Tri-weekly constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 18??-1877, October 28, 1870, Image 2

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CONSTITUTIONALIST AUGUSTA. GhA. FRIDAY MORNING. 00T. 28,1870 Nola Bene. Our editorial rooms are open to visitors, and especially to Editorial Brethren, com ing hither during Pair Week. We shall be glad to tender them such hospitality and welcome as may be in our power. AN APOSTLE OF RECONSTRUCTION. The telegraph mikes the following an nouncement : 1 Richmond, October 27.—Ex-Mayor Cha hoon has been convicted of forgery, and sentenced to four years In the penitentiary. Chaboon's counsel will ask for anew trial. This George Chahoon, ex-Mayor of Richmond, so-called, must not be mistaken for a Virginia gentleman legally elected and duly installed as a reputable public functionary of the Old Dominion. Not at all. Gkohoe Chahoon is, we believe, one of the “saviors of the National life” and a filthy deposit of human mud left on the banks of the noble James river by the refluent tide of Northern in- vasion. An apostle of “loyalty,’ he was constituted, by a military satrap, in a “ truly Republican form,” Mayor of Rich mond. With the greatest difficulty, the people of Richmond contrived to defeat him for their municipal chief when a popu lar election, under bayonet auspices, was finally permitted. Gko. Chahoon did not yield Ills usurped office to the popular ver dict without resort to violence, and, during the interregnum which marked the conflict of authority, several lives were lost. Later still, when the Court was about to render in public a decision against his claim to the Mayoralty, that awful catastrophe oc curred at the. Richmond State Capitol which whelmed in death and sorrow many valuable lives. And now, this pink of Unioo shr\eWn»w-chiy!Ury, this ex-bayonet Mayor, this stirrer up or broUa, this dis seminator of woe, tliis George CnAttootr; comes to the surface again as a forg et'! At the time of his candidacy for the Mayoralty of Richmond, the Radical papers everywhere, almost with out exception, were loud-mouthed in their eulogies, and backed him, in the most fervent fashion, as a representative man, in some sort, of Union-loving patriot ism. And now the penitentiary yawns for him, and it is not the fault of the military commandant and the Republican party that Richmond is uot this day domineered over by a chief magistrate whose loyalty is none the less august because he is proved to be very much of a thief. Stephen A. Corker. —This gentleman, Democratic nomiuee for Congress, for the short term, in this District, complains that we did an injustice when to him as “an original Union Than.” We spoke according to such information as reached us. We-now learn, from Mr. C. himself, that he'was nat:«o_. “original Union man.” He likewise states that he was a soldier for several years in the Con federate army, and his disabilities were removed without his knowledge or con seotr*****.* wv . -A Something Wrong. —ln our report of Mr. Littlefield's lecture—“ Recollections of Abraham Lincon"—yesterday, the types made us say that “ stories and anecdotes were Mr. Lincoln's life passions,” when we really wrote “ life preservers." [ Wtishinrjton tjhrontcte. What a pity he did not have time to tell Wilkes Booth a nice smutiy story. Meeting of the Executive Committee. —At the meeting of the State Democratic Executive Committee, which assembled in Atlanta on Saturday last, in pursuance to the call of the Chairman, ten members were present besides the Chairman. The following recommendations for the action of the party in the ensuing canvass and elections were adopted, when the meeting adjourned, subject to the call of the Chair man : Resolved, unanimously, That it is the judgment of this committee it would be unwise and inexpedient for the people of Georgia to attempt, to hold an election on Tuesday aftijr the jlrst Monday in Novem ber, and that it would be Wise and politic for all the people of the Otate, who are en titled.under existing laws, to vote at the election commencing on the 20th. Resolved, That we recommend the Demo crats and Conservatives of the State to or ganize in each county, and in due time to brine forward their candidate* w«* V’*’"' 1 for at neTo on the ~oth, tsS'T days of December next. Resolved, That personal aspirations and individual preferences should bo cheerfully surrendered for the public good, and where nominations are made, all who desire the defeat of the party in power should give the nominee their cordial support. Gen. Lee’s Resignation. —The follow ing letter possesses interest at this time; Arlington, Va., April 20,1861. General: Since my interview with you on the 18th Inst.