Tri-weekly constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 18??-1877, July 29, 1870, Image 1

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BY STOCKTON & CO ' Fer l ns o t Svibserir)tion Daily, one year ....FlO 00 >i months 5 00 'i mouths 8 50 Tri- Weokly, one year 6 00 ** fi mouths 800 “ iJ months 800 Weekly one year... S 00 B -mouths. 150 Bates of Advertising IM TUB O >NSTIT IT HONALIST* Front February 1. 1867. 1 |3 00 (6 00 i 4 SO $ 3 00 13 00 17 00 30 00 23 SO ~sTbo 2600 8 Q 011001300220028G032 50 37 00 41 00 3 « y 11 00 14 00 17 00 28 00 S3 SO 42 00 48 00 S3 SO 4 8 00 ii 00 17 00 20 CO 33 OC 43 00 50 00 67 00 83 60 5 3 ■ - iC 20 0C S3 CO 38 00 60 00 58 00 86 00 73 60 * 15 1 23 0* 26 !>0 43 30 58 00 66 00 74 00 B.'! CO 7 . 12 25 o. :> <- 43 00 82 60. 72 00 82 '" 91 •«) 8 54 - 2 J :* ti 3 00 8P 00 80 CO 91 Oil 100 GO 9 15 ¥• fie SO Os Zi •>' 69 CO 75 CO 87 CC 98 00 108 p,i 10 17 90 26 00 32 f-0 37 •>' 81 60 80 00 92 00 104 00 11? 00 H Col. ‘22 fC 82 fP.t46CC76 00 97 «r H 260 | 127 SC 140 00 1 Cos.. ! 34 00 I 50 0C i 5c 00 70 0C ! US OO lEC 00 172 30 ( ISi b . HO 00 Oho ojaava, I insertion, 76 cent*; each additions' n»ortion mdiir l week, 60 cents. 25 por coot, additional for advertisement* kept on tie Inxlde. 46 per cent, ad iltlona) In Special Column. ■it per cent, ad Utlonal for Double Oolumn. Marriage and funeral Notices, sl. Obituaries, 20 cents per Una. Gcromunicationa, 20 cents per line. Til-Weakly or Daily e. o. and. for one month or longer vo-thirds above rates. (n Weekly for one mouth or longer, one-half t**e atos for Dally. in Daily, Tri-Weakly and. Weekly, double the dally ales. Advertisements continued tor one yeur will be barged two-thirds the above rates for the last sil months. It will be. perceived t. the foregoing that we have duced the rates of advertising fifteen to twenty per cent., to lake effect on this day. riing'.e Papers, 6 cents; to news boys, 2J* cents. Thumb —Cash noN "T!Time)NAlt IST. FRIDAY MORNING. JULY 29, 1870 “The Best Soldier in France.”— The Army and Navy Journal, of the 23d, makes the following assertion: As Von Moltke was hardly known to T.wJeis oat, of Prussia' anterior to the splendid campaign which ended at Sadowa, the man to whose brain will be due what ever of successful strategy shall character ize the French arms in the coming war is as yet, unnamed. General Louis Jules Trochu is to-day undeniably the best sol dier of France. He is now 55 years of age. A graduate of the Staff School of St. Cyr, he was made lieutenant, in 1840, and pro moted to a captaincy in 1843. His staff service was with that line soldier Bugeaud, in Algeria. Chef d’escadron and major in 1846, and lieutenant colonel In 1853, his first European service was in the Italian campaign. At, the commencement of the Crimean war he was made chief of the general stall', and by reference to Kinglake’s History, It will be seen that in all confer ences with Lord Kaglan, Trochu, rather than St. Arnaud or Oanrobert, was spokes man on the part of France. Throughout the campaign, having been made general of brigade in 1854, he occupied this position of confidential stall* officer of the coinmand er-iu-chief, an officer analagous to that of Gneisenau undef Blucher, given in just re cognition of his military abil.ty and skill. In 1864' he reached his grade of general of division. Two years after he was charged with the preparation of a plan to reorgan ize the army. Instead of, as has been sug gested, lacking the imperial confidence, he has it in the most flattering degree. His essays upon organization, “ L Armee Fran caiae,” published in 1867, ran through ten editions. Trochu is known to have antici pated the event of war with Prussia. A recent pamphlet from his pen, which, un fortunately cannot be obtained in this country, develops an immense deal of study of the Rhemish frontier as a fighting field, and palpably indicates the national impulse as occupying the strategist’s mind. Should the war survive its first, battle a fortnight, and promise, as seems very likely, to be a long one, Trochu’s name may chance to ap pear at the head of the French armies. Railroad Passengers. —The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has recently decided that, where a passenger beine carried on a railroad train is injured without fault of his own, there is prima facie a legal pre sumption throwing upon the railroad com pany the burden of disproving negligence. This, it is stated, is the rule when the In jury is caused by a want of diligence or care in those employed, or any other thing which the company canjand ought to con trol as a part of its duty to carry