Tri-weekly constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 18??-1877, August 19, 1870, Image 1

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BY STOCKTON & CO f ’erms ot SuLbscri-otion Daily, oue. year ..110 00 " ft months.... 500 ft months 3 50 Tri-Weekly, one year 6 00 “ 6 months SCO “ 3 months 300 Weekly one year 3 00 “ ft months.... 150 Hates of Advertising IN THB OO N »ST ITT J riONALIST From February 1. 1867. X (8 00 »t 00 | 6 60 * 8 00 13 08 1. CO aO U | 'i* fO if. CO t6OOBOOIIOOIEOC 22 00 28 CC E 2 sf. El 00 41 00 8 6 6i 11 Of' 14 00 17 0 2S fO £8 60 43 00 48 00 SE f.C 4 8 00 14 CO 17 80 20 17' 33 00 .EGO 80 00 67 00 8E 60 I 9 i" If 60 20 CO 23 PC 83 f.f 60 00 66 00 69 00 75 60 8 11 G' 18 00 25 CM 26 01 43 ot' 56 00 66 00 74 00 85 CO 7 12 ' f 2' tp JR 0 on 43 00 62 50 72 Of' 82 00 92 CO 8 14 (> 2. 0 3" 60 :■ 66 0 86 00 80 CC 91 CM. 100 00 9 16 60 24 GO 3f 60 £: 00 If 00 76 C« 87 CC 88 OC 1C? CO “ 10 17 00 26 00 32 00 37 CP j 61 60 8C GO 92 00 104 PO j HR 00 k Col. 22 60 82 60 4 -C 46 CO . 76 CO I 87 a n j jj-j j, c | - M c © , J Col. Si DO 60 00 Sf 00 70 OO ; IJB Ofl i If ' V 172 W I 15-2 6 210 00 Use square, 1 Insertion, 76 cents; each additions! nsortion under 1 week, 60 26percent, additional for advertisements kept on he Inside. 26 per cent, ad litional in Special Column. 26 per cent, ad litional for Double Column. Marriage and Funeral Notices, 81- Obituaries, 20 cents per line. Communications, 20 cents per line. Tri-Weekly or Dally e. o. and. for oue month or longer wo- thirds above rates. lit Weekly for one month or longer, one-half fa ates for Daily. In Daily, Tri-Weekly and. Weekly, donliis the dally ates. Advertisements continued for one year will be barged two-thirds the above rates for the last sir months. It will be perceived b the foregoing that we have duced the rates of advertising flftoen to twenty per cent., to take effect on this day. Single Papers, 6 cents; to news hoys, 2)4 cents. Taans—Cash GO ISTST!' PUT TON AL IST. FRIDAY MORNING. AUG. 19,1870 [From the Memphis Appeal, August 6. The Memphis Smiths. A JUDGE BITES OFF A CONGRESSMAN'S EAR— A REGULAR OLD-FASHIONED WESTERN FIGHT —HOW TIIE CONGRESSMAN HOL LERED. » X The Hon. W. J. Smith, M. 0., “Gineral Smith,” the “Little General,” “Old Win field Jerusalen,” as he is generally called, has for some years been considered a man of mark in this community. Whether de servedly so or not, hitherto, we will not say; but we are now ready to swear that he will henceforth be justly entitled to con sideration as a “ marked man.” This mark was put on him yesterday, and this is the way it was done: Judge John W. Smith was standing talk ing to Judge Barbour Lewis, somewhere near the Sixth Ward polls, yesterday after noon, between one and two o’clock, in a friendly manner, when the party was joined by the Little General. The conversation gradually drifted into a political channel, and Judge Smith took occasion to speak of some act on of the General while he was a member of the Radical Legislature, in re gard to a bill for the punishment of negro criminals. During the course of these re marks the General got angry, and de nounced some statement of the Judge's as beiug a “ d—d lie.” The Judge asked the Gdueral if he meant that in earnest, and re ceived for a reply a repetition of the offen sive language, very emphatically enun ciated. The Judge thereupon told the General that he himself was a “ d—d little liar." The heroic spirit for which the General is noted arose within him. With the courage becoming a hero of so exalted a reputation for intrepid and dauntless bravery—bravery displayed during the war in countless charges on unarmed citizens, women, and children, in forays upon chicken coops and silver spoons—and with a cool ness like that displayed by him on the memorable occasion at Walter Valley when his nose was pulled, the General sternly retorted, “ I small strike you, sir ; I shall strike you!” “ Pitch in,” said the Judge, “ it don’t cost anything;” and on this the General peeled away and handed the Judge a “ stinger on the snout,” taking him at his word and pitching in vigorously. “Fa’r fight!” “Form a ring!” “Oh, my I General!” “Go in Judge!” “No gouging!” “ Rip, Sam ! set ’em up ag’in,” and similar cheerful and encouraging shouts went up from the crowd as the General swung in. The Judge, with back up and straps buckled down, awaited the