The tri-weekly Republican. (Americus, Ga.) 1868-1873, May 10, 1870, Image 4

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A. Cook & Co’s Column, f Qualitasnon Quantitas. XXXXXX If X means anything, we have, more X goods 4-TtAM n n TT IlATIflA Ann A«nA-Mf^ w ' oOCliRV DJjp Six Great Remedies. Dr. Lawrence’s 'HIGHLY CONCENTRAT ED FLUID EXTRACT OF than any honse in Americas- ’ MON TGOMERY k SHAW. 16000 lbs. Choice XXXX HAY, As fine as over brought to tills market nt N:* Mi per 10D 11m. | 22000 lbs- FLOUR, from 1X to 4 X, Price -95 00 to ^9 50 ]»er Barrel. < L satisfaction. If it does not, you ! MONTGOMERY * SHAW. Factory Thread, At SS OO Per Buncb., Warrant oil eoual to nnv made—“MARK THAT” i 1 SHIRTING SHIRTING, | • SHEETING, n, Montgomery & Shaw, BRAN nnd COTTON SEED MEAL combined, raakc3 the best Cow feed. Montgomery & Shaw. BACON, SHOULDERS, SUGAR CURED CANVASSED HAMS—hekt quality. Have the pretti^t Hurley’s Stomach Bitters, T’or Debility, I^oss -f Appetite, Weakness, Iiuligt*stion, or Drv- DRESS GOODS pepsm, Want »»f Actiou Gio tiver. or Dvor- THE GREAT HEALTH • RESTORER. No Quack Mediriue—Form ula around cadi bottle. tiered .Stomach. that can compare witlt these ®.»removing jry>sc distiVKkfrti complaints. To.’amca Rnddtc. * Co! Luitmilk, Kv* my lumnso and joy, before I finished one bot- StJ- The SO 50 Flour we g can keep the flonr anti we wi! ver offered In this market since |The War! J. J. LAWRENCE, M. D., MCiSIC SHBM1SY, Laboratory and Office, No. 6, Main Street NORFOLK. VA.. & SOHUMPEET, Yours truly. 'jo Lomsnllo, Kr., Dee. n», jags. H FETING nCELKYS POPULAR WORM GANDY i J5** rosily » apeciiie against all kinds ot* found m children, it is fast be-* COlJUBtf tllfl remixlv sihwfn/.wt.1 ?»» enol. Strikes at the root of the diseaa© by purifying the blood, reatoring the liver and kidneys to a hea.thy action, and invigorating the nervous system. This is the secret of its wonderful suc cess in curing Syphilis, Scrofula. Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Chronic Rheumatism, Neural gia, Nervous Affections, Eraptiona of thoSkin, Humors, Loss of Vigor, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladders, and all diseases caused by a Bad State of the Blood, Or a ilisssasd condition of the liver, kidneys, nervous system, etc. It thoroughly eradicates ovary kind of humor and bad taint, and restores the entire system to a healthy condition. Thou- uands have been changed by the use of this opting k Rummer tvoar. i i J ouuuuuw ivu ill smu uvu* Wos; its pleasant taste is quit© a recommenda- uoia of itself, whfle its efficiency w truly won-kr- Messrs. James Buddie A Co.—Gentlemen: It S ree a»e great pleasure to say, after using ail oother worm remedies known to me, but with partialsuccesa *° m y children, I was advised to tnr Dr. T. A. Hurley’s, and since using it ror children have become well and healthv. I be lieve it is one of the best and safest remedies known, and recommend it to one and alL .... „ Lt3CK W. Tuavx-*. Louisville, Ky., July 3,1868. Montgomery and Shaw, TOBACCO ! TOBACCO ! TOBACCO! Smoking and Chewing, Jfeg, LL PARCELS PURCHASED OP US WILL BE DELIVERED ANYWHERE IN THE Cl T l WITCOCT KXTKA CHAKGE. HOT 20—t B FOR THF. CURE OF ALL FORMS OF PROMOTES DIGESTION i relieves ! HI1 SOLI) i DYSPEPSIA AT PRICKS Fever & Ague SICK HEADACHE restores tone to system, | FUNCTIONAL I DISORDERS OF TUE | STOMACH AMD i LIVER, CIGARS ! CIGARS ! CIGARS ! Endorsed and recommended by tho President ot the faculty of tho E. Medical College of the city of New York. Prof. R S. New .on, M. D,,: Professor and President of tho Faculty, late • “Professor Theora and Practice,’’ of medicine, Cincinnati, Ac. One of the most eminent medical men of this age—well-known as the author of the