Tri-weekly constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 18??-1877, December 25, 1867, Image 1

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BY STOCKTON & 00. Terms ot Subscription Daily, on; year ....$lO 00 “ 6 months 500 « 3_inontliß 250 Tri-Weekly, one year 7 00 <* 0 mouths 350 <* 3 months 200 Weekly one year 3 00 “ « mouths 150 Rates or Advertising IN TUB CON STITUTIONALIST From February I, 1867. 1 $3 Oo'l “jflOO 6 60~ $ 8 00 13 06 “IFOO 20 00 22T0" ■ ~25 00 2 6 00 S 00 11 00 13 00 22 00 28 00 32 50 37 00 41 00 , 3 6 50 11 00 14 00 17 00 28 00 36 50 42 00 43 00 53 50 4 8 00 14 00 17 00 20 00 S3 00 43 00 60 00 57 00 63 50 5 9 60 1C 50 20 00 23 00 S8 00 50 00 63 00 66 00 73 50 6 11 00 13 00 23 00 26 00 43 00 56 00 65 00 74 CO 33 O'O 7 12 50 20 00 25 00 29 00 48 00 62 50 72 BO 82 00 92 00 8 14 00 22 00 24 00 32 00 ; 3 00 69 00 80’ 00 94 00 100 00 9 15 50 24 00 30 00 35 00 - 68 00 75 00 87 00 98 CO j 103 00 10 17 00 26 00 32 00 37 00 61 60 80 00 92 00 104 00 j 115 00 H Col. 22 50 32 50 40 00 45 00 75 00 i 97 00 112 50 127 50 ! 140 00 i 1 Col. 36 00 i 50 00 60 00 70 00 116 00 I 150 50 172 50 192 5 ! 210 00 One square, l insertion, 75 cents; each additional nHertlon', under 1 week, 50 cents. 26 per coni-, additional lor advertisements kept on he Inal. le. s 25 per cent, ad Htional in Special Column. 26 per cent, adlitional for Double Column. Marriage ami Funeral Notices, sl. Obituaries, 2d cents per lino. Communications, 20 cents per line. Tri-Weekly or Daily e. o. and. for one month or longer, wo-thirds above rales, • # In Weekly lor one month or longer, one-third the rates for Daily. In Daily, Tri-Weekly and. Weekly, double the daily rales. Advertisements continued for one year will he charged two thirds the'above rates for the last six months. It will bo perceived f. the foregoing that wo have reduced the rates of advertising fifteen to twenty per cent., to take effect on this day. Single I’apers, 5 cents; to news boys, 2X cents. Tsrms —Cash A FAMILY PAPES. The Wld in! ill D Y CONSTITUTIONALIST# Published every Wednesday wonting. Alt cight-pnge Paper, containing the Latest. News lty Mali and Telegraph, Edi torial* of the Daily, full Market Kc “visi'Clta‘aeons IteacUug, and a Se eded or Original Story, #td articles ap pertaining to (lit Farm and Dairy each week. We shall endeavor to make It a Hist class News and Family Journal. RUCK J Single Copy, tine Year, S3 OO Ten Copies, sent at one time,., ‘t 50 each, A specimen copy sent when desired. GO NST IT UTIONALIST. WEDNESDAY MORNING, DEO. 25,1807 | From Hu* Savanna'll Republican, 23d. Tho Man and Brother. THE OGBKCHEE DIFFICULTY AGAIN —TIIH UNION LEAGUE STILL RAMPANT— UNITED STATUS TROOPS SENT TO SETTLE TUB TROUBLE. Information was received yesterday from the Middleton planters, on the Ogeeehee, that the negro Union League was still causing trouble there. The complaint was lodged with Colo nel Maurice Maloney, who immediately deci ded (o take measures to put a stop to the dis orderly proceeding's. It appears that Mr. Middleton, whose plan tation is on the Bryan county side, lias been working the Elliott plantation, in Chatham county. lit: brought over hands from Bryan county to do his work, which ‘incensed the ne groes in the neighborhood, and these imported ifreedmen have bceu threatened and compelled to leave. The arrest of Cuthbert, the ring leader of the party, last week, has produced no good results, and the Brvau county negroes fear lor their lives. The teachings ot the Mack demagogue, Brad ley, are producing their legitimate results.— The League quotes Bradley as its authority, and refuses to allow any negroes to work in the neighborhood, save (hose who belong there. As tho result of this trouble might be violence and bloodshed, Captain Cook, with a detach ment of soldiers, left lor the Ogeeehee last evening, to put a stop to the difficulty, and to let the “League” know that in assuming to control the labor it is abrogating unto itself rights “ which no white man is hound to res pect,” amt that t aese things must end. Arrests will be made i! necessary, and ail needful mea sures instituted to restore order and vindicate the rights ot the planter. TROUBLE WITH TIIE Uit E Est MEN ANTICIPATED AT DARIEN--TROOPS TO LEAVE HERE FOR THAT PLACE. A communication was received yesterday, per steamer Sylvan Shore, by Colonel Maurice Maloney, commander of this military post, from the Mayor of Darien, wiiieh set forth that ‘information had been received by him (the Mayor) that led him to believe that there would he trouble there with the during the Christmas holidays. Major S£. Oyge, with a detachment of thelGlh United States•’infantry, will leave for Darien to-day, on the steamer Sylvan Shore, to quell any attempt at-disturbance which may occur iu that place. An Awful Tragedy.