The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, June 01, 1867, Image 1

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Up Dm In Tonal Acorgum.. VOL. 1. Tin 1 Daily Uyal Georgian. AUGUSTA, UA. JUNK 1, 1H67, OFFICIAL ORGAN l' !*. GOVERNMENT. PUBLISHED EVERV MORNING »V THK I.OTXI. MEOItUIAX I*l Hi.ISII IXG ASSOCIATION. .1. E. BRYANT • - - Editor. TitOS. I* HEARD - - Agent, ottiie, in rear at Sloiie Mold, comer of .iackenn ami Fillip Street., Auguftta, tieorgia. TEH MS OF SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR DAILY, i >m' Year Hi 00 six Moulin- 2 BO Three Month. 2 00 roK WItEKI.T, On, Year *2 00 six Month. 1 T 5 Three Month.. 1 tK> ALVtXIS IV »I»TASt«. s I Nt; LK COPY, FIVE CENTS. KATES OF ADVERTISING. One S.jiiari equals tell line, at minion type. I No mire i time • <•'> 1 ■* 1 " IS I- 4 ■' 1 “ 1 week 200 J ■> ■< •• , aOO 1 " t month SOO I•• -J " 12 00 ) “ j, o 15 00 I (i “ 30 00 1 i ; “ IS 00 A liberal deduction wiil tie made tor quarter, half or whole eolimin.. Addrc s. •' l.oyal Georgian,*' Key Box MW,, (ia. All ciminiunh alioii. tor pulrlicatloii nmst Ih> written only oil on, .id, of the paper, nnd »c --compatlied ivith the name of the writer. We will not the name, miless the writer xvir lic. tis t/t <h> .o, Imt iv, inii.t have it, as » guarantee of the truthfulness of the article. News and Other Item*. I'lie New York Time* .ays: “We |itnl, on i pcurriuir to our tiles, that <m ili, Ist of J ime, 1801, we pit Midi e,i lellef from our ,«rres|H)inlet>t, men tiouiiio (lie faet that a jHirtion of te Huller’n eon,maud had lux'll detaehed. In order of Gen. Grunt, arid plaWSl wider eotnmand <d Gen. Smith—to which was appended the following • ommtmt : “The eiielltv will llOt fall to *,■<• that J hitler has hero weakened It is prohaWe, therefore, that the reliefs win change their atti t id, from defensive to nffensive. Should I hev allaek. and fail toeriish ttntler, they may got whitijKsi Ihem ,-elx es. In sueh a ease the Union army, now 1 Kittled up between the James a-jid the Appomatox, would have another' ehanee to run, and might get to Kicli iimnd.” 'Phis certainly shows that the . vpression had been used in the army lon« before it watt embodied in the udlieiai dispatehes of Gen. Grant.” A letter received in Wasltingtotf trout Jackson, Miss., annoum-efl the tettlfH of Judge Sharkey to that < ity, and wtiys he expresses much sur prise at the action of the Supreme t ourt in refusing lii.s prayer for an in junction, and especially in rejecting his molded hill. lie opjioses a L'oip v eiitioiPnnJcr the I’etonstnietion Act, and says milittu y rule is better than negro rule. He is also disgusted at the readiness with which so many prominent Southern men accept ilif* situation, wfien, as he asserts, a <juiet ovl lirtn would have pro dneed a reaction ut ftic North which would have residted ili the repeal of the law. % • ■*""* - ... Ity Telegraph to liie Y. Tribune.] New Jer«ejr. I’mi vftki.i’Hi 4. JUy 17.—James M Scovcl I A., - .emtiaded lit hi. raidUKe last night, by a ml.,nxi hand He look strong ground in tiivor of die It It of June Convention, and in favor •if .Mr. Sumner’s hill equalizing the bailor rUR WKKHAO.K CONVENTION. Cite uudcralgnetf. Uefuiblieun members of die Senate ami General Assembly of the Slate of New Jersey. <lo earnestly indorse die rail which ha. turn published through out die Slate, fora Convention of the people, through apiHiintcd delegates, to as.emtite in the ein of Trenton, on Tuesday, June bit. i 1 suit, for the purpiisc of their new on the Huportmit sniijrrt of so amend ing the Con.litulion of the Stale as to *eeur# to die citizen, thereof iiupartisl manhood suffrage, - , Henj. Mi Amos CI.AHA, JK.. tii.imiK T. (Turn. W. W. Wake, l> S. BI.ACKM.VN, P. bt'HI.AM. .1 1 ME. f,. 11 4 vs, W. Waiikick. vott Kt. I'i.t'Hwrit F.. A, Htansbchy. lioncm Mooiik. J. R. Baldwin, J no* 11, Nixon. K. W, Hcntok. \. r. coviiit. a. >i. w. Haiti,, U w If. Mckchv. Samcei. <> I)., I>kWitt V. Morris. I ioe., >. Cm,/h i:. J.mvis Ksti.f.r. t’ M rt'oi,.i:inn;. Petek A. Vooltitt'.ES. ( Uley name are promised, and will tie added Ss received. Among the above signtasi are ten of the • hirttv**- K'|«iblhxm Stale Senators and a nainlKT ot members of the lower lions, . W« umjerstaiid si vs dm Tribune, that the. Shite ( 'oilrat Committee liave not than kite in this, • uniter, and that it " ill take early-and flil i. iv iM'tnm to ~-4-erfttiii the will of the parlv in this n-garil. Jdent.