Tri-weekly constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 18??-1877, November 06, 1867, Image 1

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BY STOCKTON & CO Terms ot Subscription Daliy, oo • yeer ....flO 00 “ 6 months 500 “ .Sjouoaths Tri-WeakTy, one ycir 7 00 “ 0 mouth? 350 “ 3 month 200 Weekly one year 3 00 “ 6 months... 150 A FAMILY PAPES. Tho WEEKLY CONSTITUTIONALIST. Published every Wednesday looming. An eight-page Paper, roataiuing Oic Latest Neva try "•Zall ami Telegraph, Edi torial* of the I>oi!y, full Marltet. Re ports, Miscellaneous Readiisg, and a Se ceteil or Original Story, and articles ap pertaining to tits Farm and Hairy each week. We shall endeavor to make it a Srst class News and Family Journal. PRICK J Single Copy, One itar,... $3 CO Ten Copies, sent at one time,.. 3 50 each. A specimen copy sent when desired. CGl's ST IT 13 TiONALIST. "WEDNESDAY MORNING. NOV. fi.ISGT. [Pana Oi i'ospoiidonee I'all Mall.GazettfV:* Bismarck to bo Heard on tlio Homan Ques- tion. The cabinet ot the Tullcrics feels greatly lmrt at the iota of the Kiniwror o! Austria Stopping at JJadrn l ■> live an interview with the King of LTu i>, before becoming the guest of France, I this at a moment wheu the relations between Berlin and Paris are so unfriendly, la the diplomatic world it is said that Conut I’i.'iuardc claims for Prussia the rigiit of being heard on the settlement of the Roman question it: her quality as a Catholic Power. The Count suggests a Congress, at which France, Italy, Slpuiuand Prussia shall be represented ; it is said that tii*e Government here is not altogether unfavorable to this sug gestion, which would take a great cleat of re sponsibility oil their shoulders. The Papal Nuncio has handed Cardinal Autonelli’s circu lar to the Alai quis da Moltstier. The Bourse was in a state of great commotion to-day, caus ed by different rumors current such as the de feat id' the Pontiliei and tvavp-., the unfurling ot the Kepnbticnn flag by the Garibaldians, asid tlio activity with witieii tiro being prepared at Toulon. The Paine confirms the news of Cabinet ministers -tod privy council lors being summoned to St. Cloud for to-mor row, and some pi r.sous go so far as to imagine that the MtmUeur will publish a manifesto ou Thursday stating the intention of tin: Empe ror. Letters from Italy show that La Marmo ra twice received orders to invade the Pontili cial (States, but at lee last moment tueeo orders were countermanded in the hope that the French Govmneut might still Ire persuaded to give its con to au occupation. Franc.' has not yet consented to see her signature dishon ored, aud the Consequence is tuat Italy must now break with tLit country or acknowledge herself powerless to keep her engagements.— The semi-official papers continue to point out with considerable satisfaction that the Italian Government has not violated the convention of September. ’ (Berlin, October 12), Correspondence LoadonTimes.] kapoi.eon’s foreign folk r—-the sat.zburo SECItBT OUT. The change that i.aa supervened in the for o.igy policy* ot Fiance, though it may not be destined to et>di|'v'i"v ever, i ccgreat aud Will he so impoftau?*... r. - ■ ter. ;.u-the" entire : state of Die Continent .that it deserves to be followed up to Us origin. The less ambitious course at last adopted towards tiiis risingcoun try by the Emperor Napoleon, maybe traced back to the days ol the Salzburg interview.— What I am going to say will be found to in clude au outline of the doings at the famous conference, so far as it concerned the affairs of German}'. When Napoleon first appeared at Salzburg be was, from the rose colored re ports oi Ins aawutv, under an impression that it would not prove a task ot uncommon difficulty so to organize tee lour Southern States as to leave them an instrument in his hands as well as those ot Austria; but the reception he had from the people, the refusal of iLe Southern Sovereigns to meet him at the place appointed lor the conference, and above all, the conversa tions he held with Baron Boost, speedily con vinced his calm anti calculating mind that he had been misinformed on the essential facts of the case. B oon Beust, though telling him that he meditated rceovclug as much of Austria’* f-i'mer position m Get many as he could, fc»d to confess the failure thus far of Lis endeavors to that. end. The Emperor then passing on to what bad been effected towards reorganising the internal resources of the empire lie wished to befriend, was so much .it a loss what to make of the answers returned, that Baron Beke, tire Finance Minister, had to be telegraphed tor from Vienna to him ou the subject. The latter, a man sf facts and figures, replied distinctly to thejjpnrching questions put, and what he said rtidtpot encourage bis inquisitive