The tri-weekly Republican. (Americus, Ga.) 1868-1873, May 17, 1870, Image 3

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m tbweekubepubucah. Morning, toy «7» ^7°- 1KSUBE yOUS PROKBBT? Id »bo following a*io and Com penis*: Ni>rt* Barren A Mwwinnr.rwTMcxOa, 0? London, Engfe**L x’trxix iMHTlUMCtS Co.. Of Brooklyn, N«m Y*wk- * miF*» \ivrPAi- lK*m**»o« Co.. Of Athena, Geortpa INSURE YOTJE LIFE There was ft regular meeting of the City Council last night • Tb» Bm Wat to get Bed op Mds- quitoes. —Catch and kin tliou ! . There is a man in Webster county. i, who has never been otct ten miles from -the house in vhichhe was bora. Report* from Webster county represent crops in a good condition but suffering greatly from the tang-continued drouth. KonrriBLK Jaw Asstbw x Sorrcn- Of Now York i Co.. «V«rrui Statts I*« Of Macon, Georgia Apply to W. T. DAVENPORT, At 1»w New I>nu? &<*•» ha™" «tree* f Or to, SPEEB A HOOKS, Bunker* A Brokers, comer Lamar A College ate ts. Ladies will find the fine«t_ gaiters in the city st $&F Merchants and others desiring Business Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Shipping Togs, Envelopes, Posters or any other kind of Job Work would do xvell to coll at the Republican Office and xamino specimens and learn prices.— We are constantly addiug to onr already splendid Job department and feel confi dent that we can satisfy as to quality and price. Give us u trial Lenokk—A poem from this gifted lady- will appear in oar next. fifciflf the drought continues much longer most of the mills iu this vicinity will be compelled to stop running for the want of water. tOu We regret to announce, that Mr. T. A. Graham has been called away to Fort Volley by the serious illness of hit mother. 0«%. The dry season continues, and is ■.adwd working serious injury to the <*ropA. Where fertilizers have been era ployed, the damage is most apparent. High.—Corn Meal is now selling in Americus at the exorbitant price of $2 00 j»t-r bushel. Printers, of course, can’t purchase. e@ulf the City Council has laid aside ii* animosity, os we are informed it has, we hope it will pass that Itog ordinance without further notice. Modkst, Vjbt.—The young lady who would not allow the Republican to re main in her bedroom because it had a picture of a man in it l At a run-a-way in Fort Valley the other day, the driver was thrown twenty feet, and escaped unhurt. He would do for an Express package, aa he oould stand the knocking around. 8G£T Sometime sinoe the Mayor ap pointed a Board of Health, for the city. We have not as yet learned whether that honorable body has taken any steps hav ing for its object the health of the place. Perhaps the Chairman can give ns some light upon the subject It is time some riling was done. Lei the Board meet and ulopt measures that will tend to the health of the city boforo the sickly season is upon us. 9&- The colored churches in this city are nuisances. They keep np a perfect Bedlam nearly every night in tho week, and mako night hideous with their yells. We don’t object to them praying at all, but we do think that there is no necessi ty for disturbing tho slumbers of the whole community. If they would do a*, tho Lord says, go to their closets and pray in secret, it would be much to the gratification of those in the vicinity ol those churches who desire to go to deep si a decent hour. The following were duly in stalled on Sunday last as officers of Ra phael Lodgo No. 145, I. O. B. B.: President—M. Baswald. V. P.—M. Lazakon. Monitor—D. Barwald. See.—N. Emanuel. Fin. Sec.—M. W. Holtz. Tress.—S. Cohen, Sr. A. M.—Henry Wksthkivei:. I. G.—M. E. Flesh. W. —Ha2Rt Westheimeb. .Nrwj».