Tri-weekly constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 18??-1877, September 11, 1867, Image 1

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BY STOCKTON ,fe CO . Terms ot Snibseriptiori Duly, one year. $lO ('0 “ 6 montlm 500 “ Ojmont.hß 250 Tri-We«;kly, one year..... 7 00 “ 0 months SSO “ 3 months 200 Weekly one year 3 00 “ 0 months... 150 Rates of Advertising IN THE CO IST ST IT 1 1 T ION ALIST Front February 1, 1867# ___ i Ci O _ Squares. pLoo<ogo-j a c* *- w m *-* » m it £• «o oo oj o' ct l Week. SSBSS S],B S 8 S S 8 3 8 8 £ 8 8 £ £ £ £ u#3 a Weeks. 8 S g 8 8 8 £ 8 8 8 8 Sj_. g S g 3 8 a a 8 3 £ £ 0-3 Weeks. 888888 8 8 § 8 8 8 g £ 3 SI 8 S 8 JS 8 £ 5 ® i Month. 8888888888 3_S So! 2 m os fe So o> «* 8 £*2 Month*. 888888888888 S S S a 8 8 8 8 ti S a £ 3 Month*. 888888888888 ._ ii G. S 3 8 £ 8 S 8 fe 8 8 4 Month*. £ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8_ 8 _ SS2S2 K 2 8 S 5 3 it 5 Months * 8888888888 8 - Mont! .*;• .3 r ~ * O’ Cn O' O Cl mo square, 1 Insertion, 75 cents; each additional nurtiou, under 1 week, 50 cents. A per cent, a Rational tor advertisements Kept a. -- iusnle. :> per cent, ad iitional in special Column. ,o pc: cent, ad iitional lor Double Column, darriogcbud Funeral Notices, |l. ■ ibiluanos, ‘2a cents pur line. Communications, 20 cents per line. Cn-Weekly or Daily e. o. d. lor one mouth or long-i wo-thirdb above rates. In Weekly tor one month or one-third tin rates lor Dully. In Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly, double the daily rates. Advertisements continued for one year will be charged two-thirds the above rates for the last si* months. It will bo perceivod b the foregoing that we have reduced the rates of advertising tlfteeu to twenty per cent., to take effect on this day. Single Papers, 6 cents; to news boys, 2X cents. Tsbms—Cash. THE BANKRUPT LAW AND TIIK SEW TAX 1111.1., In neat pauiplet form, ior Bale ut tills olliee. Price— 3s cents. A FA WILY PAPER>jd| fifiy tY><li.<-s<lay An elght-,»»S*> Caper, conlaiiilng IS L.tat New* I>> Mail mol lelfgr#|ih, K«IH I oria Is of I lie Daily, full Market. Ite |>ortß, Mktcellaneon* Kea.ling, and a Se lected or Original Story, and articles ap pertaining to tlie Karin and Dairy eari* week. We *liull endeavor to make It a Arst class News and Family .lonrual. PRICE! Single Copy, One Year, sll 00 Ten Copies, sent at one time,.. 2 50 each. A specimen copy sent wlien desired. CON STITUTI ON AL IST. WEDNESDAY MORNING,SEPT. 11.1867 # [From Fie Nashville Runner. Bad Policy to Fay Reut. We do uot mean if yon agree. to; but bad policy to agree to do it. Auy man who is able to pay rent can build a bouse. This win strike you as a bold proposi tion, mid hard to believe, but let us reason to gether. First, you say yon have no 101. Lease one, then, or buy on long time. You have no lumber or uialei ials. You are pay’ug one hun dred or two hundred dollars for rent. When you pay it, it is and at the end of two or three years you have paid out enough to build a house, but are still a renter. AM you need to do is to anticipate these payments—say for a year—borrow out of bank or otherwise, aud give your rising building:.* security for enough to buy the lumber—put up a. frame tor three or four rooms, live in il till fall without plnater ing—plaster oue room iu tho fall, and, instead of paying monthly rents, finish the rooms oue by one, as you are able, and iu two or (hive years you can have a borne paid for, and you can begin to pay for your leased lot, and own it yourself. You are afraid ol mortgages, you say. Way, they are the poor man’s friend. They are the life-boats iu the wreck for the man iu debt.— They build all orr railro-ds and internal im provements. They mo harmless, if you only understand them, and are a good liuautier.— They are foreclosed sometimes, but then you have a year to redeem. They will not generally be foreclosed il you pay the inieresl promptly, which you can do easier than to pay rent. It you are sharp you can play with them like Driesbach with iiis lions, and lhey won’t bite. Moreover, robbing Peter to pay Paul is not rob bery, if Peter is willing, and wifi feud you the qioney on a new mortgage to pay the old one; and there are always Peters who live by doing this kind of business. The process ot knocking an old mortgage in the head whenever it grows ugly aud threatens violence, is a familiar one to all good finan ciers. Use your wits. Work more with your head and you need not work so much with your hands. The richest men in the world are those who commenced on nothing, and have lilted them selves up by the straps of their boots. They financiered like our railroad men—who make colossal fortunes ou their bonds—without money. Issue your bonds, and give the road bed and superstructure of your new house as security. But here a nice yonug man answers that his richer associates and friends will snub him il be lives in such style. Here is the great error of young men. They wish to commence life In ns elegant style as their fathers lived iu, after a quarter ol ceutury’s hard work. It is the great error of the age—the prolific source of celibacy and bachelorhood, and operates as a fraud upon good looking girls, who are cheated out of husbands by such foolishness. Respect yourself—act independently—take a longer look at things—snub the snubbers, and make them sick ot it, and in five years or lens you will be bowed to and be courted by the same men. The good will of such men is pur chased at too dear a price. It is not worth having. , You are a coward. You are a toady. You are willing to sell out vour home and your in dependence lor such weak and unmanly senti mentalism. Dare to follow your own line of policy if it is honest aud for your interest to do so, and do not allow a weak and snobbish false prido to consign you to hard labor for life as the tenant and vassal of your landlord. By following this advice the thousands ol dollars you will give away for rent in ten years, and have nothing to show for, will give you a home of comfort and elegance, with a wife and family, and all the influence of “ our most respected citizens.” “ This is the way, walk yc in it.” It leads independence, respectability and bonor. sri-tUccltli) Constitutionalist. | F:om the St Is,cl* D.