interlocutor I°-Couut upon the fighting capacities ot the ‘ iiate under discussion. Still the Emperor was io o discreet to betray his disappointment to the Austrian Ministers, and Barou Beust, at the very moment of his policy evaporating into thin air, actually caused it to be asserted, in his and his tricuds'papers, that he was about to conclude a couiprsueusivc alliance with France. The motives which induced Napoleon to keep his impressions Irota the Austrian Minister were even more strongly at work in regard to the world at large. Naturally he had no wish to advertise the frustration ol his hopes. So Baron Beust was permitted to go on entertaining us about the perfect understanding effected on main points, and the ministerial conference to follow for the settlement of particulars. At length, however, the Vienna Debatte, one of his papers, happen ed to venture upon the idea ot an Austrian- French war against Germany. Then, and not before, his Imperial questioner, long siuce safely housed at home, gave him a gentle re minder of the in advisability of using iauguage, perhaps premature, aad certainly of a nature to frighten Prussia into the arms of Russia.— Baron Beast being a little put out at the un palatable advice received, in return gave his friend to understand that if there was any thing to prevent their entering into partner ship, others—tor instance Russia and Prussia —would he happy to close with him, and even allow him territorial emolument in the East. It was at this juncture that the Vienna tele graph office, whose every dispatch is revised before sending off, fl ished the news to Paris that co-operation of the three Northern Powers in the East had been actually proposed to the Austrian Government by Her Vou Laden berg, acting as Prussian Charge d’Affalrs iu the ab sence of Barou Werthcr. The uews, too im probable to be credited, did not produce any visible impression upon the attitude of the French Cabiuet. li neither caused them to ap prove the German aspirations of the Austrian Premier, nor did it result iu any signs of 117- will towards a man who, though prevented now, may yet be able to serve them hereafter. Far from evincing any displeasure at his iuuen does about Russia and the East, France, on the contrary, kept her temper, aud is even likely to solicit Beust’s appointment to the Austrian Embassy at Paris in the event of his being obliged to retire before the clamors of the episcopate and the animosity ot the Czechs, But we all know Low strong was the impetus he, by disseminating his owu version of the Salzburg parley, gave to the war party in France. Coupled with the armaments of Louis Napoleon and the artful dialings of the mal contents, the movement sej agoing at Paris by this account of the Salzburg conierence was potent enough to eventually attain the height witnessed during the last few weeks. But ex aggeration always produces its own cure.— Things ultimately reached a pitch which, as anuotiueed in ray last, is beginning to force the Emperor out of his ambiguous reserve, and will confer upon Europe the blessing of more comfortable anticipations as to the future of Germany aud France. Pardoned.—The Governor has pardoned the two brothers, Saunders, who were convicted, a year ago, of manslaughter, and sentenced to the penitentiary i'or tour years. It will be re membered that the circumstances of the case were exceedingly aggravated. The act was done in delense of the honor of a sister, and the punishment received by the seducer was death. The young men left for Charleston, their home, yesterday. —Columbia Chronicle. Sri-tUccklii I Constitutionalist Musical. —The origin of negro minstrelsy is thus given by the Pittsburg Republican .- Thomas Dicicions Rice, better known by the sobriquet of “ Daddy Rice,” was not the origi nator of the famous negro song, “ Jim Crow,” In Louisville, Ky., about the year 1837, there was a colored slave, the property of Cos!. Wm. P. Preston, an odd genius, who was a constant frequenter ofthe race course, and was well known to the sporting fraternity, not only of Louisville, but of the entire Southwest. He generally had a group about him enjoying his quaint antics, and in this way he become so conspicuous that a comedian named Matlake, of the old Louisville theatre, got up a local farce, “ taking off” the redoubtable slave, one of the characters of which was “Jim Crow,” done in black by Matlake, and in which he suug the song ol “Jim Crow,” although it had not received that name at this time, but derived its name from the character in which it was sung. “ Daddy Rice ”at this time was a sub ordinate in the Louisville theatre, aud there he conceived the Idea of introducing a system of negro minstrelsy; but being poor, and hav ing no friend to risk his money in a project an thought of