Tri-weekly constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 18??-1877, August 03, 1870, Image 1

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BY STOCKTON & CO Terms of Bnbsoriotion Daily, one year $lO 00 >• B months. SOO •* 3 m0uth5.......................* 850 Tri- Weekly, one ye%r » 6 00 “ 6 months.... 300 ' “ 3 months.... 800 Weekly one year 8 00 “ 6 months.. 150 Rates of Advertising in th> o< INSTITUTIONALIST From February 1. 1867. —|s 00 |fi 00 650580013051700 20 CO 22 50 '£o 00 3 6 00 8 00 11 00 18 00 53 00 28 00 82 SO 37 00 41 00 3 6 50 11 00 11 00 17 00 28 00 23 60 42 00 4S 00 53 60 4 8 00 U 00 17 00 20 00 S3 00 48 00 60 00 57 00 68 50 I 9 51 ’ll f>i 20 00 23 00 33 00 50 00 68 00 66 00 78 60 6 11 1? 00 %: 06 26 00 4S 00 66 00 66 00 74 00 83 00 7 12 t<> ' -20 CO 26 00 20 00 48 00 62 60 72 00 82 00 92 00 , 8 140 -S n 28 00 35 00 53 09 69 00 80 00 91 00 WO 00 9 15 5" 24 00 30 00 35 00 53 80 75 00 87 00 S3 00 103 00 10 17 60 26 00 82 00 37 00 61 50 80 CO 0? 00 1M 00 116 00 Si ®ol. 22 £0 o? {0 - 0 46 CO 75 00 67 01 112 50 127 60 140 00 1 Col. Si 00 60 00 60 00 TO 00 US 00 150 00 172 60 1 192 6 . 210 00 One square, i insertion, 76 cants; each additions nsertien under 1 week, 50 cents. 26 per cent, additional for advertisements kept o* ho Inside. 26 per ennt. ad htlonal in Special Column, 26 per cent, ad .Htlonal for Don Wo Column. Marriage and Funeral Notices, |1 Obttuaries, 20 cent* per line. Communications, 20 cents per line. Tri-Weekly or Daily e. o. and. for one month or longer wo-third a shove rates. In Weekly for oue month or longer, one-balf t* 4 * atea for Dally. In Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly, double the daily atea. Advertisement* continued tor one year will be bargod two-thirds the above rates for the last ail months. it will be perceived b the foregoing that wo have duced the rates of advertising fifteen to twenty per -lent., to titn effect on this day. - Single Papers, 5 cents; to news boys, 2H cents, Tbkmc— Cash oo my rrciTTON alist. WEDNESDAY MORNING. ADG. 3, 1870 A Rich Treat. COURTING UNDER DIFFICULTY CHAM PAGNE AND CITRATE OF MAGNESIA. The Colusa (Missouri) Sun tells the fol lowing story: “A few days since a young man ap peared in CoHisa and made a canvass of our town In disposing of various Yankee notions. His experience in regard to this world was evidently of a limited order, yet he was industrious and strived so obtain a market for his wares, and his efforts were to a certain extent crowned with success. Daring his sojourn among us he became infatuated with a dark-eyed maid of Co lusa—one of Missouri’s choicest offerings— a feeling which often takes possession of visitors to this section, and frequent be came his visits to her domicil. His devo tion was reciprocated, for on several occa sions, at evening twilight, the devoted couple were to lie seen in close proximity upon a log beneath the spreading branches of one of onr grand old oaks. “ After sundry walks, our mercantile friend concluded he would obtain a chariot and roll out on the plains in company with her who was causing the spirits to rap in every chamber of his heart. He repaired to oue of our livery stables and procured a team and vehicle. The next thing requi site for the journey was something to soothe the agitated spirit in the way of re freshment. He visited several saloons and inquired the price of champagne. Finding that article would command from $2 to $5 per bottle, lie concluded the luxury was altogether too expensive, and he endeavored to find some other beverage to be indulged in by himself and sweetheart during the forthcoming ride. At last he entered one of our drug stores and asked if a temperance beverage could be furnished for the above named for a moderate sum of money. The druggist assured him he had a very pleasant drink called citrate of magDesia, prepared by himself, which he could warrant fresh and lively, and which could be obtained for 25 cents per bottle. “ Our hero immediately closed a bargain, and seized upon two bottles with avidity. They were placed under the seat of the buggy with great care, and, everything be ing in readiness, the young lady was soon ensconced by his side, behind a.spanking