Tri-weekly constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 18??-1877, July 17, 1867, Image 1

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BY STOCKTON & CO -forms of Subscription Uail y> ont! year “ <5 mbntlis r, oy “ 3_monUi6 ' aSO i ri-Weekly, one year 7 00 “ tl mouths.... 350 “ ."5 months U Ofi Weekly one year 3 00 “ 0 luonlUa 150 Rates of Advertising *■ IN TUB < ’ONSTITUTION AJjIST From February 1, IHiil. ! O 5 £>l- Squares. 72, o '6 co -i t* o» *• c t-ts ►— :fr -H*- —y = -- CO Ui l_ -4 ')> i 5 -4 o« *. !*■» h* <o o> o* te i Week. 8.& 8 S 8 'g g S S g 8 S.o g !fi !? •» 8 g .8 S «, «! 3 Weeks. &S§g~S g 8 8 8, St M M IJ 10 |0 to ►-* ►-* * > •2> to o - cs o -i *■ b j a;j Weeks. BSSSS 8 8 8 g S 8 8 r 1 *• C/> 09 CJ *0 1.0 to 10 »-• t-J O o. «-l <J« to C- CJ O -4 0) ur. 1 Month, 2 2 9 9 ? o © o r o*o c ©©©OOOO O O •- o c *-i o> <V* .i »♦- O'* CO * * ta b* ® H » CiS GO CO CO 09 CO to 00 MoiltiUt Jpoi9©o o o o o © O O O' O* O O C> O O O' o «' . ' ■ at* S 2? r* 55 01 o" co t: h» .. ~ .. -i o o, B u cr. o cl CJ (/I ;J Muni In*. S; Si' ° © © o* o o o ii» © ©I ©. © © c- o o o © o o c* o| j * *'* >o co uj -1 <ji O' o« »t* oo to! T •» 4* c »i V «. o IJ- >2 •-• .J Months. ZJ& 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 S-SS H H M 'O 10 C- «£> <0 . o -1 O O' 4- o*' I' . „ t, ,vJ »o *- © -« s/.. -• 5 Monthfl. o* O' o o c> o o o o o O O' I .° S ° ° • ° ° ' o o o (•1 MI H M ►r* 4- o o eo cf> -t cj» cn 4- to , ooo» co o • co a cj co m o*!*; Mcuith^ y.£ c< ( <•> i.,„c o :■ c*. o o -I OiiQft • * 73 celitn; out*h n.KJit i.tiistl lie# ' iV * J: • !>••» < n' •{' t! lor •<• *»U» kept c*ii ;# lu» Insiil - ' r j‘* r c» it. :«1 Itl ioit i! in Npeefiil Cofuuni. ' 4 *’* I***’ ’* :*>» • it JW aL .J- >t>it.uunfa 'J-' 1 |w ;• \f <. v gjT%UblQmttV,-'itii<>ii "• » Oil* rv < oe. - * ■ Stt}. 1 n-Wei*bly or f>;i) ■ [a,r Aie ivioti'li «>r longer, 7;f LW • •• -n.. , ■, iv lq. *V<*?''l> (o «*u< op longfcr, •OUi'-lhirtl the MKj-alcn for i.M \ /S' *fc •W» :uV* WiM'kJy, 10(* ♦trkll> • v4' Sjt.;ar vuli 4p‘- r .h:.rg.-d I '.l< jJt/nioiitli*. ~ . O' li V'ifr’ U -i ' •' iff .1. =l.l*- l»t. 11l V, r* *V •" '’ •*'•'«> * ■ j 1 ■■’ ■ V-‘ mSiUb* £#• " v i ■■!** i *T»fV*y w• d w /•< T”.> - -J3e^P' lw&!*Wk"i torKZ&uVi ‘tTBgEIvBWS* 'biiily, Tull Market Kc- - ; Reeled or (Vigimtl fdory, ii»(l artides ap- | () (| a «> ii’ami ami Dairy eacli week. Wc shall endeavor lo liinke 11 a Rtrwl cI/ms News ami Kamily •foiurnal* PRICK s ; Copy, Owe Vcnr, s:* 00 ten t opics, rciil alone lime,.. ~ 50 eaeli. A specimen copy gewt. when dc^trcd* THE J JANE liXJLT JAW ANI) , THE NEW TAX BILI., lu neat pamplet form, lor sale at, Ihis olllce. Price —-25 cents. Sound Reading.—So numerous have been, and still are, the calls for the reply of General Clanton, of Montgomery, Ala., to Senator Wilson, also, the letter ot lion. B. K. Perry, of South Carolina, that we have had a large edition of these documents printed in pamphlet form. Our readers, who desire lo furnish their friends with sound doctrine, antidotes to the poisonous timeserving and demoralizing draughts continually pressed to the lips ot an overpowered people by demagogical charlatans, can procure at the counter, iu this ollieo, copies of the nbov<>. Price, single copies, live cents, or ten copies lor twenty-live cents. CON ST ITU TI () N\A .LI S r l \ WEDNESDAY MORNING,JULY 17,180? [By Telegraph to the Free*. The Indian War. Another Attack on Fort Wallace—Heavy Losses Sustained by the Garrison—The Indian Lead er Killed. | i .Fort Wau.ace, Kansas, June 25, \ via Sauna, Kansas, July 10. Yesterday lour hundred Indians, the same ► (sand that were driven oil'a lew days ago, made another attack on lids post. Captain llorwitz, 'with <i troop, of (lie 7th cavalry, went out and u'ave the savages hatl.le. At first lie was re pulsed, hut after a desperate fight succeeded in driving Ihe red shins away. Out ol forty-eight, soldiers who participated in the action, thirteen were killed. Besides lids loss in men, twenty I horse-, were either killed or captured. The In dian loss is uncertain, as they carried off their dead and wounded, hut it must have been large. The Cheyenne Chid, Homan Nose, one of the most influential Indians on the plains, is re ported slain. All mail communication has been stopped, and l am only able to send this l»y a special courier. Gen. Wright is here waiting for further developments. JIOW AT FORT I.AKAMIR—INDIAN DEPREDA TIONS—SOMMERS MISSING. St. Louis, July 10. An Omaha dispatch says that on Sunday morn ing some soldiers from Fort Laramie, went to Rafferty Ranche, five miles distant, demanded whisky, and on being refused, threatened to burn tbc ranche. A second demand being re fused, the soldiers attacked the storekeeper, and one of their number was shot. The sol diers then formed a line and tired several shots at the ranche. Subsequently the provost marshal, with fifty soldiers, arrested the occupants ol the ranehe, and took the safe and desk out of the building. The sale was afterwards robbed and the ranche burned by the soldiers. The proprietor esti mates his loss at *60,000. A court martial at. Fort Laramie was inquiring into the matter. Indian depredations are again reported on the Platte river. Lieut. Kidder and a guide, who left Fort. Sedgwick on the 29th ult., with dispatches for General Custer, have not been heard from, and fears are entertained lor their safety. Information Wanted.