Tri-weekly constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 18??-1877, September 05, 1851, Image 4

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Slli.ll> Flub Linen ud Muslin SHIRTS, •i the latest fashions, of the best mate rial* assuis’s celebrated pattern*. ' Oanskin is the original inventor of the Ssteji of cutting Shirts by measurement. Dan in • pattern ha recoivod the unqualified commen dation of gentlemen in all parts of the U. States, and has been pro. meed per feet. The above described Shuts, together with a large and varied assortment of articles necessary for gen tlemen, can always be had at R. M. WELCH’S Fashionable Furnishing Store tor Gentlemen, north west corner Meeting and Market streets, Charles ton, S, C. mar 8 O J. CHAFFEE, No. 179 East W"Char7cs • ton, S. C., Dealer in Foreign WINES and LIQUORS, TOBACCO and SEGARS, and Manu faeturcr of LEMON SYRUP. may 8 HI.EIDIVW. Direct Importer of German, • French and English Fancy GOODS, HO SIERY. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, TOYS, Ac., No. 284 King-st., near Society street, Charleston, 8. C. Goods sold, at New Y’ork, Philadelphia and Bal timore wholesale prices. mar 7 JOHN HACK, Importer of French and English MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS, Bonnet RIBBONS, Thread and Cotton EDGINGS, at wholesale only. Meeting streot, between the Pavilion and Charloß ton Hotels, Charleston, S. C. mar 7 JAMES E. SPEAR Ac CO., Importers A Deal ers in WATCHES, JEWELRY, STERLING SILVER WARE and FANCY GOODS, at whole sale and retail, No. 235 King street, opposito Hasel, Charleston, S. C. mar 7 Hardware —stevensT betts, Direct Importers and Wholesale Dealers in HARD WARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, PISTOLS, Ac., Ac., No. 80 East Bay, Charleston, 8. C. Joel Stevens. Wm. H. Betts. mar 7 JV BIACII, wholesale BOOK-SELLER and • STATIONER, No. 5 llayno streot, Charles ton, S. C. mar 7 GEOKgI. ABBOTT, 07 East Bay, opposito Boyco A Co.'s Wharf, Direct Importer of Eng lish WHITE LEAD and LINSEED OIL: whole sale and retail dealer in English and American PAINTS ami OILS, of every description; VAR NISH, BRUSHES, French and American WIN DOW GLASS and PUTTY,‘Ac.; .together with a cnmplelo and fresh supply of BURNING FLUID, or SPIRIT GAS, with a largo and soloct assort ment of LAMPS, of the latest nnd most approved design for the san ■ All of which he offers for sale, at a small ad am- ■» manufacturer's prices, mar 7 Trout fc DEL., NOE, 112 East Bay, Charles ton, S. C., Doalciv in STONE LIME CEMENT, Plaster PARIS, N. Y. Marble LIME, PLASTER ING, LATHS ami HAIR, FIRE BRICKS. —ALSO— Gypsum, or Farmers Manuring PLASTER. —also— Koop constantly on band, a good stock of Whito Pine and Poplar LUMBER, NAILS, Ac. Orders solicited and will ho punctually and accu rately filled. W u recommend all articles in our stock as being of the very boat quality. mar 7 CNALHOUN <l.Ollll.N<l STOH E.—G.IaTtLE J A 410,, (Successors to Johnson A Canfield.) CLOTHING STORK, No. 199 King streot, next door to Victoria lintel Charleston, ®. C. Always on hand, a large and fashionable stock of liendy-Mado CLOTHING, at tho lowest possible prices. SHIRTS, HOSIERY, UMBRELLAS, Ac., Ac., wholesale and retail. ' ■ mar 7 DUNN A IHIIIEA, wholesale and retail CLO THING ESTABLISHMENT, 238 King-st., (in tho Bend,) Charleston, S- 0. P. S. —Pleaso call and exaiuino. mar 7 SHADES! nitoni SHADES! -The’ largest assortsnent ot Trnnsmirent Window SHADES, »to to ho found at the Window Shade Dapot, No. 177 King streot. Gentlemen anil Ladies visiting Charleston should not purchaso before examining this assortment. Sign of tho Rod Flag. Also to bo found us above, PAPER HANGING and UPHOLSTERY GOODS generally. It. N. BUTLER, mar 7 No. 177 King street. CtHARLBTON STEAM NUUAH REFINE -1 RV.—Double HuflnuJ Loaf, Crushed and Pow dered SUGAR. —AI-SO . White nnd Yellow Clarified SUGARS, —and— k Sugar House SYRUP, in hhds. nnd bids. J. T. WKLSMAN, mar 7 KID East Bay, Charleston, S. 0. p Amrf, MVrr fc GANTT, Factors arid (icn *JT oral Coiutuiasiou AGENTS, Aaoommodation Wharf, Charleston, s. c. feb 2ti CNharleston female Institute, by J Mrs. 11. I. Morns, (late of Augusta.) ENGLISH TUITION, with Board, at S2OO por annum Fre l 1., Italian, Spanish, Music, Prawing, and Paintii . Professor's prices. Pitt street, li m uia> • ISA a, BROKER, AUCTIONEER and COMMISSION AGENT. Stocks, Bonds, lVeal Estate, nnd Negroos, bought anil sold per order. One door south of th# P. A M. Bank, Charleston, 8. C. mar 4 GS. 11. CAMERON, Diroct Importers and . Wholesale Dealers in CROCKERY, CHINA and GLASS WARE, No. 145 Mccting-st., Charles ton, 8. C. Have always on hand a large and extensivo as sortment of the above Goods, (selected by one of the firm at the Manufactories of England and France,) which they odor for sale at ns low rates as they can bo purchased in any city of the Union, mar 4 Oct. chisolm's PORTER, ALE and WINF! STORE, by tho dozen or quantity, N,i. 3d Broad street, Charleston, S. C. mar 4 bToakEsT BROKER and AUCTIONEER, • No. 7 State street, Charleston, S. C. Slaves, Real Estato, Bunk Stock, Ac., bought and sold on commission. mar 9 EC. THARIN. AUCTIONEER and GENE . RAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 24 Vendue Range All Grain consigned to me, togethor with other Country Produce, will meet with prompt sale and attention, haring large Store Rooms. Ckarfesloti, S. C. —Refer to Col. James Gads den, and M. C. Mordecai. mar 4 JOS. LAWTON Sc CO., Importers of Foreign nnd Domestic DRY' GOODS, No. 40 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. mar 7 JOHNSTON, CREW’S A- BKAWLEY’, Import ers nnd Dealers in DRY' GOODS, No. 181 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. mar 7 JOSEPH W ALKER, Charleston, S. C.. Agent for John T. White: TYPE FOUNDER, of tho “ Hoe ' Printing Pres*. Manufactory. —also — PRINTING INK of tho best quality, all atNew Y’ork prices—actual expenses only added. Large stock constantly on hand. mar 7 CARRIAGE REPOSITORY.