team, going the double-quick for the su burbs. After a drive of an hour, the gal lant driver reached under the seat and sur prised his fair companion with the presence of two bottles of liquid, which, he said, would be refreshing on the dusty road. Both suffering from severe thirst, the con tents of the bottle soon disappeared, and the fine flavor commented on favorably. Thus refreshed, the iash was freely applied to the team, and our happy couple were jolted over a somewhat uneven road, with their equilibrium undisturbed until some time afterward, on their return, when they were both suddenly seized with an unpleas ant sensation in the vicinity of the refresh- ment receptacle. “The fair one bent over forward, the gal lant admirer doubted up and squirmed, until things began to assume a serious character. The perspiration rolled down in huge drops from the forehead of one who a few moments before had declared his happiness complete. The smiles of the maiden were suddenly transformed to un pleasant contortions of the face, until at list, the magnesia about to become master of the situation, forbearance ceased to be a virtue, the team was stopped, and, without one word of explanation, each party made a desperate and lively leap from their re spective sides of the buggy, and the stone which ensued our pen is incapable of de scribing. Suffice it to say, no unnecessary time was lost in reaching town, not a senti ment of love was uttered, and a young man was seen earnestly engaged in hunting the druggist—who could not be found—and he expresses a huge disgust at the mere men tion of citrate of magnesia as a buggy bev erage.” Nail to the Foot.— To relieve from the terrible effects of running's nail in the foot of man or horse, take peach leaves, bruise them, apply to the wound, confine with a bandage. They cure as if by magic. Re new the application twice a day, if necessa ry, but one application usually does the work. I have cured both man and horse In a few hours when they were apparently on the point of having the lock-jaw. This recipe, remembered and practiced, will save many valuable lives.— Exchange. Sri'ttJcthlj) Constitutionalist jjfwhiT .W ,/, x •’! SPECIAL NOTICES. nones. Superintendent’* Office, ) Georgia Railroad Company, > Augusta, Ga., May 12, 1870. ) On and after SUNDAY, 15th inst, the Passenger Trains on the Georgia Railroad will run as follows: DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. (SUSDAT KXOEPTBD.) Leave Augusta at. 7:16, a. m. Leave Atlanta at 7:00, aom. Arrive at Augusta at... 6:46, p. m. Arrive at Atlanta at 7:10, p. m. NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Augusta at 9:60, p. m. Leave Atlanta at 6:46, p. m. Arrive at Augusta at... 4:00, a. m. Arrive at Atlanta at 8:00, a. m. B. K. JOHNSON, Superintendent. Atlanta, Athens, Madison, Covington, and Greens boro papers copy. my!3-tf A Book for the Million. MARRIAG-EI A Private Oounsel _____ LOR TO THE MARRIED, \jT UIDJIji | or those about to marry, on the physiological mysteries and revelations of the sexual Bystem, with the latest discoveries in pro ducing and preventing offspring, preserving the com plexion, Ac. This is an interesting work of 224 pages, with nu merous engravings, and contains valuable information for those who are married or contemplate marriage; still It is a hook that onght to he under lock and key, and not laid carelessly about the house. Sent to any one (free of postage) for Fifty Cents. Address Dr. Butts’ Dispensary, No. 12 N. Eighth Street, St. Louis, Mo. tOT Notice to the Afflicted and Unfor tunate. Before apylying to the notorious Quacks who ad vertise In puoiic papers, or using any Quack Remedies, peruse Dr. Butts’ work, no matter what your disease Is or how deplorable your condition. Dr. Butts can he consulted personally or by mail on the diseases mentioned in his works. Office, No. 12 N. Eighth street, between Market and Chestnut, St. Louis, Mo. myS-d*ciy Square*. 1 Week. 2 Weekß. 3 Week*. 1 1 Month. 2 Moult A 1 3 Month*. 4 Montis, 6 Month*. j(> Month*. Look to Your Children The Great Southern Remedy. Mrs. f Cures Colic and Griping') Price, whi.J in the Bowels, and focill-l ... Whitcomb’s j , a tes the process of Tee h- f 45 Syrup. (.iog. J Cents. Mrs. f Subdues Convulsions and IPrlce, - 0 , Whiicnmb’.