Tri-weekly constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 18??-1877, January 17, 1868, Image 1

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BY STOCKTON & CO Terms of Subscription Daily, one year $lO 00 “ 6 months 500 “ S.months 250 Tri-Weekly, one year 7 00 “ ftnionthsi 350 “ 3 months 200 Weekly one year 3 00 “ 0 months 150 Rales of Advertising IN THE CO IST ST IT IJTION ALIST From February 1, 1867# I*3 00 ,”$6 00" 6505800 13 0* IfOO 20 00 22 50 . "2500 j 2600800110015002200\2800 82 50 37 00 !41 00 ' 3 6 50 ! 11 00 14 00 17 00 28 00 38 50 42 00 4S 00 ! 53 50 I i ! 4 8 00 I 14 00 17 00 20 00 33 00 43 0C 50 00 57 00 63 50 5 e 50 16 50 20 00 23 00 3S 00 50 00 63 00 CO 00 j 73 50 8 11 00 13 00 23 00 26 00 43 00 56 00 65 00 74 00 : 83 00 7 12 50 20 00 25 00 23 00 48 00 62 50 72 00 82 00 02 00 8 14 00 22 00 28 00 32 00 53 00 69 00 80 00 91 00 100 00 9 35 50 24 00 30 00 35 00 5S 00 75 00 87 00 93 00 108 00 10 17 00 26 00 32 00 37 00 61 50 SO 00 92 00 104 00 115 00 X Col. 22 50 S2 50 40 00 45 00 7? 00 97 00 112 50 127 50 140 00 1 Col. 35 00 50 00 60 00 70 00 118 00 ! 150 50 172 50 192 5 210 OC j Ouo square, 1 insertion, 75 cents; each additional nsertion, under 1 week, 50 cents. 25 per cent, additional for advertisements kept on he Inside. 25 per cent, ad litional in Special Column. 26 per cent, ad litional for Double Column. Marriage and-funeral Notices, sl. Obituaries, 20 cents per lino. Communications, 20 cents per line. Tri-Weekly or Daily e. o. and. for one month or longer, wo-thirds above rates. Xn Weekly for one month or longer, one-third the rates for Daily. In Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly, douLlo the daily rales. Advertisements continued for one year will l«e charged two-thirds the above rates for the last six months. ft will be perceived b the foregoing that we have reduced the rates of advertising fifteen to twenty per cent., to fake effect on this day. Single Papers, 5 cents; to nows boys, 2X cents. Teems—Cash A FAMILY TAPER. The WBICKI.V CONSTITUTIONALIST. Published every Wednesday u»ornliiff. An eight-page Paper, containing the Latest News by Mall and Telegraph, Edi torials of the Dally, full Market Re ports, Miscellaneous Heading, and a Se eded or Original Slory, and articles ap pertaining to the Farm nud Dairy each week. IVe shall endeavor to make it a first class News and Family Journal. PRICK : Single Copy, One Year, $3 00 Ten Copies, seißat one time,.. 2 BO each. A specimen copy sent when desired. CONST [T UTIONALIST. FRIDAY MORNING. JAN. 17.18C8 [From the Southern Recorder. Decisions of the Supreme Court, now in Session in Milledgeville. John Phillips i vs. > From Randolph. Win. S. Gaston.) Warner, 0. J. Where the defendant tendered Confed erate money in payment of a note executed prior to the Ist of June, IS6I, and the plain tiff refused to receive it, giving as a reason therefor, that “ lie had become paymaster, for some heirs.” Held that this was not such a legal tender as would stop the run ning of interest on the note. Judgment affirmed. H. Fielder for Pl’if in Error. Wm. A. Rawson l vs. > From Randolph. Juo. W. Jones, et. al.) Warner, C. J. When an execution has been levied upon property of the defendant sufficient to pay the debt, and afterwards such levy is dis missed by the plaintiff without the sale of the property, the mere fact of the dismissal of the levy by the plaintiff or by his order without move, does not destroy the lien of his judgment and postpone the same in favor of junior judgment creditors. Ryan vs. Lieber, 30th Ga. Rep., 443, considered and affirmed. Judgment reversed. H. Fielder for Pl’ll’in Error. Hood for Deft in Error. Wm. G. Price, Adm’r,) vs. > From Calhoun. L. D. Munroe. ) Warner, C. J. When a certiorari is applied for under the provisions of the Code (other than from the decision of the Inferior Court and Court of Ordinary, which require the sanction of tlic judge), no notice of the sanction of the judge is required; but a notice that a petition for a writ of certiorari lias been filed in the of fice of tlic Clerk of the Superior Court for the removal of a case from a Justice’s Court to the Superior Court, will be a suffi cient notice, the sanction of the judge not being required. Held also, that the grounds of error com plained of were sufficiently stated in the petition for certiorari. Judgment affirmed. Lyon, deGraffenried and Shorter for plain tiff in error. Hood and L. D. Munroe for defendant in error. John W. Baker j vs. j Edward T. Shepherd, y From Stewart. Adm’r, &c., of John T. Warren, dec’d. J Warner, C. J. W here a