Tri-weekly constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 18??-1877, October 02, 1870, Image 2

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CONSTITUTIONALIST ATTGUJtSTA. GhA^ SUNDAY MOSmfl, OPT. 2.1870 FIFTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. FOR CONGRESS. FOR TJIB SHORT TERM. GKN. R W. CARSWELL, Os Jefferson County. FOR THE LONG TERM. JUDGE W. M. REESE, Os Wilkes County. MR. ATTORNEY GENERAL. The New Era claims that the Election Bill is not unconstitutional, “ because it is approved by the Attorney General of Gen. Grant.” That's a poor reason. Gen. Grant usu ally makes his Attorney General decide as lie pleases, and not as the bill of rights pre scribes. The poor creature is subservi ent, and Akerman was no doubt chosen because of his facility in crawling at the feet of power. Besides, what a farce to quote the authority of a man who belongs to a party which exists outside of the Constitution,” by the admission of the late Thaddkus Stevens, and which boasts that if the Constitution happens to get in the way, “ so much the worse for the Constitu tion.” Chief Justice Brown deserves credit for his effort to save his party from supreme baseness; but the less said in justification of Grant’s Attorney General the better for his reputation as an honest politician or a lawyer in good repute. Meanwhile, what an awful jackass was that, individual at Washington village, in Wilkes county, who played fantastic tricks with the tail of Akerman’s mule. That so called “Ku Kiux outrage” may have been bad for the mule, but it was a god-send to Akerman. It brought him into prominence with the great Horse Doctor at the head of affairs, and, as a trump card in politics, beats Sumner’s backbone all hollow. What a load of re morse must that man carry who tortured the tall of Akbbman's mule ! Our New York Correspondence. New York, September 29,1870. The decline in cotton at this market yes terday to 16% for middling uplands, and 15% for low middling for December deliv ery is an important fact to Southern plant ers, and deserves just now more than pass ing consideration. There are several causes. In the first place the crop appears to have matured early, the season thus far very favorable for picking operations, and the crop has been hurried to market with such rapidity that increased estimates of the tota 1 yield begin already to be current, —one writer placing it as high as 3,800,000 bales. The unfortunate experience of Southern commission houses and bankers last Fall, when they were somewhat dispos ed to resent my caution againststarting the last crop out of the hands of planters at figures which could not be maintained, now induces extraordinary caution on their part,, and they have not, thus far, shown any disposition to check the decline, pre ferring to let the market take its own course, and find, with due celerity, a solid basis. Spinners have not been able to work up to their full capacity, in conse quence of the wide spread drought, which has dried up the mill streams. The war between France and Germany, aud the revolutionary republican movements in other countries of Europe, have been fatal to confidence in trade circles, and none seem to be willing to hold stocks of mer- chandize beyond pressing wants ; a policy r which, especially at its inception, is &I 'Mfty4-pro&fe4fgt to lower prices* hqwever ofl^rings on sale. Thera fore Manchester , decline. Agaiflkt fiVI twese adverse Influence, rfoth ing can be urged except that money is easy and the demand for goods is brisk in our markets. No wonder that the decline, of which I gave your readers a hint a fort night since, has been great and decided. But has not cotton about “ touched bot tom ?” I think it has. At least, 15 cents for low middling uplands in December is a reasonably safe flxure. I will give reasons for the faith that is in me. Gold must ad vance materially, aud at once—probably not less than ten points, or to about 1240125. The importations are enormous, and at the low prices at which our products are going forward the. balance will be largely against us, to be settled with gold ; thus,-besides a large export demand, the requirements to pay duties will be excessive. A portion of the new tariff goes into effect on Saturday. Against this event, goods have been piled up in bond to an enormous extent. They are needed, and