passen gers safely. This rule, however, is not con clusive, and the railroad may rebut the presumption by showing that the injury arose from an accident which the utmost skill, foresight and diligence could not pre vent. The New French Minister. —lt is an nounced that the post so suddenly and so sadly vacated by Mr. Prevost Paradol, the late French Minister at Washington, has been conferred by the French (Government upon M. de Treilhard. M. de Treilhard is well known in this country, where he re sided for several years as Secretary of the French Legation. He married a New York lady, Miss Hoffman ; and both by his fami lial ity with American affairs and by his personal connections here he is believed to be admirably adapted to discharge the arduous duties which will devolve upon him in times like the present. Effect of the French Drum.— A letter writer says: “ What impressed me most of all, however, was the French drum-beat from that score of drums shaped like great cheeses. Mars and Bellona! what a rattle and a ring! How thundering, yet how waspish I what power and what spite! It seemed to me that I had never heard the voice of war before, and this fierce sound is now to wake up the more fearful din of the musket and cannon upon the beautiful Rhine.” A woman in lowa dropped an egg into a flour barrel a few weeks ago, forgetting the incident altogether, until she was sur prised by the peeping of a chicken, which had hatched from that identical egg. The hot weather had done the business, and the phicken is alive and doing well. ttri-UKcfilii Onstitutionfllisl. y* SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO THOSE ATTENDING THE COL LEGE COMMENCEMENTS. Superintendent’* Office, ) Georgia Railroad, > Acocsta, Jane 13, 1870. y COLLEGE EXERCISES will commence this year as follows: At CovlQgtoD, Sunday, June 19th. At Oxford, Sunday, July 17th. At Penfleld, Sunday, July 10th. At Athens, Sunday, July 31st. All parties desiring to attend will be passed for ON E FA RE, Full Fare Ticket to be purchaeed going and Agent selling to furnish RETURN TICKET FREE. S. K. JOHNSON, * Superintendent. Athens, Greensboro, Covington, Washington, Mad ison qnd Atlanta papers copv to August Ist. jel4-tanl NOTICE, Superintendent’* Office, 1 Georgia Railroad Company, > Augusta, Ga , May 12,1870. ) On and after SUNDAY, 16th lust, the Passenger Trains on the. Georgia Railroad will run as follows; DAY PASSENGER .TRAIN. (SUNDAV KXOBPTBD.) Leave Augusta at i....... 7:16, a. m. Leave Atlanta at 7:00, n.»m. Arrive at Augusta at 6:46, p. m. Arrive at Atlanta at 7:10, p. m. NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Augusta at 9:60, p. m. Leave Atlanta at . 6:45, p. m. Arrive at Augusta at 4:00, a. m. Arrive at Atlanta at 8:00, a", m. B. K. JOHNSON, Superintendent. Atlanta, Athens, Madison, Covington, and Greens boro papers copy. mylß-ff Square*. 1 Week. 2 Weeks. 5 Weeks, 1 Mouth. 3 Moatl*. 1,3 Month*. 1 Months. 6 Month* a Months. This Va’uahle Family Medicine has been widely and favorably known in our own and foieign countries upwards of THIRTY YEARS I It has lost none of its good name by repeated trials, but continues to occupy a prominent position in every family medicine chest. It is an External and Internal Remedy. For Hum mer Complaint, or any other form of bowel disease, In children or adults, it is an almost certain cure, and lias, without doubt, been more successful in curing the various kinds of CHOLERA then any other known lemedy, or the most skillful physician. In India, Africa and China, where this dreadful disease is more or less prevalent, the Vain Killer is considered by the natives, us well as European resieents in those climates, a sure remedy ; and, while it is a most elll cient remedy for pain, it is a perfectly safe medicine, even in unskillful hands. Diiecllons accompany each bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Price 26 cts , 60 ets. and $1 per bottle. jy3 eodtclm * \ Book for the Million. MARRIAGE A PsIVAT* Coonsel It U IJJXIi i or those ahont to.marry, on the physiological mysteries and revelations of the sexual system, with the latest discov cries in pro ducing and preventing offspring, preserving the com plexion, Ac. This is an interesting work of 224 pages, with nu merous engravings, and contains valuable information for those who are married or contemplate marriage ; still it is a bo ik that ought to be under lock and key, anil not laid carelessly about the house. Sent to any one (tree of postage) for Fifty Cents. Address Dr. Butts’ Dispensary, No. 12 N. Eighth Street, Bt. Louis, Mo. M3T Notice to tlie Afflicted and Unfor tunate. Before apylying