Tri-weekly constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 18??-1877, January 07, 1866, Image 2

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daily Constitutionalist PUBLISHED BY'!, ' STOCKTON <Sz> CO- QA. SUNDAY MORNING, JAN. 1, 1866. INTERESTING READING MATTER ON 4TH PAGE THE APPI.E OP LIFE A NEW POEM BT OWEN MEREDITH. It is known to nearly all the lovers of lighl literature that the rwm de p'ume of Owen Meredith thinly disguises the personality of Robert Bulwer Lytton, the son c f the illus trious man of letters, whose versatile genius has made him the Admirable Crichton of the nineteenth century. We regret to hear tha’ his old age has been embittered by chronic deafness; but he oust be dens indeed if the applause that follows his scion falls heedless upon ivs ear. Bulwer. the younger, has com posed some remarkable poem», and is „m the front rank of modern poetic artists. His style ii a mingling of Tennyson and Browning, cn rionsly and daintily blending the airy tender ness of the one with the Saxon force and dra matic photography of the other. He ha avoided the jewelry of the Laureate and the obscurity of the Author of Paracelsus. What they sing as priests and recluses, he sings as a man of the world. Some poets fu'fil the im- portant function of interpreting others, just a‘ Byron, in many of bis most striking passages, translated the recondite musing of Words worth. It is a glory to be a poet for poets ; it is creditable to mediate between the cons crated p«e* and the dwellers in darkness. Here Owen Meredith has his established posi tion as an exhibitor of oracle-. We are fm from affirming that he has nothing of his own : on the contrary, he has much that is fresh and original, but his diapason is caught from the grand master*, and sonorously does he repeat them to the practical world. Critics have dis covered that, his “ Lncile ’’ was plagiarized from a forgotten novel of George Sand. Ever . if this he Ivue, his punishment may he gravely mitigated by the fact of his having vivified the dead and lot less by the authority of Goethe, who defines genius to be nothing else but the power of resurrecting extinct thought and reanimating those about to perish. Oui poet, therefore, has strong grounds of def. net on the claim of salvage, and hypercriticisn alone would deny the merit. A. mun of elegant accomplishments though a merchant, a dear friend who knows bow t< ■ make money and di,-course on high philoso phy', wit, eloquence and poetry, has sent ui: pamphlet copy of tins last song of Owen Meredith, called the “ Apple of Life.” Tb whole poem does not exceed two hundred line#, but is a story worthy of him who wrote - the Arabian Nights. It may be objected tlm' the hexametric structure of the verse is n fault. The English tongue is in direct an tag onism to hexameter verso, and, although a feu great writers have beeu ns successful as Blon din on that cla’sieal tight rope, it is uotalwny dignified to push grim Homer or graceful Virgil before you in a wheelbarrow. Still, Owen Meredith has performed his tour dr forret as wrll as any, and in the little poem before us his agile verse writhes dexterously about the rugged angles of surly hexameter. We are tempted violently to make cxcerptr but must resist, the fjscination, and be salir pamirs u> me tA* ships come ar,d go in grand silence,” reigned King Solomon. Gold in Lis kingdom Vas ar common as pebbles or greenbacks in this. Be cause of his wisdom, his. glory exceeded all the KiDgs of eaitb. Yet, in spite of his treason and fame, Solomon was sad tiiai he was old, and soon to relinquish his magnificence. While gloomily pondering, in his garden, the evan escence of all terrestrial things, he became aware of the approach of a man with a visage supramortally dark; In answer to the King as to his abrupt advent, the man extended the palm of his hand and displayed therein a rosy apple plucked from the Tree of Life. He * seated, ns he*dropped the fruit into hand, that ho came as an envoy of God—the Giver of good to good and evil to the evil. To •Solomon ho had sent the Apple of Life, the fatal immortality of Eden. The King perused the fruit, so alluring but yet untasted, and fi nally abandoned the* gift of perpetual life, since a perpetuity of old age was a doubtful benison. Among his many wives he had n favorite Shulamito of transcendent loveliness, and then in the first riot of youthful exuber anco. To her, he determined to give the Ap- pie. Haying ascended to the chamber where she slept, and, awakening her with a kiss, presented the apple, imploring her to eat be cause she was young and beautiful.—When the King was gone, the charming Shulamite perused the apple, but tasted not. She re cognised the power of it* occult virtues, but Anally concluded that even perpetual comel iness and youth were valueless with"ut. the as surance of perpetual love. Wherefore, no' being over seduleus about the venerable Sol omon, but passionately affected towards the Prince Azariah, she puts upon her finger a ring of invisibility, coaxed from old Sol, and goes forth t® the apartment of the Prtnce Azariah, being a prudent young scamp, expos tulates with the fair Shulamite for her peril ous visit, but she proffers the apple, stating that, for his sake, she has religquished the boon of perpetual life and made eternity u sacrifice to love.—Azariah, when she was gone, perused the mystic apple, bat, ere he tasted the sp JI was broken by wanton bacchanalian songs from the glee-girls in the street, the | burden of whose song was : o seiz® pleasure ' as it flies and pluck blossoms in time. Where for? the gay youth Azariah, net being satis fied that perpetual libertinism was the sum of desire, determined, as a rare joke, to give the apple to a daughter of pleasure. Bent upon this idea, he issues forth and seeks the blan dishments of a Cleopatra unqueened. To her he is admitted, girdled with voluptuous in case, aud after much banter, presents the Apple, exclaiming laughingly that it tickled his brain to think that the mighty would die and she a Nothing, or worse than nothing, should sit on their graves and play with their grandsons.