| cldfllt to j nfanto and »» Syrup. f Children. Cents. Mrs. (Cures Diarrheas, Dysen-4 Price, Whitcomb’s p]< J nt Childrcn of ail «5 Syrup. ages. Cents. It Is the great Infant’s and Children’s Soothing Remedy in all disorders brought on by Teething or any other cause. Prepared by the GRAFTON MEDICINE CO., St. Louis, Mo. Bold by Druggists and Dealers’ln Medicine every where. my3-dicly Kxtru.Special Notice. Beware of Counterfeit* I Smith's Tonic Byrne lias been counterieited, and the counterfeiter brought to grief. SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, The genuine article must have Dr. Joint Bull's Pri vate Stamp on each bottle. Dr. Jobs Hull only lias the right to mannfar.iure and sell the original John Mm th’s Tonic Syrup, ot Louisville, Ey: Examine well the label on each hottlb. If my private el amp is nut on the bottle, do not purchase, or you will be deceived.— See my column advertisement, and mv showcard. I will prosecute any one infringing on my right. The genuine Smith’s Tonic Hvrup uan only be prepared by myself. The onhlic’s servant, OH. JOHN BULL. Louisville, Ky., Nov. 5. 1869. IstH-aL**' ~ ’lf*!' ” m , II -la * WIRE RAILING, FOR rn /7\ A IT Enclosing Oeme’ery Lota, «_ Vyw wJL Cottages, Ac.; Wire Guards lUk MRS for More Fronts, Factories, Asylums, Ac ; Wire Webbing, Klee Cloth, and Wire Work. Also, Manufacturers of FOURDKINIER CLOTHS. Every Information by addressing M. WALKER A PON, No. 11 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia. |an29-ly ’ GETTING MARRIED. Essays for Young Men, on the delights of Home, and the propriety or impropriety ot getting Married, with sanitary help for those who feel unfitted for matrimonial h .ppiness. Went free in sealed envel opes. Address HOWARD AHB ’CIATION. m\26-3ra Box P, Philadelphia, Pa BATCHELOE’S HAIE DYE. This splendid Hair Dye Is the best in the wor.d; the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, reliable, in stantaneous ; no disappointment; no ridiculous tints; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes; invigoiates and leaves the Hair soft and beantlfn), black or brown. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers, and properly applied at Batchelor’s Wig Factory, No. 16 Bond St., New York. 1 ie4 ly WESTERN LAGER BEER. .Also, A-gent for the LION BREWERY. The above at whole sale. Just arrived, finest quality IMPORTED SWISS OHEEBE. jyio-tf A. BOHNE. SYRUP. ? SYRUP. LOO BARRELS PRIME SYRUP For sale by BARRETT & CASWELL, jy27 fi Commission Merchants. SoHthern Dye House Office Cornet' Washington and Broad Streets DYE WORKS 79 and 81 ELLIS ST., AUGUSTA, GA. BLASOOW & BEROUD, PROPRIETORS AND FRENCH DYERS. We respectfully beg to inform the pub lic that we are now ready to do DYEING and CLEANING of ail kinds of SILEB, VEL VETS and RIBBONS, WOOLER GOODS, ALPACAS, WORSTED and Gentf'efcOTH lNG, KID GLOVES, CURTAINB, LACES, &c., &c., in all colors and at a short notice of 24 hours. Also, Gents’ Clothing REPAIRED AND ALTERED. / FIRST CLASS WORK OR NO PAY. ‘ , In hope the public will give us a trial and judge for themselves, we remain respectfully, BLABCOW * BEROUD, jelß-ly French Dyers. HAMS. HAMS. 20 CASKS SUGAR CURED HAMS For sale by BARRETT ft CASWELL, jy27-6 Commission Merchants. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR CELEBRATED -i ~ GOLDEN* FOUNTAIN PEN. .Acknowledged by *u who have msed them to be the best Pen made or gold in tbie country. No blotting! No soiled fingers! Sixty lines written with one pen of ink! Will outwear any steel pen ever made. Bankers, merchants, teachers and ,ajl classes endorse them in the highest terms of praise. Put np in neat slide boxes. Prices: two boxes, 50 cents; five bpxes, sl. Sent free of postage and guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. LIBERAL COMMU TO MEETS! We are prepared to give any energetic per son taking the agency of these Pens a com mission which will pay 1200 per month. Three sample Pens will be mailed for 10 cents. Address, WESTERN PUBLISHING CO., Pittshurg, Pa, Manufacturer’s Agents. bpo-d*c6m Money Cannot Bny II! For Sight Is Priceless! THE DIAMOND GLASSES* MANUFACTURED BY J. E. SPENCER & CO., N. Y., Which are now offered to the public, are pro noaoced by all the celebrated Optician? of the World to be the .. MOST PERFECT, Natural, Artificial help to the human eye ever known. They are ground under their own su pervision, fro® minute Chrystal Pebbles, melt ed together, and derive their name, “ Dia mond,” on account of their hardness and bril liancy. The Scientific Principle On which they are constructed brings the core or centre of the lens directly in front of the eye, producing a clear and distinct vision, as in the natural, healthy sight, and preventing all un pleasant sensations, sneb as glimmering and wavering of sight, dizztoess, Ac., peculiar to all others in use. They are mounted in the finest manner, in frames of the best quality, ot all materials used lor that purpose. THEIR FINISH AND DURABILITY CANNOT BE SURPASSED. Caution. — None genuine unless bearing their trade mark <> stamped on every frame. FREEMAN BROS., Jewellers and Opticians,are sole agents for Augusta, Ga., from whom they can only lie obtained.— These, goods are notsuppliedto peddlers, at any price. a|>3-eodly (Sunny Bagging, Bags, Ac. The undersigned, Importers and Manufac turers of BAGGING aud BAGS, offer for sale, iu lots to suit purchasers : 500 Bales BORNEO BAGGING, to arrive per “ CariabrooKe Castle.’’ 250 Bates BORNEO BAGGING, to arrive per “ Ocean Mail.” 500 Bales Standard INDIA BAGGING, to arrive per “Ocean Mail.” 5,000 Rolls DOMESTIC BAGGING. Our DOUBLE PHGSNIX JUTE BAGGING took the premium at the Georgia State Fair, held at Macon last year. All kinds of BURLAP BAGS lor Fertilisers and GraiD. W. B. COOPER, JR., & 00., No. 99 Pearl and 62 Btonc Sts., New York. je7-eod2tn EARTH CLOSETS. (SPECIMENS of these valuable improve ments may be seen at Plumb & Leitnkr’s. For further information, apply to JAMES D. COLE, Agent for the State of Georgia. jy3-su*w4 YOUNG MEN A-RE PRACTICALLY INSTRUCTED in BOOK-KEEPING, BUSINESS PENMAN SHIP, and CALCULATION, at the Counting House oi Wm. M. Pelot, McINTOSH STREET, Fourth Door from Corner Broad street, formerly Office of Gen. Jos. E. Johnston A Cos., Augusta, Ga. Terms : For Guarantee Course, SSO. Ilonrs tor Students, 10 o’clock, A. M., to 10, P. M, febls-tf THE AMERICAN TURBINE WATER WHEEL,/ MANUFACTURED BT THE HOLYOKE MACHINE COMPANY, HOLTOKB, MASS. UNEQUALED for. Durability, Simplicity and Economy of Water. Descriptive Catalogue sent by application by mail at'Augusta, Ga., 6rln person at Langley, S. C-. 8. miles irom Augusta, on South Carolina Railroad. 8. C. BODFISH, Agent. myl7-dt*c3m*. mmEm Athens. A, HOUSE and DOT of Three Acres, more or less, for sale in Athens, Ga., having an ex cellent well of water, a large Cistern, and all fceeedsarf ottt buildings; adront yard adorned with hapdepme evergreens, ahpba. and flowers; an orchard well stocked with varieties of the Scnppernoug Arbors, and various kinds of select Grape vines. Located in the-vicinity of Male and De male High Schools. trxf-voff rrli/l K-i Sewing Machines OIL. of the best WMiity. Btyl I^M ing MACHINES REPAIRED and. warranted. 184 Broad at; Augusta; Ga. jySAOm Stager Sowing Machia&AgWicy. AUGUSTA, (Ga,) WEDNESDAY MORNING. AUGUST 3, 1870 Fever and Agne ANTIDOTE Always Stops tbe Chills. This Medicine has been before the Public fifteen years, and is still ahead of all other known remedies. It docs not purge, does not sicken the stomach, is perfectly safe in any dose and under all circumstances, and is the only Medicine that will CURE IMMEDIATELY and permanently every form of Fever Ague, because it is a perfect AnlidoU to Malaria. Sold by atl Druggists. novl2-d*ely ran nr M A R OLD CAROLINA BITTERS, A Delightful T onic. We TAKE great pleasure in offering the OLD CAROLINA BITTERS to the public. They are compounded with great care, and contain some of the best Ton ies iu tbe Pharrnucopia. As evidence oi the superiority of our BITTERS over ail others,, we have certificates from many of the leading physicians iu our State, who have prescribed them in their practice. The Old farolina Bitters Will be fouud invaluable for WANT OF APPETITE, GENERAL DEBILITY, CHILLS AND FEVER, DYSPEPSIA We do not offer our BITTERS as a cure lor all diseases, but as an Aromatic Tonic, they