The tri-weekly Republican. (Americus, Ga.) 1868-1873, May 10, 1870, Image 1

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Mss KKPUBUCAK j nr ||.Mitk, Gr*k.» * a*uir. 48 00J tool .200! TERMS of SUBSCRIPTION: Tri-Weekly, One Year, ffix Months, .« Three Months, PAYABLE UAVAV8 Ui Apwca-o Professional_Cards. j. L. McDonald, Dontist, AMERICUS, - - • • OtORGIA. irirssfr^.^; ,.vc v„ r.r»xs. sii j.u« a. HAvrusa. HAWKINS & BURKE^ Attornoy* “* Zjn 9 Ansericiw. Oaergif- ——-——'7- fuuca. veuna. CB ARUS T. (M3D- Goode & Lumpkin, A ttorxeys at law, I THE WEEKLY REPUBLICAN. PPjiBdtrj) ETriiT FJltDAT MORNEta. Volume 5—Number 92. AMERICUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1870. Whole Number 692. Professional Cards. Dr. J. H. JOHNSON, Pliysicloxx db Surgeon, J. Berrien Oliver, General Commission Merchant, SAVANNAH, GA. |uly 20 ly. W ILLnnctico in til the «nl.» '•/111" SotitliffMltm Circmt.intl in Ihonranbetof M.cnn, Dooly# Mtrion. Wiley endWjluter. Al,- .-In tho Supreme Court, and in the United CircnitandDifOrift Conrtefor Geor^i*.^ _i in the Granberrv building, -Vnport’s Drugstore, Jan 27 tf. Jno. D. CARTER, A '¥OR?t E V AT ?.AW, Americus, Georgia. oHico in Amorims Ilotci building, corm-r of and Collogo streets. may 18 if. IYIERREL CALLAWAY, Attorney »« X»o W I N*. I*, ash I'.N-Orv. J. I’. *i- Office at Court Hot Georgia. juuo 26 tf j:rtw. r. holms FORT & HOLLIS, ATTeRSSTS AT LAW, Americns, Georgia. ss-O.b v; > » the rove over R. T.Byrd’a store. JOHN R. WORRILL, VI-rOENEY AT LAW. AMERICUS, CA. < over the store of Cranberry A Speer, march 4-tf. _____ JACK BROWN, A ftornoy at Xjaw, AMERICUS, CIA. if t». Office in Court House tvith Judge Slan- N. A. SMITH, Attornoy at Xj a w, W ILL practice in the Courts ofBnmUr and adjoining Counties, and in Circuit Court of United Stater. <#* Office on College street, next to Republi can office. feb 2o tf. S. H. HAWKINS, Attorney-at-Law, DR. HUNTER, So. 183 Third Street, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. AONTINUES tf> treat all private diseases, w Syphilis, gonorrhea, gleet, stricture, or chitis, hernia and rupture, all urinary dis eases, syphilitic • *r mercurial affections of the throat, skin or bines, are treated with paralleled succes s. Spermatorrhea. sexual debility ami. impo- tency, as the result of self abuse in youth, sexual excesses in maturer years, or other causes and which produces some of the fol lowing effects, as nocturnal cmisaions,blotch- cs, debility, dixxinosa, dimness of sight, con cision of ideas, evil forebodings, aversion to remale society, oi memory and sexns' power, and rendering marriage improper,are permanently cured. Dr. Hunter put Labes a medical namplilet relating to veuorcal diseases and the efisas- rmis consequences of self a base, that will be sent to any sddre.** in a scaled envelope for 2 stamps. It contains full symptom lists that ail! enable those affected to detsrmfSe tlic nature of their complaint, and give a written staUim-nt of their case that will answer al most as well as a personal interview, but where it is conwnimt, the Doctor should be consul ted persons, lly. It is nel&tidcnt that a physician who con- ik* Mm fid f rxcln sivoly to the study of a cer tain cIkss or diseases and treats thousands of M that ^ troduco patiefitS to the doctor alter reading tiis pamphlets. A friendly talk will cost you nothing. Charges moderate and cures guar anteed. Office—No. 183 Third street, be tween Green and Walnut, near the poet office Lou isviHe, Ky. Office hours—9 a. m. to 7 p. lulyS-wtwly ajiB D B. CLARK’S LONDON BEME- DIES XXJB SPECIAL COMTLAINTS. DR. CLARK’S INVIGORATOK One Dollar. DR. CLARK’S PUrJFIFJt cleanses the blotxl from all impuritioe, such as scrofula, syphilis. mercurial rheumatism, hum ors of every sort, bad breath, offensive perspira tions, foul feet, citarrb, discharges from the ear, sore eyes, sore throat, falling off of the hair, ulcers, boils, pimples, blotches, and all diseases or the skin. It is also beneficial