onset of the General, and in less time than it takes me to tell it, scientifically placed the hero’s head in chancery. The fur flew then, you bet! A scuffle, a snort, a SDap, and the General “ hollered.” “Hollered,” did we say? No; that is hardly the word to use. He howled, and instantly an officer of the law rushed to his rescue—rushed, but alas, arrived too late to prevent a fearful deed of blood from be ing consummated. “ I am a marked man,” shrieked the General; and he spoke truly—the Judge had, in the brief engagement, found time to claw a portion of one of his ears off. “ Yes, d—n you,” said the Judge, “ a regular ‘ swallow fork.’ and now I’ll give you the ‘ under crop;’ ” but before he could carry out this laudable resolve the two combatants were pried apart by the stal wart arras of the officers of the law, and the General, torn and bleeding, was lifted into a hack to be sent to the rear for re pairs. In his hurry he departed without taking along the piece of ear, and a boy who picked "it np ran alter the carriage, bawling, “ ’Ere, mister, you’ve .forgotten your ear 1” The General did not stop for it, however, and it was handed over to a physician, to be preserved in alcohol until the owner chooses to claim it. We under stand that Judge Lewis offered SSOO for it. We do not vouch for this, however. Sheriff Wright, who was present, ar rested the Judge immediately, and car ried him before Squire Kiernan, on a war rant sworn out by himself (the Sheriff). After a brief examination, the Squire bound the prisoner over in a heavy sum to answer to the charge at the Septem ber term of the Criminal Court. The bond was promptly given and the Judge leased. 2ri-U)ccktg Constitutionalist. SPECIAL NOTICES. CHOLERA! HOW TO CURE IT. At.the commencement of the Diarrhoea, which al ways precedes an attack of the Cholera, take a tea spoonful of the Pain Killer in sugar and water (hot, if convenient.) and then bathe freely the stomach and bowel* with lh« Pain Killer dear. Should the diar rhoea or cramps continue, repeat the dose every ten or fifteen minutes until the patient is relieved. In extreme cases, two or more terspoonfuls may he given at a dose. The Pain Killer, as an internal remedy, has no equal. In cases of Cholera, Hummer Complaints, Dyspepsia, Dysentery, Asthma, it cures in one night, by taking it internally, and bathing with it freely, its action is like magic when externally ap plied to Old *ores, Bums, Poolds and Sprains For Sick Headache and Toothache, don’t fail to try it. In short, it is a P*ia Killuk. Directions accompany each bottle. The Pain Killer is sold by all dealers in Medicines. Prices, 25 cent«, 50 cent* and |I per bottle. aug3-tutbsaclm Bquarea. l Week. j? Week*. 3 Week*. 1 Month. 2 Monti a 13 Month* 4 Mouth* [ft Month* o Month*. A Book for the Million. MARRIAGE A Privats Coons* l- y VTT IN LOR TO THB MARRIED, (7 (J IJJiiii or those about to marry, on the physiological mysteries and revelations of the sexual system, with ilie latest discoveries in pro ducing and preventing offspring, preserving the com plexion, <tc. This is an interesting work of 224 pages, with nu merous engravings, and contains valuable information for those who are married or contemplate marriage; Btill it is a took that ought to be under lock and key, and not laid cai-i lessly about the house. Hunt to any one (tree of postage) lor Fifty Cents. AddnssDr. Butts’ Dispensary, No. 12 N. Eighth Street, Bt. lands, Mo. ■ST" Notice to the Afflicted and Unfor tunate. Before apylying to the notorious Quacks who ad vertise in public papers, or using any Quack Remedies, peruse Dr- Butts’ work, no matter what your disease is of how deplorable vour condition Dr. Butt* can to consulted personally or by mail on the diseases mentioned in his works ’ Office, No. 12 N. Eighth street, tot ween Market and Chestnut, Bt. Louis, Mo myS-d*ciy Look to Your Children The Great Southern Remedy. Mrs. (Cures Colic and Griping - ) Price, I in the Bowels, and facili- l Whitcomb’s) ~l tog theproc 2 Mof Tee h- f 25 Syrup, (ing. J Cent*. Mrs. f Subdues Convulsions and) 'Price, ...... . . j overcomes all disease* in- 1 0 - cUUnt Infmltß mxd ** Syrup. f Children. J Cents. Mrs. (Cures Diarrhoea, Dysen-) Price, uihii.nmki J terv and Bummer Com- I ~, Whllcomb a j nt j n children of all f 5 Syrup. nges. J Cents. It is the great Infant’s and Children's Soothing Remedy in all disorders brought on by Teething or any other cau-e. Prepared by the GRAFTON MEDICINE CO., St. Louis, Mo. Sold by Druggists and Dealers in Medicine every where. my3-d*cly AUGUST TEEM, 1870. Court of Ordinary, Richmond County, 1 For County Purposes. > Wednesday, August 3, 1870. ) Present— SAMUEL LEVY, Ordinary. It is ordered by the Court that the following Tax be assessed, levied and collected over and above the State Tax, as a cannty lax for Richmond county for County and Educational purposes for the year 1870: 40 per cent on the State Tax for E lucatioual Purposes. 