Tri-weekly constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 18??-1877, September 20, 1867, Image 2

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CONSTITUTIONALIST. AUGUSTA. <3-A. FRIDAY MORNING. SEPT. 20,1807 11. It is the duty of the military autJun'ities m this District to secure to the people the ut most freedom of speech and of the press consist ent with law ; not to restrict either. No satis factory execution of the late acts of Congress is •pi acticable unless' this freedom- is secured at id its exercise protected by the usual legid means. Ill i No officer or soldier- in this command void hereafter interfere with newspapers or speakers on any pretense whatever. [Gen. Pope’s Order, June On, ‘ ' * •'• *• * ■ '• if “ Freedom of speech and of the press, educa tion, equality before the law , juul in polilvc<d ' ti-jhti arid privileges, are the i&seiitfadii of] any satisfactory reconstruction in the Bcnuh.” [Gen. Hope’s Letter to Gen. Grant. GEN. BEAUREGARD'S* SPEECH. !t ■ j It 44 * • i" « T. ' f 1t • j The speech made by Gen. Beauregard at the New York Hotel is, in some respects, extraordinary. The one hundred admirers of the gallant General must have been very much astounded when he told them they should, not dream of inaugurating another “ rebellion that it could not suacecd short Os a century, etc. We say they must have been very much astounded, for it is ‘ o be presumed that not one man of the hundred, however devoted to wine or olives, ever contemplated the dreadful revolution so ! ijiatiietically gdverted toiby the distinguish ed guest. We are fully convinced that the General little imagined such words were calcu lated to injure his Southern countrymen; but, if no evil ensue, the fault will be with the Radical press everywhere and not with the unjust allegation lurking in the lan gukge as reported. That he has "given the cue to mischief makers is already apparent. Several Radical papers have trotted him to the, front as a sympathizer and, worst of all, as an oracle of Southern sentiment. They say in effect: “ Here is an illustrious Chief of the late Confederacy and one of its most strenuous defenders. Behold, he ap proves the Congressional edict and rebukes those of his fellow-countrymen wiio oppose its provisions. More than this, he sternly reprimands the Southern poople for then rebellious conspiracies and warns them that they'must be abandoned. He is one promi nent man of many who testifies to the ex istence of slumbering fires in the Southern heart, ready to burst out into conflagration at any moment. The Ben. Hilt, journals may as well give up the ghost, for Beaure gard has endorsed the paternal measures of Stevens, Sumner & Co., and exposed the • hidden plot of a treason that is annihilated. If the t secesh ’ want to raise another disturbance, as we have reason to believe from the speech of the gallant Beauregard, they must look elsewhere for leaders and abettors." We assure General Beauregard that, however Innocent, of such intentions, he has given the yelp to Tray, Blanche am! Sweet heart and, by intemperate expressions, done his native section a serious wrong. If he meant that any respectable number of people in the South needed this exhorta tion to avoid engaging in “ rebellion,” he has grievously mistaken the popular tem per. If he did not mean it, perhaps he will tell us what he did mean. If he, a representative man, desired to intimate that the South had any purpose ; o¥ revolt,he went very far out of his way to discover 1 a charge ’that has no existence outside his own fancy. Jf he, a representative man, spoke with out due knowledge of the weight of his language and the sinister uses that would be made of it, the sooner lie borrows Gen eral Grant’s cigar the better. ..GFkfif one-part, we tire;:, -firmly persuaded that the General’s speech, like thousands of . , ,other post-prauifial was nothing more than the customary twaddle incident io such, occasions, and no one \vjll regret more than the speaker himself the promi ' ,! hence it has obtained: it • has,: like other idle words froin idle notabilities, been pufl .ed into enormous dimensions. The Radical ' pipers in the South are ecstatic over it and blazon it fortir as a trump card in their game. We shall not be surprised if Forney and Greeley blow loud trumpets ill jubilee i.... and, as iu the case of Lpngstrket and his ' letters, solicit copies to secure a Jacobin , triumph in Pennsylvania or New York ’ 1 with a corresponding confusion to Detno ■l i 1.1 '>i «* • : > 'i' ■. . : i cxacy. i t If General Beauregard is satisfied with furnishing thunder to our enemies, we wisli him joy of the business! For one, how , cytirVtve protest against the allegation his reported language: conveys, and mourn tv think that the bungling orator of tire New York hotel aud the brave idol of this Past Yard ilAUdal iutjlviiftefeljjif lSoj/in the spirit. We do not part with him willingly but pe to purge himself of the hurtful insinuation against the peaceful nature and intentions J it- A > - . W<~9till, .qljiig to the belief his* exprcssibiis hAris 'been ‘ tortured from their original meaning. But, should tj* > i b mtihM ? t ess large must repudiate them as without foundation| or warrant, i,u ; actual fact—as rash and imaginary. The noble command . .. . that Jeeeerson Davis, held .over jiisitongne in Fortress Monroe, scrupulously vigilant in speech lest an unguarded sentence should be sent forth as a javelin to wound his people, is in beautiful and glorious contrast to the gorgeous revel and reckless , talk of the New York hotel. ■'** * .*-■ 'lt'4tn&y be I 'that General with a soldierly conception of the supreme ; • PfbiU'ament ;of junqs; as-, opposed td the Vi tality of a great principle, has surrendered '" ‘ 1 ’ tii wiiat' he rfeiems the final behest of a dom« • • •‘in&nt faction' ami consolidated despotisni Jf,59, the Georgia Radicals so claim, we would rdmind him and them what ha*!, so often been ' the ! refrain : Os this pournal, that nothing is more common in history , , than a reversal of decrees written by the bloody edge of the sword. Few who have. ■ remembered Grecian story can forget how »*fce great Themistocles was abashed At " '"Andrds. 