before, Mr. Rice was unable to carry out his plans. The next season, however, he got an opportunity at the old Museum Theatre, iu Cincinnati, during the races, and he appear ed in this character, which be afterwards made famous. The first regular “ blacked-up” per formance given in this region was during a militia encampment, in October, 1841, under a tent, in Birmingham, with the following com pany: Dan Rice, tamborine; William Cook, boucs; Charles Von Bonhorst, banjo, and Bam Andrews, violin. In connettion with this show was the learned pig, “ Lord Byron,” with which Dan Rice made his first start in the show business. Dan says, also, that the fust song ever wrote by Steve Foster was never published, and commenced something like this: “ Come, my love, and go wiih me, Tot dc voi do r't do, 1,1! take you down to Tennessee, Tofi'dr. Re ro my true. lovo, oh, do- come at .mg my dar ling. Fine you well, my Dinah dear, For I’m going o’er the mountains. An auctioneer was selling a library at auc tion. He was not very well read in books, but he scanned th : titles, trusted to luck, and went ahead. “Here you have,” he said, “Runyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress; how much’m I offered for it V How much do I hoar for the Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan? ’Tis a first rate hook, gentlemen, with six superior illustra tions ; how much do 1 hear! 1 Alf about the Pilgrims, hy John Bunyan • Tells where they came from, au’ where they landed, an’ what they done after they landed ! Hcie’s a picter of one of ’em going’ about Plymouth peddlin’, with a pack ou his back 1” A iir.ici.ieal friend of the “man and brother” arrived in Florida wiih a cargo of stakes, paint ed red, white ami blue, each surmounted by a miniature Union flag, and told Lhe negroes that wherever they planted four of them respective ly at tho corners of any lot selected by them, the land would become fueha Lv virtue of the confiscation law —to be passed. The sticks, streamers aud valuable information were all delivered ut the truiy astouishing low price of three dollars. Patented Nov. Ist, 18 a 6. MS&ky 25A3L £.©s*’£ 1* PA TJS N TED sl2? t&j Improved f k e n c 11 l i t™|iffcA VOKK 'ill SHIaTS » Wl ! fl For sale by all J 7 ei'B, aiiii at whole BALLOU BROTHERS, Sole Patentees, 103 Broadway, New York City. apCO-eodly J. FJEXIICE, ’.V, T. WIIELESS, CIIA3. A. PEARCE PE VILE, ETIEI.ESS & £0„ Cotton' Wareliouse AND Commission Merchants, JACKSON STREET, AUGUSTA, GrA YViil continue <o Stove ami f-elt Cotton milt other Produce. anj3o-d*er.m 261 261 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, CLV. DAY & INMAN, AUCTIONEERS AND General Commission Merchants, AUCTION SALES, Holidays. Wednesdays and Friday*. NIGHT SALES, Tuesdays, Tliitr-duys aad Saturday ’Sights GOODS IN EVERY' LINE AT PRIVATE SALE. AT ALL TIMES. Consignments Solicited. octO-eodlm teHILLS'&FEyER; teiggagagwa "W" E HAVE USED GALLIGHAN’S PILLS and find the}' will do al! that, is claimed for them, and cheerfully recommend them to public fuvor. T. H. Watts, ex-Govenior of Alabama. J. W. Sanford, Att’y Gen’l of Alabama. Rob't Dougherty, Judge Supreme Court, Ala. From Thomas J. .Jcdge, Judge Supreme Court. I have ufcJ GALLIGIIAN’S PILLS on my plan tation, for Fever and Ague, and find them all that is claimed for them. T-homas J. Judge. Montgomery, Ala., September 29, 1358. T.ottndes County, Alabama. GALLIGIIAN’S FEVER AND AGUE PILLS will do. They are decidedly the best me#.ciue lor Chills and Fever I ever gave. Iwouldnot be without them for five timer the price. J. A. Graham. „ , AmeriCts. April 17,1867. One bos of GALLTGHAN’B PILLS cured rue per fectly of Chills and Fever. They are the best medi eintrfor Chills and Fever I ever saw , _ A G. Dohaldsojj, Clerk Superior Court, Sumter county, Ga. Montgomery, Ala., July 9, 1860. Messrs. Pi.cnt & Tlalk: Gents: I have used \our GALI IGH AN’S PILLS on two occasions tor Chills and Fever, and find that they effict all that the', are Intended to do. They are the best remedy for the dis ease that I have ever tried. I consider them perfectly reliable. liespe tfully. Dan’l Sayrb, Grand Sec. Grand Lodge of F. and A. M of Alabama. Albany, Ga., March 11, 1867. I have used GALLIGHAN’S PILLS in forty cases of Chills and Fever, with perfect success. They are the best Fever and Ague Pill put up. , , . A. B. Fant. wholesale by HARRAL, RISLEY & CGI, and McKESSON <fc ROBBINS, New York. For sale in Augusta by PLUMB & LKITNER, W H. TUTT, STEVEN SON A SUKLTON, aud all other Druggists. BLUNT A HALE, Proprietors, my2P-ood6m Montgomery, Ala. SPECIAL NOTICES. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING- SYRUP, For Children Teething, gTeatly facilitates the process of teething, by softening the sums, reducing: alt inflammation—willlallay All Pain and spasmodic action, and is Sure to Regulate the Bowels, Depend upon it, mothers, it will g-ive rest to yourselves, and Relief and Health to Your Infants. We have put up aud sold this article far years, aud Can Say in Confidence and Truth of it what we have never been able to cay of any other medicine— Never hai it Failed in a Single Instance to Effect a Cure, wheu time ly used. Never did wo know an instance of dissatisfac tion by any one who used it. On tile contrary, ail are de lighted with its operation, acd speak in terms of com mondation ot its magical effects and medicinal virtues. We speak in this matttcr “ U'hat toe do Know," after years of experience, aud Pledge our Reputation for the Fulfilment of What we here Declare. In almost every instance where the infant is suffering from pain and ex haustion, relief will bo Sound in fi:teeu or twenty minutes after tho Syrup is adinioisiered. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. Be sure and call for “Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup,” Having tho sac-simile of “CURTIS do PERKINS ” on the outside W rapper. All others are base imitations. Sold by Druggists throughout the world. Price, only S5 Cents per Bottle. Offices— 2li Fulton street. New York; soi High llol born, Loudon, England; 4-11 St. Paul st-root,, Canada. au2B-eodGm UUP FOR SALE—}ly Residence and Plantation, four miles from Augusta, bounded ou the west by the South western Flank Road, on the east by Savannah and Lou isville Roads, containing about three hundred acres; perfectly healthy, with excellent water, with a spring branch running through about the centre. For small Diming, say about five hands, I do not know any place in the county its equal. If not sold in a body, I will cut it to suit purchasers. For far tiler information, I refer to Judge Shewjuee, al uisofijco, over tliePoat Office, or myself on the premises, cctlfi-lm A. DBAS. Grain and Flour Bags. W. 11. ABTF.N & CO., 25 rear! street New York, are prepared to furnish Bags for Gbais, Floub, and all other purposes for which bags are used, of any desired material or size, upon the shortest notice. Floub and Buckwheat Bags, either of Cotton or paper, piinted to order, with neast designs. Paper Bays for li booths, Confectioner?, Ac., from t lb, upwards. si-p3 3m P. O. Box 4,939 New York City. Batchelor’s Hair Dye 1 Tills splendid Ilair Dye is the’ best in the world. The only true and perfect Dte—Harmless, Reliable, In stantaneous. No dfsappointmen-. No ridiculous tints. Natural Black or Brown. Remedies th: ill effects es Bad Dyes. Invigorates the hair, leaving it eoi’t and beauti ful. The genuine i3 signed William A. Batchelor. All others sra more imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists aud Perfumers. Factory, 61 Barclay street, New York. 83~ BEWaRE of a counterfeit. dccll-lv B-sT MABRIAGE ANDCELIBACY, AND THE HAP rtNESS OF TRUE MANHOOD.—An Essay for Young Men on the Clime of Splitud'. and tho Physiological Errors, Abuses and Diseases which create impediments to MARRIAGE, with sure means of Relief. Seat iu sealed letter envelope:’, free of charge. Ad tress DR. .1. SKILL AN HOUGHTON, fop27-3m Howard Arso.-ia: lon. Pliiiadtdphia. Pa. tar IT IS A MATTER OF CONGRATULATION that we have at last had a reliable TONIC introduced in rANICNTN’3 HEPATIC BITTERS; manufactured at the South by Dr. C.'F. Pansfix, the well known Charles ton Chemist; and which can be n-sed by all person:,, re gardless of age or'.=C'v. 'Wio require tbmc’Siedtcine. Ask your family physician, and he will be sure to ng comruond them. For sale by ail Druggists. * PLUMB & LEITNBIt, Ageuts. novl3-lyTu NEW YORK AND CHARLESTON PcopJcs’ Steamship Company. LEAVING EACH FORT EVERT ALTERNATE THURSDAY. STEAMSHIP EMILY B. SOLDER, CArT. 11. S. LIEBT. STEAMSHIP MOJVEKA, CArT. TV. MARBHMAN. jL ILESS STEAMSHIPS, offering every induce ment to Shippers and the Travelling Public, bavin? superior accommodations for passengers, with tables supplied by every luxury the New York and Charles ton markets can afford, and for safety, speed and com fort, are unrivalled on the coast. THE MEW STEAMSHIP jVIONEKAA-, WILLI, HAVE North Atlantic Wharf on THURS DAY, NOVEMBER 7, at o’clock. Liberal advances made on Consignments to New York. * For Freight or Passage, apply at the office of the Agents, JOHN A TIIEO. GETTT, sopl-sunlutw3m 48 East Bay. Railroad & Steamship Companies EXPRESS. Via SAVANNAH, GA. DEPOT AND OFFICE, Nos. 1-11 and 1-10 Greenwich Bt., (Corner op Liberty,') NEW YORK rF^HE RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES, comprising the GREAT SOUTHERN FREIGHT LINE, havo organized an EXPRESS by STEAM SHIP S to SAVANNAH, and thence by PASSEN GER TRAINS to AUGUSTA, GA., and all Statious on tiro Augusta [and Savannah Railroad. MACON, GA., and ail Stations on the