-Col. Gay, eomtttanding the post at Columbus, Mis*., ha* bunted an order which r,a pi ires the irnuu, departure from tiie city of all treedmen who have no visible means ~t support. Tliose ilisolmying tlm ordei will In- prohi)>tly arrested and dealt with severely, ( AUGUSTA, GA*. SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 1, 1867. CtIAPTIK I .Will. .t/i Art ronetrniny the Huitndeirfc* if Ahe State of Xeeada. He it inaeted hy the Senate anil Uoun- of llejireeentatire* of the Um'Lfd State* of .1 nrnea it* Cwnyree* aneeat/ded, That, as provided for nnd consented loin die constitution of the State of Nevada, all tluit teiritory amt tract of land adjoining Ihr present eastern ftohnl darv of the State of Nevada, and lying 1.- ttT»ieii the thirty-seventh and forty,second degrees of north lutitud,' ami west of the, longitude west of Washington, is heiehy added to and made a |sirt of the State of Ne vada. ' . Sec 2. Ami he it further rpinfrii. That there is hereby added to and made a tsn t'nf the State of Nevada all that extent of terri tory lying within the follow ing boundaries, to wit: ('oninieneing on the thirty-seventh degree of north tatttue. nt the diirty -evenlli j degree of limgituth' west from Washington : nid running then,c siiiith on said degneof longitude to the middle of the river (',dorado of Hie West; thence down (lie middle of said river to the eastern boundary of the State of California; thence northwesterly along said tanmdnry of California to tin thirty-seventh degree ot north latitude; and thence east along said degree of latitude to the point of la'giiiing : Ifvtitled, That the territory mentioneit in this sc lion 'bull not become n part of the State of Nevada until MM State sliall, through its legislalure. mi, sent thereto; AnilproNeietl farther, That all possessory rights acquire,! l>y citizens ot tl,e | United States to mining ehuins. disee.vered. located, and originally recorded in compli ance with the rules amt regulations adopted t>y miners in the I’ali-Uanagat and oilier thitiing districts in the Temtorv irtexirpora 3 ted hy the provision of tins acl into Hie State of Nevada shall remain as valid sub sisting mining claims; lull nothing here in contained shall be so construed H' granliug a title in fee to any mineral lands held by |»avscssory titles in Hie mining Slates and territories. Acitioveii. May 5. lßtiti UIAPi KK i.XXIV. An An to ntrooroi/e Ttlrara/ihir Voi'no on tioit heticeru thi {. ai/i il Stole* mat th* fehnnl ,f t'nbo anti other West To din Idnndnaod the Hnhama*.. Whereas James A Serymser. Alfred Pel!, junior, Alexander Hamilton, juni,,|-. Oliver K. King, Maturin L. Delatield, William K. Smith, and Janies M. Digges, tlieir ass,,, eittles, slurs sol's, and assigns, jiersons e»hi Hie 1 ntiß'iUiUonal th'ean Telegraph Company, and imorisiniled emupiiuy viiar tered hy the State of New York, are do .irons of estutdlshing a line of subiiiiirine telegraplii, eonummiealion la-tween the United Stales of America and tile West India Islands amt the Bahamas: Now, therefore, ill order to facilinte the said en terprise— lie it enacted hy the Senate and Jinan of Refirenentatiree of the United State * of A air rim i[, t'oriyreei* aimroiMed. That the said In leiiimpdlrt] Ocean Telegraph Company, in corporates umlef Hie laws of the State of New York, tlieir sueowaafj, and assigns, shall have the sole privilege for a period of fourteen years from Hit approval of this net. to lay, construct, laud, iiuiintaiu, and op erate telegiadftip or magnetic lines or ,ahlcs in and over the watgis. i/ ofi, Glands, shores, and lamls. over which the pirttfal fjjatps, have pidwiii'!jwn. from tile slpiivs of the State,if Florida. 11l (Ue wtih Uiiitisl Slates, to the Nland of Cuba and tip, liajputius, cither or both, and oilier West fmliii Islands. Se, . 9, ,\ml he it farther eyacfid, Tilf ll Hie said InUTtiiitkinal Onvin Tflfgiwph ! Company *(M. at all times give tip 1 piti-d Slabs- the free nseof said ejible or e.diles, to a lelegraphic operator of its own seleeilon. to transmit any messages to and from its military, naval, and dtplotuatk - or , oiisular agclll*i tl'd tjje said company shall keep all its line* open to ttlo puhliti fllf’lK’ IfSin-nds •ion for daily jHitilleation of m;n ; lo‘ „nij commercial report* and intelligence, and all messages, th's)>atelies and eommimieaHmis shall tic forward,at in the order in which they sli,»ll ilt>;.veil ed: and the said cnnqiuny slutll not lie pertm,ti,n Uif lffM'tT** ttll'j collect for mtssagia tiansmitletl Hironah ~<‘r its j l ~ stdimtirinc cahles more than (heiaU id Hirer dollars and tifty cent* for