—W r . J. GAYER, South east corner Mooting and Wcntworth sts., Charleston. S. C., has constantly on hand, a great variety of CARRIAGES, of every descrip tion, calculated for the Southern market. in 7 AT7ILLI VM H. BARTLESS, FORWARDING YV and COMMISSION MERCHANT, Brown s Wharf, (foot of Vondue Range,) Charleston, S. C. He will givo his particular attention to Receiving and Forwarding Goods—his long experience as Secretary and Forwarding Agent of tho South Ca rolina Rail Road Company, gives him peculiar fa cilities this line of business. mar 7 Lewis m. hatch, No. 120 Meeting streot, Charleston, S. C., Airont for the sale of OILS, WHITE LEAD, IRON SAFES, Platt, Stone A Borgardus; STEEL MILLS, LEATHER and RUBBER BANDS, and tsr a great variety of ar ticles required by Manufacturers and Mechanics, mar 7 _ Griffin a Pullman, FANCY DRY GOODS, No. 60 Queen street, Charleston, S. C. uiar 7 M’KENZIE, CADOW a CO., wholesale^ DRY GOODS, No. 32 East Bay, Charleston, S. c. mar 7 bRERTON A RICHARDS, i>RAt>feßS AST) TAILORS, No. 32 Broad street, Charleston, 8, C. mar 7 Charleston B JOHNSON, UMBRELLA MAXUFACTU . RER, No. 263, King-Street, (near Went worth, j'Charleston S. C.—Has on hand a large as sortment of Silk, Gingham, and Cotton UMBREL LAS: also, the largest supply of BUGGY UM BRELLAS in the city, which are warranted supe rior to most imported, and sold at a lower price. P. S. Having enlarged bis facilities, he can manufacture the above articles as cheap as any manufacturer in the North or elsewhere, may 5 ly CHARLES D. CARR, DRAPER AND TAI LOR, No. 30 Broad street, Charleston, S. C. Has always on hand a handsome assortment of CLOTHS, CASIMERES, VESTINGS, and FAN CY A RTICLEB, which he offers on the usual terms, or at 10 per cent, discount for cash. mar 7 Me. MOHDECAI, AUCTIONEERandCOM . MISSION MERCHANT, Charleston. S.C. Agent, U. S. Mail Steam Ship ISABEL, sailing from Charleston to Havana, on the Ist and 15th 01 each month. mar 7 PREMIUM CONFECTIONERY,’ by JOSEPH WHITE. Awarded the highest Premium by South Carolina Institute. CANDY' $lO per hundred pounds. No.3ssKing street, South of Boundary street, Charleston, S. C. mar 7 CHARLESTON HOTEL—BY D. MIXER, Charleston, S. C. mar 7 (CHARLESTON, S.’ C.—SPRING OF IHSJ. J XV. G. BANCROFT, 253 King-st., Charles ton, S. C., invites tho attention of Country Mer chants to his stock of DRY GOODS. He is pre pared to offer a very large and desirable stock of rich and elegant DRESS GOODS, together with a complete assortment of French, English, German, and American Fancy and Staplo Goods of every variety. He has made oxtensivo additions to his Whole sale Rooms, and his stock of Dress Goods'will be found unusually attractive, embracing the largest stock ever offered in Charleston. The Goods and prices will bo well worthy the at tention of close buyers. mar 11 01’ iISAII OVO N T l iE TEETH J. A. CLEVELAND, D. D. S., 207 King-st., Charles ton, S. C. mar 7 Jll. TAYLOR, AUCTIONEER AND COM . MISSION MERCHANT, 17 Vendue Range, Charleston, S. C. Agent for the sale of the Charleston Steam Mill Goods, and of various Georgia and South Carolina Shirtings and Osnaburgs. inar 7 Millar s BISCUIT BAKERY. No 131 Meet ing street, opposite Market, Charleston, S.C. Soda, Butter, Water, Sugar and Lemon BIS CUITS, in boxes, barrels and kegs. 117“ Orders from tho couutry promptly attended t°. mar 7 EB. CREWS, Successor to Dick A Crews, . AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, Charleston, S. 0. mar 7 WM. MATTHIESSE VS WHOLESALE CLO THING WAREHOUSE, corner of East Bay and Quoon streets, Charleston, S. C. Manufacturing House, No. 36 Platt street, New York. Country Merchants purchasing Clothing, will find it to thoir advantage to look through tho stock of their extensive Clothing House, whoro they will find Irosh and desirable Goods, at prices as low as they can be purchased at in New York. m 7 CT EORGE OATES, Dealer in PIANO FORTES I MUSIC, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. BOOKS, STATIONERY, Ac., 234 and 230 Kiag street, at tlio Bund, Charleston, S. C. mar 7 CAOUKTNKY fc TKNNENT, direct importers of J HARDWARE, No. 3,7lUtnyne street,Charles ton, SC. may IS ly CXILIIbANM, IIOWELL Ik < 0., importers and J dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, No 33 Mnyne-strcot, Charleston S. C. may 15 ly A SAM mMimhAi Odulu,]., ip. Axthum. Oonsuiuptiou ol' the Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Bronchitis, Hooping Cough, and Pulmonary Af fections. A Lovely Young Lady cured of Consumption. The following is from the pen of Win. II Levi son. Esq., tho distinguished editor of the U. S. Military and Naval Argus, under date New York, January 26, 1856. What could be more conclusive ? “ It is seMom we permit ourselves to occupy a space in these columns to speak in praise of any article in the patent medicine way; hut when we see the life of a fel low-creature Raved by the use of any medicine what ever, we consider it as our l ight, if not our duty, to give a simple statement of facts, that others may, in like j manner, bcuefltted. The case which luis induced us I to pen this article, was that of a young lady of our ac quaintance, who. by frequent exposure to the night air, contracted a Cold which settled on the Lungs Indore its ravages could be stayed. (This occurred two years ago this winter.) Various remedies were used, but with verv little effect or benefit. The Cough grew worse, with copious expectoration, and the sunken eye, and pale, hollow cheek, told plainly that pulmonary disease was doing its worst on her delicate frame. The family physician was consulted, and although he would not ad mit to the young lady that she really had the Consump tion, yet he would give no encouragement as to a cure. At this crisis her mother was persuaded to make use of a bottle of Dr. Rogers’ Compound Bvrup of Liverwort and Tar, and we are happy to state that she was perfect ly cured in less than three months by this medicine alone, after even hope was destroyed. It is useless to comment on «uch a case as this, for the simple truth will reach where polished fiction never can. If any doubt the authenticity of this statement, lot them call at this office.