-morrat, Wilkes Booth Again. A NEW SOT.UTION Op' THE MYSTERY. We publish tlie lb!lovtiug letter bpeairie it comes io us from a gentleman iu whose truthfulness we have reason to put eoati .dence, and who holds a pos'. ioa which should lie a guarantee of h's integrity.— But the story which he tells is a very strange one, and lie may have been imposed upon by the AV.bama’ re,'ug.e t though he assures us that the said re ugee w;.s known to him as “a gentleman of uniuipcaeliabie character.” The story is as dramatic as the topic .upon which it bears is myste rious : Editors Democrat: Having heard so much concerning this most mysterious of ail mysteries, I am led to relate a story as it was told to me by a gentleman in the month of May, 1800, who was upwards of (lily years obi. This man yvas not an entire stranger to myself, and I feel bound to say, that so far as my business transactions with him were concerned, he proved himself strictly honorable. He was a refugee from the Shite of Alabama, and employed in 1804 and 1805 in the quartermaster's department at Washington, I>. C. We were seated, one evening, exchang ing our views as to the best mode of re constructing the Southern States, when lie staled: “Yon believe J. Wilkes Booth is dead, but I do notand at my apparent, surprise he continued —“Yes, I surely be lieve that lie was alive .June 1, 1805, an I my reasons for so believing arc these: I had just been discharged from Government employ, and was sealed in my room one evening, soon after the supposed Booth lia l been captured and killed, when l heard a low rap at'my room door, and, at a re quest to come in, a poor old beggar enter ed, apparently sixty years old—gray-hair ed, wrinkled visage, and humped back — carrying a small bundle of clothes. He begged me to pity the sorrows of a poor old man, who had just losr Ids only son in t u- Union army, and asked shelter for 1:;< night. 1 gave him a bed in an apartau separated from my own by plank tempo a j ri!y nailed upright, winch had been do ; by other employees, who were then <l.- ciiarged and gone home. I gave the oni beggar my lamp and retired to my rot. - From where I lay I could see all his move ments within the little room throuufh a knot-hole in the )>lank, and I noticed he was extremely particular about a blind for the little window, and lie even took oil" his coat and used it for a blind ; iie Um-ii seat ed himself at a small table and began wri ting with a pencil. I watched liim closely, and lie wrote perhaps -ten minutes, and then walked* out inlo my room, and asked the way out, saying that he was sick. I opened the door for iiim and he walked out, and I resumed m.v bed. He had not been out long when some one asked him, in a low tone, if he was ready. He replied, “Yes, what newsV" and was answered, “None; only Mr. Johnson wishes you to make haste. He says lie cannot breathe easy until you are on board the vessel.”— f “Andno doubt lie wishes!he vessel may founder,” was my guest’s reply, rather hoarsely and scarcely audible; but he con tinued, “ 1 must be oil in the morning, so fare we) 1, Jack.” Then lie returned to his roon, and 1 asked him if lie was going across the ocean-, which question seemed to startle him ; and a short pause, he replied Shat lie cxpoelerl to in the morning; and sure-enough, .ling Re whs go.!.- -a s.i 1 Hbkt-en him >g * a * up ■ Y,*.m he -11.. I : HP near liie l.iii’u- nil ■■re I in t ' »rl - " ■ ii ■ • i 11 ■ * up iron, son.-.-,":.e. I .:,! i-.- ! ILi^^P'Vl! i-•I> ' • ■.-:!•! no .11 1 ; yet being somewhat curl mis to know vviial it meant, I put the pieces into a small envelope, and laid it away, and never thought of It again mii il reccnl !y ; when I was overhauling my old papers ill sravclope drew my aUeuiion, and 1 tli-n pa fe l all the bits on a scrap ol letter paper. 1 could see in a moment that it. was cyoiicr,-:t:i 1 my curiosity war. excited io solve the mystery. Week week 1 perplexed my brain over it, and dually, when about to give it up, luck favored me, and 1 stumble 1 upon the key, and the following translation was my .toward: Dr. Friend—] shall ever ivnomiw* v >•.»:• kindness. The .T. D. government cannot a' 1 me now, and if I fail to escape, God o.ry knows my fate, and yonrarni wiU be power less. If you succeed in yo: r jv.r , i sit.-.!! return; otherwise, never. Yes, i to morrow. Yours, in lie and d.\. n, J. W. B. Jiiuc 1, 1805. “Now,” continued Ill's o’.l man, “this letter explains m.v reason *>>:• be'.icv’ng Booth escaped. I believed \ lie old brggr.r was no other than J. W •> Ko >' it, the as sassin." Hath wasliis doty, wor ! for word, ns near ns 1 can remember, a.:.1 :rh is , he mvsterv cour.octo ! with the tc rto’c rag ■ Iv of April .14:h, 1805. W. W. Z. ‘ August. 30, 18(57. Tits Prince axo His Wife. -Tim poor Prince's of Wcii-s, alter inon:l:s o in. .tiring confinement without ;lie no- nib v ol cxcncisi, has been ordered •<> the b in- ol <1 oin ■ y, a-.: last resort. Il i-> lo be leaivd t'ii- it.o. I, delicate mid be.nitilul Prin c-s Ms ■ been crip pled for life. Sin'was too yoii i-r, ton IV _Me for I lie duties ofhor oxnahed s •. on, iid C n burdens of maternity. Tinee < V dr-ni in less than three years extutsled h'T vil.i’ity, and brought, on a rheumatic lever, which, .e.en tijflc.iily treated by Hie beat' snrgi a! 