'He laid seige to that islahd Arid, 1 ' 'counting upon its speecty redtictiom, said,: , .noi4aiKrjr»r" “: i. roho “,And!ll,*u weptf,. , HM) „^.jidrians, “ have two gods equally poVverful—PovEß j rpr. The deities of the latter finally prevailed, 1 .At.: >»»d ithis ,i» oneidfi thousandsiof lessens that I wH '.n.’hfisttMtyihas made- t*‘'warn tie I 'ihfghty the'unfortpnate. , .M'l'fll) 7, <! /Ulf.iu; I /Ti" Ift ... General Beauregard and others, may, .Oii.b.. ip, fill.sincerity, estfiogfle ;tbe,4<le{ ftrnt wor- II HD&HJ ptiips tytff. butiininoy retard' for ' hm u Persuasion. i But those who atiHilioljj^ul^,. • rebellious! y .hut■ cousrieotiouhly, for “UtHMi alteraakß oi ConstituttonaiiLibesty bver tire ■ whole land, will succeed’itt ‘ for the gods Poverty aud Despair, they keep alive the vestal flames of an invincible Faith in the Faith. (From U<Q Atlanta Intelligencer. A Miserable Radical Trick. - * J «Bj Jul y~ Jj2 A We have had placed* before us a printed circular, signed by “ E. Hulbert,” General Pope’s Chief Registrar for Georgia, and chief agent of the “Southern Express Com pany” in this district, of which the follow ing is a copy. We invite the attention of our readers to it as a specimen of Radical t rickcry worthy the source from which it emanates, and the designs it wouid accom plish. Doubtless the document itself, though bearing no official sign, is designed ('or Hulbkrt’s sub-registrars in the several counties of ouriStyte, and. may, for aught we know, be scattered broadcast over it. He was told, itis charged—“ The Conven tion must re held —It is in your power —You .your duty.” This circular, we presume, constitutes a part of his extra official duly. We warn the people not to be betrayed into any neglect, of the. solemn duty they will soon be f called upon to dis charge at the polls, by any su6h electioneer ing tricks as this one of Mr. E. Hulbert and his Radical compears at these headquar ters. The alarm that pervades in the Radi cal ranks here has so added to their de moralization that they will stop at nothing to accomplish their purposes. “ Taste not, touch not the unclean tiling!” [copy op the cir'cular.] Atlanta, ,1807. : Let the motto of the Reconstruction Party in Georgia he “ Convention and Relief.” The country is heavily iu debt. Multitudes executions are ready to he levied. The Slav LsiV f» priic-iically 'dead. Several Superior Court, Judges, lion. Hiram Warner among the number, have ruled jthe •Stay Law uneoDHtitutirmal. Ju lge Warner ts now Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. > General Pope lias refused to grant relief in the premises. Executions will now be levied and thousands sold out aud rendered bankrupt, unless some thing be done speedily. Good men will sutfer seriously unless some lid is soon granted. The Convention is now our only hope. Let the platform of all Reconstruction candi dates lor the Convention be “ Reconstruction and Relief,” and we will sweep the State by thousands. Set the ball in motion. E. Hulbekt. Gen. Pope’s Hangers-on—A Good Hit and True. —ln his speech to the people of Butts county last week, the Hon. B. H. Hill is reported to have accounted for General Pope’s opinioh of the white people of the South as follows : Many of oiir people seem to be disgusted with that portion of Gen. Pope’s letter to Gen. Grant, in which he represents that the negro race bids fair to become the intellect ual superiors of the white race, and, there fihle, the prqppr race, tp* govern. TSiey are holding Gen. Pope in mute contempt for such an idea. I thiuk, my friends, you may do the General injustice.' Certainly, much allowance ought to be made for him. He is a stranger in the South. It is said he was in Savannah once, but did not remain very long. Still he is a stranger to our people. He can only judge Us by those who hang about him, and come in contact with him. He commits the natural error of judging all by these few. And judging by that standard,’tve must admit that the General is not far wrong. Integrity bf purpose, ebiisistency of ac tiou, candor and truthfulness, are all essen tial attributes' of a sound 'anil' reliable intel lect. This being so, how can we* marvel that men, who, for selfish ambition; betray ed the Union—Who, for selfish gain, used the war—who, for selfish safety, betrayed the Confederacy—and who seek now for property and the removal of certain dis abilities, to betray tl\e honor of their peo ple, slio'rtld-he timsidered by Gen; Pope, or anybody*else, as inferior to the negro. None of our negroes liave rxhiftitedjsuch a total absence of all the highest attributes of re liable intellect.. ' | 1 ‘ • " ■ | From .the N- Y. Herald. Washington. WAfnrNttTON, September HI, ist;7, ) 11 'o'clock, l*. M. \ . NO CABINET CHANGES. Il ls announced, .semi-officially to-day, (hat there will he do immediate changes in the Cab inet. Mr. Johnson does not yet see Ids way clear enough to, .venture on so important. Tib undertaking ns the removal of his official ad visers. THE RADICALS CULTIVATING GENERAL GRANT. Senator TlSiyer, of Nebraska, Colonel John W. Forney and fd.nhr -leading It Ad teals, had an interview of considerable length with General Grant to-day. This is but one of a series ojCeC; Torts to draw Grant out; btiUil. is umfcrstodi) frt hhve Wien as ban-e.n-of results ate ail of its pre decessors. The General is ,as reticent us ever on all snlijeels upon which, the politicians want explicit. Beyond the Well known fact Hull, he is now, as heretofore, in favor of speedy reconstruction, but. little. Can be gatherri ed from the most lengthy interviews and the answers to most ‘Cunningly devised questions. In View of anticipated trouble with |lto -Presi dent, there is a manifest disposition, upon tlm part of the Radicals to cultivate Grant. WHAT THE CLERK OF THE HOUSE THINKS OF IMPEACHMENT. Mr. Edward McPherson, Clerk of the House of Representatives, arrived this morning for the purpose of opening the bids for stationery for the House. With regard to'the political situation ho sayp it, may do very well .tqJgUt a brail impeachment, before the people, hut lie does hot think it can be accomplished, because there is too much difference of opinion upon tbupubject aiuuugTUe members of the Repub ii<*iwl -J.l X: iaLiIDST • CHANGE IN THE METHOD OF GRANTING’ CRTM ! ■ i | S INAR PARDONS. The, President has recently directed a change to lie made in the method hitherto’prevailing : in the Attorney General’s office in the matter of grantibff* ftriruii/ni- pAi'dook. The custom lias been, when the President has referred! to the (Attorney General ap application for the phrdoii of A criminal,'' tliaf the ‘ parffon ciri-k searched the records-of tbepffleo and made a report of the case to the Attorney General, who endorsed upon it his recommendation that the pardon tie granted, if he decided in favor of gif ppplicant, and it was sent, to the Department of State, when.a warrant of.pardon was filled up; signed by the Secretary of State, anti forwarded to the President for his signature,Tvlneh completed the document. By method the option of granting pardon was virtually left to the Attor ,ije)i General,.aud tkf.P.ceswJeet.^aw-nothing of the' iridivltlha! ■ pai'dbned. : By IBM President’s direction the report of the pardon clerk, after lnivinc bflon endorsed: by-the Attorney General, 1 ’ is now laid before the President, who is thus (judge of-, the prpprjetjr ; oC granting Executive clemency. A NEW SMUGGLING DODGE ON TUB CANADA ' ij M FRONTIER. -ill .1 inspectors ot reVCrthe'htivc reported to the Treasury Department the discovery rif another mode of smuggling dutiable goodsf rorn Canada • i nto the United Mate*, i.which , has, peen, prac ticed by baggage masters on the railrpafls. The i fraud) is perpetrated; by. plaejpg ampDg the bags iffter ,it : pad. been inspected, and valises containing emuggfpd .goods. One case. has ’beeri ‘ discovered where" baggage masters hdWbfeen chirrying on this species of fraud ftnr over two years. A considerable qaantityrW goods have- bierr seized and thq parties have I'boeii arrested. (Measures have been adopted to prevent this dishonest practice iftthe.future, h hn. - - i'm Jllil'JlDSll .liPW'Jh'Jbl-UI - W2ITO '1 The Bureau of Confedb^^e,,Archives ,4iKp!jME. Johnson.