— U. S. Military nnd Naval Argus. No. 19 Chatham street , N. Y. Testimonies of the New York Press. From the New York Courier. August 13, 1800. Dk. kqubrs' Syrip of Liverwort and Tar —We have heard of several important cures recently effected bv this excellent medicinal preparation, and in one in stance, that came under our observation, we cau speak confidently. One of our employees, who had suffered severely from a long standing cold, during the past week, commenced the use of this medicine, and his Cold has entirely disappeared. From the New York Mirror, Sept. 2, 1850. Liverwort and Tar. —Of the virtues of Dr. R igors* Cough Medicines, prepared from the above it is needless now to speak; Its efficacy in speedily curing Coughs, Colds, and other Lung Complaints, which too frequently, if neglected, result in Consumption, is too well established in public confidence to need eulogy now. From the New York Despatch, Aug. 25th, 1849. We have heretofore taken occasion to give our testi mony in fhvor of the curative properties’of Dr. Rogers' Compound Syrup of Liverwort ami Tar, and would here repeat the advice already given for all persons who are affiictod with Consumption, or any of the premonitory symptoms, to uiake a trial of Dr. Rogers’ preparation. * The genuine is signed Andrew Rogers, on the steel plate engraved wrapper arouud each bottle, aud is sold wholesale and retail by SCOYIL & MEAD, 113 Chartres street, New Orleans. Sole general agents for tho States, to whom all orders and applications for agencies must be addressed. Sold wholesale aud retail, by Ilavilaud. Risley & Cq., Augusta. Gi.; Barrett. Carter & Co., do.; William K. Kitchen, do.; 1). B. Plumb & Co., do.; Ilavilaud, Har rallA Co., aud P. M. Cohen & Co., Charleston, S. C. aug. 26 3mos. COMPOUND FLUib EXTRACT^OF BUCHU, &C. IT hying exceedingly difficult to make an extern ptmt neons preparation of BUCIIU, retaining its full medical preperties, the propriety of having a reliable preparation of it in a convenient and pala table form, at once suggests itself to the practising Physician. This article is no nostrum, but simply a concen trated fluid extract of Diosma, Paraira and Uva Ursi, carefully prepared from the best materials, and has been successfully used by several of the most eminent Physicians of Augusta and vicinity, in Chronic diseases of tho Genito-urinary upjwtru tiiSy such as Gleet, Irritable Kidneys and Bladder, Stranguary, Ac. &q. It has also been found a valuable addition to Balsamic mixture for Gonorrhoea. The formula by which it is prepared can be ex amined by Physicians at their pleasure. Sold by 1). B. PLUMB & CO., apr 2 Druggists, Augusta, Ga. ’ NEW BOOKB. THE FOLLOWING new works, just received and for sale by tho subscribers. Ralph Rutherford; a Nautical Romance, by Sir Admiral Fisher. The Stone Mason of Saint Poiest, by A. De La martine—second part of Lewis Arundel. Also, Grahams Magazine for September, aug 23 GBO. A. OATHS & CO. NEW CROCKERY ESTABLISHMENT. AT THE STORE, recently occupied by Messrs. Hopkins, Kolb A Co., nearly opposite Lamback’s, where can be found every article usually kept in a CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASS STORE, To which wc respectfully invite the attention of the citizens of Augusta and surrounding country. City and Country Merchants will find it decidedly to their interest to give ns a call before making their pur chases, as we are determined to sell Goods low. Also, Wooden, AVillow, and Britannia WARES, Table CUTLERY, WAITERS <fce.. Ac. oct 11 J. J. LATHROP A CO. illeiiical <£ariis. OR. J. M. 1111.1.. Gret tie Street, opposite the Bajitist Church. mar 27 lyr DRS. J. E. & H. A. BIGNON. OJfire on Broad St. opposite Bridge Bank building 07“ Offer their professional services to the cit zens of Augusta and its vicinity.. jan 14 H. VAN VOORHIS, M. D. HOMQ2OPATHIC PHYSICIAN. EF" Is permanently loeated in Augusta, and is to be found at Mr. Beer's, corner of Broad and Jackson streets. Refers to <>., J. and W. SCHLEY, Esqs. ml 4 ACARD. E7* DR. EDW. GIRARDEY tenders his Pro fessional Services to the citizens of Augusta, and its vicinity. Qy Office one door above Martin Fred- i eriek's ly oct 30. J. M. FAWKES, M. D. K7” BOTANIC PHYSICIAN A SURGEON Treats disease on purely Physiological Principles, rejecting all known poisons, whether vegetable, animal or mineral. 07“ Office, a few yards South of the Post Offico and opposite tho Young Men's Library Association. ] Augusta, Ga. ly feb 1 07 DR. ,n. J. BOLAN, Offers his professional - services to tho citizens of Augusta and its vicinity, j Office at his residence, on Broad street, above the j Upper Market. - * 6m apß | D. S. CHASE, M. D., DNTIST, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Artificial teeth inserted on Gold Plate, with Clasps, Spiral Springs, by Atmospheric pressure, or \ with an Air chamber. Partial Sets inserted in a neat and beautiful manner, without either Clpsps or Springs. I'olatino Obturators made and inserted so as to enable the patient to speak distinctly, and with ease. Particular attention paid to Dentition, and the preservation of the Natural Teeth. Office south side of Broad-street, one square above the Globe, and a few doors below the Frunk lin House. ly jan J 0. MUNSON, A. M., M. D., SURGEON DENTIST, AUGUSTA, GA. OFFICE over Carmichael & Co.’s Hardware Store. TEETH constitutionally