'kill i.i Kugluiid, lias resulted in a ! •mvnvao horn w Mich she may never recover. It is ■ - ic. -e. Never was beautiful Princess received more i. aui pbatnJy, Ilian this one ou her n»«ivi ge with the' Prince of Wales. Never was the opening • . ecr of a future fnon.uch and iii-* b idc upon more joyously. Nmv liie prosp. ci •-> r'.c. vf. The Prime of Wales lias not ilte qeal-.i s \.:ibu would enable hint to Lake It is pl.uv af'L.c b ad of the yoiitbiul :iri.-,lo< r.icv of ;.u !aad. T'of Queen may live lor forty year-, aad .a- re is r.o seemiug likelihood, eit n< rol Imr t- ntitin;: iii<- social position a Sover. il i- ex ' n ;.-d io tit!, or of abdicating die crown. The pcospcci of holding the awkward position of it ir a. during the long period oi the pr on Vale liie of her Majesty is not an enviab! •• one. To go through liie in a series ol inu.;.--, cud National Anthems a thousand tiroes .cp at ’-:, replying to toasts of Lord M. yors. laying corner stones, presiding at. cle riiy dinaers, and having the duties and annoyances of roy.dty, without its emoluments or its possiole glories—all tills is not a career ol a very heroic or even enjoyable character. A clerksuipia a government office at £3OO a year seems a more desirablesiiUailon. Mechanics.— We have ireqaeaiiy urged upou young men the importance of .earning a trade. It is quite as important, however, as the Scientific American oOserveu in a recent article, that whatever they learn they should learn thoroughly. Scores ol “naif-naked me chanics” can be picked up any day ; they in fest shops, torment employers, and disgrace the business they laiscly profess to understand. They are industrial vagrants, if such a term is permissible, to be shunned and despised hy every honorable workmau. The whole cause of the trouble is, that there is no bond iu this country by which a master can control the time of an apprentice fora period sufficient to remunerate the employer lor losses sus tained in the early stages of the apprentice ship, or to give the apprentice a proper knov'ledge of his business. The .apprentice is free lo leave his master and employer when ever, in his opinion, In* has collected scraps enough Os superficial knowledge to set upas an independent worker. He becomes dissat isfied with the character ol his work or the amount of compensation, and, finding other work and larger pay, he quils his inastei’s employment just wbeu his services have begnu to be valuable, ihus committing a fraud upon his employer and doing a great injury to 1 himself. SPJW MAL NOTIOK.d. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON TUB GEORGIA RAILROAD. #sr ON ANO AFTER THURSDAY, STH INSTANT, the Passenger tmiuson the Ucorgia Railroad will run HR follows: DAY PA So KNURR TRAIN (Sundaya excepted.) L»avo Augmsta at 5:30, a. m. Leave Atlanta at 5:00, a. ra. Arrive at Augusta 5:45. p. m. Arrive at Atlanta 643“ p. in. NIUIIT PASSBNUKH TRAIN. Leave Augusta at*. 8:0U, p. id. Leave A Mao* a a f ....7 5:45, p. m. Arrive at Augusta 3:15, a. m. Arrive at Atlanta ; 6:45,a. m. Passengers for Mayfield, Washington and At liens, (la., must take Day Passenger Train from Augusta and At lanta. for Wwt Point. Montgomery, Selma, Motile, and New Orleans, unlst leave August a on nections. Passengers for Nashville, Corinth, Urand Junction, Mrniphis, Louisville and St. Louis, cmi take villi r Train and make close connections. Tlirough Tickets and Baggage checked through to the above places. Pit linan’s Palace Bleeping (Jars on all Night Passenger Trains. • K. W. OOLK. (Jeneral Superintendent. Augusta,(JA., August 6!h, Wo7. au7-tf MRS. WINDOW’S SOOT I S TNG S Y RUP, For Ctiildren Teething;, greatly iacii'tiites t!i© process of teelhiug, by softening the cunts, r* dicing ; II inHainrualiou —williallay All Pain and rpusu.od c action, and is s ukc *o iiegufute the Bowels* D pen l upo ‘ it, mothers it will give rest to youfselves, and Relict’ and Health to Your Infants. We have ut up .n : U t!ii- jMi -le f*r years, and Can fe. in Co.hrenc*'and Tfth of P. wo . mv. n w b enable .ay ot any ot er mo> icin- Never has it Fa, led. in, a Singi* Instance to Effect a Cure whop ti<n»- y us* d. Nt v r di .we know an io iance of dissatiß ac t ou b> uuv one who used it. On tne contrary, ail art* «i - ligated with its operttion, a d Sneak in terms of c< ni mer.da.ioß ot i»s m.-igicbl eftec’hand virtue* VVr* spe kio ilii • matter What we do Know, ' ali year* of experience, nd Pledg o* r Reputatio l*r th» Fultilmen: of* Wli >t w heie D»ciare. In almost every instance where the infant us suffering Irom pain an » cn hausiion, rvliJ will be found in tit teen or twenty luiautts alter the i administered. Fuli ciirec • > or usiug will accompany each bottle. Be r ure : 1. for •» Mr : \ r ¥ *.. low’s Sootliing Syrup,” Harm* she si nile of •• CURTIS dc PERKINS ” on the outside wrapper. All others are base imitations. Sold by Imiggiftts throughout the world. Fries, only 35 Cents per BotUc . ’• Okfioks—2ls Fulton street, New York; 205 High Hol boin, London, Knglaud:44l i<t. Paul street, Montreal, Canada. au2i4-eod6m TO PIaAH»!S*S. DOUBLE REFINED POUDRETTE. OF TIIK LODI M ANUFACTOKING CO., this is one of the most forcing and quick acting manures in the »uar- Uc .amJLi .+ by far the cheapest. It is composed of night soil of New York City, from which all impurities have been e\tracked ; is then deodorized, pulverized and dried. On Cotton it is equal to the beet brand ol Phosphates, am! will bring a heavier and l»y two weeks earUt f cypp than any other lertil zei. Prilled in with Wheat at tho r 4 le .