to the notorious Quacks who ad vertise in public papers, or usinganv Quack Remedies, peruse Dr. Butts’ work, no matter wlmt. your disease is or bow deplorable your condition Dr. Butts can be consulted personally or by mail on the diseases mentioned in his works Office, No. 12 N. Eighth street, between Market and Chestnut, Bt. Louis, Mo mvS-tlAcly Look to Your < liildroii The Great Southern Remedy. W»’B. ( (■Uicfl Colic and Griping') Price* Whitcomb’ai 111 ,h '' Rowels, and facili- I ... wmicoms «-j , ateg the process of Tee h- f 4fi Syrup. (ing. 1 Cents Mrs. ( Subdues Convulsions and I Price, Whitcomb’s ] overcomes all diseases in- ! ... wniicnmb cldent to Infants and { 45 Syrup. ( Children. j Cents. Mrs. f Cures Diairhoea, Dysen-'l Price, tVhltrnmb’fJ tery and Bummer Com-1 Q _ wnitcomn p | tt int in Children of all f 45 Syrup. ages. j Cents. It is the great Infant’s and Children’s Soothing Remedy in all disorders brought on by Teething or any other cause. Prepared by the GRAFTON MEDICINE CO., St. Louis, Mo. Bold by Druggists and Dealers in Medicine every where. myS-decly ■3“ THEORY IS WORTH BUT LITTLE, UN less it can explain its own phenomena; and it must effect this without contradicting itself; therefore, the facts are sometimes assimulated to the theory, rather than the theory to the facts. Sueh has bean fully demonstrated in the past history of the perfect cnres effected by the use of the “ Old Carolina Bitters,” which has become the only reliable remedy for mias matic complaints, fevers, agues, etc., in the South. Safe I sure! reliable I is Wineman’s Worm County. jy26-suwf*e Kxtva Special Notice. lieware of Counterfeits I Smith’s Tonic Byrup has been counterfeited, and the counterfeiter brought to grief. SMITH’S TONIC SYRUP. The genuine article must have Dr. John Bull’s Pri vate Stamp on each hottlo. Dr. John Bull only has the right to manufacture and sell the original John Sm th’s Tonic Strop, of Louisville, Ry. Examine well thßlabel on each bottle. If my private stamp is not on the bottle, do not purchase, or you will be deceived.— Boe my column advertisement, and my showcard. I will prosecute any one infringing on my right. The genuine Smith’s Tonic Syrup can only be prepared by myself. The public's servant, DR. JOHN BULL. .Louisville, Ky., Nov. 5, 1869. feblt-eodlv - r . n -|Hg WIRE RAILING, FOR ■ y7\ Enclosing Ceme’ery Lots, M IB Orttages, Ac.; Wire Guards HM fiflk bT store Fronts, Factories, Asylums, Ac.; Wire Webbing, Rice Cloth, and Wire Work. Also, Manufacturers of FOURDBINIER CLOTHS. Every information by addressing M. WALKER A EON, No. 11 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia. Jan39-ly SETTING MARRIED. Essays for Young Men, on the delights of Home, and the propriety or impropriety of getting Married, with sanitary help for those who feel unfitted for matrimonial happiness. Sent free in sealed envel opes. Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION, my26-3m Box P, Philadelphia, Pa- BATCHELOR’S HAIR DYE. This splendid Hair Dye is the best in the wor.d the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, reliable, in stantaneous ; no disappointment; no ridiculous tints • remedies the ill effects of .bad dyes; invigorates and leaves the Hair soft and beautiful, black or brown Sold by all Druggists and Perftuners, and properly applied at Batchelor’s Wig Factory, No. If Bond Bt., New York. \tt-\y tyy JfJjj it. For Sight Is Priceless ! t THK DIAMOND GLASSES MANUFACTURED BY J. E. SPENCER & CO., N. Y., Which are now offered to the public, are pro nounced by all the celebrated Opticians of the World to be the MOST PERFECT, Natural, Artificial help to the human eye ever known. They are ground under their oWn su pervision, from minnte Chrystal Pebbles, melt ed together, and derive their name, “Dia mond," on account of their hardness and bril liancy. The Scientific Principle On which they are constructed brings the core or centre of the lens directly in front of the eye, producing a clear and distinct vision, as in the natural, healthy sight, and preventing all un pleasant sensations, such as glimmering and wavering of sight, dizziness, &c., peculiar to all others in use. They are mounted in the finest manner, in frames of the best quality, ot all materials used for that purpose. THEIR FINISH AND DURABILITY CANNOT BE SURPASSED. Caution. —None genuine unless bearing their trade mark <> stamped on every frame. FREEMAN BROS., Jewellers and Opticians, are sole agents for Augusta, Ga., from whom they can only be obtained.