in diseases of the lungs and digeHive organs. Price One Dol lar. ache, tcothache, stomachache, pains in the family riwnl fxly ii ild b AMKIUCCS, all nervous , without it. Price One Dollar. DR. CLARK’S ELIXIR . I is a certain cure for all weakness of the Cenito- IVill combine to practice in Simitar and adjoin- i Urinary organa, and the discharges ofthomnen ing counties, and in United States Circuit and 1 pun-lent nature. Inochorrea, gonorrhea, aper- District Courts at Savannah. Particular atten- 1 matorrhea, and semina! weakness speedily tion given to collections. Office—corner College I cored by its *— and Lamar streets. ” * r Gran berry & Co's, J. A. ANSLEY, A-ttorney-atLaw Amoricus, G-n., Will practise in tlio Courts of Southwestern Georgia and in the United States Courts at Sa vannah. Special attention givlin to collection of JrbtB, the sale and pvrehase of lands, and the in- \ irrigation of titles. A large assortment of legal blanks always on hand. dec23tf A. R. BROWN, ATTORNEY AT I.A1V, A luericua, G eorgia. fTTlLL give prompt attention to »11 business W entrusted to hia care. nov 26 tf George W. Wooten, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Amorious, - - - Gra, »Wire —Over R. T. Byrd's store. janlStf Price One Dollar. DR. CLARK'S llEGULATOB for iemales only, is guaranteed to correct all special irregularities and difliculties of single la dies. Mamed ladies are cautioned not to use it when in a certain condition, as its effects would be too powerful. Price One Dollar. All of these celebrated remedies are prepared of fluid extracts under Dr. daft's immediate supervision, and warranted fresh and affiictcd persons should send statement of their ailments the proper remedy will be sent eah and pure, a carefully wri »o Dr. Clark, written address. Dr. Clark can bo c selves nnder Ids c re. All letter* address tc DR. J. CLARK, Great Dr. SMITH’S Southern Tonic At the Bottom of theHea ’ THRILLING ADVENTURES OF A DIVER WHO VISITED THE ONEIDA—^VERIFICATION*' OF THE TESTIMONY OF THE SAVED—WHX3S THE BLAUS BESTS. [Correspondence of the Saeramonto Bee. Oa the 24th day of February the “Bo r rowed” steamship Aroostook, with Charles and J. S. Lou gee, practical and experienced divers from San Francisco, went to where the Oneida lies in one hundred and twenty-three feet of water. After the usual preparations had bean concluded, and by sounding, it had been ascertained that the deck of the Oneida was one hundred and hree feetbeneath the surface of the bay: after every cau tion had been given to eight strong sol diers to keep tho air-pump constant in motion, and allow not an instant of time of stoppage to occur, as thereby depended the life of tho bold diver/ after Charley Lon geo had been lielmeted and shut from air, exept that supplied through tho slen der tube of coileu rnbber, with alife-line around his body and leadon clogs to his feet with Good-bye and Godblessyou from all aboard, he was dropped over the side, and slowly disappeared in the blue waves, while a nervous tremor shot throngli ou r frame as wo realized the fearful risk undertaken by that man who was seeking for truth in over one hundred feet c-f water. Away to the leeward, borno by tide and wind, came floating bubbles tr» the surface—life-signals from below. Tho men at tho pump were laboring manfully, but becoming fatigue, attempted to change for fresh hand, and there was n stop. “GreatGodlyouwill nfnrdormy 1 brother! Quick! for Heavens sake, quick!” And as the men recommenced the revo lutions of the air-pump, the elder Lougee, with blanched face and trembling lip, gave a signal on the life-line below. For on instant there came no response, and tho face of that brother seemed to turn to marble; but then wo saw* two quick motions from the submarine station, and know it was the welcome signal of “all right,” and then Lougee turned to the man at the wheel, who came so near sending both below, and simply said: “Myonly brother’slifo depends upon your efforts