—There appears to be nothing ■ • i very great interest afloat Telegraph ic items are not worth printing. Noth- ■ ug doing in Congress, with the Georgia « .w. The Senate Judiciary Committee ii.ive ns yet revealed nothing of impor tance relative to Bullock’s alleged at tempt to bribe Senators. Measles.—This disease has made its uppearanco among the freedmen in one of their suburban villages. Parents who have colored nur«ej for their children should seo that they keep out of the way of this contagious disease. *Qu The City Treasurer 1ms been or tiered to institute suits against all who are indebted for lots in Oak Grove ceme tery, and having no discretion in the mutter but to obey, it would be well for such parties to call at his office and settle, and thus save costs. ictr We would like to ask our farming i riends whether they think it ,is best to rai: e an exclusive crop of cotton, with thr prospect of getting not more than 12c. for it next fall, and pay from £2 50 to $3 for corn, or raise their own eatables, «ud thus be independent of monuy- -'Uangiag monopolists? 30- We hod the pleasure of attending tho dedication of the B’Nai Brith Lodge- room oa Friday evening last. After the dedication, Mr. Alfred T. Jones—who, by the way, is a printer, and un honor to :Ur craft—delivered a very able address, u which he set forth the principlea of the Order, and was listened to with luirketl attention. The Jewish citizens of Americus •ire among our best and most enterprising hu.-iness people. Wo are pleased that this is the c^se, and hope that the thrifty sons of Abraham may continue to give a call in their wanderings, and when they arrive here—remain. IQrThe Nashville Banner reports Hon. Gustavos A. Henry, one of Tenn- b’s foremost men, ns dying from cancer of the stomach. Guilt upen tho conscience will moke a feather bed hard; but peace of mind will make a straw bed soft and easy. gQuTrue goodness is like the glow worm—it shines most when no*eyes ex cept those of heaven are upon it. Tribute of Respect to Col. Wm.>i. Tribute or Respect. To tho memory of Hon. J. M. StanforJ, from Americas Lodge No. 13, P. A. M. ' “Your committee to draft resolutions upon the death of our brother, Jamea M. Stanford, beg leave to submit the folio* 1 ingj.\ -*-*'■ ■*» r>; . “la the death of our brother we are impressed with the frailty of the fiber cord, and startled to behold bow easily ■‘mi bowl may be broken. Solemn, ins: death, how affluent in re sources, rapacious in desolation, yet bow would wa prefer to die? Resolved, That the death of our broth- • Stanford entails upon us the loss of a worthy man and Mason, upon the com- inunity a good citizen, and his family a lover and friend, not to be replaced on this side the celestial city. Resolved, That we submissively ar. knowledge the wisdom and mercy of him who doeth all things well, though veiled beneath these chastening* Resolved, That we tender to the strick en ones on whom the blow falls with crushing weight, our brotherly condo lence, and may religion, the handmaid of heaven, pour into their hearts her preci ous ointment, and whisper as *twere the •oft lullaby, “The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord;” and may hope, that mmortal boon of heaven, conceived in the excruciating agonies of an expiring God, lead them like Israel’s unerring cloud to their only refuge in the Savior’s heart. Resolved, That the custom of onr lodge be observed in this instance P. B. Sms. ) W. W. Ford, > Committee. J. W. Rexlet, ) Godey’g for June is upon onr table. It is really a magnificent number—far sur passing anything over before turned out by that or any other printing establish ment in this country. Its fa-bion plate is superb, its steel engraving splendid and its reading matter