— His anxious mo ther desires to know the whereabouts of Colum bus Gartrell, a bright mulatto lreedman, for merly a barber iu Rome, (In., aud owned by Mrs. Mary Choice. He left Rome about two years since, and when last heard lrom —in the summer of 1866—was in Nashville, Tenn. Auy information will be thankfully received. Address Mrs. Polly Holt, Rome, Ga. Exchanges please copy. f ¥ Sii-tUicWTP^lMonotitutionnlist. Notes on tlio Situation. » 1 «V' U. 11. IIILL. I } I V KI7MBBH 11. While these, t*r similar notes may ulti mutely take a Wirier range, the immediate 1 purpose is to examine the pending feature <>t the revolution—the military bills em bracing what is (jailed the Congressional plan of reconstruction 1 have given these measures full, fair and mature considera ticAi. I entertain not the slightest doubt t hat the conclusions 1 have reached are cor rect, and, that if those proposed measures shall become laws, the Mure development will most abundantly prove this correctness. Before proceeding with the analysis of the character of the bills, (Ir'g effects, and the apologies onsfed for the m . I desire to an nounce-the ' li* , h the reasoning will estabiisii ir.rff t.,e eVe.ifcs vrfll conflrin, as the certain results of their acceptance and of the incorporation of the plan and principles projKised to be incorporated into the Federal Constitution and .State consti tutions of the ten States : 1. They will consummate the subversion of tlie republic; the destruction of the Con stitution; the annihilation of individual liberty, nud tlie ultimate iiut complete change of :i 11 Am>rican government, from tlie principle ofconftnil to tlie rkle of force. And these results will become permanent and'absolute and irremediable. 2. Before tiiis lhial consummation is •"reached - the country will pass through an ordeal of anarchy. This ordeal will be prolonged, and the most’bitter of any in iiistofy— -because anarchy in a republic is like fever with an individual, most violent with thejuost vigorous, will not cease un til-Strength is reduced or destroyed, and no people ever had such strength and material prosperity for the prey of anarchy as have the pcople'of the United States. Besides, in the transition, two will slc-rgle for the mastery, greatly ror of these writiiingsof IH)er*- o^A^B F ' s age to death. : he pou.T of I in- i ii.nih r 1 ble evils »ivsd during this i.-ign of dis'order, decay. Among tlk'in wifi M»e .the pflßFi lion, ot ( mmicre'ti, the p:iralysis of JTi in dieilrial agencies and pursuits, the repudia tion of all dolds--JiiaCionul, Stat<*and in dividual; tlie disivgar-1 of all legal sanc- tions;..the removal of all j-.V-iraiuts ii|mn the wicked; the withdiWwal , okß?i»teclioi | from Ifie h> ipless and IJ-k alizatiou of the X wo nmu ;, the starvation rise and fall ol,,laetions; tlie • ing ofrc.ilires; aud tire general of t.lie-coii-it-ry. Jv’olilmss will I a ins a, 1. 1 u av*l s ; a-.'sa;; .. v.'iyj epnu- lidhl far fron; ajI hiilitig *1 • I■' l (Si! wars and llisurrefl ions will itnibi;-!;, m»d i follower-; will slay and ic-rliii ; . !ns of j burglars and thieves wiM rbdi . 1 hw»4s ,ol Mmiliilo hioi.l T* Livt< j and insatiiited -.W? I ' lf,nl i>l I ' i>w^ ip*? h« ’ ' w fe-’ ■ i* " 7 ; "f ' i . till ;1- .’M"*"#- ’ •' ' il'v'v - f -■ ' • , (i* UT ,j v:- • ' "t /“A w l /.is i. ! tiiigijfi. -'lui- NfF’. 4 -fps: -1^., 1 rrr..i-v.-i. bponfin* African race. . j \* •. A separa*e.’.iol- must elabora.‘teliiisiioint, lull, as '.*am sions, 1 must not omit the result which will be,must lie, the most certain and inevitable'- of'all- A war of races will come, and conic early, in this hideous programme of ruin.— This war will lie produced by three chief causes: 1. Tlie ignorant, vicious, imagina tive anil exceedingly credulous habits and passions of the negro. 2. The delusions practiced upon this imaginative and cre dulous nature by emissaries from the North, aided by bad men at the [South, some of whome will act from mistaken notions of philanthropy, some with wicked purposes of selfishness, but the most dangerous, with views of parly ascendancy. 