—Finally he left, and the dark Egyptian woman fell a musing over she ap ple. She lasted it not, for she thought,that perpetual life was a curse without honor, and the apple could bestow upon ber nothing but perpetual shame. And yet there was a spark of native purity in the soul of this dark wo man, that faipt glimmer which never is extin guished even in the most disgraced of Eve’s family. She saw a chance for salvation, like Itahab, ar.d forsaking the hope of perpetual life, determined to give the apple to King Solomon, as of all the liv'mg most worthy to survive. To bim she went and to him pre sented the apple. ' The wratlT of that royal - grey-beard may be, as the novelists say, bet ter imagined than described. At this point let the poet conclude the story in his own way: Bat when he was 'wars of the truth, then his heart was awaken’d. And he Knew at once that the m» who, erevrbile, una wares coming to hint, had brought That App'e of Lite was, indeed God’s good An gel of Death. And he thought 11 In mercy, I doubt not, when man’s ejfs were open’d and made to see plain All the wrong in himself, and the wretohedness, God sent to close them again For man’s sake, his last frieud upon earth—Death, the servant of Hod, who is ju*t. Z,et man’s spirit to'Hi/n whence it oometh return, and his dust to the dust 1” Then the Apple of Life did King Solom on seal in mb urn that was sign’d With, the seal if Oblivion: and summon'd Jho Spirits that walk in the wind Unset n on the summtis ol mountains, where never the f.aide ye' flew; • , And these he commanded to bear far away,—out of reach, out of view, • Out < f hope, out of memory,—higher than Ararat buiidt-th his 1 hrone, • In the Urn of Oblivion the Apple of Liie. But on green jaspar-stone Did the King write the story thereof for instruc tion And Enoch, the seer, Coming afterward, search’d out the meaning. And he that hath ears, let him hear. Colored Troops —We learn from the At lanta Intelligencer that a portion of the negro troops, who for some monts past have composed a part of the garrison of Atlanta, h«ve been mustered out, and that in a few days the re mainder will be similarly disposed of. This will be gratilyiug intelligence to every one. The Intelligencc-r says that Atlanta has suffered as little from their presence as any other—and we believe less —yet it is the uni versal opinion that the government made an error iu sending them among us. In referring to the policy of retaining negro troops in the South, the Louisville Journal makes the following judicious remarks : Inci - dents ot more or less importance are constantly which prove that tho presence of negro troops in the South is a source of irrita tion, and which give force to the suggestion we made several months ego for their withdrawn! and the substitution of white troops in their places. General Grant, in his late tour in the South, saw the propriety and desirableness oi the measure, and recommended its adoption. Ii is to be hoped the President will concur with the Lieutenant General, and at oece withdraw that elass of troops Then longer retention is tot necessary either to the public welfare or the public safety. They can be easily replaced by white troops without any additional expense or any inconvenience or detriment to the public service. Their with drawal would exercise a salutary influence and prevent the petty collisions which now take place. It would be in strict harmoi.y with thr President’s general policy. It would conciliate and show the Southern people that the govern meut is desirous of removing all needless causes of strife ; that it can respect natural prejudices and is not above complying will) anything rea sonable in furtherance of its grand design ot restoring national harmony and good will throughout our widely extended country. It cannot be eXpeeted tha*, in the South ern States and along the borders that lately separated the free from the slave St tes, negro soldiers should be regarded in the same ligh 1 jng white soldiers. To retain ihe former, there .'ore, Beems to look like a disposition to humil iate unnecessarily. This, we are persuaded the gove nment hat no thought of doing We hope, therefore, that the recommendation of General Grant will be heeded without delay and that all colored soldiers will be speedily withdrawn, not only from this State ard along tha borders, but from all the Southern States We feel satisfied that the great cause of nation al brotherhood would be thereby promoted, and the wo>-k of restoration go ot more rapid ' ly and effectively. From the Savannah Herald. Loss of the Steamship Constitution Confirmed—Forty Lives Lost. A despatch received yesterday moraine hr Messrs B ighsm. Bddwin k Co. from Wake roan, Gookin A Dickinson, agents of the Star Line in N--w York dated SOih ult.. confirms the loss of the steamship Constitution, with only touTteon Uvea sav> d. We find the following additional particulars of this melancholy disaster in the New York Herald of the 31st ult. The following dispatch was received from Newborn. North Carolina, hy which it will he seen that she unfortunately atruck bn Cape Lookout shoals, and became s total wreck, causing the loss of forty lives: Nswbbbh Dec. 30 —The Time* has. a tele ffram from Morehead City, of the 20th instant, which aayg the steamer Constitution, told, on board, including- two ladies child. The Captain and thirty men were saved The steamer is a total wreck. In confirmation of the above report the fob ’owing disDalch wnp received hy M gsrs. Wake man. Gookin & Dickinson, the consignees, o r No. IT Broadway • Messrs. WaKeman, Gookin k Dickinson, New York: Morbhuad Citv. Dec. 29 —The Constitution is a total loss, but with fourteen saved. I will write immediately. William Gbbrnman, Captain. BBSORIFTION OF THB OOVBTITPTIOW. The Constitution was huiltat Mystic, Conn , in 1163, of oak and chestnut, «md wag strong, lr fastened with copper and iron, end was con sidered an excellent steamer In every respect: her strength was well tested by holding to rether for forty-eight h-ur* after getting on the shoais. She was nine hundred and fortv fonr tons register, and rated Al* in Lloyd’s American Register. Sbs was 184 length. 33 feet beam, and 19 feet depth of hold ; was, brig rigp-pd, and her draught was fourteen feet. She cost $120,000 to build. Immediately after her- completion she was placed in the service of the government as a transport. She ennid accommodate seventy five persons in th * cabin, and a large number in the steerage. While on the Savannah line the Constitution generally made the passage from city to city iu seventy-two hours. Dbad Lkttkr Rale.