in keeping that pump in mo tion—stop again at ronr peril.” The calm face and passionato eye told those men not to stop again, and with Lieuten ant Tanner close by, they kept at work until stopped by orders from Longee. Moan time, whilo we wero on the deck, of that “sand pon,”counting tho tedious moments winch lengthened to half an hour, Charley Lougeo was searching the Oneida at the tremendous depths men tioned. At last camo the signal for “surface,” and immediately the life-limi was put in motion; slowly came the coil ing hemp and mbbe on deck, at last, away in the deep bluo waves, came in sight the diver, shrouded and panoplied in weird garments. As he camo to tho surface ho reached Minister DcLong a sword and a lacquered box, and then wan his helmet loosed, and our party crowdpd around to hear of the gallant ship.— Among our party wero many of the sur- vivers of the Oneida; among them were William Crowliin sheild, Captain Clark, Master Yates, and Dr. James Hnddard, who wero intensley excited to learn tho tidings. Said the diver: “The water for tho fiest seventy feet was quite clear, as tho sun gave excellent light, and although my supply of air was once chocked for an instant, I reached the deck of the skip just astern of the mizzen mast, and close by the mess room hatch, the tide was ebbing quite strong, and I was compelled to hold to lines from the rigging to keep from being swept forward. I first ex amined the side of the ship; she was cut from the mizzen rigging (at an angle oi about forty degrees) across the whole stern of the ship, her timbers, far below ’ the waterline, being crushed and broken, the Captain’s cabin being cut in two, the wheel and steering gear all carried away, and, in fact, the whole side and end oi TEBMB 0* OTB8CBBH0S: OnoY«r...... SuKmrtta...... Tbioo Month.,. 1 00 PAYMENTS ALWAYS TO . BE MADE tVPAYUEV N ADVANCE. . ”*^;„r„‘S^ w ’“! WASra8T0H0 ? ttE&E -!New Spring and «niaH»r Goods. Hero is a bona Jlds dcclan tion of tntr j Lexington. Hrginl*. it. I ~ except under certain conditions, against childbearing, that recently appeared in the Revolution. What a dreadful pic ture of depopulation is unfolded by the railings of these .tell tale worn an. As the affair stands now, the rich don’t have children. As it will stand hereafter the poor can’t have them—for how can the impecunious devils who hive barely enough to pay for their eating, meet the extravagant tariff of those inexorable women who write for the Revelation. If they have their way, the doom of the great Republic is fixed; and il te “ prond- bird of freedom” mnst soon flup his wings in the midst of solitudo : The great want of woman a t present is money—money for their personal wants, and money to carry out their plans. I propose that they shall corn it.; that they shall consider it as honorable to work for money as for board, and I demand for them equal pay for equal work. I de mand that tho bearing and rearing of children, tho most exacting of employ ments, and involving tho most terrible risks, shall be the test paid vork in the world, and husbands shall treat their wives with at least as much consideration and acknowledge them enti tied to ns much money as wet nurse*. Tho meaning of this is, thai wives are about to strike for greenhaoku, sp mnch for eveiy baby born. No greenbacks, no moro sons and daughters. No Green backs, no more population; no more boys to carry on the creat enterprises of the age. The scales of prices for maternal duties are as follows : Girl babies § 100 Boy babies, 200 Twin babies 300 Twins, (both boys) 400 Triplets, GOO Triplets (all boys) 1000 Terms—C. 6. D. No credit beyond the first child, the motto being James J. Wmv? M.,^Profo«&or of Gredc^ M. HEYMAN& BRO.. -§sya^“r* , “1 Hotel Building, PublicSquare, Rev.jL L. KnucPAXBics, D. D., Professor Moral j _ ^Wx.^hest6x^Joiocbton, A., M. Prof. History | AMERICUS, GEORGIA Mathematic.