mewajp-* of hh words, Mfbject ’ hower, to the jioWer irf Con ; gn«« to altar and determine said rates: ; ProftiMl, Thill the said Intcnintiomd Oc au CmtqhUiy ..hajp fho WTtod of three years from Hie iwsaagu hi *-*, ; cause the said sidunarine telegrapliii niiii l or , aides to lie laid down, and Hint the siild cn ' ble or cables shall lie in sueessfiil operation for •Ik* trtdisniission of messages within the raid period or and», oth'-nvise, this gram to he ,;"H tai Hm, Sk, 1 *" J t be i> farther iltn&rd. Tjl-o Congri-ss shall have p. A ""er, «• ««>' time, to ! aher or repeal the foregoing act. Aitkoveo, May 8. ISttti. CHAi'TKK IsKXV An Art to ertepd th* J a rinlktion of the t'onrt ~f Claim*. He U maned hy the Senate and Jinnee of Ilepre*entatiees of the United Stab* of Ana rim ili t 'em]re** a**eiohled. That the ( out! of Claim* shall have jurisdiction to hear apt) dr tennine the claim of any paymaster, quar termaster. commissary of subsistence, or ottier dislmrsing officer of the Uditcd .Sbites, or of hi* admiiiislrators or executors, for re lief from rtapon-ibiiity on account ol Jossts tiv capture or ottx-rwise. while in the line of lit* duty, of gov ernment funds, vouchers, re crml*, ami pajmrs in hi* charge, and for which officer was and i* held responsi ble : I’rorided, That an appeal may he taken to the Supreme Court, a* in other fazes. Se,. 2. And he it further enacted, Thai whenever raid court slialt have ascertained tiie fuels of iM>V such loss to have ltcen will, out fault or neglect «** the part ot a«tv such officer, it shall make a decree, setting forth Hie amount thereof, upon which the proper accounting officers of Hit: treasury slwll ah low lo such officer the amount so decreed a* a credit in the settlement of tlis accounts. Api-koveij, Mav P. IBBm. CHArrKB KNXVI .1/, Art eniargiiig the JAmrrr* of th, lory Court of the County of H'athlnyhm. in the lUttrin of CMouthht. He it fmined hy th' Senate any j JJon*. of 1 Jlefire*enraterr» (if th' l 'aftedSla/enof •ibti'reea ia Congee** awemhtrd, J hat the lew cVflrt ol the county of Wasiiington. in flic District of Columbia, is hereby m,,powered to declare and locale as public highway* stub roads known and u.s,-d as mititary roads in said district during lit, r,-be11i,,,, a- said court may deem advisable: Prodded. Thai the , dainages whieli tiie ow ners of the land over w hk ti said nuids pas- shall sustain by reason of *atd road>d>eing declared publk highway-. shall fa- assessed as protved for in seetKMi three of Rta act of Congress approw and July lirst. eighteen hundred and nyelve. nliHisi •‘An act couferriifg certain powers on the levy court, fol tile county of Washington, in ’ tiie THslnct of Coiufiibia. ! Ait-hovko, .May it. UtOQ, CA.U'VFJi J.XNIX. An Art /,, iarorjeirnti the National Theotayical Inditnte. lie'it ( iniricd by the Senate and lloone of ■ 'LI" i -■ ; ' t'f i 'mnt'lht I i,itid S/afi, of America *'? (''hiyeeia nssnnhUd. T it.,! Alnaiii It. Gil lette. I’dgar 11, (fray, Kdmund 'l'urney, Zalman Ki< hind-. 11,-belt.l. Powell. W illiam TANARUS, jotm. on. Iteniy Beard, 4-harlcs 11. Horse, Joseph c 1 4.wi ; -. John H. I’oler, ltavki Uees. J). \Y. Anderson. Daniel C. Kddv, Leonard A Orimes. Justiee 1). Fulton, W’iUian, H. W'illiiiius, Isaac Wrestcott..How ard Malcolm. Joseph If. Kennard. Newton Brown, TANARUS, Dwigln .Miller, and all |«-ra,ns who shall or may .be assoeipted with them, and their successor*, are hereby created and , declared a Uxly eoijHjmlc and polilie. in * deed and kiw, by the name ot "The Na : iiomd Tbeologiutl Institute,” and by that name shall have .si(e, es.sion and be capable in law In sue.and be sued, plead and be im pleaded. answer and he answ rred, defend and be defended, in a!! courts of law and equity and elsew here; lo make and use a common -cal, and Ihe same lo alter or renew at plea 'tire , and generally to do and perform all tilings telaliveio the object of this corpora lion which, is iiow ami shall lie law ful for anv iftditidufd orliody politic or corporate I h>'do. Sec .In.C/y il j nether mocinL That . tiie object ami purpose of Ibis e,(r[firalion .-hall he for (]„. eduealiou of persons tor ill, ehriviiali lulnh (i'y, aiid those associated with th,‘in a assistants, in such eoun-e of Iheologirii! and general -Indies as may he deemed proper fur Ihal purpose; and for Hint purpose is hereby autiiorized lo elector uiqtomt -itch yjlj, el a-may he d< emed ne ccss!itv nr |,!oi,er for the M'Utrol ot its affairs; to adopt shell regulation.