—The great sale of arti cles accumulated through the year in the Head Letter office was commenced on Saturday by Boteler, and has been continued with the live liest kind of bidding ever since. Over half the immense catalogue is of articles of jewelrv, largely of the “dollar” sort, but with vprink ling enough of the genuine to induce a lively competition. Upwards of three hundred arti - cles in the collection are packages of patent medienes. In the ahape of pills powders, un gents. oils, old school and new school, allo pathic. homoeooathic, Thompsonian, ecleclic and all sorts, for the relief of every malady known toman or woman. -There are over one hundred and fifty gold (snpposed to be) watches on the catalogue, and no end of silver watches; i also an indescribable medlev of all the varieties j of wares known to civilization. Amongst the j odd articles thus passed through Uncle Rum’s mails, finding their way to the Dead Letter office, are sets of shoemaker’s teols, packages ! of type, ladies’ wigs, bundles of clothing, dnpli i cate parts of sewing machines, packages of felt 1 hafs, iron erg wheels fsma 1 ),) lots of lamp-wicks j dress elevators, false bosoms (ladies’,) shoulder j straps, pieces of a piano, lamp burner, him- I dreds of military books. The proceeds from t.he sales wiil be deposited, subject to the order j of the owners, should anv of them ever turn up j New York Sun, JOth. ' The New York World condenses the eorres j pondence between Magoffin and Palmer ar ! follows: Appears the popinjay Palmer with this long •igo published official document, which he deems discreditable not t® Gaither, but to ex- Govemor Magoffin, its author, *lnce become Gaither’s father-in-law; and the popinjay bran dishes the same, and says virtually: “Con-- strain your son-in-law to withdraw his suit against Thompson, whom I (not the court of law, but) I, Palmer, with my shoulder straps, think ought not to be sued, nor to lose bis suit, or else I. Palmer, with my sword and my pistol and my shoulder-straps and my terrible big bug a-boo at Washington, will do terrible things to you, ob, Magoffin, who are the father of his wife,’’ And the ex-Governor drew sear to hinp paper and pen and ink, and indicted the letter printed in yesterday’s sheet to the paigbty Pal mer, and said to him with great politeness : 1 Do all you dare door, as a profane Western j sheet put* it, “Do aud be 1” Am Imdiomabt Editor—The editor of the ; Montgomery Ledger having been treated very j rudaly by a United States o‘ffic*r, relieves his j raind thus: 1 The editor of this paper, returning to his - home yesterday morning, called upon what he supposed to be one of Uncle Sam’s officials, | npon a small matter of business, who happen- j ed (unfortunately for any government) to ! wear the badge of a lieutenant; the leilow i really did not know the difference between a gentleman and one ofbis menials, who has no doubt been bullied over from day to day. to let them know that he was an officer of the United States. Said officer, in our estimation, is a d—d poor specimen of Uncle Sam’s great ness. Unclaimed Body.—On tbo evening of the 2d of April last, the body of a marr killed in the last day’s fighting on the right, says the Petersburg (Va.) Index, whose name was given aa Sergeant James H. Williamson, 00. H, 4th Georgia Regiment, of Cooke’s Georgia Brigade, wm brotjght Lfo the, Store of Mr. James T. land a ooffin ordered. Tbe body was not called for, and in the hurry and confusion of the next few days could only be disponed of by burial in the yard* back of tbe store. Our exchangee, by copying this notice, may enable some bereaved family to recover the remains of their lost and loved. CONSIGNEES PER STEAMER F.VMGE LEHR—G R Crump A Co, W J Har- i tty, P H Norton, Eli Muatin, G Volger A Co, E R Schneider, C Estes, W H Tutt, R £ McMillan J A Andey & Co, O’Dowd A Molherin, Mrs A Frederick, T H Muriy, A J Hartman & Co, M ’Hartman A Eo, T P Stovall. CONSIGNEES PER STEAMER JAS. CHRISTOPHER —E P Clayton, Sherman, Jessup A Co, Wyman A May, Clark A Derry, E S Blakely, J G Bailie A Bro, Mrs M A Frederick, C Eates, Jones, Smyth A Co, W H Tutt, C C Holiman, J J Robinson, J T Gardner, Georgi* Railroad, H Edmonston, Order, W H Potter, Johnson A Co, Alfred Baker, Geo T Jackson, J M n.. SPECIAL NOTICES. GREENE ST. BAPTIST CHURCH.- Services commemorative at tho New Tear in the Merging, at 10J. Iu the Evening, at T, sermon te the You. g. JanT-1* A DON IRA M COUNCIL.—A oalled comma - nlcall -n of Ad'nlram Crunoii will be held at Mssnnic Hall, THIS (Saturday) pVENING, at T o’clock. By order T.' .T. - . 8. D. Hkakd. C. P. LEWIS, Recorder, EGGS, EGGS, EGGS.—GuII at 18* Broad st. jantt—l* W. H. STALLINGS. ty FEMALE INSTITUTE.-PUPILS will rc commence their studio* on Monday, Bth inat. janO -1 W. J. HABD. T© GOOD CITIZENS OF HAMBURG. —I would bu glad to obta n information that may lead to the convicit: n of parties -Cos African or other de scent) found cutting or healing wood from my piece, near Hamburg, known at Rose Cottage. To »uch as will detain or identify the depreda'or, an ampli com pensation will be offered. W. BTKVENBON, Janfi—B *BB Broad street. OUR SLATE IS BROKEN.—From this date we must require Cash on delivery. We purchase strict y for oseh, and on foreign hills sr# compelled to remit ninety days In anticipation. Our surplus capital has been melted in the common eruolhle—that Is our apology to old patrens. STEVENSON A SHELTON. Augusts, Jan. 8, 19®. lao4—» COPPER TIPS 'PROTECT THE toes of ohildi en’s ehees. One pair will oat wear three without tips. Sold verywher*. Jan* —*m RICHMOND - B4TH BOYS’ SCHOOL. —The excreta sos my school begin agate on the Bth ins*. With a co patent asa'ataut, I propoea giving thcae aeLt rhenll the advantages of a thorough school and college course. Good hosrd ean be had in tha beet of families at twenty dollars per month. Tultior, twenty del a-s per quarter. A few young ladies will be reoeived. Music, twenty dollars per q iarter. All boarders are under my supervision and control. Address Eev. R. X. PORTER, j*nß—lw Berselia. Oa. R. B. JT. J. StOBEHTSON «k CO., COTTON Fa-tors, have removed to the large ard eommodionr j» E,re-Proof Storo. No. 5 Warren Block, whete they will oonlinue the Factorage Bustneia in a 1 its branches. | Close storage for Cottoa. dr c2B—tf JTO CONTRACTORS,—SEAJ.EP PRO P*S Is will be received until ihe first day of February 1866, for th« building of a Jail in the town o' Louis ville, Jefferson county, Pla-ia and spectileatio s oan be*»een at, the office of the Clerk of the Enpcrior Court o' said county NOAH SMITH, J.1.0..J.C. A. E. TARVER, “ “ J: W. BRINSON, M J. J. BROWN, “ L. 0. WARREN, “ “ dor 22—td . M ÜBIC.