—On Sunday, Decem ber Bth, very early in the morning, an act was perpetrated on the road leading from Court- to TnscfHoosa, at th£ house of Dr. DeGraf fenfied, about thirty miles from Courtland, by Which Dr. DeGraffehried, Mr. Mr. and ''Mrs. Noah lost theirjiyes: A Mi*; Briggs, a Metho dist preacher, who had been at one time con fined in .the lunatic asylum at Tuscaloosa, was staying at Dr. Degraffenried’s. Early that morning the Doctor and Mr. Briggs were sit ting by the fire, and Mr. Briggs was abusing his wife, lrom whom he had been separated, when Dr. DeG. told him he ought not to abuse his wife so; whereupon Briggs picked up a half-made ax handle and struck Dr. DeG. on the head, felling him to the floor. He then struck him again, killing him instantly. Mr. Noah, who is an old man, rushed in to help Dr. DeG., and he was killed with the same weapon. Mrs. Noah, hearing the noise, went into the room, and Briggs killed her in the same manner. A little boy, who was in the room, saved his life by getting under the bed. He says that after Briggs had killed all these, he went around and struck them each one heavy blow on the head. After he had satisfied himself that they were dead, he took a pair of shoes belonging to Mrs. Noah, and left the house in his stocking feet, making his way across the field. He has since been seen at Millville.—l Ttucumbia (Ala.) Times. Mrs. Bollard, wife of the autbob of the “Lost Cause,” tiskea he: on the dramatic stage Jn Baltimore nezt ic ;:uajr evening. tlri-tUcclilii C|nstitutioimlist. [From the Mobile Tribune. They are After General Pope. The Montgomery Mail intimates that Pope’s letter to S wayne, General Franklin’s frank appreciation of his veracity, and va rious other smaller cataracts that are tumb ling on the head of him of “ the saddle,” have created very well-founded rumors that Pope will lose his seat in the saddle of the Third District.. The Mail further de clares that if a commission is sent down to examine into the administration of Pope and Swayne it will sacrifice itself to its country by imparting most valuable infor mation bearing on the inquiry. One would suppose that after General Franklin’s published averment that he would not believe a Major General of the United States army on his oath —that the said Major General would not wait to be invited out of his position, but would come down at once to clear his character in one way or another. Time was when officers of the army were so moved by an honorable espnt dc corps, that they always took measures to wipe from the cloth the stigma upon it of dis honorable association. An officer guilty of unprofessional conduct, who lied, cheated at cards and committed any act unbecom ing a gentleman, used to be banished from officer’s messes, and so tabooed and frown ed upon as to be compelled to resign, or, (in the English service,) sell out his com mission. Unless times are very much changed, one would suppose that General Pope was getting into very hot water, and in his efforts at reconstruction on the Radi cal programme, lie had materially unrecon structed himself. Squares. 1 Week. 12 Weeks. i 3 Weeks. 1 Month. 2 Months. 3 Months. 4 Months. 5 Months. fl Mouths. Remarkable Phenomenon. —A gentleman who arrived in the city yesterday, from Lee county, informs us that the people of that section were thrown into great panic and paralysis a few mornings ago, by the wonderful spectacle of three suns rising at the same time. The central orb was encircled by a beautiful rainbow, and surmounted b.y the fiagment of another iris which extended on either hand above the attendant suns. The two surplus suns were, of course, hut reflections of the bona fide sun on the clouds, and alter a brief space these suddenly dissolved and vanished, leaving the real Sol solus. The spectacle is said to have been sublime and splendid beyond description, and inspired admiration even in the breasts of those who regarded it as the portent of awful supernatural developments. [ Lynchburg Republican. Death of a Oonfeoekate General.— The Iberville South, of the 7th inst., informs us of the death of Brig. Gen. Walter ii. Stevens.— Ho was a native of New York, graduated at- West Point in 184!), and remained iu I he United States Army, attached to engineers, until the war broke out. He had married a daughter of the late Valery Ilebert, of Iberville, in this State, and espoused the cause of his adopted State. During the war lie was attached to Gen. Beauregard’s command as engineer officer, with rank Ot Brigadier General, and surrender ed at Appomatox, C. H., at its close. After this he went to Mexico, where he was chief en gineer on the railroad from Vera Ortiz to Mex ico. He leaves a widow and two children. [ New Orleans Picayune. Confederate Money.— ln New Orleans, last week, the great case of Weaver vs. Anfoux, which lias elicited so much learning and ability in the lower and tho Supreme Court, has been finally decided by the latter tribunal. The judgment of the court below in favor of Weaver was confirmed. The points involved were, whether a party, who has given a mortgage for a loan made in Confederate notes, could resist the enforcement oi the mortgage, when he had used the notes in question to release a previous mortgage. The Supreme Court decided that he could not avail himself of such a plea after ac cepting and using the lioles as they had been used. The judgment was therefore in favor ol the mortgage. A BONG ON THIS SAFE BIDE. About confounded Arlans (> never talk to me 1 I slum Predestmarimis, Tract,minus likewise dee, Nog oil in Millenurians I uvor yet could see. Give me the Platitudinarians, That write themselves I>. ) i. Borne folks are Babb durians, With whom I don’t agree, I hold with no sectarians, Baptist or Methodee. Like not the Lafitndlnarians, Because they write too free ; But I loVe the Platitudinarians Tliat write themselves D. D. Shocking Tragedy.