Central R. R. EATONTON, GA., and all Stations on the Mil [iedgeville and Eatonton Railroad, COLUMBUS, G.V., and all Stations on the Mus [cogee Railroad. ALBANY, GA., } and all Stations on the South EU PAULA, ALA., \ [Western Railroad. FREIGHT RECEIVED at All Hours of the Day, and Shipped up to One o’clock, I’. M., on the Sailing Days of their Steamers. VIRGO, LEO and CLEOPATRA, Sailing every Tuesday. HERMAN LIVINGSTON and GEN. BARNES, Sailing every Thursday. SAN SALVADOR and SAN JACINTO, Sailing every Saturday. Receipts signed at this Office and Insurance effect ed to cover Sea Risk when desired. Kerosene, Gunpowder and other Combustible Arti cles not received unless by special arrangement. For Rates or further information, inquire of the Steamship Agents, or to GEORGE YONGE, General Agent. September 18, 1867. octlß JAMES W. WALKER, (FORMERLY OP THE FIRM OF J. B. WALKER ft SONS,) WILL CONTINUE THE Warehouse and Commission Business IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, AT HIS OLD STAND, Formerly J. B. Walker &, Sons, McINTOSH STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. JPeRSONAL ATTENTION given to SALE and STORAGE of all PRODUCE sent to him. CASH ADVANCES MADE ON PRODUCE IN STORE. sepl-dftdm AUGUSTA, (Gx.) WEDNESDAY *MO]JNING, NOVEMBER 6, 1867 VAN WINKLE & CO., 280 BROAD STREET, YL7GHJSTTY, GEORGIA. Dealers in Men’s and Boys’ BOOTS and SHOES, Heavy BOOTS, BROGANS, Ladies’ and Misses’ SHOES, oi the best quality. ALSO, Dealers in fino HATS, for Men and Boys, LADIES’ TRIMMED HATS. All goods at the lowest prices. 0c!24-tf NO COMMISSIONS FOR ADVANCES ON COTTON. BRANCH, SON'S & 00., BANKERS AND COTTON FACTORS, .A. XT GrYT STA, Cr A., BARRING, BROTHERS A CO., W. A. & G. MAXWELL & CO., Liverpool, DUNCAN, SHERMAN A CO., WILLIAMS, TAYLOR & CO., Bfew York. ALEX. WHILLDEN & SONS, KOB’T PATTERSON & CO., Philadelphia. WOODWARD, BALDWIN & CO., MeCLEI3H, RIVES A CO., Baltimore, AV E aro prepared to make liberal CASH AD- j VANCES on consignments of COTTON to the above j named FISRT CLASS HOUSES. We make NOT CHARGE WHATEVER for advancing. } BRANCH, SONS &• Cl>., I Georgia Railroad Banking House, j ectZfi-tf ESTABLISHED IN 1845] (TUNS, PISTOLS, Cutlery, <fce, 1 HAVE JUST RECEIVED, and have in store, a full supply ofthe above articles, Imported direct from tlio English manufactories, aud offer them at prices to suit the times, couriering ot DOUBLE-BARRELED GUNS, all qualities and prices. Among them are a number of POWELL’S CELEBRATED MAKE, in cases. UINGLE-BARRELED GUNS, Foreign and Ame rican. Colt-. Remington, and nth- r Repeating PISTOLS. POCKET KNIVES of Rogers and Westenboliu’s make, asplend.d aasortmnnt. A few dozen Rod-era’ best TA RLE C UTI.EZtY. ■ SHOT BAGS, POWDER FLASKS, and GAME BAGS. Ely’s Wa.erproof Cm and l’isto! CAPS. Ely’s GUN WADDING, ml qualities. FIXED AMMUNITION for all siznl Plato's. METALLIC CARTRIDGES for all sized Guns cud Pislo's. BLASTING POWDER and SAFETY FUSE, Kentucky, Rifle a id Spoiling POWDER, in kegs and cans. ro Bags SHOT, ail sizes. A fine stock of it IEEE!?, cn my own make, of a superior quality. REPAIRING done in a superior manner and war ranted, at 24:5 Broad Street. ' ocSl-lai U. 11. ROGSIjC. Kor l PsltrviAN G-UAMO, LAND PLASTER, AND DISSOLVED BONES. w E are uuw obtaining our supplies of No. 1 Peruvian G-uano Direct the ships or warehouse* of the Agent oi the Peruvian Government, every bag being branded by tho sworn Inspector of tiio Btite, and purity guarantied. JOHN MERRYMAN & CO., 69 W. Fayette street, Baltimore. REFERENCES: David DjcssoS, Hon. T. J. Smith, Col. Thos. M. Turner, A. J. Line, John Hancock Cos., G,i.; Editor “Southern Cultivator,” Athens, Uu.; James C. Desham, Eatonton, Ga.; E. and J. A. Nib bit, Macon, Ga.; Jambs M. Gray, Clinton, Ga.; Hollis 8. Kezar, Henderson, Ga. ; M. D. Joses, F. A. Jo.vbs, Midville, Ga. ; Rev. G. G. Smith, Oub leys, Ga.; Stbphes D. Heabd, James T. Gardiner, Augu ta, Ga.; P. H. Been, E. C. Wads & Cos., Savannah, Ga.; Wm. Devries, Pres’t Md. Agr. So clety, Bidtirr.ore; John S. Gitiings, President Chesa peake Bnnk ; Charles Goodwin, Cashier Franklin Bank ; Editors of 11 Maryland Farmer,” Baltimore. octlß-d*e4m Bridal Presents, YiIXTENSIVE AND ATTRACTIVE supplies jQj’cf Rich JEWELRY, GoId and Silver Watches, and Solid Stiver Ware of every description, Diamond Rings and Pins, Ladies’ Gold Leontineand ChatelaiM Chains, Gents’ Guard, Vest and Fob Chains, Wed ding Rings, Bridal Setts of Pearls, also Sterling Silver for Bridal Presents, and a gr eat variety of Fancy Arti cles. Fine Watches and Jewelry repaired at A. FRONTAUT’B OLD STAND, 163 Broad St., one door below Augusta Hotel. oct2o-6m 1867. 