The Daily loyal Georgian. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-186?, June 01, 1867, Image 3

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Tli<‘ Daily Loyal Georgian. AUGUSTA, GA., JUNK t, IBW. OFFICIAL ORGAN V. S. 440VKRSMENT. Be Brady for W ork. The Republican voters of Ward No. 1 are requested to meet at Thankful Church oh Monday evening next, at! 7j o'clock; 11 lose of Ward No. 2 at Trinity Omtvli ; those of Ward No. at Bethel A. M. K. Church; and those of Ward No. 4 at Central Church, at the same time. Republicans! the time has come to work. You w ill have an op portunity to register in a short time ; be ready. We must overthrow the Rebel aristocracy that has ruled and ruined this State. By order of Kxki i tivk. Com MITTKK. lii Bracelets. One of South Carolina's chivalry was arrested in this city day before yester day, for simply shooting a negro or two. It appears den. Sickles is after the nobility, lie (we cannot tell his name on account of his character,) left ffliere under a mounted escort —himself |ti bracelets. He will be lucky if Gen. mickles don't have him mounted be- Jpreen four uprights with the platform Sown. We would give his name but ■ >r the respect w e have for the “ negro’s ffibcM friend." H< ix one of th:u.t s * We will wager a ]<ostage stamp that lie votes -Vo Convention, if the “Old ‘ Boy" don’t register him, by order of i Gen. Sickles, before the election. :o: From Oil) Special Correspondent. Atlanta, Ga., May 28,1807. 1)k ait Gkoiioia.n : As the time ap -1 (iroaehes for registration, the question lof Convention or no Convention be- J comes the subject of all absorbing * interest with the good people of At ■ laiita, loyal and rebel. Onw would su]i- Ipose that after having appealed to the Sii picnic Court, Messrs. Jenkins & Cos., would have, accepted the issue as f cn-iblo men, and have advised our ‘Dignity” friends to “trust to luck” it the ballot box by striving to elect ‘so called representative menbut judging from they and theirs ad vise, the tight will be against Conven tion, ami for no other reason that one can possibly think of, than that a Coti fvontion will forever settle the political sup us of the colored man, and per haps reward the Union men for tile vein sos suffering they had to endure .fnatn the hands of our “Dignity friendsbut, still more horrible thought, the Convention may provide wavs and means for the establishment * of.; that monstrous Yankee notion, public schools for all the children of Gljpi'gh l . ma | A IvMj U jflie Rev. 11. M. Turner has been here lor the last five or six days and presided over the quarterly meeting of he colored Methodist Church that. eUßMiihlcd in this city on last Friday norning. After the transaction of one very important business connec ts! with the church, the meeting ad tjnvied on Saturday evening. Khler funer left here on Tuesday morning ■attend the. conference at Macon. V w ould have left at an earlier date m at the earnest solicitation of his ■ktous friends he was induced to atiin over, and on Monday night ■kered to a large audience of white »l olored, one ol the ablest speeches In hour and a half that I have had epleasure of listening to in Athinta. s topic was the Republican party. a clear and masterly manner he do iieol the great good the party had to the country, and judging from ) appreciative manner in which his eel was received convinced his iror- that it is the Peoples party. d|ew a contrast bet ween it ami the party that fully proved it Wi. Republican party is the ndvo e ol the Unity of the States, mati od suffrage, and education. At the x'hi«ion nl his speech be was sol ed by several other gentlemen who kff ill favor of the early adoption , a general tree school system. "Gaii,v Opinion” has changed d.s ; Mr. Scruggs sold his paper to V liion Republican Association, and fftorning the Union men ol At- i *f“l the satisfaction of seeing the the Republication convention : ; *,S ss, -TivbU.s in this city on the 4th uly at the head of its columns. It j *1“ 1 ho)«si that its managers will IB mlv m-ate the rights of the !