— These goods are not supplied to peddlers, at any price. ap3-eodly “ BAD BLOOD.” “ The Life is the Blood.” ROM it we derive our strength, beauty and mental capabilities. It is the centie of onr being, around which revolves ail that makes existence happy. When this source is corrupt ed the painful effects are visible in many 3hapes prominent among which is SCROFULA.. This is a taint or infection of the human or ganism, and probably no oue is wholly free from it. It exhibits Itself in various shapes— as Ulcers and Bores, Decayed Bones, Diseased Scalp, Sore Eyes, Weak and Diseased Joints, St. Vitus’ Dance, Foul Discharges from the Nostrils, Eruptions, Olandular Swellings, Throat Affections, Rheumatism, Heart Affec tions, Nervous Disorders, Barrenness, Disor ders of the Womb, Dropsy, Syphilitic Affec tions, Liver Complaint, Salt Rheum, Dyspep sia, Neuralgia, Loss of Manhood aud General Debility. It has been the custom to treat these dis eases with Mercnry aud other Mineral sub stances, which, though sometimes producing a cure, often prove injurious aud entails misery iu after life. The long known injurious prop erties of these so-called alteratives aud puri fiers has led thephilanthropical man of science to explore the arena of nature, the result of which has been the discovery oi vegetable pro dnets which possess the power of eradicating these taints from the blood. OR. TUTT’S Compound extract of SABSAPABIILA ASH fiOEBS'S DELI6HT Is the acknowledged antidote to all Blood Dis eases. By its use the afflictions above enumer ated can be permanently banished, and the Souroe—the Centre of Life—ihe Blood. be maintained in all its purity and vigor. For Diseases produced by (be me at Mercury, and for Sypbllls, with Its train ot evils, this compound Is the only sure antidote. To the poor creature, enleehled in mind and body, by secret practices, whose nerves are un strung and countenance downcast, THE SARSAPARILLA AND Queen’s Delight is a blessing. Try R fairly, and your nerves will be restored to their wonted vigor, and your dejected countenance be made radiant with the consciousness of RESTORED MANHOOD, Being free from violent minerals, it is adapt ed to general use. The old and young may use it; the most delicate female at any time may take it; the tender infant, who may have inherited disease, will be cured by it. FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD, USE Dr. Xntt’s Extract of Sarsaparilla AND QUEEN’S DELIQ-HT. When used in the Spring, it removes all hu mors which infest the system, and banishes the languor and debility peculiar to that season of the year. It acts promptly on the LIVER and KID NEYS, producing a healthy action of these im portant organs, by which all the impurities of the system are carried off, aud the result is A Clear Skin, a Good Appetite and Buoyant Spirits. PREPARED BY WM. H. TUTT & LAND, AUGUSTA, GA., And Sold by Druggists [Everywhere. aplO-eodfim bunny Kagging, Bags, Ac. ’ I ’HE undersigned, Importers nnd M.nntac turers of BAGGING and BAGS, ofler for sale, in lotstOßuit purchasers: 500 Bales BORNEO BAGGING, to arrive per “ Carisbrooke Castle.” 250 Bales BORNEO BAGGING, to arrive per “ Ocean 500Balea„8tandaVd INDIA BAGGING, to 5,000 RoII^DOMESTIC BAGGING. Our DOUBLE PHCENIX JUTE BAGGING took the premium at the Georgia State Fair, held at Macon last year. All kinds of BURLAP BAGS for Fertilisers and Grain. W. B. COOPER, Jr., A CO., No. 99 Pearl and 02 Stone Sts., New York. je7-eod2m WESTERN LAGER BEER. .Also, Agouti for tlie LlOlSr BREWERY. The above at whole sale. i_ JRaaglAJ|fffrpjt|d, finest quality IMPORTED BWIBB CHEESE. *lO,l A. BOHNE. .OTBI vl*7l, f TuJHUSTA, (Ga,) FRIDAY Mf&NING, JULY 29, 1870 •Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, FOB PUBimSG THE BLOOD. The reputation this ex- cellent medicine enjoys, is derived from its cures, jO> Jffi many of which are truly marvellous. Inveterate cases of Scrofulous (fie ri // du ease, where the system ♦*) seemed saturated with . JrSh. corruption, have been purified and cured by it, - Scrofulous affections and disorders,which were ag ~ gravated by the scrofu lons contamination until they were painfully afflicting, have been radically cured in such great numbers in almost every sec tion of the country, that the public scarcely need to be informed of its virtues or uses. Scrofulous poison is one of the most destructive enemies of our race. Often, this unseen and unfeit tenant of the organism undermines the constat i .