-, I have felt that I ought no louger to retain my commission in the army. I, therefore, tender my resignation, which I trust yon will commend for accept ance. It would have been presented at once but for a struggle it has caused me to separate myself from a service to which I have devoted the best years of my life and all the ability I possessed. Duriug the whole of that time—more than a quarter of a century—l have experienced nothing but kindness from my superiors and the most cordial friendship from my comrades. To no one, Qeueral, have I been as much indebted as to yourself for uniform kind ness and consideration, and it has always been my ardent desire to merit your appro bation. I shall carry to the grave the most grateful recollections, of your very kind consideration, and your name and fame will always be dear to me. Save in defeuse of ray native State, I never desire again to draw ray sword. Be pleased to accept ray most ardent wishes for the continuance of your happiness and prosperity, and believe me most truly yours, 11. E. Lee. Lieut. Gen. Winfield Scott, Commanding United States Army. An Offender Tries an Offender.—A singular spectaclecame under our observa tion in Richmond, a few evenings since, during Mr. George Chahoon’s trial before Judge Guigon, for forgery. It will be re collected that Mr. C. is a United States Commissioner. After the close of the case Friday, for the day, Mr. Chahoon was taken in charge by a United States Mar shal, and as we saw the two wending their way down town we were told that Cha hoon was en route to sit in judgment on an offender’s case that was to come up—prob ably that of Wilcox, charged with having too strong an affectlou for Uncle Sam’s let ter pouches, the United States mails*. Cha hoon, charged with forgery in one court, sitting as judge in another court, it may be on a mail robber! And after getting through, handed over by the Marshal to be put in the lock-up 1 Strange, it true, but not stranger than other happenings of the present disjointed times. [Fredericksburg Herald. The Griffin and North Alabama Railroad has been completed Jo Newnan, aud the first train passed over it from Griffin to Newnan last Friday. I t . BY TELEGRAPH. ■ ■ EVENING DISPATCHES. Tours, October.^. —It is asserted tiiat Thiers, from ilXfiesr of Saving tSe Paris ians learn the true feeling throughout Prance. Prom all parts of the count >y come hopes Uutk thc t Goverumeul wyi accept no humi.l iating terms. The journals of this city arc unanimous that the only hope for fair terms lies in the Indefinite prosecution of ihaimr -- - * The Prussian movement eastward was stopped and the march upon Lyons checked by Garibaldi’s victories. Garibaldi has been active and has taken many prisoners and cannon. He has accomplished the object for which he went forth. A young officer lias just arrived from Metz with dispatches for the Government. He eluded the Prussians by au effective disguise. He confirms acconnts lately published of succ< .1 sorties of Baz&ine. He says the city and garrison are well pro visioned, and able to hold, out indefinitely. Information has been received from Or leans that all shops are closed ami the streets deserter!. The women almost uni versally appear iu mourning. Prussian officers ineffectually attempt to dispel the gloom. At Marseilles affairs are more orderly. Journals formerly suppressed arc allowed to reappear, by order of Gambetta. The civic guard is less unruly. Parties who furnish the enemy willingly, or for the hope of profit, will be court martialed as traitors. The Mayors must defend every town ; those failing to do so will be dismissed, and the towns be official ly denounced. The inhabitants of the Departments of Jura and Vosges petition against a peace involving a cession of territory. The Moniteur announces that, letters for Paris may be sent to the Prefecture of Tours, as it is determined to break the blockade. The Prussian movements in the Vosges and Normandy have been checked by rain, wind and cold. It is noticed that the Prussian’s Inhu manity have increased with their difficul ties: They destroy fanning utensils, looms and factories, and tear down dwellings, kill horses and cattle, and destroy food they cannot eat. rue r ranc-nrenrs, rasing advantage oi the bad weather, arc inflicting heavy dam age. ’ • 1 Keratry has ordered the Mobiles in Britainy to concentrate at Mars. Keratry will organize them himself for offensive vysr. Many rcgnlar troops will be incor- TwaJted with this army. Keratfy’s-preelamatjon promises the Mo biles the best weapons,'vmhr-p«opartionate cannon and mi tract i uses. Wagons are going through the streets, collecting provisions for Chateau Dun sufferers: London, October 27.