% without regard to color or '¥ condition, and make of it J ,!,vo made of the “Loyal \Jtkuni" the peoples pajier. ]■£ ■ •'i" l, uru'jing news we receive from different portions of tllo'j State; it is truly sad to hear of the eon- j dition of the colored citizens of Dc- j Kalb county. Only six miles lrom the j headquarters of Gen. Pope, the colored citizens are told that it they vote “iqr Convention” they w ill !>c «iriv?n off the* lands they have rented; and, in, j eases where contracts have been made to raise crops on shares, that they will not lie paid their share. They are living continually threatened, and every jMissible effort made use of to keep them in ignorance of their political ' rights. These facts can lie substantia- j ted by good and true w hite Union men living in that county. I can conceive of no punishment that the men who make use of such base and villainous j threats do not deserve. These men I may as weir&ttcmpt to revoke the de crees of God as to endeavor to stop the onward march of truth and right. Do they think it too late for the pas-j sage of Mr. Stevens’ confiscation bill!' Do they think the colored child will j not learn to read 7 Their folly is like that of the mad bull that butted him self to death against the stone wall. There is such a thing as a jury assess ing the value of a man’s labor, and they will yet learn that men cannot be in timidated or prevented, for lceuvol' loss of w ages, from exercising a legal and : peaceful right. Colored men were dis- j charged in this city simply because I they were seen marching in procession to hear fsenator Wilson and Judge Kelly speak. Do the them who pro scribe you for opinion’s sake stop (o think that the very men they hire ini place of those discharged will tie Seen j marching in the next Republican pro cession, and so on with the next j Go on, gentlemen ! bye-and-byc we ; think you w ill want to cmigraU to i Honduras. Are you aware that you j are robbing yourself of the friendship ot vour truest friends ? Os what use is your capital and your lands without their brawny anus Better vote lor Convention and free schools it is not I too late to. mend and make friends again. Ji; stick. f "" J' _ BY TELEGRAPH. [From the City Papins.] FROM WASHINGTON. MISCKBLANFOUS Washington, May 40. The President will leave here on Sunday morning, anil remain at the SpottßXvood lintel, Richmond, until Monday, and w ill then go to Raleigh. Internal revenue receipts to-day, $411,700. The Comptroller of the Treasury ad vertises in the city papers that bank notes of the First National Bank of Now Orleans will be paid in hiuful money upon presentation at the Trca urv of the United States. FROM CHARLESTON. Ch ait MvKTon, May »0. In file United States District Court tn-ilav, a bill <>f complaint w as tiled by the District Attorney Carhin. against Charles I{. l’rioleau, T. D. Wugucr, J.T. Weinman, W. L. Trenholm, G. A. Treuliolm, and John B. I.atilte, mem bers of the firm of John Frazer it Cos., charging them with violations of the