healthy , and warranted for life . Inferences—Dra. Eve, Means, Campbell, Le Conte, Messrs. Bon6s, and Hand, Fleming A ob. apr 29 ts PROF, a; C. BARRY'S TRICOPHEROUS Oil MEDICATED COMPOUND, for restoring, preserv ing, ana beautifying the Hair, eradicating scurf an<l dandruff, and curing diseases of the skin, glands and muscles, stings, cuts, bruises, sprains, Ac., Ac. It lias been ascertained by experiment that Barry’s Tricophe rous has produced tho same effect in curing diseases of the skin, Ac., of the horse and all the animal kingdom. The following testimonials, selected from hundreds of similar import, will serve to show the value of the pre paration, and the estimation in which it is held by those who have gjveu il a trial: New York, Sept. 22,1550. Pkop. Barky. —Dear Sir:—l have been afflicted with a cutaneous eruption of the scalp, of a most aggravated character, sot the last sixteen years, and during that pe riod have had the advice of some of the most eminent physicians, and have tried all the preparations for the hair and skin now known, without the least l»enefft. I was advised by a friend to try your Tricopherous. I did so, as a last resort, and, to my surprise and gratifica tion, found myself cured in about two months. Such was the violence of the disorder that at times ( was par tially blind. Respectfully yours, (J. V. M. KAPKLYK, 140 Columbia Street, Brooklyn Nkw York, 4fct. 28. 1860. Puok. Barry,—My Dear Sir:—About two years ago iny hair came out a great deal, and my head was much affected with dandruff. I was told by a friend to try your Tricopherous. and I did so, apd to my astonish ment my hair was firmly rooted, and all the dandruff disappeared, as the head now shows itself With respect, 1 am yourob’t serv’t, J S. TItKADW’KI.L,OB3 Broadway. If any lady or gentleman doubts the authenticity of the above, they w ill please call at Professor A. C. Barry’s Office, No. 137 Broadway, New York, where he will pro duce the original letters. IKrom the Military and Naval Argus. Nov. 9, 1850.] There is no remedy for the permanent cure of bald ness and diseases of the cranium generally, that lias reached the popularity enjoyed by the article known as Professor Barry's Tricopherous, or Medicated Com pound. It is extensively used by the upper classes of the community ; in almost every nursery in the laud it ' is used in preference to other artiiles of the kind. It imparts vigor to the roots of the hair, and thus pro motes its growtli to a remarkable degree. It destroys 1 the dandruff' and scurf, and yields the hair flue and glos sy. It will cure all diseases of the scalp, such as scald 1 bead, dew worm, and other obnoxious disorders of the skin: in cheapness as well aq efficacy, it stands unrival led. It is sold in large bottles, price 25 cents, at No. 137 Broadway, and at the Druggists generally throughout the United States and Canada. June 19-dAc HOPKINS, HUDSON & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Office Frazer's Wharf, Charleston, S. C. THE UNDERSIGNED being ld&ve to inform their friends and tho public, that they have opened an office in the City ol* Charleston, S. C*, for a GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS. Particular attention will bo given to the sale of Cot. ton, and all other Country Produce, purchaso of Merchandize, and receiving and Forwarding Goods- The customary advances and facilities will bo afforded customers. J. R. Hudson and John J. Coiien reside in Charleston. L. Jldi»kins_continues his residence at Augusta, Ga. engaged in the Commission Business as heretofore, where ho may be consulted in rela tion to business designed for our House in Charles ton. LAMBETH HOPKINS, Augusta. JOHN R.‘ HUDSON, ) . , JOHN J. COHEN, ) Ch *de*ton. nov 2 ly HOUSEKEEPING ARTICLS. BRASS ANDIRONS, SHOVELS 4 TONGS FENDERS AND BELLOWS, Hearth and Crumb Brushes, Disji Mate, Waiters, Candlesticks, Castors, CakD Baskets, Plated and Britannia Tea Setts, Coffco Urns and Biggins, Solar Lard Lamps, Candelbras, in Gold and Silver* Disk Covers, Beef Stake Dishes, Egg Boilers, With 3 minute Glass attached, And many other desirable artielcs. For sale lor nov 9 ho CLARK, RACKETT & CO - I. P. CALHOUN. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FAMILY GRO CERY, At the Corner of Brand and Centre streets, near the Lower Market, Augusta, Ga. WHERE he is now opening a fresh and well selected stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, consisting in part of the following articles: Santa Cruz, Clarified, Crushed and Powdered Sngars; Java, Rio, and Cuba Coffee; Molasses and Syrnp; Mackerol, Nos.'l. 2 and 3, in whole and half bar rels and kits; Candles, Soap, Tobacco, Segnrs, Fruits, Pickles, Preserves, Sardines, Raisins, Flour, Rice, Porter; and all and every variety of articles usually kept in his lino. Those wanting such ar ticles would do well to give him a cal), as he is de termined to sell them low. Tho patronage of tho citizens of Augusta and tho country is respectfully solictcd. I. P. CALHOUN. febC fly BOUNTY LAND. THE undersigned notifies all those who may be interested in the Bounty Land Act which has recently become a law of Congress, that he has formed a connection with legal gentlemen in Wash ington City, for the purpose of prosecuting claims against the Government. All soldiers, (and wid ows of soldiers,) who have served in tho last war with Great Britain, in Florida, or any of the In dian wars; and all commissioned officers in tho Mexican War are entitled under the act to Bounty Land. Address E. H. POTTLE. o!9 t Attorney at Law, Warrenton, Ge, l For the Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION IN OFFERING to the community this justly celebrated remedy for di.