—The stern of the Cambria drifted ashore at Tslay, Scotland. McGatlau, as far as is known, is the only survivor. It is reported that Pi assia, England and Italy concur in Aosta’s candidature to the Spanish throne. It is reported on the best authority that French cruisers have burned two German ships recently. Overwcg & Cos., of Shanghai, tailed. They were interested in the American trade. The bark Adept, from Quebec, reports a heavy gale. Pksth, October 27.—The Budget just presented shows a surplus of 9,500 for 1869. The deficit for 1870 is proportionately re corded ; that for 1871 is estimated at 113,-, 000. Bkrl'N, October 27.—Kiusr William tel egraphs the following to the Queen to-day: “This morn'ng, Razaine and Metz capitu lated. One hundred -and fifty thousand prlsomewiyincluding twenty thousand siclr and wounded. The army garrison laid down their arms this afternoon. It is one of the most important events of the war. Providence be thanked." Washington. October 27.—The Secre tary 6f War orders troops from Georgia and North Carolina to Month CaioUrfa dis tricts reported turbulent by Governor Scott. Customs for the week eudiug 22J, over $3,000,000. Charleston, October 27—Great prepa rations are in progress for the Fair of the itoutli Carolina Institute, which opens next Tuesday. Immense buildings hai'c been oreetpd.. It is expected to be the largest attendance ever witnessed. The official couut of the votes in the State election began Tuesday, and proceeds slowly. The results so far confirm unoffi cial estimates. Lynchburg, October 27.— W. C. Pendle ton’s mare, Nora, won the race to-day at the Fair. Rev. Father McQuirk’s horse, Sam, won the second race. He was ridden by the owner. NIGHT DISPATCHES. * Tours, October 27.—The journals an nounce that a long interview occurred yes terday between Lord Lyons and Thiers. It is reported that Mazzini, the noted Italian Republicau leader, has left Italy and is now on his way to Tours. , The English at. Paris are under the pro tection of Washburne as the British Charge d’Aflaires has not recognized the- Re publican Government, and has no authority to act. , i London, October 27.—The Manchester Guardian, to day, the following terms „r which were proposed by England, Russia and Austria: Ist. No cession of territory. 2d. The fortifications Os Metz and Strasbourg to be razed, .‘id. Frafice to pay two hundred million francs Indemnity. Neutrals to guarantee peace. Madrid, October 27*—Members of a ma jority in the Cortes passed a Resolution for assembling that body on the 20th. Bt. Petersburg, October 27.—The fol lowing is a summary of the negotiations on the part of the neutral Powers of Europe for an armistice, and comes from an au thentic source. After reciting the deter mination of the neutrals to seize the first opportunity for mediation, the document, proceeds: “Russia, in Jules Favre’s visit to Prussian headquarters, believed that the long-looked for opportunity had ar rived. At this moment a reception of the Prussian note on the subject of probable early starvation in Paris caused a change in the idea of neutrals. When, however they pressed the subject of mediation again* Russia ty-ld back, on the ground that me diation unsupported by force would be worthless. Conditions of peace must be left exclusively to the belligerents. The course was still possible to convoke a na tional assembly, which alone was compe tent to decide the question of peace or war.” Blois, October 27.—A strong column of the enemy’s cavalry and infantry attacked a I rench reconnolterlng- party on the left bank of the Loire yesterday, but were handsomely repulsed after a short eii"i"e ment. - a ' ° Rouen, October 27.— The enemy oft-leav ing Gisons attacked Long champs with nine hundred men and four mortars, and were beaten off by Franc tireurs and other troops. Vendome, October 27.