2. The protec tion to the white race and to every interest of person and property, and life, which this nature, thus deluded, shall render absolutely necessary. The result of this war will be the -substantial extermination of the negro race in the United States; or its exclusion therefrom and final barbarism ; or its prac tical rc-enslavemcnt under the government of force which 1 have indicated. The giddy and the foolish will say this picture of result is overdraw n. Such crea tures never believe horrors will come till they are felt and are past remedy. Sonar thoughtless good people will say God will interfere anil spare us such evils, as though God ever interposed to save a people who persisted in destroying themselves. The ambitious politician who lias deter mined to support these measures, because they are proposed by the strong party, will close his ears and pass on. lie cares not for the sufferings of the people, or the sub version of the government, so he may reap aud rule, lie wnt a traitor to the Union, a traitor to the Confederacy, and would sell the honor of the people who trusted him— all for greed'aud for place—first, from his own people, then from his people’s “oppress ors.” How can such a man be moved by tlie voice of honor or be made to listen to the appeals of patriotism? How can he, whose ambition seeks only bis own good, be turned from bis purpose by the exhibi tion of wrongs to others ? The llery flames of sulphurous hell could not burn the lusts of power and pelf from the minds of ambi tious Lucifer and his fallen followers. How, then, can truth, though naked stripped—or sarcasm though boru in gall—or wooing appeals, though they come from millions wronged—be expected to open the mind, or reach the conscience or shake the purpose of the hardened w retch—this political Lu cifer —who is willing to make a Pandemo nium of his country, because “To reign is worth lunhilion though hi hell." But the wise, the good, the patriotic and the truly brave will take warning. These alone can save the country. The thought less, the selfish, the fanatical and the ambi tious are its destroyers. This mad attempt by military measures to force an unresist ing people into self-degradation for no pur pose but party aggrandizement, must pro duce fearful calamities which no pen can de scribe. Actual events will shame my lan guage for very weakness in this feeble at tempt to forecast the future. But from all these horrors there is away of escape.— There is but one way, Trust to no party ; listen no longer to men who have deceived you ; who have been false to every promise; faithless to every principle, and treacherous to every government. Return, oh, my de luded and prostrate countrymen, return to the Constitution! It alone is safe. It is safe for all colors and safe from all dangers. Every blessing comes from its observance, every woe from its violation. Let us all resolve to accept whatever is according to its provisions, and reject everything that is contrary thereto, and then fear nothing.'— They alone are disloyal and traitors who violate the Constitution, and they the vilest of traitors who use the power of the Gov ernment to aid and shield them in . the vio lation. 1)r. Livingstone Alive.— An extra of the Times of India, dated the 14lh ult., contains the lellowing letter from 8. Thacker, commanding 21st regiment native infantry, Bombay, May 14, 1867: “Sir: One of the missing Sepoys, 21st regiment native infancy, or marine battalion, who accompanied Dr. Livingstone’s expedition returned this day from Zanzibar. News has been received from the Doctor. He was alive and well; and the havildar, 21st regiment na tive infantry, or marine battalion, and the Nas. sick boys were with him.” Mtwt'LH'i- ‘Hah. ■■■» --.MI ■ NOTICE. i, Ueergla Itailruad. 7 ADQDiTi <ii , .Tnnc 17, IVO7. v Ou and alter the 2(Uli iust., and until turth-er utHic*-, this L'umpany will transport, at I1.1I4; I lie local rates,, ult provisions for free distribution to the destitute, when ever the shippers will satisfy tile at Atlanta or Augusta that the provisions are to be so disposed of in dfcod Taith. * K. W.OOLE, JeH-lm Ueneral Superinlendent. ji THE WORLD ASTONISHED AT TUK WONDKHKUL UKVEI.ATIONS MADE BY THE ORE AT ABTKOLOOIST, Madinnd H. A. FERRIOO iUu; reveals secrets no mortal ever kuew. She restores loTiapplness those who, .from doleful eveut.x,' cat astro phies, crosses in love, loss of relations and friends, of money, have become despondent, tflkv brings together those long: separated, ifives iiitormtfntw con * cerniutf absent friends or loafers, restores*lost or c»tolsti. property, tells you the husineßs kwst qualified Ux pursue and in what you will be most successful, causes* speedy marriages and tells