9 “ “ “ Ronds and Bridges. 6 “ “ “ Poor House. 25 “ “ “ Paupers. 8 “ “ “ Court Expenses. 6 “ “ “ Freedmen’s Hospital. 3 “ “ “ Hnlarim. 6 “ “ “ Jurors. Ordered, that the foregoing Order be published for thirty days, as required by law. SAMUEL LEVY, aug4-S0 Ordinary. NOTICE. Superintendent’* Office, ) Georgia Railroad Company, > Aouosta, Ga:, May 12,1870. ) 011 and after HUN DAY, 15th inut, the Passenger Trains on the Georgia Kail load will run as follows; DAY PASBKNGKR TRAIN. (SUNDAY KXOEPTKD.) Leave Aiurusta at 7115, a. in. Leave Atlanta at 7:00, a. m. Arrive at Augusta at, 5:45. p. m. Arrive at Atlanta at 7:10, p m. NIGHT PAHHKNGKR TRAIN. Leave Augusta at 9:50, p. m Leave Atlanta at 5:45, p. m. Arrive at Auvusta at 4:00, a. m. Arrive at Atlauta at 8:00, a. m. B. K. JOHNSON, Superintendent. Atlanta, Athens, Madison, Covington, and Greens boro papers copy. mylS-tf Ber FRKBH GARDEN SEEDS.—We are re seiving our stock of Warranted Fresh Seeds. We are enabled to save merchants freight on Seeds, and give them nothing hut a reliable article. dec*-2awtf PLUMB & LEITNER. Bar SEWING MACHINES.—WHEELER & WILSON World Renowned Improved SEWING MACHINES ior Sale, Rent and Lease. All the Modern Improvements put on Old Style Wheeler & Wilson Bewiug Machines. Also, Repair ing done at No. 207 X BROAD STREET, je3-tf Augusta, Ga. Kxtra Special Notice. Beware of Counterfeits I Smith's Tonic Syrup has been counterfeited, and the counterfeiter brought to grief. SMITH’S TONIC SYRUP. The genuine article must have Dr. John Bull’s Pri vate Stamp on each bottle. Dr. Jons Bull only has the right to manufacture and sell the original John 8m th’s Tonic Syrup, of Louisville, Ky. Examine well the label on each bottle. If my private stamp is not on the bottle, do not purchase, or you will be deceived.— See my column advertisement, and my show card. I will prosecute any oue infringing on my right. The genuine Smith’s Tonic Syrup can only be prepared by myself. The public's servant, DR. JOHN HULL. Louisville, Ky., Nov. i, 1369. ftou-eodi- - c - ,|a WIRE BAILING, FOR *1 /X A. /k. II” Enclosing Cemetery Lots, _M. '\y’'G>Xy > JIL Cottages, &c.; Wire Guards riwMtl f° r 8 tore Fronts, Factories, Asylnms, &c.; Wire Webbing, Rice Cloth, and Wire Work. Also, Manufacturers of FOURDRINIKR CLOTHS. Every information by addressing M. WALKER & SON, Jl No. 11 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia. jan29-ly ’ GETTING MAERIED. Essays for Young Men, on .the delights of Hons, and the propriety or impropriety of getting Married, with sanitary help for those who feel unfitted for matrimonial happiness. Sent free in sealed envel opes. Address »■ HOWARD ASSOCIATION, my2s-3m Box P, Philadelphia, Pa EATCEELOE’S HAIE BYE. This splendid Hair Dye is tbe best in the wor.d; the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, reliable, in stantaneous ; no disappointment; no ridiculous tints; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes; invigorates and leaves the Hair soft and beautiiul, black or brown. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers, and properly applied at Batchelor’s Wig Factory, No. 16 Bond St., Met# York. je4-ly HAXL’B Copper Scroll Ligktuiig Rod, . THE BEST ROB IN IKE. H h; ,i 9V*.; •« d.;n'.,la.v7 tiff. ... It HAS stood the test of eight yews’ hrihl. It is mate of pnreeopper which? is acknowl edged' by at! electricians to be the best accessi ble material for lightning conductors. w- : It to hollow, presenting not Only a double surfaee bat has taore than doable the conduct ing capacity of any Rod in use. Its construction and application to a build ing is in Oktij&tek acOOrMikto With the prin ciples of science, and is endorsed unhesitating ly by the proloundest Electricians .in the United States and Europe as being far superior to any‘Rod eVeryet brought before the