fi. fa. issued upon the foreclosure of a mortgage executed by two tenants in common for lands owned by them jointly, upon a judgment of foreclosure against one of them only, the fi. fa. commanding the sheriff to levy upon the land, which in terest appears in the body of the_/i. fa. to be the undivided half interest in the land as teuant-in-connnon, as described in the mortgage; and the sheriff, in his levy de scribing the property levied on to be the “ undivided one-half interest in and to the property levied on,” describing the same by number and district. Held that the court below erred in re jecting the mortgage fi. fa. when offered in evidence to the jury, in a claim case. Held also that it was error after rejecting the fi. fa, for the court to have submitted the case r ®ri-tt)c£hlg f§ Constitutionalist. to the jury, and in allowing a verdict for the claimant. The plaintiff’s case should have been dismissed by the court. Judg ment reversed. B. F. Worrill, Downijg, for plaintiff in error. J. L. Wimberly and E. H. Beall, by the Reporter, for defendant in error. James P. Graves} vs. > From Lee. Peter J. Strozier.) Warner, C. J. Where a declaration has been filed in the clerk’s office for seduction of plaintiff's daughter but has not been served on the defendant. Held that the filing of the de claration was such a commencement of the suit as to authorize an attachment to issue pendente life. Held also, that an attachment may issue upon the affidavit of the plaintiff that he lias instituted suit against the defendant in which he claims a certain specific amount of damages in an action cx delicto , the same being a money demand within the provisions of the statute. Judgment affirmed. Lyon, deGraffenreid and Shorter for plain tiff in error. John Davis and W. A. Hawkins for de fendant in error. Penfold Clay & Cos. 1 vs. V From Clay. F. P. Singleton. ) Warner, C. J. Where a promissory note had lieen placed in the hands of an Attorney at Law for collection, and suit had been instituted thereon in the name of the plaintiffs, the rightfhl owners thereof, against the defend ant, and pending the suit, the plaintiff's’ attorney, on his own motion, moved the court to strike out the names of the origi nal plaintiff's and substitute in place thereof the name of a party who had no legal valid title to said note, and proceeded to take a verdict and judgment in the name of such substituted party against the defendant. Held that there was no error in the court below in refusing to set aside the judgment on motion of the plaintiffs’ attorney in said case for the benefit of his clients, who were tiie original plaintiffs in the cause, against the consent of the defendant. The suit was in favor of citizens of a Northern State, pending during tire war. The Confederate States Receiver was the substituted plain tiff Judment affirmed. S. S. Stafford, Sims & Bower for plaintiff in error. 11. Fielder for defendant in error. Squares. 1 Week. 2 Weeks. 3 Weeks. 1 Month. 2 Months. 3 Months. 4 Months. 5 Months. 0 Mon George W. Haas l vs. > From Terrell. Sarah E. Gardner.) Warner, C. J. Where, in proceeding under the provis ions of the Act to eject intruders, the de fendant omitted to state in his affidavit “ thut lie does in good faith claim a legal right to the possession of the land.” Held that there was no error in the judgment of the court below in dismissing the counter affidavit of the defendant, or in refusing to receive another affidavit of the defendant after the dismissal of the first, when the sheriff went to turn him out of possession under the order of the court. Judgment affirmed. C. B. Wooten for plaintiff’in error. V. W. Boisclair) vs. > From Randolph. John Jones. ) Warner, C. J. Where a trustee mortgaged the trust pro perty to secure his individual debt, and upon a motion to foreclose the mortgage as against him. Held that the mortgager could not set up a defence against the fore closure of the mortgage against himself, that the property so mortgaged by hint is trust property. Judgment affirmed. Fielder A Jones for plaintiff in error. C. B. Wooten for defendant in error. Samuel A. Grier, et. al .