they will be withdrawn after the Ist October, with extraordi nary celerity. Gold to pav duties is very scarce and in few hands. No considerable amouut can comd out of the Treasury till November Ist, and in the meantime an ad vance is inevitable. This of itself will check the decline in cotton, and by stimu lating the export, revive speculation, and produce no 1 nconsiderable reaction from the decline of the current week. The political campaign in this State assumes a most favorable aspect. There is no doubt of a complete Democratic triumph. Tammany Hall will wisely co-operate with the Republicans in preventing illegal voting, and the majority in this city will be somewhat curtailed thereby; but we shall carry the State without the aid of the great city. Every day I meet leading Republicans who declare that they will not submit to the domination of Jolinsonites which Grant has placed over them. a The Protestant Episcopal Convention Tor the diocese of New York (Bishop Potter’s) commenced its annual session in this city yesterday. The sermonizer selected for the occasion inveighed with great severity against Ritualism—demanding that his hearers should remember that they live and have their field of action in the United States and during the nineteenth century, and that both these circumstances rendered the efforts at ornate manner of worship un wise and destructive of all capacity for good. Complaints are being made of sickness, more particularly in the upper parts of the city, and the suburbs adjacent, in conse quence, it is thought, of impurity in the water, this being brought about by the lona continued drought and Insufficient supply. There is no doubt that the ex tremely warm and dry weather of the last two months has so reduced the natural flow of the Croton river as to render the supply of water entirely inadequate to the wants of the city, and early in the season the chief engineer of the department was sent to Putnam county in order to ascer tain if an additional supply could be ob tained, and in consequence, several lakes of pure water were discovered and secured.— The wisdom of these precautionary meas ures are now being made apparent, for Borne davs since the supply at the reservoir having been found very low, fifty millions of gallons were supplied from these lakes.— Had it not been for this the city would now be almost without water. The annual report of the Commissioners of Central Park has just been sent in, and contains some interesting items. Photo graphic pictures of points and objects of interest are given, end also a description ol works outside the Park, a topographical description of the Park, correspondence in relation to a parade ground, and also in re lation to specimens for the museum of natural history; In relation to works of art; lists of gifts, devices, bequests, speci mens deposited for exhibition, birds and animals in captivity; a paper on the water ing of roads-, a description of meteorologi cal apparatus, and other matter of interest. The benefit of the Park to surrounding property is also shown. In 1856, the total value was something over twenty-six mil lions, and in 1869 the value was over one hundred and fifty millions ; showing an in crease of more than one hundred and twen ty-three millions in twelve years. The total coat of the Park, including the cost of the ground ($5,328,844), up to the first of January, was $10,804,231, and the annual clothe ' Park' u ['" t J " nwr oncost of land and im provement, is $2,159,908. The total num ber of pedestrians«ntering the Park during the year was 3,265,541 ; equestrians, 54,611; vehicles, 1,340,697. The total number of visitors for 1869 was 7,350,957. Fisk and Maretzek, not content with the pommelling inflicted on each other at the Grand Opera House, and with the issuing on each side of indignant letters to the public, are about to appeal to the courts. This method of procedure was resorted to in the first place by the beaten and bela bored impressario, who had a writ served upon his antagonist, the latter, meantime, swearing vengeance in return. All this is as amusing to lookers on as the most di verting spectacle which these two promi nent caterers for the amusement of the public could, in their happiest moments, devise. October is close at hand, and, with the coming of the “ melancholy days” and the falling leaves, one