following standard medical works: “Newton’s Practice of Median©,” “Diseases of children,” “Newton’s Symea Surgery,” etc., in December number of American medical Review—page 278, says: “Among the more recent efforts to introduce' popularly, aomS of the new remedies; we notice a new preparation compounded by J. J. Law rence, M.D., of Norfolk, Va-.. which is famished to the profession andthepublio in any desired •quantity. Wo recently examined his laboratory, :.nd become fully satisfied that all his work is done in the best manner, by the most approve,! processes, and from the best materials, giving as . t result a medicine meeting the confidence of he physicians and the public.” quiets NERVOUSNESS « cuuiumauon : quite up m advancement of the age; pleasant ! and reliable in alleges, Invaluable in the fal- ! loir mg diseases: Sammer Complaints, Irregularities of ♦heBowels, Beetivenesss, Teeth ing, Jete., etc. ! ® ' v es health to the child aikl vest to the mother. Price’s Baking Powders, Dried Beef and Beef Tongues, The Best Meal and Grits, ALWAYS ON n A N 1> . — MONTGOMERY & Nil AW, whiskey, rum and gin, BUTTER and CHEESE, No. 1 Mackerel-Fresh and very large, MONTGOMERY Ar SHAW, BROOMS, BUCKETS, SARDINES. .OYSTERS. CRACKERS, CANDLES, C ANDY, JELLIES, PRESERVES, and any and EVERYTHING that can be found for MAN and BEAST to eat. and at prices that invigorntesthe i APPETITE, RESTLESS to make Nashville, Tone., Feb. 22,1868. James Ruddle A Co. Louisville, Ky When hving in your city I uaed several bottles of Dr. & ibrook’s In?an: Fo >thing Syrup, and found : to do my child more good, and it would rest better after using it, than any oilier remedy I ever tried. I ran say with confidence, it is the best medicine for cbtldaai at present known. 1 wi sh you would get the druggists here to keep it. If any one does please let me know; if not, *>nd me one dozen by express, and I will nav fair it at the office here. Men Sacxu L. ILysdoiah: 207 EAST BAY, CHARLESTON S. G. feblx-diU W. L. Wadsworth & Co. HURLEY’S AGUE TONIC. I MO ARSENIC—NO MERCURY. liderstanding tlic wants of can bo found for MAN and BEAST to "cat. and at DEFY COMPETITION. No tronbble to i Goods. Call and get prices; if yon don’t buy now, you may at some future time. MONTGOMERY & SHAW, Pocket Sewing Machines, only $5 OO. Singer’s New Family Sewing Machine, from $65 to $165. MONTGOMERY & SHAW, Assents. 0SK00 Cures Scrofula in its Worst Form. 1 rom A. W. Mills, a prominent and well-known merchant of Norfolk, Va.: No. 11 Main street, Norfolk, Va., Sunt. l.», ISOo. I)r. Lawrence—Dear.Gir: Your koskoo lias worked wonders in my ffcmily. My daughter has lx?en a sufferer from Scrofula since childhood. : -ho lost thirty-one pieces of bone from her an kle, several from her arm, besides having ulcers in several parts of tho body. Whilst in this • undition she commenced taking vour Koskoo— :t acted like a charm on her, under its use the ulcers gradually healed, and her general health greatly improved. It certainly sa ved her much •'Offering, and perhaps her life. 1 regard Kos- koo a specific tor all scrofulous affections. Your koskoo also cured my wife of Dyspepsia, from which sho suffered greatly. Sho is notv in better IIk tniy remedy f'r rhQls ami 1. Agu.' and Fever, that is or cadl*e iVtvj ojt is llnrlrr* Acne Tonic. There ha tliousands cored br using it v.l.o bar.' usual rexr>eilics without l>«nci!t. 4 IF THE BEST BRANDS IN^THE UNION. 3,000 lbs. PURE WHITE LEAD, Terr Tons Iron, i 100 kgs. Nails, 2 doz. Wheelbarrows, 200 prs. TracesJO doz. Hoot HamesJO doz. Ames’ Shovels & Spades, Table & Pocket Cutlery, Plated Castors, Forks & Spoons, WAGON & BUGGY TIMBERS, ■ OTSBilSJ SUS/S'S»® 8 .'I I AiXANy, xn.1.. ilsy2s, 1*68. ! Messrs. Jas. Ruddle * Co.