—Jn bis speech labt week, i at Boston, Mr. B6dtWe}l is represented .as chargftfg thire Mr.’ 'JOBt/sOtt rctndved the ar chives and closed the bhreati fori the preserva tion of the archives of the Bouthcrn:Confed- : paragraph is going tbo rounds of th<»‘'preir bureau of archives Is still m dilstfflhcei accessi ble as heretofore, and the' Wcindeirt! has not. bf 4tfy ! kiOd as so bs mana /*• ever over US. Utffairs. Some days agoi General Grapt, Hading! tb«t> i the then. oflSou.Mf siwtyHAtr tendent of the bureau,,W* mere sloSißtop p,r,r«dmvp4. ,tf*c iijciyubent, Dr. Licber, and placed the. concern in charge 6(. a dork, who has cfttfWW; ' lßaltimore S«u|,T®tjJ; , '' u: aoifiOOS.orf fl-.m: I’ Yll ■/!< Abner Marks, charged with roiibing the Adams Express Company in Tennessee, about a year ago, of 131,000, was arrested in Rich mond on Saturday. Registration in Christ Church. JIOW A NB?<HtO iiSGiisTSiAit[fnQSvi ris import ance— a win tis crrizSw a' gang'* OF NEGROES AND DRAGGED TO CHARLESTON SATURNALIA BY THE WAY. The following account has been furnished the Charleston Mercury of ft recentdeeurreheeTfT Christ Church Parish. It is written l»y a re sponsible citizen iu whose statements confidence may properly be placed: ’ ' ! . Mr. Bamuel Fraser having the supervision and charge of a plantation and a number of negroes, informed the men thfit they must wait until Saturday to register fclieir names. Tjie legistration began on Monday and was to cojn tinue through the week. Some of the men left the plafUationjOit Mpjtilay/tjis ftyskflay of the registration,) and returned fate tlTat cvcnijig without registering. Mr. Fraser then told Lhiim that “if they lelt again before Satur(S>sfjthjpy need not return.” An altercation endued, Bn which the negroes set up the right tp be ahsqnt from the place ‘.‘as lopg as the registration’fast ed,” without any liability to fine or dcduc'fibhlof wages for the lost time. Mr. Fraficr, Oh tlie other hand, gave them to nnders'tAtid ttrnt 4is duty to his employer required hiin toroske‘a<Jt)-, duetioh for their Absence on Monday and-foriahy other day, except the day allowed tliem for. tjhe purpose of registering. Having absent them selves on Monday they failed to receive their ra tions when the other laborers, got theirs ; a)id having expressed, their determination to leave 1 again on Tuesday and lor every day Os tjhe week, Mr. Fraser refused to give them the fa lious lor that week. They then left for the [c gistration prefcinct. Arriving there, they njadq complaint to the two registrar*, Mr. Smith (White) and 'Aaron Logan (black), tfiat Mr. Fraser had forbidden their coining to register, and threatened ta Lufu themuff if tliey left llie plantation. 8 AjiriAi.' tloriaJnlcd that Fruler should be arrested. All the negroes present (about one hundred: and fifty) for the arrest. Mr, Smith advised against it, saving there were no affidavits of the facts, and a ii|we statement was not sufficient. Besides, it 1 Was late in the afternoon, and before Mr. Fraser could he arrested (bfc lived four miles off) find brought to them, and then sent to- Gharlesjon (fifteen mijes farther), it would be midnighi-r-. He expressedidi t<!6|?is to his right! to. ar*cst a man who lived four miles from ihc, precinct,, .on p .charge, pf. |to prevent the .migpippice of the very men’ whq were then preserii, 1 hiifl' 1 Who pad been there, unmolested, the whole 'of the prgr vious day. He refused In sign the wamtrti at least, Am til he, y'V'J'J Atiipk Jl)e over.—. Hut AArdin would iol ha JHultjvdii A Inomint. He grew furious —threatened his white fol lea.gue-rPWOre he won!J lake the respons|bijity on himself, and, thereupon scrawled «Jff> »»rt of maudate ll to bring Bdm. Fraser hefot-d ftim to be dealt with,” <ftc., &e. The negroes, in spired by Aaron’s resolution, liotvled for Ven geance on Fraser. Aaron called for volunteers “to arrest the villain.” A hundred voices c-iied out, “ I’ll gp<”.“Gib mo do wari-pm.” Aaron picked out a dozen meri armed’with guns find muskets (about thirty present had these weap ons), and commanded them to “ brmg the Jvil— lien before him,” “I’ll show-the white scoun drel how lie dare to line you for coming here,” &c. The negtoes look liid paper iind pro ci eded to the house of Mr. Fraser. Tlfey louiul him lyiDg down on a bench. They rusied up to him, cocked their guns, leveled them at him and cried out, “ I.arress you,” “we come' to fetch you, ,deaj oi;,alive, to Mr. Logan.”— T iey commanded him to go with them,. He mounted his horse, and, guarded ou alLsides •by the negroes, was dOitdVicted Into the august presence of the dusky diguitifi-y. ' >| In the meantime, however, Mr. Smith (a Northern gentleman) the co-registrar of Anion, finding that no more bnsiness eOuld be done, ti at day, had undertaken, in .jiis capacity,ot Chairman of the Board, to adjourn the registra tion for the day, lie, therefore, declared the books closed, and proceeded-to gather up the books. Aaron cliiimed that he had as much right to the possession of them as‘he, !Mr. Smith, had. This was not conceded. On; the c mti-ary, Air. Smiih inX<yin<rt ,hija .thy the b -jolts avCrC put |i{ ifiS vlfarga fie* s ilft.bnded to keep them. Thereupon Aaron said he “must hive some, of the oi'' “ You. ,huve. no. right to hhe all." And the negroes around cried out, “Yus, dit’s so,.”don’t ay mu all,” “jteik some,"'** tcrlfsAirfe.” - Mr. Hmith, how. ver, was fii m. »8o lie went away witli the books, a wiser man for his One day’s’experience of the ntgro character. A- littli- beJoiW siitisut,' Ili'.li|'h*ni<,i\»|tb the armed escort, was brought before the Sable Aaron.. The. jiegrq laborer who had mads the eonipiainl Was told'liy ‘Anion wnfake his atate ment again. JTe did so. Another negro,; was then called up f A’Corroborate that statemejit.— Unfortunately and most unwillingly, he let, out that l*r:Yfc! h:irf'{ttiftjieip jjfjat "- tlipy touht go and register oh idaiurdtiy, bill tuati I lie. “ condition of the crop did not admit of ttticir abeenCO inoi’c tiliau ifeie! fi:fySlid that o the ■ work they were ■engaged in could not I* 1 de . layed and they Biust, therefore “ put ofr rc- Kistswipg till .BatuJfday,”. ~. , ... * " The two negroes having given their state ment, Mr. Fraserainked if lie “could say ii few words.” This request was flattering to Apron. It, was .a elpar aeknowledgtuent from a wliite man that a negro had, f<>r the time being, pow er and authority .Qver, liim. Dpavajvas, tiliere lori’. 'gracioiisfv'-'gi'aiili'rt-Tiim! !