laws of the United States in blockade running operatioris, and claiming that in other res)*eetH they are accountable to tiie Government. Judge Bryan, upon hearing the hill, granted an in junction restraining the aforemention ed parties from disposing iff any real estate held by them. General Sickles leaves Charleston to morrow for Raleigh to meet President Jolmsf at. FROM RICHMOND. Ru n.monii, May :iO—P. M. General Brown, of the Frtjcdmeu’s Bureau, has issued a circular directing the officers, iti view of the hostility whieh may exist to freed men voting, to see that every t reed inan is instruct ed in his rights, and that he is regisier ed and votes. Judge Kelly spoke in Danville to day. (jen. {Schofield yesterday issued an order for the purpose ol giving ade quate protection to all persons in their rights of person andproperty, in eases where the civil authorities litav fail. He directs the appointment nfmilitary coniinissroncrs in sub-districts here- after to be defined, giving them lull command of the police, sheriffs and constables, and clothing them will).the powers of magistrates, these com missioners are to take jurisdiction in all cases where they may have reason to believe justice is not done. Ihe or der e'onebid os’as follow;-: “ Trial by the civil courts will be p> e j ferred in ail cases w here there is sati>- ! factory reason to; believe that jfmticc ' will be done. But until the orders of the commanding General are known in any case, the paramount jurisdiction assumed by the. military commander will be exclusive. All persons, civil i officers and others, are required to r - - I obey and execute the lawful orders of the military commanders to the same extent as they are required by law to obey and execute writs issued by civil magistrates. Any person who shall disobeyViV resist the lawful orders or authority ot a'military commission, shall be tried bv a military commission, and upon conviction shall be punished bv fine and imprisonment, according to the nature and degree of the offense.” This order will not be construed to excuse civil officers in any degree from tin l faithful discharge of their duties. It is intended to aid the civil authori ties and not to upersede them except ill cases “1 necessity. FROM MEMPHIS. Mkmiuiis, May no. The Charles'on R.nirO;idpaidsloo,- i 000 down, and ha stipulated to pay tj)l-o;lKHi.)iec month until the SB2, r >,00() ■ dite.-thc Government is liquidated. FROM NEW YORK Nkw Yokk, May JO. Ethan Allen and mate won Three straight heats in 2:2U, 2:21 and 2:10 the last heat 1 1 1 . fastest one on record. FROM KANSAS. Sr. Loris, May 30- P. M. A Fort Kearney despatch says the Indian war hits fairly begun. Ranches are burned, stock stolen, and settlers murdered daily. Troops are going westward rapidly. FOREIGN NEWS. Si . Pin i' no, May no. The Emperor Alexander left to-day tor Paris. 1, May tio. Poiijit Bisinark accompanied the 1 King to Paris. M uii.iti, May 30- P. M. I Tim Government has under coiiside | rtjtioii tin .abolition of colonial slavery. j On WuUne.sdu\ ot last week, for the first time since General Sherman’s visit to South Carolina, the loeotno- I live, w ith a heavy (fain of ears, i passed over 1 1n* bridge at Shelton, on the Spaytmdmfg uid Union rail ! road, The Proposed Constitutional Amendment. A'cxo/m Y 6y tht Senate arnt House of Uipr, s. o!m hct sos the Vniteil States if America in Cou/frcss iixsrmbtcd (twn lliinb nl lieth liouKCrt (oneiirreiT), 'l’luit the hillmving iirfieles he prapused to the RegUilatUlcs ol me weverr.t HKUuh up an anieuilmeiil