choice. No lady xhonld be without it. Address L. A. Godkt, Philadelphia. A never failing cure, Equinorcmodics. Local and Business Notices. ft. We love nature and her music and delight in the sweet reverie when hearing the gentle breeze sighing under its bur den of rich perfumes which it wafts over the land. Yet nature in its magnificence and beauty is subservient to the wants of man, and yields blessings in every man ner. So it is iu every department of life —and W. A. Cook & Co., asks all who wish to lie blessed with health and com petency to buy their drugs, medicines, pet fumes, oils, paints, soaps, cigars, etc., at the City Drug Store and no where else. May 14-tf. B L The effect of Kimmonu’ Regulator on tho iitom- ach ia prompt and effectual. Cranberry & Co., Have jus r opesed ■ ■ SPUING noronr w new tors ax» oTSta fcoKnucsx an south din xutsrr* At Panio Prices, memvaxmm aim n o ash atJTBRS AX U88 THAS THE OOBT O* MAST AB- HCLES THIS TIME LAST TEAR. Bat oar butaeee 1. .tin BTBIOTLT ON The Gash System, As we cannot anx oca oooua at tux low tUGB WZ HAVE UUXDIUH ORT .A. CREDIT, sadwsksvsbat OIK PRICE W# repeat this, for the benefit of tbo«o >bo may that We are very Jvorfol that the Irish potato crop in tills immediate vicinity ' ill be a complete failure this year. Com plaints from every quarter come to us that the plant is dying rapidly, and 'vbere au abundant crop was expected three weeks ago, the continued drought nss cut it off almost entirely. Bgrolakt.—The Drug Store of W. A. Cook k Co, was entered on Friday night and robbed of what money was in the drawer and a few bottles of whiskey. The thief entered through the back door taking ont a pane of gloss over the door. After entering he lighted a candle end helped himself to what he wanted. The pr -prietor on entering the storo the next morning found the back door open. The question arises where was the po ints at the time. How long, oh how long 'rill the City Council impose the present ^competent police apon the citizens of Americas. Cannot that honorable body have tome compassion upon its citizens, ■md place men in office wbo will look "ftar the interests of tho city? Scarcely ft night passes but that some depreda tion is committed in onr city, and yet the police have no knowledge of it whatever. V change is needed, and the Council should respect the wishes of the citizen* in this matter and make the change Americus, Go., May 18, 1870. At a meeting of Americus Lodge. F. A. M., the undersigned were appointed a committee to draft each resolutions as would express their bereavement, conse quent on the death of onr brother, Col. Win. M. Brown. In compliance there with we submit the following REPORT: Col. Wm. M. Brown was a resident ol Marion county, and died suddenly in Americus on the morning of the 29th of April, 1870, in the 63d year of his age. The death of onr brother was a sad and mysterious one, the cause of which is known only to the great “I Am.” With in a few hoars of his death he was in the vigor of manhood, but death suddenly aid his icy cold hands upon him, and claimed him as his own. Though he was not permitted by Providence to breathe his last in the peaceful abode of his own loved home, or be surrounded by liis af fectionate companion and loving daugh ters, yet wc have tho consolation of knowing that he was attended in his last moments by his two sons and a large num ber of sorrowing friends and mystic brethren. The character of CoL Brown was strongly marked by n strict integrity in all his business relations. He was firm in his attachments and candid in the ex pression of his sentiments apon all sub jects. He was a high-toned, generous gentleman, genial companion and nsefal citizen. His