—Near Melville, Ala bama, on the night of the SOtli ultintp, a Methodist preacher, named Samuel Briggs, murdered Dr. DeGraflimis and and Mr. John !!. Noaii. According to the Tupelo Mississippian's account, Criggs and DeGraliinrced were iu con versation, when Briggs arose from his chair, seized a piece of wood, and struck DcGraflln re.ed, knocking him into the. fire, and killing him ; whereupon Mr. John R. Noah, an old gentleman at whose residence Briggs and De- Grafflnreed were, jumped out of bed, apparently to rescue Do Graflinreed, when Briggs fell upon him with his stick ami beat him to death. The wife of Mr. Noah attempted to escape by the door, but was overtaken by the murderer, and killed with the same instrument. Briggs escaped, and at last accounts had not been ar rested. __ The Church Visitor, of Saturday last, Nov. 30 says: “At a mectingiof the Standing Committee of the Diocese, held on Tuesday, Nov. 2(5, its con sent was given to tho consecration of the Rev. John Walrus Beckwith, D. D., of Trinity Church, in this city, as Bishop of the Diocese of Georgia. STEAMER KATIE. ROM AND AFTER THIS DATE THE STEAMER KATIE will run regularly between SAVANNAH AND AVGUSTA, TOUCHING AT ALL THE WAY-LANDINGS, going and returning. Leave Savannah every SATURDAY MORNING, at 9 o’clock; arrive at Augusta Sunday, 7, p. m. Leave Augusta every TUESDAY, at 12 o’clock; arrive at Savannah Thursday, 11, a. m. J. M. DYE & CO., Agents, decl-sutf 143 Reynolds street. JOHN L. FLEMING, COTTON FACTOR AND General Commission Merchant, JACKSON STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, AV ILL devote his personal attention to the STORAGE and SALE of COTTON and all other PRODUCE. Orders for BAGGING, ROPE, Ac., promptly tilled. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES MADE. aug2B : ff*ctf T. MARK WALTER,’ S Nlarble "Works, JBrOAD BTREET, NEAR LOWER MAR KKT, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Every kind of work executed with dispatch. sepß-d6m*cly FOR SALE, 7 On reasonable terms, the AUGUSTA BOBBIN WORKS, BUILDINGS and MACHINERY, with a lsrge stock of MATERIALS, all in good order. Ap ply to J. A. DORTIC, nov£e-2w Over 178 Broad street. AUGUSTA, (Ga,) WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 25, 1867 HELMBOLD’S Genuine Preparation. H j“ HIGHLY CONCENTRATED ” Compound Fluid Extract BUCHU, A POSITIVE AND SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR DISEASES OF THE Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel and Dropsical Swellings. E This medicine increases the powe; of digestion, and excites the abso. bents into healthy (ion, by which the water or calcerous depositions an L 1 11 unnatural enlargements are reduced, as well as pain nd inflam mation, and is taken by MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Helmbold’s Extract Bachu For Weakness arising from Excesses, Habits of Dis sipation, Early Indiscretions, attended with the following symptoms: Indisposition to exertion, Loss of power, Loss of memory, Difficulty of breathing, Weak nerves. Trembling, liorror of disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of vision, «. Pain In the hack, Hot tends, F.nshing of the body, Dryness of the skin, Eruptions on the face, Universal lassitude ol the Pailid countcnaee. muscular system. These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medicine invariably removes, soon follows Impotence, Fatuity, Epileptic Fits, In one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that they arc not frequently followed by those “ direful diseases,” Insanity and Consumption ? Many are aware of the cause of their suffering, but . none will confess. TIIE RECORDS of tho INSANE ASYLUMS, ' And the melancholy deaths by Consumption, bear ample witness to the truth of the assertion. 4 The constitution once affected with ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Requires tho aid of medicine to strengthen and invi goiate the system, which lIELSIBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHII Invariably does. A. Trial will Convince the Most Skeptical. L In many affections peculiar to Females, Tho Extract Bticlm la unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Ri tcation, Irregularity, l’alnfulness or Suppression ol Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schimis state of the Uterus, Sterility, and lor ail complaints inci dent, to tho sex, whether arising from indiscretion, habits of dissipation, or in the DECT.INE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. See Symptoms above. No Family should be without it! M Take no more liutoara, Mercury, or Unpleasant Medi cine for Unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases, FIELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH CURES SECRET DISEASES, In all their stages, at little expense, little or no*change in diet, no inconvenience and no exposure. It causes a frequent desire, and gives strength to urinate, thereby removing obstructions, preventing and euilng Stric tures of the Uretlrn, allaying Pain and Inflammation, so frequent in this class of diseases, and expelling nil poisonous, diseased and worn out matter. B USE HEIMBOLD’S EXTRACT' BUOHU For all affections and diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, From whatever cause originating, and no mailer of how long standing. Diseases of these organs require the aid of a Diuretic. Ilclnibold’s Extract Ilucliu IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, And