have no equal. For sale by Druggists and Grocers every where. Principal Depot, UOOlHtll H. WINKNW & €O., importers of choice Drugs and Chemicals, Charleston, 8. C For sale wholesale and retail by W. H. TUTT & LAND, W. H. BARRETT and PLUMB & LEITNKR. O’DOWD & MULHERIN, OET JEN & DOSCHER, Augusta. Ga. feb!7-eod6m _ ‘ “ BAD BLOOD.” « The Life is the Blood.” ROM it we derive our strength, beauty and mental capabilities. It is the centre of onr being, around which revolves all that makes existence happy. When this source is corrupt ed the painful effects are visible in many shapes prominent among which is SCROFULA. This is a taint or infection ot the human or ganism, and probably no one is wholly free from it. It exhibits itself in various shapes— as Ulcers and Sores, Decayed Bones, Diseased Bcalp, Sore Eyes, Weak and Diseased Joints, St. Vitus’ Dance, Foul Discharges from the Nostrils, Eruptions, Glandular Swelliugs, Throat Affections, Rheumatism, Heart Affec tions, Nervous Disorders, Barrenness, Disor ders of the Womb, Dropsy, Syphilitic Atten tions, Liver Complaint, Salt Rheum, Dyspep sia, Neuralgia, Loss of Manhood and General Debility. It has been the custom to treat these dis eases with Mercury and other Mineral sub stances, which, though sometimes producing a cure, often prove injurious and entails misery in after life. The long known injurious prop erties of these so-called alteratives aud puri fiers has led the philanthropical man of science to explore the arena of nature, the result of which has been the discovery of vegetable pro ducts Which possess the power of eradicating these taints from the blood. DR. TUTT’S Compound Extract of Is the acknowledged antidote to all Blood Dis eases. By its use the afflictions above enumer ated can be permanently banished, and the Source—the Centre of Life—the Bloodi be maintained in ail its purity and vigor. for Diseases produced by the use of Mercury, and for Syphilis, with its train of evils, this compound is the only sure antidote. To the poor creature, enfeebled in mind and body, by secret practices, whose nerves are un strung and countenance downcast, THE SARSAPARILLA AND Queen’s Delight is a blessing. Try it fairly, and your nerves will be restored to their wonted vigor, and your dejected countenance be made radiant with the consciousness of RESTORED MANHOOD, Being free from violent minerals, it is adapt ed to general use. The old and yonng may use it; the most delicate female at any time may take it; the tender infant, who may have inherited disease, will be cured by it. FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD, USE Dr. Tutt’s Extract of SarsaparHta AND QUEEN’S DKLIOIIT. When used in the Spring, it removes all hu mors which infest the system, and Banishes the languor and debilßv peculiar to thatseason of the year. m nr M iVfl Ctß p^°“pt 3? on the LIVER and KID NEYS, producing A healthy action of these im portant organs, by which all the impurities of the system are carried off, and the result is A Clear Skis, m Heed Appetite end p u - x Buoyant Spirit*. PREPARED ir**' Hlfil 1 WM. H. TUTT & LAND, A AUGUSTA, GA., And Sold by Druggists Everywhere. .r, aplO-eodflm UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA* The SESSION THIS INSTITUTION commences annually ON ME FIRST DA* OIgOOTOBER, teXission, till the THURSDAY preceding the 4th of JULY ensuing. The tion of the Institution is very_ stri c tion in Literature and Science, and in the pr< essions of Law* SJedicme and ■Enginei iug- - The expenses of the Academic or Law Stu dent, exclusive of the cost of Text Books ttu clothing, and pocket money, amount to about $» .per session of nine months; °f Urn Eif ineering or Medical Student to about *J9S of' hich sums, respectively, 1200 or *250 is pay ble on admission, aud the balance in the pro rre6s of the session. V>r details send tor catalogue. 0., Um ver ity of Virginia. 