loss is a great calamity, not only to the section of conntry where his lot was cast, bat to the entire State. Th< family and community feel that they have sustained an irreparable loss in the death of CoL Win. M. Brown—a void not easily filled. In testimony of our respect as mem ben of Americus Lodgo for tho rare qualities of head and heart of onr friend and brother, be it therefore Resolved, That while we bow with sub mission to the divine will of onr heaven ly lather in removing from onr midst on much esteemed friend and brother, and mourn with hearts full of sorrow, we can bat exclaim, “Thy will,not ours, be done, O God. ” Resolved, That we extend to the wi dow and family of CoL Wm. M. Brown onr heartfelt sympathy and condolence in their great affliction in that they have lost a good husband and kiud father. Resolved,' That onr condolence be ten dered to the brethren of Marion Lodge, of which onr bro her was a zealous mem ber, and mingle oor grief with theirs in this sad calamity. Resolved, That the. Secretary be in stroetyd to forward a copy of this memo riam to the Lodge of wbioh the deceased was a member, and also to the family of our deoeosed brother. Cnss. W. Hakooox, j S3, Having made the enbjcct of Optics •pccL» study for several years, we are prepared to adjust Spectacles to all cases of d.Tectiv j eight with the greatest accuracy and upon ad- « entitle principles, not kjothtly oca own, but J WE SELL ONLY FOR CASH. Buying our Goods, as we do, from TKMmaa act XAXUFACIUU£B8 Many of them BY THE PACKAGE, and WITH CHE HUNKY, wo can tupply COUNTRY MERCHANTS upon as coon ima as they can nuke their purchases in any market in-Georgia. Wa have sbeantiftd tins of PLAIN, CHECKED and STRIPED JAPANESE SILKS, Colored ud 8*tin StiW OBAJJAIHRE& rerjr handnmo; plain Bitot Iron BAHEQE. BLAfiK MMjenrt Cm ltiadt BOMBAZINE; DRESS GOODS, fho moat beautiful stock of Printed LAWNS. iacosettes aud oiKUMiix MUSLINS we evei usd. Homs handsome KTBIP&U PIQUEfe, oew style; PRINTS. BLEACHED and BROWN SHIRTINGS an* SHEETINGS of all widths aud qualities. STRIPED and PLAID DOMESTICS Ingres, variety. Low priced and Extra Goad Ticking, H OS IERY , OSNABURG8, nixow-cAas lutes, and 102 LINEN SHEETING BELOW COST. . BOOTS AND SHOES. Hats, Umbrellas and Pwasole, Oil Cloths mi fable Linen and Window Shader, CLOTHS AND CASSWEBES, Cottcmades, Linen J)uck» and Coaling* FANS, s vsiy large stock ol Crockery and Glassware, Plated Spoons and Porks, Table aud rocket Knives, Ivory handled Knivce, without forks; Candles, Soapa, Soda, Royal Baking Powders, (A very superior article); P<4ash and Starch, Fine Smoking and Chewing Tobacco. Trav*ll»c Eng* aad Eaikrti, cAnreTwos J cAnrxvuraf I CARPETINGS! From a oommon article at 50c. per yard, to a very handsome Tapestry Brussels, as low at- tbey can be bought in any market in Georgia. A small consignment of beautiful WALL P AP EI| TO CLOSE OCT AT NEW YORK COST! SA- All are respectfully invited to call and examino our stock. Vie charge nothing for showing our goods. UKANBEBBY Hi CO. Americus, April 12, tf. J. A. KENDRICK'S. hr .-Hind one of the largest and best k,U» ! SgftSSSi of this coun'ry and Europe. Wo will remain in rcapcctfuliy invited to this city for — - the balance ot our dayc. may? Letts ru A Fm:i Equine remedies for horses and cattle. Intellectual superiority occasions little difference in matters of conduct.