public. Price as low, if not lower, than any other Rod. Gall 4)4,examine «ts (( bit ft Hfc l j W. H. GOODRICH’S & SON, 385 Brdfcd street, Avgusta Ga., Manufacturers and sole Proprietors for the States of Georgia, South Carolina and Florida, feblfi-tf REIL ESTATE FOR SALE AT PEJLOT’S PARK, AIKEN. S. C. % Acre Lot* for sls. % Aere Lots for- S3O. 1 Acre Lot tor SSO. 5,10, or 20 Acre. Lots for SSO, each. This PARK is located one mile North of the depot, in rear of the Aiken Hotel, and will he sold in lots to sait purchasers, on accommo dating terms, or will bo-exchanged for horses, mules, or other stock-. Apply tp WM. M. PELOT, Mclntosh street, mylO-tf sth door north of Broad st. Ayer’s Ague Cure, For Fever and Ague, Intermittent Fever, Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever, Ao., and indeed all the affections which arise from malarious, marsh, or miasmatic poisons. No one remedy is louder called K for by the necessities of the # American people Ilian a sure and sale cure for Fever and Ague. I CEP? J •'-'ii' ll " V are now enabled to offer, with a perfect certainty- that it M will eradicate the disease, and W with assurance, founded on proof, that no harm can arise from its use many quantity. That w hich protects from Or prevents this disor der must be of immense service in the comimiui ties where it prevails. I‘n vention is better than cure, for the patient escapes the risk which he must run in violent attacks of this baleful distem per. This “ OtinK ” expels the miasmatic poison of Fever and Aobb from Ihe System, and prevents tlie development of the disease, if taken on the first approach of its premonitory syiwptoinp. It-Is not only the best remedy ever yet discovered for this class of complaints, hut also the cheapest. The large quantity we supply for a dollar livings it within the reach of everybody; and in bilious dis tricts, where. Fevkk and Arum prevails, every body should have it, and use it freely both lorcure and’protection. It is hoped this price will (dace it wil.iun the feat'll of all —the poor as well its the rich. A great superiority of this remedy over any ot her ever discovered for the speedy and' certain cure of Intermittents is, that it contains no Quinine or mineral; consequently it produces no Quinism or other injurious effects whatever upon the con stitution. Those cured tiy it are left as healthy as if they had never had the disease. Fever and Ague is not alone the consequence of the miasmatic, poinwv. A great variety of disorders arise from its irritation, among which are Neural gia, Rheumatism, Gout, Headache, Blindness, Toothache,Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, Palpitation, Painftil Affection of the Spleen,,Hysterics, Pain in the Bowels, Colic, Paralysis, and deraugefnent of the Stomach, all of which, when originating in this cause, pnt on the intermittent type, or become periodical. This “CIJUK” expels the poison from the blood, ami consequently cures them all alike. It is an invaluable protection to immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily residing in the malarious districts. 1 f taken occasionally or daily while exposed to the infection, that will be excreted from the system, and cannot tie,cumulate in suffi cient quantity to ripen into disease. Hence it is even more valuable for protection than cure; and few will ever suffer from Intermittents If they avail themselves of tile protection this remedy af fords. For hirer Complaints, arising from torpidi ty of the Liver, it is an excellent remedy, stimulat ing the Liver into healthy activity, and produ cing many truly remarkable cures’, where other medicines fail. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Ia) well, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists, AND SOLD ALL ROUND THE WORLD. PRICE, SI.OO PIS It BOTThJS. W. H. BARRETT, Augusta, Agon j.vnl-eoiiAci v piursficim. THEY CURE DYSPEPSIA, AND ALL DISEASES OF TIIE STOMACH AND LIVER. TREY AtlE RICOLMIiNDED BT TUE MBDIOT.' FACULTY. HEGEMAN & CO., AGENTS, NEW YORK. Manufactured by C. P PANKNIN, CHEMIST AMS APOTHECAB?, CHARLKS T O JST, S. C. dSpEor Sale by Vruyyists Everywhere.^SM mk27-eodly Gunny Bagging, Bags, Sc, The undersigned, Importers and Manutac tarers of BAGGING and BAGS, offer for sale, in lots to suit, purchasers : 500 Bales BORNEO BAGGING, to arrive per “ Carisbrooke Castle.” 