*1 400 H*s. per acre, it will bring a heavy crop on poor so.!. -Pri-e S;is per ten of 2.000 tbs. Ktjut.on re ceipt of niree-cent stamp with address. A * Til 10 LODI MANCFA(JTCRINU.CO., 66 Courtlandt street, New York. Fioii* Prof. Ohns. Martin, It.iinden, Sidney College, Va, dated July Ist, 18C7: “The Doable Retim'd Poudrette is operating tike a ehavmonmy crops, and attracting universal attenJion from all helialders. lam alliedy satisfied that it is the cheapest and surest renovator ook>ur worn-out soils.” jy!7- »m IF«r llltnwrNM RKPOTATION.—tf the out ire cor lt'Nji.iailun e from Nai'h Ameiicu, Central America am fli* VW.s» In :i«»s, received l»y M.Rsrs. llostkttrk *V Bmmi, during tlie I f t twelve months, were imbli.-bt*d at lea*, ill, it would probablv be couHidered oue of ibe most extraordinary collections ot approbatory testimony on record. The letters, written in every variety of style, And era oatitur from i dividual* of almost every cl ss, are. never beiess, all of ihe sane tenor. Physician*, plot*. me.chants, planters, military otlic-iv, Mt sans, l awyers, , te I one storv, admitting, withoui reserve or quaiilie it i n. tiut the tonics heretofore in use in those rego s have lee generally and justly supercedel by ItOST * rTKit’S I'ITTKitS. The c mfi- cnee m ini csted by the pt ople of these coun tri iini lit bo fiirly c%De>? enthuslasiic. Yet these are uot She onh tok« u> of the growing popularity of IIOcTETTKK’S STOMACH BITTERS. Theforeign orders for the article from Europ \ Austra lia. New Z aland, Chili*, Japan, East Indies, Cape of <loo Hop.*, S u.'wicli Islands, Ac., have been heavier lli.tu at any former period. As an amidol* to malaria, a stomachic and general in vi ;oraut they ali te.-ti y to its remarkable efficacy. splfseplS __ Itatclfelov’s Hair Dye I Th<* splendid Hair l>yo is the best in the world. The >nly TUU|S aud pbim bct Dym—Harm loss, ivcliable. In stantaneous. No disappointment. No ridiculous tints. Natural Dl.vck or Brown. Kerned its the ill effects es Dad Dyes. J.nvigorateH the hair, leaving it soft and beauli lul. The genuine is sign -d Win.i am A. Batchkloh. All others ate m>?re imitations, and should hi avoided. Sold by all Dm:’ ids aud Perfumers. Factory, 81 Barclay street, Nt-.w York. BKWaUK OF A COUNTERFEIT. docll-ly KiT 11. M. AKEROYD, ARCHITECT, OF NASH VILLE, Tenuessee, (late ot Cincinnati. Ohio,) Plan*. Elevations* Sections, full sized detail Drawings : r.d Spe cifications, with or without personal superiuten 'er>ce, for every class of Civil, Ecclesiastical, and Domest Build ings. Also, Designs for Tombs, Monuments, and Decorative Ait. Address 240 BROAD STREET, Augusta. jyl6-3m WANTED. 8- !i!A ITON anSnpCfiuteiijentol a FLOUR, or S'AW MILL, ' y n juaclioul Millwright and Mu chi. i-*., \vi.') ha> had twenty live (;*5) years experience liie naa.iiacLmT. of Flour and Lurn tier. Would prefer lo ivnt or t.tke an huerest in a coun try F'ouv Mill. Addiess SAMUEfi HAND, Care oi John Hare, Savannah, Ga. so; 6-law 3 WANTED—AGENTS. 5250 Flilt MONTH, THE YEAR liOl’NO, or 900 TEH CENT. PROFIT ON COM MISSION. We guarantee the above salary- or com mission to active, industrious agents at their own homes, to introduce an article ot INDISPENSABLE UTILITY in every household. For full particulars tali on, or address G. W. J ACKSON A CO., 11 South street, Baltimore, Md. sepa-lnwfw Patented. Nov. Ist, 1859 tBALLOIi’S PATENTED Improved* french SHIRTS, For sale hy all ers, and at whole, sale only by BALLOU BROTHERS, Sole Patentees, *O3 Broadway, New York City. apSO-eodly AUGUSTA, (Ga.) WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 11, 1807 Quotations for Southern Securities. BANKINQ HOUSE OF MANNING & Dli FORREST, 19 WALL, STREET. Nkw York, September Ist, 1867. BUYING RATES. Virginia. bits. Rank of Berkeley W Bank of Oliarlepton, Charleston ....18 Bank City Petemburg Bank of Commerce, Fredericksburg. ......67 Bank H o ward *v, lie, secured 40 Bank ol Old Dominion 80 Bunk of Philippi, secured 40 Bank of Philipp., unsecured 6 Bunk of Richmond 8 Ban k of Rock bridge ..4- of Rockingham 66 Bank of Scortsviilo, secured 40 Bank of Scoltsvi* e, unsecured ...10 Bank of the Valley 24 Bank of Virginia 18 Back of Winchester. ...V ',6 O* Mtrtl Bank of Virginia, secured.. 17 Conn a! Bank of Virgin’, , un.ecure<’ 2 Corporal-ion ot Alexandria ...60 Danville Bank, Danville.... 25 Exchange Bank ol Virginia, Noiioik 18 Farmer*’ Bank of Fincafcilo 41 Farinen*’ Bank Virginia . 17 Merchantßank, Lynchburg, '• 53 Me. !i ti s* t;.t k y Lyr • * :% wines. •• ' ..42 Mouficeito Bank,- seem- ... ...60 M mticedoi Ban!;, un^'eurt.n;. 9, North wegtem Bank, .lellei'BOtiville 98 Southwestern Banu-, Wytiiehville 42 Traders’ Hank, Richmond 29 Noilli Carolina. Bank of Cape Fear.. 26 Bank of Ohm lotto 25 Bank of Clarendon. 4 Bank of Commerce 16 Bank of Fayetteville 10 Rank- of Lexington 16 Bank of Lexington, Graham 2*2 Bank of Noith Carolina 48 Bank oi lloxboro’ 63 Bank ol Tloiuiv--iile 53 Bank of Wadeaborough 24 Bank of Wa.?hiiigtori 12 Bank ol Wilmington ; 23 Bank of Yancevilie 8 Commercial Bank, Wilmington 23 Karmen’ Bank of North Carolina, old 26 Merchant’* Batik, Newbera 65 Miners and Planters’ Bank ;5 Son Hi Carolina. Bank of Camden 36' Bank oi Charleston 19 Bank of Chester 12 Bank of Georgetown ;7 Bank of Hamburg Bank of Newberry jo Bank of South Carolina Ip Commv-wsh’ Bank. (Columbia.. £ Old Isfcue Bank r>*-ttc ot South Carolina 19 New Lsue Bank State of South Carolina 7 Exchange Bank, Columbia WBiEucr.** and Exchange 2 Merchant!