— Nature guarantees a general similarity of actions. Opinions and fancies, whether more or less, within the province of hu man control, and an identity of which is not essential to tho purpose of existence, admit ol an indefinite variety. But there is one subject on which all nnito, and that is, that W, A. Cook & Co.sell thechenp- est Drugs and Medicines of any honse in ar* * Americus. aprilgl- lw Call and Examine tho gix>d*, and they will bo convinced that it is cue place to buy all kinds of Staple & Fancy Dry Goods. Boots and Shoes, h a. t s , & c. a srtXMJiD urns or Bleached Goods cf all widths and qualities A LA1IGE lot of UmiiM and Fixture. At Lower Prices, A Atth. Cm Dura Stoke. FA P PASTT than they hare been sold at SINCE THE WAB! J. A. KENDRICK. K. J. A1ULKBY Is now offering 2,000 bushels prime [ white com. 2,000 pounds choice leaf Lutl. 15,000 iionnds flour. jan27 At tho lowest market price. CO- Clothing made to order in the beet styles st WaaTHcntras. rigHE best No. 1 Kerosene Oil, 1. At the Crrr Dituo Stork. S3" Just received, c. larjo lot cf bleachings, to bo sold cheap at Womiznaat'a. I^INE chewing and smoking Tobacco, I- At tho Crrr I)ht:o Stobb. C«l If yon want cheap clothing go to ttnnuTna’a SB- If you want good bi«cu*ts buy Baking Powdera at Da. Elooioob'k Drug Store. ? Fine dress goods at 10 cents per yanTat WvaTunifK»>. ^ sar The best assortment of gents’ famishing is goods are found at Wcmonaai'a * DUY your Drugs and Medicines y KW At the - City Dbuo Stork. j S»- All goodv are sold at panto prices at 09. Kerosene that won’t explode, keroeeuo l * lamps at Dr. Eldridgo’s Drugstore. d «>" Best Flint Glass Lamp CUmnies that won* break, of un at Eldridge’e Drug Store. > OURE Wines, Brandies and Whiskies, *- At tiie Cmr Dbco Store. If you want cheap dress goods go to , npto WimaDxak J 19. Uillot Seed ml Dr. EMridg.',. B, 4WSmotios totaore, dl gnMlre,.bd f.Do ^ dgara.t Dr. Eland*.’, Drn* Store. i- ft»" The cheapest good* in town are sold at - Wcmicuaai’s. Wonderful effects from Equine ltemodiee. e Ttttl'.impiowaiuirdjol. KJmiUoJ oa ill to bo the moot .lmple and ct naOjeorer -areata), It i.0Mil, employed, doc. not rUin the “■ .‘do, treree tho hate eoa end gloeor, ul bin. e, eUDUMOtuio iUtffcct. Try it, aod roo wUl a- other. m iiqttio* remedies earn and effoctn*!. - To Our Old Si New Cus- 0- tomers. g*Jgg promptly atteadod to. Wo eoU onlj Inniau »LOA8* JOHN 0 W. A. Ctok A Co’s Column. [ — Six Great Remedies. Hurley’s Stomach Bitters, Tor Debility, Lo« -f Apatite, Wetfaew, Indigestion, or Dr- pepda, Wsnt of Aiiion of the Liver, or 'Disor dered Stomach. There ire no bitten tlut on ooupuo^tlt three in reratjTins IIm dt^rerefol StapUinl.. ToJTOreRe&Be, A Co. Umimflle, Kt; OeatleBwnii i. to eeftuyuiat there Isa for j-rer, .reSkrer. u. here ti^d Ui Uw Id*. I hard ot ne wltmised, with UiUe i. dihutu. tSSji2b3i,T Slhoir^niSiiblui’Jd'aiSfjb^r ihtteo one or tiro VM th. neu. of prahncio, m. lilt I coasdentonaly neosi- mend them to all nSreiulh. bw bittern teon. and advlm thmn almje to aa tr Dr. T. Tom. truly. Jasx W. Pans. laariUt, gy. Dee. li, J86S. UTRLF.V., POPULAR WORM CANDY ^asggacgawiag oomlngthsremcdysdmiciatared in such troo- bles; its ptassoBt taste is quite a reoommeoda- Jhnt of itself, while its effiaency Is truly wmuler- Jsmcs Raddls k On.—Gentlemen; It rives a* great pleasure to say, after using all «hs other worm xeaedios known to me, gut with partial sitoeem to my daidren. I was advised to try Dr. T. A. Hurley’s, and since nring it my jluklron have become well and healthy. I be- •msvo it is oue of the best and safest remediev known, and recommend it to oosaxhdalL . .. W. lunt, LonirriDe, Ky, July 3,1988. OR.SEABROOK’S Infant Soothing Syrup. * aJ [rehabla In all nut Inrehubio fa "the fob- •ornog 1W.111: Hammer ComphunU, Inregnlaritiea of th.Bowela, Bntiveneetn, Teeth ing, etc., etc. Qlire bfalth to the child and real to the mother. Mumux Tskii., Feb. 33,1869, James Boddle A Co. LouWnlU, Ky.