you the very day you will marry, gives you the name, likeness and characteristics of the person. She reads your very thoughts, and by her almost supernatural powers unveils the dark and hidden mysteries of the future. From the stars we sefe in the Hrmument—the mulefio stars that overcome or predomi nate in the configuration- from the aspects and positions of the planets and the fixed stars in the heavens at the time of hirth, she deduces the future (Jestfny of man. Fail not to cousult the greatest Astrologist on eartn. It.c«jsts you hut a trille, and you may never again have so able an opportunity. Consultiaion fee, with likeness and all desired informaliou, sl* Parties living st a dis tance can consult the Madame by mail with equal safety ami satisfaction to themselves, as.if in person. A full and explicit churl, \#ilten out, wftli all inquiries answered and likeness enclosed, sent by mail on receipt of price above mentioned. The strictest will be main tained, and all -correspondence retutn*‘d or destroyed. IteferenC'.'s of the highest order furnished those desiring them. Write plainly the day of the month and > ear in which you were born, enclosing a small I >ck ot hair. Address, MauamwJJ. a. PKRItIUO, r.O. lhawer 29:t, Jtuttalo, N. Y. inline dt* Free to FiVerybody, A Large 6 pp. Circular, giving Information of the great ost importanc** to the young of both sexes. It teaches how the homely mtiy br*cmiM- the despised respected, arid the iorsukeu loved. ~JtS* ■ N«/ young lady or gentleman should tail tojH[d their ad'lress, and receive a copy i*o.Hj-paid, by reli^Hmiii. Addresk I*. IT. Di awi*^, udi?A o f g« ly Troy,,N. Y. . dr • Know Tli y itofctlny. .uaoami: K. F. Tuounton. the gw Bnglisfi j and I'svidiotnetrifipti. Vhd has a:.- { tOhlhb.ed the scientific classes of V‘. imfl now located at Hudson, N. Y^^'me T iOKnt n v , i sibilf w«irpi'*iTu! r« > „>i» * sigiit, sis t»» ’ ■ ■ /!•!■• !., r to ihuoii L 1 m»v ~..| >• : ft it footle single or ma. Tied ,£f >\i,ie-. in a TnU* oflraiiC'-, she delei.cati^ii m*rs«.n yoy are to marry, and by 1 of au tAstruun'ilW • .S'jutensopower, knowb ;ui the Psychomolrcpo, .ddjh mm to produce a lifelike picture oi ti»e I'uJnio hu.-b^Mor of the aimhcHntj, h j of marigwje, I .Uk- hu-. ,v .on n> 1 > IJ i ! I : '..m Hiil.c«ini>l<-\lf>ri. tmvr .'lid.miu;,:fill) .viil.j * I • {i.l st'i.rt, f ( !!■.- ...IJ-" ' |. > ...irst-lf, y.tii rt tU 2 vi v«-t h,‘pt Lire and .»e«J rnlonnation by relfii w mail. * Ail Iwmiiutiu. itioiiß Sj;redly coulelemi tl. in ■ K Tnoitj?i. ... j- o. j;. . „fn,.; ■■ mh*/h»-Iv»t^c Crisper Cuma. * Oh ! sin* was beautiful and fair. With starry « yes,and radiant hair. Whose curling tendrils soft, entwined, - KuMiaiucd t he.very heart, and miii't. j, , cuufcr com.i, * ® Vor Ourling the Hair of either Sex into c Wavy and Glossy Ringlets or Heavy „ Massive Curls. h O By using this article bodies and Gentlemen can beau tify themselves a thousand fold. It is the only article inthe world that will curl straight hair, and at the same time give it a beautiful, glossy appearance. The Crisper Coma not only curls the liair, but invigorates, beautifies aud cleanses it; is highly and delightfully perfumed, and is the most complete article of the kind ever offered to the American public. The Crisper Coma will be sent to any address, sealed and postpaid for sl. Address all orders to g W. L. CLARK A: CO., Chemists. * No. 3 West Fayette Street, Syracuse, N. Y. c mh26-d*acty t A YOUNG LADY RETURNING TO HER ( country home, after a sojourn of a few months in the City, was hardly recognized by her friends. In place of a coarse, rustic. Hushed face, she had a soft ruby complexion of almost marble smoothness, and instead of twenty-three p-lie really appeared but eighteen. Upon inquiry as to t/it cause of so great a change*, she plainly told them that she used the CIRCASSIAN BALM, and considered it an invalu ble acquisition to any Lady’s toilet. By its use any Lady or Gentleman can improve their personal ap pearance an hundred fold. It is simple in its combina tion, as Nature herself is simple, yet unsurpassed in its ellicacy in drawing impurities from, also healing, cleans- j iug and beautifying the sl>lu and complexion. By its direct action ou the cuticle it draws from it all its impu rities, kindly liealiug the same, and leaving the Rurface as Nature intended it should be, clear, soft, smooth and beautiful. Price £l, sent by Mull or Express, ou receipt of au order by W. L. CLARK JL CO., Chemists, No. 3 West Fayette Street, Syracuse, N. Y. The only American Agents for the sale of the same. mhBG-d»Acly j TAKE NOTICE: t SHERIFF’S OFFICE, City Hall, Augusta, 1 June 10th, 1867.