*’, Clieruw t People’s 8ank....; 46 Liam era’ Bank, Fairfield 1C Planter#’ and Meclmuics’ Bunk f Souiliweste n Rail Road, old ....80 southwestern Kail Road, new •£ Stale Bank 4 Union Bank Georgia. Augusta Insurance and Banking Company 7 Bank of Augusta 62 Bank of Athens 45 Bank of Columbus . 9 Bank of Commerce. 6 Bank of Fulton . 60 Bank ol Empire State 26 Bank of Middle Georgia 87 Bank of Ba v 'atmah * 4o Bank State of Georgia 17 Centra! Railroad Banking Company .* 97 City Bank of Augusta 30 Farmers’ and Mecimnic*’ Bank 12 Georgia Railroad and Banking Company 97 Mauiifaetuivrg* Bank, Macon. 20 Marine Bank 95 Mechanics’ Bank 4 Merchants an*] Planters* Bank * 7 Planters’ Bank :..!<> ’T|i 11 her Cutters’ Bank 3 Union Bank 7 Alabama. Rank of Mobile ,-••• 96 Bank of Montgomery .70 Bank of Htdma..! ,24 Ooimnerciu! l»ai»k.... *... . r> „. ~l4* Central Bank 7 Eastern Rank 60 Northern Bank 40 Southern Bank... 95 Tennessee. Bank of Tennessee, old issue 30 Bank of Tennessee, new issue Bank, of Chattanooga. 10 Hank of Commerce 75 Bank of Knoxville 66 Bank of Memphis 90 Bank of M nldlo Tennessee 90 Bank of Pails 90 Bank of Bhelbv viiie 76 Bank of the Union 96 Bank of West. Tennessee 40 Buck’s Bank 90 City Bank 60 Commercial Bank 90 Merchants’ Bank.... 90 Northern Bank 90 Ocoee Bank 10 Planters’ Bank 95 Bout hern Bank 20 Traders’ Batik.. .90 Union Bank 95 Bank of America par Bank of Louisiana 40 Bank of New Orleans 95 Canal Bank 97 Citizens Hank 97 Crescent City 96 Louisiana Ht ite Bunk 90 Mechanics and Traders’ Bank 95 Merchants’ Rink 95 New Orleans Ci«y Scrip 78 Southern Bank par Union Bank 80 State Ronds. Tennessee Ex. Coupon 60® 67 Tennessee New Bonds 64® 66 Tonn *fcsco 6 per cent 02® Virginia Ex. Coupon 50® 61 Virginia Kx. Coupon, New .....50® 61 Georgia £.’* 73® 74 Georgia New 7’s 84® 85 North O no-ina, with 18 Coupons... ....60(3) 67 Nor; hCI olina Ex Coupon 53(3) 64 North Carolina New Bonds 53(3) 154 Missouri Ex July Coupon 103® 104 South Caro'-n.i Kx. Coupon. ..44® 46 South« a olin:* Kx. Coupon, New ...42(d) 44 South Carolim, Registered Stock ....30® 31 Alab.ini'l S’s New 66® 76 Lo i^iana6*s Ex. Coupon ~so® 60 , Coupons. Tennessee Coupons 70® 72 Virginia Coupons 43® 45 Georgia Coupons 87® 90 North Carolina Coupons.. 44® 45 MWou i C upon.-* 70® 72 South Carol! ta Coupons 40® 42 City Uomln. City Memphis 46® 48 City Memphis endorsed by State Tennessee.. ..56® 67 City Memphis endorsed by M. A. C. R. R 56® 67 C’-ty Nashvide 58® 60 City N»shv»rle emloised 08® 65 C»*y Augusta, Georgia ; 55® City Se,vannsh 65® 66 City Macon 58® GO City Atlanta S’s 72® 77 Ci y Columbus 50® 55 Cry Charleston, S. C 42® 45 City New Orleans, f a 66® 70 City New Ork«ui.', La, consolidated 85® City Columbia, tv C 40® 45 City Wilmington, N. C 40® 15 City Memphis Coupons 54® 56 City Savannah Coupons 90® 95 City Auguda Coupons • 90® 95 City Maeon Oot'pons 70® 76 Kaili*on<l BOIIIU aiul Coupons. South Carolina Railroad 6’s 60® 62 South Carolina Railroad 7’s .....65@ 70 Montgomery and West Point R. R. Bonds, BVBO® 82 Memphis end Charleston R. R. Bonds, 7’s 75® 80 Mobile and Ohio R. R. May coui>on.s7® 69 Mobile and Ohio 8 per cent Interest 25® 30 Mobile and Onio Income 15® 20 Mississippi Central, Ist mortgage 60® 65 Mississippi Central, 2d mortgage 37® 40 Cha* lesion and Savannah, endorsed 38® 40 Charles'on and Savannah, 7’s 10® 12 Macofj and Brunswick, endorsed 65® G7 Macon and Augusta, endorsed 7’s 74® 76 Pensacola and Georgia, T s 40® 45 Selma and Meridian Ist B’s 55® $0 Southern Miss. R. R. Ist mortgage 36® 40 Mississippi and Tennessee Railroad, Ist mortg.44® 48 Not Mi Eastern Railroad, S. C 60® 62 Nashville and Chattanooga, endorsed 64® 65 East Tennessee and Georgia 56@ 60 Memphis and Ohio, Income 10’» 25® 30 Memphis and Ohio, Income 6’a 20® 26 Wilmington and Mau. Ist preferred 60® 66 New Orleans and Jackson B’s 66® 70 New Orleans and Jackson Interest Bonds 55® 60 We are dealing extousively in all kinds of Southern Securities, and pay particular attention to purchases and sales on Commission, tilling orders for Banks and those indebted to the Ranks. Parties sending us packages by mail or express will be credited at highest market rate on day of receipt. Refer to leading Bankers and Business Rouses of city of New York, and Southern States. nov9-law9m ON CONSIGNMENT. GARNER'S EXCELSIOR GUANO, COM POSED OF 700 pound, of pure PERUVIAN GUANO 1,300 pound, of BON K PHOSPHATE, to the ton ALSO Rhode's SUPERPHOSPHATE, a specific for Tur nip. nnd Wheat Order, filled at manufacturers* price., adding shii>- I ping charges. Apply to J. A. ANBLKY Sc CO., augSl-lm No. 300 Broad street. FQFI RENT. r f TO RENT, SkVEKA i. COMMODIOUH ROOMB, suitable for Olrttes or Bolrooais, situated over tho Havings Bank. Apply H. U. HICKMAN, » , - At the Savings Bank of Augusta. t eepM - RENT, ■A. COM KORTABLK DWBLLINO lIOUSB, containing si4Kooms, in “quality Range," llroad struct. On H'cpn-inises is a large kitchen ami other buildii'K*- Possession can be had at once. Rent low. Apply at THIS OFFICE. sejrJ-0 FOR RENT, Tgcti VETTE RACE COURSE. /' FOR SAI.E, Three deskaWe BUILDING IA»TS, on Ureenc street. For rerm* apply to sep4tf 11. II STEINER. TO RENT. The mu be no. 2rt Fenwick street, second door from Oenlfe, containing six Rooms, Kitchen and all necessarjltsilbnildings. Enquire of 1 It. MAHER, sep&-tf r No 30 Centre street. TO RENT, r Pn s: HINDcOM A RESIDENCE at Wood lawn, knorfnjns the Ofjliioester House,” with ter. acres of Dai I under a liigli sate of cultivation, all necessary oo*l lUildings, Ac. To rent from Ist October next for twejreara or more. Apply on the premises. sc|>s <! ”7 FOR RENT, OxEiliOU “ E and EOT, No. 73 Ellis street; t c H use contains eirhs lto--ins, live up stairs and tin ic in Hie b.isefacnt with lour lire places, ia ge Kiiein n Stable amKlydrant in