—1 t is said there are still two thousand Prussians iu Chateau Dun, eight hundred of which are cavalry. Troyes,! October 27. —Nogenfc was evac uated by the Prussians last night. Before leaving they fired the town in several places. ’ Garibaldi is still at Dole. He has col lected strong forces. Seyeral sharp engage- TnCnts have oCchrred with considerable loss on both sides. Underwear and Hosiery. IjADIRS, MiHM, Men’s end Boys’ MR KINO UNDERVESTS, all sizes and qualities* FLANNEL UNDERSHIRTS, Gents’ DRESS SHIRTS, a1! grades-Ladies and Misses’ best English HOSIERY, Men’s and Boys* Best English HALF HOSE, at low prices. D. R. WRIGHT A CO. oct23 6if 77,:* . , ' LOST, Oh Sunday last, between Mr. Jno. Pbluizy’s, Greene street, and Woodlawn, a Dark Brown FUR TfPPET. The finder will be rewarded by leaving the same at THIS OFFICE. oct27-2* Georgia state Lottery. FOR THE BENEFIT OK THE Orphan’* Home and ITree Hcbool. The toilowing were the drawn number* in the Sup plementary Scheme, drawn at Augusta, Georgia, October 27. MORNING DRAWING— t:i.ABe46I3. JJT S3 «« 71-114 31 37 St 1* 3 43 57 10 EVENING DRAWING— CIass 614. 40 10 30 51 b« 07 77 4 40 37 41 70 12 Drawn Numbers. oct2B-l . SPECIAL NOTICES. ATTENTION, VIGILANT.-Yon are here by summoned to appear at yonr Engine House, in Fu'l Uniform, for Parade, THIS (Friday) MORN ING, at 7* o’clock. By order Foreman Nm.son.. oct2B-l O. M. NELSON, Sec'y. WST ATTENTION, FILLMORE,.No, * -Beet at yonr Engine House, promptly, at 7X o’clock, on FRIDAY MORNING, 28th InaL, in Fulll Uniform, to attend Parade at Fair Grounds. All who cannot come must send their uniforms. By erdy of the Captain. 0c127 2 K. O, ROGERS, Bec’y. A CHAPTER OF FACTS. IS VALUABLE IN A NEWSPAPER, and it is therefore proposed in this advertisement to condense a variety of facts, important to the public, into a small compass. Those facts refer to Hostet tei’s Btom.ich BifteVs—what that celebrated medicine is, and what it will do. In the first place, then, the article is a stimulant, tonic and alterative, consisting of a*£ombination of an absolutely pure spirituous agent, with the most valuable medicinal vegetable substances that Botanic research has placed at the disposal of the chemist Mid of the physician. These ingredients arc compounded with great care, and in such propoitinns as to produce a prei aration which invigoratesi without exciting the general sj stem, and tones, regulates and contro's the stomach, the bowels, the liver and the minor secretive organs. What this great restorative will do mußt lie gather ed from what it has done. The cass of dyspejaia, or any other form of indigestion, in which it has been persistently administered without effecting a ra licid ciire, isyict to he heard from, and the same may be said of bilious disorders, intermittent fever, nervous affections, general debility, constipation, sick head ache, mental despondency, and the peculiar com plaints and disabilities to which the'feeble are so subjects. It purities all the fluids of the body, in ' eluding the Mood, and the" gentle stimulus which it imparls to the nervous system is not succeeded by the slightest reaction. This is a chapter of facts which readers, for their own sokes, should mark and remember. octlß-lnovl » FRESH GARDEN SEEDS. •eT WARRANTED GENUINE TO NAME, from the M.OBT RELIABLE SEED GROWERS in Europe and America, for sale by PLUMB * LEITNKR, Mpl3-eod*r2m Augusts, Ga. PLUMB & LEITNER, WHOLESALE DRUGOISTS, 212 BROAD STREET, flepl6-eodAc2in AUGUSTA, GA. The Standard Fite Insurance to., OF NEW YORK CITY, ET ASSETS Jbly Ist, 1870, 3400,752 70, issues Policies entitling the holders to THREE-FOURTHS OF THE PROFITS. WM. SHEAR, Agent, Augusta, Or octlS lmit August* and Suuiniet vilfe R. R.Co,) Office of Ss- ’y and Trea»’i-. > August*, Ga , Octotev 24, 1870. ) SCHEDULE ON SUMMERVILLE LINE FOR FAIR WEES. Leave Depot Leave Arsenal 7.15, a. m. S 0.0, a. m. 9 30, a. m. IftOO, a. tn. ir ao, a. m. 12:00, to. 1:30, pm. 2:CO, p. m. 3:30, p. ra. 4:00, p m. 6 30, p.m. e-. 