— A1l pe-sons content dating holding Po- $ litical Meetings in Richmond county are notified that they will bo required to give me notice of the time and 1 place of holding said meetings forty-' ight hours previous to their being held, orders having boon issued from Gen. ' Pops, commanding this Department, compelling me to be present at all such meetings. All who neglect or re fuse tp give the notice herein specified will be reported to the military authorities. Given tinder my hand and official signature. JOHN D. SMITH, jell-ts Sheriff Richmond County. t£jT* MAKE YOUR STATE TAX RETURNS.—AII pcasons concerned will take notice that tor the purpose , of receiving said returns I shall attend at the store of Mr. A. Btkvkns,299 Broad s'reet, from the first day of , April until the iMh of June, Saturdays excepted, and on Saturdays of the months of May and Juue, at the Court Grounds of the County Districts. All males, both white aud colored, between the ages of twenty-one and sixty, are required to return and pay a State Tax of one dollar aud such other Tax as may l»e imposed b> the County. For failure to return by *ai|i of June, the penalty is double tax, and will be Office hours from 10, a. UL» !o 1, p. m. MATTHEW SHERON, Receiver Tax Returns Richmond County. mlpl-tt ltalchelor’s Hair Dye S This splendid Hair Dye is the best in the world. The inly took and prrfrct Dyk— Harmless, Reliable, In stantaneous. No disappointment. No ridiculous tints. Natnial Rlaclt or Brown. Remedies the ill effects es Bad Dyes. Invigorates the hair, leaving it soft and beauti ful. The genuine is signed William A. Batchelor. AU others are more imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Factory. 81 Barclay street. New York. rar beware of a counterfeit. decll-ly ___ WRITING AND DRAWING LESSONS, 191 Broad street.— During the vacation mouths of July and August, the subscriber will give lessons in Writing and Drawing at Three Dollars per month, being half his usual rates. Night Class, $5 50 per month. jy2-tuthsasu J. ALMA PKLOT. UNION POINT HOTEL AND GEORGIA RAILROAD DINNER HOUSE. ~PERSONB leaving Augusta or Atlanta, by Mom ing Trains, can always get a GOOD DINNER at the UNION POINT HOTEL. Ample time is given for meals. Weary, Way-Worn Travelers will find Union Point notel a pleasant, quiet place to rest. A few Boarders will be accommodated on Reasonable Terms. E. NEBHUT, Proprietor. my23-teepl (Gad W \a ayJS[( >rnin< july it. is<;t { i I-*-*' c' ■ ■ ■.' W f%>4 - ■' 4 jw|F JpfeyM *»i W tj/ 3 JET* .-..i^ygireM iiO Vv\ •* H- .•" \' < * l'* V JWjFJH HHifItUMK * -; - - 5 •'lioii;« OOjp*J^^Pjf”Ns4S?'jPf " Ty*r v; ’ : >•£. ' *■ -' ? CRHtMMT 4 <:k t■ur r kit c|Aii KPjaar^^;, I<t whi*J >jj •vs<* I'i: ACICIUri, iu \v\i.\i III W !■•; IX »• I. AVK H! jp>» iJR I ’--i -.;!. I.y ii I*4, Ik>k oO»un-ti ® /v., : -fj '■ I.— 11-. - t ,t KA'I'ES i-nnhliM ;n ii. ikc-j..- i'.(ijpflH.- do s<> L, oAonir iiix'u <u u . u jfrASh- Sl iits'is, at >* B iiiyv&'io.-ig 11. l-'. -#L's.-.i:Ll, *■« smiar softooL. I Avf j? ft w r i » ml so " l&’of Inly. My IsTiil i . (. %■ . .'iifpoXn,! Is-ur.f, fTwX'Arjfcno - h .li ii«>;- L, Iki-'.llirAtoAtt' oohi-.-oM---f-l'» * - P ♦- ’ /£•'-'j r- foT'-rt T-.wr, U.-Vs| kl • liT-tii.r;. r3fc-. V Or c r. ■ '■ ■ Ml"!- *o^' PUBLIC LAWsT&3?X w ILL have ready for d^tl vtry to aiibacrifiera | within five dayslrom the adjourniHent of tbe Leyinla turu, a PAMPHLET contain.n- all PUBLIC LAWS of'Tfie Also, all change# in the the time of It«'adoption, together witli a revi*ud COURT bALKNDER, a List of Congreprdonal, Beia toriai and Judicial,Dialricta, ad well a« otlier mftttq*R of useful reference, i'rice, per copy. Copies'llll be promptly aent hy mail, postage j»aid, upon recent of orders accompanied hy the money. H. J. G. WILLIAMS, C. J. WELLBORN. MiLLRnoEVTLLK, Nov. 20, lfiSfi. uov2ltf AIKEN HOTEL. HP _JL IIIS HOTEL ia now open for the receptl<fb*ol SUM \l ER VISITORS. Those wishing to avail them selves of the tine, healthy climate of Aiken,,with it? cool nights, will find as fine quarters here as at anj house in the South. Every effort will be hy the subscriber to add to the comfort of his gu TERMS, PER M TH SSO 00 “ “ WEEK 15 00 “ “ DAY 300 KAMI LIES can obtain board on reasonable terms. Applications by letter promptly answered. IIENRY HMYSEU, Proprietor. Aikkn, S. C. } June Ist, 1807. jels-saw*su I SACKS SACKS MISS LUCY J. READ, NO. [fao BROAD STREET WOULU notifrff^<fld t custo»ieni and the pub lic generally, that hlu- liflWr n of Gkuvkk Ic Ba kkr’s cel ebrnted ISACK nml BAG M ACHINEB, and has supe rior lacililies for manufacturing GRAIN and FLOUR SACKS, (BRANDING and BALING) with thent rnont dispatch and ns cheap as any one. ICE NOTICE. Ice can now he obtained at the AUGUSTA ICE HOUSE, opposite the South Cni olirtTif l ,ii,-,...,i |,,.p ot) and at the BRANCH HO .Campbell street, at