1867. FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS! B, \\. WRIGHT & GO., Li 33 BROAD STREET, (Opposite Masonic Hall,) HAVE NOW OPENED A STOCK OF DRY GOODS Unsurpassed in EXTENT, VARIETY and AT TRACTIVENEBB, and at prices as LOW as the same qualities can bought of any house in Augusta. We are receiving additions to our stock weekly and respectfully invito purchasers of DRY GOODS to an examination of our STOCK and PRICES be fore making thsir purchases. sep26-6m OYSTERS AND FISH. A. REGULAR SUPPLY of Fitzoerald’s FRESH NORFOLK OYSTERS, In gallon and half gallon kegs. And Florida FYesh Fish, Constantly on hand at the AUGUSTA ICE HOUSE, REYNOLDS STREET. OYSTERS and FISH Packed in Ice for shipment to any part of the country. novl-12 O. EMERY. Sto?all’s Excelsior Mills. A SUPPLY of ihe different grades of FLOUR ean be bad at the Mi 1. Also, Bran, Fine Feed, Shorts ind Chicken Fed • >rders left at Brancn, Hons & Co.’s Banking House will meet with prompt attention. THOS. P. STOVALL. nov3-10 % GREAT THROUGH (stand Mail and Express Route FROM ~MEW ORLEANS TO NEW YORK, Jy IA Mobile, Montgomery, Columbus, Macon xnH Hillen, or via Atlanta to Auzusta, thence via Co lumbia, Char'otto, Ra’elgh, or Wilmington, to Wel don, Petersburg, Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, and all points West. and FAST SCHEDULE now in operation, tilth dose and continuous connection the whole route. ?NO CHANGE OF CAES between Charleston s vd Wilmington, Weldon and Aquia Crock, or Wash ii-jffou and New York. THE ONLY ROUTE running two daily trains tfflough from Weidon to New York. crtME AS QUICK and fare as low as any other r-oitc. hDqgant and Commodious SLEEPING CARS on nffaight Trains. Passengers leaving Savannah at C, p. m., and Cbarles tc*uit 9 a. m., make closo connections at Augusta and Florence with the Fast Through Express Train.— Pitteengere from Columbia, Charlotte, Raleigh, and aff’ its on the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, make cifte connection at Weldon with the 3.30, p. m., train fo#td! points North and West. Upon arriving at Weldon be particular to ask for affTtako tho train marked “ Through Route.” Ask for Tickets aud have your Baggage Checked via.Petcrsburg and Richmond. Through Tickets good until used, with option to passengers ol stopping over at terminal points. R. B. PEGRAM, Supt. Petersburg Railroad. P. H. GILL, -4. Supt. K. AP. U. 11. oetltl-lm f yjELIZ N\S Is IN E IRON STEAMERS. [IEIGHT TAKEN AS LOW A3 BY ANY' O&lt LINE. FREE FOR W A RDIXG at Savannah and Augusta, 5_ , M A. COHEN, T*, Agent, Savannah. F. A SCRANTON A CO., Agents, Augusta. Then’s line. ?V‘ if** THE STEAMER Jt’ EXPRESS \j|r ILL leave Augusta on THUR3DAY, Octo bofflKtfh, and every alternate five days, for Savannah aniiaffintermediate landings. E. D. WHITE, Captain. GEO. D. MOSHER, Purser. P. V. Scranton, Agent, Augusta, Cohen, Agent, Savannah. ►&pSO 3m MOORE’S LINE, J©R SAVANNAH. J' HIV STEAMER BAUDY MOORE will load on S’ 1 OS D AY' and leave on TUESDAY' MORNING. T*,*■ Steamer JULIA ST. CLAIR wilt load on WF ’NESpAY and leave on THURSDA Y MORN IXb 4 \v ' net BAUDY MOORE will load od SAT xnxbsr* fd k-ave at 4, P. JS., same day. v : >f i ' JNO. A. MOORE, Agent, ' : * ' ■ g? ,v-w...a..; POTATOES TtlE undersigned are prepared to fuinish the citiz-ns of Angueta. during the season, with the best artiile of SWEET POTATOES. Will supply them weekly, at their stores or residences, at Market Prices. Also, prepared to put them up for shipping. Orders left atE. Mcstin’s will be promptly attended to. J. M. SEAqJ A BRO3. oct2B-12* JOHN P. C. WHITEHEAD, Jr., ATTORNB.Y JA r V LAW, AUGUSTA, GA. Office, Law Range. octo Jm SEWING MACHINES. WHEELEIi & WILSON’S New Improved!, Highest Premium anti Family Loch. Stitch S EWING MACH INE. A «€> L,» HIDDAL wAS AWARDED the highest premium at the Paris Exposition, hy the Emperor of Franee, the 27th of June, 1807, over eighty-two competitors ot SEWING MACHINES. There is no Machine in the world that can do so GREAT A VARIETY OF WORK AS TTIE IMPROVED WHEELER & WILSON, or give auch thorough eathfacticn; it cannot be equalled for Stitching, Hemming, Quilting, Felling, Cording, Tucking, Braiding, an t will SEW ANYTHING, from the THICKEST CLOTH to tho FINEST CAMBRIC, Ac. The recent improvements render this Machine far more efficient, aud is now uni versally acknowledged to be the leading FAMILY SEWING MACHINE OF THE YVORLD. We will keep constantly on hand a good assortment of SEWING MACHINES for sale AT NEW TORE PRICES. SEWING MACHINES for rent at $6 per month REPAIRING. The most complete REPAIRING Establishment South of New Y'ork, where every kind of Sewing Machines are Repaired in the most prompt and effi cient manner, and warranted for one year. A large assortment of Whfblkr & Wilson’s and Sinqkr’s MACHINE NEEDLES, all sizes, for sale at fl per dozen. Needles and small parts of the Ma chine, sent hy mail to all parts of the country. Pay ment must be remitted in Currency. The best quality of MACHINE OIL, wholesale or retail. Instructions given in the different branches of the Machine. Ladies are respectfully invited to call and examine our Machines. Call in the Ladies’ Parlor AUGUSTA HOTEL, where servants will he in nt endance to st ow them to tho Machine Room ; or address Lock Box 174. aug2G-d3m*c6m H. JEROME A 00. DISSOLUTION. f PHE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between tbe undersigned is this day dissolved by mu tual consent. Both will sign the firm name in liqui dation, D. H. DENNING, WM. TUTTLE, Late firm DenniDg & Tuttle. Augusta, Ga., October 19, 1867. 