8 -*£-^HPIN, j; SB-lm Chairman of the Faculty. UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA. MEDICAL DEPARTMERFT. NKW ORbKASS. FACULTY. ■A.Jf. CENAS, M. D., Emeritus Professor of (Mtetetrics. JAS. JONES, M. D., Professor ol Obstetrics. WARREN STONE, M. D., Professor of Snr- M. D., Professor of Anat- SAM’L M. BE MISS, M. D., Professor .of Med- E. CHAILLE, M. D., Professor or Physiology. FRANK HAWTHORN, M. D., Professor of Minteila Medica. JOSEPH JONES, M. D., Professor of Chem istry. C. J. BICKHAM, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. The thirty-third annual course of instruction in This Department will commence on MON DAY, the 14th day of NOVEMBER, 1870, and terminate on the second SATURDAY of MARCH, 1871. Preliminary Lectures on Clin ical Medicine and Surgery will be delivered in the amphitheatre of the Charity Hospital, be ginning on the 18th of October, without any charge to Students. The Anatomical Rooms will be opened at the same time. The members of the Faculty are visiting Physicians and Surgeons to the Charity Hos pital, and give instruction daily at tbe bedside of the sick. The practical advantages thus of fert'd to Students are unrivalled. Fees— For all the Lectures, $l4O ; Matricu lation, $5; Practical Anatemy, $10; Gradua tion, S3O. Payment required in advance. For further information, address T. G. RICHARDSON, M. D., jy3o-lm* Dean. Virginia Military Institute, LEXINGTON, VA. The Academic Exercises of this Institn tion will be resumed on Ist SEPTEMBER, un der the following Faculty : Gen. F. H. Smith, Superintendent; Com. M. F. ; ,Macby,- Gen. G. W. C. Lee, Capt. J. M. Bbooke, Col. 8. Ship, Col. J. T. L. Preston, Col. W. B. Blair, Col. T. H. Williamson, Col. M. B. Hardin, Col. M. McDonald, Col. J. W. Massik, Col. K. L. Madison, Col. W. D. Washington, Col. T. Semmes. Early application must be made to secure admission. FRANCIS H. SMITH. jySO-dG&etsepl Superintendent. School of the Good Shepherd* -A. BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL for .Yoj&tl.adjes, under the charge of the Sister- Gooa whephei-d of the Episcopal Church. Terms for Board and English Tuition, $350 pet annum. Applications to be made (by letter until September Ist) to the Sister in charge, No. 17 N Calhoun street, Franklin Square, Baltimore, Md. jy23-eodßm SOUTHERN MASONIO FEMALE COLLEGE. HFhE FALL TERM of this Institution be gins AUGUST 15lb. Location healthy ; instruc tion solid and thorough; expenses light; government parental, and graduates entitled to the protection of Masons’ daughters. For lull information, apply to the uuder signed at Covington, Ga. GUSTAVUB J. ORR, jy2B-12* President. DISSOLUTION. The FIRM of DENNING* HALLAHAN was this day dissolved by mutual consent. David H. Denning bus sold bis interest to Dennis Haiaahan, who will continue the business ou his own account. The debts of the firm have been assumed by Dennis Hallauan, to whom they must be presented tor payment. D. H. DKNNING. DENNIK HALLAHAN. Jult 20,1870. jy2l-tf 1830. 1870 DR. JOEL BRANHAM’S Liver and Dyspeptic MEDICINE. Yeiser & Ragland, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, ROME. GEORGIA, SOLE PROPRIETORS. This admirable and purely vegetable Med icine, having been used tor forty years success fully in private practice by Dr. Joel Branltam, is guaranteed to cure all diseases arising from a DERANGED CONDITION OF THE LIVER, SUCH AS DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, CONSTI PATION, JAUNDICE, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, CHILLS AND FEVER, ETC., ETC., EfC. PLUMB Sc LEITNER, WHOLESALE AGENTS, Augusta, Ga. 1830. 1870. mhll-eodflm COTTON GIN MANUFACTORY. The undersigned have formed a Copart nership under the firm name of NEBLETT 4 GOODRICH* for the purpose of manufacturing COTTON GINS of the well known and approved OGLESBY PATTERN. Mr. Nbblett, who has twelve years’ prac tical experience in making these GINS, will give bis personal attention to the business, and wefeel confident of giving entire satisfaction to those favoring us with thslr orders. OLD GINS RENOVATED or REPAIRER iu the best manner. A NEBLETT & GOODRICH, . At Goodrich’s Machine Works, jyl7-dlm*c2m .or-' r. Augusta,Ga. TO RENT, U ll ROM Ist October next, three BRICK TENEMENTS in Clanton Row, formerly New ton Honse. Two of them contain each seven (7) rooms in main building, and one five (5), the other three rooms in kitchen; the middle one. six (6) rooms in main building, three in kitchen. Each supplied with pipes for gas in i main building, and for