Tri-weekly constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 18??-1877, July 31, 1870, Image 1

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BY STOCKTON <fe CO Terms ot Subscription Dally, one year §lO 00 n 6 m0nth5......................... 500 5 months . a go Tri-Weekly, one year 6 00 “ S mouths 300 “ months 8 00 Weekly one year 8 00 6 months 1 go Rates of Advertising IN THH C* > N T ITTJ n ONALIST From February 1. 1867# 1 (3 00 $6 00 6 60 2 8 00 13 00 j 17 00 20 00 22 50 26 00 3 5 00 8 00 11 <OO 13 00 22 00 20 00 S3 6C 37 00 41 00 8 a 50 11 00 14 00 17 00 ■:» ,T SO 50 42 00 46 00 53 50 4 S 00 H on ■ 17 00 20 00 38 0? 43 00 50 00 57 CO j 83 50 t Hi” 1- A-i -MOO 23 ‘ip 36 00 50 00 53 00 65 00 73 50 8 11 I s ••(■ 25 :6 20 or. 43 00 66 00 65 00 74 00 j S3 00 7f-o/• 25 O’ 0-0“ +8 Os 62 E 0v?00S2Os j 62 6C 8 34 0 . . 2* 00 s'-' 58 00 69 CC 80 0t 00 ] 100 00 9 18 50 .J JO 07 35 <■•■'. 6? 09 75 Os 87 00 98 00 ! 106 Os 10 | 17 00 26 00 82 00 37 Qf> j 61 50 | 80 Os 92 00 104 90 ! 125 CO X Col- S2 50 | "« 50 < 45 00 j 76 00 ( 97 > 112 60 127 50 j 340 00 1 Cob I 36 00 i 60 00 1 00 00 70 0© i 310 00 i 150 4:1 ITS 60 < 192 5 210 00 ()•)<: (quara, I insertion, 76 cents; each a.ldiltona naertion under 1 week, 60 rents. 55 par aunt, additional for advertisements kept on ha Inaids. 26 per cent, ad lilionul In Special Gobi ran. •Jr. pgr cent. ,vl iitional for DonTilo Column. Marriage and Funeral Notices, (1. <Mntnaries, 20 cents per line. Communications, 20 cents per linn. Trl-Weakly or Daily e. o. and. (nr one month or longer, wo-thirds above rates. In Weekly for one month or longer, one-hall t**e at.ea for Daily. In Daily, Tri-Weekly ami Weekly, double the dally HtuS. Advertisements continued for one yen) will be barged two-third* the above rales for the last »l> months. It will ho perceived 1, the foregoing that we have dneed the rates of advertising fifteen to twenty pev cent., to take . Meet on this day. Single Papers, 6 cents; to news hoys, 2# cents. Tkbms—Cash CONST TT IT TTON ALIST. SUNDAY MORNING. JULY 31,1870 l Special Correspondence of the Baltimore Gazette- From Washington. THK NORTH CAROLINA TROUBLES—JUIHIK i’KArson-— nrs KKrtTßUcArffSM—was put FORWARD FOR ATTORN ICY GENERAL OWN. GRANT’S SUPPORT OF HOLDEN’S TY RANNY—RESISTANCE TO HOI.DEN AND KIRK JUSTIFIABLE —WHAT WILL NORTH ERN DEMOCRATS DO ? EX-PRESIDENT JOHNSON AGAINST THE PROJECT OF A THIRD PARTY. Washington, .Tilly 27. I learn to day from a trustworthy source that Judge Pearson, of North Carolina, who issued the writ of habeas corpus in the case of the citizens held by the infamous Kirk in custody, is not only an unquestion able Radical Republican in politics, but was unanimously recommended by the party in Ids State for the position of At torney General in the place of Mr. Hoar. I learn further that the delay in llxinir upon the latter’s successor was solely caused by the difficulty in deciding upon his claims and those of Akerman, and that the influence of the Georgia carpet-baggers prevailed by a very tight squeeze over the scallawags of North Carolina. This fact is mentioned in order to show the utter want of any pretext for disobey ing the Court’s mandate by “ Governor” Holden, who has shouldered the responsi bility of the illegal detention, in prisons, of over one hundred peaceable citizens. Man ifestly the subterfuge of favoritism cannot be interposed as a contemptible excuse for the unparalleled usurpation and tyranny exercised by the miserable satrap who lords it over a sovereign State. And it is officially stated that General Grant, before he left town for the “ Murphy Place,” ex pressed his approbation of Holden’s con duct and ordered three companies of United States troops to Raleigh to enforce the judgment of courts-martial about being ap pointed by the “ Governor” to “ try" the victims of his caprice and malevolence. Yet Northern opponents to this administra tion continue to preach “ patience” to the down-trodden people o:' the South ! Could any man wonder or complain if citizens thus goaded to desperation should afford truth ful ground for the current lying charges of the unscrupulous Radical press about “ Ku-Klux outrages ?” Os course it is known that resistance to such barbarity is the very thing that the Radical party desire to see, and that the in stantaneously hanging of Holden and Kirk by an outraged community would marvel lously help the Radical cause? But are men guiltless of any crime forever (without provocation) to be taken by the throat whenever it is politically desirable by a mob of cut-throats, incarcerated in dun geons, and denied the right accorded to the vilest wretch of being brought before a judge (in this case of partisan