the yard. For further par ticulars enquire on the pr, mines 0 to JOHN GAELAiIEK, * sepi-tt f Broatl -trect TO RENT. SMALL HOUSE and LOT in Woodiawn, Kitchen, sc- bio and Water on the premises, one at ri of land. H r terms apply to scps-2t JOHN TILKV. FOR RENT, and street*. Apply to MILES PAUGIINE, atxSl-uy* Next U» the premises. FOR RENT, FIRST OCTOBER NEXT, A LARGE DWELLING, with gas and water works, over Oi\U A Book Htore, oil Broad Htivct. . Apply L’ W. A. Walton during my atoenco. vv * NV MONTGOMEHY, aul-tf 'I- Central Hotel. '/ TO RENT, _JL if A »' f«.uge and* Commorlious DWKLfJNG, No. Tiflßrtaa street. Apply on premises. aug‘2B-12 K. K. EVE. TO RENT, RKrtlDENClfi, No. 91 Greene street. A WJO, For sale or rent, the DWELLING situated outlie corner of Telfair and Forsyth streets, containing four rooiup, tire place iu each room, with attic, kitchen, Ac. Apply to J. A. VAN WINKLE. ,iyi7-tf TO RENT, 171 -A- ROM tin* first ol October next, or sooner it required, two OFFICE ROOMS, second floor Au gusta Insurance and Banking Company building, ad joining office of Frank H., Esq., Attorney a Law. Apply to either of the Assignees. ROBERT WALTON,Sr., WM. A. WALTON. aug2o-toctl FOR SALE OR RENT, SMALL and nont RESI DKNOK, with all ne cessary out-liouscs, situated ou the east side of Mar bury HWyst Avenue, near the South Bound ry street; with lnrgtgaMen well stocked witli plants ; having a trout of aliout 200 foot aud running through toKollock street Location perfectly healthy and pleasant. Terms of sale to suit purchasers. The premises are now occupied by the undersigned, to whom applica tion can be made, or to Messrs. Bkssman & dan. I. P.OIRARDEY. • aulß-tf TO RENT, .A. LARGE BUILDING, suitable for Work- Shop or jtore-Uoom, in rear 255 Broad street En quire of C. U. WARNER, Plumber and Gas Fitter, i<-2fi-tf 265 Blond street. TO RENT, 33 KOJd let of October next, a COTTAGE and VA acres LANI>. All necessary OUTBUILDINGS. Situated at Woodlawn. For particulars apply at 1(11 BUOAD STREET. auglC-lin FOR SALE OR RENT, -A_ Comfortable house, with mx rooms, sitnuled on the comer of Walker and Houston streets; a good garden and excellent water. Terms ma le very easy. For particulars, see WM. I*. or C. A. ROBERTS at A. IL Kktcham’s Store, on Jackson street. jyio-u TO RENT, * JF ROM Ist of OCTOBER next, that fine RESI DENCE, No. 64 Greene street, at present occupied by Mr. A- J. Smith. On the premises are Stables and all outbuildings complete ; also, large Garden. Apply to G. VOLGKR A CO., rep3-tf 193 Broad street. MOORE’S LINE, BETWEEN Savannah and Augusta. ’ I ’HE STEAMERS of this Line are now running regulary. r SAM’L MOORE, Agent, Savannah, JNO. A. MOORE, Agent, Augusta. softii-lm •*- COKLIBN’S LINE OF IRON STEAMERS. FHEIGHT TAKEN AS LOW AH BY ANT OTHER LINE. FREE FORWARDING at Savunnah ami Augusta. M. A. COHEN, Agent, Savannah. P. A. SCRANTON & CO., sep7-tf Agents, Augusta. - ». FOR RENT. TO RENT. A. COMFORTABLE DWELLING HOUSE containing four rooms and kitchen attached, near Dublin Bridge, on Fenwick street. Also, a HOUSE on Greene .treet. Apply to JERKY SCULLY, Dublin Bridge, . eeplo-6 Cor. Campbell and Fenwick sts. "to rent, JTROM THE FIRST OF OCTOBER NEXT, two comfortable DWELLINGS. seplO-toctl J. 11. MANN. TO RENT, FROM THE FIRST OF OCTOBER NEXT, _CIIE RESIDENCE or tile un.lereigned. on the Georgia Railroad, near Ilarriaonville, about two miles from the Augusta Post Office. There is daily rail road communication witli the city, by accommodation train. The location is Healthy and free from mosquitoes. Dwelling of Brick, fourteen rooms, with Gas Fii ores in rooms, halls and attic. Apparatus for the manu facture of gas on the premises, iu good order. Hy drant Water supplied by lift pump from kitchen to upper story, and by lift and force pump to grounds in front. 11l addition, two Wells of Pure Cool Water in back yard and stable lot Commodieus Servants’ Quarters, Carriage House, Cow House and Stable, of brick. The lot contains sixteen acres,, on which are a Garden, Vineyard and Orchard. A Billiard Room and good Billiard Table, in a de tached building, which will be rented with the dwell ing. Tiie Furniture in the dwelling will be sold ii de sired, on reasonsl>le terms. For terms, apply at the Constitotiosai ;st Oliise. aug'37-lf - JAMES GARDNER FOB RENT, FROM Ist October next, that Kin-* RESIDE on tne corner of B<y and recoin st reels. The House : as eig- t large rooms with lire p. pantries, ,Vc. For particulars apply .o jyl6-tf Judge WM. T. GOULD. EDUCA TIONAI URSULIriE ACADEMY, valle orxjois. This INSTITUTION will resume its Acade mic Exercises SEPTEMBER Ist. For Prospectuses, please address “MOTHER SUPERIOR,” Uneuline Convent an 1 Academy, se] 4-1 m Columbia, 8. C. TIIE MISSES SEDEWICK’S BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, Cei’iktr of Wasliiogloii anil Telfair Ms. rn _L HE DUTIES of this Institution will be re sumed WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3d. Circulars containing terms and particulars may bo obtained by applying to the Principals. sep&Cw Lucy Cobb Female Institute, O/i'IX HSNH, GA. Madame SQFHIE SOS NOW SKI, Princjpal. T HE EXERCISES of Ibis Insliiiifion will be t - stiined SEPTEMBER 15, 1867. For Circulars, stating Terms, Regulations, Ciirricu lum of Studies, Ac., A:c., apply lo Principal. augSl-tnepll EDUCATIONAL. OATONNRT proposes opening a School on the 16th of SKPTfiMBKR. on Groeno street, be low St. James’ Church, nuJ opposite Mr Gamui.r’s lesitlenco. Miss O. having taught some yviit's back in this city, solicits a share of patron ago from her friends au«l former pupils. ni’cniiß made known by applying at Mr. H. W. Carr’s, No. S 4 Broad street, where she