00t24-lm - LARGE STOCK OF FINE, COMMON AND MEDIUM CLOTHING, FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST PRICES. ALSO, fdine CLOTHS, CASBIMERES and VEST INGS, which will be manufactured in the latest and most fashionable styles. The public are respectfully solicited to call and ex amine our stock of goods. J. A. VAN WINKLE. ocf24-lm MULES AND HORSES. Some CHOICE MULSH and a few CHEAP HORSES for sale at tb Mace Stables, Augusta, Ga. sep!B-tf M. A. DEHONEY. FOR RENT. FOR EENT, TyVO COMFORTABLE ROOMS, either with or without furniture. Would prefer to rent them as Sleeping Rooms for gentlemen. Apply at octCl-tf 102 BROAD ST. TO RENT, In tho town of Sparta, Ga., for the year ISuS, a first class BRICK STORE ROOM, eighty feet deep, fitted up expressly for the Dry Goods business, with dry cellar attached. Rent, fSOO per annum. Address, or apply to GEO. W. WATKINS. Spart-A, Ga., November 4, 1867. nov 5-0 TO RENT, NO. 1 DWELLING, containing six large rooms and bath rooms, at tho corner of Washington and Watkins streets. Apply at P. Quinn's, 180 Broad street, or to WM. F. KAVANAGII, Jackson street, between Telfair and Walker. oct23-tf TO RENT, The NICE COTTAGE on north side of Ellis, third door above McKinno street, with four rooms and fire-places, Kitchen with two rooms, and gooff Garden. Apply to D. L. CURTIS, oct22-tf 434 Broad street. TO RENT, FROM THE FIRST OF OCTOBER NEXT, T’nU RESIDENCE of the undersigned, on the Georgia Railroad, near Hanisonv-ille, about two miles from the Augusta Post Office. There is daily rail road communication with the city, by accommodation train. The location is Healthy and free from musquitocp. Dwelling of Brick, fourteen rooms, with Gas Fixtures in rooms, halls aDd attic. Apparatus for the manu facture of gas on the premises, in good order. Hy drant YVater supplied by lift pump from kitchen to upper story, and by lift and force pump to grounds in front. In addition, two We'.is of Pure Cool Water in back yard aud stable lot. Commodious Servants’ Quarters, Carnage House, Cow House and Stable, of brick. The lot contains sixteen acres, on which are a Garden, Vineyard and Orchard. A Billiard Room and good Billiard Table, iu a de taehed building, which will be rented with the dtvoll ing. The Furniture In tho dwelling will he sold, if de shed, on reasonable terms. For terms, apply at the Constitutionalist Office. nug27-tf JAMES GARDNER. FOR RENT, r L\u2 Lafayette rack course. FOR SALE, Three deairablo BUILDING LOTS,, on Greene street. For terms apply to sep4-tf - H. II STEINER. FOR SALE OR RENT, A. SMALL and neat RESIDENCE, with all ne cessary out-heusca, situated on ho east side of Mar bury Street Avenue, near tho South Boundry street; with largo garden well stocked with plants ; having a front of about 200 feet and running through to Kollock street. Location perfectly healihy and peasant. Terms of sale to suit purchasers. Thp premises are now occupied hy the undersigned, to whom applica tion esu,bo made, calo Messrs. Bessman A Halla uas. > I. GIftARDAY”. nulS-tf FOR RENT, FROM Ist October next, that • iEVIDENCE on the corner of Bay and Lincoln stroe The House has eight largo rooms with fire places, pantries, Ac. For particulars apply to Jyl6-tf Judge WM. T. GOU LD. 1 jiw»WßW»«riPr i'll iirawsaLva** i «msaw»*vT 3. F. RUSSELL. P.OBT. V> r . POTT BR RUSSELL & POTTER, Colton Commission Merchants, AUGUSTA, Grj\., ILL ’make liberal advancer on consignments of COTTON to their friends in Liverpool, and in all the leading maikots ofthe North. oct2 3 m F, C. BARBER & SON, Geatral Commission Merehaats AND FINANCIAL BROKERS. (Li’AREFUL nib-ntion given to sale of COTTON and all kinds of PRODUCE. CONSIGNMENTS solicited. oetl2-lm Our Stock has been Sought Since The Decline. DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, AND • fi.TRAAV GOODS, AT "Wh-olewale and Retail, AS CHEAP AS THEY CAN BE BOUGHT IN ANY HOUSE SOI'TI-1. J. D. A, MURPHY & CO. IXaYR now in stock Hiiy acd every article usual ly kept in FIRST CLASS DRY GOODS HOUSES, and as their goods were, selected with great care by an experienced merchant, they are prepared to warrant each article as represented All purchaser* of DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, MILLINERY, ETC., ETC., who visit this market, will find it to their advantage to examine our Stock and Prices before making their purchases. We call special attention to our large and varied as sortment of SHAWLS, CLOAKS, SILK COVER INGS and FURS; also, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. OurSpecialitib is BONNET and TRIMMING RIBBONS. J. D. A. MURPHY & 00., 314 Btoad street, oct2o-Sm Nearly opposite Planters’ Hotel. WHEAT FERTILIZER. "\/S/ 13 have on hand the CHEAPEST and BEST FERTILIZER for Wheat and Winter Crops. We guarantee it to be a good ar Lie, and will sell Low. Attention of Planters Invited. octlS-tf LINTON & DOUGHT Y. iw«n*TT , jc€C2'JE3* ♦ SEW DRY GOODS. Fall and Winter Stock, 1867. •JOHN SETZE, Agent, WoULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE THAT HE IS Nf>V IN RECEIPT OF HIS • Fall and Winter Stock of New Dry Goods, lo Which lie would call attention. As it embraces all that is usually kept in a ’ FIRST OLA.SS D GOODS HOUSE, it would be usclc •as wed a- tedious to enumerate articles or to indulges in anv of the tmff l i Va ” a -n Zas r WUIy 1 ’" 1 , " n - h by tho advertisements of the dav. He will morel/ snr that lu_ will endeavor u> su- am. at its maximum, the high character for “ y FAIR dealing, honest goods, AND ®® ® r PR i.c2 mm 9 \\hh il His i'l\<;i'!Sll i:|) TkE OLD HOUSE FOR THE PAST FORTY YEARS. YVehate i',, : ; m, c 1,, v.|| -they must; be soid-and would gay to our old friends amt thc m ** m - cnn «• «•■«•»'» »»>■ s«o"*«»" TOUT WILL GET TH E GOODS, FOR WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION AS TO PRICES, ANO Will WOT BE UNDERSOLD! .TOJtIJV SEIZE, A-gent, ronox" IrnmiMr 111 MOM llisißlMt. Great Addition to 'Oir stock! JEIaVING TAiaEN ADVANTAGE OF THE DE PRESTON IN TrltcM-vsc-itt TaE < LAST TEN DAYS, . {•*' * * & ' I BOUGHT HEAVILY AT THE REDUCED PRICES, AND ARE NOW se co n :r> sup pp y the*eoMon! <K> ° X>S ’ bC>th Fiae anl Low f ’ rio6 ' l - at Much Lower' Figures, than they wera early in ,DELAINES, from 20 to 25 cents, worth 30 and S5 cents POI’LINS, at 30 to 50 cents, worth 37X and 75 cents Good Brand, of BLEACHED COTTON very much Reduced WARM.ATOOSEE, at 25, woith 30 cents x> r. iV Y ORK MILLS, at 30, worth 35 cents One hundred and iifty CLOAKS, from *3 50 up. Cheap as they were before thc war i B Gold. \ r . RICUA-RDS & BEOS.’, FREDGRICHIiiBIURG STORE, octll-diclm CORNER EY TIIE PLANTERS’ HOTEL. GROCERIES ! GROCERIES ! ! O’DOWD k MULIfERIK, 283 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga,, "We wenld respectfully inform our friends and tho public that wo have now on hand and for .ale a large stock of Choice GROCERIES, consisting in part of the following : 20 Hhds BACON, sides and shoulders 20 Boxes BACON SIDES 25 Boxes BACON, dry salt «• 20 Barrel* LARD 50 Tubs LARD 40 Hhds choice BROWN SUGAR 25 Barrels A, B and U SUGAR 300 Bags RIO COFFEE 30 Baus Laguayra COFFEE 20 Pockets Java COFFKK 10 Pockets Neilgherry Virgin COFFEE 75 Half chests TEA 50 Caddies TEA . 40 Hilda MOLASSES 100 Barrels ifOLASjES 50 Barrels SYRUP 100 Cases PICKLES 300 Cases Canm and FRUIT an 1 VEGETABLES 100 Cases OYSTERS, 1 and 2 lb r ms 50 Cases J,OUSTERS, 1 and 2 11. -vis 100 Barrels WHISKY, all grade: 5 .V (’asks BRANDY, 5 Casks BRANDY, Hennessey ACo 20 if Casks WINE, Sherry, Port end Madeira 5 Barrels GIN 5 Barrels RUM 100 Bags SHOT 500 1.1)3 Bar LE .1 P Having purenased our entire stork before the advance in gold, wo are prapared to soil low. Merchants and Planters visiting our city would do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. YvE ARE DETERMINED NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD. oct27-10 SADDLES, HARNESS, LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS. 0 ALBERT HATCH. j CHARLES G. GOODRICH. HATCH & GOODRICH, N °. STI BROAD STREET, -A-ugusta,. Gra. INVITE the attention of our friends, and the public generally, to our FULL AND COMP LET STOCK of SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES, TRUNKS, WHIPS, COLLARS, HARNESS MOUNTINGS, HORSE BLANKETS, LEATHER, of all kinds, SHOE FINDINGS, and a well ssorted lot f BELTINGS We would he happy to receive a c .il from Iff ■> 3 ‘ , HATCH & GOODRICH. Od4-dic2m VOL 24-NO 123 200 Boxes TOBACCO 20 Cases Smoking TOBACCO 00 M SUGARS 60 Jars Mneaboy SNU FF 100 Gross Mason's BLACKING 75 Boxes SOAP 50 Boxes Toilet SOAP 70 doxes STARCH 60 Boxes Bi. Garb. SODA 60 Kegs Bi. Curb SODA 60 Boxes CANDY 100 D z Infallible YEAST POWDERS 30 Doz B B CEDAR BUCKETS 100 Doz Painted BUCKETS 5 Doz WELL BUCKETS 100 Doz BROOMS 6a Doz SKIVES 26 Doz COFFEE MILLS 30 Barrels MACKEREL 60 % barrels MACKEREL 50 Kits MACKEREL 10 Kits SALMON 60 Cases Bourbon WHISKY 25 Cases B'< ANDY 40 Cases PLANTATION BITTERS 40 Cam a WAHOO BITTERS 10 Cases GERMAN BITTERS 25 Nests TUBS