prejudices against them) or examination, or even to be tried by a jury of negroes empannelled according to law ? The forbearance of the white people of the South has been a posi tive marvel. If the Democrats at the North demand the further silent suffering of their countrymen at the South, they must them selves interpose effectually (by every means in their ppwer)'to arrest the enormous op pression under which they are now groan ing ! Let them bestir themselves vigorous ly and in a time 1 As things seem to be going now-a-days, when every sort of political adventurers are assuming to speak ex cathedra for the party in opposition to this administration (mak ing this or that fundamental suggestion at random), it is refreshing to hear from Ten nessee that ex-President Johnson, who did so much for constitutional principles while in power, has come out against the project of a “ third party.” In a recent letter he says: “We must stand by our Democratic friends in who are in line of battle, and lighting in the glorious cause of con stitutional government; that we must frown down any attempt to create this third party, and rally in common cause with our brethren elsewhere.” He might well have added, and no doubt would had he have thought of it, that we must also “ stand by” pur Irve principles, and not permit interlopers who repudiate them to sit in the highest seats of the synagogue. “ With malice towards none —with charity for all,” we must neverthe less see to it that the Democratic Conserva tive party shall not be made to assume such shape and be guided by such men that in a short time it will be wholly unrecognisable by its best and oldest friends. ®ri-U)ccklu Cffiistitutioiwlist. ; \ ' Weekly Review of Augusta Market. Fkidat, July 29, 1870— r. if. REMARKS.—We have very few changes to note in our market for the past week. There has been a very fair business done in the provision line; but, with that exception, trade generally continues dull. Our quotations are based on wholesale transactions; broken packages are a shade higher. Flour —ln good demand, without change in prices. Lard— Is in good demand and prices firm, Butter—la selling at 26@30e. for Country, and 40 for Goshen. Tobacco —Continues in very good demand with prices Arm. Stock very light. .Satt—Liverpool is selling at $1 75@1 85. Oats—Axe selUng at BS@9O Bacon- Demand good and prices firm—stock small. Feat—Scarce, and selling at 2 00@2 25. Corn— ln good demand, and prime white is selling at <@l 55 from depot; yellow, 1 45@1 60. Wheal— ls In good demand. White is selling at 160 @1 65; Amber, 1 66; Red, 1 50. Bagging— Nominal. Rope—Nominal. Iron Ties —Nominal. Fertilizers—No change in prices—stock light. COTTON REVIEW. Saturday— The market opened with a good demand on a basis of 17lie. for Liverpool middling, and nearly all the cotton offered was readily taken to fill orders, leaving the market almost bare. We quote the mar ket closing firm with small offerings, at 1713 c. Monday —The market opened with a good demand, on a basis of 17 5, c. for Liverpool middling, and re mained so during the day, closing firm at 18c. Tuesday—The market opened very firm, with light offering stock, on a basis of 18c. for Liverpool mid dling; but in consequence of declining accounts from New Nork and Liverpool, closed quiet, with fully jkc. decline—say 17^@18c. Wednesday— At the opening of the market there was a very good demand for Liverpool middling at 18c., which continued until the receipt of New York ond Liverpool accounts, when it became quiet, and closed easier at 17&@18c. Thursday— The market opened with a moderate de mand on a basis of 17 XC- for Liverpool middling, and remained sqi until advices from New York and Liver pool were received, showing a decline, when it closed dull and nominal, with fully % to Xc. decline. Friday—The market ruled quiet throughout the day, opening with a moderate demand and light stock on a basis of 17c. for Liverpool middling, and closed quiet without change. Stock on hand this day by actual count, 3,429 bales. Sale* for the week are, 1,024 and receipts, 268 bales. We present below our statement of receipts of last season compared with the present, and find the dif ference in favor of this year to be 30,057 bales. Receipts present season to date.... 121,719 Receipts from Sept. 1, 1868 to July 29,1869 91,662 Squares. I Week. j'2 Week*. 3 Weeks. 1 Month. 2 Montis. 3 Months. 4 Months* : 5 Months Jfl Months. 30,057 AUGUSTA OOTTON STATKMRMT, JULY 29, 1870. Stock on hand September 1,1869 124 Receipts since to date 121,719 121,843 FINANCIAL. Goi.n- Buying, 118; selling, 121 Silver—Buying, 110; selling, IXS. HONOR & STOCKS. Nat Bank of Augusta in demand.. a 115 Savings Bank of Augusta, a 100 Augusta Factory Stock a 100 Georgia Rail Read Bonds 98 a 100 “ “ Stock, 100 a 101 Central Rail Road Bonds 100 a— Central Rail Ror.d Stock 115 a 116 South Western Rail Road Bonds... 