250 Bales BORNEO BAGGING, to arrive per “ Ocean Mail.” 500 Bales Standard INDIA BAGGING, to arrive per “ Ocean Mail.” 5,000 Rolls DOMEBTIC BAGGING. Our DOUBLE PHCENIX JUTE BAGGING took the premium at the Georgia State Fair, held at Macon last year. All kin&Mof ■ BURLAP BAGS for Fertilisers and Graip. W. B. COOPER, Jr., & CO., No. 99 Pearl and 62 Stone Sts., New York. For SALE out of the Corporate limits of 1 the city of ouAJauee survey. Apply to |> ... F. A. MAUGE, Lucy Cobb Institute, * ATHENS, GA. Rev. Ferdinand Jacobs, D.Principal; The FALL 'SESSION of this Institute will open WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER S, and close DECEMBER 15tb. For further InforfnatioD, apply to the Prln cipal. aul4-3aw2w (Ga,) FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 19, 1870 East iltkMi Female C«lteg«, * TUBKEGEE, ALABAMA. The Nineteenth Annual Session begins the i std of OCTOBER. Five Prpfessors, assisted by ■f ix ladies, compose the Faculty. The College has new Furniture, splendid new Pianos and Chapel Organ, healthy location, good board and Tried Educators, with thalargest and ffoept College Building In the Safcth. Average an nual attendance of Students, 150. For Circu lar, address R. H. RAWLINGS, M. A., je2l-d*c3m President. WASHINGTON COLLEGE, VIRGINIA. GEN E. E. LEE - - - - President. THE next session will begin SEPTEMBER 15th and end JUNE 22d. Expenses, $325 to $375 f For particulars apply to the CLERK OF FACULTY, ang6-lm Lexington, Va. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. The SEBSION OF THIS INSTITUTION commences annually ON THE FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER, and continues, without in termission, till the THURSDAY preceding the 4th of JULY ensuing. The organiza tion of the Institution is very complete, em bracing extensive and thorough courses of in struction in Literature aud Science, and in the professions of Law, Medicine and Engineer ing. The expenses of the Academic or Law Stu dent, exclusive of the cost of Text Books and clothing, and pocket money, amount to about $365 per session of nine months; aud of the Engineering or Medical Student to about $395, of which sums, respectively. $220 or $250 is payable on admission, and the balance in the progress oi the session. For details send lor catalogue. P <)., “Uni versity of Virginia. S. MAUPIN, jy2B-lm Chairman of the Faculty. ECLECTIC INSTITUTE, 37 AND 39 MOUNT VERNON PLACE, BALTIMORE, MD„ Mrs. LETITIA TYLER SEMPLE, Os Virginia, Principal. r I \IIB SCHOOL tor Young Ladies will re open on THI KSDAY, 15th SEPTEMBER, 1870, and close the last week in June, 1871. Number of pupils limited to 40. For Circu lars, &c , apply by letter to the Principal. jy23-ftw (JNIVERSUY OF LOUHANt. MEDICAL I) KPAIttM K !YI r J'. NEW ORLEANS. FACULTY. A. H. CENAS, M. D., Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics. JAS. JONES, M. D , Protesaor of Obstetrics WARREN STONE, M. D., Professor oi Sur gery. T. G. RICHARSON, M. D., Professor of Anat omy. BAMTj M. BE MISS, M. D., Professor of Med icine. STANFORD E. CHAILLE, M. D., Professor of Phvsiology. FRANK HAWTHORN. M. D., Professor of Materia Medica. JOBEPH JONES, M. D., Professor of Chem istry. C. J. BICKHAM, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. The thirty-third annual course of instruction in this Department will commence on MON DAY, the 14th day of NOVEMBER, 1870, and terminate on the second BATURDAY of MARCH, 1871. Preliminary Lectures on Clin ical Medicine and Surgery will be delivered in the amphitheatre of the Charity Hospital, be ginning od the 18th osf October, without nny. charge to Students. The Anatomical Rooms will be opened at the same time. - The members of the Faculty are visiting Physicians and Surgeons to the Charity Hos pital, and give instruction daily at the bedside of the sick. The practical advantages thu6 of fered to Students are unrivalled. Fees— For all the Lectures, $l4O ; Matricu lation, $5; Practical Anatomy, $10; Gradua tion, S3O. Payment required in advance. For further information, address T. G. RICHARDBON, M. D., jy3o-Im* Dean. Georgetown Female Neminaiy, NO. 76 GAY STREET. GEORGETOWN, D. C PRINCIPALS; MKB. M. E. 8188, MIBB 8. A. LIPSCOMB. This Seminary is located iu a town pro vet bial for health and good society. The School Building occupies an eligible position, and is large, roomy and well ven tillated. Efficient teachers are provided for the