‘ion, and invites the attack of enfeebling or fatal diseases, without exciting a suspicion of its presence. Again, it seems to breed infeetion throughout the body, and then, on some fovorable occasion, rapidly develop into one or other of its hideous forms, either on the surface or among the vitals. In the latter, tuber cles may be suddenly deposited in the lungs or heart, or tumors formed in the liver, er it shows its presence by eruptions on the skin, or foul ulcer ations on some part of the body. Hence the sional use of a Dottle of this Sarsaparilla is ad visable, even when no active symptoms of disease appear. Persons afflicted with the following com plaints generally find immediate relief: and, at length, cure, by the use of this SARSAPARIL LA: St. Anthony’s Hire, nose or Erysipelas'. Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringtvortnfi Sore Eyes, Sore Ears, and other eruption*- bt visible forms of Scrofulous disease. Also in the more concealed forms, as Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Heart Disease, Pits, Epilepsy, and thevarious XJleerous affections of the muscu lar and nervous systems. Syphilis or Venereal and Mercurial Disease! are cured by it, though a long time is required Tag subduing these obstinate maladies by any medicine Bnt long continued use of this medicine Will cifi# the complaint. Eeueorrhoea or Whites, Uteriuf Ulcerations, and Female Diseases, are cojr monly soon relieved and ultimately cured by ft* purifying and invigorating effect. Minnte Direc tions for each case are found in our Almanac, sup-, plied gratis. Rheumatism and Oout, when caused by accumulations of extraneous matters* in the blood, yield quickly to it, as also lives Complaints, Torpidity, Congestion or In flam-, matron of the Inver , and Jaundice, when as they often do, from the rankling poisons in the* blood. This SARSAPARILLA is ft great rq-_ storer for the strength and vigor of the system. Those who are Languid and Listless, Despon dent, Sleepless, and troubled with Nervous Ap£ prehensions or Fears, or any of the affection*' symptomatic of Weakness, will find immediate relief and convincing evidence of its restorahy#. power upon trial. PREPARED BY ” JDr. I. C. AYER * CO., Coweill, MaW Practical and Analytical Chemists. \ SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE!.’ W. H. BARRETT, Augusta, jrul -eod&cl.v - IgU The symptoms ot flypj filllllAlTm complaint, are uueasiqFaC KOI’ UllUilivilu the shoulder,, aud iafuiG taken for rhenmatispr. ~ r ‘ The stomach is affected with loss of and sickness, bowels in general costive, fatmSj times alternating with lax. The bead iafodjl bled with pain, and dull, heavy sensation; vGfik. ’""ssmmmtmmmmm siderablelossof memory, H accompanied with painful sensation of hftVing*'left i undone something'wflK ought to have been' dfclHn MBffiMMHffiHMB Often complaip}ng|9l weakness, debility and low spirits. SpmetiMn some of the above symptoms atteni) tbejoH? ease, and at other times very few of the Liver is generally the organ most invvwß Cure the Liver with DR. Si iff MOWS’ Livor Regulator* ' A preparation ot roots and herbs, warranted tp be strictly vegetable, and can do no injury to any one. 1 tlphf" ft bas been used by hundrwte, and known for the last thirty-five years as one oftfle most re liable, efficacious aud barmles* preparations ever offered to the suffering. If taken regularly and persistently it is sure to cure. Dyspepsia, headache, _____ _ jaundice, costiveness,Sicß Drplff Tflll headache, chronic diari' UliUULil llill. rbiei, affections of the bladder, camp dysetitery, affectiouß ot the kidneys, lever, nervousness, ebills, diseases of the skin, impurity of the blood, melancholy or depres sion of spirits, heartburn, colic, or paius in the bowels, pain in the head, fever and ague, drop sy, boils, pain in the haek aud limbs, asthma, erysipelas, female affectious, aud bilious dis eases generally. Prepared only bv J. H. ZKII.IN St CO., Druggists, Macon, Ga. Price, $1 ; by mail, fl 25, and for sale by W. H. Bakkett and W. H. Tutt & Land, Au gusta. nov24-dtaw*cly Off. SM ALLEN BERGERS Fever and Ague A N TiDOTE Always Stops ike Chills. This Medicine has been before the Public lifteen years, and is still ahead of all other known remedies It does not purge, does not sicken the stomach, is perfectly safe in any dose and under all circumstances, and is the only Medicine that will CURE I M MEDIATELY and permanently every form of Fever and Ague, because it is a perfect Antidote to Malaria. Sold by all Druggists. novl2-d*cly B. A. FAHNESTOCK’S VERMIFUGE. Why is it that so many children die nuder the age ot five years ? That a large proportion of children die uuder that age has long been a subject ot remark, and without a satisfactory cause ascertained, it is certain. Also, it is known that worms exist in the bumau system from its earliest infancy ; there fore pareuts, especially mothers, who