to tile Polixtitlltinn Ilf (lie IJniU'd States, whieh, when ratified hy lliree-limrths of said Regiglatiirea, ulmll he valid as a |«ul.el the Constitution, namely; Aicm i.v - Section I. All persons horn or notuf»li/.oil in the ITuiteil .States, and fiiliject to tile juridictUm thereof, are eiti tizeiis id tin- United States, and of the Slate w herein they reside. No State sllull make or enforce any law which shall abridge tint privileges nr immunities of citizens'td the. United States. Nor shall any State deprive tiny person id' life, liber ty or property without due process of law, nor deo}’ to any person within its jurisdic tion the equal protection of the laws. Sec. 2. Representatives shall lie appor tioned aiming the several States according to the respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not, taxed ; hut when ever the right to vote at any election lor electors o! Pveskklit and Vice-President or for United .States Representatives in Congress, executive and judicial officers ol the Legislature flieroul'. is denied to any of the male inhahitaats of Mich State, being twenty one years of age,.and citizens of the Ended States, or in any war abridged, except for participation in rebellion or other ermie. dn luims of representation therein shall ho red need in the proportion which the hnnilter of ptieh male citizens shall hear to the whq’e number of male citizens twenty-••no ycaje of age in tlui State. See 3- No p< r*on shall he a Senator or Re pit tentative in Congress, elector, of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who having previously taken an oath a» a member ol Congress, or an officer of tiie United States or 8< an executive or judical officer of any State, to support, the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in in surrection or rebellion against the panic, or given aid or comfort, to the enemies there of; tint Congress may. by a two-thirds of each House, remove such disability. Sec. 1. The vahhty of tbo public debt, of the United States’ authorized by law. including debts incurred for the payment of pensions and bounties for serve* in sup pressing insiirrecliou or rebellion, shall not be questioned, but neither the United States nor ftny State shell assume Or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the Uni ted States, or claim for the loss or crtumel pation of any slave ; hut all such debts, obligations and claims shall he held illegal and void. Sec 5. Thu Congress shall have power to enforce by .mpr.ipriata legislation, t|ie [•roviHionfl <tl tUi# artuitc. M'iIISKEKS A XI) MUSTACHES 1 w tilt Fit t'< grow upon tt> -mootle ,-t face io U troo) thr'-e to live wort- M- using Ur. <:NK"uKSr.U-J;ATKCR«-AVir,I.AIRE lll,, most wonderful dis'every in noslero , .letinc noon lie.; Heard end Midi in an i llmn-t’miraeulous in.inner It has hveu used 1 ..tju? of I’-o-i- .md London wttli the moet lLmwin" ■ u-.w Naint'S ol eh pureliincr. wilt ~i i.ial : emir sotfetivtien ism.t i;vrry i. -urn-v, Uw »' « be' , y >s,do a o.'tif »a tie l idled States »pn I.' NOTICE. A.S Inm RitiDti tor \\\ ,T. WHITK, -imiiu; Ilia aliseiKC from the city, and have. Ou n i ailed upon to malic some setllemeids on the o-iate » I *T. I*oss, deceased, all persons indebted to tli* estate will please call and se'e me, as I (armot settle elaims withmit money. W. IF. MATHKWjn, Aj'eiit. Anunsta, (ia., May 51st, 1860 jel-lw SPECIAL NO’HCKS. Hands Wanted. A NUMBER OF(i«H)I»WtKHIOtOWFim can tlnd steady umploymetU, and food ]>ay, !