< He begqn by calling attention to Die fact, that what the first nigger said was not supported by what ,U;p other nigger said ; and lie was. about to'weigh the two iu the scales of truth and justice au.i.l show which should lie believed, whSil Justide Aaron, who had it all his own way, (therb not being one white man present, to help Fi-nser), : «hk’ifirOil-t4"irahdieiu)(!\atEiß:pti4,|(iik4. kilfiofmeed his determination “to take tile fellow (Fraser) to Charleston any how and “lie didn’t: wft-rit to hear ‘ nutlin furrer ’ from him no how;!’ and “he may, jest, ns wpll ; shet-up fit pwe,” This’annouPtfeiriehlf'wab Inlileu '' riptiirous applause by the assembled crowd. To make all matters sure, however, and to make tile-most of the exploit of capturing Frssep, as wyH as to ‘(dijdy -the'sati.4hrlloii‘JHQuhjWteuKl dwo ’wliite man, though tor a lew hours only, to iiegro qont.ioLi Oi' jierii df Iris fife, llaft'or gotliis waVipp. that way ; go faster or slower ; sit nr riije; he ' silent or speak, Ac., Ac.; all in accordance witli a negro’s will, tips follow Aaiqp .defcilnined to go ip person with the guard whiA lie had' appointed to take Mr. 1 PraSerTo Hi) eoiild not forego t.he-jireasnre'of lnit-rpw'ing him with taunts and ‘threat*, through‘the dark hours of the night, liniTshowiilg hiui lat Jll the negro huts ou the wayside, as a speci-fien of negro the, whjte man, j ! ‘ Eight, wwed (jegroep. p.'rjp, .by Aaron as tlie guarfi. Mr.'.Frasqr, imputin' their, charge. , A/u oii .mounts' his horse. Mr. FfAscr aloeaipts. to ihoiint his. Aaron orders liim to disiuount. and walk. The whole pack veil out, “ Gif .pff (V)VWe ffrl-U ! He,is forced to dismount. Aaron alone riiiijs ; all the others walk, Mr. Fraser is then marched by thisgmu'd,’iijrdl'4 l>y Aaron, ttirougli swamp and jungle, bramble and bush, by the most in direct, blind and-circuitous pathways, 5n the direction of Charleston. Tffc i eason for LvUfiig 1 tliese.liyi-cfili.shiedfillnil.piths is soon madh ap-' parent,. U was not, as Mr. Fraser apprehended ■ a rot.” These-various divergences front atnt< thing like a frequented pathway, was to bring h/(n tU Hie - imhierpka'fit'ki'd jwbicli, within distances Vaiyirig from a nuuUreiß yards to a halt toilo, w-oie. sts-etehed on either s’ije . of, the main road which led to the city. Ajl ’ each ' of these negro qiurriJM,’' AGdi> ‘ ComtstatuTed h" ' halt.n(TlW! jn-groq*., -aroused fro|i the4F sleep ; lights were ordered and the negroes «*fi‘ sciffolua. Thcji-’Aaron paraded Mr. {Fraser belonetrtiejHj nn<t proceeded to explain who. - was the white villain he had jn custody l—how he had ordered his arrest and "Wimne iiiended to do with hi,n,!G'l*ii.v!(fco, Thisti Rutra]je~wns repeated,ajl. the city, wnHhi was not readied till‘three oYfock next flim-i* ing. ‘i!-ria ram no '.Arriving iu Charleston, Aaron arid hit gVFW/jl, t delivered Mr. Fraser to the military ati Ltioncd' at the Citadel. At 9‘oV lOaVdWfc‘tlftc dhy, Mr. Fraser was . called tbiifore. tttte oflßcer in eo'di- 1 WJjs informed that lie had betri ftld 1 gaily arrested, and was discharged. WlfiC ptWr--’ 1 ‘ islimfcnt Aas»oU Siidihis-fi-llßw hi uti«orO tb“‘W ; eeive remains to be seen. It is gratifying to kODWcthattASroa-ris• luatgl' Itrrest by, the military. Our citizens apprized of th(ioe r , eui-rehte# above 1 nfimted-, sftau-lff regara them ”**' “ Jhie beginning of'the end,’Yand puci iare ae-' 5 eordi.ngly,n ■■ >u ni i.ini.q in-• n-t md j,,,jj. T/nt has j rjx-p South America.— Via London we have iu- Paraguayans. NotwithstaudingThe Brazilian" forges, etwisuto* ofcwjmvitjiousand miii ’fifty-' " seven vessels and ten iron-dads, have been car rying on the contest for two yeaNM SifevißaCfi: ■ Hi dtWrit dirl.V 'ktrtohtetfdl"W li*ldipg nine n square miles of enernyV: -101X1 toryv!-iT space hinXMy<)toote than sufficient to bury ill decent •onder the bodies of those wBo b*.ye ; di<|d from sickness and wounds. A battery at lltapiru and many have been killed fighting in the ranks, Th.C devotion of the Paradbaivana tq, >i their leiflfer 1 , Vhilthhr fhsjllHM'hy lWriTof terror, 1 is upparaHeled in hWtohy; >«Be body of ,one sol- I -’h'tvhrg beeft Mmld who had been drowned in attaching a torpbfto to a I irazilian , steamer, aud boys from eleven to tfilftttett 1 " sasKrtfiass 1 their naked hands the guns out of fbe iiruzilmu i batteries. Ttii»inrstsUp(ie,ri (heuurri itatouish- W £ L full J , halt negroes and the remainder Indians or ; mulattoes. This tact is a complete refutation ) of the theory that colored men do not make efficient soldiers.—AT. Y. World. w m gif *W theredjj s§«^g h^b^ v ’ W ‘ D ' ter of Rev. ETa. Duncan, OBITUARY. DEATH OF WILLIAM 8. BIIEILDB. ‘"‘lTc" relatives 61 HHg PHltmahtg-ynimu M»««w with sorrow that ho departed thin life at his adopted home near Houston, Texas, on the 16th inst., of ycl 'ibw fevari.ii .’i fVw’f TT.'|, : j j.llfl |H>H > He died in the twenty-sixth year of his ago, much loved and respected by his numerous acquaintances. For the past eleven yoars (with the exception of four years in theiservice of iW countryJ, .his home lias hefln that with his uncle, in this city, and for ‘two years previous to August past, they were associated together m^busineMher2W^lJ2i|Jj^^i|l|*s^^^^*4 Georgia State LotteUyTT u '<>•• ‘FOR-THE'BENEFIT OF>THH... = j “watt The following were the drawn numbers, in the plementary Scheme, Georgia. State Lotterft j •. i ......... BepWmber 19liq Class, No. 76: ! 1 ' , '*J 17 I 61 74 03 6* 35 5 35 47 36 73-71 '•*, , ! ii: ' » “ " I ] V3T This daily drawing dceidcs both Bupplemqa Corner Jackson and Kills streets j l O,fl«p-!0-I I !!*,«<,- ~!| . , f-. || , CONSIGNEES I*EU 8. C. RAILROAD, SetfteLfl her 19—Tit ifyamsA Co, L Guerin & t)o,'Effti#CoheiX V Richards A Co, F H Cooke, Gray, Mulinrkey A C J H, Nelson A p’ofcllji|T| |a «<s■ ffDowd A W C Jessup A Co, Dr K W Harkcr, L J Millerjil Emery, Mdfcean p’B,,M AO, IHJ, II * Co, Bqtfl well, Whitehead A Co’,' J F Miller, ‘A'<l AdSurlV Hahn, G Kappold, A <jo, ! J 1 ft Sijlfl van* tValkqr A Allejn, jf'enny A Gray, A Mayor, 4 » T A Ilones, Isaac Levy, (Gj, Myeis A Marcus, Obtfij,l A Dosclicr, 1 !)‘Block, W M Jacobs, 8 Simon,‘J Komi ‘ iiiah, Wyman' A’May! A Henderson, T Kootyjß I Kaufman, ! J Y Reid, W A Moiifftey; JIV Moore- Bft | Ztiller,' faTefrliini' A Rowland, J A Brenner, Wni | f If use, J U Meirtldki-; "[D], If JOrecnwooil, Augui® 1 City -Railway Company,nJ-F-M Robertson, HtalliiO A llofccrS, M Itfb.- if-• . . n, ' : •• 1,..11. 1 ..lUONdIGNEES PER CENTRAL RaiA.‘*V Hepteml,er..2ULr—T.MaEkvfalteiV, J O M,A Cq,„ G,lj.W B, W ItT, P A L, A S, J O M, U Mjl-rs, H Waiiilj A Co, E O’D, J Biislan, Mrs Frederick, J A V W[nf Hlaßkensee, l Sylvester A Co. W C Jqnrs, R W* 1U O’D A M, J Ryan, J T G, O A D, PA Co, B VBjfl Co, G A Oates. F A U, T [ 81, li, BB Co, D R Wifeht,' Y fe Ms W M J, C B, R A Miller, C Myers, J G B A Bro, P C A Co, A }lauliql ’ son,'Ll Ames, R 1 FU,I* W A Co, L A D, ; 8S 4 jdft ■« hi I irfiPKCUL NOTICES# kit ■ The members ot this Association will piease asaeu4fcii|i in the Lvctuie Room of.St, J, lie’s <Metliodist)iiii**ft, in tlusqity, on SAIURUiVy,, the Jljt inst.. at in n’3Jb GAdiEN <rf!k'(>Kß ' (IRKEN UTNIIF.Ii '->JLytl ca'ie 6f su’uefiiir GREEN' GINGER just received,' tot tor sa e at retail, by i .ft (> tilT ELECT SCHOOL —Mn. L. J. PECK ppen her Sphoq', for a limited number of fttipils; gn Monday, the 30lh SEkI'EMDER. Jusiiucti<j£ Av4hA> e .ery branch to a complete education. - [ feepl7-l4' 1 •’ *•" . m t«V J3CH. 1 M.AKEROYD, ARCHITECT, OF NASH VILLE, Tennessee, (late ol Clinoibndti. Ohio/) p|aA<, Elevations, Sebtiiib.', hill sized detail Drawings ;nd ISp citicatiou*, jyith or without personal sup- r^utea,p,< uvery class of Civil, Ecclesiastical, and Domes I < B&Bd iugs- -4’Lf ’•■£.