- rlpHE subscriber, take pleasure in erring notice to their friends and the nnbli: Wan Allah, A. SL.l’ror. Applied Mathematic*. JL generally thnt they are now receiving their Spring .took of Ooods, wtiiou the. Bjauw) 8. McCulloch, A. M. Prot N.tnnl „„ nrerared to offer to tne trade at nnprecedeutod ihrares. The (took is compl-i'. P jS£ >P L. T bumxLL, A. M„ rrof. ChemMrv. ! and wiSfeompare with any in the city. Was purchased during the great panic, and 1 Prot. Applied Chemistry. * , can bo Jtou.d.w.bsoc^—liald.,ivo*~r j S OLD AT ANTE"WAR PRICES, 31. AV. HcMPmiEYs, A. 31., Ass’t Prof. T.itiu sad Greek. Bodes Mamie, A. L., Asa’t Profe**or Modern Iiinguagrs. Duxcax C. Lyij:, A. 31., Asst. i’nJ. Ms 1 he matics. Chas. A. Gk.wts, A.M.. Aea’t l’.Tof. Knylieh. _ “pay np: or dry up.” Husbands who desire to transmit their names to - posterity will please not ice and take a new tr.epartnre. Mrs. Dr. Walker and Tob acco. The Tribuno tells this story about Mrs. Major Dr. Walker: It is now reported that, upon a railway at the South-west, she boldly s tated her self in the smoking-car. Therein was one Charles Meier of Terrebonne, La., enjoy ing bis cigar. To him with all his digni ty of manner, said the Major: “ Sir, I wish you to throw away that cigar. I wish to learn you better manne rs than to smoke in the presence of a lady.” The Terrebonne gentleman continuing, the Major proceeded to military measures, invaded him (so to speak,) and snatching the cigar from his mouth threw it from the car. Just then a Texan lighted his pipe. Mrs. Major, embolden ed by the success of her first maneuver, moved upon the Texan; bat the Texin, taking warning from the fate of the Terrebonne gentleman’s cigar placed himself in po sition, with his pipe well covered, and cried out that,' as this waq a smoking- car, ho should tlirow himself upon his vested rights, and puff at pleasure. This bold front was not without its effect.— Mrs. Major retreated in good order, and in some confusion left the smoking-ear altogether. Business i- the salt of life. Dependence is a poor trade. Pudding for lawyers—suet. A full purse never lacks friends. Court plasters—awards for dnmege. •For tho present, tlio iinjunction in KnKli*h in divided among tho Professors of Moral Philoso phy, Modern Languages, and History, with tho aid of an Assistant Profcisnr. fThe duties of this Chair are discharged l»y tho Professors ot Chemistry nnd Natural Philo*- opy. 1—Aradeinir four**-. The Student eeleets Ids own course t.f sindy, under tho sdvico of his Parents or of iho Facul ty. Tho nerural Schools aro arranged as to Ad mit of a complete cntirse of atudv in tho follow- '-g directions: t Department of Arts, t o which is aliaclied tho Degreo of Bachelor of Arts. 2 Department of Science, with tho Degree u Bachelor of Science. 3 Department of Philosophy, with tho Degree l Raclielor of Philosophy. The Degree of Master of Arts Is conferred on Students who have completed the course of eight of iho Schools, and have taken tho highest dis tinction in seven ol these. CONSISTING IN PART OF P* " STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, OI every description. Gents’, Tenths’ nndCMldrrnV READY-MADE CLOTHIflC, Made to Order and Warranted the Best. asoom <Ss STOBB- d Bridle?, assorted. 1 Department of Civil Engineering, with the g Engineering, with the Diploma of Mining Engineer. 3 Department of Law and Equity, with the Degree of Bachelor of Law. It is proposed still farther to extend the prac tical and Scieptifio Departments in tho direction Mechanical Engineering. 2 Applied Chem* r' cy. 3 Agriculture. 4 Commerce. 