- and by- Isw* for its guVenuont as may he deemed ~,y not ineonsi-ient W illi the laws of (lie ,I'nil.ed Nlatysin force in flic District of ('olninhia. and in amend,>r. repeal them at plea-ul'eg l,v' rt'cive and hold any lands, 1 tenements, annnlics, moneys, giKids.'rliuttcls, . orothei properf\ of every kind or imHue, whi, h I,all la- git ui, granied. or L‘e<|UeaHieil I" il, or be otherwise acquired, hit Hie pur pose of carrying mil the object of this corpora -1 ion not eve,-,sling lift4* Uiou.-a.hd dollars in real (-stale at any one lime; and the same to sell or ilk-pose of jp sncli maimer as maybe desired foi the purpose’as'aferesaid ; Proci d.,d. That any property so acquired, for the proceeds tlicreof or any motiey received as a gift, .-hall not be u-rd for any other than siieh odnealioual purposes: And prodded, 1 aim), That no person slmJl be, exeluded from the advan'ages of edoeatiun ntforded bv the : inMilut,: 011 account of lll,',,logical belief. St.c. J. And he. it Jnrtfiii- - mtried. That this act niayal au.v tiniCifx- littered.amoiuled, ' or rejiealed. A iT'IUiVKU. May 10. IWi. 4 fIAI'TI.HisXXX. .to .Irf h,, an Art fiidiU/d •An Art, re biting to, a, ( hr,me. and reyilhlliny Jadl-l„ V Pi■n-rediny a iv retain t'a*c*f aji j,,.r, ,/ AJ,e ,1, A, I'd. eiobhi'i h a mired, and . slrff/lt/iff). Hr it ei.aetid. hy tin Small and Homo of \ Kef ir rentidinr of Hu l'nitrd State,of America in Cunarer* eat I,deled. That any search, seijiurc, arrest, nr imprisonment made, or any a-ts'lone qf qnijHtl] to lie done during the said i'ef.elliqn. by any qtllf.-i.-f or nefsfip, under and liy yirtu,”,)}' any order, wirttpii or Yilh.ll. il',*,il nr special, issued by the President or Se. reTiry i,f War, or hv any military offi, erof t in I'nited Blatfs |p>|(||i% j H,„ r-oiiiniand of ,If,' department, tlislrirl, or I place within which si,ll) reizivt-r, sennji, ar- : -si, .a itnpil-oiu.iem was made, done, or , , cmmiiHed, or any act: wa re «> ’done, or I omitted to lie done, either hy tlic person or j oil leer to whom the rtf, ter was addressed, or i'<,i- «'!i,mi jfW!>* intended, or by any other ; jinicinV ififfijit or .tva.-iiitg uiin tb„l,.io, iittill be held, tint! at,- hereby durlared, to , omc ! witliin the purview of the act to whieli thi* | is itmemlafOry. and within the purview of! , tlio fourth, fifth, and -ixtli sections of the s,,■ ,J act of March third, eighteen hundred ‘ ,Ut({ sjety-lU'e-t' for aH the pippn.-ca iM jk. f ore tr/insfcr. ajippuf, i rrHi, Pr litniliiijpn provided thti'fitT. ilnl no eildi order -siiiill, i liy force of this net. or tiie net to which this 1 is an.amendment, be a defence to any suit ! or act ion for any act done or omitted to be 1,■ after the nassage of this act. ’ f tU'hMtft Tm« : lien tit, sat.'t '*nf**r *r m PTlttng, it RtoJ! pe : solUeicnt to produce in evideneo tueorigliiftl, with proof ot if* uiifUeirthnty, ora certified 1 ■ eol>y ot the -ante; or if sent* by- telegfapL, 1 the production of Hie telegram purporting to cinq,coi j.pjfj gliji piilitarv officer Khali lie i prutia ftreir: dviui'ui r oj iys ; it(,i| tiie original of .-neb of trjegiinil is lost iir rail; ; mn be pro'luvcd. upotuUirv pyi(jen<c fmiwf sini" he iul)nlsf , (iili | „s In o'tig.r ravu*. sic/3. Ann it fdlila.f tl ‘voted, That the right of removal from (lie Slate court in to Hr' circuit court of the United States, provided in l|iu sis th section »f the act to which thi' is amendatory, [gay be , xereised j : after the appearance ot the detemj.pu ,pij the tiling of His plea or other defence in said ! court, or any' lerni of/,-aid tanjil sulisequent | to the term when the apjaoraner is entered, | and before a jury i- etnpuinietlcd to try I lie same: hut nnttiittg herein contained shall lie held jb> abridge th* right of such removal af ler final jin’ jn the State court, nor, . -hidi it b< t-cressTrr in the Sla(e court lu { offer or git, surety for tlm flftiyj of .copies in (lie eiiciti, court of the I tijlf-fl Htiite*, tint, on Hu-filing of t lie petition, verified as pro' vided in -aid fifth section, the'fnrfiier pro- j eivalings in the Ktate i drtrt slutll cease, ami not be resumed until 11 cert Hirst, under t lie seal of Hu* elrrttit ,-oitrl rtf the UltlU ii Htnb,*, j -lilting that the petitioner has failed to file ' (' •qiies in tti, raid Hieuft rnurt, id the next tei is nrodueed .iv:, | . and j orthar mat ted. That if ; the Shite eobt-t shi-11, notwiHistaridinc the pcrfonaiint' ot all tilings retjitipxf for tin: renwv.d of Hw ease to the eimiil Court aforesaid, pro,-<«tt further in -aid eattse or iiro s eiltim, before -aid eertifieitte is pr,Hitt,cl. tin n. in that <".!