-y eallluy: on JACOB K. r*AA IS. mv'idl \v jlr.Aiup \htuu'. :'.DMn.itauy Distuh t, . Oitiuk Cm if Qu akteem vster, Atlanta, (J a., lid May, 1807. ) By order ol the QuavtunuasteijGcnenil, .-ani’cd proposals wlllbe received ,4l this ollice for the sale, of (7,400) seven thousand four hundred %tons of COAL, at Baraneas, Florida. Payment to be made in (iovennnent funds. The proposals will be opened at PJ M. on Sa turday, the Nth of June, LSO7, and should l»c marked, “ Proposals to imrehase Coal," and ad dressed to Brevet Briir. Cen. 14. s.\XTUN, ChicL Q. M. 6d Mi!. Dislrid, Atlanta, (ia. eodtjeo J. E. BUVANT. | C. U. UK IIARDSON. BRYANT & RICHARDSON, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSEL/.Oils A T LA H', XIICiITSTA. GA. Ollice, corner Ellis and Monument Streets. H E F K IJ-E N U J! rx 1 lion. L. M. Mofrlll, M.C., \V T ashine,lon, i).C. Hon. Sidney Peril am, M. C., Wasiiini'tou, 1). C. Hon. T. J. Sizer, Buffalo, N. Y. Edgar Ketehuiu, Ksip, New York City. Cen. Geo. K. Sheply, Portland, Me. Hon. Joseph Howard, “ Col. AlliertC. Browne, Jr., Boston. Mr . J. S. Shu It/*, Pres’t Board of Hcaltii, New York City, my Pi It THE INDEKSICNED HAS At EC El V FI) the appointment of I N ITU) S'I'ATF.S ( OM MISSIONEIt for the Southern District of Ccor Ollice at Augusta. JACOB It. DAVIS. May C>, lStjl. myS Jijt lilion Tli.y IH sHiiy. J\D vM E K. F. TIIOKNTON, Hi*' -;rc >1 IVI English A'A i nloL’Jsl, Clsiirvoyant ami l*s\ who has (lie scientific the Oh! World, Iris now located her N. Madame Thornton |*<* womli 11nl j*«»\> • mid-i“tti, a in \ t<» impart kimw l< ilrv nl l lie i- lie -'c !• <c in n 11• «I in a slate ofCranct, she dc lineal,t's |lVFvery feature of the person you an io marry, and iiy tlm aid ol an ins;rmucnf ol iJdense power, known as (lit- ) >i -JiomolrojH . Lf.tximriK'fa to produce a life-likiv picturu »>1 tin* fjijure - vi iia. i,i the appi'mint, io with date «*l jKisitimi in lilt*, leading trails id cliaractcr, »Yu. TJiiw is no hunifmi;, as thousands <d tc."timoni;iis caiu sert. She will send, \\ Inn desired, a ee.rtilieaP’, nr write a ;j'uaniiite<’, that llu* piuiuic i- what it purports to he. Jlv endo-JiiLi •' «ma!l !•»< k of ha i;-, and stat ing place id Dil i li. auc, dispirit ion, and complexion, and enclosimr fifty eents and stampep envelope, iiddre-.a <i to yijur-’df, you will reecive. the picture and dc-ircd infornia tii>u by return mail. All eoiiiiminif ali(jns khckmllv confidential. \ddrcss, in <mdidcd' c, M \DA ME K. V. T.IIOUNTON, aj><> ty P. O. Ih». Hudson, N. V. Cf) MAKEYOUftOWNSdAM O Uper cent Savsp B* Lr.SK It. T. HABBITH I'UKK ('(iNf'KN J TRATI’.t) I’OTASiI OH HK.VDV SOAP MAKKK. Wan.nilid douldc tin blri'.aglli "I niiiieion Polii li, mid biijH'rio.' Io aa.y otlii i IKMiilicroi- toy in ilm ln.iikot. Put ii|> in rails of Ulit puuial, two paunils, Hirer pomid-i, six poubiL and twelve pound.-., will] liiU'direfttoiif, in Kliglirii ami (irriiiaii, for making Hurd mid r<ofi Soap. Oik ]ionnd will iiialp liltrun gulions ol Poll. Soap. No linn ia n qnind. ('oiiaiinn;r-< will lintl llii-: I lie dn ap' -I Potn-li ia.l In' liutrkrl Ahlv your giyirrr U>r if #5. lltfiSlSl'l’, dl, ii-,. lid. ai, (is, (ill, ;n, Vi (ind ii Wa-ldmr loii si rrr(, New York r/v PKIt «aSNT. SAVED HYUSINH K. S’. IHKISI’I 'S 81 Ali VKAs’l I‘<>W I)j;it. r.iglil P.i-rtiit, or mi} kind "I < akr. may bo mndi; with lliii V* a-I Powder in iilLocn ihimUcfi. No aliortrning i- rripilrcd a lien -lyect intik in iwd. Nok. Timid 71 \Va«lilngtou «(., Nt-iv Vork. BEAUTY. Auburn, Golden , l'b/yen Stf/:cn Curls, OKODCCEE tu tie use of Prof. DEBKU a I EKISEK Liv (■ ME VEIT X. One ajfpliea