3—Preparatory Department. This course embraces tho subjects of Latin, (the ladies is"p Greek, Mathematics and English, preparatory to ! the regular College clause*. t -t—Students Bwtfaeu College. In tliia School, Penmanship, Book-keeping. Accounts, Ac., aro taught under the authontv ol the Facnlty. Special Prlvllrgfn nwMlmon As special inducements to diligence, three "‘utawl* ' foes, China, Crockery & Glassware, assorted. Genuine Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Guns, Pis tols and Pocket Cutlery- WATCHES MW JEWELRY, And in tact, everything you may want. The stock of DRESS GOODS Gold Medals and five Honoi latter covering tuition and Col nually awarded. rxe Annually appointed . with valuable privileges and emoluments. The College educates, free of charge, all can didates tor tne Ministry, properly recommended. It appoints to freo Scholarships twenty-five young men intending to mako Journalism their profeeaion. It gives a long credit to meritorious young mon without means. Tho nexteeseion opens on the 16th September, and closes on tho 26th Juno. Xeeessanr expenses need not exoeod $325 per annum. !<>r further information address J. 3f. LKKCH, fieri, of Faculty, sept 'll tv. - till June. Lexington, Vs. COTTON 8TATES Life Insurance Company. IlOSIE OFFICE, MACOX, Ow. ! Charteredby State of Georgia. | CAPITAL, $500,000! LAWNS AND PRINTS DEFT COMPETITION WE DEFY COMPETITION ! ! Oenaburgs, Stripes, Brown and Bleached Sheetings and Shirtings at low prices. Factory Yarns at original ci**t with freight added. Men’s and Boys’ piece and linen goods of all grad ns »nd price**. Gents’ Summer Cassimeres In great variety, all of which win 1*> Sold for Cash On the ino^fc reasonable tonus, and to which tLe attention oi'- pimhaters is calk 0. H. L. FRENCH & DOSS SHERLMG Ai’o still with the house, ami take this occasion to rotum thanks to ihcir respective friends ici- past tavors, and earnestly eolioit a continuance, assuring nil that the interest of purchaser* vHU do protected, “VAIR HiK.KYP.TMIB.» Being tho motto of this houso. Reracuilier to look for The Sign of the BIG SHOE. Amhucus, March 23,1870. M. HEYMAN & BEG. - *q GEORGE W. KIMBROUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, A ND General Agent for the salo and purchase Q ef land in Honthwest Georgia. Investigat ing titles strictly adhered to. \ViU faithfully at- '• nd to all business entrusted to liis care. ■St&rkville, Lee county, Ga. uovlltf JOSEPH ARMSTRONG, Attomej-at Law, ALBAXY OEORQU. dr" WILUAM A. GREENE,i AMRBirUS, GEORGIA. For Dyspepsia, Diarrhcca, Dysentery,Neuralgia, Erysipelas, Nervons or Hick Headache, Kidney or Urinary Diseases, Female Disorders, Ivphoid and all other forms of Fever. Hold bv dealers and druggist* generally. Manufactured by Dr. JUBILEE SMITH & CO., CHEMISTS AMD COMPOUNDERS, :AM Emeus, GA. Dr. JUBILEE SMITH’S DYSENTERY CORDIAL. A sure remody for tho euro of Dysentery, Dia- rhoca, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, In- flammation of the Bowels, Heartburn, So-ir Stoma li, Chronic Diarhcra And pain In the stomach and bowels. It in also invigorating to females, ami all persons of an emaciated or lax habit. 3lanufactnred by Dr. Jnhileo Smith A The salt tea-looking through tears. Silcat contempt is the sharpe. t reprdof. j °- 4 *' “ A star of tho evening-* policeman. j Ihe ^ rompanJ ^ bu „ inI1 „, lhr ^ ... - , An object of interest—a treasure note ! which has cut in two, the | coupon. II cametl awaj, ! - , . . , , 7 „.J e and end ol kong for a deaf person—‘Come back ship stove in or cut away. Tho ship is '’Erin.-’ heading southwest, and aits upright on j Tlic most difiicult thing to remember— the poor. ho lieat their Dr. J. B. HINKLE TTTOULD again tender his services (in all the “ teanches of the Ifrnfession) to the good ] re-pic of Amencus and Sumter connU, and so- hviuj a continuance of the liberal pati licictofore bestowed upon liim. “^" Special attention^iven to Surgery. Co., Chemhtts an<l Compounders,Americns, Ga., i tuc ouijj i*a lumm, auu vut* ljuaiuuna ui andsoldby dMlcrs and druggists both the Oneida and Bombay, as testified Price per bottle, $1. mb30-ly tL.f the bottom, and is making sand slowly I laid down on tho deck, and peered over the broken end down into the cabin, but did not dare trust my air-line in contact, with tho jagged timbers. The guns and armament, except one, are all in place aft, but I did not go forward, as I was afraid of entanglement*in tho rigging.” Tam ing to Crowinshield, he said; “Your evidence, which I read, described almost; exactly the injury, except that she was cut deeper than you could have known.” Longee expressed tho belief that it will bo impracable to raise the .