is certain to havo the desired effect in all dis eases for which it is recommended. Evidence of the most responsible and reliable character will accompa ny the medicine. o “PHYSICIANS” PLEASE “NOTICE!” I make no “secret” of “ingredients.” IIELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCIIU Is composed of Buchu, Cubebs and Juniper Berries, selected with great care, PIIKPAUKD IX VACUO, BY 11. T. HELMBOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist, and Sole Manufac turer of tlelmboUl’s GENUINE PREPARATION. L AFFIDAVIT Fei-sonaiiy appeared before me, an Alderman of the City of Philadelphia, H. q\ Helmbold, who, being duly sworn, doth say, bin preparations contain r.o nar cotic, no mercury, or other injurious drugs, but are purely vegetable. n. T. HELMBOLD. Sworn and subscribed before me, this .31 day of November, 1854. WM. P. HIBBERD, Alderman, Ninth street, above Race, Philadelphia. D Price, $1 25 per Bottle, or Six for $6.50, Delivered to any address, securely packed from obser vation. Address letters for information, in confidence, to H.T. HELMBOLD’S DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 504 Broadway, New York, OR HELMBOLD’S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Tenth street, Philadelphia, Pa. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS I Who endeavor to dispose “of their own” and “ other” articles on the reputation obtained by Helmbold’s Genuine Preparations, Helmbold’s Genuine Extract Buchu, Helmbold’s Genuine Extract Sarsaparilla, Helmbold’s Genuine Improved Rose Wash. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Ask for HELMBOLD’S—Take no other. Cutout this advertisement, and send for it, and avoid imposition and exposure. nov7-eodly 1 SPECIAL NOTICES. To Farmers and Planters. tar We offer for sale the following Fertilizers of the> Lodi Manufacturing Company, viz.: DOUBLE REFINED POUDRETTE, prepared from Night Soil of Now York City, at New Y#rk prices, $25 per ton of *,OOO lbs., freight added. Also NITRO PHOSPHATE OF LIME, equal in every re spect to Peruvian Guano, made from floured Bone Dust and Night Soil, Superior and far cheaper than any Phos phate in market, &t%60 per ton, freight from New York added. A fair trial, however small, is respectfully so licited. ASHER AYRES, Agent, Macon, Ga. A. J. ROBERTS <fc CO., Agents, Atlanta, Ga. Read the following testimonials : At Homh, near Marietta, Ga., Oct. IG.JSC7. A. J. Roberta <S- Cos., Atlanta, Ga,: Gentlemen : I am well pleased with the result of the use of the “ Double Refined Poudrette ” on my crops. -I tried it on both corn and cotton, and am satisfied wher ever it was applied the yield was more than double what it would have been without it. I regret exceedingly my not using it more extensively the present year, but will try to make up my loss by purchasing a larger quantity next spring. I regard it as the cheapest, most reliable and easiest managed fertilizer within my knowledge, and cheerfully recommend it (as I have tried it thoroughly,) to the farmers of this section, and particularly to those planting cotton, from the fact of its causing it to mature from ten days to two weeks earlier than it would without the use of the Poudrette. I also used it on my garden, and found it of much benefit to all kinds of plants. Very respectfully, Ac., G. S. OGLESBY. Extract from a letter received from Professor Martin, of Hampden, Sidney College, Virginia, dated July Ist, 1867: The Double Refined Poudrette is operating like a charm on iny crop, and attracting universal attention ironpail beholders. lam already sati.Jbd that itrs the cheapest and surest renovator of our worn-out lauds. High Shoals, Ga., Oct. 4, 1867. James R. Dey, Esq.: Sir: The Double Refined Poudrette I bought for two other p: rties in connection with myself—one of them used it on cotton and corn, and thinks it answered finely; the other put it on cotton, on very poor ground, and thinks it doubled his crop. I used it on corn. It answer ed finely, and was thought by the hand that cultivated the crop to be fully equal to Rhode’s Super-Phosphate. I also used it on about an acre of cotton, and I am clearly of opinion that it is the best and cheapest fertilizer in use, and! expect to order several tons this winter. Yours, very respectfully, ISAAC POWELL. Ellavii.le, Schley Cohniy. Ga., Oct. 4, 1867. The Double Refioed Poudrette, purchased of you last spring, I think, increased my crop of cotton 150 pounds per acre; put it upon worn out pine land at the rate of 200 pounds per acre, drilled in with cotton seed. Yours, &c., 8. MONTGOMERY. Salisbury, N. C., Aug. JO, X 867. James fi. Dcy, Esq.: .