—Dear Sire—I waa » al iictcd wridr tho ague for month?*, over a vear 1 ! tliinfc. Your IIorWj’a Ague Tonic waa rkeom- is ended by a friend. I got a bottle immcdiateiT, ( wi ld commenced to take it according to dircc- ! »»i>u an«l hare no* b«n troubktl with a chill | ainoe. I am satisfied that if it bo taken acconi- } ir g to directions it will enre any case cf the ague. . I iecrmicc-nd :t to all the suffering. Yours truly, ' ' YiscErr Kick.' fBBTVT'HE symptomsof I lU9d I J- Liver Compliint mm-1 IcasmcBS and pain m tne side, j ■OHbS^ouu times tlic pain in the J me u mistaden for rheumatism. The ] affected with Loaa of appetite and ! owetein general costive, sometimes 1 jxperle nee Of many \ ears we sire Iprepared to sell at iLowestCasli Prices alternating with lax. The head is troubled with pain, and dull, heavy sensation, considerable Inn 1 with painlul sensatlou • nE lving left undone some- ■ ; which ought to lave j done. Often complain- .f weeknesa,debility, and | pints. Horietimea sorne ; eabove symptoms at- il tho disease, and at other times very Jc-w «> m, but the Ever is generally the organ mowt | ■*lved. Core the liver with PURIFY YOUR BLOOD, Hurley’s Sarsaparilla, i IODIDE POTASH L ENOS, LAWNS, Mobairs ORGANDIES. Japs, Grenadines. BOMBAZINES, iTamatines. Percales. Crepe Maretz, | Marls, Bareges, Eugenie GRAIN PROVISIONS. DR. SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR, This is the pure and genoia- eqtracs of the j root, and will, on trial, be found to effect a cer- I u in and perfect cure ?*.>r tho fallowing com- [ p!.tints ami diseases: A flections of tho Bones, Habitual Cost- i iveness, Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, Dyspepsia, Erysipelas. Female IrregnLmties, Fis tula, all Skin Diseases Liver Complaint, Indiges tion, Piles, Pulmonary Diseases, j Scrofula or King’s Evil, Syphilis, ! And all imparities of the Blood, etc. j Dr. Hnrloy—Sin I wish to make known my c ise to the inhabitant?* ot Louieville. I am a J clerk in a large catablialurent. and a victim of j hereditary scrofula, from which I have suffered 1 beyond description, and far months have been iiml4c to follow my omployineut. I have taken Cod Liver Oil, Iodine, Guynoti’a and lidf* Far- j uapariila. My brother had iiecn in Louisville, it nd hearing of Dr. Hunter's Sarsaparilla, pro-' cored me half a dozen bottles of it. I have suf fered for twelve years, and now finishing the l ast bottle, which vilt leave me in perfect health. , J think it a wonderful medicine, and the doctor , a. credit to the city he lives in. 1 shall bo happy to answer any communications that may be ad dressed to me on the subject. I am, sir’ jours obliged. Henry Turner, Cincinnati. A Preparation of roots and herbs, war- ! anted to be star tly vegeta- le, and can do no injury to COTTON AVENUE AND SOUTH SIDE OF PUBLIC SQUARE, AMERICUS, GEORGIA. OF BErnA'S, REYNOLDS’, MIJRFIE S, and DODGE’S Mannf ■■SanTcne. It has been used 1 know-n for the laat ZS years as , < liable, efficacions and harra- - * ver offered to the suffering. If one of the mort ,•< leas preparation.- • taken regularly ic Dyspepsia, jam sick headache, rti the bladtkr, cwnj kidneys, fever, n lieadache, costivencsa, diarrhea, affections of ntery, sITections of the naess, chills, ciseascs of , reived so much benefit from yonr wonderful Koskoo that I cannot refrain from expressing my gratitude. 