-*ease.s of the throat and lungs, it is not our wish to trifle with the lives or health of the afflict ed, but frankly to lay before them the opinions Os dis tinguished men and some of the evidences of its success, from which they can judge for themselves. We sincere ly pledge ourselves to make no wild assertions or false ( statements of its efficacy, nor will we hol<J out any hope to suffering humanity which facts will not.wafr&nt. Many proofs are here given, and we solicit an inquiry ; from the public into all we publisb t feelingassured they i will find them perfectly reliable, and the medicine wor ; thy their best confidence and patronage. . From the distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Materia Medico , Bowdoin College. Dear Sir: 1 delayed answering the receipt of your I preparation, until I had an opportunity of witnessing I its effects in my own family, or in the families of my friends. This I have now done with a high ilegree of satisfac tion. in cases both of adults children. I have found it, as its iiijffedieuts show, a powerful remedy for colds, and coughs, and pulmonary diseases, t PARKER CLEVELAND, M. D Brunswick, Me., Feb. 5, 1847. From an Overseer in the Hamilton Mills, in this city. •• Lowkll, Aug. 10, 1849. Dr. J. C. Ayer: I have I>een cured of the worst cough I ever had in my life, by your 4; Cherry Sectoral,’’ and never fail, when I have opportunity, of recommending it to others. Yours.Texpectfully, ts. D. EMERSON. Read the following, and see if this medicine is worth a trial. This patient hail become very feeble, and the effect of the medicine was unmistakably distinct. United States Hotel, Saratoga Springs, I July sth, 1849. { Dr. J C. Ayer—Sir: I have been afflicted with a pain ful affection of the lungs, and all the symptoms of net tled consumption, for more than a year. I could find no medicine that would reach my case, until I com menced the use of your "‘Cherry Pectoral,” which gave me gradual relief, and I have been steadily gaining my strength till my health well nigh restored. WJlile using your medicine, I had the gratiftcation of curing with it my'reverend friend. Mr. Truman,of tfuiuji ter district, who had been suspended from his parochial duties by a severe attack of bronchitis. 1 have pleasure in certifying these facts t« you, And am, sir. yours respectfully. J. F. CALHOUN, of South Carolina. The following was pne of the worst of cases, which the physicians and friends thdught to be incurable con sumption. Chester. Pa.. Aug. 22, 1846. J. C. Ayer—Sir: I was taken with a terrible cough, brought on by a cold, in the beginning of last February, and was confined to my bed more than two mohths.— Coughing incessantly night and day, I became ghastly and pale, my eyes were sunken and giaour, and my’ breath very short. Indeed. I was rapidly failing, and in such distress for breath, that but little hope of my re covery could be entertained. While in this situation, a friend of mine, (the Rev. John Keller, of the Methodist Church) brought me a bottle of your Cherry Pectoral, which I tried more to gratify him, than from any expec tation of obtaining relief. Its good effect induced me to continue its use, and I room found my health much improved. Now iu three mouths, I aiu well and strong, and can attribute ray cure only to your great medicine. With the deepest gratitude, yours, Ate., * JAMES GODFREY. Prepared and sold by Jamba C. Ayer, Practical Chem ist, Lowell, Mass. Sold in Augusta by Uaviland, Rislejr k Co., Barrett. Carter it Co., W. K. Kitchen & Co.. P. A. Moise; in Edgefield, ts. C. by G. L. Peun, and by all the Druggists thoughout the city and State, aug 15 3mos GEORGIA SARSAPARILLA. PREPARED BY J. DENNIS, M. D., AUGUSTA, GA. DISEASES of the Liver and to purify the Blood. Dr. D. lias made his preparation as pure as possible. Its bitter taste corresponding with taste of the roots, prove its purity. Its beneficial effects in diseases of the Liver prove ibto be the most useful preparation of Sar saparilla that is made. The prevalence of diseases in the Southern climate, arising from an inactive state of the Liver, and the ef fect of this Sarsaparilla iu stimulating the Liver to in creased action, causing by its alterative and mildly pur gative effect the removal of tho morbific agent from the Blood, have induced the Proprietor to use the pure Sarsaparilla and nothiug else iu this preparation. For other diseases Physicians using this preparation in their practice can combine, or prescribe with it such ar ticles as they might consider the most appropriate, in cases under their treatment. As those who use the Georgia Sarsaparilla and find benefit from its use—recommend it to. others, and the fast increasing demand, proves that the labors of the Proprietor to make a good article have been £ulv appre ciated by Southern people, there is no need of publish ing certificates. Northern! preparations should not be usak in the South, unless they are made freer of sweet ened water and other things than they have been. « Price, $1 per bottle; 6 bottles for $5. Sold in Au gusta, by Win. 11. Tutt, D. B. Plumb & Co.. Uaviland, Risley & Co., P. A. Moise, W. 11. & J. Turpin. W. K. Kitchen, Barrett, Carter k Co.; at Athens, Hill A Smith; Madison, Seymour k Set-vice; Atlanta. Dr. T. S. Denny Marietta, Win. Root; Mason. Payne k Nisbet; Charles ton, S. C.. P. M. Cohen, and Carey k Conturier; Colum bia, Boatwright k Miot; Hamburg. A. J. Creighton. Orders with money will receive prompt attention. ap 13 t&c F*SK & RAYMOND'S CELEBRATED ME TALIC BU RIAL CASES.—The subscribers, m addition to their general line of business, have been appointed sole Agents of the county for the sale of the above, so highly approved for preserva tion and utility, recommended and used, also by the most distinguished men of our country. For further particulars see pamphlets. The public are n\!