differ ent departments, and every facility will be af forded for the acquirement of a thorough and refined edncitien. The boarding pupils enjoy the comforts of home life. Fall Session commences September 13th. Terms made known on application to Princi pals. REFERENCES: Dr. A. A Lipscomb, University of Georgia ; Col. Wm. L. Mitchell, Athens, Ga. aug2-lm Southern Dye House Office Corner Washington and Broad Streets DYE WORKS 79 and 81 ELLIS BT., AUGUSTA. GA. BLASOOW & BEROUD, PROPRIETORS AND FRENCH DYERS. respectfully beg to inform the pub lic that we are now ready to do DYEING aud CLEANING of all kinds of SILKS, VEL VETS and RIBBONB, WOOLEN GOODS, ALPACAS, WORSTED and Gents CLOTH ING, KID GLOVES, CURTAINS, LACES, &c., <fcc., in all colors and at a short notice of 24 hours, Also, Gents’ Clothing REPAIRED AND ALTERED. FIRST CLASS WORK OR NO PAY. In hope the public will give us a trial and judge for themselves, we remain respectfully, BLASCOW & BEROUD, jel2-ly French Dyers. WESTERN LAGER BEER. Also, Agent for tlie LIOIST BREWERY. The above at whole *4; W'lwMl Jnst arrived, finest quality IML’O rTtCD SWISS CHEESE. nifctf A. BOHN E. 1 I l f Wanted to Employ, UJtjR RELIABLE AND STEADY MAN, who understands the handling of Wheat, Address BOX “Q". an!2-tf INSURANCE. GKfDN BILAL FIB! ii LIFE HIM MIICY. 219 Broad Street. Country risks taken. $60,000 carried on first class Risks. Losses promptly adjusted and paid. Thhse in the Loudon and Lan cashire without reference to the Home Office. COMPANIES REPRESENTED. AStna Life—Assets $13,000,000 Qneen Fire—Assets.., 10,000,000 London and Lancashire—Assets.... 5,000,000 North American—Assets 478,523 Norwich—Assets 366,474 Gross capital represented .... ..$28,844,997 „ CHAS. W. HARRIS, jan3l-ly Agent. Manhattan Life Insnranee Cos», NEW YORK. DIVIDENDS ON-CONTRIBUTION PLAN. Assets Dec. 31, 18G9 $6,294,599 46. E. Gationras, Medical Examiner. "27-rt A. O. HALL. Agent. SmWßfflfflßfflNpliMS The symptoms of live TlfflffAlTml com P la inl' “re uneasiness aDd P ain in tbe side- — I 111 If 111 IiVI Sometimes the pain is in fjlimvi-Hrl tbe shouklcr) ai ] d jsmiß . kikun lor rheumatism.- The stomach is affected with loss of appetite and sickness, bowels in general costive, some times alternating lax. The head is trou bled with pain, And dull, heavy sensation, con siderable loss of memory, T iT7S?II accompanied with painful 11l If If< Vk “ sensation of having left - JUI If lill.ll undone something which 'ought to have been done. Often complaining of Weakness, debility and low tpirits. Sometimes some of the above symptoms atteud the dis ease, and at other times veiy few of them ; but tbe Liver is generally the organ most involved. Cure the Liver, with JDK. SlfllflOlVS’ Liver Regulator, A preparation ot roots and herbs, warranted to be strictly vegfjuble, aud cau do no injury to any one. ’A • 1 a hundreds, aud known for rs as ouo of the most re d harmless preparations Bering. If taken regularly sure to cure. Dyspepsia, headache, jaundice, eostiveness.sicb headache, chronic diar rhoea, affectious ot the bladder, camp dysentery, affections of the kidneys, fever, nervousness, chills, diseases of the skin, impurity of the blood, melancholy or depres sion of spirits, heartburn, colic, or pains in the bowels, pall) ii;.i|fe head, fever and ague, drop sy, boils, pain jn the back and limbs, asthma, erysipelas, female affections, aud bilious dis eases generally. ~ Prepared only by v : 4 ff. /l. ZEIMN «b CO., •druggists, Macon, Ga. Price, $1 #1 25, and for sale by W. EL Bakuett Tutt & Land, Au gupta. . .flfcL nov24-dlaWAcly .') .hj^XgTfeTOUK'S VS«#UGE. ■ vVy m JpT. te • VV luyis it that so many children die under the age or five years ? That a large proportion of children die under that age has long been a subject of remark, and without a satisfactory cause ascertained, it is certain. Also, it is known that worms exist in the human system from its earliest infancy ; there fore parents, especially mothers, who are more constantly with their children, cannot be too observing of the first symptoms of worms ; far so surely as they exist, can they be SAFELY AND CERTAINLY removed from the most delicate infant, by the timely use of \ B. A. Fahnestock’s Vermifuge. It is perfectly harmless, contains no Mercury, being a Purely Vegetable Composition, And may l*e administered with the UTMOST SAFETY TO CHILDREN OF ALL AGES. Worm