has a right to look for cooler weather- For the last few days, however, we have been suffering from a hot and sultry sun, which brings unwel come memories of days just gone by ; and, looking for causes of heat so unusual, some give as connected with this the remarkable display of the northern lights which on Saturday night illumined the heavens with a brilliancy which lias not for years been witnessed, and which covered the entire sky from zenith to horizon. The Germans are, one and all, busy and interested in a Fair, which is to be held on the 17th proximo, in aid of the wounded of that nation on the other side. Where it is to be is not as yet made public, but we doubt not it will be a fine affair. Openings come thick and fast, and the f ishionables are in a state of happiness in going from one to another. Fifth avenue and Broadway have resumed their wonted appearance, fashionable theatres are filled, and fashionable churches are reopened, even Beecher having resumed his .shep herd’s staff. The event of most interest this week will be the funeral of Admiral Farragut, which is to take place to-morrow, amid ceremo nies the most imposing that can be devised by the committee of arrangements appoint ed for that purpose, and the minute de tails of which have not as yet been given to the public. The order of procession, it is now knownj will be frbm the foot of Canal street where the remains will be landed, to Broadway; up Broadway to Fourteenth street, through Fourteenth street to Fifth avenue, and through Fifth avenue to Forty-second street. All the stores on Broadway, on the line of march, will be draped in mourning. The military, exclu sive of the Grand Army of the Republic, which, as a civic body, will parade, will, it is estimated, amount to about twelve thou sand men, and it has been positively an nounced that the President and Cabinet will participate. Seebach, the German tragedienne, whose coming Grau has all Summer with such diligence heralded, has marie her appear ance at the French theatre, and has been received with great favor. The character chosen for her debut in America was the favorite, almost the hackneyed, one of Mar guerite, from Goethe’s Faust, and last night she selected the role of Mary Stuart , one possibly better known and as often repre sented as the unhappy Gretchen of German tragedy, and a character which was a fa vorite one of Ristori, and one in which Seebach exhibited her powers to as great advantage perhaps as in her previous im personation of the love-stricken maiden. German in New York, however, has not hith erto been the language of Fashion, and to the dictates of Fashion, and to the caprices even of a goddess so fickle, the caterer to the public must even yield ; and possibly it may have been in consequence of this that the audience last night was not nearly so crowded as that wh'ch greeted Ristori night after night, even subsequent to the lapse of weeks and months. The Nilsson concerts prove still a great success, though to see Nilsson iu concert sei ves but to give one a glimpse of how much greater she would prove herself iu opera, unfettered by the restraints of the concert room. Ja- nanschek, after a prolonged disappearance f* qmjpnhllc. view, is announced for Kng- Uajutiraroa at the Academy of Music, on the l2th of next month. Cl I- * -•WILtODOHBy. FUNERAL NOTICE. THE FRIENDS AND ACQUAINTANCES of Gen. ami Mrs. T.afayettc McLaws are invited to attend the funeral of their eldest son, William Huqubnin, from their residence, on Reynolds street, THIS (Sunday) AFTERNOON, at 3 o’clock Georgia state Lotoorv FOR Tint BENEFIT OF TTIK Orpbivn’s Horn, and Free School. The following were tb« drawn numbers, In Oie Hup. plementary Scheme, drawn at Aueusta, Georgia. October 1. MORNING DRAW I N(1 -Class 469. 71 49 ao 81 «a at 40 18 a 8 8a is 4i 13 84 16 Prawn Numbers. EVENING DRAWING -Class 470. 77 49 78 88 31 47 71 18 311 83 97 34 12 Drawn Numbers. oct2-l SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. THE NEXT MEETING OF THE I. O. OF Good Templars will beheld at Odd Follows’ Hall, on MONDAY NIGHT, October 3d, at 7* o’clock. By order W. C. Templar. AUGUSTUS PITCHER, _oct3-l Secretary pro tem. Angusm, Ga., October 1. 1870. Mr. Wm. Mulhbrin is duly authorized to act as my lawful attorney, In all matters connected with my business, for twelve months from this dote. oct2-8 M. O’DOWD. W THE Missus SEDGWICK RKOPKN their Voung Ladies’ Institute MONDAY, October 3d.