- ed t ?, call - HENRY & SKINNER. Cabinet Makers and Undertakers, Broad st, oppo site M. Frederick's old stand. ap 17 CLARK, RACKETT &. CO., WHOLES AEE AND RETAIL DEALERS II Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware and Fancy Goods. HAVE now received their stock, compri sing besides the Staple articles, many jg/N new things in Silver and Plated WARE ands£oi& GOODS. Also, in W ATCHES and JEW ELRT. House keeping ARTICLES, of choice kinds. We offer to the trade at Wholesale, Watches’ Jewelry, Jewels, Ac., not generally to be found, and at prices as low as elsewhere. oct 8 BOLTING CLOTHS. ~ OF WAR RENTED quality, furnished and pu up in Bolts to order. MILLSTONE PLASTER, prepared for bakein Mllstoncs, cheap, and of best quality, for sale jiily 18 WM. R. SCHIRMER. NEW WORKS The GIPSEY CHIEF, by G. W. M. Reynolds, author of Life in London, <fcc., 59 cents. The Pioneer’s Daughter, a tale of Indian Cap tivity, hy Emmerson Bennett, 25 cents. Littell’s Living Age, Nos. 376 and 377, price 124 cents. Just received and for sale at GEO. A, OATES A CO.’S Tiano, Book A Music Depet, Broad street aug. 6 CHOICE MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS THE subscribers invite the attention of Physicians to their choice stock of pure and fresh Medicines, Chemicals and Pharmaceutical preparations, selected expressly for the practition er of Medicine. Every article is prepared in strict accordance with the United States Pharmacopeia D. B. PLUMB A CO I au ßl Broad-street, Augusta. THE GREAT REMEDY. FOR RHEUMATISM, Gout, Pain in the Side, Hip, Back. Limbs and Joints. Scrofula. King's Evil. White Swellings. Hard Tumors, Stiff Joints, and all fix ed Pains whatever. Where this Plaster is applied pain cannot exist. ’ These Plasters possess the advantage of being put up in air-tight boxes—hence they retain their full virtues iu all climates. Hare you Friends going to California ? By all means advise them to take along a supply of tills Plaster, it may save them hundreds of dollars, if not their lives, as the exposures which they have to endure in the mines is sure to bring on disease, which might be easily cured by the use of this celebrated Plaster, for the vr&nt of which many have been obliged to quit their labors and fall into the hands of the physicians, who. by their extravagantly high charges, soon take away the hard earnings of the bravest laboring man. By sleeping in tents or on the ground. Rheumatism. Spinal Disease, Stiff Joints. Lame Back or Side, and all like diseases, are sure to trouble them, and many times entirely lay them up. when the simple application of this Plaster would give them immediate relief, and en able them to proceed with their labor* without delay. It has been very beneficial in cases of weakness, such as Pain and Weakness in the Stdmach. Weak Limbs, Affections of the Spine, Female Weakness, k c. No fe male, subject to pain and weakness in the back or side, should be without it. Married ladies, in delicate situa tions. find great relief from constantly wearing this Plaster. The applications of the Plaster between the shoulders has been found a certain remedy for Colds, Coughs. ’ Phthisic, and Lung Affection?!, in- their primary stages. It destroys inflammation by perspiration. A VOICE FROM GEORGIA. Read the following testimony from a Physician. Gentlemen : Your Hebrew Plaster Las cured me of pains of which I have suffered for twelve years past. During this period I labored umler aa affliction at iny Loins and Side, and tried many remedies that, my own medical experience suggested, but without obtaining re lief. At length I used your Piaster. 1 will recommend the Jew David or Hebrew Plaster to all who are suffer ing from contraction of the muscles, or permanent pains in the side or back. The people of Georgia have but to become acquainted with its virtues when they will resort to its use. Yours, truly, M W. WALKER M’D , * Porfcyth. '’Monroe county, Ga. To Messrs. Scovil k Mead. New Orleans, fri. JEW DAVID S. OR HEBREW PLASTER IN NORTH CAROLINA Messrs. Scovil k : T have been troubled with the Chronic Rheumatism for the last twelve years. On the Ist of July. 1849, I was so bad that I c«*uM not turn myself in bed, and the pain so severe that I had not slept a wink ffir six days., At this time iny attending physician prescribed the Hebrew Piaster, and it acted like a charm ; thb pain left me. and I slept more than half of the night, and in three days X was able to ride out. I consider the Hebrew Plaster the best remedy for all sorts of pains now iu use. . - G. W. McMINN. Hendersonville. N. C-- Aug. 16, 1850. Beware of Counter/'ets and base Imitations! The genuine will in future ha\2e the signature of K. Taylor.on the steel plate eflgraved label on the top of each. box. Purchasers are advised that a mean counterfeit of this article is in existence. The genuine is sold only by us. and by our agents ap pointed throughuut a the South —and no peddler is allowed to sell it. Dealers and purchasers generally are cau tioned against buying of any bHt our regular agents, otherwise they will be imposed upon by a worthless ar ticle. » SCOVIL A MEAD 113 Chartres street. Now Orleans, sole General Agents for the Southern States, to whom all orders must in variably be addressed. Sold “wholesale ami retjjdL by Uaviland. Risley k Co., Augusta, G%.; Barrett, Carter k Co., do.; Win. K. Kitch en, do.; 1). B. Plumb & Co., do.; Tlaviland, Ilarrall k Co. Charleston, 8. C.; P. M. Cohen k C«r.. do.; Uaviland, Kease k Co.. New York; and by one appointed agent in every town in the Southern States. 