95 a 97 South Western Rail Road Stock... 93 a 95 Atlanta and West l’olnt 80nd5.... a 100 “ “ Stock.... a 100 Macon and Augusta end. Bonds... 90 a 92 Macon and Augusta mortg. Bonds. 85 a 87 Macon and Augusta Stock 38 a 40 Muscogee Rail I toad Bonds 88 a 90 Old Georgia Sixes 80 a 82 New “ Sevens 90 a 92 Charlotte, Col. &A.R. R Stock. 85 a 40 Atlantic Sc Gulf Bonds, 7 per cent. 76 a 78 Atlantic A Gulf R. R. Stock 35 a 38 Uity of Augusta Bonds 80 a 81 COMMERCIAL. BACON Clear Sides ...1h... a 20Wt Clear Ribbed Sides Ih.. a 20 Ribbed It B 5ide5........1h., a 19 Shoulders Ih.. 17 a 17X Hams Ih.. 22 X a 26 Dry Siilt(). K. HiJ-n... Ih., a ]9 Dry Halt Shoulders lb.. 15Xa 16 BEEF—Dried lb.. 20 a 25 BAGS— Osnaburgs, two bushel a 30 Bhirting, “ a 19 BwSffiffir '« Bengal . yd,. a Jill Borneo yd.. a 86 Gunny, yd.. 32 a 35 BUTTER- Goshen lb., 36 i 40 Country lb.. 25 a 30 CANDLES - Adamantine lb.. 18 a 25 Sperm lb.. 45 a 50 Patent Sperm .lb.. flo a 70 Tallow lb.. 18 a 20 CHEESE— Goshen lb.. 23 a 24 Factory lb.. 20 a 21 Stale lb.. 16 a 20 COFFEE- Rio, common lb.. 19 a 20 Rail- .lb.. 22 a 23 Prime Ih. 24 a 25 Choice lb.. 25 a 20 Laguayra ...Ib.. 26 a 27 Java Ih.. 30 a 36 CORN MEAL— City Bolted bush.. u 160 Country hush.. a 1 45 DOMESTIC COTTON GOODS— Augusta Factory 3-4 yrt.. a 9X “ 7-8 yd.. a 12 “ 4-4 vd.. h 14 “ 7-8 Drills.. a 14X Hopewell, % yd.. a 11 * 7 oz Osnaburgs vd.. a 17 Montour \ Shining....yd.. a 11 8 oz. Osnabergs vd.. •> 18 Osnabnrg Stripes yd.. 15 a 18X Hickory Stripes ya.. 12Xa 20 Fontenoy Shirting, % ...yd.. a IP Gran’Ue Factory, 3-4 yd.. a 9 X “ 7-8 yd.. a 12 “ “ 4-4 vn.. a 14 “ “ 7-8 Drills.. a I4X Athens Checks yd.. 18 Athens Wool Jeans yd.. 40 a 50 Athens Stripes vd.. a 16 Apalachee Stripes.. yd.. a 18 Jewell’s Factory, 7-8.... yd.. a 11X “ “ 4-4 yd.. a 13X RichmondFact’y Osnab. yd.. a 16 “ “ Stripes., yd.. a 17 Eagle* PhmnixStripes, yd.. a 18 “ Checks, yd.. a 19 “ Heavy Wool en Twills yd.. a 33 PRINTS— Beßt Brands 13 a 13X Arnolds a 11 Lowells a 11 Wamsutta a 8X Bhketinos and Shirtings— New York Mills, yd.. ‘ a 26 Lonsdale yd.. a 18X Hope yd.. a 18 Yarns.—Nos. 6 to 12 X 87X» 1 90 Fontenoy 6to 12 a 2 00 FLOUR— Country.— bbl.. 600 a 8 00 Western.— bbl. 0 0 a 8 00 Exeelsiormills, Buper...bbl.. a 6 25 “ “ Extra,...bbi.. a 7 00 “ “ Dou. Ex..bbl.. a 900 Granite Mills. “ “ Superfine.bbl.. a 700 “ “ Extra....bbl.. a 775 i* Doub.Kx.bbl.. a 850 tills, Super...bbl.. a 7 00 “ “ Extra...bbl.. a 8 00 “ *’ Don. Ex.bbl.. a 9 00 GINGER—per lb 23 a 25 GRAIN Wheat—White,.„....bush., 1 60 a 1 65 Amber bush.. a 1 65 Red, bush.. a 1 50 Corn—Prime White..hush.. a 1 55 “ Yellow hush.. 145 a 150 Oats hush.. 85 a 90 Rve hush.. 1 20 a 1 30 GUANO- Pertman ten.. a 90 00 Dickson’s Compound... ton.. a66 00 Phoenix Guano ton.. a 65 00 Wilcox,G. & Cos., Ma ..ton.. a7O 00 Soluble Pacific... ton.. a 70 00 Flour of Bone ton.. 70 00 a 75 00 Whann’s Buperphos...ton.. a 67 50 PatapscoGuano ton.. a 75 00 Sea Fowl, t0n..70 00 aBO 00 0, C. Coe’sSuper-Phos t0n..65 00 a75 00 Ammon’d Diss’d Bones t0n..65 00 a75 00 Merriman’sKAS.Phos t0n..60 00 a 70 00 Glasgow Guam). t0n..70 CO aBO 00 Hoyt’s Ira.*..7o 00 a 80 00 Whitlock’s Vegetator. .ton --a 75 00 Wando Fertilizer ton.. a 65 00 Etiwan ton.. a 65 00 Chesapeake Phos ton.. 70 00 a 80 00 Coes’ “ ton.. 65 00 a 75 00 Cotton Food Guano.,'..ton.. a 70 00 Land Plaster ton.. 20 00 a 26 00 GUN POWDER— Rifle keg.. a 7 00 Blasting keg.. a 5 00 Fuse 100 feet.. a 1 00 HAY Northern a 1 75 Eastern cwt.. » 1 90 Oonntry cwt.. 1 00 a 1 26 IRON—Bar, refined 6Xa 6 Sweedish, ib.. 6Xa 8X Sheet lb.. a 7X Boiler ~.1b.. BXa 8 Nall H0d..,..,,., lb.. 9 a 12 Ilotne Shoes 10 a 11 Horse Shoe Nalls lb.. 18 a 40 Castings, lb.. 7 a 8 Bteel, cast lb.. 14 a 25 Steel Slabs, per lb. ll a 12 LA Re pressed Ih.. 16 a 17 Leaf, in bbls a,.. a 19 Leaf,in half bbls lb.. a 19 W Leaf, in Kegs ~...1b.. a 20 MACKE RED—new No 1 Mackerel bbl.. a 20 00 No 2 Mackerel.... bb1..17 00 alB 00 No 3 Mackerel....largobbl. .16 00 a 16 50 No 3 Mackerel.... bb1..13 00 aIS 50 No 1 Mackerel 1-2 bb15..13 60 al4 00 No 2 Mackerel 1-2 bbl.. a 900 No 3 Mackerel 1-2 bbl.. 700 a 760 No 1 Mackerel kits.. a 3 60 No 2 kits.. a 2 75 No3 Mackerel kits.. a 2 fin Mess Mackerel.... ...kits.. a4 50 MOLASSES— Muscovado.. gal.. a 69 Reboiled gal.. 36 a 40 Fine Quality, new cropigaL. 