lion warranted K> etirl the most straitrht and .stubborn hair, of either sex, info wavy ringlet* or lieuivy mhss(\s of curls. Jlas hct.’ji used by the Jjtttbiouab!e«( of Paris and London with theini/Ht ttifying resntt a Docs no injury to the hair Pri« c, by mail, .waled and fi<>st-pafd, sl. I>C fierir*tl\r eircuhof mailed free. Address, BEIBIKK, SIU"IT 1 & CO., Chemist*. No. :.'Hr> Riwr Street, 'lfoy, N. Y., Side Agents for the t T filled Sl 'tW. ajdi ir FREEDMAN’S SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. ChniTen il I>> Ad o 4 4 'on«re>K. OFFICERS M. T. lb will. Pi'i'-itli nt. W. 8. ortmtlg l-t Vic Pri-iduit. A, 8. Barms. 34 Vice l’n-dricnr Rev. .1. W. Alvonl, Cur Hri-rcAarv. 1) Lnn-dug Lmnhiit, Kc'. Bccretary. Primijfat ilhiri No 87 Cedar Rtrert, (Aineri | . .in Eri liange Ttiuik llnilding,) New York C'ilj ! BRANCH AT AUGUSTA, GA., : NO, 10, ELLIS STREET, W.NEB OF JMKSOX ( irrn r Hoi ks—From 1 to 4, ji. ui. ; and on daiurdays. 4% to 3 p. ni. DepnsiUol Oik Dollar and upward received. Intyrt'sl allowed in January and July ; flu- money deposited will lie. paid hack In tilt* depositor, principal and interest, when cull'd tor. All tin' profit bel»n? to tin depo- iior —lio otlici- art* hiteri'-led. Brani-lir have Ih-.-u eitaldislied in mail} everv eitv Irom Nl'a Voik to New Drlean-. I II PItINUI.. I.eili' l IMPORTANT TO MKROIKNTS, PLANTERS <£ FARMERS ; \ \ T \i have Been informed (lint the usuul priKlice of McrclnmD, Furiucih mid Plants rw, in \\ orderiiiir their «nj»plie6 of our Dr, McLane’s Celebrated Vermifuge, !■■), item <«> >imply writt on for Vermifuge.’ The con-cqueme is that instead of the genuine l)K. Ah L AMPS \ riCMfFI (iE, they fre«iuently i;e< one t»r the other of the many wortlilcsa , k I'Bidliot < ailed Vennifuy hotv before the public.. We, therefore, beg h ave to urge upon Ihe Phiuter Uic propriety :«nd Importance ofinvariubly writing the name in full, and t«» advise i hey- fin to o: uni - . hat they w ill not receive anv other than the genuine 1)R MyLAMERs Ci'LEBL* VIED Vi liMJFUH:, pnpared by FLEMING BROTHERS, PITTSBURG, PA. We ;18 i would .ul\L-.. the precautions in ordering l)R. McLANE’S Celebrated LIVER BILLS 'I II r- at uopuh'iitv ol thotu Fills, as a sjieciMc or cure for LIVER COM PLAINT .o.d fill liu Bilious Derangements so prevalent in the South and South went, has inducotl i!;e :di : of inauv vvorthhis.-. no- trams to claim for their preparations oiinilai medicinal vl> tnes B< u.V .u rived! I»K. .fl vM.A HV/H Celebrated LIVLii 411-«• <>vt• u •.; md we urge Ihe’s am! Menliant, as be valuer- his own and tin- health ol those, dependin'' i u liim, to 1" careful in ordcrnm. Take neither Vermifuge nor Liver Pills, uni*’ uiiieu .. von an ettinu tiie gciuiinu McLANE’S, prepared by KL PLM ILNCi 1 iROTHERS, I’]TTBBI H(i, PA. UK. M €J$ 8.85 HB4 A T 15 11 JLJL \ls It P ILLS, For j>v licj/talis i>r Liver Complaint, l»[s^p*iat'ndSickllen<l<uhe. I IVFl> ri . r n!f It!I l mPi b J i ' l oMn, X I .'A J: O KISK f TKI» LIVER FILLS m> * remedy for " »»'t I fUO ' 1..11M1 I.AINIB, ijiapobmj will he needed. The. great Lie u 1 : H 1 *"«> .ilKius Diaeind'* ofiall kinds lliioughout the United States, tie ho 'r !“ !d "T.l”' iIT of eases, the patient is not within ?l i, i 1 V j sii'!;i" 'e.jiuri ■ 1 *n jsgjno renii'ilv sliould he provided, th.l wvuldnot ' h uhrTnJ uVd A i"oii ,, ! ( L''n 1 "?' Alleetnal. That such is the true char , Df • ; I-A M-. S l.u i.R I I ,l,b, thciffaiu Inlno doubt. The testiinoin- we lay In k" at Mice'c. tvlueli Inis luvamihly f tended their use, will, wc'think he sul ni.nlto om inee llu: most inc'rrdiilous It lflfs lreej our sincere wish (hut those Fills should " 'i' l k' '''oGfoly o-led. and stand or lull hy tf|e dh#D produeed. That they have lieen so b-led. and that ih. ie=ult h.n he.'