-■ . all dietl further proeee-! ding- s>,aj| i« void nnd of none , ffect; and .4) patftxssi judge* others, and nther j*•***>«*, thenceforth pioeceding (tier,-nil,ter, or liy of,a thereof, -fiall Is: ’ialile in damages Hi"-,, for to Hr- -party aggi-kv,,!. to lie re , o\,ietf. tiv ar,ion in a court of Hie Skite liaving i.-tvt“'i- jurisdietinn. or in a circuit court of the United States for the district in w !,i, h -mb further prunttxfing* may have! bnii liyd. AH when- Hv* ptirty. ollteer, or other pet son. o od, ixiing. ah all lie found; and Hjfnjto revovery of d;un:tges in either <onH. Hie party plaintitf -liatl lie cut it Ini to Sf-.r .■>. . I /*. if 1 *trih(r rHtx'Ufl. TlitU it In- tin* T?Hy of tiio vhrk of Hwi Stitts ,oiirt to fiirnisfi is>pies of the papers and tiles til Hie ease to th" part \ -s, (Wtitimiing ] f for the removal: and upon the refit ml or ne glect of tiie elerk to furnish such copies, the , raid party tn»T docket the ease in the circuit 1 rnitrt of the Unlt,-d State*; ami thereupon said circuit court shall lmve jurisdiction 1 herein, nnd may, upon proof of such refu sal or neglect iif the clerk of the State i court, amt Upon reasonable notice being given to the plaintiff, require him to file a declaration or petition therein; and u]*>n hiA default may order a nonsuit, and diamiss Hie , n*e at the cost* of the plaintiff, which ,li»- mkral si,all tie a tmr to any furtliOr suit touching the. matter incmtmversv. Aitrove* May 11, tSfifi. t lUFTEH LXXXI ,4ri Art to authorise the Coinage of Pire-eent Pioeei l. He it enacted hy the Semite oral JJoiine of Hepre,elitatirem of the United State, of America in Conyree* amrmhhed. That so soon ns prac ticable after the pn-sage of this act, there shall he coined at the mint of tire I'nited j States a tive-cent piece composed of coppei nml nickle, in such proportions, not exceeding twenty-five per centum of niekle. as shall be determined by the director of the mint, Hie standard weight of w hich shall tic seventy seven and sixteen hundredths grains, with no greater deviation than two grain* to each ; pcice; and the shape, mottoes and devices of said coin slialt lie netennlned liy Hie director of the mint, with the appniVal "of the Secre tary of tiie Treasury; amt the law* now in force relating to Hie coinage of cents, and providing for the purchase of materia), and priscribing the appropriat, duties of the officers of the mint and the Serrelnry of the Treasury, tie, and the same are beret,v. ex tendixi to the coinage herein provided for. (fee. 2. And hr it further marled. That all law s now in force relating to t(je coins of the United States, and Hie striking and coining ■ of Hie same, shall, so far a« iqipficabte, la- ex I tended to tlm coinage herein authorized,. ; whether raid laws are penal or otherwise, for the security of Hie coin, regulating and guar ding Hu process of striking and coining, for ! lu-evnititig debasement or counterfeiting, ot tor tiny iHhcr purjMise And the director of the mint shall prestTila- suitable regulatkius | to insure 11 due conformity to the mpiired : Weights and piiijHiiikms of alloy in the said | coin, and shall order trials tjiereof to lie j made front time to time by tlieassnyer of the mint, w hereof a rejiort shall lie in writing to Hie director. Sec. H. And, he il fnither enacted, That said coin shall tie a legal tender in any pay ment to Hie amount of one dollar. And il shall be lawful to par out such mins in ex change for the lawful currency of The United States, (except cents, or half cents, or two j cent pie,ns, luiiied umler former acts of Con i gress,> in suitahle sums, tiv Hie treasurer of the mint, and by such other (leptwitnrie* as I tlieSeiTrluryofnie Treasury, may designate, I ami midi r general regulatkms fttipfoyed by ; the Styrehirv of the Treasury. Amt under j The liU; regulations the same may tie ex j cliatlflW in suitaiile sums for any lawful 1 eufreneynf the Unit,*! Rtahw, and Hie ex | peiiM-s liieident to sueli exchange, distribu -1 tiou, and transmission may lie paid nut of I the profits of said coinage;' and the net pro fit* of said coinage, as ascertained in the intjupfr ] sescrit-ed in the second aeetiou of 1 the :u-t entitled "An a, i ii.latlug ~, lotoign I minsaml the coinage of rents at the mint of t)ie United State*," approved Fehruary twenty-flrat, eighteen hundred and fifty* seven, shall lie transferred to the treasury iif t]|e United States: Proridcd, That from and j after l|fp pi; ‘-age of dlls get