-MR. ROBERT WEBER, pupil of tho Conservatories in Leipiie and Berlin (Eu . rope), and Organist of First Presbyterian Church of this c ty, respectfully Informs the puhHo that he gives lns'ructlon on the Piano and in Binging. ‘ His m.-thod will enable his pupils to acquire a the | r ugh musical eduoattOD, with a graceful and finished . style. Applications may be made at Schreiner A Son’* Mu ! sic Store, No. 19* Broad street. iirfEßKNOiia—Messrs. Schreiner & sons, Mr. Geo. M. j Thew, Mr. A. C. Ivr». deelT-lin ; RKNXAL NOTICJKi.- DR. A. F. BIG i NON, Surgron Dentist, having resumed practice, re ' spectfully rentwf tho tender oi bla professional eer ! vices t< his former patrons and the public. Office ■ over B. F. Tati's Drag Store, opposite the Augusta Ho i tel octls-8m ! HAWCKEL. M.J.. DENTIST. the WARE HOUSE AND MERCHANT, will eon i ttnue the.W irehojise and Commission Business at the i old sland'of Peinigy do Clayton, corner of Reynolds and | Campbell streets, and will glv« his personal attention ; t > the S'orage, Forwarding and aale of Cotton, and | Country P( oduoe. Consignments are respectfully so- Itoited. j Atjgun &, Cot. loth, 1865. iJlrs. L. G. Fillette, No. 213 Broad Street, 1 WISHING to make room for her spring and summer supply, will sell during the balance of the reason every artiole in her line of business at greatly reduced prices. Ladies’ Straw Bonaets, trimmed and un trioomed. Ladies’Straw Hats, trimmed and untrimmed. Bonnet and Fancy Ribbons, in-great variety. Bridal Illusion. Black and Black and Gilt Belt Ribbons. Mode and Fancy dol’d “ “ Hhjr Nets and Belt Buckles, a large assort ment. Fancy Tucking Combs, beautiful styles. Port Mommies and Reticules. Iu the Dress Goods department bargains may be expected, as many will be sold at and under New York cost to close out the stock, the store not being sufficiently commodious to admit of keeping dry goods and her usual stock of millinery and fancy goods. , ■ Black All Wool DeLaine, (ingle aud double width. Black French Bomb«in® Black French Cashmere Black French Merino Black English do Black Empress Cloth Black and White and Black and Second Prints Dark and Light Colored Prints Plaid Poplins, Plain Mohair Stripe Poplluets, Plaid Worsted Irish Linen and B E Diaper | HS L C Hdkfs, Emb’d ditto With many other articles not enumerated.. jans—FASun A MALE TEACHER WANTED TO take clia-gn of a Bchool of ft. teei or twentj Scholars in the country. One who can give good references for c impi tenor. experience and moral character c»o obtain a liberal i-alary. Address I 8. HAKRT-ON, janS-lOt Thornton, Gs. i 60 CHOICE KENTUCKY Horses and Mules FOR SALE. A-MONO them first elas? Ken oeky Males Pine Saddle and Harness Horses Seveial pairs of Family Carritga Horses, of the very b»st qualities. Parties desiring to purchase can take and try the-», and return if not suited. None of them have ever been in the army. Call and fee them at Palace Stables, Kills at. Heel ft -If M.A. DHHOMY.. LOOK AT THIS! Luther Roll, No. 155 Broad Street, next door above Mechanics’ - Bank, AS on hand aod is ronstantly receiving, French Calf Skius, Chamois and Sheep Skins, Sole and Upper L ather a full ps-ortment of Paints, viz : White Lead, Drop, Eddy's and Eng lish Lump Black, Chrome Green and Yellow, Vermilion, Litharge. Gum Shellac, Pumice Stone, Whiting. Sand and limory Paper, Varnishes, Ac. Spokes, Felloes, Hubs, Axlea, Shafts, Couch arid Haines* Mournings and Trimmings, Shoe Pegs and Tools, and Harness Maker’s Tools, Enameled Dock, D:Ills and Patent Cloths, Patent and En ameled Leathers, Bnggy Harness, a full assort ment.. Also. ISmok'ng and Chewing Tobacco. jan4-dloodlsol Lumber, Lath, &a T> EDMOND A CO , Dealers in all kinds XV of Pine, Oak and Popular Lumber, Lath, F.coring, Scantling) Ac., Ac. Orders mav be addressed to Box Bt, Augusta P. O.; or left at the store of 3. M Clark A Sons, 278 Broad street. Our Mill D near 12-mile post, Georgia Railroad,' dec2B -2awlm v 'VTOTICB.— Sixty days after date application 1 X will be made to the Court of Ordinary of V» iihes yonnty tor leave to soil tbe real estate be longing to tbe Estate of Aa rat jp: Cleveland, late of Wilkes county, deceased. Wfi. L. CLEVELAND,!-, R. W. QUARLES, J EI r ” novJo * NEW ,ADVERTISEMENTS. 4 Th ea tee. Business Manager Mr CHAS. NEBBITT. Stage Manager Mr. S. H. VERNBY. Monday Eve’ng, Jan. Bth, 1866. BENEFIT OF GEORGE ffBIIS OTHELLO. janT January 7th, 1866. AFTER THIS DATE NO GOODS | FOR AUCTION • Will be received ( ON LIMIT, But will be sold WITHOUT RESERVE J . To the Highest Bidder. GOODS CONSIGNED To us, < r REAL EBTATE, FOR PRIVATE SALE. Will meet with PROMPT AND PERSONAL ATTENTION, Under Limits end Instructions FROM OVNERB and CONSIGNORS. REGULAR SALE DAYS, At Auction, TUEBRAT,TBURSDAY and SATURDAY. O V. W’ALKER A CO. jan7—lm Just Received, i And 1o be closed out without repard tocoat. 