may be found. aug29-tf Classical and Dlalheiualical School, BATH, RICHMOND CO., (JA., B Y Rev. KKRmxsND Jacobs, A. M , formerly Professor of Mathematics in Oglethorpe University • subsequently Principal ot a High School, Chaileetou, S. C , Taiely President of Laurensville Female Col lege, 8. C. Tuition, per session ol 20 weeks (currency) $32 50. Boarding, including fuel, lights and washing, $37 50 per month. Session to commence Monday, October 2S. PoßtOlllce, Berzelia, Ga. au 18 2m* . THE MOUNT AUBURN Young Ladies’ Institute, ITUATED on that beautiful eminence north of the City of Cincinnati, from which it derives Its name, has just closed its Twenty-Second Session. The past year has been one of unusual prosperity, there having lieen in attendance two hundred and thirty-live young ladies, gathered frohi all parts of the United States. No oask of siuknsss rkquikino a PHYSICIAN HAS OOOUBKED. Its healthful location and its country position, while yet so near the city-, gives it advantages over either city or country schools. Its character as a first rate Seminary of Learning is too well known to need further comments. The LIBRARY, CABINET and APPARATUS, already very extensive, are receiving yearly addi tions. For Catalogues or information address m I. H. WHITE, 26 West Fourth street, Cincinnati, Ohio, or H. THANE MILLER, au6-Gw President. ECLECTIC INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES NO. 102 WEST MONUMENT STREET, BALTIMORE. Mrs. LETITIA TYLER SEMPLE, PRINCIPAL. JSd-RS. SEMPLE is assisted by a competent Corps of Professors and Teachers. Instruction is given in every branch necessary to a complete Education. For Circulars or other Information, apply, by letter, to the Principal. jj 9-toetl SIXTY DAYS alter date, application will >e made to the Honorable Court of Ordinal y at Richmond county, lor leave to sell all the Ferso la Estate of Charles Carter, late ot said county, deceased JOHN B. CARTER, FLOURNOY CARTER, ang2l-lawtd Administrators. BEARD’S IRON TIE AND BRINLY’S PLOW kind ever offered to the planter. Use these PLOWS Ireely, plow deep and you will find use for a large number of the TIES. Apply to JAH. STOGNBR A CO., . 308 Broad street. FOR SALE. FOR SALE, IKHIhK AND FOUR LOTS, situated on the soul of Hall »lre*-t, between J.v ksoo and Twiggs slreets. Fov terms, apply to W. A. HACKNEY, eepS 0* Campiwtl House, Jackson street. FOR SALE, A. KKW FIXTURES, for ii Retail Grocery, and ft small romiviet ci Sto. k. Apply at 177 REYNOLDS ST., seplO-3 between Jn.-kso'n ant! Campbell sis. FARMS FOR SALE.' FARMS, Os Kvery (ii.ira- i«r and Size, SUITABLE FOR Colton atari Grain Faints, Dairy Farms, Trttrk Ffti uis anal Market Garden Sites ; ALSO, PA tUtIE AND TIMBER. LiIJUS, All in tlte Immediate Vicinity and South of the City of Augusta. ALSO, A NUMBER OF BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITES AND LOTS. LOtH PEiilltiLE, ftii.-M 6 Trustee. RAILROADS. >hVv VS T FX ,f K --S LiM ro xii tc K"- >n r i s, r p I HE iißi.t . A I.ANTIC SEABOAe.j m GULF MAIL ROUT’ .» thaquickoßi, Ostpiex i, m-i'v-, xv.'iittoic, and c-'Cn y m>m Au\?n»u-, BWI, MilCOri, Gin liOU', as i.Mii l«. tftc 4>i A new :*nd Tu»»v scnedu.e ow »> »•- o coiiiinuou* co .it ctioi.s ir-ra Au^as W) m.IL AM L*» hL'iV.itiiuill b.u.i.. Fnij utf.pß.at, No# Yo,k, 'Cu.Uid mh uii p.v po.nla. 'Ci' n w I'ijf urougii J • ra Aua’.»u io Wn. toil. tiKRScn.iOii.JLJ j)iiWf.4«!rN TO vUcCI Hi* ,pid i unn thus avOiU u cnangc of cur»s Ociwccn the pOllKtf. TUrou&U &chCv;uio Eo .wciß. New V .k and Xcw Orleans. GOING NOiiTll. A Kill VK. LKAV«£. Now Orleans 4.00, j». m. Mobile 9.00, a. in. 2.00, p. iu. Montgomery 5.0 i), a. in. ft.3o, a to. Atlanta o.oft, a. in. o.*_o, p. tc. Augusta. 3.15, m. 3.55, m. Kiagsvilh* 11.1 ft, a. in. 11.30, a. in. Wilmington 8.25, p *m. 9.05, p. ui. y\ fliion, a. ni., :». m. Petersburg B.lft, a. m. 8.4;», a. m. Richmond D.ftO, a. 111. 10.06, a. in. W. siting too.. .5.15, p. w. 7.00, p. m. New York 5.00, a. m. GOING SOUTH. A KFiIVR. LEA VK. New Vu 1:... 7.30, }•. in Washington 5.2 ft, ». n\ G. 05, a. m. [tick room I I.lft, p. in. 1.30, p. m. ' ei, ? ,> 'airg 2.3 ft, p. m. 3.oft, p. m. WV' ibni O.tL, p. ui. 0.i:5, ]». in. W.i mngton 2.lft, a. ui. 2.oft, a. in. Kingaviiie 11.50, a. in. 12.0 ft, p. u». Augusta ’ 7.2 ft, ]». in. B.oft, p. m, Attii tl; ft.oo, a. m. 5.16, a. in. Montgomery ft.oo, ]». in. 6.30, p. m. 8.00, a. 111. 4.00, J>, Hi. Row Oilcans 0.00, a. in fiVoui Weldon three Routes to New York are now open, Vi/,: Vi.. Rii iimwir] nml City. V.a P0.u.i.0 «;h and Old Pay Lin* Steamer#. Via Poileftii m i. and ilie new An Route. 'l'iv* fat' a n«'wantl \civ pieosant-route, oy trlrom Portsmonih o<Jri*ricM, o.i .no I ..r-tiV.i lane ot Virginia, and thence by iiai ovc\ ttv: eiune ieiigih ol the suite of Delaware, connecting at Wi-iiv.figtoa, Delaware, with through trains «o Philadelphia ana New York, or to Haiti more. Karo from A .igiuia loiVew York, by either of the three Romes. fci.KGANT SLEEPING CARS on ail Night drains. Baggage checked through. I H LOUGII TICK BITS, good by either Route, used, lor sale at the south Carolina Railroad JLcket Oihec. W. J. WA IKLR, General Agent. For pait.oularr? inquire of 18 AAC LEVY, 130 Broad street, Augusta, Ga., AWAiIIkSSIU SHOsiT UAE, ANI> UNITED STATES MAIL ROUTE. Tim moat an.l .lire. I, route OTHIU -1; F.I iPJ 11 Alnl2 W Yi >KK, BOH'IT)N and ail p«ims NORTH acd BAF T. THROUGH TICK KTr •■old 'm l Baggage Chucked via this Leu; lrom a ; p-r ittv-s m ;tiu Southern, Atlantic Const :t-.I ;u. ; -sale... PASSENGERS Atlanta > t 6;20, p. m., and Augusta at IkM, n. in, m : c-ose connections through on ia-.l tiiu ■■ No trouttksonie irantfois hy Omnibus. Splendid new s KKl* N.; CARS from ANNA MLBSIC to NEW i'OliK WITHOUT CHANGE. Passengi re ditto on the splendid Steam is itl Ihis Lme, aud pass through Hampton Roads, ami y other pouts ol illici t ill t.y duyllithi,, touching at Kot t M onroe. Travelers to avail thein-.r'v. S of the advantages of this short route, ask for TiCK i-T8 and have BAG (JAWS OHJtOKIiJJ Vie. the ANNAMKSSIO LINE, and he careful io take Seaboard and Roanoke Rail road Train from Weldon, N. O. For further information impiireof L«vv & Jacobs, 136 Broad street, Augusta,(fa., orat Georgia Railroad, Atlanta, or other principal connecting Railroad sta tions South. 