} v vs. > From Terrell. * Geo. N. Henderson. ) Warner, C. J. When a bill is filed on the equity side of the court for a partition of lands, and the facts alleged show that a court ol equity can afford more adequate relief in the case made by the bill than a court of law, the jurisdiction of the court of equity will be retained (that court having first acquired jurisdiction) and a demurrer thereto will he overruled. Judgment affirmed. H. Morgan for plaintiff in error. George F. Roberson 1 rv • i r\r . From Dougherty David A. \ ason, - J. B. Ross & Son, et. al.) Warner, C. J. Where a mortgage was executed to secure the payment of two promissory notes, with a power contained therein to sell the mort gaged property upon the terms stipulated in the mortgage, and said notes and mort gage having been transferred to a third party (before due) who claims to be a bona file holder thereof. Held, that upon a motion to dissolve an injunction against the holder of said notes and mortgage, the holder was enjoined from selliiii*- ‘under the power given by the mortgage, who denies all fraud in the procurement of the same, the injunction should be dissolved ; that fraud in the procurement of a note, as stated in the code, means fraud in the procurement of it by the holder thereof and not fraud in its procurement as between the original par ties, of which the holder had no knowledge. Judgement affirmed. Wright & Warren, Hawkins for plaintiff in error. John O. Davis, Strozier & Smith and F. H. West for defendant in error. Partnership Notice. T IIK undersigned have this day formed a Co s under the style and Him of MIJLLAU KY BROTHERS, for the purpose of transacting a WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY GOODS BUSINESS, At tlie store lately occupied by I.fcKAHU <Sc 00., No. 262 Broad street, where they will he pleased lo see their friends and the public. AUSTIN MULLARKY, JAMES 11. MULLAKKY. January, Ist, 1863. jan9-lm FOR SALE CHEAP, A FINE Dairy and Truck Farm, OF SIXTY-FIVE ACRES, ITHIN X mile of city limits ; a superior loca tion; la'ge and most eligible MARKET GARDEN abundance SPRING WATER; excellent MEADOW yielding from three to four cuttings per season; and withal, a MILL-SEAT, with MILLS (somewhat out of repair, but cheaply made serviceable), having two run of stone, for fine and coarse feed. LOUIS DbLAIGLE, Chronicle A Sentinel plerse copy Trustee. .janlQrfi Established in 1850. Extensive and attractive supplies of rich JEWELRY, Gold and Silver WATCH es, and solid SILVER WARE of every description, Diamond Rings and Pins, Ladies’ Gold Leontine and Chatelaine Chains, Gents’ Guard, Vest and Fob Chains, Wedding Rings, Bridal Setts of Pearls.— Also, Sterling Silver, for Bridal Presents, and a great variety of Fancy Articles. Fine Watches and Jewel ry repaired at A. PRONTAUT’S OLD STAND, 163 Broad street, one door below Augusta Hotel. oct2o-6mjan6 NOTICE. Having returned to the city, I will resume the practice of my profession. Office at Dr. DeSaus sure Ford’s, 139 Greene street. Office hours from 8 to 10, a. m,, and from 5 to 6, p. m. LEWIS D. FORD, M. D. novl3-tf HELMBOLD’S Genuine Preparation. H “HIGHLY CONCENTRATED” Compound Fluid Extract B U C H U, A POSITIVE AND SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR DISEASES OF THE Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel and Dropsit tl Swellings. E This medicine increases tlie powei of digestion, and excites the absorbents into healthy tion, by which the water or caleerous depositions an t i’l unnatural enlargements are reduced, as well as pain ud inflam mation, and is taken by MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN i* Helrabold’s Extract Bucliti For Weakness arising from Excesses, Habits of Dis sipation, Early Indiscretions, attended with the following symptoms: Indisposition to exertion, Loss of power, Loss of memory, Difficulty of breathing, sVeak nerves, ' Trembling, f > orror of disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of vision, Pain in the back, Hot hands. Flushing of the body, Dryness of the skin, Eruptions on the face, Universal lassitude of the Pallid countenace. muscular system. These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medicine invariably removes, soon follows Impotence, Fatuity, Kpileptic Fits, In one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequently followed by tliose “direful diseases,” Insanity and Consumption ? Many are aware of the cause of their suffering, but none will confess. THE RECORDS of the INSANE ASYLUMS, And the melancholy deaths by Consumption, hear ample witness to the trutli of the assertion. "3 The constitution once affected with ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and invi goi ate the system, which II FILM HOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIU Invariably does. A. Trial will Convince the Most Skeptical. L In many affections peculiar to Females, The Extract Bnchu Is unequalled by any other remedy, ns in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Paintuincss