00, p . Bi. .. All Cars on ibis lice will run. through f,or.i Arse nal to Fair Grounds, and will be distinguished from the ones on the City Line by a red flag. BOCIIiDULK ON CITY LINE : The flj-at Car Laves Depot at 7, a. m., and the others follow at intervals of ten minutes thereafter, until 7 40, p. m-ffirhen last Car leaves Depot. NOTICE. Superintendent's Office, Ga. R R., ) Augusta, Ga., October 22.1870. s FOR THE ACCOMMODATION OF VISITORS to the Augusta Fair, a SPECIAL TRAIN will be run between Augusta and Oamak, from TUESDAY, 25th, until SATURDAY, tho 29th iust., inclusive, leaving Augusta at 4:15, P. M , and arriving at Au gusta at 8:45, A. M. B. K. JOHNSON, oct23-130 Superintendent. NOTICE. Sunertnteiiileut’a Office, ) GeoigU Rnllrnad Company' J Aoomti, G»., October 22, 1870. S FOR THE ACCOMMODATION OF VISITOR!! to the Augusta Fair, the Niglit Train will run on the Washington Branch tromTUESDAY NIGHT, 25th, until PAIURtrAV MiOHT. hist, inclusive. B. K, ,TOHNBON r ßuj.'b oe! 3^B PUKK CONFECTIONERY. The CANDY MAN has commenced making his Celebrated xMir CANDIES AND EVKRTON TAFFIES For the Snson, at the Old Post Office, corner of Broad aud Mcrutosh street, and also at his Store, 9" Broad strget, opposite the Lower Market, where will be found, iu addition, CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. oct27-6* Shjly-Five First Prize Medals Awarded. MANUFACTORY. Win. Knabe & 00., manufacturers of grand, square and upright piano fortes, BALTIMORE, MDi INSTRUMENTS have been before the l nblic for uearly thirty years, and upon their excellence alone attained an unpurchased pre-emmetice, which pronounces them uueaual ed. Their H TONE combines great power, sweetness and fine singing quality, as welt as great purity of in tonation and sweetness throughout the entire scale. Their TOUGH Is pliant and elastic, and entirely free from the stiffqcss found in so many Pianos. IN WORKMANSHIP They are uneqnailed, using none but the very best seasoned material, the large capital em ployed in onr business enabliug ns to keep continually an immense stock of lumber, Ac. on band. All our Square Pianos have our New Im proved Overstrung Scale and the Agraffe Treble. We would call special attention to our late Improvements iu GRAND PIANOS and SQUARE GRANDS, Patented August 14, 1866, which bring the Piano nearer perfection than has yet been attained. Every Piano fully warranted for 5 Years. We have made arrangements for the Sole Wholbsab Agency for the most celebrated PARLOR ORGANS AND MELODEANS, which we offer Wholesale and Retail, at Low est Factory Prices. i WIH. KNABE & CO., Baltimore, Rtdi P. BRENNER, Agent, 822 Broad at., Augusta, Ga. sepl2-deod*e6m e\y .Advertisement s •*-* ~ - C.IKARDEY’S OPERA HOUSE. R. D. OGDEN..... LESSEE AND DIRECTOR Friday Evening, October 28,1870, BENEFIT OF THE DIRECTOR, R. DORSAY OGDEN. o TBE GREATEST OF ALL DRAMAS, RIP VAN WINKLE! RIP VAN WINKLE! RIP VAN WINKLE! AND THE WONDERFUL Ravel-Martiiietti Troupe. MOST ATTRACTIVE BILL YET OFFBKfiD! Secure Your Seats Eail;! TO MORROW (Saturday), October 29 h, GRAND MATINEE for Ladies and Children, at 2, p. in. Admission—2s and 50 cents. oct2B 1 CONCORD WOOLEN MILIyS. ATLANTA, October 35, 1874. J. B. DAN I ELL, Agent: Dear Sir: The Committee awarded;to the Concord Mannfhctui ing Company the plh>ir ins; Premiums: For the Best Piece ol Cassimerp, plate. .V. -310 For the Best Piece of Satinet, plate 5 For the Bed Piece of Plain Flannel, plait-- 10 They also mention in strong term-voj com mendation your “ Southern ” and “Sjcehan ies” JUnns, specially, and tour Factory 1 gener ally. The Jeans is lim immerated, aiulthere fore Is as yet not acted upon. Kesin-cllnlly, yours, 0C123-3* ' E. BTJEADMAN, iapL WOOD. X- HAVE on hand a large quantity.cVDßY COTTON WOOD, which will be delivered at $4 50 per cord. WM. W. SMYTIIi, ect2B 3 River Wbsrf, FOR SALE, A LOT OF LAND in the village « Bel Ai.r, containing six acres. There is on tli« Lot a Cottage House, Kitchen ami ne'v-*£&r*out buildings, all new ; also, a Well of I’urcYfater iu the yard. For terms, apply to R. BATCHFLOB, oetfS 4* . Bel Air, Ga. Office F«lr Aasocl»tlnn. T August* OcU,her 28,T570 S The JUDGE3 appointed in our several de partments are requested to meet at the Secre tary's Office, on t..e Fair Grounds, TO-DAY (Fiiday), at 9, a. m. EghibitoriNtre requested to l,e in attendance wide the Jitfors are making their awards. Judges appointed by Mr. Efl. Rogers will please teport at same tune aud place. TEJ£3.- H. NELSON, SupewhitcuiTciii Department A. GJJ(T> OATES,; ocliS-l BDcpai lufeut C. Awards ©HPinmiUees * •* wwwb, The Examlnwit%*pf Olss-i 4 bits, Pigcoua, Dogs, A«>—at 9 o'cloeiw-* Class 3—Bheep, Go*)*, Bwioe, <fce.—at 10 o’clock. Class I—Cattle—at is«#clock. fimnediatelv alter the'Toiiriumeni, and pre cedini' the! 