60 a 56 Sugar Honso 60 a 75 Syrup, Stuart’s a 1 50 NAILS keg.. 660 a 600 RICE— Car01ina........ lb.. BX> 9 PEAS— 2 00 a 2 25 PICKLES— 75 a 100 POTATOES— Irish bbl.. 4 60 a 6 00 bweet..................bu5.. a none. ROPE Machine Hemp »Xa IP F1ax........ 7 a 9 BALT— Liverpool .............sack.. 1 75 a 1 85 Virginia sack.. a none. SHOT— hag.. 2 15 a 300 SOAP— Colgate’s No. 1 lb.. a 9 Pale lb.. 10X» H Family lb.. a 11X Common bar lb.. 6Xa 7 SODA— BiCarb., America...keg.. a 600 “ “ English....keg.. a 650 SPICK-per lb a 35 BUGAKB- Muscovado -..1b.. a 12X Porto Rico. lb.. a 13X A lb.. 15 a 15X Extra C lb.. 14Xa 15 C Ib.. 13Xa 14 Fellow C lb.. a 13 Loaf, double refined lb.. a 18 Crushed lb.. 16 a 10X Granulated lb.. 16 a 16X Powdered ib.. 16 a 10X BTARCH—PearI lb.. 9 a 12X TEAS Hyson lb.. 1 26 a 2 00 Imperial lb.. 1 60 a 2 25 Oolong lb.. 1 50 a 2 00 Gun-powder 1 75 a 2 25 Black .lb.. 1 00 a 1 76 TlES—lron, per Ib 7Xa 9 TOBACCO— Com. Sound, lb.. 58 a 62 Medium Sound, lb.. 66 a 70 Fine Bright, lb.. 80 a 90 Ex. Fine to Fancy lb.. 1 00 a 150 •Half-pounds Dark, lb.. 60 a 66 “ Bright.... ,Ib.. 66 a 70 Smoking T0bacc0,.. t ,...1b.. 40 a 1 50 VINEGAR— Cider 27 a 30 White Wine gal.. 30 a 35 French gal.. 1 00 WINES * LIQUORS- ~ Rye Whiskey gal.. 200 a 300 Rectified Whiskey gal.. 1 50 a 1 75 Corn Whiskey gal.. 145 a 2 00 Domestic 8randv.......ga1.. 2 60 Domestic Gin gal.. a 2 00 N. E. Rum gal.. 1 65 a 200 Scotch Ale doz.. a 3 25 London Porter doz., a 3 £5 WOOL- Un washed.. lb.. 20 a 25 Washed Ib.. 25 a 35 SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO THOSE ATTENDING THE COL LEGE COMMENCEMENTS. Superintendcn ’s Office, ) Georgia Railroad, > Augusta, June 13, 1870.1 COLLEGE EXERCISES will commence this year as follows: At Covington, Sunday, June 19th, At Oxford, Sunday, July 17th. At Pcnfleld, Sunday, July 10th. At Athens, Sunday, July 31st. All parties desiring to attend will be passed for ONE FARE, Full Fare Ticket to be purchased going and Agent selling to furnish. RETURN TICKET FREE. 5. K. JOHNSON, Superintendent. Athens, Greensboro, Covington, Washington, Mad ison and Atlanta papers copy to August Ist. jel4-taul NOTICE. , Superintendent’s Office, 1 Georgia Railroad Company, > Augusta, Ga., May 12,1870. ) On and after SUNDAY, 15th inst., the Passenger Trains on the Georgia Railroad will run as follows: DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. (SUNDAY KXOKPTED.) 1 Slave Augusta at.... 7:16, a. m. Leave Atlanta at 7:00, a.,m. Arrive at Augusta at 6:16, p. m. Arrive at Atlanta at 7:10,-p. m. NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Augusta at 9:60, p. m. Irfrave Atlanta at.. 6:45, p. m. ° Arrive at Augusta at 4:00, a. m. Arrive at Atlanta at... 8:00, a. m. B. K. JOHNSON, Superintendent. Atlanta, Athens, Madison, Covington, and Greens boro papers copy. myl3-tl \ Book for the Million. MARRIAGE A PSIVATK OOUNSRL « TTTTa-p LOB TO THK MARRIBD, ij U IJUJji or those about to marry, on the physiological mysteries and revelations of the sexual system, with the latest discoveries in pro ducing and preventing offspring, preserving the com plexion, &c. This is an interesting work of 224 pages, with nu merous engravings, and contains valuable information for those who are married or contemplate marriage; still it is a hook that ought to be under lock and key, and not laid carelessly about the house. Sent to any one (free ot postage) for Fifty Gents. Address Dr. Butts’ Dispensary, No. 12 N. Eighth Street,, St. Louis, Mo. IST Notice to tire Afflicte.l and Unfor tunate. Before apyl>ing to the notorious Quacks who ad vertise in public pipers, or using any Quack Remedies, peruse Dr. Butts’ work, no matter what your disease is or how deplorable your condition. Dr. Butts can be consulted personally or by mail on the diseases mentioned in his works. ' Office, No. 12 N. Eighth street, between Market and Chestnut, Bt. Louis, Mo. mv3-d*cly Look to Your Children. The Great Southern Remedy. Mrs. f Cures Colic and Griping) Price, Whitcomb’s i>n the Bowels, and facilf-1 „ | rates the process of Tee h.; Syrup. (ing. J Cents. Mrs. f Sabdoes Convulsions and) 'Price, Whitcomb*.| S' r rtST£r'm.i 35 Syrup. f Children. J Cents. Mrs. f Cures Diarrhoea, Dysen-) Price, Whitcomh’ai ter y an<J Summer Com-I ,eomD | plaint in Children of all f Syrup. ages. j Cents. It is the great Infant’s and Children’s Soothing Remedy in all disorders brought on by Teething or any other cause. Prepared by the GRAFTON MEDICINE CO., St. Louis, Mo. ’ Sold by Druggists and Dealers in Medicine every where. my3-d*cly >ST REGULAR MEETING OF STOCKHOLD ERS OF THE PORT ROYAL RAILROAD COMPANY.—The Stockholders of the above Com pany are respectfully invited to meet at Beaufort, 8. G., on WEDNESDAY, loth August next. By order of the Directors. S. C. MILLETT, W. C. Billows, Secretary. President, jrl-lm If . 4t~ WIRE RAILING, FOR ■ 2r\ //\ l Enclosing Cemetery Lots, .