—When linag in yoor city I tued aercrsl botUreof Dr. Seabrook’s Infant Soothing Syrup, and fount! ; u> do my child mure guod, and It would vast butter slier using it, than any other remedy I over tried. 1 eon nay with confidence, it is th* beat medicine for children at present known. I wish you would get the druggists hereto keep it. Many ooedoes, please let ms know, if nS, send me one dozen by express, and I will par HURLEY’S AGUE TONIC. NO AR8ENIC—NO MERCURY. PERFECTLY RELIABLE! The only lomedy for Chills and Fever Ague and Fever, that it or cad be dei • There j who have tried the New Auuky, lud.. May to, 136H. Mcssro. Jaa. Had Ho A Co Dear Sire—1 was afilicted with the ague for months, over a year 1 think. Your HurWy a Agn® Tonio was recom mended by a friend. I got a bottle immediately, and oommenoed to take it according to direc tion amt have not been troubled with a chill since. I am satisfied that if it be taken accord. uig to directions it will care any case of the ague. I roermmend it to all the suffering. Yours truly, PURIFY YOUR BLOOD. The largest assortment of DOMESTICS, he dtv; brown goods ot aU kinds; cheriu 1 plaids, sea island, eta, At Low Prices, It J. A. KENDRICK’S. CALICOES FancY DresS GoodS J. A. KENDRICK. TOE Hurley’s Sarsaparilla, —WITH— IODIDE POTASH 1 Lis is the puro aud genuine eqtract of the root, and will, on trial, bo found to efieci » cor ain and perfect cure for the following com plaints and dbeeaea: Affections ot the Bones, Habitual Cost- iveness. Debility, Diseases of tho Kidneys, Dyspepsia, Erysipelas, Female Irregularities, Fis tula, all Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Indiges tion, Files, Pulmonary Diseases, Scrofula or King's Evil, Syphilis, And all imparities of the Blood, etc. Dr. Hurioy—8ir: I wish to make known my com to the inhabitants ot Louisville, I am a ckrk in a large establishment, and a victim of hereditary scrofula, from which I have suffered beyond description, aod for mouths fcsvs bsen unable to follow my employment. I have token Cod liver Oil. Iodine, Guysott’s and Beil’s Bar- sapariila. My brother had been in Louisville, fered for twelve years, and now iafahfngihe last bottle, which willlesTe ms iu perfect health. I think it a wonderful medicine, and the doctor a credit to tbs dty he lives in. 1 shall be hapm to answer any conttunufasHsas that may busd- Jreesed to me on tbs sshfee*. Iam, sir, jouxv obliged, Hzhht TCTPOa.qnriTmati. B U Y m'« WHITE LEAD And Everything in the Drug Line Shoes is larger than ever and embraces nearly Every Style & Quality. A large 1 orti ix. of the stock was Manufactured to Order, J. A. KENDRICK. CROCKERY! CROCKERY! Our clock of crockery and housekeeping goods s complete, and embraces everything that is in the way of CROCKERY GLASSWARE Kxtm Heavy Silver Mats* awl Bril. GOLD PRICES J. A. KEKDBICK. DR. SEABROOKS BL.IXI R PYROPHOSPHATE IRON & CAUSAYA This elegant combination possesses all tin tonic properties ct Peruvian Bark and iron without the dim greas hie tastes and badsflbon of either, separately or to other preparations, o these valuable medicines. It should be taken h all oases when a gentle tonio impression is re- qulxsd after soovaieeoenee fevers or dettb- toting diseases, or in those distressing irregular* dice peculiar to females. No female ah uftdbi withoutit, itUable to each dwesses, for nothtof can well take its place. JAMES HUDDLE k C«., PBOPBOCtOISs No. 41 BMtt Sireri, Lomirille, Ky. WftU PAPES Window Shades All the above medicines are for sole by W. A. COOK db CO., Americus, «*., AadUWbolM^ib* ■ L.W*Hunt A Co., Macon, Ca —° M - ■ - ^ AJJC s. 1. DRUG STORE. —fUltlMl shall ana, Jon E. Soixim, ) J ipnlna *ee,JSqiooBereodio«. ■e «• rwi/juvsifc vrtdtr ^ a. vnr e »r.» a « « r ■ 'iTTyff?*lTOL^ ; Li • i' 1 S ' ' •- ' *- lil—m