-hip, but that tho splendid battery, personal effects, &c., can be saved if the government see* proper. By this survey tho testimony of tins living is verified, and tho memory of tho dead withont a stain, for the position of the ship as found, and the positions of H..<l4,a,rtr^.fSi-K;'S l H t ore of l.-r. E. 1. , „ J Klridge. Residence fronting that of Rev. J. j * V>. Jordan. June 8tf ! H OTEL BAR—Messrs. Cozart A Son would respectfully announce to the publiethat they ha\e taken the Hotel Bar, where they intend keeping all the choice liquors of tlie dsy. To lovers of good drinks and cigars we would ask a call, and ir Johnnie fails to suit yonr taate, no charge. In connection with onr bar wo have a billiard saloon attached neatly fitted up and in good order. apr5-if COZART A SON. to by tlio navigating officers, shows that it was impossible for the Bombay to have ever seen the red light of the Oneida; that the order of “Port your helm,” by Cap- 0h<? TfroRssaid Itoftass Deposited wftli the authorities of the State Georgia for the protection of jiollcy holders. Policies upon all the various plans of insurance A dead reckoning—calculating one's funeral expenses. He that lives upon hope ha* a slender die!. Tlic procuring of a divoureo is called courting after marriage. Evergreens—People who do not. take tli epapers. The time to arrest expenses—when prices are high. Young grow mast when in love. It in creases their sighs wonderfully. Counter-irritants—people who exam ine the whole stock and lmy nothing. How many apples did oar first parents eat in tlie garden of Eden ? Evo 8 and Adam 2. A bachelor—a man who neglects his R. T. NOTICE. JJYOWICr.UDr. EUWJao-. Dtur j fSi'SiK! TWideucc near tho Mcthodibt Church. i h ? KM*™.*™ 1 , >* no wav connected with My service* I again tender the rood iiconic of I busmees. Tlie wood shop is under his Americus and country generally * T °° a 1 control stnl altogether separate from my Jan 23 tf Blacksmith shop—each one doing business for — j himself, and each responsible for his own con- D. A. GREENE, l *’^Su as „ ATTORNEY AT LAW, was right. j A critic says of a famous singer that j “she sings a few airs and puts on a great m i many.” legend of tho Cherokee Bose. *. Poor, dear man,” said a woman at The “Chorokco Bose”—that beautiful I the fupeval of her fourth husband, he’s flowei*, with which every Georgian is i past trouble now.” r i i.-*k * j- A Phrenologist being asked what he Milk. «4u All business faithfully attended t«.| april T. L. CLARKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. fhestot, qeohoia April 3-tf. Dr. W. D. COOPER, nFFEBS hi. profcMimwl MrriM. foUMdti- y_aen« of Amcriec «iuromxBlia conntry- Ifctoni WJ^.Ooo.F. Cooper. OlBc.—Corner »Lrt*lT ^toMenoe Mi Mr. Tboe. HKrokTk, Oolb(a ML TIB. M. D. McLEOD, Ameri- A/ cus.G; * f the Eye and Ear ud CkMrh, tevonion end I^lrovSdSTired “■s&r JAMES ELLIS. VALUABLE PROPERTY V FOR HALE IN BRUNSWICK. Ga., con sisting of lots to suit tmrroaaera, finely situated. 480 4m 150 iS?Efe?‘£ centij surveyed into lota and now for the first time offered at km prices to encourage improve- — .. "nogjoeotitQ g^tkira. ranee rapidly in values as tbsdErSmravei Titles sre perfect. Descriptive pamphlets i maps can be seen or procured st the office of 8. II. HAWKINS, Attorney mar 11-ly WANTED, Ten Thousand Pounds of Cotton and Linen RAGS, for which cash will bs paid. familiar—hath to it a legend which not many of onr yonng reader, we opine, have met with in their readings. It is thus told: “An Indian ' chief of the Siminole tribe was taken prisoner by liis enemies, the Gherokoes, and doomed to tortnre, but fell so seriously ill that it be came necessary to wait for bis restoration to health before committing him to the flames. And as he lay prostrated by dis ease in tin cabin of the Cherokee wanr.i- or. the daughter of the latter, a young dark-faced maid, was his none. Sho fell in love with the yonng chieftain, and wished to save his life, urged him to es- oape;but he would not do so unless she would flee with him. She consented.