-ML. Isl Cottages, &c.; Wire Guards MaSMI for Store Fronts,' Factories, Asylums, Ac.; Wire Webbing, Rice Cloth, and Wire Work. Also, Manufacturers of FOURDRINIER CLOTHS. Every information by addressing M. WALKER & BON, No. II North Sixth Street, Philadelphia. ,ian29-ly GETTING- MARRIED, Essays for Young Men, on the delights of Hove, and the propriety or impropriety of getting Married, with sanitary help for those who feel unfitted for matrimonial happiness. Sent free in sealed envel opes. Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION, my26-3m Box P, Philadelphia, Pa. BATCHELOR’S HAIR DYE. This splendid Hair Dye is the best in the wor.d; the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, reliable, in stantaneous ; no disappointment; no ridiculouatiiSs; remedies die ill effects of bad dyes; invigorates and leaves the Hair soft and beautiful, black or brgvm. Sold hy all Druggists and Perfumers, and properly applied at Batchelor’s Wig Faotory, No. Id Bond St., New York. ie4-ly AUGUSTA, (Ga ,) SUNDAY MOR®£i. JULY SI, IS7U UNIVERSITY OF VIRGIN*. SESSION OF THIS INSTITUTION commences annually ON THE FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER, and continues, without in termission, till the THURSDAY preceding the 4th of JULY ensuing. The organiza tion ol the Institution is very complete, em bracing extensive and thorough courses of in struction in Literature and Science, and in the professions of Law, Medicine and Engineer iog. The expenses of the Academic or Law Stu dent, exclusive of the cost of Text Books and clothing, and pocket money, amount to about $365 per session ol nine months; and of the Engineering or Medical Stndenl to about $395, of which sums, respectively, $220 or $250 is payable on admission, aud the balance in the progress of the session. For details send tor catalogue. P. 0., “Uni versity of Virginia. S. MAUPIN, jy2B-lm Chairman of the Faculty., Academy of Richmond County. This Institution will be re-opeued on the j 15th of SEPTEMBER next. Its organization will consist of two departments, viz : The Scientific and the Classical and English. In the Scientific Department, which will be in charge of Prof. Gbo. VV. Rains, will be tanght, without additional charge, Astronomy, Chem istry, Natural Philosophy, Geology and Physi ology. Such persons as may desire to receive special instruction in Chemical Manipulation and Analysis, can communicate in writing with the Professor. In the Classical and English De partment, which will be in charge of Joseph T. Derby and John A. A. West, will be taught the Classics and the Branches of an English Education. Young men will be thoroughly prepared for any elass in College. For the thorough instruction of Primary Classes, competent assistance will be employed by the Principals of the Classical aud English Department. Every FRIDAY during the ses sion will be devoted to a review of the lessons recited (luring the week. The scholastic year will terminate on the last Friday in June, and will be divided into two Sessions of nearly five months each. The last will be devoted to a general review and examination before the Trustees and the public. Fees —Per session of nearly five months, in cluding bath the Scientific and the Classical and English Departments will be—for advanc ed classes studying Latin and Greek, $25 00 ; for advanced c'asses studying only Higher English Branches, S2O 00, and lor Primary Classes, sl2 50. Fuel, $1 00 per session. For further information, see printed circu lars of the Academy of Richmond County, or either of the teachers, jy24-sn6w UNIVERSITY OF LOIIWANI. MEDICAL TJ UPAK/ I’ME M'J\ KEtV ORLEANS. FACULTY. A. H. (JENAS, M. D., Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics. JAS JONES, M. D , Professor ol Obstetrics. WARP.EN STONE, M. D., Professor of Sur gery. T. G RICH ARSON, M I)., Professor of Anat omy. SAM’L M. BEMISS, M. I)., Professorjof Med icine. STANFORD E. CIIAILLE, M. D., Professor of Physiology. FRANK HAWTHORN, M. I> , Professor of Materia Medica. JOSEPH JONES, M. IV, Professor .of Chem istry. C. J. BR’KHAM, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. The thirty-third annual course Os instruction in this Department will commence on MON DAY. the 14th day of NOVEMBER, 1870, and terminate on the second BATURDAY of MARCH, 1871. Preliminary Lectures on Cliu ical Medicine and Surgery will be delivered in the amphitheatre of the Charity Hospital, be ginning.on the, 18th of October, without acj, charge to Students. The Anatomical Room* will be opened at the same time. The members of tlie Faculty are visiting Physicians and Surgeons to the Charity Hos pital, and give instruction daily at the bedside of the sick. The practical advantages thus of