11. V. TOMPKINS, _ , General Agent, Norfolk, Va. C. J. TROWBRIDGE, General Passenger Agent. jylS-lhti DOUBLE DAILY All Rail Passenger Route BLU'WKJ.jk ATLANTJ AND NSW ORLEANS 1 VIA Chattanooga & Grand Junction^ THROUGH IN 40 HOURS !! r T RAINS LEAVE ATLANTA DALIT at 6.45, a. m., and 7.00, p. m., making close connections at ail points. Arriving at New Orleans at 8, p. m., and 11.40, a. in. Passengers bg Trains of the Georgia Railroad make Close Connections with this route at Atlanta. NO STEAMBOATS OK OIHSIBUsES ON THIS ROUTE. ELEGANT SLEEPING COACHES Ou All Night Traiitu. Baggage Checked Through. . FARE AS LOW AS BY ANY OTHER ROUTE. ■ar THROUGH TICKETS, Good Until Used, can he Obtained at General Ticket Oiiice Atlanta, Ga. Georgia Railroad Augusta, Ga. South Carolina Railroad Charleston, South Carolina Railroad Columbia, 8. -. JOHN B. PECK, Master Transportation jylO-oin Western and Atlantic Railroad, RICHARDSON’S GREEN LEAF ROPE. I* WHOLE AND HALF COILS, For sale by J. A. ANBLEY & CO., sepG-Im „No. 300 Broad street. VOI. 24 -NO 99 STEV UV.N S 110 UW K. iil, 33, 35 and 37 Broadway, Kew Y'ork, OPPOSITR B.IWLISO CRKfS, ON THE EUROPEAN PI.AN. T..K HTfOVb-N.k HOL>K Ip well aivl widely known to the tr.ive i.i!,' pub o. Tbo loon io« i B espc iiin’ly hiilLililc !0 ’■ieii.ii.mb, men; il is in o-e proxim.ty to ibo biiKiuo.-B p.irt of the eity—ls on the highway of fc’ouiL***n ami \\ . cb’ rn t* >\ el—and adjacent to a i th * i .d k d read aud Steamboat Depots. Tne BTJBVENS HOUSE has noerai ur.u imuoda* tiftii for over 300 i/u.-st« -it in well furnished, ami i*)s aesM’s every modein iinprove<4ent for the comlort and ou eruiUimont <»r its inmates. The rooms are npacious and well ve n i l, a led —provided with ga« and wafer iiie a lcndance i» prompt and respectful-and the tablo is gonerously provided wish every del.eaee or the sea son, at modi rate rales. The rooms liuv; >g been refurnished and remodeled, we ..le enab.ed to ode, **.,a JttciliUe a ior the comfort and pi. junire o. our yuesls. GEO. K. OH ASK A CO., ProprWtom Garrell, Young, Sooll & Co. NO. S 3 WARREN AND 29 MURRAY H'l'fc!., NEW YORK, * * SUCOKSf'ORK TO Archibjls Vouiiif, (.mien At (!0., OF NEW Y< >RK, AND SPENCER SCOTT & CO. OF NEWARK, N. J EXTEHStVnr MAN UFMOTUitKIia . ANe VVho!c.,als Otalexs. ia liLiii's itud Boj' * C W. GARRETT, A. S. SiIAFEK, Lbfcl.Y YOUN'G, A.I..SOUTT, ’ TT ’ WAi;hiKTT —- : Tile Htiiisc-kni'pef’s Trio JlMti, LABOit aso 3IOXBJV Tiitd COOIvIAIU sTOV£, Ti-ifeJ Ci.OT.4i2i:. WA-hiij .. Trtifi t*A ItPi'f CMDRN, rj?UEfcE invaluable aids to every economical House-Keeper can be found at I>. L. FULLKIiTON’S, Aiiyiista, Ga., opjiosiie .Sontnern Express olliee. myMrii AUGUSTA FOUNDRY AND MACH iNK WORKS. W lulu’s J MijMovml ( u!it>i! Screw TH IUM PH ANT ! X AM M AKUFApTUPM' G t’-e above SCREW aid farmers desiring romethiug to do Ibe.r packing web, should*.-i.x in tdeir orders soon to lie sure to go; one in tune. Demand is Cheat. Tim>L; „jte 1. ALSO. GIM GEAR, SUGAR BOILERS, SUGAR MILLS, GUt-OKOXS. ALARM BELLS, and all kinds of CASTINGS, done at short not me. ai;g2s-tf P. MALONE. Fall and Wiimr laiportaiiou 1867. RIBBONS. HILLIiIIERY A.\i> STRAW WOODS. AUMkVfIIOAG, 6 A TOR & CO*, IMPORTKKS ANU JOBBKEB OP BONNET TRIM M l NO AND VELVET KIBHONS, BONNET BILKS, SATINS AND VELVETS, BJ.ONDS, NETS, CRAPES, RUCHES, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, ORNAMENTS, . STRAW BONNETS AND LADIES’ H ATS, Tiimined and Untiimmed, SHAKER HOODS, Ac. :mtl k!M!> BiiUiinorc Mipcet, >{ A.J /LMMOIiD',. Aliy. Offer the largest Stock to be found in this Country, and unequalled in choice variety and cheapness, com prising Hie latest Parisian novelties. Orders soiieilcd and piompt attention .given. aug2olni WOOL. WOOL. TO MERCHANTS A\D PLANTERS. IVXeROHaNTS AND PLANTERS desiring to supply themselves with the very best description of ALL WOOL CASSIMERES, JEANS and KER SEYS ail free from suonny and otukk impckitiks - manufactured in the South ; and in connection with it, to add to their business and accommodarc their customers by buying the surplus Wool of their neigh borhood—which will be received in exchange lor these Goods and all other styles of Dry Goods at CASH RATES will be enabled to make arrangements to do so by calling upon or corresponding with the sub scribers, at Augusta, Ga. myi’6-toctt H. F. RUSSELL A CO. 3NI ew 80 13a,rrel TURPENTINE STILL, EXTRA HEAVY BOTTOM, All Complete for Sale Muck Below Coat. Stills of ull sizes built to order aud DISTIL LERS bitted out at the LOWEST RATES, by J. B. FULLER, sept 4m 47 Dey s'reet, New York City. WOOD, WOOD, WOOD. XJiOBERT SCHLEY A CO. will soil the best quality of MIXED HICKORY, OAK and ASH WOOD, If taken at the Wharf, on the arrival of the steamer, at FIVE DOLLARS per measured cord. The steamer will arrive and diselmrge every week. All orders left at their office, No. 16 Mclntosh street, will be promptly attended to. If delivered at tlie WOOD YARD the price will be $6 60 per cord. We expect to keep a sujiply of WOOD on hand throughout the year, and orders left in time will savd 10 per cent, on the cost. my3o-tjal ,