< ! .1, , lao, lAeafifijS Mr -!\ aft tits, aud i> , coi(iftkv Address I f; •*«^iDUUOAI>.-SIPKJfiBT{ Cjftu.Sta. , , i i f . W ear and U 'ear/ *sr .systeui depressed by the wear and tear of biiaAspis fife, whieli makes b’ueh (re'm. nilous dr alts upon thclodf and mind, unless pome heslthfut drttl r’eborteif to, pidstr-itieu ails ensue, and diHeaseefepuiVii* urxm the l victim r 4 nb«li<fenc«‘. But if L r f - IKMTETTJSK'S STOMAOlfr'biTTfcßf which i a a ! egret able \ timely aUmiiiirdered, the organization will renifit tnaftal flc the veinn of epidemic auJ c!iao<jcsj of temjAfcfttr%in '■Kintal lo thifi Mtfason M wh uerves of the ,,Jl ' h'« «^T5 1 ... r ' ’ permanent vitality -jin 4 hid rfikft edy, which will prove of l>eu> lit to the brokenklowh “ and si i arista! jefiffitCflit ion£ -If only tonic of wliteh the Rtiffafftfcniur pfni.Mple ‘■ffrtdmVcxly pure lift ba.sia js. the easential principle of bound rye, wliich isjaihpjth'd'by analytic * MiUte to be thfeYittHfciiamilesJa Htripn lanta, and thin tjuj«4 \* from crudities fhifcb be : lontf to it a.i it cooies from the manufacturer, the oilier Cdruftfuiedirf- nwilcrtnal plants aid li#rbn*. and contain not one harmful foment in-all OjeJncoinpo oitlbii. 1; .11 IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, D IflißMj'N-- • ’ ‘ AT* mJNKKALOGYV MJOVUJLuIiy, " UKOLOWY AND.,m¥irUjUl,!,j : Wilt be tyhe Laboratory or the Meicai dot' h?#ouf.:Oiiuirn)iiifi ad-litum to the -tKiaular. coarse, coni-' meucing on Monday, 4th NUVKMBKK, and continuing weeks frfn jtlie iu£ j The course will be thorough in Qualitative, Qidn/Ua-' tfve aufl nje*>tfo anaijieiVrtiljzerii, Soils,' Mineral Wii.Uii»b Ur. !, Blood, <te.V an«VJeter m’fuc AliiKnlfa. teacfl 1 \vi 1 jeceivo , iustrufcildfi' 'at' hW'oWh’ VA i lxperi- Hn'ht;, '■thiiw 1 liirirtrilhnr ptfirUVaity IftmdHaiAs floehom-, • Tke Heat half of the courk Wu} lie. Uli*:l««War studies of the College 1. in; l J hjiic* em bracing (he constitution ol Matter and Forok Bddud, Heat, MStatic, auJ Aiiiniftl Electricity, Actinic aud Nervous Forces, and tion of these various forces. Inorganic, ktyf.orgtutu: 1 cKi'misthj, fatic&Mbi; hfe# VrdcttcatPfttyvnASs, iw«kt by LecturAaUiM mcitatiom iitaslrated byaametfcvs ««pe rimeuts. The second part will include Analytic?: Wfry. m^lofu.sUylQgg, , /uyl ibjtafiurgx ,- ■yyic'ii os ! VUr instruction of tin. |rpt ; |Mict.' •.Blu Jeul.sf° l ''-Ibe conipfete course'wlTl receive intttuutiau.. t<iyour"|i6uts cacfc : BaMn Ths.aboye_arraiiseaieot will enable* U&Ucal lludents. of the to bgcome familiar with ;l|r4snty sis and Urjb'i*fiij4i^|.oi4j|lJns; the compldM course ■ is necessary to tile Apothecary, Miner, MeUllm'gbftj" :i Wa«asiapft»i«^ follows: Collttbiil '‘ttoffree-irf ■ iebDiilsi t-f,' 'SUt! ft inter Session, Sfo'4“MhMMifi'M«aiM|;i<blKt Whiyletf extra. Wi liter Lni^fie,'fc-lll; complete extra Summer luu: pa, ay (it) uf%MUii in adva e. “O-H.I- * iOh aiA Chemicals supplied to StudenU at New York>|rts.' .TfISf.H Wjpv. RAINS, M. D. ? , ; * ~T*KTOssorUliOTiistry and I’harnVicr. ~-si iX'fi'*# .ff M-JW- ,»•%% “Iv- ,M J i .. Mil. Acad. West toiut, scni-4w 'Sit&lHih <gQi t >i<> ny/.i}«"vT7r .. : ‘“lir lb «a- : ! irfers his Services oil , 114 wnl pay tdto ndUtetfiivut of kforfa. A. bi // wpl-toj^i W. B. ASTRN <k CO., 25 I'ea.rl street York, jW.WPWMI|tfI 6w i and ail. •athex,puin«»»i,for «hicli. baits,awe uai-d.,ot-api desired; iir>.%4c-riaA di“«rte, -tn>on dSie»Hhoj»toet noticv- #UI)UR and BtftthF*rieß4fcsr;<aen4l-t»r CdWA* or'liApW. nidt'ed'tfi: ■ orller!' wiAf neayt 1 designs.'* 'Paplr "Bah VW‘ tioC iu, ' /li .all*,it .it,i fi,.... I .|.,,,|. i, uu.*whb% ytvi.wftWwjp si 'XSirtb m'^am lly riiysicfan what he thinks of PANKNIN"# 'HpfATIC BITTERS, and he will not fail to Uil’peiutha tt'is tke ' ,u -1. arsrtWfl*iaQtfc l eiiA.eaut *fcQS|y rating, harmless Tonic. * .die.7/ ROBJ TOOMBS. | D. M; E Mb■ __ “ '• .•»K.|||-.ll|J|.| K.'-| Ul»i *■ TOOMBS & “ £hiBQSE, . iWMMUWMfc erro? dgletbtorpe and !x$ 01 t " crn > an “ CotfnA»Yi'W<fa ;*MdW Circuit, the'Supreme Court of th i Vr/ileß - WfVjipV^iffircwt^.urts. SiM3*i* JftUflUiirilAi |j ven to ft „ auiea n , B4 nk-' <»u Ftin aumlMiniii iii'.l i.iji jjn >l9*o* *' »AlUKi kt^L ■ iMUMnW will sellu y House *4-,h WR on Reynolds street, in rear ol the Au-, l «T. t *.iEfaP" c ® an<l Banking Co.'* Buwkii < House, giving belwr tPrniH than can be fMtl'thrtiwgh 111 TlitMr Association in the city, or will rent on reasonable terms. The House has been newly covered, and is being painted throughout. For particulars apply to LKONAKD \. GIBBS, aepl9-tf 241 Broad street. ■mildew Glass at \Vhlfc tailed ■/A /"A BOXES Bxlo lU V/ 100 boxes 10x12 “ w 60 “ 10x14 “ “ 60 “ 10x16 “ “ (ft. 60—U—12xU JL _ W (0 —n "X2rt6 «■ ' 100 “ 12x18 “ “ 60 “ 12x20 “ ■ftar* Vra'le disconnt lorCcptember, 35 |el riefiiAfom lew York Price List. IWr "Her lirst, second, third and fourth qualities of ■{.ASS, and can always guarantee uniformity and Eviority Os FINISH, as wo sell the manufacture W(tlwrte : FrciMb Honie. ~;:i»tlc SogG PURSE A THOMAS, ~ ‘ No. 11l Bay street, •C«tp2o-lm u,» -aqu., 11 Mr ,. Savannah, Gn. finillCO SARR*M, U it K)K«' vink(;ai| AbLRANTKIi- .perfectly pure and free froi a dnlteration. Op (consignment, pnd for sale by PURBE A THOMAS, *Vp2O-lm *•»*•«*•« i Savannah, Ga. REMOVAL. hri (. '.,i .! WIN AM E & BUMMEUd have removed o No. 266 Broad street—store- formerly occni»ied by M r. Jvi.ids Q. Tucker. 5 , ’ ’ Bep2of6 S. D. HEARD, I WAREHOUSE L . :'.:.: ANr> : jpOMMISSIO N M EllOiiAN, AUGUST GA„ Ittt i.i... i » ( | W «ILL«i*o liia ixirwuiml attention to the BTOJi (Age AND SALK OF COTTON uiid other CON BJUNMENTS, .which ha respect fully solicits, •riTi.,- usual accommodations will .he extended ibn Svxlure in Store. ' ■ ! SCpSO d*'6i| Turner’s Excelsior Manuile LARGE STOCK OF THIS FARTILIZBR oowTecciving, which we cooftdcut'y reeonuncnvbto planters as superior tosil others lor Wheat culture In Maryland, wheie it is made and best known, i{ is .almost universally used for this crop. It is-eoiu|K>sed of seven 1 hundred pounds of pi re PERUVIAN GUANO and'thirteen hundred pout ds SOLUBLE PHOSPHATE OF LJUK—bones #B-, •solved in acid—to the toil; Orders soiicited'and promptly attended to. J. A. ANSLEY A CO., sep2o-tf nj>l| 300 Broad streel Mecklenburg Female College, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Rev. A. G. STACY, A. M., President^ i h i rT- 1 ° AND TUITION) with fuel, lights i nd contingent fee, per session -of live, scholastic mom iis, ■ flo3 00, half in advance. Jfpaid entireat the open ngt of the Session, October Ist, only $95 00 required. 