fered to Students are unrivalled. Fees For all the Lectures, $l4O ; Matrieu lation,ss; Practical Anatomy, $10; Gradua tion, S3O. Payment required in advance. For further information, address T. G. RICHARDSON, M. D., jyßo-lm* Dean. Virginia Military Institute, LEXINGTON, VA. The Academic Exercises of this Institu tion will be resumed on Ist SEPTEMBER, un der the following Faculty : Gen. K. H. Smith, Superintendent; Com. M. f. Maury, Gen. G. W. C. Lee, Capt. J. M. Brooke, Col. 8. Bhip, Col. J. T. L. Preston, Col. W. B. Blair, Col. T. H. Willtamson, Col. M. B. Hardin, Col. M. McDonald, Col. J. W. Massie, Col. R. L. Madison, Col. W. D. Washington, Col. T. Semmes. Early application must be made to secure admission. FRANCIS H. BMITH, jySO-dfiActsepl Superintendent. SOUTHEBN MASONIC FEMALE COLLEGE. The FALL TERM of this Institution be gins AUGUST 15th. Location healthy; instruc tion solid and thorough ; expenses light; government parental, and graduates entitled to the protection of Masons’ daughters. For lull information, apply to the under signed at Covington, Ga. GUSTAVUS J. ORK, jy2B-12* President. THEO. E. BUEHLER, Real Estate and General Agent* AUGUSTA. »A. OFFICE AT PLANTERS’ HOTEL. WILL PURCHASE, RENT OR SELL REAL ESTATE, ALSO ATTEND TO BUSINESS REQUIRING AN AGENT IN VICINITY PROMPTLY AND AT LOW RATE OF COMMISSION. mhl2-tf HAMS. HAMS. 20 CASKS SUGAR CURED HAMS For sale by BARRETT & CASWELL, jy27-6 Commission Merchants. EARTH CLOSETS. Specimens of these valuable improve ments may be seen at Plumb & Leitnkr’s. For further information, apply to JAMES D. COLE, Agent for the State,of Georgia. • jy3-su*w4 SI,OOO REWARD For any case of Blind, Bleeding or Ilchinq PILES that De BING’S Pile Remedy fails to cure. It has cured cases of 20 years’ standing. Try it, and get rid of the most troublesome disease flesh is heir to. Solo by all Drug gists. Laboratory— Franklin st., Baltimore Md apSO-ly GUNNY CLOTH. 500 Rolls GUNNY CLOTH, to arrive For sale by BARRETT & QASWELL, jy27-6 Commission Merchants. SpAial Notice. 3srj lß G ° or>s ’ . p ENING TWK K K , To wMfe we desire to attention of our ■pWids and Pa- and INSERTIONS, in i*beautiful designs, aud at New RatfJnk ’.French Embroidered from 60 cents Marseille QUILTS, at prices - A great VALENCIENNES and EufMßifmEAD LACE, different widths^^^P Alexandei|BKf!d Finish SILK GLOVES, black, medium and high colors. “ GLOVES, iu the new color, “flger^uir.” Ladies’ Endpsli HOSE, all qualities and Misses’ eS&i HOSE, all qualities and Gents’ ED'9|li HOSE, all qualities and sizes. Boys’ Eugßjiik HOSE, all qualities and sizes. ' m Ladies’ LifKß Hetpnfld Stitched IIAND KERCHBg'S, from 25 cents to 75 cents, wArth fr«V 40’cents to sl. Gents’ HegpKid LINEN HANDKER- 5 t per. cent less' than their BLEACHmAnd BR%WN SHEETING, ’We aifßßbposing of our SUMMER DRESS as the season is rapidly a close, at REDUCED URICESJflraeAre also racking a Jlml Recluf * tion LioMis antPsßfcpw Uassimere«, Ac. jrAu STREET. T’lIF. fffItHfDENNING & HALLAHAN was this wiyMissolved by mutual couseut. Dxvio has sold his interest to Dennis HajAiahan, who will continue the business on his own aceonnt. The debts of the firm have been assumed by Dennis H.a&lahan, to whom they must be presented Mr payment. 5 " D. H. DENNING. ■ M DENNIS HALLAHAN. Jijlt 20,1870. jy2l-tf WANTED, RELIABLE YOUNG MAN to sell WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY and NOTIONS by sample in the State of Georgia, by a large New York house. Address, with reference, F. S. F., jy26-5 ; Box 4442 P, 0., N. Y. 1830. 1870 DR. JOEL BRANHAM’S Tiver and Dyspeptic MEDICINE. Yeiser & Ragland, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, KOMK, GEORGIA, SOLE PROPRIETORS. HIS admirable and purely vegetable Med icine, having been used for forty years success fully in private practice by Dr. Joel Bfcmham, is guaranteed to cure all diseases arising from a DERANGED CONDITION OF THE LIVER, SUCH AS DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, CONSTI PATION, JAUNDICE, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, CHILLS AND FEVER, ETC., ETC., ETC. PJLUiUB & LEITIER, WHOLESALE AGENTB, Augusta, Ga. 1830. 