT TRAIN'S. FIRST, OR REGDLaR TRAIN'S. Leaves Charleston daily at 5 A. M., arrive at Hamburg before 11 A. M. next day, and aa many trains leave every morning as may be necessary to take off all tho Goods received 1 -lore B o’clock the evening beforo, and on their arrival at Hamburg, are immediately discharged, and sent over to the Georgia Rail Road. Second, or Express Freight and Night Passenger T rain. Leave Charleston 5 p. m., and arrive at Ham burg at 7, a. m., next morning. Leave Hamburg at 6 p. m., and arrive at Charles ton at 7. a. m. This train will take light and valuable Goods only, say boxes and bales I)ry Goods, Hats, Shoes, Saddlery, Glass, Drugs, Ac., Ac., which will be sent over immediately on arrival to tho Georgia Rail Road Depot, at Augusta, anl from thonce will be despatched by the day or night mail trains, or by extra express of tho Georgia 'tail R ad, to >heir points of destination. In ad. 'ion to. the above, Messrs. Combs & Chamberlin • « mndo ar ange ments to express tight Goods on ir own account by tho Passengor Train. Tariff of'Kates. i , ToG.B.R. (FREIGHT THE SAME BY BOTH Depot »t TRAINS.) | , . A “? u f t * Say from Charleston to him isr cWconsisting ; burg. * t £S& of boxes Hats, Bonnets, and Furniture, per cubic foot I 8 cts! 10 o. 2d Class- ' \ Boxes and bales Dry’ Goods, Shoes, Saddlery, Glass, Drugs, j Ac. Ao., per 100 lbs ; 45 50 3 d Clast — Ba ßKing, Rope, Butter, Choose,; Tobacco, Leather, Feathers,! Loaf and Crushed Sugar. Hidos, ’ Cotton Yarns and Domestics,l Down,Tire,Bar and Sheet Iron, Window Glass, Paints, Oil. Crockery and Glass Ware, (in crates or casks,) Castings,Hard-; ware, Hollow-ware, Lard, Tal low, Beeswax, bales of RngsJ Ginsing, (Mill Gearing, Bac.-nj (looso,) Ac. Ac I on oc 4 th Class— I M 25 Suguar, Coffee, Rice, Pig Iron, MiH and Grind Stones, Nails, Bacon in boxeg and casks ir, Specific Article*— | 20 Salt in sacks ox I 0 . Flour, bbls I 25 I |? Corn, Wheat, Oats, Rye, Peas,Ac.! 7 2 Pipes and hhds. Liquor 300 I 4no Quarter Cashs and Wet Barrels,' 75 l 100 . *<l' .1 50 I 1 7*. Ail goods oouaigned to"the igent of the South “, na CharlMUm, aecom pained with Kill of hailing, or mdcict. will bu rn ceivcd forwardqd froo of commission, but with* of Lading, or advice, the Company r J*Pon*tble. For the rules and regula tions of tho Company generally seo the Tariff of Rates printed on cards. J * D - PETSCH, Sup’t. Trana t Charleston, Jnly 20, 1851. dAc july k 3 NEW GOODS. ~ * SSOWDEN & SHEAR H A «S.’»£IIS: *>"" »*«." JSSSSSSSff 1 *«w . - nct > Laoe's lllto *** Blf ' C ’ k ’ anJ Dotted Bobi- M>f n c y » B £ bons ' nn d Ladles’ 1 Egv tian Mitts for Short Sleores Superior White Checked Muslins, and V Jl k CllKSi Linen Covered Buttons, Flat and C nveX, for La dies Drosses. - Mo^rnin^ 4011 Merrimack Prints > ««» Second Ginghams, of new and beautiful styles ; to all of which they respectfully invito tho attention of tho P ubl ‘P- £ 4o aug. 16 M YOUNG LADIES' SCHOOL. HS. CUNNINGHAM'S SCHOOL for Young 1 oodMiiswi!, will bo resumed on the urge day of OCTOBfJR next. A convenient room is selected on Washington-st., between Broad and EUisstreet. For the liberal patronage bestowed tho last sea (V-Ir,a fS A takes tbl ? opportunl yof thanking her friends, and assures them, that there shall be no exertions spared to render the Institution worthy the same. tloct aug. 24 KJ ROAD COMPANY CHALESTON ATI GUST 20,1851 FIiEiGHTAND tea ter Inis Day the abovo Trayi wiii commence, and continue to run between Charleston and Hamburg leaving at the following hours' “ r ™ UP- DOWN. Leave Charleston, sp. m. Leave Hamburg Gam Arrive Hamburg 7a. m, Arvo Charleston 7J p. m The above Train wUI only take Through Freight, and will be confined to Light Goods only; Ind all articles intended to bo shipped bv this (rain must be delivered at tha. Depot provious to 3 o clock p.m. J l>. PETSCH. Supenntcndant Transportion, S. C. R. Co. Charleston, Aqg. 20 * aug ji * BUTTER AND"CHEESE] “ FIVE kegs prime - Goshep Butter. Few boxes do do Cheese. Just reeoived per steamer Worn New York ang29 7 A. STEVENS. ' \ MANUAL OF ROMAN ANT»TTTTTES~with XX numerous Illustrationa-by Charles Anthons, I*, ti. D. Received by aug 24 THOS. RICHARDS A SON. A E CHESTS oThSd i.V suitable for families or plantations an * 1 ; D. b ,’UIMB a CO. 400 BUSHELS CC SN. i ~ 4(X) B ce.™aeby aug 26 HUTCHINSON A THOMAS. 246, BROAD STREET. FERRIS & PAUL offer tho ba' uce of their SUMMER CLOTHING, at am slow cost to wbmSwST largo s,ock of FAIL AND LINEN SACKS, at SI,OO each, and other arti ticles in propotion. aug. 10 DRY GOODS IN CHARLESTON, S. C. DIRECT IMPORTATION Cfc E. L. K ER R ISON k CO„ Direct Importers • of European Dry Goods, are happy to inform theirfribnds and customers, that they -re now re ceiving by every arrival from Europe, additions to as complete a stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS as has ever been offered in their market. Good Goods are furnished at low prices and those who purchase in their city, are invited to ex amine their styles, which will bo found panic ularlv adapted to the Southern. trade. LADIES' DRESS GOODS and DOMESTIC FABRICS, in every variety. DtuutSTlC Os NEGRO CLOTHS, BLANKETS, and Plan •nHJiil£E'K^PlNG ARTICLES, in their line, *“ ttgether with a full stock of CASHMERES, VESTINGS and CLOTHS. ' Also, LINENS, which will ho found free from any mixture of Cotton. sold are warranted to peeve as repre Terms cash, or dty acceptance. .. C<t E. L -KERRISON A CO, m North-west corner King and Market street* Charleston, -\ag, *7, 1851.