are more constantly with their children, cannot be too observing of the first symptoms of worms ; for so surely as they exist, can they be BAFELY AND CERTAINLY removed from the most delicate infant, by the timely use of B. A. Fahnestock’s Vermifuge. It is perfectly harmless, contains no Mercury, being a Purely Vegetable Composition, And may be administered with the UTMOST SAFETY TO CHILDREN OF ALL AGES. Worm Confections, made more tor the pur pose of pleasing the palate than of overcoming the disease, have been manufactured all over the i country, but their short lease of life is and B. A. FAHNESTOCK’S VERMIFUGE continues to grow in favor daily. Caution. » re V»ire you to purchase B. A. FAHNESrOCK’S VERMIFUGE, be careful to see that the initials are B. A. This is the article that haß been so FAVORABLY KNOWN SINCE 1829, And purchasers mast insist on having it, if they do not wish to have an imitation forced upon them. Schwartz A Haslett, rOBMBLT B. A. FAHNESTOCK’S 80N A CO. Sole Proprietors, Pittsburgh, Pa decß-d*oo«dly 1830. 1310 SR. JOEL BRANHAM’S £ mvev and Dyspeptic ®EI>ICIIsrE. freiser & Ragland, 3&OLESALE DRUGGISTS, M ROME, GEORGIA. J®- BOLE PROPRIETORS. ffilHlS admirable and purely vegetable*Med fcjjfe, Laving been Used for forty years snecess mljp in private practice by Dr. Joel Branham, is guaranteed to cure all diseases arising from a ; DWANGED CONDITION OF THE LIVER, SUCH AS DWPEPBIA, SICK HEADACHE, CONBTI TtS&'pation, JAUNDICE, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, : sCfpFtiLS AND FEVER, ETC,. ETC., ETC. PLUMB & LKITNEK, WHOLESALE AGENTS, Augusta, Ga. #3O. 1870. J® mbll-eodfim .." ; ' ~ ■HP*- KNOCH MORGAN’S SONS’ 186 ft I V* r < SAPOLIQj THE BKST THING OUT -ffiju* Cleaning Window* (without water), Remov f^tjlainß ,rom Marl »lc and Paint, Polishing ||ljjtves (no scra’ching), Washing Dishes, Scrab- Floors, Floor Cloth, Tables, Bath V*. Ac. | Polishing Tin, Brass, Iron, Copper Stapel Wares; Removing Gums, Oil, Rust, and from Machinery. Indispensable for House flpjj&ng, and all uses except washing clothes. It flfpH'hut a few cents, and is sold by all good Grocery, Kg and Notion Stores. Jfepot, 211 WASHINGTON BTRKET, NEW ■pRK, and 30 OXFORD STREET, LONDON. «fujrl-eodly hLsweet quinine\ Is a Recent Improvement. rSJte.plaees the use of the BITTER BUL # i ffIIATE QUININE, with which all are familiar. Dose for dose, it is l WARRANTED | .Fully equal in every way Bp&to Bitter Quinine, LIKE IT, IS THE ONE Breat, Positive and Unfailing CITBB | pr all Diseases of Malarious Origin. ( , H*ver and Ague, j’ N Intermittent Fever, (jf. '*• : Chill Fever, si 'Remittent Fever, jja ' BlUlou* Fever, Dumb Ague, ” anifvhe loinPlrlftfbf disorders following these when negjteled. Aw«ET dUININB is Solely from Peruvian Bark (so MjMfter Quinine), theiefore is «f Vegetable inffito; aud not a Mineral poison, bnt on the MMtrary is proved to be one of the elements SWKKT Q,III NINK seie as an autidote to, as we'l as a cure ta jor, malarial or miasmatic poison, ”/Le abeoiption of which by the lungs causes Intermittent Fevers, etc. The only advan ... tage claimed for j SWRKT RUININK over the use of old Bitter Qninine Is the en tile absence of that .ntenee, persistent bitterness, which it. the latter Is au insur taonntab'e ohsiacie to its use with most per sons, and always with cliildren SWKKT Q.UI NINE is In two forms—in Powder, for the use of Physicians and Druggists, and Fluid, for use In the family aud lor the gener.U public. 1 STEARNS, FARR & CO. k Maufactiiriiig Ohemisls, IVew Y«rk. 1 For stie by PLUMB & LKITNER and W. H. TUTT &. LAND. my6-eodßm OLD CAROLINA BITTERS, A Delightful Tonic. We TAKE great pleasure in offering the OLD CAROLINA BITTERS to the public. They are compounded with great care, and contain some of the best Ton ics in the Pharmacopia. As evidence of the superiority of our BITTERS over all others, we have certificates from many of the leading physicians in our State, who have prescribed them in their practice. The Old farolina Bitters Will be found invaluable for WANT OF APPETITE, GENERAL DEBILITY, CHILLS AND FEVER, DYSPEPSIA We do not offer our BITTERS as a cure lor all diseases, but as an Aromatic Tonic. „„ have no equal. . For saie by Druggists *.Ld Grocers every 'pSdfrtß-.pu,, GOODRICH, WINEMIN & CO., Importers of choice Drugs and Chemicals, Charleston, 8. C For sale wholesale and retail by W. H. TUTT A LAND, W. H. BARRETT and PLUMB A LEITNER,-O’DOWD A MULHERIN, OET JEN A DOBCHER, Augusta, Ga. febl7-eod6m YOUNG MEN pAhE PRACTICALLY INSTRUCTED in BOOK-KEEPING, BUSINESS PENMAN SHIP, and CALCULATION, at the Counting House of Wm. M. Pelot, McINTOSH STREET, Fourth