1870. mbll-eodfim kst’d. ENOCH MORGAN’S SONS' 1869 For Cleaning Windows (without water), Remov ing Stains lrom Marble and Polishing Knives (no scratching), Washing Dlsbes, Bcrnh bing Floors, Floor Cloth, Tables, Bath Tabs, <tee. * Polishing Tin, Brass, Iron, Copper and Steel Wares; Removing Gums, Oil, Rust, and Dirt from Machinery. Indispensable for House Cleaning, and all uses except washing clothes. It coals but a few cents, and is sold by all good Grocery, Drug and Notion Stores. Depot, 211 WASHINGTON BTRKET, NEW YORK, and 30 OXFORD STREET, LONDON. myl-eodly YOUNG MEN A.RE PRACTICALLY INSTRUCTED in BOOK-KEEPING, BUSINESS PENMAN SHIP, and CALCULATION, at the Counting House of Wm, M. Pelot, MoINTOSH STREET, Fourth Door from Corner Broad street, formerly Office of Gen. Jos. E. Johnston & Cos., Augusta, Ga. Terms: For Guarantee Course, SSO. Hoard for Students, 10 o’clock, A- M., to 10, P. M, febls-tf TO RENT, FitOMthelst ol October, tbc DWELL ING over the store of J, W. Bessman, on Broad, 3d door above Campbell street. Apply to jj-39-U A. W. WALTON. TO RENT, -The DWELLING over the Rainbow Sa loon, on Washington street, between Broad and Ellis streets. It has four rooms and closet, all plastered and hard finished, and suitable fire-places ; also, kitchen and servants' room. Possession given when desired, or at October next. Apply to JOS. B. REYNOLDS, jy29-tf On the premises. TO RENT, The two tenement HOUSES on south side of Ellis street, next below the corner of Monu ment. ALSO, The BRICK HOUSE on the corner of Ellis and monument streets. For further particulars, apply to 8. LECKIE, jy24-tf 171 Broad st. TO RENT, The DWELLING, on Lincoln street, be tween Greene and Telfair streets, now occu pied by Mr. Sylvestkk. Apply to jyls-tf G. VOLGER A CO. TO RENT, The STORE on Jackson street, under Globe Hotel, now occupied by J. Biller. Ap ply to G. VOLGER & CO. Jyls-tf ; FOR RENT, October Ist, OFFICES and ROOMS, centrally located, ou the South side of Broad street, in the building (next below the Masonic Hall) now occupied as a boarding house by Mr. Houston. Apply to W. W. MONTGOMERY. je3ott FOR SALE, The ONE FIFTH INTEREST OF THE late L. D. Lallerstebt iu the Printing and Publishing Establishment of the AUGUSTA CONSTITUTIONALIST. This very valuable interest can be had on reasonable terms for cash. Apply to Mrs. A. P. LALLERBTEOT, Ex ecutrix, Berzelia, Ga., or her Attorney at. Law, JAMES S. HOOK, Augusta, Ga. my2l-tf WANTED, A. PLANTATION of from2oo to 500 acres, convenient to this city or railroads. Must be well adapted for Cotton and Grain, with im provements and necessary Woodland. Apply by letter, giving full description, to decll-lf P. O. BOX NO. 183. Coco or Nut Grass, ON KENNEY’S UjLAN. CAN be subdued and FINALLY'EXTER MINATED, by agricultural process, in the hands of auy ! ody who eau plow and hoe pro perly. Whatever can he siduln.d especially that which is powerless to resist- van he exterminat ed by the same means its satjugal ion is effected, if persisted in. Terms, $5 each, or to clubs of 5 for S2O with a pledge or contract returned, not. to di vulge the secret to any one, for any consider ation. Tne money will he returned, with interest, if the operation on my plan proves a failure. Remit by P. O. Order, Registered Letter or Express, plainly writing addresses—by Ex press, prepaid, is the best way, as it is Rafe and quickest. I have Photographs illustrating the sweep, the operation, and the operation with myself in farmer’s costume, either of which will be sent, with my plan, at 50 cents, il <!<;- deßired. 1. M. KENNEY, Athens, Ga. Athens, Ga., June 15,1870. We, the undersigned, have witnessed the operations of Mr. I. M. Kenney, tor subduing Coco Or Nut Grass, ami believe that his plan will enable the Farmer to cultivate land infest ed with this pest much more easily than by any mode hitherto adopted, or that has come within our observation. Mr. Kenney conscientiously believes all that he says about it, but we are not yet satisfied that he can exterminate the grass, because suf ficient time has not been allowed us to prove it; but we would recommend all parties to immediately apply lor the plan, believing that it is worth more than the cost. JOHN H. NEWTON, A. P. DEARING, S. A. ATKINSON, WM. A. SIMMONS, Pastor Ocopee Street M. E.‘Church, South. jeSO-lrn Lumber. Lumber. Lumber. JTUST received, a lot of A No. 1 LUMBER, of various sorts and sizes, and lor sale at the Augusta and Savannah Railroad. Bills of any description cau be furnished at short notice. aplO-tf DAVID T. CASTLEBERRY. GLOVER & BAKER Colibrated Improved Sewing Jffhchlues, MISS LUCY J. HEAD, Agent, 326 Broad 6t., Augusta, Ga. IVHachines Repaired and Improvements added at short notice. STITCHING of all kinds, and NEEDLES for sale. novl2-ly East Alabama Female College, TUSKEGEE, ALABAMA. The Nineteenth Annual Session begins the ltd of OCTOBER. Five Professors, assisted by six ladies, compose the Faculty. The College lias new Furniture, splendid new Pianos and Chapel Organ, healthy location, good board and Tried Educators, with the largest and finest College Building in the South. Average an nual attendance of Btndents, 150. For Circu lar, address R. H. RAWLINGS, M. A., Je3l-dac3m President. J( AN 11 o(Vi>! A MEDICAL