no issues of ; fractional ’ ppfe* of t|p: J. T njtf4 Sfatps s||all j tie of a less (jcqqppnaiiun than tap rent*; anti j ,d| stteb issues »t that timemtt»t«mjing shall, • when |„il4into 1 lie Irmaury or any designated depository of the United Stales, dr NxWemnd I or exebanged as now provided hy Jaw, be re tained and cancelled. Sec. 4. And he. it further enacted. That, if any person or persons not lawfully author ! i/.eil slialt knowingly make, iesue, of pa«s, i It) CMS M iif tuatic, issued, or puaed, or i aid in lie making. Issuing, or passing of any min, card, token, or device whatsoever, in mental 01 its miiqiwimd. intended to }>asaor ! ta- passed as. money for the coin authorized l,y this act, or for coin of is;uni value, such WWtffl >♦«’ lifr»|*M kjlrtU l}fet ( ,w| gitljty (if 1 1\ ihistfcfPFiWtf, APfl elmff un conviction | lUeriHif, he pUßlifietl by a line not exceeding : one thousand dollars, and hy imprisonmsnt ! for a term not exceeding five years at the discretion of the court. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted. That it Stt M Most TUS Stabv, lo rodeeiu in nut tonal currency, under I such rule* am) regulation* as may " lie pre seriiad I>y the fie, ret ary of the Treasury, the coin herein authorized to he issued, when i presented in sums of nq] ]w fj^nqurhun. t|red itqlla|-b At-ritovtcp, May IS, JsOfi. •♦» C(ing!#«»ionnl BirtrJeti of Ist. Counties—Chaiiiam. Bryan, IJlierty Mclntosh, Wayne, Hlymt, Camden, C'ltari ton. Ware. Pteree, Appling, Tatnal. Bui J-K-k. Effingbam, fieri '*n, Emsmiel, Mont a.otef*. Ttdlfiif, t-'tiffpe, (Jlittcb, K«-||4»l». Lowndes, jlerrp n, Iftriq, j.iilifeas, .|(ihu»on, Brooki, Cokjnit, nnd Tiumt#*, Twenty rilne cotimiex. 2,1. Cotinties- l)«eatur, Karley, Milter, , Baker, Mitelmll, Worth, Dooly, Wilcox, I’ ki, Houston, Macon, Marion, Charts hooehce, huniter. Welister. Stewart (Jnit 111*11. Ct«*, CVlltomt, Kandrtlpli, Tfitoll, Lee, and IJkiugherty, Twenty three coun ! tie*. Ikl, Counties Must ogee, Schley, Tay j tor, Talbot, Ilairi*. Tfoujt, Merriweather, , Heard, Coweta, Fayette, Clayton, Carroll. Campliell, Haralson, and Paulding. Fif -1 teen CSMfitt. 4tJi. Counties —Upson, Pike. Spalding, ifenrv, Newton, Butt*, Mourn*. Crawfpfd, Bitih, Twiggs, Wilkinson. Baldwin, Jones, Jasper, and Putnam. Fifteen counties. tHli. Cotmlies—Washington, Jefferson, liiiluuond, rtlaraoi'li, Hancock, Warren, Columbia. Lincoln. Wllkea, Taliferro, (ireene, Morgan, Ogl«th,,q>e, and Ellwrt. Fourteen counties. fill,. Counties—Milton. Hamnett. Wal ton.Xfiufto Jaekaon. Madison, Hart. Frank lin. Banks, Halt, Fowyth, Pickens, Dawson, Hart. Franklin, Baiiks, Hall, Dawson, Lumpkin. White, Ualarshain, Raban, Towns, Union, Fannin, and Hilmer. Twen ty-eight counties. JH*. Counties D-Kalb. Fulton, Cold*. Polk, Floyd, Barlow, Cherokee. Gordon, Chattooga i Walker, Whitfield, Murry, j Catoosa, and pade fourtcwi comqtie* I‘* THE national Standiml. ABERIEB OF SCHOOL BOOKS which i* extensively nsed in every State of the Union, in many instances more largely than any or all olliers, may justly bear the above title. Nothing But the most unqualified merit coll Id give any lhK»ks this proud |)Ofllthm. Teachers, and friends of education generally, are aware that it Is creditably maintained by tiie NATIONAL SUSIES or SCHOOL BOOKS ri'mjsHr.n bt A. S. HARXEK a* ( <)., NKW YORK. These famous Books are everywhere used aud everywhere popular. The eataloirile covers every department of School, Academic and Col legiate Instruction. The following arc the vol umes representing the common branches : Parker A Watson's Spellers and Header-* ; Monteith and McNally’s Geographies ; (Mark’s Englisli (traminars ; Beers’ System of PeuunmehiiJ; Davies’ Complete Course of Mathematic* : Monteith and Willard’s llßtorv ; The Silver Lute and Forest Choir—Music ; Jarvis’ Physiology and Health ; i Peek’s and (lanot’s Natural Philosophy : | Porter's Principles of Chemistry ; Darby's Southern Botanv ; Nort herd'a School Speakers; I Pujol's French Class B«*ok ; I Andrews A Stoddard’s Latin Lrammar. THE ILLUSTRATED •j EU.rt •. 1 rwx.i 1. n i li, 1:r/x, 1 rhf ri iu.iwnr.iiV umi iai. wfimcm, 1 Wiil be sent to Teacher's regularly, lor one | year, on receipt of tf.n < enth. ! Addrc A. S, BARNES & CO,, EDUCATIONAL PUBLISH IJ!^. Xt tr York. my 1 Mini QIACKIVIM^' AEITIIIIMS. THE LATEST AND BEST. o A I*rhuary Arithmetic. Ik uu tifnlty illnatnUed ; carries the blglnuer Jhfttllgll t!