river water in kitchens. All in good condition. Also, the large store room at the Northwest corner of Washington and Ellis stroels, and the two-story brick build ing on Ellis street, at the corner of the alley, Ellis street, and the office on Ellis street, in rearjof the large store room. Apply for terms to W. J. VASON. aug3-tf TO RENT, From Ist of October next, the frame DWELLINGS, Nos. 33 and 35 Broaa street. Also the small frame DWELLING in rear, fronting on Reynolds street. Apply to VERDERY & VERDERY, jy3l-tf 191 Broad street. TO RENT, ROM the Ist of October, the DWELL ING over the store ot J. W. Bjcssman, on Broad, 3d door above Campbell street. Apply to jy29-tf A. W. WALTON. ~ TO RENT, The DWELLING over the Rainbow Sa loon, on Washington street, between Broad and Ellis streets. It Las four rooms and closet, all plastered and hard finished, and suitable fire-places ; also, kitchen and servants’ room. Possession given wbeu desired, or at October next. Apply to JOS B. REYNOLDS. jy29-tf On the premises. TO RENT, The two tenement HOUSES on south 6ide of Ellis street, next below the corner of Monu ment. ALSO, The BRICK HOUSE on the corner of F.llis and monument streets. For further particulars, apply to 8. LECKIE, jy34 ts 171 Broad st. TO RENT, The DWELLING, on Lincoln street, be tween Greene and Telfair streets, now occu pied by Mr. Sylvestkk. Apply to jyls-lf G. VOLGER & CO. TO RENT, The STORE on Jackson street, under Globe Hotel, now occupied by J. Biller. Ap ply to G. VOLGER & CO. jy!s-tf FOR RENT, FROM October Ist, OFFICES aud ROOMS, centrally located, on the South side of Broad street, in the building (next below the Masonic Hall) now occupied as a bearding house by Mr. Rourtou. Apply to W. W. MONTGOMERY. je3o-ti FOR SALE, The ONE-FIFTH INTEREST OF THE late L. D. Lallbrstedt iu the Printing and Publishing Establishment of the AUGUSTA CONSTITUTIONALIST. This very valuable iuterest can be had on reasonable terms for cash. Apply to Mrs. A. F. LALLERSTEDT, Ex ecutrix, Berzelia, G:i, or her Attorney at Law, JAMES 8. HOOK, Augusta, Ga. niy2l-tf 4 WANTED, A PLANTATION of from 200 to 500 acres, convenient to this city or railroads. Must lie well adapted for Cotton and Grain, with im provements and necessary Woodland. Apply by letter, giving full description, to decll-tf P. O, BOX NO. 183. Lumber. Lumber. Lumber. JUBT received, a lot of A No. 1 LUMBER, of various sorts aud sizes, and for sale at the Augusta and Savannah Railroad. Bills of any description can be famished at short notice. aplO-tf DAVID T. CASTLEBERRY. GROVER & BAKER Celebrated Improved Sewßtg machines, MISS LUCY J. READ, AeanT, 326 Broad st., Augusta, Ga. 2S£aCHINEB Repaired and Improvements added at short notice. STITCHING of all kinds, and NEEDLES for sale. novl2-ly East Alabama Female College* TUSKEGEE, ALABAMA. The Nineteenth Annual Session begins the ;td of OCTOBER. Five. Professors, assisted by six ladies, compose the Faculty. The College has new Furniture, splendid new Pianos and Chapel Organ, healthy location, good board and Tried Educators, with the largest and finest College Building in the South. Average an nual attendance of Btudents, 150. For Circu lar, address R. H. RAWLINGB, M. A., je2l-d*c3m President. JJANHOOD! A MEDICAL ESSAY ON THE CAUSE AND CURE OF PREMATURE DECLINE IN MAN, the Treatment of Nervous and Phy sical Debility, etc. “There is no member of society by whom this book will not be found useful, whether such person holds the relation of Parent, Pre ceptor, or Clergyman.”— Medical Times and Gazette. Sent by mail on receipt of fifty cents. Ad dress the Author, Dr. E. Dr F. CURTIS, seps-ly Washington. 1), O. Fertilize Your Root Crops. o TORE PERUVIAN 4HFANO, ■to i m luO'i m: y. y Flour of Raw Unsteamed Bone, Soluble PaeiAc Guano.* r )lU' 'dCo t fll .•tVttWltvrL Dffomr? *.‘!l 1. 