ESSAY ON THE CAUSE AND CURE OF PREMATURE DECLINE IN MAN, the Treatment of Nervous and Phy sical Debility, etc. “ There is no member of society by whom this book will not be found useful, whether such person holds the relation of Parent, Pre ceptor, or Clergyman.” —Medical Timet and Qatette. Sent by mail on receipt of fifty cents. Ad dress the Author, Dh. E. Dh F. CURTIS, aep6-ly Washington, D. C PATENT Protector Fruit and Vegetable Jars. 11 ALWAYS They Meet EVERY WANT IN A 610 FRIT JIB, EITHER FOR Use by Families OR Fruit Preservers THE PROTECTOR JARS have tuetal Lins with Ahmh W hD.i* * . ' hC Jh Ck Th f ' the a,,d " UIS lk ' ht "" «>n nibhnr onto’tlTolwCHHtDKDGir nThTl^ month. The result is a COMBINED LI1) and CLAMP (one of the Jllr Jar with a alight turn, and without injury to the covers, which SSIS'S mTr^ZTf.^ ROBERT M. ADAM, I M PORTE R O E OR()OK ER Y , apasum Wo * 909 Krwad Sll ' t ■ o, ’ Aiiffiisia, «a. SPARKLING CATAWBA SPRINGS, CATAWBA COUNTY, IST, C. rn l. HIS celebrated Watering Place, lorraerlv called “ Norih Ciroiina a, . „ . will he open for visitors on WEDNESDAY, the Ist DAY OP JUNK SU ' pbar Spna * 8 ’ ’ Being situated in the Northwestern part of the State, in a section rnmirtihiA lightfnl climate, beauty and healthiness, these, together with the virtue oi the waters make i*t one ol the most desirable Watering Paces to be found. waters, make it PHH. MINKRAIi WATERS OF THESE SPRING-S a ,“ d 81l, j S "’ l)ljur a “ J Chalyebeate or Iron, and they possess all the finest auali !' e® °1 these waters, and ar.esovereigu remedies for ail female Diseases, Diseases of ion-son mg, Diseases of the Liver, Bowels, Stomach, Kidneys, Pulmonary Diseases Frimtions of 0.,’ Skin. Scrofula, Weakness, Debility, Dyspepsia, Khen'matism, *c &e ’ ’ ' b ‘ From the numerous wonderful cures that have come immediately under mv own observa tion within the last four years (by the use of these waters), I am satisfied that this is the place for all whose condition can he improved by the salubrious character of any water that flows from the earth, and the medicinal qualities of the same are not excelled Our rooms, in both cottages and other buildings, are large and pleasant: cottar contain mg from two to six rooms each, suitable for large or small families. Many rooms lmving been already apphed for arrangements will be made to accommodate a largo m.mbe “of visitors and it m to be hoped that our Southern people will patronize tho Sparkling O ifiwba which «)ugbt to be the pride of North Carolina, as well as the South, for no wSig place can £ greater inducements lor cither health or pleasure. 1 1 ou T,K. T X Bar . " in .V e I fiu PHj ed with choice Liquors and Cigars, (food Ten Pin Alleys. Billiard! Tables, one of which will be of the most approved style. y good bath houses For Pool, Plunge or Shower Baths, and Sulphur Baths, hot or cold. A GOOD BAND OF MU 810. Six or more performers, has been engaged,for the season, and a good Physician permit,emu. located for the benefit of invalids, who wiHohave good attention. y P manenllj The Sparkling Catawba this season will) he under the management of Mr JoiW I who, for the last three years has been manager at the Healing Springs in Virginia assisted I V Mrs. M. A. Wkbnn, and visitors may rely upon finding a good table M ’ tul The ears on the Western and Morgauton Railroad leave Saulsbury everv morninn- . excepted) for Hickory Station, the Springs Depot, where hacks with good drivere wUI be rmdv to take passengers to the Springs, a distance of six miles, over a beautiful well shade,! A COOD LAUNDRY connected with the Springs and washSone aTreasonahh.^ r . BOARD-For four weeks, «4K; per week, *ls; per day, fS. Chlldren under ten ve s ~t age and eolorecfservants half price. No charge for infants or children under two years „ J Reasonable deduction made for large families who spend the season V " SpaSig t Catawba UC ‘‘ and °'' rCtU,n Uckctß ca " ~c “ : ‘ rt the different Railroads to the J. Golden Wyatt «fc Cos. SPARKLING CATAWBA SPRINGS, Catawba Cos., N. C„ May 25, 1870. For frnther information apply to J. L. MAXWELL. Esq. je2-eod2m THE COHSTITDTIOMALIST. AN OLD, RELIABLE AND CONSISTENT DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED DAILY, TRI-WMIT & WMH, AT AUGUSTA, Or .A.. TERMS: DAILY, Per Annum, s£lo 00 TRI-WEEKLY, Per Annum, 7 00 WEEKLY, “ “ f __. 300 JOB PRINTOG OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, EXECUTED IN THE BEST MANNER and on the LOWEST TERMS. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ADDRESS: STOCKTON & CO., CONSTITUTIONALIST OFFICE, AUGUSTA, GA. VOL. 27— NO. 90 RELIABLE.” r -They Can Bh, MADE AIR-TIGHT WITH Certainty and Ease AND Without Injury TO THE COVER.