or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schirrus state of the Uterus, Sterility, and tor all complaints inci dent to the sex, whether arising from indiscretion, habits of dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. See Symptoms above. No Family should he without it! M- Take no more Balsam, Mercury, or Unpleasant Medi cine for Unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases, II ELM BOLD*,<B EXTRACT BUCIIU AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH CURES SECRET DISEASES, In all their stages, at little expense, little or no change in diet, no inconvenience and no exposure. It causes a frequent desire, and gives strength to urinate, thereby removing obstructions, preventing undenting Stric tures of the Uretha, allaying Pain and Inflammation, so frequent in this class of diseases, and expelling all poisonous, diseased and worn out matter. B USE HELMEOLD’S EXTRACT BtJOHU For all affections and diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, From whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. Diseases of these organs require the aid of a Diuretic. Ilelmliolil’s Extract Buchu IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, And is certain to have the desired effect lu all dis eases for which it is recommended. Evidence of the most responsible and reliable character will accompa ny the medicine. o “ PHYSICIANS ” PLEASE “ NOTICE!” 1 make no “secret” of “ingredients.” HELM BOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU Is composed of Buellu, Cuhebs and Juniper Berries, selected with great care, prepared in vacuo, BY 11. T. IIELMBOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist, and Bole Manufac turer of ileliuliold’s * • GENUINE PREPARATION. L AFFIDAVIT Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of the City of Philadelphia, 11. T. Helmbold, who, being duly sworn, doth say, his preparations contain no nar cotic, no mercury, or other injurious drugs, hut are purely vegetable. IT. T. IIELMBOLD. Sworn and subscribed before me, this i3d day of November, 1854. WM. P. HIBBERD, Alderman, Ninth street, above Race, Philadelphia. D Price, $1 25 per Bottle, or Six for $6 50, Delivered to any address, securely packed from obser vation. Address letters for information, in confidence, to H.T. HELMBOLD’S DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 504 Broadway, New York, •it HELMBOLD’S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Tenth street, Philadelphia, Pa. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS! Who endeavor to dispose “of their own ” and “ other” articles on the reputation obtained by Helmbold’s Genuine Preparations, Helmbold’s Genuine Extract Buchu, Helmbold’s Genuine Extract Sarsaparilla, Helmboid’s Genuine Improved Rose Wash. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Ask for HELMBOLD’S—Take no other. Cut out this advertisement, and send for it, and avoid imposition and exposure. nov7-eodly 1 augusta, (Ga,) frmsy .morning, January" 17, isos HURLEY’SY4 POPULAR WoßM|®‘%r -O T ~ As this is really a SPECIFIC anff the best and most palatable form to it is not surprising that it is all other preparations tor worms—lt tasteless, any child will take it. ; II UK LEV’S 4 STOMACH BITW&; For Debility • Loss of Appe- •' tite, Weakness, In- jK* • l . digestion, or Dyspepsia, v Want of Action of the LtvmSL, OR DISORDERED STOMJd^ There is No Bitters that can Compare tmphese in removing these distressing complaints. can be had at any drug store in the United »tes, or from the proprietors, JAM ES RUDDLE A CO., Proj^OW, Loufeviaggy- PURIFY YOUR BLOW ! —o— Hurley’s Os all the medicines that have been discovAjjQjlilr* ing the present age for the “ thousand ills heir to,” none equal this wonderfu preparatMgwfiy ten years have elapsed since the discoverer (vJHflßeut a decade in studying experiments, and .prei®, first introduced it to the public, and it is dsjp cognized by tlie most eminent physicianaW V of the country, to he the most surprising an» % remedy for certain diseases of which they Wt knowledge. j Allothor Compounds or Syrups of this, IWI c ! hitherto failed to command the sanction of thafKiA - ty, because on being tested, they have been fjfflr. 1 contain noxious ingredients, which neutralize tlwpt I effects of the Sarsaparilla, and oftentimes irtjw? Se health of’ the patient. It is not so with llUßlueck’S preparation. w This is t he pure and genuine extract of the root?