1 a Large Consignment, consisting of— -25 pieces French Merino 10 dozen Ladies’ Cloth Cloaks i 100 dozen Ladies’ Hose 60 pieces Ginghams 100 pieces assorted Flannels 50 dozen Ladies’ snd Children’s Hood* 60 doz-n Ladies’ Nubias 50 dozen Scarfs 100 dozen Linen Pocket Hdkfs ’ 50 pieces assorted Dress Goods 1 300 dozen Perfumery 100 dozen Gloves 25 dozen Corsets 100 pieces assorted Prints 100 dozen Ladies’ and Children's Shoe* 25 dozen Balmoral Skirt* , .. And a large stock of Notions ALSO, f Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes Groceries, Liquors, Ac, at JAS. B. CAHILL’S, J 171 Broad st., Under Augusta Hotel, janf-l Augusta, Ga. 1,000 Bushels Golden Fleece ; COTTON SEED, ; GINNEP, BY : Maude & WrigKf7 .. Wp, the undersigned, certify that the Golden Fleece Seed advertised by Messrs. Maude & Wright has produced the bbst Upland Cotton we have ever sold. We recommend it with confidence to planters. HARPER C. BRYSON, JOHN COSKERY. jan7—6 PERFECTION IN COOKING with Mott's Patent Tubular Ranges. ThESE Ranges have Double Ovens and Six Boiler Openings, and combine every im portant improvement and convenience for cooking. They are arranged for burning wood or coal, and may be placed either with in the fire-place er in froat of it. Every one sold i* guaranteed to operate to the satisfac tion of the purchaser. Wm SHEPHERD & CO., 255 Broad st. Augusts, Ga., 7th Jan., 1866. jao7— aututl Importations. Irish Whisky, in puncheons Scotch Herring, in half barrels Irish Salmon FinneD Haddock Irish Cap Potatoes, in hampers Now landing and for sale low by THOMAS WHYTE, janl—3 Savannah, Ga Wanted, A SINGLE Gentleman, graduate of a South ern College, to take charge of a mixed School. A Baptist prefer-ed. Address. JETHRO THOM AS, janf o 2 Waynesboro, Ga. FOR SALE, ~ . A.'JC ATLANTA, GhA.. OwETen Acre Square Lot will be sold low for cash, if early application he made to Rev. B.J. PINKERTON, „ or HARRIS A JANNINGS, ja'nT-10 * Atlanta, Ga. Corn, Hay. 1000 BUSHELS Coro 25 bales Prime Hay For sale by W. 0. MAOMURPRY A CO., Corner Jackson and Elli. streets. jau7—3 Notice. TWO Moaths after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary, Richmond county, State of Georgia, for leave to sell the property belonging to the estate of Martin Fred erick, deceased. • I. P. GIttARDEY, Administrator* January Bth, 18#u. jmT-law2m Wanted. Washington and New Orleans Telegraph Stock WANTED BY Branch, Sons ft Co., Bankers and Brokers, jaoT-10 Georgia Railroad 'Bank. J. A. Ansley & Co., AGENTS FOB * Knoxville Leather Co., TT ATE now is store a One stock of tbit cele brated Oak Tanned Leather, consisting of Sole, Upper and Harness. ,_jan7-f> _ WAR»EN SHERIFF'B SALES WILL ba positively sold, nt the Conit House door, in Warronton, Warren connty, on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, between the usual hours of sale, about three thousand bushels of ootton seed, from cotton lately ginned. Levied en as the property of Thomas F. Persons to satisfy sundry—#~-fj»|Listmiug from the Supe rior and Inferior CourtßoWK*rr|n coun’y.ln fa vor of E. A. Brinkley and otheiHAW a * ns t Thom as P. Persons. Levy made aud iawoperty to be sold by content of the defendant. JOHN BAflT.Bh.rl?. January sth, 1656. ftan7-41*otd NEW ADVERTISEMENTS BACON. 50 HHDS Side* And Shoulders 50 tie roe. Ham* On consignment and for sale by J. A. ANSLEY A CO., jag7—o No. 300 Broad street. F*LOTJR. 100 BBLB Prime Quality. On conslgoment and for sale by J. A. ANSLEY A CO„ ja '7—s No. 300 Broad street. ‘SAVE YOUR MONEY.’ Safes, Safes, Safes THE andertignsd has been appointed Agent for the sale of Wilder’s celebrated Patent Fire Proof Safes In the city of August a, and la pre pared to furnish them at New York prices, with .the expenses from Savannah added. Simple* ran be seen at bis warehcuse; corner Campbell and Reynold* streets, and be will be pleated tr fill orders for any s’* - desired, either siogle or doable doors. They are the best Safes manufac tured. Powder and Burglar Proof Locks. Those in want of a superior article are invited to call and examine them, and send in their or ders. B. P. CLAYTON, Warehouse and Gen’l Com. Merch’t, Cor. Campbell and Reynold st*., jan«-lm Augusta, Ga. LIME. 1,000 Barrels Rockland Lime, For sale low, to arrive, by W. C. KACMURPHY & 00 , Corner Jjckson and Ellis sts. janfi « SALT. , ■»»« 1,000 Sacks Liverpool Salt, For sale low by W C MACMTJRPHY & CO.. Corner Jackson and Ellis sts. {and-3 AND JLmAJMJL f»s, AT WHOLESALE AM RETAIL Almost everything in the Lamp line can be found at the popular “Lamp Man’s” headryiar ters, and as cheap as the cheapest, and The Best Kerosene Oil in the Market, * And, indeed, the best of everything in the LAMP LINE Can be fuand at « i fc v . 9^6 Lamps altered and repaired at j •Go and see Mb. W. J. FARR. He is bound 1 | to pirate everybody. jan6—lw Plow Lines. 100 COILS Cotton Rope, for Plow Lines, from Montour Factory. For sale low. J. O. MATHEWSON. janC—4 Buy Your Safes. A LOT of the celebrated Baltimore Fire and burglar Proof Safes, just arrived. Call and examine. jand-2 . J. O. MATHEWSON. WANTED, NO. 1 Gardener. Apply to W. B. GRIFFIN, Auction and Commission Merchant, janf—2 For Sale, A SPLENDID Fairbanks’ Platform Soale; suitable for warehouse or commission house. Apply to * W. B. GRIFFIN, Auction aud commission Merchant. janf—3 Tin, Tin. 22 BOXES Tin Plate, 10 H I t For sale by W. B. GRIFFIN. Auction and Commission Merchant jan6—3 To Rent. iHE Dwelling on corner of Lincoln and El lie streets, containing 9 rooms, besides garret, good kitchen, with 5 rooms, and good yard; For par tioulars, apply to J. J. LATHROP, janf—e At Ga. R. R. FOR SALE, .A. SET of Bed-room Furniture (mahogany), 4 pieces. Also, 2 elegant Cotton Mattrasses. Apply at this offioj. jan6—tf Salt, Salt. 500 SACKS Liverpool Fait, on consign- j* ment, and for sale in lots to a iit purchasers by J. B GUIETT & SON j n 6— t To Rent, _ \ STORE, .itnated near the fL nr,l, road, sußab'e for a grocery sto e and restaurant; j fixtures complete Apply to ROB’T CARROLL, j janfi—tf Opposite Mat'-ews’ Stable. To Rent, Mr Res : dence, on 3 road street, below the j Lower Market. Alas WM. J. EVK. j jan# -1»* Mills House. Meeting Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. hnnn© ha* b<*er\ thoroughly repaired and \ tfi fnrnishfd; ?ad cann >t be excelled by any in . oity. JOBKPH PURCKLIj, Jwn3 —lm Proprietor. For Sale, A FARM of 100 seres of Land, about 40 acres under cultivatien, tha balance Id wood and timber; on the place is a new Dwelling House, Kitchen, Cellar, Smokehouse, Barn, Sta bles, and ail necessary outhouses, a young Orchard of 1,005 peach and apple Tress, and 3,006 young peaoh trees ready to be transplanted; two streams of never failing water runnimr through the place. Three rriie. from the bridge, Hamburg, 8. G. AiSo, a Vinegar Factory In running order, to gether with instructions, i For particulars apply to G. H. MEYKR, Segar Store. Vo. 144 Broad street, Augusta, Ga. jart-iV . HGLIBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU. For Weakness arising from Indiscretion. The ex hausted powers of Nature which are accompanied by so many alarming