'Trial ol ijpeed at 2 o'clock, the Thoronidibred and Horses (section 2), will i>e examined. After the trial of Spued,,the eximination of Horses in Class 2, Srction 4—Matched, Single Horses and Mares. PftIDAV. All Stock in and onto! Htrness will be ex hibited on the Track at 8 o’clock. At 11 o’clock, Examination ol the following : t lass 1, Section s—Jacks nnd Mules ;-also, the Special Premium of G. tV. Conway, for the best Roekaway Horae; also, Special Premium Os same.for the best twelve two-year old South ern Raised Mules; also, Class 2, Section 3<— Morgan, Canadian aud Imported Horses. Alter the Trial of Speed at 2 o’clock, the Ex amination ot Class 2, Section I—Horset, of all work ; the best pair of Matched Burses or Mares; also, the neat pair of Mnlt*;, and for the second best pair of Mules, opeu to the THUS. P STOVALL, 0C127-2 Superiupude-ut. COTTON WAREHOUSE. WHELESS & CO., FACTORS AND Commission Merchants, AUGUSTA, GA. Having removed to iu Reynolds street—one block below our former loculion—■ we will continue to STORE and SELL COT TON and other Produce. Business eulrusled to us will receive prompt aud faithful atten tion. jylsif:!ui Cotton held in augu.sxa <?* sold in LIVERPOOL BY CABLE, either for IMMEDIATE or FUTURE shipment. COT I’ON BOUGIE and carriA on MARGINS, by ' BRANCH, EONS &CO , " Cotton Merchants, oct4 ts 155 Reynolds st. COTTON PLANTERS, Examine and Buv the Original RAW BONE PHOSPHITE* (Baugh’s) It beieg the first made, an others are imitations. BAUGH’S RAW BONE Superphosphate of Lime. trade mark mt COTTON. This Manure is made of Raw or Unbiirned Bones, r ' ' n Nitrogenous matter, dissolved in Oil of Vitriol, presenting the Bone Hjos phate iu a highly soluble aud quickly available form, and the Ammonia in such proportiain as to insure a prompt and vigorous action Kpou the crops. Where Baugh’s Phosphate was applied the past season on Cotton, the indications, With out exception, are that it will maintain its Well Cotto re P ntat * o1 ** It will prevent Rual on BAUGH A SONS, Manufacturers,! Philadelphia. For sale by Dealers throughout the retire South, of whom we recommend consumers to bu V- oct26c3m MASONIC HALL. OetoberKtli and 26th, 1676. The Ladies of the First Baptist Church offer to the public a series of beautiful TABLEAUX VIVANTS, which have been arranged with great care and expense. The costumes having been selected in Clncintati for the occasion. Tables have also been prepared in an adjoin ing room tor furnishing LUNCHES, DINNERS, SUPPERS, and Refreshments generally during the days and eveniugs of the 25th, 26th, 27th and 28th. Tickets to the Tableaux can be procured at the Book Stores of Geo. A. Oates and Thomas Richards & Son, aud at the Drug Stores of Tatt & Laud and Plumb & Leitner, aud at the door.' Admission—ONE DOLLAR. Doors open at 7. Curtain rises at 8 o’clock precisely. oct2s 4 GIRAIIbEY’S OPERA HODSE. W. M. HOLLAND Leesee and Manager. JOSEPH McARDLE.... Business Manager. THE GREAT TRAGEDIAN, EDWIN FORREST, SUPPORTED BY MISS LILLIE, MR W. HARRIS and W. M. HOLLAND’S DRAMATIC COMPANY. Five Nights—Csuuientiug Monday, Or I. SI. Monday, October SI, VIHGINIUS; Tues day, November 1, RICHELIEU; Wednesday, November 2, OTH ELL* *; Thursday, Novell! tier X, KING LEAK; Friday, November 4, DAMON AND PYTHIAS. Two Grand Performances, SATURDAY’ AF TERNOON and EVENING, November 5, on which occasion llie EI.FIN STAR, M : s» EF KIE JOHNS, will appear. Admission- Phi quelle and Dress Circle, $1 ; Seoul cd Seats, $1 50; Family Circle, 50 cents; Colored Gallery, 50 cents; Private Boxes, |5. and $lO. , Special Trains will be ruu to accommodate peisors at a distance, and seats can now be secured by mail or telegraph, at Oates’Music and Book Store. 0C125 12 F. C. WELLS, Agent. ROLLER SKATING. .Kink on Reynolds street, nearly opposite 81. Paul’s Churcb. Three assemblies each day during ihe Fair, commencing TUESDAY, Oc tober 25ib, 1870. MORNING, from 9% to 12 o’clock. ■ AFTERNOON, Irom 2% lo 5 o’clock. NIGHT, from to 10 o’clock. Admission, 50c.; Clii dreu, 25c.; use of Skates, 25c. Mr. ST. CLAIR will be present at each As sembly, and exhibit bis wonderful execution upon Skates. oct2o-8 Jas. A. Bennett. J. W. Thurmond. Bennett & Thurmond, . Wholesale and Retail OROCEES, 131 BttOAD STREET, WOULD respectfully inform their friends and the public generally that they have now in store, and Wilt keep coostaatlyon baud, a full and complete stock .of GtftICERIEiJ, PLAN TATION and FAMILY SUPPLIES, embrac ing BACON.TMJGAR, COFFEE, LARD, BUT TER, BAGGING, COTTON TIES, TWINE, ahd all other 1 Articles pertaining to a First i.f«ss Grocery Trade, Price* as low as the 6ame quality of goods can be purchased in the city. ParJtpulai attention is directed to a splendid lot Mi savory aud delicious PiG HAMS, just opened. oct26 3m Oysters, Fish and