Confections, made more tor the pur pose of pleasing the palate than of overcoming the disease, have been manufactured all over the country, but their short lease of life is nearly exhausted, and B. A. FAHNESTOCK’S VERMIFUGE continues to grow in favor daijy. Caation. Should occasion require you to purchase B. A. FAHNESTOCK’S VERMIFUGE, be careful to see that the initials are B. A. This is the article that has been so FAVORABLY KNOWN SINCE 1829, And purchasers must insist on having it, if they do not wish to have an imitation forced upon them. Schwartz A Haslett, rOUIBLT B. A. FAHNESTOCK’S SON & CO. Sole Proprietors, Pittsburgh, Pa. decß-d*ce»ll\ Mosey Cannot Bay It! For Sight Is Priceless! THE DIAMOND GLASSES* MASUFACTUREb BY J. E. SPENCER & CO., N. Y., Which are now offered to the public, are pro nounced by all the celebrated Opticians of the Worid to be the most perfect, Natural, Artificial help to the human eye ever known. They are ground under their own su pervision, from minute Chrystal Pebbles, melt ed together, and derive their name, “Dia mond,” on account of their hardness and bril liancy. The Scientific Principle On which they are constructed brings the core or centre of the lens directly in front of the eye, producing a clear and distinct vision, as in the natural, healthy sight, and preventing all un pleasant sensations, such a6 glimmering and wavering of sight, dizziness, &c., peculiar to all others in use. They are mounted in the finest manner, m frames of the best quality, of all materials used or that purpose. THEIR FINISH AND DURABILITY CANNOT BE SURPASSED. Caution.— None genuine unlesß bearing their trade mark <> stamped on every frame. FREEMAN BROS., Jewellenj and, Opticians, are sole agents for Augusta, Ga., from whom they can only be obtained.— These goods are not supplied to peddlers, at any price. ap3-eodly Administrator's Notice. DN OTIGB is hereby given that four weeks fromdate application will he made to the .Court of Ordinary of Richmond county for leave to sell the real es.ate belonging to the estate of Beniamin F. Jr, deceased. jy2#-l»wlm Administrator de bonis non. TO RENT, Two HOUSES AND LOTS on hpper end of Broad street. Also, One HOUSE and LOT on Fenwick street. Apply to TflOS. ARMSTRONG, aul6-tf Cor. Broad and Cummiog sts. TO RENT, FROM THE FIRST OF OCTOBER NEXT. # I t HE DWELLING HOUSE on the North east corner of Kollock and Telfair streets, di rectly facing the Church of the Atonement. It contains twelve rooms; also, bath room, laun dry, carriage house, kitchen and servants’ apartments. The premises are abundantly sup plied with water. It will not be rented for a boarding house. THE BUILDING on Kollock street, former ly kDdwn as Husb & Neal’s Iron Foundry. THE BUILDING on Marbury street, known as the Pistol Factory. N. B. —Neither of the two preceding Buildings will be rented for the purposes of a Grocery or Bar-room. That LARGE WAREHOUSE, on the south side of Broad street, above Kollock, now oc cupied by Messrs. Pendleton & Dozier. It exteuds backwards to Ellis street, and wonld be an eligibleaite for a Wagon Yard. ' Apply from 9 to 11, a, m., and from 3to 4, p. m., to R. 8. AGNEW, Agent, aul4-tf No. 360 Broad st. FOR RENT, DwELLING now occupied by W. C. Der by, Esq., containing eight rooms, on Walker, third house below Centre street, and directly opposite Mr. H. F. Russell’s. Possession first of October. Apply to au!4-tf JAS. G. BAILIE. TO RENT, the Ist of October next, tbe HOUSE and LOT on the North side of Reynolds street, near Jackson street, known as Miss Kneeland’s, and now occupied by Mr. Hett. aulft-tf WM. A. WALTON. TO RENT. DB* 1 BOM the Ist of October next, HOUSE No. 61 Ellis street, nearly opposite Houghton Institute, containing- four Rooms, Attic and necessary Outhouses. Apply to A. J. TWEEDY, augfi-tf 315 Broad street. TO RENT, FROM October next, STORE No. 202 Soutb Broad, below Melutosh street. J. DANFORTH, augS-if Agent. TO RENT, FROM Ist October next, three BRICK TENEMENTS in Clanton Row, formerly New ton House. Two of them contain each seven (7) rooms in main building, and one five (5), the other three rooms in kitchen; the middle one six (6) rooms iu main bnilding, three iu kitchen. Each supplied with pipes for gas in main building, and for river water in kitchens. All in good condition. Also the large store room at the Northwest corner ol Washington and Sails