1 Extras at fair rates. Buildings large and eomftio didtis. Grounds arapiQ. VVajtqv piue and cold, .uity unsurpassed. a . - S Pupils coming fiom Georgia can be iouducfcl to ti e Co'lege by Pr/»f.- J J..L; Jones, formerly Presiint of the Masfinic Female College, G.l, now of Mecklen burg Female College. J "• For particulars address A. G. STACY, sepl9-2 Charlotte, N. 4 FURNITUBi •; ■ o— : ;J Stallings & Rogers, 133 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. JC-L.AVING greatly increased our facilities; (or conducUtig the P lIKNi BURK BUSINESS, we iavite tlie public to call and examine our stock of PA T{ l> )R, CHAMBER and other FURNI'fUKE now uniting, which lias been carefully s>duct.;d hy one oi the firm. STALLINGS A ROGKRSjj scplO 6 132 Bma.i stroet. asm® & li fAotorb AND j i ■■ .u .. i • ;i Commission Merchants, ... •SAVANSrAif. qrX. r P , v A., -A- UK UNDERSIGNED liaVe .formed a partner.- sitip ibr the transfic.tiqn of tlip above bwiness, atjd rtf - spcotftiUy solicit consignments of COT'I'ON and other PRODUOK from theirfr)cnrls,aiid ayo now bre jiared.tqveceKe'and 1111 orders for BAGGING, ROrR and other SUPPLIES. ; CASH AIiyANCES made on consignment*. ; WM. J. OWENS. JAH M. ItY I{. :: J. M. DYE & CO. j i: diudl si- !- iT Ir • •• . ~. I | .H CON TIN LK THE W A ItilHO fJS K AWW GOftL . ; mission j 'At tiifeii- «Nt siAiid, M 3 Ittjfiiblin titlcel, .eluuiß f “ AUGUSTA, GaY. ;S-TRIOT atlentinn paid to the storage and gale of , COTTfm ANI> OTHER PRODUCE, an.l lo the lnircJvwe rtMaHtam ROPE, TIES and FA ifi lbV‘ j 'SUFFLIBS, Ox; If ** li LIBERA L CASH ADVANCES mad?. o| con i Bignnieptsj.aieo, A, j LIBERAL ADyA'NCKS made on shijrnn nts of |. Cotton to Messrs. Owens A jlvg, HuyunnSh, Hi,. <*“ >'■ —aeplA-iUoSm. , .. (! - ‘..'j POLLARD, COX & (jo., ..•.::;«ENKKAIi GIiOCISBM ( * .eliitoG { H • | Commission Merchants, a.a .(.» -A .It . f,[ M IK ■ ; ';;;;:;;;::No:M broad SITOT,; J AAAXAfew'ltldors .'Uei'ow ! ~ :ii ' A;;:;;:;;;;;.; .; . (( • * *-' ; !i’J ; l 1 i - JL Ve.KK i J contdiuvtJy <ln hand ft '• and> t r ell Be- Mecte4 of every desctiptioii, 1 ncmdrngallnc 6f 1 ikaN •£>lK9f Ae. ‘ ‘ ‘hug.TO ' *wljt I POLLARD. COX W f 57, HJfOl|UtD> kniJi Itblioh i.'ll'Hhfth OOTFON FAI3TORg, WAKEffOIJ^ ’ • Commission Meroharj ts, ;;;; a' ; , g a., .; t"«Q-n.I n > ,l-,rni n:iiH |./i/, of- i.M ONTINOiB-buWness'atthdlrlOld Stand, ind will gtveTJreirstrlctpsfiiOnid-atteiitlbl) so the RxVQE and SADEfIfJCSfttT.QN. aM r dtTidy; PRO DUCE. ■ • -urdefs ifor rItAOGINO alld .ROFK proln ;itly at tende^.to.;/J'; ‘ 5 i .CONsiQNMSKTS respect,(gJUy iiU „. uu ,. AGENTS fjiir REED’S ind the JOHN L; FLEMINGii : ft; » Ifn ill i £j<*yb«fWx < ) »*■»« 'ff }, o<3fcTO'Jsr.:iirAaT<.> n - > utirt H'lhiir.'l .*b>iu;.. t l *;i|j i,' f.'khfshiti •iM' t!- .. I. td. in ft! Jflv/ luvitij/• ■ AKD,.,„ v i j'l*•••>•#! iu vuL no i i>J uui} B«w •i• H Merchaiity itf-4fy«»ri _ * 1 ‘! h> •<««» h JACKSON STREET, | , u W ILL devote his personal attmuiqn to the ■ STOftAIOH and:iflAl»E df COTTON 4i,l plhetlmr -RHODIKB. i f id,,, htUIUU 1,, „ unmu*.t . lAslsrH-for BAGUINif,, K/LgRE, ly lttlefti* i , inl.l RERA l/CASUi:AJhVAN CKS.iLAUE tl-m.diuOita -h, v1... . :r:tasax:::rn&ir , m«um.ii» ii .v/ ° j fcV ‘•uA- LARGE stock, iuslUMMNj.’tfa'whlcti wc in vite the attention of Merchants and Planters. J. A. ANBLEY Sc CO., aug3l-lm No. B*o Broad st. Having secured the services of Mr. Timmons as Superintendent of my MACHINE WORKS and FOUNDRY, I respectfully announce to mjTTrlehds and the public generally that I am fully prepared to bpild or repair all kinds of machinery at short notice, aiiil in the best possible manner. Having the largest slock of GEAR WHEEL and BULLY PATTERNS in the South, I have no hesi tation in saying that Millwrights can here be supplied quicker and liefeiA than'any.wlierc 41ne.\/l ' |: i STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, SAW MILLS, GRIST MILLS and BTKAM FITTINGS always on hand, orUttfleiittiiti 16 JJfifill An experience of twenty years, in this community, in the Foundry and Mw ; bioehuHinenß, has ua with the wants of country, and in the Macliinb "a is rwytfti rtAiMM \ JackHou atreet, next to the Gas Works. • * oop-18<1 ill• </■i-»j 1 1 rn 'i.i >ia «m ft .> t>.-s 1 ’ ' DAY & INMAN, ' • 1 •* -a i >• i ' ua ... i SOI. Auctioneers, SOI. ;] Z HAVE ON CONSIGNMENT, -Ant Sale, 30 CASES COGNAC BRANDY ' 30 Cttses “Jas. Hennessey ” BRANDY ~ .25 Cpsps fine,CLARET ,\yiNE •. 10 Casesdiseprtpd.l’kCKLjiS, If jjatls 10 “ “ “ quarts a.r. 5 Barrels Old Bouibon WIJIHKY . j '36 Boxes RAISINS,-If aud boxes ~i: , J 10 Ctirls Grtumieaf"ROPE 1 • 1 ' 1 ' | . 5 Barrels Maecaboy SNUFF 1,000 Lbs/'fKiilickiimidk” WBAOCO, As and % l>onnd packages' , SQ.Capes ICmnipknick pound packages. Id ■■ ..... . iALBO, . . ZZZZ HATS, SHOES, DRY GOODS, FANCY WATCHES and JEWELRY, NOTIONS, Ac. seplß-'?[tW2w • ■•> SIO,RKWARD. , k!!STR4TKD, on oij about the 7th of September, a medium sized light SOARKI*, ilOßHlS.khid to have boen sei ii |,lie Bridge to South Carolina. The above reward will be pa>if (or Ilia safe delivery Io nic at Augusla, Ga. , , '•ML MU» -i, .HU .HOFFMAN, Marbiuy street, opposite Springfield Church, Seillbdt >.■ I» ,»«.!■:; .t( „l ? ' * ! - ®o - SHIPPERS Os mil, St, AUGUSTA to BALTIMORE, • I ; H • •• .:•{ i... . ria CHARLESTON, S. C. •J. if ( • ad i., .I n , l , . THE SPLENDID SCREW STEAMEHP9, FALCON, ..EG. EEED, Commander. SEA GULL,. N. P. DUTTON, Oommander. Os large'carrying capacity, making average trip 9 of 55 to (10 bonrs leave Charleston ; . -«»•* . ,I- : . ,i. . . . { : . once a week for * Baltimore, ami offer ••!'••. • 1 r.« liv, lld 1.. . i .... | superior facilities for througli fjeigUts to and from that port. ; i Address i . . .1 COURTENAY & TRENHOLM, Shipping anti Commission Merchants, Union Wharves, Y. ... , Charleston, 8. C. Or, • MORK6CAI & CO , Agents, !' ‘ ! Baltimore, ‘ Mb." • • Repl7-To*F(itn u '-"" •> ; 1 .1- : !■ , , ~.. f , - ry . -New 30 Barrel ; ! TURPENTINE STILL, ! EXTRA HEAVY BOTTOM, j l,: All Complete for Sale Mncl> Below Cost. r. -I. 11! dei,, l-iiisi..,..<l i» , v.p <Qft<> an! • 1ee.,.,...: . . . LLM,,q(iaH sizye.l|iii)t and DISTIL LERS tiitied,out,at.the LOWEST RATES, by m •-v -, .i-.d J. JL Fkil.liKß, Lli,. 47 Dey s reet, Now York <!ity. TO MKRfIIAATS AND PLANTERS. JOliyitL-B+HH >i| r J^' 1 Mk tCHAICrs AND PLANTERS desiring to sHpplj/Miorfmivfskvitb fttewi-f}'' best? deseription of ALL WOOI, CABSIMERKK, JEANS and KER fibhf Afc '•(rtnßit- rfiPuilVrrt —manufactured in the South ; and in cotuiecllon tvffh it; to add it o thuir busltes!) and tu'camiftodiile; their ; custonler*.by buying,the eurplim.Wool of tlieir heigli dmi-bood-i which will be reeeivetliq exchange sos tlieqa Goods and all other styles of Dry Goods at CASH JiATKS-wilt be enabled to make arrangemqnts to uo so uy calfuig 'iipmi br ci Y'S/bMAinifwUh tlip sub scribers, at iVligustai Dii” ’•■ A [i.i. Ujy2&-ooctl I - J ; . .41; F. RUSS.ELI. A;CO. li-v i f. ij.i;, .1r; ; i ci j) [i> ,| iy t /.! :J • r-t DANIEL H. LONDON. r “ 1 N»i 63, YORK, ’u COMMIHHUm'M l-O'tWTJ HV)\T. JP AlVyitiULAß»W<p4lou silling GfeAtN, H'LlKmf 'oCH'-RIV; Vi»tMrt, M>HACCO, and to executing orders for BAUGING and M ICROIIAN. illicit (jteTt-ry A-dcijplion. O/diefe kifilir.Qiisiglnnents solicited. I il A , ,#|!teirg,to.