*■ Dkah Sir : I can sa ? ely say that your Double Refined Poudrette is far superior to any other fertilizer for cotton; for I havo given it a fair trial this season. Yours, JEHU FOS TER, Jr. SAVANNAH, GA., Sept. 25,1867. James fi. Dcy, Esq., President: Dear Sir: I,used tho Double Refined Poudrette, bought of you last spring, on com. 1 think it increased the yield one-half. I consider it an excellent manure. * Respectfully, T. UOLCOMRE. Riiigkway, S. C , Sept. 81,18 W. Mr. James R. Dey: Sir : I applied the Double Refined Poudrette by itself, and in combination with other fertilizers," on cotton, and am pleased with it; so much so that it is my present in tention to purchase a larger supply of you the next year to apply to my cotton crop. Yours, very respectfully, HENRY C. DAVIS. Rooky Mount, Edgecombe, Cos., N. C„ Nov. 13, 1866. James R. Dey, Esq.: Sir: In reply to your inquiry of the results of our ex perience in tho use of your improved Poudrette, pur chased of you for tills year's cotton crop, wo would beg leave to say that tho present season hss been one quite unfavorable to the action of all'fertfilzors.. * Several kinds of manures were used by us, with the exception of your Poudrette, with little or no effect to tile crop. Where the Poudrette was used It gcith&s near half <: eawmi 'the ASeeta&ti vftghmitrrMr. earlier, and we would therefore recommend tho same as a concentrated manure for tho grow th of cotton, as well as improvement to the soil. Yours, very respectfully, HENRY 1». STULTS & BRO. For further particulars, address LODI MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 60 Coil l-uid street, New York. novls-3m Bar LADIES’ PHYSICIAN.—Mrs. M. E. Sherman formerly fi Practicing Phjsiciati iu Rr.sion find vicinity, for diseases peculiar to Lariics, lias taken rooms on Greene street, between Jackson and Mclntosh streets; and opposite the Augusta Free School. She will bo to receive calls from all Ladies who may wish to consu her. She will visit her patients at their residences, or she may he consulted by them at her rooms from 3 to f>, p. m. Augusta, Ga.. Oct. 10,1867. od2o-3m Grain and Flour Bags. W. 11. ASTKN & CO., S', Pearl street New York, are prepared to furnish Hags for Grain, Front, and all other purposes for which barfs are used, of any desired material or size, upon the shortest notice. Fi.oer and Buckwheat Bugs, either of Cotton or paper, printed to order, with neast designs. Paper Hags for Grocers, Confectioners, ,Vc., from I lb. upwards. sep3-3m P. O. Box 4.D59 New York City Batchelor’s Hair Dye ! This splendid Hair Dye is tho best in the world. The only true and perfect Dye—Harmless, Reliable, In stantaneous. No disappointment. No ridiculous tints. Natural Black or Brown. Remedies th 1 il! effects es Bad’ Dyes. Invigorates tiie hair, leaving it soft and beauti ful. The genuine is signed William A. Batchelor. All others are more imitations, and should he avoided. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Factory, 81 Barclay street, New York. sar beware of a counterfeit. decli-ly FAITH WELL FOUNDED—In old times, at the commencement of every season, it was the fashion to take a strong cathartic as a safeguard against a change of temperature. It was a worse than senseless practice. The people of our day understand the matter better.— Instead of depleting the system they reinforce it. Iu the method they adopt they exhibit a wise discrimina tion. Instead of resorting to the vitiated stimulants of commerce, or any of the compounds derived from them, they put their faith in the only absolutely pure invigo raut procurable in the market—HOSTETTEU’S STOM ACH BITTEItS. Tlieir faith is well founded. Never has any tonic medicine been prepared with such scrupu lous precision and conscieniious care. It is a vegetable compound, of which every ingredient is sound, whole some, and medicinal, in the true simse of the word.— Now, we have three prominent national complaints. One-haif of tho adult population of the United States suffer more or less, either from diseases of the stomach, derangements of tho liver, or affections of the kidneys. In no other land under Heaven are those maladies so general as in this country, and HOSTETTER’S BIT TERS is a specific for them all, unless organic in their origin, and, therefore, beyond cure. And let those who are fortunate enough to he exempt from them at present understand one great fact, viz: that an occasional use of this vitalizing tonic will as certainly prevent them as the sun will prevent the earth from freezing where its genial beams descend. decl-tls MRS. WINSLOW’S SYRUP, For Children Teething, greatly facilitates the process of teething, by softening tiie gums, reducing all inflammation—wiiliallay All Pain and spasmodic action, and is Sure to Regulate the Bowels. Depend upon it, mothers,4t will give rest to yourselves, and Relief and Health to Your Infants. We have put up and sold this article for years, and Can Say in Confidence and Truth of it what we have never been able to say of any other medicine— Never has it Failed in a Single Instance to Effect a Cure, when time ly used. Never did wo know an instance of dissatisfac tion by any one who used it. On the contrary, all are de lighted with its operation, and speak in terms of com mendation oi its magical effects and medicinal virtues. We speak in this matter “ What toe do Know," after years of experience, and Pledge our Reputation for the Fulfilment of What we here Declare. In almost every instance where the infant is suffering from pain and ex haustion, relief will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes after the Syrup is administered. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. Be sure and call for “Mrg. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup,” Having the sac-simile of “ CURTIS & PERKINS ” on the outside wrapper. All others are base imitations. Sold by Druggists throughout the world. Price, only 35 Cents per Bottle, OFFICES—2IS Fulton street, N V " ‘ork; 205 High Hol born, London, England; 441 Btreet, Montreal, Canada. au2B-eod6m KfRLEY’S. POPULaI WORM GANDY As this is really I SPECIFIC FOR WORMS, and the best and mon&galatable form to give to children, it is not surprisMßthst it is fast taking the place of an other preparfMpng lor worms—it being perfectly tasteless, any take it. IIUKUEY’S stomach bitters, For Debility •rA Loss of Appe ti'e, Weakness, In digestion, or Dyspepsia, Want of Action of the Liver, OR DISORDERED STOMACH There is No BiUers that can Compare with these in removing Ihelq distressing complaints. For sale or can he had at ady drug store in the United States, or from the propriitorM, JAMES RUDDLE A CO., Proprietors. Louisville, Ky. PURIFY YOUR BLOOD! Htfley’s Sarsaparilla. Os all the medicines that have been discovered dur ing the present age for the “ thousand ills that flesh is heir to,” none equal this wonderfu preparation. Only ten years have elapsed since the discoverer ( who spent a decade in studying experiments, and prelecting it) lirst iutroifoced it to the public, and it is already re cognized bjrtftrt most eminent physicians in a!! parts of the country, to he the most surprising and effective remedy for certain diseases of which they have any knowledge. All other C%npounds or Syrups of this root have hitherjo failed to command the sanction of the Facul ty, because on being tested, tkey have been found to contain noxious Ingredients, which neutralize the good effects of the Sarsaparilla, and oftentimes injure tho health of tlie patient. It is not'bo with HURLEY’S preparation. , This is tho )>tire and genuine extract of tiie root, and and will, on tjial, he found to effect a certain and per fect cure of tie following complaints arid diseases: Affections of the Bones, Habitual Costiveness, Debility, of the Kidneys, Dyspep sia, I’ryscpilas, Female Irregular i y ities, Fistula, all Skin Diseases, iiver Complaint, lndiges ’ tion, Piles, Pulmonary Diseases. Syphilis, Scrofula or Kinn's Evil. HURLEY’S AGUE TONIO. PERFECTLY RELIABLE. I o The onlyiemedy for Chills and Fever or Ague and Fever that (in or can be depended upon is Hurley’s Ague Tonif. There have been thousands cured by using it v. jehad tried the usual remedies without benelit; hut In no case liaS Hurley's Ague Tonic failed Life 17Vcl a cure. All who have used it cheerfully «l! their afflicted friends of it, as a sure and certain cu ijlor cliilh- and fever. Any one suffering from the etna would consult their own interest by .sending t.'WjJhKjjStore and buying, a bottle. It is 'pH’.iJtllWMt snhfd i’tWsT->vltll Others, and will lie certain to cure all cases of fever and ague or chills and fever. Bend'for it to the projirielois, JAMES RUDDLE & CO., Louisville, Ky. NOTICE TO MOTHERS. DR. BEABEOOK’S Infant Soothing Syrup I U have, by purchase of the original receipt, become sole proprietors of Ibis Celebrated Medicine. Wo ask you to give it a trial, with an assurance that you will in future discard all those nauseous and de structive stuffs, such as Bateman’s Drops, Godfrey’s Cordial, Dewee’s Mixture, .Vo., combinations of a past and anti-progressive age, when it was thought that the more disgusting the mixture the better the medi cine. Use in the future only SEABROOK’S, a combina tion quite up with the advancement of the age.— Pleasant to take, harmless in its action, efficient and reliable in all cases. Invaluable in the following diseases : Summer Complaint, Irreg ularities of the Bov/els, Restiveness, Teeth ings &c. Gives health to the child and rest to the mother. We could furnish any quantity of certificates bear ing evidences of its superior qualities, but prefer that our medicine should stand on its own merits, which it will do upon trial. JAMES RUDDLE & GO., PROPRIETORS, Laboratory No. 41 Bullitt Street, LOUISVILLE, KY. All the above Medicines for sale by W. U. TUTT, PLUMB & LEITNER, BEALL & IIANKINBON, BARRETT, CARTER & CO., and BARRY A BATTY, Augusta, Ga. nov2B-eodti6m JOHN B FULLER, 47 DEY STREET, NEW YORK CITY, Manufacturer ami Dealer In portable and stationary STEAM ENGINES and BOILERS, FROM 2 TO 250 HORSE POWER. IVLOBT APPROVED CIRCULAR and UP RIGHT SAW MILLS, GRIST MILLS, and all kinds of MINING and PLANTATION MA HINERY on hand and built to order. SHAFTING, POLLIES, LEATHER and RUB BER BELTING, and all kinds of Iron and Wood- Working MACHINERY. MACHINERY and RAILROAD supplies instore, and shipped at the lowest rates. sep4-4m IN ew 30 Barrel TURPENTINE STILL, extra heavy bottom, All Complete for Sale Much Below Cost. J3tILLS of all sizes built to order and DISTIL LERS flitted out at the LOWEST RATES, by J. B. FULLER, sep4-4m 47 Dey s'reot, New York City. FCfr EXCHANGE. F OUr/VeN HUNDRED AND FORTY ACRES oj LAND, situated in Arkansas, on the Memphis rtVl Little Rock Railroad, about 20 miles from the of Mamphis, will be exchanged for lands in South cl Aina or Georgia, in a good locality. A dd iCks, KEY’ BOX 124, dec2o-lm4 Augusta, Gai FOR RENT. TO RENT, JTOR THE YEAR 1868, the PLANTATION of the late Thomas W. BbAlle, seven miles from Au gusta, containing twenty-two hundred acres and a comfortable Dwelling. . JOHN N. DAVIES, dccl3-tf Administrator. TO BENT, DWELLING, containing eleven Rooms, recently occupied by Madam Fillettk, over the store of Messrs. Jno. D. Butt <Sc Bro. Possession given immediately. decl2-6 W. J. VASON. FOB BENT, Two COMFORTABLE BOOMS, either with or without li'.i ::i uro. Would prefer to rent them as Slccpi'"' limiiiii le: ventfomcn. Ajqlyat o. ’ii 1..,’ BROAD ST. HfVY yj ..f'A AV> .:A iV f I , Til K NIC!. Oi iT'i'Ai E ifli side of Ellis, third door nbi'.v Mi Kirn ■ villi four rooms arid !in -|ii:iiK n-i- i, ~ in V ~'n< and good Garden. Apply to 1> !. Oil I, VIA, 0c122-tf i:;i Broad Greet. TO BENT, FROM Ti! i' IK.'T OF OUTOSiUii NEXT, *1 HE LE. i! >:■ .’