symptoms, among which will be found, Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Memory, Wakefulness, Horror of Disease, or Forebodings of Evil; in fact, Universal Lassi tude, Prostration, and inability to enter into tfce enjoyments of society. The Constitution, once affected with Organic Weakness, requites the aid of Medicine to strengthen ana invigorate the system, which HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUJHU invariably does. If no treatment is submitted to, Consump tion or insanity eusues HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, In affections peculiar to “Females,” is unequaled by any o’her pr. paration, as in Chlorosis or Re tention, Paiufulness, < r Supp-es* ion of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schirrus State of the Uterus; and all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising iroin habits of dissipation, im prudence in, or the decline or ebange in life. HELMBOLD’S FLUID”EXTRACT BUCHU And * Imp&ovbd Rosb Wash, Will radically exterminate from tbe system Dis eases arising from Habits of Dissipation at little expetise, little or no charge in diet, no nit-ncc or exposure; completely superseding those unpleasant and dangerous remedies, Copaiva and Mercury in all these diseases. USE HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, In all Diseases of these organs, whether existing iu “Male” or ‘'Female," from whatever cause originating, and no matter how long standing, it is pleasant in tasto and odor, “immediate’’ In ac tion, and more strengthening than any of the preparations of Baik or Iron. Those tufiisring from Broken down or Delicate Constitutions, pro sure the remedy at onee. The rrader most be aware that however slight may be the attack of the above diseases, it is cer tain to affect his Bodily Hea th, Mental Powers, and Happiness. AH the above diseases require the aid of a dl - uretic. BELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU Is tbe Great Diuretic. HELMBOLD’S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED Cempouid fluid Eitract Sarsaparilla, For purifying the blood, removing all chronic constitutional diseases, arising from an impnre -tats of tbe hlood. end the only reliable and ef fectual known remedy for the cure of Scrofula Scald Head, Salt Rneum, Pains and S’- ellinas of the Bones. Ulceratieu of the Throat and Legs, Blotches. Pimples on the Face. Tetter, Erysipe las and a’l scaly eruptions of the skin, AND BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. Not a few of the wotst disorders that affect mankind arise from the corruption that accumu late iin the blood. Os all the discoveries that have been made to purge it out, none can equal in effect Hrlmbold’s Courotr.vD Extract op Sarsaparilla. It cleanses and renovates the blood, instills the vigor of health into the system, and purges out tbe humors which make disease. It stimulates the healthy functions 6f the body, amt expels the d : aor>lers that grow and rankle in the blood. Such a remedy 'hat could be rel'ed on, ha* long been sought for, and now, for the first time, the pubtio ha ve one on which they can depend. Our space here does not admit of cer tificates to show its effects, hut the tria' of a sin gle bot le will show the sick th-it it has virtues surpass ng anything they have ever taken. Two ta-lespo- n'ul of tbe Extract of Sarsaparil la added to a pint of water is equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and one bottle is fuily equal to a gal lon of the Syrup of Sarsapari la, or the decoction as usually niade. ji tar- These Extracts have been admitted to use in the Unl’ed States Army, and are alao in very general use in all the State Hospitals ard Public Sanitary lnsti'utions Ihrrnghout the land, as well as in nitrate practices, and are considered as invaluable remedies. SreMudicH Propei t e* of Bnchu, From Dispbnsatokt or thi>. Ukitsd Stairs. See Professor l)e wee’s valuable works en the Practice ol Physic. See remarks made by the late celebrated Dr. Physic, of Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr. Ephraim McDowell, a celebrated Physician ind Member of the Royal College ©f Surgeons. Ireland, and published in the Transactions of the King and Queen’s Jour nal. See Medico Ohlrurgical Review, published by Benjamin Travers, Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons. See most of the late Standard Works of Medi cine. EXTRACT BUCHU, “SARSAPARILLA.” Sold by all Druggists. Principal Depot— HELM HOLD’S a rehoti ge. i DRUGS, DRUGS, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. LARGEST STOCK 111 the Stale of Georgia. DRUGS, Medicines, Chemicals, Patent Medi cines, and Perfumeries. Trusses, Surgical Instruments, Dye Stuffs Flavoring Extracts, A-, &■;. Sole A -ent for Helmbold's E'xlreet of Kuohu and Sa rapanlla, tyei’s Preparation., Jayne’s Reparation*, Ru*t.’ St Domingo Bitters and Prepa-ations, Hoc,Band's German Bitters, Clock’* Hair Restorer, Thompson’s and Pbalon’s Hair Preparati ns and Toilet Ar icles, Well’s Strength ening Plasters, and ail the other Patent Medicines befote the trade. ALSO, The most extens've and complete stook of Paints, Oils, Famishes, French Zinc, Colors, Artists’ and Painfets’ Materials to be found iu any sec tion o' ihe Houih and at prices whioh absolutely defy eompetion.. Glass. Every va'iety of Glass; F.ench and German Plate, S'aired, Cut and Sky Light Glass, single and double thickness IV# French Brandies, Wii#s and Whiskiss, for McfHcnal ju po^e^; and a largo supply of other L quor.s f i gei oral uip. ■MB til BUNK Sole Agent of the only true Imported Brands in the country, vis ; Carte I)’Or, Lac D’Or, and Sillery, pronounced by all connoisseurs superior to any heretofore in use. Special. Agent for the American Vintage Cot pany, and a large stock ol tbeir Celebrated Cali fornia Brandi constantly on hand. Mv i-p< cial arrangement* with Manufacturers aud Importers of the Noifcli, and tn Euiepe, war rant me in not only guaranteeing the absolute Purity and Genuine ness of my entire stock, but also enables me to sell any of the above mention • i lines i f goods at first cost prices—in some ines even less transportation. An examination of my prices will sus'aie these atatemems in every particular. W. M. WALSH, S. E. Cor. Barnard and Broughton Sts., SAVANNAH, GA. i»n4—6m NEW PEBFUME For the Handkerchief. r f|f S Plicate, and Fra- Md wT?’ Distilled from the Rare Flower from which it caices its name. Manufactured only by PIIAI.ON & SON, NEW YdE£. BSWIfiE OF aODHTEEFEITf. abk foe phalon’s—Take no other. Bold by Drags lit. (WWnHy. Jan4—B m To Owners and Shippers] COTTON. I JNQ- K. 6ILIIAT & CO. IdV ERPOOL, ENG OBBR,IfANSON& CO., - [ NEW YORK. OBER, ATWATER & CO., NEW ORLEANS. NANSQN, OBER & CO., ST. LOOTS. W. HENRY WARREN, * CO , AUGUSTA, GA. Representing tb« above well known h ,ÜB*9 for the State of Georgia, we will pat in order and ship Cotton from any section of the country, making liberal advances and speedy re turns. The reputation of these houses w ill insure the most favorable negotiation of Exchange on New York, L'varpool and London. By our advertiaemont, it will be seen that wt keep expresaly for the trade, a Large Stock ol GROCERIES, ot all kinds, HATS, CLOTHING, BLANKETS, LINENS, Ac., Ao., which we will sell as cheap, and in many instances lower, than can be bought in Louisville and Cincinnati. We propose to Merchants holding Colton t< make them advances in Cash or Goods, am) sell or ship tbeir Cotton to any of the above points, thus giving them the advantage of Augusta, New York or Liverpool marke's. An investigation of the above will prove that our facilities for doing business with any section are the very best, and the advantages we possess for making advances In Goods or Cash are proba bly superior to any one in the State. We earnestly solicit a correspondence with Dealers and Shippers. W. HENRI WARREN, & CO., 175 & 177 Broad Street, AWGBSTA, OA. novSd—tf Strawberry Plants BY MAIL.. YV E will send by mail, safely packed and postpaid: For Five Dollars, I doe Jncunda—Onr No 700 1 dog Agriculturist. 1 doe Gold* n Seeded. For Tea Dollars, - 2 doe Jucunda—Our No 700 2 doe Ag'ieul urist. ids Golden Seeded. Id * Wilson’s Albany, For Twenty Dollars, 4 doe Jucunda—Our No 700 4 doe Agricultnißt. • 2 d. * Golden Seeded. 2 d< z Russell. 2 dr Triomphe de Gand. 2 do« Wilson's. Albany. 1 doe Leaning's White. The above are the most valuable kinds now cultivated, and include eariy, medium, and late ma'uring varieties. The Jucunda—our No. 700 forsise, beauty, yield, profit, and„other desirable qualities, is the most valuable strawberry ot which we have any knowledge. For the Agticnl tnrist (a new seedling) we paid the highest price ever paid for a strawberry; Golden Seeded is the best early, and Lenning’a White the best white; Russell, Triomphe de Gand and Wilson are in valuable. Our catalogue, giving descr ptions of these ano many other varieties, and furnishing much valu able information to growers of struwberrii s, will be cent to all applieanli enclosing 10 cent*-. J. KNOX, (Box IB6) Pittsbnrg, Pa. dec3l—6 Day Boarding. jI.IGHT or too jouag Gentleman c.n tine Board, at $9 per week, second door above Bar rett A GaitetV. janS—6* To Rent, TN the town of Athens, a verv desirable Resi deuce, containing twelve room*; attached art acres of Land, with a tine Orchard an<T Vineyard: yiero is aso a Cistern aud two good wells ol water on the place’ Fr further information address J. A. MEEKER, jaa3-6t* Athens, Ga. Stolen FROM, the .subscriber, on Sunday night. 17th ult.. a dark Bay Mare, with both hind feet white, with small star in face, hip shod and with foal. 1 will pay thirty dollars reward for the Mare, o- fifty dollars for both Mare and thief, it left at Palaoe Stables. Mrs. A K. FARMER, jan3-BL* Bt:rke county. Jones, Snivlhe & Co. J3eG to inform the public lhat the difficulty they have heretofore labored under, in regard to rooming operatises, is now to a great extent re moved, and they are now prepared to execute promp'ly all orders for GENERAL JOB WORK, in their line Our cu tomtrs and friorids, who may favor us in this connection, can rely on the same degree of punctuality 'hat has been a well known characteristic of this house Jor many years P ag t far*—lm Building 1 Lots. I OFFER for i.le .ever.l vorr bcnnttfal nnd desirable Building Lots, oa the Sand Ililis. ALSO, A large and very comfortable Du elling, elicit ly situated. A bargain may be had bv early appli cation to THOS. W. COSKERY, Jin6-lw* 260 Broad at. AUGUSTA, Ga., Jan't 1, 1566. HAVING associated with mein my baslneß* W. B. Harpub of Alabama, ami John W. Wahacr, of Tennessee, our business will continue under the name and style of W. HENRY WAR REN A Co. Expecting to increase onr business largely the coming season we shall be still bettei prepared to supply the wants es the trade. Thanking all our frhnds and customers for past favors, we respectfully solicit a continuation W. HENRY WARREN, 176 aud 177 Broad street. jan3-«t Southern Bank Notes. IHB Gayoso Savings Institution of Memphis, Tennessee, holds for sale the issues rs Virginia, Carolina, South Carolina, Georg,a? and Alabama Banks. Bankers, perrons who are ov i g the Banks, and oilier* wanting these notes, will please address their orders to E M. AVERY, Cashier, Memphis, Tenn. Prompt attention given to collection of olaims J.iii6 —2w* E. P. CLAYTON, WAREHOUSE AND General Commission Merchant, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. WILL centime the Warehouse and Oommis jrton Bpine*. in ail lt« branches at th« om stand of Phmiuy A Clayton. Ho returns hit thanks to the patrons of tho late firm, and solicit* a cntinunnee of their favors. Having atnnlr close Storage accommodations, he Will be pre pared to recdTe, .tore, sell and forward Cotton and all kinds of Produce ami Merchandise. Hr will also buy and sell on Commission Bonds, Mocks, Coupons, Ac. Consignments solicited. Augusta, Oct. 10th, 18C5. octli 8m To Rent, MY Residence, in Summerville, with, a por tion of its fnrnlture ; convenient ou‘build mgs, garden, oichard, well and cistern, wuttr conreyed into »h« house and gas works. Apply to James W. Davies, r J . .