— Pupils are requested to be punctual in attendance. Oct2-l DIVIDEND NO. 46. Augusta Factory, > Augusta, October 1, 1870. \ A quarterly Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., this day declared^will be paid to Stockholders on de mand. oct.2-6* W. B. JACKSON, President. Office Graniteville 1 Manufacturijpfg Company, > Augusta, Ga, Oct. 1, 1870. ) QUARTERLY DIVIDEND No. 18, of two (2> per cent on the Capital fc'tock of the GRANITKVILLE MANUFACTURING COMPANY has been de dared, and will be payable on and after loth inst. H. H. HICKMAN, octl-3 President. ■»- SEWING MACHINES.—WHEELER & WILSON World Renowned Improved SEWING MACHINES for Sale, Rent and Lease. Alt the Modem Improvements put on Old Style Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines. Also, Repair ing done at No. 1 OLD POST OFFICE BUILDING, ,ie3-tf Augusta, Ga. A TAINTED ATMOSPHERE. MALARIOUS FEVERS ARE MOST PREVA LENT in the Fall. Heavy and unwholesome exha lations then arise from the earth, and the great disparity between the temperature of day and Bight predisposes the system, enfeebled by the Summer heats, to epidemic diseases. The secretive organs, the liver especially, are apt, at this period of the year, to. bscome inert and sluggish, and all the bodily powers require renovation. The best, indeed the only pro tection against the morbid influences of the season is a wholesome medicated stimulant. Pre-eminent among the restoratives of this class, and indeed fore most among the remedial and preventive medicines of modern times, stands Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters. Its reputation is co-extensive with the Western Hemisphere; it has been a standard article for twenty years; its sales (as may be ascertained by the revenue returns) are far larger than those of any other pro' prietary preparation on this continent; and the tes timony in its favor embraces letters of. approval from the most distinguished members of all the learned professions and from well known residents of almost every city In the Union. These are its credentials To state what it is doing to prevent and assuage the sufferings of the human family would require more space than can be given to the subject here. The dyspeptic, the biliious. the nervous, the weak and emaciated, the desponding, the broken down, And in its renovating and regulating properties a sure and immediate means of relief. It is a pure vegetable specific, at once safe sad potent, and for which the whole materia medica affords no substitute. octl-satuth*ot!s. New Advertisements What We Have Doae FOR FALL AND WINTER. —o —, Our STORE is the LARGEST in the city, and filled from Top to Bottom with CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, HATS and TRUNKS, numbering Tens of Thousands of Garments, OF ALL SIZES, COLORS AND SHAPES, Including everything THAT IS NEW, both in MATERIALS and STYLES. We assert, without fear of contradiction, that this is the Largest and Grandest Stock OF KALL GOODS To be found in the Southern country. Such GIGANTIC PURCHASES as we have made, together with several other ad vantages enjoyed only by ourselves, have enabled us to make a STARTLING REDUCTION IN THE PRIOE ElftT! When the figures we have marked on our New Fall Stock are compared with prices called low by other houses, it will be seen that we have the LOWEST PRICES as well as the Best Clothing. Our stock of FURNISHING GOODS, comprises every thing in the way of SHIRTS, DRAWERS, GLOVES, POCK ET HANDKERCHIEFS, COLLARS, &c., and remember we have the BEST TWO DOLLAR SHIRT in the city. POPE, MA< K & €O., UNDER MaSONIO HALL, 248 Broad Street, Augusta, Oat Country Merchants Are requested -jto call and examine before purchasing, and £hey will be.liberally dealt Dissolution of €opartnFrsnip7 The Copartnership heretofore existing un der the firm name of O’Dowd & Mulhbrin is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Those indebted to the late firm will make immediate payment to M. O’Dowd, and those having de mands against the said firm will present them to the same. M. O’DOWD, WM. MULHERIN. Augusta, Ga., October TANARUS, 1879. UaVING disposed of my interest in the firm of O’Dowi) A Mr. M. O’Dowd, I beg to return my sincere thanks for he very liberal patronage extended to the. said