*id and will, on trial, he found to effect a certain andljpff' feet cure of the following complaints and diseadcr ? Affections of the Bones, Habitual Costive-iiep 3 , Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, sia, Eryscpilas, Female Irrcgulari- Hies, Fistula, all Skin Diseases, ‘"Xj Liver Complaint, lndiyes- NH tion, Piles, Pulmonary lE Diseases. Syphilis, } Scrofula or King's Evil. I HURLEY’S AGUE TONS! \ PERFECTLY RELIABLE^ The only remedy for Chills and Fever or Ague awn Fever that is or can be depended upon is Hurley's! Ague Tonic. There have been thousands cured bjf using it who had tried the usual remedies without.’ benefit; but in 110 case haS Hurley’s Ague Tonic failed to effect a cure. All who have used U, cheerfully tell their afflicted friends ol it,as a sure amt certain cure for chills and fever. Any one Buffering' from tlie chills would consult their own interest hyj! sending to a drug store and buying a bottle. It is pleasant to take, compared with others, and will lie certain to cure ail cases of fever and ague or chills ami, fever. Bend for it to the proprietors, JAMES RUDDLE & CO, A * • • • j^io.utsvllUvj^y^ NOTICE TO MOTHERS! I)R. SEABROOK’S Infant Soothing Syrup I W E have, by purchase of the original receipt, become sole proprietors of this Celebrated Medicine. We ask you to give it a trial, with an assurance that you will in future discard ail those nauseous and de: structive stuffs, such as Bateman’s Drops, Godfrey’s Cordial, Dewee’s Mixture, Ac., combinations o?hpust and anti-progressive age, when it was thought that the more disgusting the mixture the better the medi cine. Use in the future only BEABROOK’S, a combina tion quite up with the advancement of the age. — Pleasant to take, harmless in its action, efficient and reliable in all cases. Invaluable in the following diseases: Summer Complaint, Irreg ularities of the Bowels, Restive ness, Teeth ing, &c. Gives health to the child and rest to the mother. We could furnish any quantity of certificates bear ing evidences of its superior qualities, hut prefer that our medicine should eland on its own merits, which it will do upon trial. JAMES RUDDLE & CO., PIiOPKIETORS, Laboratory No. 41 Bullitt Street, LOUISVILLE, ICY. All the aiiove Medicines for sale by W. H. TUTT, PLUMB & LEITNER, BEALL & HANKINSON, BARRETT, CARTER & CO., and BARRY & BATTY, Augusta, Ga. nov2B-cod*’6m NOTICE. K have this day sold out our entire stock of GROCERIES, LIQUORS, Ac., to Mr. P. Morris, who will continue to sell at our old stand No. 282 Broad street. PHILLIPS & 00. We respectfully recommend Mr. Morris to our friends and customers, and trust they continue their patronage with him as witli us heretofore. Augusta, Ga., January 11th, 1868. NOTICE. JL HAVE this day purchased from Messrs. Phil lips & Cos. their entire stock of GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &c, and will continue the business at their old stand, No. 282 Broad street. P. MORRIS. I will keep constantly on hand a fine selected stock of GROCERIES, LIQUORS, and FAMILY SUP PLIES?, which I offer at wholesale and retail, and will be pleased to see my friends. I have secured the ser vices of Mr. Authur A. Esdra, who will also be pleased to see his old friends and customers. . _ P. MORRIS. Augusta, January 11th, 1868. janl4-lw* CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP eradicates, root and branch, all Eruptive Diseases of the. Skin . - e ? or / aie *>y W. H. TUTT. novlo-d*c6m COTTON FACTOR. I*BRSONAL ATTENTION give. to the PURCHASING and FILLING of ORDERS. ADVANCES made upon consignments to Liver pool and Bremen, through my friends at Charleston and Savannah. __ oct2s ~ tf B. B. DUNBAR. 66 SHARES MONTGOMERY AND WEST Point Railroad Stock, an<^ Shares Atlanta and West Point Railroad Stock, for sale by BRANCH, SONS & CO., jan4-tf Bankers, SPECIAL NOTICES. Jo Farmers and Planters. ■y We offer for sale the following Fertilizers of the Minufftcturlojf Company, viz.: DOUBLE REFINED POUDKETTE, prepared from Night Soil of New Y ork City, at New York prices, $25 per ton of 8,000 lbs., freight added. Also NITRO PHOSPHATE OF LIME, equal in every re apect to Peruvian Guano, made from Soured Bone Dust and Night Soil, superior and far cheaper than any Phos phate in market, at S6O per ton, freight from New York added. A fair trial, however small, Is respectfully so licited. . ASHER AYREi\ Agent, Macon, Qa. A. J. ROBERTS A 00., Agents, Atlanta, Ga. Read the following testimonials: • At Homb, near Marietta, Ga., Oct. 16,1867. A. J. Roberts 4- Cos., Atlanta, Qa.: Gentlemen : I am well pleased with the result of the use Os the “ Double Rejlncd Poudrette ” on my crops. I tried it on both corn and cotton, and am