streets, two-story brick build ing on Ellis street, at the corner of the alley, Ellis street, and the office on Ellis street, in rear’of the large 6toi e rcotn. Apply for terms to VV. J. VASON. aug2-tf TO RENT, From the Ist of October, the DWELL ING over the store of J. W. Bbssman, on Broad, 3d door above Camptiell street Apply to jy29-tf A. W. WALTON. TO RENT, The two tenement HOUSES on south side of Ellis street, next below the corner of Monu ment. ALSO, The BRICK HOUSE on the corner of Ellis and monnmeDt streets. For further particulars, apply to 8. LECKIE, jy24-tf 171 Broad st. FOR SALE, A FINE PHAETON. A'so, some good one and two-horse WAGONS, at reduced prices, by J. H. LOWREY, aul4-12 Cor. Campbell and Ellis sts. FOR SALE. WIIA be sold at the Lower Market House, in the city of Augusta, on the FiRST TUESDAY in SEPTEMBER next, that com modious DWELLING and LOT on the South west corner of Reynolds and Sibley streets. Said property can be treated tor at paivate 6ale. For further particulars apply to anlO-td E. R. DERRY. FOR SALE. THAT desirable LOT aud RESIDENCE on the North side of Ellis street, between Mc- Kinne and Marbury streets, adjoining lot of Wm. E. Whelock on the West, and at pres ent occupied by C. B. Hitt, having a front of about 60 feet on Ellis street, and rnuning half way through to Broid street. If not disposed ©f at private sale, it will be offered at public sale on the first Tuesday in September next. For terms, &c., apply to aug6-td BARNES & CUMMING. FOR SALE, The ONE-FIFTH INTEREBT OF THE late L. D. Lallebstbdt in the Printing and Publishing Establishment of the AUGUBTA CONSTITUTIONALIST. This very valuable interest can be had on reasonable terms for cash. Apply to Mrs. A. F. LALLERSTEDT, Ex ecutrix, Berzelia, Ga., or her Attorney at Law, JAMES S. HOOK, Augusta, Ga. my2l-tf WANTED. .A PLANTATION of from 300 to 500 acres, convenient to this city or railroads. Mast be well adapted for Cotton and Grain, with im provements and necessary Woodland. Apply toy letter, giving full description, to decll-tf P. O. BOX NO. 183. (XEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY.-Four weeks after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Richmond county for leave to sell the real estate of, Thomas B. Dunbar, late of said county deceased. JAMEB E. HARPER. Administrator de bonis non. abg 21awlm THE ARROW ] *]*]'' jf) I anip ? I EiHmrifnTr 'I * ■ — o Experience has proven this to be the most approved IRON TIE in use. It was used to cover more than half the crop of 1869 to the entire satisfaction of al who used it. MERCHANTS and FACTORS supplied from store at the LOWEST RATES ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. J. J. McCOMB, MANUFACTURER, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. WARREN, WALLACE & CO., AGENTS, AUGUSTA, GA. atigS d*c3m DRY GOODS. SELLING! OEE A.T COST. o M!y whole stock of Dry Groods to be sold bv the Thirst of October, comprising almost every article in the line. In consequence of failing Health I am com pelled to close out by the Ist October. lam m earnest. Come and see. THOS. SWEENEY. jyl7-2m R A T E N T* Protector Fruit and Vegetable Jars. •y»-tfcK.TTg'BlT? ittejs — | N ': i , !1 , ! ; - l\. i ~ Jmsjr' 11 ALWAYS Tliey Meet EVERY WANT , IN A no MT Jl. EITHER FOR Use by Families OR Fruit Preservers THE PROTECTOR JARS have ruotal Lids, with Arms, which turn r>n Ihe neck of the Jars, and thus tighten the rubber on to the GROUND EDGE of the Jar month. The result is a COMBINED LID and CL VHP (one. piece), which cloles or onens the Jar with a slight turn, aud without injury to the covers, which thus c an he used repeatedly.^ ROBERT M. ADAM, IMPORTER OF 1 C ROCKER Y , If©. 269 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. ap2B 6m THE CiSTITUTIOMLIST, AN OLD, RELIABLE AND CONSISTENT DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED dim, m-wiira & mmii AT AUGUSTA, OA.. TERMS DAILY, Per Annum, ...... $lO °0 TRI-WEEKLY, Per Annum, 1 00 WEEKLY, “ “ 3 00 JOB PRINTING .sir- (!TJit- ■' ■' ■ V!.;-,- n hflf flimt'piqf'ff r Li: ,ff tK •• ' i !) I oof! ••,,,( < OF EVERT DESCRIPTION, EXECUTED IN THE BEST MANNER and on the LOWEST TERMS; AT.T. ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ADDRESS: STOCKTON & CO., CONSTITUTIONALIST OWIC®, AUGUSTA, GA! VOL. 27—NO, 98 RELIABLE/’ They Can BJ! MADE AIR-TIGHT WITH Certainty and Ease AND Without Injury TO THE COVER.