firm, and to ask a continuance of the same to Mr. M. O’Dowd, who continues the business. WM. MULHERIN. October 1,1870. HFhE UNDERBIGNED will continue the GRO< ERY and COMMISSION BUBINEBS at the old stand of O’Dowd A Mulherin, No. 288 Broad street, and solicits a continuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed upon the late firm. M. O’DOWD. oct2-6 • R. A. FLEMING, Warehouse and Commission Merchant, Office, Corner Campbell and Reynolds Bts., AUGUSTA, GA. oct2-d&ctf Select Evening School. JVTaRTIN V. CALVIN’S SELECT EVEN ING SCHOOL opens MONDAY, October 3d, 7% o’clock, p. m., on Ellis, fifth door above Centre street. Two hours’ Practical instruction in Orthography, Penmanship, English Gram mar and Arithmetic —Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Designed for Youths at Trade and in Mercantile Honses. School will con tinue six months in the year. Terms : Two Dollars per month. BELECT DAY SCHOOL at same place, for Boys and Girls, from B}s, a. m., to 2, p. m. Terms liberal. oct2-3 J. W. PERKINS (FORMERLY TUCKER & PERKINS) annonnees that his Newly Fitted Photograph Gallery Is now opened for business, with a New Sky light, on the improved modern plan, and in struments the most approved of any in use. Every style of Picture for which his Gallery has been famous will be made in the same per fection as formerly, and at Greatly Reduced Prices, to suit the hard times. He is also pre pared to introduce all worthy improvements, among them THE OHBOMO BEMBBANT, A New and Beautiful Picture, colored In oil, by C. H. Kingsmorb, .whose studio is connect ed with this Gallery, and who, as formerly, is specially engaged to do all the coloring. The chief merits of this picture are its fineness ot finish, durability, and astonishing cheapness, being sold at one-third the price of Oil Photo graphs cf less merit. New Operating Rooms, 191 Broad street. ONLY ONE FLIGHT OF BTAIRS. Perkins’ Carefully Finished Carle de Yisites, $3 per dozeß, and Fereotypes at 12. ocl2-eod3 aEOKGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY.-Where as, Patrick O’Connor, Administrator de bonis non, with the will annexed, on the estate of Jnlia C. Larkin, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Admin istration on estate of said Jnlia O. Larkin, late of said conn y, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased to he and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in November, 1870, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this Ist day of October, 1870. oct3-lawtd SAMUEL LEVY, Ordinary New -Advertisement s REGISTERED VOTERS/ IjIBT OF REGISTERED VOTERS IN THE City of Augusta to October 1,1870: Ward No. 1. A. Alien, James P B. Brodhurst. Geo W G. Gould, William T L. Lewis, Christopher F Losey, Isaac O M. Manigault, Allen c Rice, Luke Ward No. 8. A. Allen, Joseph V H C. . Campfleld, Edward „ H Hayes, John B Hamilton, Wm c Hiendel, Geo S M. Meredith, Janies W P. Pournelle, John B S. Snead, Garland A W Walton, Win A Ward No. 3. O. Craig, John P. Phillip, Alexander Ward No. 4. D. Doris, Patrick M. Mosher, Edward G S. Stinson, Patrick W. Walsii, James BENJ. B. RUSBKI.L, octl l Registry Cleik. BACON! 35,000 POUNDS of C. R BACON SIDES AND SHOULDEKB Arriving and for sale by oct2-tf BRANCH, SCOTT A VO. OFFICE FOR SALE. (3I"REGG & OSLEY, 300 Broad street, Lav ing secured tbe Front Office iu their Store, will Bell the one formerly used by them. It is 10 by 17 feet. ’ oct2-8 BOARDING FEW persons can obtain PRIVATE BOAROING, in a family reaidiug in a con venient part of this city, hy addressing “ H,” KEY BOX 173, oct2-2* Augusta P» 0. WANTED. .A.N active and honest LAD or YOUNG MAN can flud employment in Augusta, 6a., during the Fair week, by applying at once to Walker, Evans & Cogswell, Charleston, 8. C. Must be well recommended by parties known to us. oct2-tf To the Public!. THE UNDERSIGNED will continued of fer his goods at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, aud purchasers will save money by examining his stock before buying elsewhere. A fine line of 1) 1 {ESrt GOODS AT TEMPTINGLY LOW KlGUllfea. A full assortment of DOMESTICS constant ly ou band and 60ld at Factory prices. 1 Great inducements offered in STRAW GOODS, consisting of Ladies’ TRIMMED HATS, SHAK.Ett|g|Afc DOWNS, <fec. Gents and Boy-' t’am.