satisfied wher ever it was applied the yield was more than double what it would have been without it. I regret exceedingly my not using it more extensively the present year, but will try to make up my loss by purchasing a larger quantity next spring. .1 regard it as the cheapest, most reliable and easiest managed fertilizer within my knowledge, and cheerfully recommend it (as I have tried it thoroughly,) to the farmers of this Bection, and particularly to those planting cotton, from the fact of its causing It to mature from ten days to two weeks earlier than it would without the use of the Poudrette. I also used it on my garden and found It of much benefit to all kinds of plants. Very respectfully, Ac., G. S. OGLESBY. Extract from a letter received from Professor Martin, of Hampden, Sidney College, Virginia, dated July Ist, 1867 : The Double Refined Poudrette ts operating like a charm on my crop, and attracting universal attention from all beholders. lam already satisfied that it Is the cheapest and surest renovator of our woru-out lauds. High Shoals, Ga., Oct. 4,1867. James R. Dey, Esq.: Sib : The Double Refined l’oudrctte 1 bought tor two other pi rties In connection with myself—one of them used it on cotton and corn, and thinks it answered finely ; the other put it on cotton, on very poor giound, and thinks it doubled his crop. I used it on corn. It answer ed finely, and was thought by the hand that cultivated the crop to be fully equal to Rhode’s Super-Phosphate. 1 also üßed It ou about au acre of cotton, and I am clearly of opluion that it is the best and cheapest fertilizer In t*e, and I expect to order several tous this winter. Yours, very respectfully, ISAAC POWEI.L. Ellayillb, Schlby County, Ga., Oct. 4, 1867. The Double Refined Poudrette, purchased of you last sglng, I think, increased my crop of cotton 150 pounds P* acre ; put it upon worn out plue laud at the rate of 201 pounds Per acre, drilled iu with cotton seed. Yours, Ac., S. MONTGOMERY. Salisbury, N. C., Aug. 10,1867. Starnes R. Dey, Esq.: Dear Sir : I can safely say that your Double Refined Poudrette is far superior to any other fertilizer for cotton; for 1 have given it a fair trial thl9 season. Yours, J EHU FOSTER, Jr. Savannah, Ga., Sept. 25,1867. James R. Dey, Esq., President: Dear Sir: I used the Double Refined Poudrette, bought of you last spring, on corn. I think It increased the yield one-half. I consider it an excellent manure. . Respectfully, T. HOLCOMBE. Ridgeway, S. C , Sept. 21,1867. Mr. James R. Dey : Sir : I applied the Double Refined Poudrette by itself, and in combination with other fertilizers, on cotton, and am pleased with it; so much so that it is my present In tention to purchase a larger supply of you the next year [ to apply to my cotton crop. ► Yours, very respectfully, HENRY C. DAYIS. I Rocky Mount, Edgecombe, Cos., N. 0., Nov. 13, 1866. James R. Dey , Esq.: Sir : In reply to your inquiry of the results of our ex i perience in the use of your improved Peudrelto, pur- Pchased of you lor this year’s cotton crop, we would beg lleave to say that the present season lias been one quite uiul’avorable to the octiou of all fertilizers. W~ Several kinds qf manures were used by us, with the Btiception of your Poudrette, with little or no effect to Rtbe crop. [i Where the Poudrette was used it gave us near half a more per acre, and caused the Cotton to open much Mfslier, and we would therefore recommend the same as pffconcentrated manure for the growth of cottou, as well fife improvement to the soil. Yours, very respectfully, bftKjir 66 Cortland street, New York. W novl2-3m KjT LADIES’ PHYSIC! AN.-Mrs. M. E. Shbrman formerly a Practicing Physician in Boston and vicinity, for diseases peculiar to Ladies, has takeu rooms ou Greene street, between Jackson and Mclntosh streets, and opposite the Augusta Free School. She will be glad to receive calls from all Ladies who may wish to consu her. She will visit her patients at their residences, or she may be consulted by them at her rooms from 3 to 5, p. m. Augusta, GA.,Oct, 19,1867. oet2o-3m Grain and Flour Bags. W. B. ASTEN A CO., 25 Pearl street New York, are prepared to furuish Bags for Grain, Flour, and all other purposes for which bags are used, of any desired material or size, upon the shortest notice. Flour and Buckwheat Bags, either of Cotton or paper, printed to order, with neast designs. Paper Bags tor Grocers, Confectioners, Ac., from fib. upwards. sep3-3m P. O. Box 4,989 New Y'ork City Batchelor’s Hair Dye t This splendid Hair Dye is the best in the world. The jnly true and prefect Dye—Harmless, Reliable, In stantaneous. No disappointment. No ridiculous tints. Natural Black or Brown. Remedies til j ill effects es Bad Dyes. Invigorates the hair, leaving it soft and beauti ful. The genuine is signed William A. Batohrlor. AU others are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Factory, 81 Barclay street, New Y'ork. tar beware of a counterfeit. decll-ly B»- PAITH M ULL FOUNDED.