>V..^..jAo.4Bo.N f , Emf,, Gig; Db* can Ac A. N. A. Hasiire A Do., dflflir Barolav & Lrvig^ri» ! l« w “- Wavho«- & Co., New York; W’lf-t U.,Gh4,uam, Haiti morel; .Joan Caahie, Richmond, Va.. ~J *ei&>Brii 1 BEARD’S IRHN TIE fi‘l<is| M Iff| ••IlliANh *ti)l m"..’ ’»Att*Kl JIHI ... . Os; I -itjk-RK kind ever oßdrod to.tlie plaulx-r,. \J*e these P LOWS Ireely, plow deep and you will find use for a larger hflhibhrof'ttfeTlßS.' 'Ap|*lylo- 'oi • u / ."y “i-w'm-r'id/mi ' ■*** aug2B-ti 308 Broad glrfeeh "■ fflao»lf S OTer.%,: v AMI'/dM’ITi l.l;l/,n;> -Hi -i X HE firm of S. A. FOUTZ Ac BUD. V h{t 4ay dMdheif ‘fbyt rrrkttml cm,seat: I IS. A, Foltx retiring, D.'-E.'PhDry.fis herebylanftiorixed-to scatle the hnsi hPdsbf Ihe laleiftrm, end wM continue the bm ieessisu hWoWh-nkfac.’ l ' *: > eilhmui (i/i! )•, k.ui ,1 o«j -lif tl! >1 4ivi*i-/(nU mil ml „ t .I t ■.■i, il| .#j A.).FOU®Zy. ' i:-,il-„ni|(nil 11,1 lo ,-i-.-.ii,, I I>AVID fi, FOIItX." 11 »; Acqcst 1,1867. ,‘dil'lo 7‘' t ’ J nw) )s;l| .noitiiiT |m M i.Mytjli-'^v' 1J« .-.-illwti-ii 1 bin. -,1-nM -.unylm n, uI.A . WLIJuK-DnUrieeJ* A N D iMJdLIUIN hi i iJWlfH^uyjim, HGBT-ZIS MEDiCINEtti »t |hp Nan'll* Franklin street, under the name ytlJ'MXv, iiii-1,.1 i.,,,, „DAyiv.R, FODTA"i Uii/MjieKir,' August L W 67. i n,-, l 1,,i(,.,r J 1 l-wnl.i* ••boarding. EjINIGE UERREN k'/j'fcfNNfifN gutJdeutshe' board erhalten bei Mks. A. BOHNE, sep!6-12 328 Broad street. WUiI&AMM- JACOBS, «a» jj§ 300 BROAI>«MiTtKET, ceiving and offers for sule*®^^ 200 Bids A, B and C SUGARS 100 Hacks Kio COFFEE 25 Pockets old Government Java COFFEE 100 Caddies TEAS, 0 and 12 lbs 20 Bills assorted NUTH 16 11 lids BACON HIDES 6 Ilhds BACON SHOULDERS 20 Bbls Golden SYRUP 20 Übls Bee Hive BYItUl* 50 Tubs choice LEAF LAItD 50 Boxes CANDLEB 100 Boxes starch 1 10 Bags PEPPER i j 10,iCaaesSARDINES,amt Jf 20 X bbls MACK Kit EL, No. 1 100 Kits MACKEREL No. 1 25 Kits Wess MACkfißlilL 10 Bblfc John Gibson & Bob’s XXXX WHISKY 25 Bbls nssortiU WHISKY •• " •' ■. ,5 Ji casks.Qtai'd,,Dppuy fcCp. BRANDY, 1850 .1 ■ casks. Bit A NI)Y, 1850 ( ~.6 j)}(s BRANDY 2 Pipes Holland GIN ... 4 & casks OLD SHERRY . , , 6 X casks OLD SHERRY • • ~ < ■■6- X casks OLD MADEIRA • '■ - ! ' : ' 2‘Y casks Jamaica RU M 6 X casks Bt. Croix ItfJM ' ' 3 V casks PO'R v r Wl^E 100 Cases WINE 25 Oases STOMACH BITTERS 26 Cuses assorted French CORDI ALB . . : 1 i 5 Cases CUItACOA • '6-Cason ABSINTHE " *-• .., ’ ■' 25’Baskets CHAMPAGNE ! 10(1,000 CIGARh, impdrte’il"mid ddrhefetiii, IRON TIRS, B AGOINO, UWl’fa, Family ami Plantation , BpppUea Os every description. sepß 12 ■ LN&ULIAJS'GM. 1.1 ...l i • r.l I ~f . . < ; . Filtß, MMIINH, LIFE «: *■! » it a*. « ••. it tI- l• 11 . .. i .1.. I . ( , AND n , .... jA-eeideii ta.l X nsurancej. . • , hi Manhattan insurance cp.. New York, Incorporated 1821. HOWARD INSURANCE CO., New York, it i .1 Incorporated 1825. FIREMAN’S INSURANCE CO., New York, .it '■ Incorporated 1825. STANDARD INSURANCE CO.; New York. LE INSURANCE CO., New York. COMMERCE INSURANCE CO., New York. ABTOR INSURANCE CO., New York. LAMAR INSURANCE CO., New York. COMMERCIAL INSURANCE CO., New York. PHCENIX INSURANCE CO., Hartford, Conn. U. S. LIFE INSURANCE CO., New York. NATIONAL TRAVELER’S INSURANCE CO. N evv X ork. TRAVELER’S ACCIDENTAL INS. CO., . i. Hartford, Conn. The above arc all first class Companies, with ample means to meet losses, and which* will he equitably ( and promptly paid. Tile public are respectfully in . vjtcd to <i til at piy office and examine the Assets of these Companies, The patronage of the public is re spectfully solicited. #75,000 Taken op Cotton in a good steamer or sailing vessel from Savannah or Charleston to New York, and other Northern ports, and SIOO,OOO to Liveipool : other European ports. WM. SHEAR, Agent, seplO-Smif ’ No. 190 Broad st. pi&MtiU'r m tiornw I*' It O M Charleston lo New York. will he taken from CHARLESTON to NEW YORK lor One Dollar per Bale. . We wdl receive and forward to New York from this ci|y, by the REGULAR LINE OF STEAMERS, al COTTON consigned to us, at ONE DOLLAR l* JO It BALE, free of Commission, Cartage, and other ex penses. HAVEN EL A. CO., Agents of Regular Line Steamer*, aplfl-t Cliarleslon, 0 O. Trover, Homans & Co., Kor warding Asm! Lmuuiission Mediants, AND GENERAL WAREMOUHKMKN, Cairo, Illinois. J. W. TROVBR, 8. S. BOMANS, OH A3. S. BAWTXK. OUR WAREHOUSES having storage eapaeity ot 6,000 tona, we can furnish storage to those requiring iU •ar Orders for SALT, GRAIN, FLOUR and PLANTATION SUPPLIES generally; also, BALK ROPE, BAGGINtI, IRON TIES and GUNNY llAUH.promptly filled. ■SC Advance op property shipped to us, or our cor ireepondeiit, for,sale. Lumber handled and kept tiff der ebver until shipped. Agents for Southern Railroads. Tlirough Bills 1 Ailing tso till points South. declß-tf Y’is tUrtfrti Patent Self-Fastening Wrought-Iron , , B IJCKLE TIE. i*o d;l -lb tl I I-... .., ; ■ M*l First Premium Aioanlad at Louisiana filatp Fnii ! . 'O-: V - • 11 ■ ; 1 ... .■ I, . . I . 'I. j I' I dll .• I- T isqrs clieap a TIE, and the liost onp yot invent-. ed. It is the strongest. Tie, standing by test a strain of (2,000).tw0 thousand pounds. ' 'tile niost easily ad justed Tie, as it, is selt-faSteuing. The most simpki,/ requiring only to slip the hand into thebiioklii, and tliuelasticity of the cotton fastens,itself,..and It can not, become Atul'astvuqd. , Rorsalc, hi large or small quantities, liy RoSS; ROBERTS AGO., Commission Merchants- and General Agents, 80 Front Htkickt, New York. BOTHWKLL A COi, Agortta, 1,1 jylSßrt*. t.* ..i . Augusta, Ga.*'’ HARPER C. BRYSON, ' " 1 W AREHOUBK i, i,, »■> ■ :i AND COMM JVI IBHCH AJM r j\ •'""I * ■ • 1 • . I m:!' 1 nil . I Customers supplied with eagginq, ROPE oixl FAMILY SUPPLIES. Prompt nIU-ntion paid to the BALE of, and CASH ADVANCES on Cotton and other Produce. !i No. U.B REYNOLDS STREET. j o. I W. TJiirsojt, OikTbr 1 ' Augusta, Ga. " Late of Madison, Ga. qg^l-itlactiin Established in 1850. YjISTKNSryR AND ATTRACTIVE siiplpites JQj ofßflcli JEWELRY, Gold and Silver Wat.-hos, Artd'Solid Silver. Ware Os every description, • Diamond Ring! and Pina, Ladies’ Gold Leonti no and Chatelatmj COain*, Ganta’ Guard, Vest and. Fob ChnWK Wed, i ding Rings, Bridal Betts of Pearls, also Sterling Silver Cor Bridal Presents, and a groat variety of Panlyi AHi clc*. Fine Watches and Jewelly repaired at { i,, , A. PRONTAUT’B OLD STAND, "*■ 103 Broad St., one door below Augusta fiofell' 1 Id lspl4m 1 I. ,■ j r. .n ! ; COTTON TAX. ~~ f 'LI I. . lillill 1.11.-.1. id.