6m apr 22 NEW AND (FASHIONABLE* QUODS.' COATS, w.O. PRICE & CO. HATS. U a^d S Tailoring f Furnishing V* P f Umbrella b. FROCK. ESTABLISHMENT, Casks DeOrsay and and Clothes Bag*, Business . Wholesale and .Retail Shoulder CmufortabUs UEALFR * and <aok Money Belt*, ciiA T a CLOTHING, Toilet Cases. a V.” A . } B ’ BRUSHES. Silk, Bmen BROAD .STREET, Cloth. - coats. Augusta, Ga., 111,1 olulldeseGp- INVITE T^’ l3alSo 111 . u : THE ATTENTION OF THEIR ft Oil ns Plain A Fancy t.uuus, ■> i vTii ' of every do * VvT CUSTOMERS, scription. rr r ASD (1 LOVES, smuTs STRANGERS, STOCKS, Under Shirt. Visiting the City, PURSES, and TO THEIR r 0P axd GOODS TRIMMINGS. BCARFS ' GARMENTS. Trade ALL OKDKKS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. AUGUSTA FOUNDRY, HEAR THE GEORGIA RAILROAD DEPOT. THE PROPRIETORS of these work, respect fully tender tbeir thanks for the tiboral pa tronage which they have received. They are still prepared to furnish IRON and BRASS CASTINGS. Also GEARINGjSfor all descriptions of Machinery. STEAM ENGINES Os various'sizes mado to order. We have in course of constrnetion, two of twelve, and one of twenty-five horse power. Also, Gearing for Mills. In February last, we started an Engine of twenty ftve horse power, at Abbeville,C. H. S.* C. We take the liberty of inserting a letter received from one of the Proprietors of the Mills. TALIAFERRO & TORBET. k ' > < Abbeville, April 9th, 1851. Gentlemen: The Engine still works well, and is admired by all who have-seen it. Soveral gentle men from a distance, who ure well acquainted with similar work, pronounce it a fine Engine, and ex press some surprise When I told them it was manu factured in Augusta. We are cutting from 1700 to 2000 feet a day now, but you know -our hands are slow and inexperienced. They will do better after a while. I remain yours, Ac., ap 15 6iho _ CHAS. H. ALLEN. THE SUBSCRIBER, thankful Ifor past Jfavors again offers his survices to his friends and tho public, and will continue to carry on the TIN BU SINESS at his Dwelling opposite tho Catholic Church, where all who want cheap and substantial AYork done, will please give him a call, july 13 3m B. F. BOUYER. ATLANTA IRON FOUNDRY. IAM NOW PREPARED to make to order, MILL GEARING of every description, and all other CASTINGS made in similar establish ments, including GIN GEAR,PLATES & BALLS, Ac., Ac. —also — BARK MILLS, With the latest improvemeents, all of which will ho warranted to be of tho best material and work manship. I will also furnish aU kinds of MILL ROCK,- at the lowest rates for cash. . A. LEYDEN. PATENT CAST IRON WATER WHEELS, Which will he warranted to cut two thousand feet of Plank per day, under any head of water above four feet. Manufactured by may 11 df&cly A. LEYDEN. FOR. SALE.j THE subscriber offers at private sale his Planta tion and Saw MiHson Boggy Gut Creek, five miles from Bcrzclia, on the Georgia Railroad. The plantation contains fourteen hundred acres with the privilege of timber frrira twenty-eight hundred. The terms will ho accommodating. Apply to the subscriber on the premises. my6)watwtf A» M. ALLEN. BOUNTY LAND AND PENSION CLAIMS. THE undersigned continues to prepare and for ward to a competent agent at Washington City, applications for Bounty Land Warrants and Pen sion Claims which will meet prompt attention. Apply at tho offico of my father, over the Post Office. feb22. ttf G. A. SNEED. WM. E. EVANS & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ACCOMMODATION WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. . WM. E. EVANS, WM. M. D ANTIGNAC, nov 5 ly GEO. W. EVANS. ARPER S lIAIiAZINL 7 FOR AUGUST— Received by T. RICHARDS & SON. NORTH "AMERICAN FLUID. For washing in hard or soft water. THIS is the only genuine article to be found in the world: and possesses double the power of any thing ever discovered for washing clothes, at a trifling expense, doing away with wash boards at once. In fact, it seems to be the long soutght Philo sopher’s Stone, or universal solvent; seeming a magi, cal preparation, its operation being of the most as tonishing character. A conynon sized washing may be done with one gill of this Fluid, in less than two hours. It softens and removes the dirt, leaving the articles of the most brilliant whiteness. It being as harmless in its operations a* pure water, and cloth ing will wear much longer than when rubbed to pieces by the common method of washing. This Fluid is a powerful agent, to be used in all cases where soap is required, particularly for clean ing milk utensils, cleaning windows and paint, scour ing floors; in short, it is beyond a precedent, as its use is universal in the washing world. W. H. MAHARREY k CO., Sole Agents for the State of Georgia. They also keep on hand, a large and well selected stock of RANGES, STOVEJS, FOSGENE, CAM PliE\E and BURNING FLUID, GAS LAMPS, Suction and Force PUMPS, Tin WARE. and JOBBING done at short no tice, and in workmanlike manner. The latter branch of the business is under the superintendence of Mr. E. E. SCOFIELD, dec 1 ly W. H. M. 4 CO. H. G. FARRELL’SCELEBRATEDARABIAN LINIMENT. The most Extraordinary Discovery in the World is the great Arabian Remedy for Man and Beast ! THE miraculous cures performed by the Arabian physicians in the days of old, were then looked f upon as the result of magic, but since we have become intimate with their history, we can thus account for their surprising power over diseases. Their attainments in the knowledge of medicine, were the wonder of the age. while at the sune time the science of Chemistry, which with them had its origin, was to the rest «f the world ‘‘a sealed book.’’ And in Botany they were the most zealous of students. In the beautiful grove which skirt the deserts of Arabia, abound rare plants and odorous woods, whence are obtained those aromatic gums and fragrant balsams, of which this incomparable Hniinent is composed, and by whose stimulating, unctu ous, penetrating and Anodyne properties it is, when ap plied instantaneously diffused through the whole nerv ous system, allaying the most intense pain in the in* credibly short time of 10 or 15 minutes. Its action U prompt, powerful and effectual, without the least dan ger. It penetrates the flesh to the bone, relaxes con tracted cordp, restores use t,o limbs which have been palsied for years, causing the shriveled flesh to grow out. and rich bloo4 to circulate through its veins, it restores the Synovial Fluid or Joint Water, and this is the reason why it has been so universally successful in curing all diseases of the Joints. In chronic affections of th,e Spine, Liver, Lungs and Kidneys, this great Ara bian remedy stands unparalleled ; for Ague Cake or En largement of the Spleen, it is a Specific and for Rheu matism it has performed some of the most extiaordinai ry cures on record ; also for Cramps, dwellings. Pains, VVoumls, Chilblains, Burns. White Swellings. Tumors, Ac. Ac. It is equally efficacious in diseases of Animals, such as Fistula, Poll Evil. Sweeney, Stiff Complaint, Distemper. Farcy, Sprains, Bruises, Wounds, Mange. Spavins. Wind galls. Splint; and for nearly all diseases, either in man or beast, which require an external ap plication, this Liniment stands at the head of all med icines. LIVER COMPLAINT, ERYSIPELAS AND RHEUMA TISM CURED. Raywick. Marion Co.. Ky.. May 27,1849. Mr. 11. G. Farrell—Denr Sir: Your Liniment is sell ing very well, and doing a vast deal of good among the ptople. It has cured a bad case of ERYSIPELAS, and another of a bad pain in tiik brkast. A lady, I who was Confined to her bed for several months with Liver Complaint and Affection of the Heart, was entire ly cured by the use of your Arabian Liniment. She said the doctors could do her no good. It has been ap plied to a fresh cut, and cured it in a short time. I have been afflicted with Rheumatism for a longtime, and just before a wet spell it pained me so much that I had no peace all day; and in the night I commenced bathing and rubbing with your Liniment, and before I was done rubbing, the pain ceased. JOHN BUCKMAN. STIFF COMPLAINT. SWEENEY, DISTEMPER, CORKS AND SORE EYES CURED. [M. Mitchell, Postmaster at Fiat. Fulton co. 111., say«l:] Mr. 11. 0. Farrell : Your Arabian Liniment is high ly prized here. We cured one of my neighbor's horses of the Stiff Complaint by about four or five applica tions. and I cured one of my own of the Sweeney. Our Sheriff, Joseph Dykes, cured his horse of a bad Cork w'ith it; he also tried it on a colt that had the Distem per very bad, and cured it immediately. He sa}’* it is de cidedly the greatest horse medicine he ever used. There have bean numbers cured of Sore Eyes w ith it. I find it a very valuable medicine both for man and beast. BEW ARE OF COUNTERFEITS. TO GUARD AGAINST IMPOSITION. READ THK FOLLOWING CAREFULLY. The Public are particularly cautioned against a Bas* CounterftU which has lately made its appearance, and is called by the Impostor who makes it, •• VV. B. Farrell s Arabian Liniment.'’ This is a dangerous fraud ai 4 more liable to deceive from its bearing the name of Farrell. Therefore be particular never to rail for it by the name FarretV* Liniment,*’ for unprincipled dealers will impose this SPURIOUS Mixture upon you for the genuine, but always ask for 11. G. Farrell's Arabian Liniment,*’ and take no other . as the gnnuino always has the letters 11. G. before Farrell's, his signature is also on the outside wrapper, and these words blown in the glass bottle IL U. FARRELL'S ARABIAN LINI MENT. PEORIA.’* AGENTS WANTED in every town. Tillage and Ham let in the United States in which one is not established. Apply by letter to H. G. Farrell, Peoria. 111., with good references as to Character, Resposibility, Ac. Call on the Agent, who will furnish, free, of charge. a Book containing much valuable information for every class of citizens. Price—2s cents to 50 cents and one dollar per bottle. The only Genuine is manufactured by 11. G. Farrell, sole inventor and proprietor, and wholesale Druggist. No. 17 Main street, Peoria, 111., and for sale, wholesale and Retail at Propriety's prices, by june 5 3mo IIAVILAND. RISLEY & CO., Augusta THROUGH FARE FROM CHARLESTON TO NEW YORK, §2O. Fhe Great Mail Route from Charleston , S. C. LEAVING the wharf at the foot of Laurons-st., daily, after the arrival of the Southern cars, via WILMINGTON and WELDON, N. C., PE TERSBURG, RICHMOND, FREDERICKSBURG to WASHINGTON CITY, BALTIMORE, PHIL ADELPHIA and NEW I'ORK. The public is respectfully informed that the steamers of this line, arc in first rate condition, and . are navigated by well known and experienced com- I manders, and the Railroads .are in fine order, (the , Wilmington and Weldon Road having recently ! been re-laid with heavy T rail) thereby securing both safety and despatch. A THROUGH TICK ET having already been in operation will be con tinued as a permanent arrangement from Charles- I ton to New York. By this route travellers may reach New York on the third day during business , hours. On and after the first day of July next, Bag- I gage will be ticketed from the point of departureto Washington City, under- the charge of a special Agent or Baggage Master. At Washington the same will be transferred to the care of similar agents, who will accompany it to New York, and the like arrangements will be pursued in returning South. Through Tickets to New \ r ork can alone be had from E. WINSLOW, Agent of the Wilmington and Raleigh Railroad Company, at the office of the Company, foot of Laurens-st., Charleston, S. C M to whom please apply; and to Charleston, at the of fice of the New jersey Railroad and Transportation Company, New York. jun 28 NOW ON HAND. A FINE supply of CHAF ING DISHES— -3 sizes, and just in time for Oysters and Gam#. 4 do. Oblong GREQUERS, 2 do. Oyster CHAFERS, 3 do Coffee FILTERS. 4 do. ALABLOSE and STEAK DISHES. 2 do. URNS, with Heaters. Also, Beer PUMPS, Block Tin and Lead PIPE, all sizes, with an assortment of the finest Parlor GRATES ever offered in this Market. For sale one door below Mechanics' Bank, mar 2 * B F. CHEW,