—In old times, at tbe commencement of every season, it was the fashion to take a strong cathartic as a safeguard against a change of temperature. It was a worse than senseless practice. The people of our day understand the matter better.— Instead of depleting the system they reinforce it. In the method they adopt they exhibit a wise discrimina tion. Instead of resorting to the vitiated stimulants of commerce, or any of tho compounds derived from them, they put their faith in the only absolutely pure invigo rant procurable in the market—HOSTETTER’S STOM ACH BITTERS. Their faith is well founded. Never has any tonic medicine been prepared with such scrupu lous precision and conscientious care. It is a vegetable compound, of which every ingredient is sound, whole some, and medicinal, in the true sense of the word.— Now, we have three prominent national complaints. One-half of the adult population of the Uuited States suffer more oejess, either from diseases of the stomach, derangements of the liver, or affections of the kidneys. In no other land under Heaven are these maladies so general as in this country, and HOSTETTER’S BIT TERS is a specific for them ail, unless organic in their origin, and, therefore, beyond cure. And let those who are fortunate enough to be exempt from them at present understand one great fact, vis: that au occasional use of this vitalizing tonic will as certainly prevent them as the sun will prevent the earth from freezing where Us genial beams descend. decl-tld MRS. WINSLOW’S SOOTHING SYRUP, For Children Teething, greatly facilitates the process of teething, by softening the gums, reducing all inflammation—wiliJaUay All Pain and spasmodic action, and is Sure to Regulate the Bowels. Depend upon It. mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, and Relief and Health to Your Infants. We have put up and sold this article for years, and Can Say in Confidence and Truth of it what we have never been able to say of any other medicine— Never has it Failed in a Single Instance to Effect a Cure, when time ly used. Never did we know an instance of dissatisfac tion by any one who used it. On the contrary, all are de lighted with its operation, and speak in terms of com mendation ol its magical effects and medicinal virtues. We speak in this matter “ What we do Know,” after years of experience, and Pledge our Reputation fer the Fulfilment of What we here Declare. In almost every Instance where the infant is suffering from pain and ex haustion, relief will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes after the Syrup is administered. Fall directions for using will accompany each bottle. * Be sure and call for »Mra. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup,” Having the lac-simile of “ CURTIS 4c PERKINS ” on the outside wrapper. All others are base imitations. Sold by Druggists throughout the world. Price, only 36 Cents per Bottle. Offices—2?s 1 niton street, N ork; SOS High Hol bora,London, England; *4l «heet, Montreal, Canada.’ »u»-eodta EDUCA TI ON Al Washington Female Seminary* SPRING TERM!, 1868, o EXERCISES RESUMED ON MONDAY, JAN UARY 13TH. Board of Instruction t Rev. Morgan Callawat, Principal (formerly Pres ident Andrew Female College.) Mias Gborgia Fioklbn, Assistant. Mr. John M. Fisher, Professor of Mnsic. TUITION FOR TERM OF TWENTY WEEKS : In Academic Department - - - - $33 50. In Primary Department --- - - 33 50. Music (Plano) 33 50. Use of Plano ...... 5 00. Tuition payable In advance Board can be had in a number of families at sls 00 per month. janß (lac3w* SELECT SCHOOL. CULVERTON, HANCOCK COUNTY. r JL I HE EXERCISES of my School for Boys wil bo resumed on the 20th of JANUARY. There will be two sessions, of 20 weeks each. Terms for the session, including Board, Tuition and every tiling usually furnished in Country Boarding Schools, except candles, will he $l6O, half in advance, tlie other half at the middle of the term. D. S. HAYNES. Reference, by permission, to Col. R. M. Johnston, Baltimore; Col. T. M. Turner, Col. A. J. Lane, Bishop Pierce, Sparta; Rev. O. P. Bbman, Mt. Zion; Judge J. S. Hook, lion. R. If. May, Augusta ; 001. J. W. Hill, Quitman, Ga. dec2s-18* ROCKBY SCHOOL. 