ONE DOLLAR AND TW»STY-FIVK CENTS per HUNDRED BOUNDS; vfor any 1. quantity ONE CENT AND A HALF per pound. * Both Houses will be open lyi delivery of ICE on SUNDAYS from 5 to 9 o’clo'tSt, a from 12 to 1 o'clock, p. m , and from Thls-arrangement wlf ample time to get their cupply, and ICK BE OBTAIN ED at any other hour on JOU nT9Ty S. my 3 -ts C. KMEKY. WOOD, WOOD, WOOD. * JELiBERI' SOH*Ky«difo:o. will sell the l»‘8t quality or MIXED rflAllkV. OAK and ASH WOOD, if taken arß^vWharf, on the arrival of the steamer, at FIVE l||)fcLAßßper measured cord. The steamer will aflfive and discharge every week. All orders left at office, No. 15 Mclntosh street, will lie promptly attebea to ll delivered at tHf WOOD YARD the price will he $5 SOperceda. We expect to li«tp a supply of WOOD on hand throughout the yeay, orders left in time will save 1C per cent, on the cost." iny29tjal k t HEIGHT m COTTON V R o' M Charleston to New York. OoTTON will be taken from -CHARLESTON to NEW YORK for ' * One Dollar per We will receive and forward to NeW 1 S'tkffAtn this city, by the REGULAR LINE OF STEttVERS, al COTTON consigned to us, at ONE BALE, free of Commission, Cartage, amrßtWf ex-, penses. RAVBNEL & CO., , Agents of Regular Line Bteamens, j[ aplO-t " , Charleston, B. 0. - A II IIS glad tidings of joy lo all, ■ and lo old, lo great and to email, h U-ghg-lut which once was so precious and rare. j D-MiftToyall. and all may lie lair. HfWm by the use of y^HASTELLER’S ■mute liqui d EP EN AMEL, :iiul Bt iiitilying the Complexion. WrimjtJ' gii >*l'l - and perfect preparation in une, ■fißfvJngthe frkin a iKtaulifui pearl like tint, that is in youth. It quickly remove* Tan, nPfrkicH, PimpleH, Blotehei*, Moth Patclie*. Swallow- Ifwft iiptionn, and all impurities ot the skin, kindly RSldk thfi same, leaving the skin white and clear as ■Hp. Its use Ciin liot tie detected hy the closest utin.v, And being a vegetable preparation isperl«*ctly and is considered by the Parisian as in- to a perfect toilet. Upwards of IUi,OOO ■Sties were sold during the hist year, a sufficient of its ellicjicy. Price only 75 cems. Bent nk mail, ]>ostpuid, on receipt of ail order, by I BERGER, BHU'ITS A CO., Chemists, |_« m lu ™ r “ , Tm >- KV IT afflicted : MOKE! r 1.. H, ii. li -- in i -,ji. | • :;n.i .• :. :i I nil i:» f • _ w : , li.i- ii !•••! i*<. id- ior I* 11 \- i t a I aud Neivoii.-* \\Vak I in| >«\, *.r an v »»! ih. ••• »n>» .p.« a. > ■Pul ii ell.*-ci ti'*n, rentiers ii the most \ n:»l ever discovered. ,r .vill remove ail nervous allections, depression, Kfexcitcmcnt, incapacity to study or business, loss o P-inemory, confusion, thoughts of eel ('-destruction, fears rdf insanity, Ac. It will restore the appetite, and renew I the health of those who have de«r jyed it i y sensua IfOxcesa or evil practices. ‘ Young Men, he humbugged no more by “Quad [Doctors ” and ignorant practitioners, but send with tout delay for the Elixir, and Is; at once restored U health and happiness. A Perfect Cure is Guarantee, in every instance. I’rice, sl, or four bottles to one address,!:;. I -;i>ne bottle is sufficient to effect a cure in all ordinary II .»• ' s ■ Tr*LBO, DR. JOINVILLE’H BPECIFIC PILLS, Ror the sjxteily and permanent cure of Gonorrhea ■meet, Urethral Discharges, Gravel, Strict me and a! raffeetions of the Kidneys arid Bladder. Cures eftecU*< T from one to five days. They are prepared from vege table extracts that are harmless on the system, and never nauseate the stomach or impregnate the breat h. No change of diet is necessary while usingl hem, noi •does their action in any manner interfere with busi ness pursuits. Price, $1 per box. I jSlther of the above mentioned articles will be sent |to any address, closely sealed, and post-paid, by mail or express, on receipt of price. Address all or»Iw8t«* BERGER, BHIJTTB A CO., Chemists, No. 285 River Street, Troy, N. Y. mh27-dUdy KXI KI.SIOR ! EXI-KLSIOIt ! ! OIIASTKLLA. It’S HAIR EXTERMINATOR ! FOK REMOVING SUPERFLUOUS HAUL To the ladies * specially, this invaluable <lepllat.u \ reconmftuds itself as being an almost iudispe; sihh article to female beauty, is easily applied, do»*s n**t ’born or injure skin, but acts directly on tho roots. It Is warrant'*J to remove superfluous hair from low foreheads,or from af!y part «>f tin* toily, completely, totally and radical y extirpating the same, h aving the Ain sot}, smooth and natural. This is the only article ■se«l hy tlie French, and Is the only real etfeciual de- Sltlatoi/in existence. Price, 75 cents per package, ■vent post-paid, to any address, on receipt ol an order, BERGER, BfIUTTH A CD., Oliomisln, 285 River (Street, Troy, N. Y. „ mb27-dt*cly ' UL-. -ITT HISKKRS un.l VV MUSTACHES 1® XAwbW forced to grow upon tlie vaQkfflf smoothest face