* CHARLES J. JBVKiNS. afo3l—s* Mercer University.? The Kiercl... or IhU los'llotl. n, ,or the Spring Term of 1886, will be resumed on Wednes- 1 day, January 24th. with a competent corps of Professors. The four regular College classes were repre ■anted during he past term. Applicants for the Scientific or Englieh Coarse of three years will be received as heretofore. A Preparatory Class of students designing to enter the Freehmsn Class, at the commencement next July, will also be un der the tuition of the Faculty. Tuition for thettprin* Term wilt be thirty dol e's in advance. Good boarding can be obtained at twsaty to twenty-five dollars per month. J. E. WILLET, ‘ janfr-A Beo’y Faculty. ! The Atlanta Intelligencer, Macon Telegraph, and Columbus Enquirer will Insert three times yd forward bills to T, J. Burney, Jtsq., Madison, wvv* TREASURY DEPARTMENT, ) Office ot Comptroller ol the Currency, l f Washinotoh, December 1, i 865. J j 7 HERE AS, by satisfactory evidence pre- Yy sented to me undersigned, it. has been made to appear that ti e Naiional Bank of Au i gusta, in the oily of Augmta, in the county of Richmond, and State of Georgia, has been duly i orgauilt d under and according to the require ; ments of the Act ot Oongres-, vntß ed “ An Act I to provide a National Curr. ur y, secured by a t pledge of Uoited S'ates B inds,‘and to provide 1 for the circulation imd redemption thereof,” ap , proved June : J d, 1564, and has complied with all ‘ the provisions of sai.) Act, req iyeri to be. com i plied with before commeucng the business of Banking under said Act— Now, therefore, 1, Freeman Clarke, ComptroU at* ot the Currency, do hereby certiiy that the Nalijnal Bank of Augusta, in thu city of Au- Susta. in the county ot Richmond, and State of ret.rgia, is authorized to commence the I usiness of barking under the Act aforesaid. In testimony whereof, witness my band and seal of office, this tint riilpnf December, 186.',. CL. B.] ' FREEMAN CLAItKE, No. 1613. Comptioller. The National Bank or Augusta. Augusta, Guo., December IBtb, 1865. rpHIS BANK, with a capital of Five Bun- I dred Thousand Dollars ($500,0001 paid in will open on Tuesday, the 19th instant, in the bui'dingof the Georgia Railroad and Banking Company—entrarce ou Mclntosh sheet—and be prepared to receive deposits and pay checks for the same : and f o soon as their notes for niicula ticn are prepared, will be ready to do a General Banking Business WM. B. DINSMORE President B. H. WARREN, Vice-President GEO. M. TIIEW, Cashier ’ decl9 —6O Branch, Sons & Co., Bankers and Brokers, GEORGIA RAILROAD BANK. o*o. W MOBOAM, W. H. SCOTT, Cashier. Book-keeper. HAYING Bfcured the blinking room of the Georgia Railroad, with the vault at tav-oed, are uow permanently pupred to receive deposits, on which interest will be allowed Check Books lurni bed depositors and collec tions made free ol charge lor customers. Exchange on New York. Richmond aod Savan nah always on hand in sinus to suit purchasers, d :cl9—lm BRANCH, SONS & CO.', BANKERS AND BROKERS, AUGUSTA, GA. Office (or the piesent at Georgia Railroad Bank. THOS. BRANCH & CO, BANKERS AND BROKERS, 90 Main "Street, Richmond, Va. Thus. Branch & Sons, Bankers and Commission Merchants, Sycamore Street, Petersburg, Va. . DEALERS in Cuiu, Foreign and Douteitto Exchange, Southern Bank Notes, Stocks and Bonds. Interest aiiowed on Deposits. Collection* aiado throughout the Uuited States, and special attention given to the redemption of Southern Bank Note* for Banks’ account. Liberal udva ices made on consignments of Cotton, Tobacco and other products to their cor respondents iu Baltimore, New York, Liverpool, Bremen and Antwerp. • | HEKERKNCKS . #on. U W. Hilliard, Augusta. • Ed. Thomas, Esq., President Union Bank. • Jas. W. Davis, Esq., Cashier Bank Augusta. ; Messrs. U. M. Bruce A Co*. Messrs. George It. Crump A Co. Messrs. G. T. Jackson A Co. I t t ■ The undersigned, for the last tivtnty-tive 1 years nn officer ol the Bank of Augusta, can now be found at the office of Messrs. Branch, Sin»& Co., Bankers and Brokers, Au usto, Ga., where he will be pleased to see bis friends and the public generally, pledging his efforts to give -atisfaction to ail who may favor him with their patronage. Monoy will be received on D-posit, and Checks paid. GEO. W. MORGAN. ootl2—3m (Jashier. “S ALT, SALT. 250 SACKS Liverpool sail, Large Sacks and in Fine Order, FOR HALS I,OW BY Charles Estes, B , 276 BROAD STREET. jar 3—l w Great Redaction I N PRICES! O'BOWD & HULBKBIN. 273 Broad Street, Would respectfully inform their friends and the public that they arc now offering a Complete Assortment of Choice GROCERIES, Together with a good stock of Boots, Shoes and Hats, AT Greatly Reduced Prices. Being desirous of closing out their present stcuk at nn early day they will sell low. Par ties needing goods lu their line would do well to give them a call. jar, 6—10 Public Hauling. Having a lie© Team, lam p*©pared for the above business in the civ and its imme diate vicinity. My charges will he rea onable. I will give my personal attnotioTi to the business. HERBERT STALLINGS, I) A ntignac «*tr«r*t. oppoa t Cnmming. Orders left, at 132 Broad street will receive prompt attention. janA-lm* Teacher Wanted, , J\> taka charge of the Academy at Afpling, Ga. None need apply but those who can come well recommended. Address the undon-i/ued, al Ben-illa, Ga., G. H. SHOCKLEY, Or W. W. SHIELDS. janS—6 > STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT, - IN EQUIIY. Sat ah A. Lamar, ) , v Partition, Ao. B. 8 Dunbar, Adm r, et al. | rirtuo of an order of the Court in this case, I will sell in the town of Hamburg, S. C ,at 110 clock, a, m. on WEDNESDAY,the loth day of January rext, the so lowing Rchl Estate of the . late Col. Thog. G. Lain *r, described in the plead ings, to wit: r One Tract of Land known as tho Pine Woods tract, Contablng two thousand uens. more or less, a<)j loing lands of Baih Paper Milln, Kaolin Company, nnd Horse Cretk. . 9°? Tr* ct °f Land, containing three hundred •na eighty acres, m ire or less, adjoining lands of wm bpires, John Moore, aud others On this 'ract 'here is a good dwelling, with all necessary out butldinga. Also, a grist mill, cotton gin, Ac., with one-half ti e ti ht or water power. One Tract of band, containing Mxty acres, more | or u “,'**• w,th dvr, lling and out buddings. so d for Ca>h. Purchasers to pav br papers i rJC,r f , , Z. W. CARWILE, C. E. E. D. J in - lw Edward Lambert, BANKER AND BROKER, No. 30 Wall Street, New York. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, STOCKS. BONDS, AND GOLD, Bopght and Sold on Commission. Intern, t allowed on Deposits subject to Sight Drafts, AND USETTLED CLAIMS ADJUSTED, Jan6—dlmAelm