1 I HE Second Term of this School, well known while conducted by Col. R. M. Johnston, will com mence January, 15th,1808. For Circular, containing references and testimo nials, address J. S. NEWMAN, ,ian9-d2w*cl‘.’* Rockby, near Sparta, Ga. PEN LUCY SCHOOL FOR BOYS, Near Baltimore, NTtl. This SCHOOL of the undersigned (lately of Rockby, Hancock county, Ga.,) will begin the second half of thepresont session on the 15th of JANUARY. Boys are educated either with reference to Business or for College as far as the junior class. Arrangements are to be made at once for imparting the same instruction as can be had in tlie Commercial Colleges. For circulars address the undersigned at Waverly P. 0., near Baltimore, Md. jau3-lm R. M. JOHNSTON. STEAMER KATIE. .PROM AND AFTER THIS DATE THE STEAMER KATIE will run regularly between SAVANNAH AND AUGUSTA, TOUCHING AT ALL THE WAY'-LANDINGS, going and returning. Leave Savannah every SATURDAY MORNING, at 9 o’clock; arrive at Augusta Sunday, 7, p. m. Leave Augusta every TUESDAY, at 12 o’clock; arrive at Savannah Thursday, 11, a. rn. J. M. DYE Ac CO., Agents, GAS AND STEAM PITTING & PLUMBING C.A.ROBBE, Having re-opened a GAS and STEAM FIT TING and PLUMBING SHOP, in the rear 272 Broad street, (Concert Hall place) is now prepared to do all kinds of work connected with GAS, LIGHTING, STEAM HEATING AND WATER SUPPLY, On reasonable terms and al short notice. Orders from the country promptly attended to: All work warranted. mk6-tf FOR SALE, My BUMMER RESIDENCE, known as PINE HILL, containing 618 acres of land, situated in this county, about 16 miles from Augusta. Terms liberal to an approved purchaser, and possession given when needed. Apply lo A. Poullain, Augusta, or to the subscriber. AMOS YV. WIGGINS. iauß 3m HARPER C. BRYSON, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, .TAUGUSTA, GA. OuBTOMERS SUPPLIED with BAGGING, ROPE and FAMILY SUPPLIES. Prompt attention paid to the sale of, and CASH ADVANCES on Cotton and other Produce. No. 158 REYNOLDS STREET. W. Bryson, Charts* Campbell, Augusta, Ga. Lato of Madison, Ga. eepll-dacSm MOTH PATCHES on the Female Face de pends upon a diseased action of the Liver. A few bottles of CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP will correot the secretion and remove the deposit which is directly under the Skin. For sale by novls-d*c6m W. H. TUTT. HOYT’S SUP. PHOS. W E have a full supply of this favorite manure, which we offer upon same terms as last year, payable Ist November, with interest, on Factors, acceptances of Planters’ drafts. J. O. MATHEWSON & CO., janl2-d3*c3w Agents. LIQUORS, CIGARS, &c. WHISKY, assorted grades 10 Bbls Domestic BRANDY and GIN. 3 Bbls Pure JAMAICA RUM 1 Pipe Pure HOLLAND GIN 15 Ji Casks Sherry, Port and Madeira WINE 5 X Casks Imported BRANDY 100 Boxes TOBACCO SOM CIGARS as Hhds Light Brown SUGAR 100 Sacks COFFEE as X Chests TEA In store and lor sale bv decl6-tf O’DOWD & MULHERIN. FARMING LANDS, IN IMMEDIATE VICINITY OF THE CITY, FOR SALE, LEASE OR RENT. kLjEVKRAI. desirable parcels of LAND, of various sixes, and Buitabe for any and all agricultural pur poses, Will he sold, leased or rented, on liberal terms. ALSO, Valuable Wood and Timber Lands, OAK, HICKORY AND CYPRESS, Most valuable, and convenient to city market. Apply to LOUIS DiLAIGLE, Chronicle A Sentinel please copy. Trustee. JanliPO T II E ■■iniu iimm, PUBLISHED Daily, Tri-Weekly & Weekly • # . AT Contains the LATEST NEWS, . By Telegraph and Mail, from ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD, Together with FULL COMMERCIAL AND MARKET REPORTS. TERMS. DAILY, Per Annum, „ $lO 00 TRI-WEEKLY, Per Annum, , 7 00 WEEKLY, Per Annum, _ y o(> JOB PRINTING, AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY. < i -— sstie COSMTiITIONALIST JOB OFFICE IS PREPARED TO FILL ALL ORDERS FOR EVERY DESCRIPTION Ml ASK MM JOB WORE, BILL HEADS, yLETTER HEADS, BILLS OF LADING, BILLS OF FARE, ... CIRCULARS, CHECKS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, WEDDING CARDS RAILROAD RECEIPTS, RAILROAD BLANKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, LAWYER’S BRIEFS, LEGAL BLANKS CONSTITUTIONS OF FIRE COMPANIES, AC., PAMPHLETS, BOOK HAND BILLS, POSTERS, &C-, &C., &C. 11l THE BEST STYLE, AND Oil REASONABLE TERMS. THE BOOK BINDERY, with the JOB OFFICE is under the management of Mr. SOLOMON LEVY/well known as a first class workman. ALL KINDS OF BLANK BOOKS. MADE TO ORDER AND MUSIC, MAGAZINES PERIODICALS AND PAPERS BOUND IN THE BEST MANNER ORDERS SOLICITED, A D D R EiiS S : STOCKTON & CCD t Constitutionalist Office, Augusta, Ga. VOL. 25-NO 7