0. UAfBEWSOII. jyß9 6 . ~ £ HAVE appointed Mr. S AMU EL H. SHEP ARD my lawful Attorney iu aay matters per taining to my Drug Business, at *9l Broad street, for the space of- twelve months from July Ist, 18TO. ; boi> ■ > ■ i „ ..jj ot W. H. BARRETT. > n Augusta, G*., jplj 38, 1870. jy3l-8m • ~{W :. , ~n PATENT Protector Fruit and Vegetable Jars. ll r "ALWAYS They Mieet i EVERY WANT | IN A M FIT Ml. EITHER FOR | Use by Families OR Fruit Preservers 1 THE PROTECTOR JARS have metal Lr»9, with Arms, which- turn An iim the neck Os the Jars, and thus tighten the rubber on to the GROUND EDGE ofteUr mouth. The result is a COMBINED LID and CL AMP (one piece), which closes or ooons the Jar with a slight turn, and without injury to the covers, wiiieh thus can be used repeatedly^ ROBERT M. ADAM, IMPORTER OF 1 CROCKERY, l*o. 809 Broad Sired, Augusta, «a. ap2B -6m SPARKLING CATAWBA SPRINGS CATAWBA COUNTY, 3ST. C. Being situated in the Northwestern part ol the State, in a section remarkable for its de lurbtful climate, beauty and healthiness, these, together with the virtue of the waters mii-p i t one ol the most desirable Watering Paces to he found. ’ 1 THE MINERAL WATERS OF tAkSE B UR.IN'CfR Are the White and Blue Sulphur and Chalyeboate or Iron, and they possess all the finest ouali ties ol these waters, and are sovereign remedies for all female Diseases, Diseases of lons stand ing, Diseases of the Liver, Bowels, Stomach, Kidneys, Pulmonary Diseases EruDtions of the Skin, Scrofula, Weakness, Debility, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Ac., ( . umeaße8 ’ ftrupt,oD9 or the From the numerous wonderful cures that have come immediately under mv own observa tion within the last four years (by the use of these waters), 1 am satisfied that this is the place ior all whose condition can be unproved by the salubrious character of any water lhat flows from the earth, and the medicinal qualities of the same are not excelled Our rooms, in both cottages and other buildings, are large and pleasant; cottages contain ing from two to six rooms each, suitable ior largo or small families. Many rooms having been already applied lor, arrangements will be made to accommodate a large number of visitors and it is to be hoped that our Southern people will patronize the Sparkling Catawba which ought to be the pride of North Carolina, as well as the South, for no watering place can offer greater inducements ior either health or pleasure. The Bar will be supplied with choice Liquors and Cigars. Good Ten Pin Alievs Billiard Tables, one of which will be of the most approved style. GOOD BATH HOUSES For Pool, Plunge or Shower Baths, and Sulphur Baths, hot or cold. A GOOD BAND OF MUSIC). Six or more perlormers, has been engaged lor the season, an d a good Pbyaiciau oerraanmitiv located for the benefit of Invalids, who will have gbou attention. P manentiy The Sparkling Catawba«this season will be under the management of Mr. John L Eubank who, for the last three years, has been manager at the Healing Springs in Virginia assisted bv Mrs. M. A. Wkbnn, and visitors may rely upon finding a good table. ’ J The cars on the Western and Morgiintou Railroad leaveßmlsbury every morning (Suudavs excepted) for Hickory Station, the Springs Depot, where hacks with good drivers will be ready to tako passengers to thoSpfiugs, a distance of six miles, over a beautiful, well shaded road A GOOD LAUNDRY connected with the Springs and washing done at reasonable rates BOARD—For lour weeks, *4B; per week, *ls; per day, $4. Children under ten years of age aud colored servants half price. No charge for infants or children under two years of Reasonable deduction made for large families who spend the season. ’’ Tickets at reduced rates or return tickets can be had on the different Railroads to the Sparkling Catawba. J• Gt-olden AV"yatt & Go. SPARKLING CATAWBA SPRINGS, Catawba Cos., N. 0„ May 85,1870. For frntber informal ion apply to J. L. MAXWELL, Esq. je2-eOd2nt THE ~~ COKSTITUTIBNILIST, AN OLD, RELIABLE AND CONSISTENT j ti .j f« i*j */ ) iyt'- , ' 1 "‘ * DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED MM, TM-WmiT & wtrni, AT AUGUSTA, G.A.. •TERMS: DAILY, Per Annum - s*lo 00 TRI-WEEKLY, Per Annum, 7 00 WEEKLY, “ “ 3 00 JOB PRINTING OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, EXECUTED IN THE BEST MANNER and on the LOWES r TERMS* ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ADDRESS: STOCKTON 00., CONSTITUTIONALIST OFFICE, AUGUSTA, GA. . VOL. 27—NO. 91 iJ4 t ’ liu ui>i ii ; * RELIABLE.” They Can Bn. v MADE AIR-tIgHT WITH Gertainty And Ease AND Without litfury TO THE COVER.