|P \\y»\ four Rub -and the simple Tables, combining mental even i-e- v. itl, examplcH for the Mate, itinio, lbs pagen, 40 cents. Ah Elemmtarff Arithmetic. Reviews t lie subjects of the Friuwy in a style U\ mmirwlbU matum ndnd*. Mfi»i ftuhr-aces Fraction*. Federal Money, Reduction, and the Compound Rules, p.'ino, 144 pages. fJO cents. A Prod leal Arithmetic. Pro nared expressly for Common School giv ing special prominence to the- Wah*Jic« of Mercantile ArithmcUi, and introducing the HfW l ' hystem,’* with explanations sod examples. 12mo. ddII pages, 51. A H iff her Arithmetic. In j*r«>- ■ pa rat ion. I Wf Htrtt Arithmetic. Nenrly; resits. This series is meeting with a most gratifying j reception from teachers everywhere, and is ex actly what is needed for mental discipline, as* i well as for a practical preparation to? Hu* bind- j nt'fl'i Ujt Hlt eh »ps Muusiagh, euinprehcti logically arranged, well graded, is supplied ; With a great variety of example*, and G aelic,« j j the methods actually used by business men. ftpceimeii copies of any of tip 1 v,<u*ks ' immefi, postpaid, to aud school affleers, 'W TPtwH pHee. Favora ' \\lft teiMn? piape fpf lTjtrpquetaon. D APPLETOH & €O., H HMiRKHS, 4*3 * *44 HRIHIIW AY, Si. Y. myh-lf • i THE ROAD TO FORTUNE, Wl ,111 put ;miy ll,ale nr h'Ui*|* it, it,„ wny Os MafifNf; »I,M FVF.KY DAY in the year by the employment of Hu- time orfilnarl- W ai>cnt In rntiHitg and ret ro,itlnii. A FIFTY CENT SAMPLE sent free upon application. A (hirers, PAULDING, BANKS *GO„ tm Broadway, New Turk. Repiirator Capilli. Throw away yonr false irizzce, your switch**, | your wig— DestrnetiTC of eumbu t, A»d not woriti aUg ; I ytmiliful, coute ugly nnd fail j And rejmet In your luxuriant hair. KKf»AHATOM- ( APIMJ. For rfjntoring hair upon bald headfi, from whatever cause it may have fatJpp «»ni, and j forcing a growth Ql h*fr upon the face it lias no j U will force the beard to grow upon j the smoothest face in from five to eight weeks, or hair upon bald heads in from two to three months. A few ignorant practUiou; r * luve as- i aierteil that there is mdhlfig that wiU (urue of hs*p.p ffruuTh id ‘he hair or U;ard. Their attrition* arc fal&t, thouHamls <»Tliving wit nesses, from their own experience, can bear wit ness. But, many will *fiy, how are we to di*- tinguish (lie genuine from the* Mpuriog*. ? U eartainly isdltflenlt, as niue tesg.hs of the prepn ration* advertised for the hair and beard arc en tirely worthless nnd you may have already thrown away large amount* In ibilr pureluwe. To such vvt woußl nay try tip* HFPAU VTOK (A FILL A ; if will cost you nothing utiles* It fully cornea up to our representations. If your druggist doe> not keep it, send us one dollars and we will forward it, postpaid, together with a recidpt for the money, whieli will lie returned you on application, providing entire B»ii*fat tlon Is not given, W l ( LARKE A lU, i'heuiists, F«» if Wont Fayette dk, aj»6-ly Syraetiae. N. T. NO. 40. J. HlNt’KLINti k CO’S aItK A T S A II K OK WATCHES ON the popuior one-price plan, giving every patron a handsopie and reliable Watch for I the price of Ten Dollars’ without regard to i value, and not to If paid for miles* perfectly ! *atUfa<;tory ! r>()0 Solid Gold Hunting Watehe*, 5:?r»0 to 750 500 Magic Cased (fold Watches, i()0 to 500 S(H) Ladies’ Watches, Enameled, 100 to 200 1000 Gold Hunt ’gCliron’tar Watches *JSO to JUH) 1000 Gold Hunting English Levers, L*oo to :.*SO *IOOO Gold Hunting Duplex Watches, 150 to :iOO 5000 Gold Huntg American Watches, 100 to 150 5000 fcSUver Hunting Lever*, 50 to 150 .”5000 Silver ffuntlng Duplexes, 75 t0‘350 10000 (fold Hunting LepiiiC', 50 to 75 10000 Misecllaneou* Silver Watches, 50 to 100 ; MSOOO Hunting Silver Watches, *is to Ml ! MOOOO Assorted Watches, (all kinds,) 10 to 75 Every person obtains a Watch by this arrange- I ment costing but 510 while it may he worth j 5750. No partiality -diown. Messrs. Hinekiing A CWs (ireut American i Watch Company, New York City, wish to im i mediately dispose of the above magnlilcent. ! sttxdv. Certitieates, naming articles, are placed jin sealed envelopes. Holder.** are entitled to articles named on their certificate* upon pay ment of Ten Dollar.