-n red " Gents’Furnishing Goods, such Y SIITRTS, SHIRT FRONTS, BOWS, ScWFS, Ac. A 'fall assortment of NOTIONS, HOSIERf. <ftc. George Weber, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN BEE HIVE, No. 194 Broad street. je26-suw*frtt SOUTHERN MANUFACTURES! EAGLE AND PHCENIX MANUFACTURING COMPANY, COLUMBUS. «A. PRICKS RKDUOED! OhEAPEST AND BEST GOODS IN THE market, stkipfs, checks, ticks, GEORGIA WtOLEN TWII.L J , TRUCK FOR TROWSERS, GEORGIA CABSI MERES. The Super and Celebrated COTVoN BLAN KETS. &e., &c. To the Tr.ule, u FACTORY PRICES, by Piece or Bale— C ASH ALSO, A Full and,Choice Stock of :-TAPLE ami DOMESTIC GOODS, at NEW YORK PRICES, for PRINTS, DELAINES, &e. 1). R WRIGHT At CO,, Wholesale Dhy Goods, OCtl-lm 233 Bread street. A CARD. Augusta, Ga., Oct. Ist, I§7o. I HAVE THIS DAY associated with me, in the Life Insurance Business, Dr. B. W. LAWTON, late of Savannah, Ga. The name and address of the uew firm: MILLER & LAWTON, General Agents Southern Life In surance Company, Augusta, Ga.; Office, 218 Broad street. With the combined resources and energies of the new firm, our busiuess will be much en larged and extended. I earnestly invite the attention of the public to the Plaus and Facilities for Insurance offered by ibis Successful Lile Corporation. Competent and Reliable Solic.tors wanted.. Terms liberal. J. H MILLER, octl-6 General Agent. NOTICE TO OWNERS OF Omuibusses, Hacfcs, Drays and Wa gons, and to Retailers of Liquor. Ofltce of Clerk of Connell, ) August,*, g*., Oct. let, 1870. S OwNERS ot Omnibusscs, Hacks, Drays and Wagons, and Retailers oi Spirituous or FeN mented Liquors, are hereby notified that their Licences all expire THIS DAY, and must be re newed, or new ones taken out at once, at tbie Office. PRICES OF LICENSES Omnibnsses, each |75 00 One-Horse flack 20 00 Two-Horse Hack 30 0(1 One-Horse Dray or Wagon 20 00 Two-Horse Dray or Wagon 40 00 Mora than two horses 100 00 Fee and Tins, »ach Vehicle 1 25 Bond and Security required. The Ordinances on this subject will be strictly enforged. Office Hours: Daily (Sundays except ed), from 9 o’clock, A. M., to 2 o’clock, P. M. L. T. BLOME, octl 3 Clerk ol Connell. Rockbridge Alum Water. JUST RECEIVED, 25 CASES HALF GALLON BOTTLES, 2 Dob. ROCKBRIDGE ALUM MASS, W. H. BARRETT, Wholesale Druggist, sepiMklm * 291 Broad st. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AMES W. THRUST, Dealer in First Glass DRY GOODS. STOREROOM 260 BROAD STREET, THIRD HOUSE ABOVE GLOBE HOTEL, AV” HERE he is fully prepared to offer a thoroughly complete Stock ol Seasonable FIRST CLASS DRY GOODS. GREAT PERSONAL CARE has been given in New York to the selection of the present FALL BTOCK, and the public uiay be assured of having their wants and ( supplied at con vincingly low prices. Wedding parties, as usual, can always flud recherche selections specially adapted. City and country merchants, buying lor cash, are urged to examine before they purchase. JAMES W. TURLEY. oct2-tf S.D. HEARD SON Warehouse and Commission Merchants, AUGUSTA, CIA Geo. H. Oliver, Esq., Sworn Cotton Weigher. JL.N renewing our lhauks to our customers aud the public at. large lor their very liberal pa tronage extended our bouse for the past twenty years, we respecttullv a-k their continuance. Will devote our strict personal attention to the SALE AND STORAGE OF COTTON as here lofore at our Commodious Wire-Proof Warehouse, No. S Mclntosh street. JOHN MERRYMAN & CO.’S Ammoniated Dissolved Bones, For Cotton, Corn, Wheat, Oats, &0., &c. the use of this reliable and concentrated GUANO, Southern Planters will save thou sands of dollars. Tw> hundred pounds equal to 400 pounds of rqost Fertilizers used. Packed in sound dry barrels—NEVEß IN SACKS. Every barrel sold by us GUARANTEED. oct2-d*,Bm , ____ S D. HEARD & SON. B. F. RUSSELL & CO. 209 BEOAD STREET FALL AND WINTER TRADE, 1870. oftiA .luring the <al f. >f»rN4ofut>> in conformiiy with the scarcity of money-and the lew joiefeTbr cotton. We. have in stock all the recent noveltlea,io.DßESS**GOODS, which will bA'fmered at very low figures. For proof, examine our stock. - \ 81LKS in all colors, solid, check and brocade. BLACK SILKS in every quality, $1 to $4 per yard RFVERSIBLE PONGEE, SAI’IN CASHMERE, for quilts ; CRAPE CASHMERE, SCOTf H PLAIDS, EMPRESS CLOTH. One case of colored ALPACCAS, from 25 to 50 cents per yard. A full Hue of the celebrated brand Hutt'alo ALPAUOA, BEAVER MOHAIR and TURKISH BRILLIANTINE ; also. Corded EPINGLiNF. These are the' most beautiful and substantial Mourning Goods known to the trade ; all colors in Irish and Brocade POPLINS; SERGES, in solid colors, lor suits ; 300 pieces CASSIM KKR, at 50 cents to $ 1 per yard ; 1,000 pairs ol BLANKETS, ordinary to best: 2,000 SHAWI.S, all qualities and prices ; 500 CLOAKS, to In sold regardless of Cost; a fine stock of white and colored TABLE DAMASK, DOYLES, NAP KINS and TOWELS. A large and varied stock oPnll kinds of DOMESTIC GOODS at Agonln' prices. oct2-tf MILLINERY GrOODR 1870. FALL STOCK. 