-pi .1,1 IIIIUSSI I . ~,| Notice to Cotton Tax Payers 1 ’lii it) I’.o'i nil) li.liiviiui * * j ! i^CjE-LL.persons wishing, sq recover from the United. States the Internal Revenue Tax on ,Cotton, which 'has been or may lioreafter be.paid bytAem, wlllddl 'W*l!to communicate With the undersigned imme diately, and we wilt forward necessary pa pens and-, inatnictiorie. "We Have made arrangements with per , sojMj oLaowhere, whose position gives them ini)nonce anjd pnd propose ,to prosecute these claims . for a shore <>/ j what risik or ex-, i ptuse to.the claimant. Influential, ttgeuts »tj import fent'joints-wanted. Fm further particulars address /d ii|t. ii|i|f HKRBCUKL V, JOHNSON * CO., i)'nil ml eh-rppiii: > ytl •I )in -i.« il»KVllttg«g(a, Ga. 11 '' The rtjllAwlrig ‘pkpdfe vtill insert td amount 'of’#fr<dt>,l Hriif fbrivard aictmnts (wlUlcopy ctf popes) .to H. V.l ij. A'Uovt Baiabridgfc Argus.ThemuaviiUi Rutyiprlse. Uuthlmrt.Appiiwl, UGUin Star, AJbiypjl Nytvs, Equip ts •.Wphj&m, JWWvJIe .eemg/au Ylivannah News, LaGiangd Reporter,'UttftoHWfl BUri, Quitman Banner, Athens Watchman, Atlanta Intelligencer, Macon Telegraph, Eufauln News, Rome Courier, Tal lahassee Sentinel, Appalachlcola Reporter, Edgefield A dvortleer, Abbeville Banner. sepU-2aw2w GUAJVO FOE TURNIPS AND WHEAT. WILCOX, GIBBS k CO., , j AfTp. DEALERS IN anAMo, i. ,t l<| ;Ka a4t:BIiO4LDST f ,, ~ ; AUGUSTA, (lA., _l\.Bitl’ constantly on hand, in Havannnh and Au gusta, a full supply of t < I i PllQfiN IX au AN O, of Diieet and Recent Importation, at $55 per ton of 2,000 lbs. in Savannuli, and j'io in Augusta. Wilcox, Gibbs & Uo.'s Manipulated Guano, at $75 per ton in Augusta, and tHJANO at l.owest Market Price in. Savannah and Augusta. Orders solicited and promptly filled for GASH. Send fbrCifciilhr. 1 I I '■- i ! ' | , , Address all communications to us at Augusta. aug26-iiac6iu.- ' ‘■: * SEWING MACHINES. WHEELER & WILSON’S New Improved, Highest Premium and Family Lock-Stitch SKWI.NG MACHINE. A OB Aft ItIGOAL W/"A‘t AWARDED the highest premium at •I'he-Paris Exposition, by the Emperor of France, the 27th ofjjune, 1867, over eighty-two competitors ot SEWING MACHINES. There is no Machine in the,world that can do so GREAT A VARIETY OF WORK AS THE IMPROVED WHEELER A: WILSON, or give such thorough satisfaction; it cannot be equalled for Stitching, Hemming, Quilting, Felling, Cording, Tucking, Braiding, and will SEW ANYTHING, from the THICKEST CLOTH to the FINEST CAMBRIC, Ac. The recent improvements render this Machine far more efficient, and is now uni versally acknowledged to be the leading FAMILY SEWING MACHINE OF THE WORLD. We will keep constantly on hand a good assortment of SEWING MACHINES for sa’c AT NEW YORK PRICES, SEWING MACHINES for rent at $6 per month REPAIRING. The most complete REPAIRING Establishment jouth of New York, where every kind of Sewing Machines are Repaired in the most prompt and till clout nvtnnur, and warranted for one year. A large assortment of Wiif flkr & Wilson’s and • iNGRn’a MACHINE NEEDLES, all sizes, for sale at $1 per dozen: Needles and small parts of the Ma chine, sent by mail to all parts of the country. Pay ment must be remitted in Currency. The best quality of MACHINE OIL, wholesale or retail. Instructions given in the different branches of the Machine. Ladies are respectfully invited to call and xainhie our Machines. Call in the Ladies’ Parlor AUGUSTA HOTEL,‘where servants will he in at endanco to sl ow them to the Machine Room ; or iddre&S Lock Box 171. ah*,'2o-(iSm&ertm 11. JEROME A VO. A. A- Beall, J. H. Speaks. W. H. Potter BEALL, SPEARS k CG., W A UK! 11 OUSE AND f " Commission Merchants ‘ 7 ( V.yON'PmUlilhi>li luift.lnote at tbeir old bt&ml, tho commodimiß Fiivjn’oor WhkXiquuo, No. 1} C-ampbell fitiect, AugußLi, (Ja. All biminenr* to them will have Btricl per sonal al (ention. Orders for Purging, f J‘ieA w H«>po, and Family HnpplloH,-promptly lilkvl. •.« iLihnrqi iCiu»U Advance* made M on I’i.oduco in store. aug‘2s-dfcoom DILIiON’S PATBNT UNIVKHSAL COTTON Til, AND IRON HOOPS. • O 1 -^- 'LL’II IS TIE, wuili tlie HO<IP complete, weighs no ~ more tlmti the usual rojui used in haiiug, eotlon, and lenders an allowance for tare unnecessary.' It looses no slack while putting on, and is so perfect that the I necessity for heavy hbops, to make up tor deficiencie , in llio TIK, is entirely obviated. I Can he sold by the pound or ton, as chfiiqfly as the 1 heavy lidAitß'antl 1 less perfect tics. Kaioh mill every Tl 8) tsiwarmnled i*<«F-ct. As an evidence of the, estimation in vvliich these TIES arc hold, wc herewith append the certfncatc of (lie Agent'ofthe Central Coltmi Press in this city. If a honiphtetif judge can lie found anywhere as to the 'merits oi Iron Tied, llriS gentleman may surely I lie so considered, iiil he progses Ihousimds of liales of Cotton every year, and Tick Os nil patents are constantly pass ing through Ins hArids. I - Office ,or this Central Cottox Press', ? Savannah, May 271 h, 1867. S Messrs. K W. Sms & Oq., ' ■ !Jl»| In. ' • i Agent* tor l)iHoti’s,“ Universal Tie,” Sayannah. Dear Hiks : In my husiness of'compn-ssingCotton, I have liadocmkion U> examiue closely all of.the vari ‘ons Ties for iron bamla used in iialing; Cojtpn, and pleasure in testifying to tlie mipcriority overall others bP'tlte *• UNIVERSAL TJK.” U is as ad juHtidd'and W much stronger.thau any other 'Yie. A Tic that is not good at tlie Press is not. good at till- PlKrttatiioil.iaH nedrfy all the Cotton is compressed at the Ports, artd a weak Tie ninst then be nq,|aced by it jjhtsl oiie at tlio eixpeiwe of. tlie planter. 1 have itfcvo’PWeen oncmf your TIES break, though, ,1. pitched* a bale of Cottwir seenred by them out of a i eeond slot-Jr to the groiind witlioitt n»y hroak to the fall. h Hiiiler these clraiiittstances 1 uiUiesitotingly irecom iWAhd the “ UNI VERSAL TIE” o ev«ry J’lrtnler, os t\w RfniplicUy t « with strength. i : i»u/ uh » a,iW. ; WiUUT t Manager of Central 1 Col tail Preset jqf SSaviipnali. (HKA Llj, BUKAKS UO*, Agynts, Cotton Facictrs aiul’Commission Me/;e^atpts y .lyo | tf-*-tuifl2cU 1,., i AjUgusta, Ga. English and French School i UNDER THE SVL’ERIN.YENDENcft OF MHS. If. B. BOIINFTIIGAIf. f| 1 '•-• -'ii! ~ I ■ i_|L HE EXERCISES qf this lnsUtiitiou will be re ,sumr4 op .Mondnj-, SYSTEM KER 23d, qt .jNo. 145 Greene strept, •„ '' All. tile usual hnanc.hes qf Edpcaticjn, Aticicnt and Modctrti Languages, Mgsifi,, anil " fainting, 'taught liy Competent liisjrtictors. . V -A* limited nuufhur qf ceived into the family. j i aujjoa.wtd ,1. J. Jenninos."* ' j. t. Smith JENNINGS' & SMITH, COTTON FACTORS I'l MOllt li il „,, ~ J,',., ~ : AND ■ general Merchants, * liaq i,l . ii• i.* i'i ....... , li-i.i,n<). o. MoiNToah • »i’i:v. 4TOUBXA,,, q-K9^tCs-IA, « 1 r ‘' 'l* l • -I T.);i'.» ,tn W ’ttiL 1 devotettifir strict personal' attention to otfceV producel" ‘ 1 I**•:» •• ‘T <• 11 1. vnj |,i . fp|- Bagfelng'Sntf Rope pkmiptiy l Rtad care fully atteridod to. *rhe usual OAtfH'ADVANCES made on Produce iivstaiv; U i>i i ~|•-., ,i y V rjV 1 • —»•»»• t»* *tr* ■ i"' MOORE’S LINE, " V" * "i:-’ ".Ji offii uu/ i ■*• I. ,t i, ~ BETWEEN ,i. Savannah and Augusta. 1 hi I.nial iioilTitit <• VI 11■ 11, >, tliu, ~77',, *’" J: '•'oHiM .H, ,i oj- h|,„. ' '_L'9l«* STEAMERS o/ithifcLiqe are qqw running regulary. .J.jHeLd SAM’L Savannah, i JNO. A. MOORE, Agent, Jugusla, septtlm ' » ’ -’i- - *-A r.v*.