■ 'K ibn tin iruigued, on the Georgia Railroad, i» e.r I. e e.viile, about two miles from tiie Align: la 1’ G. Office. There is dally rail road communication wrt, the city, by accommodation train. Tiie location is Healthy and free from musqultocs. Dwelling of Brick, fourteen rooms, with Gas Fixtures in rooms, halls and attic. Apparatus for the manu facture of gas on the premises, in good order. Hy drant Water supplied by lift pump from kitchen to upper story, and by lift and force putnp to grounds in front. In addition, two Wells of Pure Cool Water in back yard and stable lot. Commodious Servants’ Quarters, Carriage House, Cow House and Stable, of brick. The lot. contains sixteen acres, on which are a Garden, Vineyard and Orchard. A Billiard Room and good Billiard Table, in a de tached building, which will be rented with the dwell ing. Tho Furniture in the dwelling will bo sold, if de sired, on reasonable terms. For terms, apply at the .Constitutionalist Office. aug27-tf _ JAMES GARDNER. FOB BENT, Tiie Lafayette race course. FOli SALE, Three desirable BUILDING LOTH,, on Greene street. B’or terms ajiply to sep4-tf H. It. STEINER. FOB BALE OB BENT, SMALL and neat RESIDENCE, with all ne cessary out-houscs, situated on he east side of Mar biiry Btreet Avenue, near the South Boundry street; with large gai or. well stocked with plants ; having a front of about 22feet and running through to Kollock street. Location perfectly healthy and pleasant. Terms of sale to siu purchasers. The premises are now occupied by tiie undersigned, to whom applica tion can be made, or to Messrs. Bkssman <fc llalla han. I. P.GIRAR.DEY. aulß-tf FOB BENT, ROM Ist October next, that Fine RESIDENCE on the corner of Bay and Lincoln slice!s. The House lias eight large rooms with tiro places, pantries, &c. For particulars apply to jyl6-tf Judge WM. T. GOULD. EVERY KINO OF Plantation Machinery^ ENGINES, IIORSE POWERS, GRIST MILLS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLE MENTS Os cvui’y description in store, and lor sale at the Lowest Rates, by J. B. FULLER, Bf.])4 lm 47 Dey ttreet New York City. Turner’s Excelsior Manure /\ LARGE STOCK OF THIS FERTILIZER now receiving, which wo confidently recommend to planters as superior to all others for Wheat culture. In Mar, land, Where it is made and best known, it is almost universally used for this crop. It is composed of seven hundred pounds of pure PERUVIAN GUANO and thirteen hundred pounds SOLUBLE PHOSPHATE OF LIME-bones dis solved in acid—to the ton, Orders solicited and promptly attended to. J. A. ANSLEY <fc CO., sep2o-tf 300 Broad street. PARAFINE CANDLES, Handsomer than Sperm, and half the price. For sale by WM. H. TUTT. novß-6m ENGRAVING. .1. 15. FiIAREV, JEWELER -AJNTJD ENGRAV ER NDER CENTRAL HOTEL. oclS-3 Plantation to Rent, Containing four hundred acres of productive LAND, two hundred acres River Bot tom and two hundred acres Upland, situated on the Savannah river, and on the Waynesboro Railroad, six miles from the city of Augusta. Apply to JOSEPH WARE, Augusta. decll-dSacl NOTICE. j IIE UNDERSIGNED have this day purchased from Mr. George Blytii, his interest in the firm ot Perkins, Blytii A- Cos., and will continue the LUM BER BUSIN ESS at the same place, No. 8 Central Railroad. We will settle all demands against and receipt for all debts due the late firm. S. E. & S. M. PERKINS. No. 8 Central Railroad, November 18th, 1861. We also will continue the LUMBER BUSINESS at No. I Augusta and Savannah K. It., under the firm name of Perkins <fc Bro. nov3o-lm* S. E. & S. M. PERKINS. FOR SALE, T Hie site of the Vaueluse Cotton Mill, near Graniteviilc, South Carolina : Three hundred tons of Cast and Wrought IRON One OVERSHOT WHEEL, eighteen feet diame ter and twelve feet face ; about 91 horse power One large Cylinder FIRE PUMP, slightly damaged Two hundred feet four-inch CAST IRON PIPE One twenty-horse power BOILER One Reynold’s WATER WHEEL GAS WORKS GAS PIPE, DIES and TONGS Sundry articles too numerous to mention, including VICES, TOOLS and various COTTON MACHINE RY. Apply to JAMES J. GREGG, nov3o-2awlm At Graniteville, 8. C. Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court House door in Covington, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in JANUA RY next, within the legal hours of sale: Twenty-nine (29) SHARES GEORGIA RAILROAD STOCK, belonging to the estate of S. 11. S. Btarr, deceased. ROBERT L. WILLIAMS, decl3-2“w6 Administrator. NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED o OWN IMPORTATION! JULIUS G. TUCKER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS < NOTIONS, &c„ &c, 3t'6 & 316 BBOADIBT., AUGUSI'A, OLA.., HAS JUST OPENED A full au 1 complete stock Os tlie above named merchandise, which will be sold at a SMALL A ) VANCE ON COST. The attention of the Ladies is especially invited to my splendid assortment, ns, IMPORTED CORSETTS, all colors and styles, AL SO, KID GLOVES at One Dollar a pair. ALSO, The liucst assortment in the city of MOURNING COLLARS aud|SETTS „ LACES and LACE COLLARS. My stock of GOODS Is well selected and as cheap as can be sold anywhere. A full and complete stock of