Door from Corner Broad street, formerly Office of Gen. Jos. E. Johnston A Cos., Augnsta, Ga. Terms: For Guarantee Course, 050. Hour* for Students, 10 o’clock, A. M., to 10, P. M, febls-tf TO RENT, A. small dwelling. Centrally situated., jy22-tl L. A. DUGAS. TO RENT, TIJE two tenement HOUSES ou south side of Eliis street, next below the corner of Monu ment. ALSO, The BRICK HOUSE on the corner of Ellis and monument streets. For further particulars, apply to ’ S. LECKIE, jyß4-tf TM Broad st. TO RENT, The DWELLING, on Lincoln street, be-j tween Greene and Telfair streets, now occu pied by Mr. Syi.vbster. Apply to jylfhM G, VOLGEU & CO. TO RENT, The STORE on Jackson street, under Globe Hotel, now occupied by J. Biller. Ap ply to ' G. VOLGEK & CO. jyis-tf FOR RENT, IT ROM October Ist, OFFICES aud ROOMS, centrally located, ou the South side of Broad street, in the building (next below the Masonic Hall) now occupied as a boarding house by Mr. Houston. Apply to W. W. MONTGOMERY. jeSO-tt FOR SALE, rri X HE ONE-FIFTH INTEREST OF THE late L. D. Lallerstedt in the Printing and Publishing Establishment of the A UGUBTA CONSTITUTIONALIST. This very valuable interest cau be had on reasonable terms for cash. Apply to Mrs. A. F. LALLERSTEDT, Ex ecutrix, Berzelia, Ga., or her Attorney at Law, JAMES S. HOOK, Augusta, Ga. my2l-t,f WANTED, A PLANTATION of from 200 to 500 acres, convenient to this city or railroads. Must be well adapted for Cotton and Grain, with im provements and necessary Woodland. Apply by letter, giving full description, to ■ decll-tf P O. BOX NO. 183. Coco or Nut Grass, ON KENNY’S PLAN, CAN be subdued and FINALLY EXTER MINATED, by agricultural process, in the hands of anybody who can plow and hoe pro perly. Whatever can be subdued—especially that which is powerless to resist- -can be exterminat ed by the same means its subjugation is effected, if persisted in. Terms, |5 each, or to clubs of 5 for 820 — with a pledge or contract returned, not to di vulge the secret to any one, for any consider ation. Tne money will be returned, with interest, if the operation on my plan proves a failure. Remit by P. O. Order, Registered Letter or Express, plainly writing addresses by Ex press, prepaid, is the best way, us it is safe and qoiekeßt. M&r i have Photographs illustrating the sweep, the operation, and the operation with myself in farmer’s costume, either of which will be sent, with tuy plan, at 50 cents, if de ft esired. 1. M. KENNEY, Athens, Ga. Athens, Ga., June 15,1570. We, the undersigned, have witnessed the operations of Mr. I. M. Kbnnby, for subduing Coco or Nnt Grass, and believe that his plan will enable the Farmer to cultivate land iulest ed with this pest much more easily than by any mode hitherto adopted, or that has come within our observation. Mr. Kenney conscientiously believes all that he says about it, but we are not yet satisfied that he can exterminate the grass, because suf ficient time has not been allowed us to prove it; but we would recommend ail parties to immediately apply for the plan, believing that it is worth more than the cost. JOHN H. NEWTON, A. P. DEARING, 8. A. ATKINSON, WM. A. SIMMONS, Pastor Oconee Street M. E. Church, South. je3o-Im Lumber. Lumber. Lumber. Just received, a lot of A No. 1 LUMBER, of various sorts and sizes, and for sale at the A turns ta and Savannah Railroad. Bills of any description can be furnished at short notice. aplO-tf DAVID T. CASTLEBERRY. GROVER & BAKER Calebrated Improved Sewing Machines. MISS LUCY ,T. READ, Agent, 336 Broad st., Augusta, 6a. A4L&CHINES Repaired and Improvements added at short notice. STITCHING of all kinds, and NEEDLES for sale. nov!2-ly East Alabama Female College. TUSKEGEE, ALABAMA. THE Nineteenth Annual Session begins the lid of OCTOBER. Five Professors, assisted by six ladies > compose the Faculty. The College new Furniture, splendid new Pianos and Chapel Organ, healthy location, good board and Tried Educators, with the largest and finest College Building in the Bouth. Average an nual attendance of Students, 150. For Circu lar, address R. H. RAWLINGS, M. A., je2l-d*c3rn President. JJANHO OJD! A MEDICAL ESSAY ON THE CAUSE AND CURE OF PREMATURE DECLINE IN MAN, the Treatment of Nervous and Phy sical Debility, etc. “ There is no member of society by whom this book will not ba found useful, whether such person holds the relation of Parent, Pre ceptor, or Clergyman.”— Medical Times and Qateite. Sent by mail on receipt of fifty cents. Ad dress the Author, j Dn. E. Dh F. CURTIS, seps-ly Washington, D. C NOTICE. During my absence at the North for several weeks, Mr. Eknry May will conduct the business connected with my Fnrnitnre Es tablishment,: and i will endeavor to please all who may favor my house with their orders.