**, whether il he a Watch • worth $750 or one worth less. The return of our certificate* entitled you to the articles named i thereon, upon payment irrespective of il* worth, and as no article valued les** than 510 is named on any certificate, it will al once he «ecn that this is no lottery but a straight forward legiti mate transaction which may he participated in by even tin 1 most fastidious*! A single Certificate w iil be sent by mail, post paid, upon receipt of ’5 cents; live for 51 ; eleven for s\!; thirty three and an elegant pre mium for 55 ; sixty >iv and more valuable pre 1 mi uni lor 510; one hundred and n most superb Watch for &L 5. To Agents, or those wishing employment, this i* a rare opportunity It i a legitimately conducted business, duly autho | rised by the (fovertnuent, and open to tin- most | careful scrutiny. Trv u>. Address, .1, Cli< A Cos., I Id Broadway, near I* <>.. febg :;m City of New York MARK I AUK <il IDE. I>K IN(i a pri\ ate in.*truetor for married pt r- IF soils, or thoeo about to be married both male and female—in every!liingconcerning the physiology and relation* t»f our sexual system, ami the production and prcveniion of offspring, including all the new discoveries never before given in the English language, by WM. YOUNG, M. D. M'liih really a valuable and intfresling work. It i> written in plain language for the i general reader, and il lust rated with numerous Engravings. All young married people, or lliofo contemplating marriage, and having tin least impediment to married life, rJiould read thi* book. It disclose." .•'(•ere! * that every one should be at <juainted with, -till it a Imm»\ that lmtPt be locked up, and not lie about the hour * It, will Ik* sent to anv oiUMUi the receipt, of 50 cents. Address, Dr WM. YOCNfi, No. fir, Spruce street, al.ove Fourth, Philadelphia, P* tpr AFFLICTED AND t’NTORTI N \TF. —No matter what may bo your disease, t»efou you place yourself under the care of any of tin* notorious QuacK', —native or foreign who ad ! vertise in this or any other paper, g»*t a ot : Dr. Y'oiiiig’H book and read if carefully. It will lie the means ol saving you many a dollar, your health, and. na-o.Udy yotir life. l)f, Y(ALN’(i eah be consulted on any ol the . diseases described in his publication.-*, at hi. ollioc, No. 410 Spruce, street, above Fourth ; Philadelphia. STEP BY STEP, OR, The Child's First Jjcssem Hindi DESIGNED to teatdi new beginner* to read on an improved plan. Price,cent*. “Itlsouo of the best fjr-t iNMtka for young <)UUdrt*tr that we have yet seen, and will doubt less soon win its wav to public favor, ami U generally employed in tin* instruction ot . hit (Iren.” —Ofltttrtlft Stuff Jttrtputt], ” Sfrn by Step i* certainly u bijou of a eJiihl s He bool book.”— Phibt. /Vr->. The fiulto.»-rH'M.*rs will semi a airetilar eou(»in- UVg hpeelmen pages of the j»lh>\c work, designed to teach the lift L one* to read on anew plan, to nnv one desiring it. it will give teachers and others interested in education an idea of the work. Dopics ol the work will be sedt to anr tor the purpose of examination, on re cfipt of 15 cent#. DAVIS, PORTK.U V V (HATES, 71‘i Sa)t*um Street, Phlladelploj#. 1 i:\cklsiom • CIJASIELLAIt’S HAUL li A TKIhIUSATIIH / / I'ot Removing Supr/Jinous Hair. To the ladies especially, this invaluable dr A pilatory m ommetuls itsclt as bring an al uu»s| tii(|lMwit»iide article to female beauty, i« eMly applied, doe* not burn or Injure the skin, but act* directly on the root*. It i* warranted to remove superfluous hair from low forehead*, or from any part of the body, completely, total ly and radically extirpating the same, leaving tin skin soft, smooth ami natural. This is the only article by the French, and i» the only rca| « tfy. nml depilatory In existence. Price 73 cent* per package, sent postpaid, to any add re**, on receipt of an order, by BERGER SJfl/TTh & Cos., GhemisK »ph-ly River ?M., Troy, N. T. There eoinctb glad tidingsof joy to all. Toy<»ung and to old, to gn at and to small ; The bcmity w hich once was so previous and rare, Is free for all nnd all piny be lair, lIY THE llSutiF' CHASTE LEAK'S White Liquid ENAMEL, For Improving and Beautifying the Coni i ptexion. The moat valuable and perfect preparation in use for giving the skin a beauUfubpCMii-Ukt; I tint, that in only found in youth. It. ipiickly remove* Tart, Freckle*, Pimples, Blotches, Moth Patches, Sallow ness, Eruptions, and all InipurL lies of tin Skin, kiiullv healing tin same, Icjiv- Ing the skin white and clear a* alabaster. Its n*c* cannot Ik* detected by the closest scrutiny, and being a vegetable preparation, is perfectly harmless. It is the only article of the kind used bv the Kr< neb, and is considered by the Pari &i>i»s ns indispensable to a perfect toilet. Up ward* of dO,OOO bottle* win *old during the past year, a *utbeiei:t guaranty <»f it* elliaey. Price only 75 cents Sent bv mail, post-paid, on receipt of an order. % BKKGER, SIU TT6 cV UK, < heuii.-l -, River Street, Troj, N V HpO ly