CLOTHING and PIECE GOODS. A full line of BROGANS, BALMORALS aucl CONGRESS SHOES. A full assortment of Calf and Kip BOOTS. A comple assortment of Gent’s FURNISHING GOODS, embracing Fine White SHIRTS Fine Colored SHIRTS Fine Traveling SHIRTS * Fine UNDER SHIRTS HANDKERCHIEFS, SOCKS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, Ac. . ALSO, A large assortment of HATS and CAPS TRUNKS and VALISES UMBRELLAS, NOTIONS, &c., Ac., Ac. Country Merchants and Dealers Are respectfully invited to Call and Examine the above New and Largo Slock, and Special Facilities are offered from the fact that I have Personally Purchased a large quantity of the above named merchandise in Europe, and am consequently en abled to sell these Imported Goods BELOW NEW YORK PRICES ! oct27-3m -A.XJGLTJSTA. SEED STORE, NO» 15 WASHINGTON STREET (one door South of Rrnnd). 0 Tub SUBSCRIBER has Just received a very Splendid Stock of FRENCH, ENGLISH and AMERI CAN GARDEN and FIELD SHEDS, which cannot he surpassed lor Quality and Variety in (ho Southern market; also, ONION SETS, RED and WHITE CLOVER, DAWN GRASS, KENTUCKY BLUE, ORCHARD and HEARDS GRASSES and LUCKRN. To arrive, the Celebrated Early Goodrich and Harrison IRISH POTATOES; PENNSV LVANIA GOURD SEED and other EARLY CORN, Arc., Arc. COUNTRY MERCHANTS and FARMERS supplied as Low as elsewhere. Small Packages, from one ounce to a pound, sent by mail FREE OF POSTAGE. decs-3m C. PEMBLE. GREAT REDUCTION IN FRIGES AT THE EMPIRE BOOT & SHOE EMPORIUM. — I— ROBERT CAEROLL, WITH EDWIN F. BLODGETT & CO, 303 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, «A„ VV E ARE NOW OFFERING one of the; largest and host selected Stocks of Gentlemen’s Lndioj Misses’ and Children’s ’ »©©*§ All SBOIB, Ever opened in this city, and experience of twenty years, and buying strictly or cash enables us to self to our customers at from 20 to 25 per cent, cheaper than they can be purchased elsewhere. Call and examine as Goods will he freely shown and one price asked. Miles’Celebrated BOOTS and SHOES. Also, all other BOOTS and SHOES lrom manufacturers a note in the United States. N. B.—No Shoddy or paper stuifed SHOES kept at this establishment.. OCUJ r 5 P. QUINN'S BOOK, STATIONERY AND PERIODICAL DEPOT, 180 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. _KeEP c stantly on hand ail the latest News papers and Periodicals of the day. I’eoplo living along the lines of the Georgia Rail road, South Oarolina Railroad and Savannah Rail road, can bo supplied regularly with late Papers and Periodicals, by our News Agents on every train. Subscriptions taken for Papers and Periodicals, and back numbers ordered at low prices. nov!6-lm / COURTENAY & TRENHOLM, 3 Shipping and Commission Merchants, > CHARLESTON, S.C., give special attention f to the dispatch of Ooaslioise and Foreign Freights; by steam direct to BALTIMORE and NEW YORK and via Baltimore to PHILADELPHIA. Insurance and Freight Batps, os low, via Charles, ton, as by any other line North. (TTFirst-Class Packet Ships will always be on the berth for LIVERPOOL during the present cotton season; Shippers can economize in time as well as freight and insurance to JEuropo by oonsigning i cottons to Charleston in preference to Gulf ports. I Quotations for freights. Insurance, &e. to all J points, furnished weekly to regular oorrespon- 3 dents. r nov2-TusFr4m WOOD, WOOD, WOOD. Jr&OBERT SCHLEY & 00. will sell the best quality of MIXED HICKORY, OAK and ASn WOOD, if taken at the Wharf, on the arrival of the steamer, at FIVE DOLLARS per measured cord. The steamer will arrive and discharge every week. All orders left at their office, No. 15 Mclntosh street, will he promptly attended ti>. If delivered at the WOOD YARD the price will he $5 50 per cord. We expect to keep a supply of WOOD on hand throughout the year, and orders left in time will save 10 per cent, on the cost. myßo-tjal VOL, 24 -NO 149 SODA WATER. HSiToTICE.—I do hereby caution all X’ERSONS against purloining, buying, soiling, filling with othor liquid, or in any manner using or depriving nm of BOTTLES healing the name ot “JOHN RYAN," blown in the glass. These BOTTLES are nmde in my own moulds; no one else can get them ; we neither sell nor give them away ; those who deprive us of, or appropriate them to their own use actdisboncstly, and lay themselves liable to a prosecution. That all may be informed on this point wo give the above notice. Respectfully, JOHN RYAN, . Manufacturer of Soda Water, Ac. AuacsTA, Ga., December 6th, 1867. nov6-3m NOTICE. Having returned to the city, I will resume the practice of my profession. Office at Dr. DkSaes sure Ford’s, 139 Greene street. Office hours from 8 to 10, a. m., and from 6 to 8, P- m. LEWIS D. FORD, M. D. novlStf NEW TIN SHOE. " TIN AND SHEBTIRON WARE MANUFACTORY, Oorner of Centre and Broad Sts., Augusta , Ga. bouyerT& harp W OULD respectfully announce to the citizens of Augusta and surrounding country that they have opened an establishment for the manufacturing of all kinds of TIN and SHEET IRON WA RES, and will keep constantly on hand a good assortment of all kinas of Wares in our line, which we offer at the Very Lowest Market Prices. We are prepared to do ItOOFIK G, GUTTERING and all kinds of JOB WORK, at the shortest notice and in the very best style of workmanship, and on the most Reasonable Terms. All work done by ua warranted to be as represented. . .. ect22-3m BOUT NR &