1870. T BEG to announce that I have just'returned from New York with a magnificent assortment of novelties, personally selected, to which I respectfully call the ailenfipn of my friends, and the ladies generally. 1 can assure every one that I have the largest, best and most fashionable stock of MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS to t>e found iu this city. 1 have also a flue assortment of Jet aud Fancy JEWELRY, real and imitation HAIR GOODS, FURS, Ladies’ DRESS CAPS, infants’ Merino HOODS, KID GLOVES, &c., <&c. My stock of Velvet and Silk Sash RIBBONS, Bonnet and Trimming RIBBONS, Ostrich aud Fancy FEATHERS, French and American FLOWERS is certainly the finest iu the city. I have made arrangements by which I will receive all the LATEST STYLES AS THEY APPEAR IN NEW YORK, and 1 respectfully request all persons wishing to purchase BONNETS and HATS of the VERY LATEST STYLEJ to call and examine my stock before buying elsewhere. Thankful for the very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed, I respeef.lully solicit a con tinuance of the same. All orders will receive prompt personal attention. Mrs. LECKIK, 171 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA HOTEL BUILDING, AUGUSTA, GA. oct2-eo:ilm M. O’DOWD, Grocer and Commission Merchant, 283 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA., Has on hand andAo arrive, the largest and most complete stock of GROCERIES, LIQUORS and CIGARS to be found in the city, among which may be found the fol lowing : 50 Hhds Bacon Sides 20 Hhds White Sides 50 Hhds Bacon Shoulders 10 Casks Hams 25 Tierces Lard 300 Barrels Plour, all grades 200 Boxes Candles 100 Boxes Soda 100 Cases White Rock Potash 300 Boxes Pale No. 1 Soap 200 Boxes Starch 100 Dozen Mustard, J*, % and 1 P°» nd 50 Hhds L Brown Sugar 50 Hhds Demerara Sugar 100 Barrels Refined Sugar 100 Barrels Brown Sugar 50 Hhds Molasses 200 Barrels Molasses 50 Barrels Golden Syrup 500 Bags Rio Coffee 25 Bags Java Coffee 100 Chests Finest Tea 200 Cases Pickles, all sizes 200 Bags Shot tOO Gross Matches 50 Nests Tabs 200 Dozen Backets 50 Dozen Brass Bound Buckets \ 300 Barrels Rye Whisky All goods will be sold very low. Give me a call. octß-tf 100 Barrels Corn Whisky 60 Barrels Port, Sherry and Madeira • Wine 20 Barrels Imported Brandy 20 Barrels Rose Gin 20 Barrels New England Rum 25 Barrels Domestic Brandy 3 Pipes Holland Gin 200 M Cigars, yar.ous brands 125 Boxes Tobacco, various brands 50 Cases ".Tobacco, Smoking 50 JArs Maccaboy Snuff 500 Pounds Maccaltoy Snuff, in full 150 Barrels apd half do Mackerel 150 Quarter barrels and KitsTMackerel 10 Bales Osnaburgs 20 Bales Shirtings 10 Bales Yarns 3 Cases Plaids 3 Cases Georgia Stripes 200 Reams Wrapping Paper 300 Cases Canned Vegetables and Fruits 100 Boxes Assorted Candy 25 Boxes Maccaroni 100 Cases Sardines 10 Bags Ginger 10 Bags Spice 20 Bags Pepper. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, WINDOW SHADES, BUGS, MATS, OBUMB CLOTHS, HASSOCKS, LAOE OUBTAINS, 00RNI0ES. Bands and Fins, Damasks, Reps, Terry*. Center Tassels and Loops, Moreen, Hair Cloth and Trimmings. Piotnre Tassels, Cords and Nails, Piano and Table Covers, Wall Papers, Borders, Paper Shades, Screens, &o. The above New Goode, of our own importation, are now being opened, and will be sold as low as iu any bouse North or South. Our Customers aud the Public are invited to call and examine, them. Carpets made and laid promptly. Oil Cloths cut and laid; Window Shades hung ; Cur tains made and put up, aud all work in the Upholstering Line done promptly by competent workmen, by F JAMES G. BAILIE & BROTHER, 205 BROAD STREET. Also, a Large and Select Stock of Choice Family Groceries, Sup plies, AVood and Willow "Ware, on Our Lower Floor. Bepßo-snwtlaw*e-4m Haying Decided to Re tire from Business, I intend Belling Oft my Entire Stock, con sisting of Everything to bo found in a First Class Clothing and Furnishing Store. THE GOODS MUST BE SOLD ! REGARDLESS OP COST i AND IT WILL BE A CHANCE SELDOM MET WITH FOR PARTIES TO MAKE PURCHASES. - o I WOULD RESPECTFULLY INVITE COUNTRY MERCHANTS TO CALL, AS there will be a good opportunity to make purchases at prices that must please. All Goods in the TAILORING DEPARTMENT will be made up AT LEB3 THAN COST, as the stock must be closed out. All parties indebted must settle their accounts within thirty days from this date or they will be handed to an attorney for collection. HSf?