Came* X AM now prepared to’furnish my triends and customers at short notice with Fresh Nor folk and Savanna i OYSTERS, FISH, GAME and VEGETABLES. All orders left at my store, on Jackson street, in rearot Globe Hotel, will meet with prompt attention. ts EMILE LIKB3OHER. Merchants ami Planters NATIONAL BANK, 223 Broad Street. Augusta, Ga., September 20,1870. To Merchants and Planters : This Bank will be pleased to receive business on the following terms: 4 Per Cent. Inter terest allowed on daily balance of ac- HKHKWV I count. Statements Accounts, tendered monthly. * Per Cent, will be allowed on Deposits remaining a given .time. GOLD received on Deposit and paid on SIGHT CHECKS at the counter. GOLD A A ppAnuffi l C/6iit. Inter iLCCOUlltS, es t in Currency al lowed on daily bal ances when same are paid by Gold Checks on New York. • f Collections made ft ii .. | throughout the Uni l OHeCtlOnS, Cana ' I das on the most fa l vorablc terms. f Orders for the Pur- I chase and Sale of Gold, United States] Hold and Securities Stocks, and other] of all kinds will re- Stcurities - - - | ceiveour prompt and L careful attention. CHAS. J. JENKINS, President. T. P. BRANCH, Vice-President. JOS. S. BEAN, Cashier. The Directors of the Merchants and Planters National Bank recommend all COUNTRY MERCHANTS contiguous to Augusta to keep their accounts at this Bank, and to have all their Notes and Ac counts made payable here. It will save them great trouble, and they will be get ting interest on their balances. Planters, Executors, Administrators, and others, should not fail to avail themselves of this opportunity to get .interest on their money. Nor is it safe for them, in the present state of the country, to keep their money at home, as it may be lost, stolen or burnt up. A DOLLAR &AVED IS A DOLLAR MADE l WHEAT. DIRECTORS: Hon. Charles J. Jenkins, ex-Governor of Georgia. Hon. John P. King, President Georgia Railroad and Banking Comoany. Hon. H. F. Russell, of Russell A Potter. John D. Butt, Esq., of J. D. Butt A Bro. Harper C. Bryson, Esq., Cotton Factor. Wm. H. Goodrich, Esq., Builder and Con tractor. W. Hrnry Warren, Esq., of Warren, Wallace A Cos. Tilman Watson, of Edgefield, 8. C. T. P- Branch, Esq., of Branch, Sons & Cos. oct36-tf THE CELEBRATED STEWART COOK STOVE! mm / *•„<» sgi - New Groceries. K make our ftcbiit before Ihe public by announcing the arrival pf a weli selected stock ot Entirely NEW and FRESH GOODS, con eisting of 25 bbla. A and Kx C SUGARS 5 bbla. CUT LO A F SUGAR 15 Idils. Choice SYRUP bags RIO COFFEE 5 pockela JA V A COFFEE 2 baga PEPPER 2 bags SPICE 10 ctses SARDINES 20 boxes Prime FAMILY SOAP 3 kegs Choice GOSHEN BUTTER 20 boxes CHEESE 2 casks Sugar Cured PIG HAMS 2 cisks Sugar Cured (J inras HA MS 2 casks BREAKFAST STRIPS 5 boxes Long ('LEAK SIDES, bulk 20 tubs Choice LARD 25,000 Fancy Brands ot CIGARS 25 cases Canned FRUITJ,GREEN CORN, PEACHES. &e 5 bids. CIDER VINEGAR 5 bales BAGGING, India and Borneo 2 bbds. Demerara SUGAR f.O bbls. FAMILY FLOUR With YARNS, SPICES, BROOMS, EOT TLED LIQUORS, Arc -20 bids. A1 GLASSES Aud libels. BACON SHOULDERS, SIDES, IRON TIES, and every other article to be found in a choice stock, selected by experi enced hands, to meet the public wants. All are earnestly requested to give us a tall, and lo remember that all goods are Fresh and New and just arrived. Now opening at 299 Broad street, two doors below Plauter u ’ Hotel and next to the FrederiAksbuvg Stoic. F. E. STEVENS & €O. oci2s-tf OPENED SAM’L A. ECHOLS’ AGRICULTURAL WIRE HOUSE AND SEED STORE, No. 5 Jackson Street, Warren Block. AIGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS and MACHINES as follows: Turning and Subsoil PLOWS HARROWS, different styles and sizes OX BROVELS or ROAD SCRAPERS STEEL GARDEN RAKES Spading, Manure and IL>y FORKS Planters and Garden HOES DICKSON COTTON SWEEPS MATTOCKS, GRUB DOES GRASS SOY THES, BUSH SCYTHES WHIFFLE TREES, SINGLE TREES SHOVELS. AXES CORN STI ELLERS FORAGE CUTTERS OX YOKES WHEAT THRASHERS FAN MILLS GRAIN CRADLES HORSE POWERS, LEVERS or SWEEPS, and RAILWAY or TREAD PATENTS CIDER MILLS and PRESSES Canal and Gardeu WHEELBARROWS HORSE RAKES „ " Walter A. Woods' MOWING and REAPING MACHINES FARVI W AGONS GARDEN TROWELS and FORKS STUMP PULLERS, STORE TRUCKS HEDGE and PRUNING SHEARS PRUNING SAWS WASHING MACHINES CLOTHES WRINGERS THERMOMETER CHURNS WINE PRESSES SMUT MAGHINE3 STEAM ENGINES RULELEERand LEATHER BELTING GRIST MILLS, Ac, &c. Mr. Ecuols is exhibiting, at the Cotton States Mechanics’ and Agricultural Fair Asso ciation, of Augusta, Ga., a full assortment of the above mentioned Implements and Ma chines. Visitors at the Fair, and especially Farmers, should take a good look at them. oet2> ts SOUTHERN MANUFACTURES! EAGLE AND PHCENIX manufacturing company, COLUMBUS. Gs A, PRICES REDUCED! Cheapest and best goods in the MARKET. STRIPES. CHECKS. TICKS, GEORGIA WOOLEN TWILLS, TRUCK FOR TROWSERS, GEORGIA CABSIMERES. The Super and Celebrated COTTON BLAN KETS. Ac., Ac. To the Trade, at FACTORY PRICES, by Piece or BaIe—CASH. ALSO, A Full and Choice Stock of STAPLE and DOMESTIC GOODS, at. NEW YORK PRICES, tor PRINTS, DELAINES, Ac. I>. R WRIGHT & CO., Wholksalb Dry Goods, octl-lm 238 Broad street. FOR SALE, valuable tracts of LAND, in the De- Laigle Farm, near to and adjoining the city of Augusts, containing, in the aggregate, tour hundred acres. For particulars apply to A. C. HOLT, Attorney. oct3J-lawl2*eodtf . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. New Dress Goods, New Cloaks, New Shawls, New Opera Flannel, TravdKng Shawls, Flannels, Blankets, Piano Cov ers, Table Covers, Parasols, at Vefy Low Prices. H. L. A. BALK, 172 Broad Street, Augusta, oct2!-tf BRANCH, SONS & CO., COTTON MERCHANTS, i£»S Eisftiolds St.? Augusta? Ora. o CASH ADVA NOES on Cotton to be held in Augusta, or for Shipment to Domestic or Foreign Markets. Bis PLANTERS should tint full to avail themselves of this rare opportunity. oct27-tf WATT & KNIGHT, MANUFACTURERS OF ERICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND THE WATT PLOW, Which is Unequalled in Every Essential, of Strength, Durability, Freedom from Choking, Ease to Man and Team, Thorough Pulverization of the Soil and Covering Up of Weeds, Grass, <fcc. B W~REFER TO OUR CIRCULAR FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS, O Agents for the climax reaper and mower, excelsior reaper AND MOWER, the Best Grata Drill aud the Best Hay Rake aud Gieaugr, which we have selected as (Tie best. We sell, iu addition to the Implements of our own make, all PLOWS and PIOW CASTINGS, aud all kiuds of FARM MACHINERY used in this country, whether made in this city or elsewhere, and at the Lowest Phices of this or other markets. Will also supply all kinds of SEEDS for Field or Garden purposes. At the MACON FAIR, just closed, Six (6) Diplomas, were awarded to these Plows, and at the Eatonton Fair, which came off on the 15th inst., Four Different Monied Pre miums were awarded to them for their superior work over all competitors. At ATLANTA, on Monday, the 24th inst., Mr. Watt offered, publicly, One Hun dred Dollars (if. 100) for any Plow on exhibition that could go through a heavy cover of Hog Weeds, f, feet, high, without choking at all, covering them up thoroughly, and doing the wo: k perfectly, as his Watt Plow (two horse) was Jhen and there doing in the presence of rnany gentlemen, indhe field sohere the Plow Trial was then going on. No man was found to accept his offer. These WATT PLOWS are sold by c m. PHINIZY <fo CO., .Augusta; CORHORT & CURD, Macon; Dr. ETHERIGE, Eatonton; MARK JOHNSTON, Atlanta ;.R B. JOHNSTON, Gridin, and at various other points in Georgia and other States. WATT & KN IGHT, 0ct.27-4 RICHMOND, VA. ROBERTS, MORRIS & SHIVERS, Successors to* Jas. T. Gardiner & fn., AND Commission Merchants, JVLolntosh. Street, _A.ii gust a, Ga., Will give their PERSONAL ATTENTION to the S TORAGE and SALE of COTTON Orders for BAGGING and TIES promptly tilled. CASH ADVANCES MADE on Produce sh Store. WM. S. ROBERTS. RICHARD If. MORRIS. JAS. A. SHIVERS. »^pll-dif*c3m Carolina Life Insurance Company, OF MEMPHIS, TENN. O ASSETS - -- -- -- - - 9836,019 03. -* - JKfTKKSON M¥IS, President. w it I st . V i ce ' l ' reßl,lent - I J - T. PETTIT, 2,1 Vice-President. VV. F. BOYLE, Secretary. | j. U . EDMONDSON, General Agent ISHU ES POLICIES on all the Improved Plans of Life lusnrauee. i ALL POLICIES NON-FORFKITABLE for their Equitable Value. NO RESTRICTIONS ON TRAVEL OR RESIDENCE within the settled limits of th United States, British North America me Europe. I respectfully present the claims of this Company to the citizens of my State as a reliable medium through which they can secure a certain protection for their families in the event of their death. j Active solicitors wanted. • LirniTTE McLAWS, State Agent, my 4 6mif NO. 3 OLD POST OFFICE BUILDING, AUGUSTA, GA, V ' .t - jNToav cn Exhibition at Eair Grounds, and for sale by W. H. GOODRICH & SON, " 265 BROAD STREET. ' *****