in from JfeafiL tluee to five weeks by Dr. SKVIGNE’S J8«BL t *noft*-ir*nitP , rf i ii"-i.eTT. ■■ y ' 'Ar Vtrfcodcni science, acting upon the Beard and Hair in Almost miraculous manner. It has been used hy the t lit»* of Paris and London with tin* most Haltering success. Names of all purchaser-? will lie registered, and if entire satisfaction is not given in every instance, file money will he cheerfully refund'd. J’rice by mail, sealed and postpaid, sl. Descriptive Circulars and * testimonials mailed free. .Address BERGER, SHUTTS & CD., Chemists, No. 285 Rjver Street, Troy, N. Y., Sole Agents for the United States. “ inh27-dt4cly VKUX L y * . tion warrante'l to curl ‘ v vj/ir' tlie most straight and stubborn liair of either sex into wavy ringlets, or heavy massive curls. Has been used by the fashionables of Paris and Ijondnn. with the most gratifying results. Does no injury to the hair. Price by mail, sealed and postpaid, ]$ Descriptive Circulars mailed free. Address BEIIGEIt, SHUTTS A- CO., Chemists. No. 285 River Street, Troy, N. Y., Sole Agents for tlie United Stages. mh27 <lt*cly TO MILL OWNERS. French, Burr, F.s<q*us, and Co logne illiil Stones, Itoltiug Flotli, Smut Machines, and ail Kinds of MUI Furnishing Ware. For sale hy WM. BRENNEK, 109 BROAD ST., AUGUSTA, GA. iny23-txc3no Wanted, Every Where, Salesmen—ladieh ami gkntleukn *loo to $250 per MONTH— the genuine Com mon .Sense FAMILY MACHINE. I’rice only *lB. TI-iiH M;(chiue hem, fell, tuck, hind, quilt, braid and emhflßKr. The elotli cannot be pulled apart, even after cutting acrors the ream every quarter of an inch. Every Machine warranted flirt c years. Send for circulars and terms to agenta, or call at McDowell’s Block, corner Fourth and IGreen stiects, Louisville, Ky. BLISS Si Me EATHRON, General Agents. ■s;ack, sack MANUFACTORY w K have niccived from New York, two of I Messrs. Gbovub dt lftCHS’s SACK and BAG MA- Vh INEB. We have aiso obtained practical operators, and ate now prepared to manufacture Wheat and Flour SACKS, • SiicKS, RACKS, in any quantity, at ten dolhds per thousand. TENTS, AWNINtjS, EitH made to order with neatness an«l dispafewj^ Orders from the of Augusta and vicinity solicited and piomptly eXccqted. Manufactory under the Augusta Hotel, A uguffUfr t Ga. Address, P. O. Box 174. jy2dUc2m Q H. JEROME A CO. WASHINGTON COLLLGE, * WA. GEN. R. IS. LEE, president, lided by a corps ot twenty TnßfcrucUjre, including a Professor of Law. 4 *. , I IIE next session will begin on 3(f Thursday in Juptcmbcr, and end on 3d Thursday in‘June. ; Islington may be reached by stage from ritaunton w Goshen on the Virginia Central Hail road ; Iron ] ynchburg by canal, or by stage from Bonsack’s, on 1 ic Virginia and Tennessee’ Railroad. For further particulars apply to Clerk of the Faculty 1 r Catalogue. * June 26,1867. jy2-d*wlm Barnwell Sentinel. I?UK Publisher of the BARNWELL BKNTI -1 KLtgkeS this occasion to return his sincere thanks t the merchants t>f Augusta for the liberal patronage , tended to him, wdxlch he is pleased to learn has re- I rued to them fourfold. The cl mlation of the pa j r Is constantly togreasing, anil as an advertising me (um is unsurpassed. Those who i nsire a brisk trade 1 iid lipve nevWWt tried the SENTINEL, would dr ell to orders at ouce. Cards inserter " six rnqjjlhcpr a year at less than hall' the regular ''■ s vertisufgwates. Address, S : E. A. BRONSON, V * V ' . * , , Publisher and Proprietor, decia-tf Baruwell C. H., B. 0. 1 A NEW SENSATION FOR Til K BOYS ATT D G I R L S. Hooks are hard toi{.i,for want 01 looney. Rill j the Boys and Girl* ihijbl have *omethii»g I** n\ul, and tlic*y ought lo have frctdi suppli a of reading every week. Now, there are plenty of monthly paper* for them; but their old friend —and who does not re member him, and hi* “ChildrkmM Guide,” in war times—their old friend, J. W. Buhkk, proposes to give them the HANDSOMEST WEEKLY PA PER his Phcetiix Printing House can bring out. To do this, he must have HUNDREDS OH* SUPSCIUBKRSI And he appeals to the young folks to help him. He wants to know how many M ill vote for tint paper, by agreeing to lake it. them send in their long lists of names, that he may see how the vote stands, and whether it will warrant him in commencing it. Never mind the money iustywt. If he iinds the vote all right, he will begin the publication, and call for the money; for then he will hold that all who have voted for it by sending up their names, will be under obli gation to subscribe for the paper. Who says “Hurrah for a WEEKLY PAPER FOR THE BOYS AND GIRLS !” and what boy or girl will soonest send in the longest list of subscribers? We shall, in the first number, begin the publication of a SEQUEL TO THE “YOUNG M A ROONERS ?” Nearly all tlie