— ket before they had gone far, impelled by soft regret at leaving home, sheasked permission of her lover to return, for the pnrpose of bearing away some memento of it. So, retracing her footsteps, she broke a sprig from the white rose-bush which chmlied up the poles of her father’s door of her ne. hoWiS theUad of al 8eminol«, Aadfromttad.rtbi.bii?,! tiful flower has always been known bo- tween the capes of Florida and through out the Southern States by the name of the Cherokee rose.” kgcD* i* ns beautiful as the roue itself. conceived to be the organ of drunken ness, replied, “the Im'rel orgav>.” To remove stains from character—get rich. Bsrrett'n produces but one shade. A Loan of 50 per Cent Of the premium given when desired. All Policies Non-Forfeitoble. NO RESTRICTIONS AS TO RESIDENCE OR TRAVEL. STRIfYIIA HOMEICOMPANY, I WITH ITS Capital and Investments j 'AT HOME. their patronage. The time haa arrived when every thoughtfiil .uan ia dispoaed to make this wiao provision for those dependent ou hia life. Tliis Company proposes to give all tho advan tages which are offered by foreign institutions of like character, with tho opportunity of keeping the vast sums in our own midst, which are an nually acut abroad. People of tho Cotton States, Foster Home Enterprise. ACTIVE AND ENERGETIC Address or call ou WM. J. MAGILL, SnpCTintcndenfc Aoeociw. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. OFFERS TO THE PUBLIC A LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF Spring and Summer Goods AT GOLD PRICES! Prints 10 to 15c. cash. I FrenchOrgandies,30 to 50c. cash. Printed Lawns,] 5 to 25c. cash. | Blenched Homespuns, 10 to 20e. i, handed 1 asked, “Willye’s plas banes upon my stick.” Barretts L» n i dye. DRESS In great variety at very low prices. A large assortment of CLOTHING, GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc., AU of ,tticb will be sold at remarkably tow prioes forcMb.. , A T. BlfBD. • mar24-Sm 2d door nortli side Lomax 1 st, Amencus, Cte. OFFICERS: It has ascertained that uot less than 300,000 amuosty oaths were taken nnder the proclamations respectively of Presi dent Lincoln and Johnson. They are on record in ilie Stato Department. Over ten thousand dollars were stolen lost Wednesday, on the various lines of street cars in New Orleans, bv pick-pock ets. The State' Fair was the occasion of their rich harvest. Grading on the Alabama and Chattano- ga railroad has reached a point within sixteen miles of Elyton. Old men ora Barrott’i*. omtaox, President. Wiluaix 8. Holt, Vice President. Gao. S. Obeae, Secretary. John W. Burks, General Agent. J. Hratcsr Grkkn, Medical Examine W T, Davenport, Local Agent COAL, ECONOMY 18 WEALTH. COAL, COAL. !• you can buy it coal by the carload at re- rLayin yonr cheap. Iwffl f ducod rates dnring the months of Usy. June end July. I will also furnish grates. Orders addressed to me at Macon will be promptly filled. Terms Gasb. •prlRMm* ABMANII *. W7TTB. Watclies, Clocks, Jewels Silver-ware, Plated^ie, S P E C T A C LES , GoldPens.Albuxris, ■HKIimf ihine, Professor Frank’s and the Dhamoad'Bpoctacles.i W o havo the finest ever brought to this market, and at prices that defy competition. Watch work, made a spedaltv. Watches that have been injured by incompetent work men, or otherwise, made*as gOCKl as new and warranted. Anyone uaraug m m pwu watch that the? wish to have jetted can have it done in 24 hours from tho time they leave it, either in rnby, saphirc, chrysolite, aqua-marine or garnet.^ Jewelry re paired in the best possiblo manner, and engraving djono to oj^cr. Badges imgs, etc., made toordei-. marl7 Eams & smsm'SM JewelryStore.NewHotelBuilding