- REPAIRING, UPHOLBTERING, Ac., will be done promptly and in the best manner. E. G. ROGERS, jyS4-lm I*B and 145 Broad st. PATENt Protector Frait and Vegetable Jars. i' iifi lir " ALWAYS " M ‘ "•■■■»•• They Meet KVEKY WANT IN A « ffilT JAR. EITHER FOR Use by Families OR Fruit Preservers THE PROTECTOR JARS have metal Lids, with Arms which ~ , , the ueck oi the Jars, and thus tighten the rubber on to'thoi GROUNDEDGE SfUilTj?* mouth. The result Is a COMBINED LID and CL YMP (one pieeot which Jar with a slight turn, and without injury to the covers, which thus cm he ed repeated'ly * ROBERT M. ADAM, IMPORTER OF CROCKERY, No* aO9 Broa<l Mr«»et, Augusta, Oa. ftp Jo-Dill SPARKLING CATAWBA SPRINGS CATAWBA COUNTY, IST. C. JPhIB celebrated Watering Place, formerly called “ North Carolina White Rulohur Knrlm™ - < will be open for visitors on WEDNESDAY, the Ist DAY OK JUNE 1 Bpr “#*• Being situated iu the Northwestern part <»i the State, in a section remarkable for its de lightful climate, beauty and healthiness, these, together with the virtue of the waters make ht one of the most desirable Watering Paces to be found. waters, make it 'PITR MINEKAL WATKItS OK THESE BPKINCsH Are the White and Blue Sulphur and Chalyebeate or Iron, and they possess all the finest ouali [‘ e " nil»^L Wa s f. rß, i a? "V° Ve , reig a U rea,e u die ? r f ?r all female Diseases, Diseases of long stand ing, Diseases of the Liver, Bowels, Stomach, Kidneys, Pulmonary Diseases, Eruptions of the Skin, Scrofula, Weakness, Debility, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, <fce., &<>. P From the numerous wonderful cures that have come immediately uuder inv own observa tion within the last four years (by the use of these waters), 1 am satisfied that this is the place for all whose condition can be improved by the salubrious character of any water that flows from the earth, and the medicinal qualities of the same are not excelled Our rooms, in both cottages and other buildings, are large and pleasant; cottages contain ing from two to six rooms each, suitable tor large or small families. Many rooms having been alieady applied for, arrangements will be made to accommodate a large number of visitors, and it is to be hoped that our Southern people will patronize the Sparkling Catawba which ought to be the pride of North Carolina, as well as the South, for no P wateringplace can JffS greater inducements for either health or pleasure. * 1 The Bar will be supplied with choiee Liquors aud Cigars. Good Ten Pin Alleys. Billiard Tables, one of which will be of the most approved style. GOOD bath; houses For Pool, Plunge or Shower Baths, and Sulphur Baths, hot or cold. A GOOD BAND OF MUSIC, Six or more performers, has been engaged for the season, and a good Physician nermanentlv located for the benefit of invalids, who will have good attention. y The Sparkling Catawba this season will he under the management of Mr. John L. Eubank who, for the last three years, has been manager at the Healing Springs in Virginia assisted b i Mrs. M. A. Wkknn, and visitors may rely upon finding a good table. ’ * The ears on the Western aud Morganton Railroad leave Salisbury every morning (Suudavs excepted) for Hickory Station, Uie Springs Depot, where hncks with good drivers will lie r. uly to take pas>cugers to the Springs, a distance of six miles, over a beautiful, well shaded rout A GOOD LAUNDRY connected with the Springs and washing doue at rCaSonab'e rates BOARD-For lour weeks, *4B ; per week, *ls; per day, *1 Children under teu years of age and colored servants half price. No charge for infants or cbildreu under two years of Reasonable deduction made for large families who spend the seasou. ° Tickets at reduced rates or return tickets can lie had on the different Railroads to the Sparkling Catawba. J- Q-olden Wyatt <fc Cos. SPARKLING CATAWBA SPRINGS, Catawba Cos., N. C,, May 25, 1870. For fruther information apply to J. L. MAXWELL, Esq. Kd-eodii n THE COKSTITDTIfIIfALIST, AN OLD, RELIABLE AND CONSISTENT DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED DAM, TRI-WMII & mil, AT AUGUSTA, U A.. JTERMS: DAILY, Per Annum, s{lo 00 TRI-WEEKLY, Per Annum, ... 7 00 WEEKLY, “ “ 3 00 JOB PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, EXECUTED IN THE BEST MANNER and on the LOWEST TERMS. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ADDRESS: STOCKTON &IOQ., CONSTITUTIONALISTgOFFICE, AUGUSTA, GA. VOL. 21— NO. 89 RELIABLE." They Canst Bk mm AIR-TIGHT WITH Certainty aid Ease Wllhoit Injury r TO THE COVER.