1 had tried almost everything without benefit. I believe, in all sincerity, that vour Koskoo is an infallible remedy for tho dis ease from which he has suffered, and, so far as I can learn, has never fsv’ed. If you only knew the immense amount of suffering that lie has undsrgono, then yon could conceive the value of such a remedy as Koskoo—that s-trcly cures. Tho great amount of good it is now doing among ns is inestimable. With mnch gratitude, I am j-espcctfully youra. Mrs. M. E. A. NELSON. Bead the following from Mr. W'omblc, a pro minent hardware merchant of this city: No. 13, Market Square, Norfolk. Va., October 13, 1869. Dr. Lawrence—Dear Sir: To tlielar*e number of testimonials which yon offer of the great effi cacy of your Koskoo, I take pleasure to add my own. I suffered greatly with nervous debility Headache, Loss of appetite, etc., two bottles o Koskoo restored me to healthy Yonra^ruly. From W. H. Christian, pastor Dinwiddle ft. Methodist church: rortsmouth, Va., Oct. 25, I860. This is to satisfy that I know Dr. Lawrence well. He is a gentleman of cultivation, and worthy of the fullest confidence. I have used his Koskoo with advantage to myself, and have adonted its use in my family in cases of Nervous l>rtuUty and depression. W. H. CHRISTIAN. J. J. Lawrence, 1L D^-Dear Sir : I cheezftitty c-n.lorse yonr Koskoo as being a most valuable preparation. Upon examination of the formu la 1 find each ingredient highly extolled by our »rst and most progressive clinicalinveatigidorp. I have tested its effects in ray own practice, and ligymsohedMtariin Jsmy Biaueys, lever. , 1 the tdun, impurity of tic blood, mdancholy, or | depresuion ofspiritn, heartburn, colic, or i«ins j in the bowels, psin in the head, fever and ague, ’ dropav, boils, psm in Uie back and limbs, asth- i ^ nfiw-tirins and bilious (11*- m^ l ei«pela-rf<*maie' affections and bilious dis eases generally, prepared only bv J. H. ZE1LTN A CO., Druggists, Macon, Ga. Price one dollar; by mail one dollar and t wen ty-five cents. Tlie following highly respectable persons who can fully attest to the virtues of this valuable medicine, and to whom we most respect full y refer: Gen. W. H. Holt Preindent Hoathw«lrmK.r..; B«t. J. B. Fel*r, I’crrr, G».: Col. E. K. Bpu VB, -Ul..ny, Gx.; C. bon, Emi. Sli.riff Bit'h count,; J. A. Bmu., BjinbritiJc, (l.v; Dtk.-» * Htmrlm.W, editor. Flondian, T.lUJi.»<rc: Bo''- ?-W. Bnrke, M.- con, Or.; Virgil rowera, Em-, »np- «• Daniel Bollard, ISulUrtl'a 8Wt<m, M. A BMi., Fteitff CoSSSoce: M.jor Wohley, togton, Ga.;editor Telegraph. For sale by all druggists. SCOVILLE’S, BRADE’S, J. RUSSEL k CO'S make. W arrctiited PERFECT. EVERY OTHER DISCKIP- 1TOKS OF Dave Patterson s make, One Hundred Boxes of Glass, l*sides a larjiu Stock of TOOLS.. HANDSAWS, AUGERS, PLANES, Blacksmith’s Tools, Garden Tools, Builder’s Hardware, etc an 1 Dia uta ar3 fnvitsJ 11 c*ur stock, consisting of Waxe’ibaum’a New Building, Cotton A Opposite To»*le Si St bumpert’-. Manutaciurer and Dealer in SHno 35*axx*xx±txxx*o. PARLOR SETS, In Walnnt and Maliogauv; IRON & CALISAYA 0ft?S ■ivi th »»<1 without marble tops j • COTTAGE SETS, ! | BEDSTEADS,MATTRESSES Chain, Baakeia, Broona j WINDOW SHADES, WALL FAFER [ tic diseases. Hoping you will reap the rou deserve from the public as a benr- am, sir, yours truly, Cn.w, Iayd. SALT, SUGAR, Come and satisfy yourselves. TEA, COFFEE, TOBACCO, ETA Y, Bto, EVERYBODY IS INVITED ! ! METALLIC CASES AND COFFINS; In gre^ variety. licwnring pmmptlr elenderi j to. Orders filled with satisfaction and dispatch * deel-tf W. A. COOK & CO, Amerlcus, Ga., And at Wholesale by L.W-Hunt & Co., Macon, Ca fcbl8 ‘ ‘ . FFERED FOR SALE Ib. Emanuel & Bro/ s Areas Cheap as Anybody’*- USED UP. TNSSAYS I 0S Y0TJHG Tho enervated Xll and need up, who have lost their yoathftfi energy, ambition and bodily rigor, in the pur suit of social pleasure—with words ot cheer, and sanitary aid far the, seeming hopeless.^Bent Lumbers! Lumber! pared to fill aff orders with dispatch. Apply to G. W. GLOVER. Amt, aprillfit-f Nnjfh eMe PnbSc Squarr. FACTORS & COMMISSION |»i MoroDnnts, , mi SAVANNAH, ....... GEORGIA. in aprlttf