-Country Papers iu which I have heretofore advertised will please copy for thirty days. » JOHN KENNY, 23e Broad Street. ~~~~ ~ ' ~~ " 1 -3 Carolina Life InsurancG Company OF MEM Pills, TEN N. ASSETS #*36,010 08. 0 JRFFUItSON DIVIS, President. M. J. WICKS, Ist. Vice-President 1,1 T. PETfIT, ‘<Jd Vice-President. W. F. BO¥LE, Secretary. | J. 11 EDMONDSON, General Agent ISSUES POLICIES on ail the improved Plans of Lite insurance. ALL POLICIES NON-FORFEIT ABLE for their Equitable Value. N<> RESTRICTIONS ON TRAVEL OR RESIDENCE within the settled Hunts ol th United States, British North America or Europe. 1 respectfully present the claims of this Company to the citizens of my State as’a reliable .medium through winch the*4uyecur* a certain vrotetflon for theik tunilies iu the event of gfgir .death. 'W-g, ACTIVE ' T LAFAYETTE Mr LAWS, State Agent, my 4 fiinit ’ NO. R OLD POST OFFICE. BUILDING, AUGUSTA, (L\ ROBERTS, MORRIS & SHIVERS, Successors to .las. T. Gardiner & ««., ii jwl m me mm. mm mu .***, me AND Commission Merchants, Mclntosh. Street, Augusta, <ia. Will give their PERSONAL ATTENTION to the STORAGE and SALE of COTTON Orders for BAGGING and TIES promptly filled. CASH ADVANCES MADE on Produce in Store. WM. S. ROBERTS. RICHARD R. MORRIS. JAS. A SHIVERS. 1870. GENEKAL FI m 11 WE MY. Sl l) Hroad Street. Country RISKS taken. |OO,OOO carried on first class Risks. Losses promptly adjusted aud puid. Those in the London and Lan cashire without reference to the Home Office. OOUPANIKrj RKI’KESKNTKD. -fl£tna Life—Assets. $18,000,000 Queen Fire—Assets 10,000,000 London and Lancashire—Assets 5,000,000 Nortli American—Assets 478,523 Norwich—Assets 300,474 Gross capital represented $28,844,007 CHAR. W. HARRIS, jan3l-ly Agent. m:\IY MUTUAL Life Insurance Cos.. HARTFORD, COAH. INSURES sound lives upou the allcash contribution plan upon very liberal terms. Cash dividends paid at the end of first year. Cotton taken in payment for premiums on all new risks at three cents per pound over market price. WM. C. BARBER, General Agent, seplfi-deodlmat Augusta, Ga. Manhattan Life Insurance Cos., JNR’.VV YORK. DIVIDENDS ON CONTRIBUTION PLAN. *•••»« Dec. 31, 1800 so,uu4,r>‘Jo 40. K. G booings, Medical Examiner. «W-t< A. <4. HALL. Agent. LAFAYETTE COURSE. Baca, Oct. 11,1870. OPEN TO ALL HORSES! H’oß a PURSE OF one HONORED DOLLARS. Entrance Fee, 05. Mile Heats - best two in three. Entries to be made on or before October Ist, with the proprietor. D. B. THOMPSON, sep22-td Proprietor. COTTON WAREHOUSE. WHELESS & CO., FACTORS AND Commission Merchants, AUGUSTA, GA. -Having REMOVED to 144 Reynolds street—one block below our former location - we win continue to STORE and SELL COT ION and other Produce. Business entrusted to us will receive prompt and faithful atten tin" jyl3-lf3m J H. UR A ASTON -NTo. 188 Hroad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. (OLD STAND J. C. SCHREINER & SON, ONE DOOR BELOW JOHN BONKS A CO. Wholesale and Retail Healer in Fashionable HATr', FURS, CAPS. STRAW GOODS. thunks, umbrellas, C- > Ac., Ac. J-L NEW YORK 1 secured a first-class Buyer, who will ship coustantly the Newest Styles as they appear In the “ Beau Monde.” 1 iuvllc the attention of my frieuds and the public generally to my Stock of nil grades and qualities, comprising an utiusnal assortment. I can assure the Trade the above ofleriug will be one of the finest made this season. Can have made to order any description of HAT or CAP. *ep27-6 Messrs. PELOT & COLE. 19& Broad Street, A. RE PREPARED to execate PHOTO GRAPHS and FERROTYPES in all styles and sizes, in the highest perfection of the Art, upon the most reasonable terms. The valuable services of Dr. KINGSMORE have been se cured for Porcelain, Pastel, India Ink and Oil P«nl>OK- sep29-lhMu