boys and girls in the United States have read Ihe tr Young Mar..oners,” and been delight ed wit li it; and Mr. Gould inu assures tis that the new story will be every whit .as good as the old one ; and who could want anything bettor? All of our old friends and correspondents, and a great many new ones, will write for us, and help us to make the Uchl Juvenile Paper in (he United States. BURKE’S WEEKLY FOR GIRLS AND BOYS will be a handsome Quarto of eight pages, splendidly illustrated, and elegantly printed with new type on fine white paper, making, in the year, a beautiful vol ume of over 400 pages, wMh a fine title p:ige and in dex. o Terms : Single subscriptions....... $ 2 00 peranuum. Three copies 500 “ 41 Five copies 8 oo 44 4 Ten copies.....'l 15 00 tl •* Twenty one copies 30 00 “ Single subscriptions, 3 months 00 cents. Single subscriptions, tl months 1 00 We want an active and intelligent boy or girl at every post office in the South to.canvass for subscrip tions, and will make it to their interest to work for ns. Send for a premium list and Circular, giving full par ticulars. Address, d. W. BURK E & CO., Publishers, Macon, Ga. my lot f Newspaper Advertising Agency. E. E. OVERALL & CO., AUTHORIZED A DENTS FOR 100 Southern Newspapers. OFFICE, Me re* limits’ F/Xiliin»g<* ami News Room, Corner Carondclet. and Common Streets, NEW ORLEANS. N. B.—Advertising Rates furnished at our Office, ell-2m Trover, Homans & Co., P 1 o r war cl ing * Ami €Olll mission Merchants, AND GENERAL WAREHOUSEMEN, Cairo, Illinois. J. W. TROVER, S. 9. HOMANS, Oil AS. S. SAWYER. OuR WAREHOUSES having storage capacity of 0,000 tons, we can furnish storage to those requiring it. •ar Orders for SALT, GRAIN, FLOUR and PLANTATION SUPPLIES generally ; also, BALE ROPE, BAGGING, IRON TIES and GUNNY BAGS promptly filled. IfcrfT Adv mice on property shipped to us, or our cor- V respondent, for sale. Lumber bundled and kept un der cover until shipped. Agents for Southern Railroads. Through Bills L&rling to all points Booth decllMi POOLE & HUNT, Baltimore, MANUFACTURER:* OF PORTABLE AND STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS ; KTE AM KIR EEN GIN JT.s. Letfel’s Patent American DOUBLE TUKBIDK WATER WHEEL, SAW MILLS, MINING MACHINERY, PORTABLE GRIST MILLS, ,FLOUR MILL MACHINERY, COTTON SCREWS, SHAFTING, PULLEYS AND HANGERS dec 1 K-tim ?LOUR, BACON, &c. 300 BBLB CHOICE FLOUR, assorted j brands,from Bear Grass Mills, Louisville, Ky. 100 Sacks EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR,! from best Georgia Wheat. lO Bids New Hulled BUCKWHEAT.; j 30 Sacks Choice RIO COFFEE. 50 Bliia REFINED SUGAR, assorted brand-. io Hhds New Crop MOLASSES. /35 Hilda Choice NEW BACON-Side* and Shoulders. CHEESE, RAISINS, PICKLES, CANNED FRUITS, Ac., Ac. For sale low by fehmf A. STEVENS. o]Si TIME. SHOES, SHOES, SHOES. 150 cases Mens’, Women.’ and Childrens’ I SHOES, will be sold on Credit of 90 day., interest in cluded, and at Boston manufacturer’s rates, with cost of transportation added. je3o-10 M. nYAMS A 00. J. T. Bothwell. O. A. Whitehead. U. W. Crane. Bothwell, Whitehead & €o. E have associated in our business, 11. W. Crane, from Hie Ist, and wi'l continue business under the name and style as above. BOTHWELL A CO. Joey 4,1867. jy4-lw H. PHELPS & CO., (Successors to Hatch & Phelps,) GKNEIBAL PURCHASING AGENTS AND • IT. S. Ac FOBKIG-N NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING AGENTS NEW YORK HERALD BUILDING, NEW YORK. mylDtf T J I h: {PUBLISHED Daily, Tri-Weekly & Weekly AT „ »a. Contains the INTJES-WSS, By Tdei'i-iipL ami Mail, from ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. Together with FULL COMMERCIAL INO MARKET REPORTS. T ERMS. DAILY, Per Annum, $lO 00 TUI—WEEKLY, Per Annum, 7 00 WEEKLY, Per Annum, 3 00 JOB PRINTING, AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY. THE CONSTITUTIONALIST JOB OFFICE IBJPREPARED TO FILL ALL ORDKRSJFOK • £ * '<•* \ EVERY DESCRIPTION 'po ’■ of : PLAIN AMI FANCY JOB WORK, BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, * BILLS OF LADING, BILLS OF FARE, 4 CIRCULARS, CHECKS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, WEDDING CARDS , RAILROAD RECEIPTS, RAILROAD BLANKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, LAWYER’S BRIEFS, LEGAL BLANKS, CONSTITUTIONS OF FIRE COMPANIES, &C., PAMPHLETS, BOOKS HAND BILLS, POSTERS, &C., &C., AC. IK IKE BIST STM IKB OK RUSH TERMS. THE BOOK BINDERY, In connection with tho JOB OFFICE is u ider the management of Mr. F. K. ROSE, we known tits a ti at class workman. ALL LINOS OF ULAN K BOOKS. MADE T<) ORDER AND MUSIC, MAGAZINES PERIODICALS ANi> PAPERS BOUNDJIN TIIE BEST MANNKK I orders solicited. ADPR E S S : STOCKTON &OCO : f Constitutionalist Office, Am»usta Ga c VOL ‘24 NT) 100