.) in .'te,v rfcWffi Iti>i»l»U', w« .all l„ ~i„,w s \\ht» have experienced their beneficial effectr. A HI,. MeI.ANL.S 1.1 V KK FILLS, are not held foil or rei oimnendnl (like most of the pop. um - DISEASES OF THE LIVER. llu i.i).; i • much nitm: Ire«pn*ntl; tin ,-i’at ol disease than is generally (supposed The ui" ho" Hv- dcoigned to perform, ami on the rei-tth.r execution «.f which depends not onlv Uiu m ii. i,.l health ot the body, but the powers of the Btohiaeh, Brain, and the whole Nervu- Sy..t.4Mii, tshovv it.- vurii ;ind vital importance to huninti health. When tin ) *•* • tn rioUfly dD« a-t-d it in fact, not only ilerangi’f tin-vital funetiiniß of the f, »t ex«‘r4‘ih,etA a powerful iuJliHuu <’ t.vcrthe mind and its operations, which easily ho di teribed. It hnn st) cln .ii connect} oll to other diricaa4-s ) and itse.lf by irmnt, a variety of pympt4>ms, "I auio.-l (hMiiilfut eh.uaeiur, thm n luM- atUmore, physiehum, even of ip-cut eraineuee, than any ollmt or«*rn» : 'Ht Kotmate cmneetiini which exists between t liu Liver and the Brain, ami the uivat dominion whieii lam per”.ia*led it exercises over t lie passions ol inankiml, convince »»<* that many unfort uuatc being, j have committed acts of deep ami criminal ntrocitv, 4> r be giii' what lools t-■mi hyooehondi iac.-. from the simple fact of a diseased state of the* Livir I have Ion;; been couviiinm that, mon: tlion one half ot the 4 omplaintfe whieh ownr in itila coun try, an- io Ih; ton. id red as liavini; their neats in a diseased state of tin: Liver. I will enumerate "omc of them : Indigestion, Sto^pniteof the Mi.hiaes, stale of tin* Bowels, Jrritaldu an.l \ imlietiv I- and Pa.-MOiu from trill in); and iinidci|Uate causes, of which we. after nerd* feel ashamed ; i;ist, thou'/hiiot Dost, more than three fourth* of the dir,oases enumo rated under the head t»f Consumption, have Ihcii seat in a diseased Liver. This is trulv s frightful eafalogue. SVRPTO.BS Ol' % OIS3ASIO a.lVi:if. Pain in the right side, under the edffu ot the ribs, iuen a .iim on prefesure ; sometimes the pain is in tin* left sid<i ; the patii-nt is usrely able lo li» on He' hTtride ; somelimes the pain is felt under the shoulder bJnd<*, and it Ircjiicntl.v us lends to tin; ton of Ihe shoulder, ami is bometimea mistaken for rlirumat ism in tie nut. riff stomach is'alieeted with loss of appetite and sickness ; the bowels in ;ii' • o*tiv< . swouftioics -‘ 11 cu I:. fun: witli lax ; tin: he-ad io troutded with pnin, accompanied M ill) dull, lie... v cm i• '*» in the b.t<*k part. There ib generally a considerable loss ot jm-nn, ry, accompanied witli a painiul . ' libation of liaviinz left undone something which ou <r ht to have Been doim. \ liulii dry 1 ough is sometimes an attendant, 'flic j»atient eoinplaimT of weari :u md debility ; lu ! « asily startlud ; bis feet are cojd or burning, and he eoniplaios of a prickly .‘-e.i-i ti.'ii id llk -kih ; Jii ■ hpiril* are low ; and*although he is satisfied that evercist vv <4 a Id, lie to him, yet he can scarcely summon tip fortitude enough to try it. Intact, !"’ distrusts every remedy .Several oftle above syinptctins attend the disease; but cases hav.' Hcurrcd where, lew of them existed, Vet uxaminution of'the lw>dy niter death has shown tin* Liver to have been c.xlensivelv deranged. Mnt »•: lA** I’8;%I:K.-1)1L MuLANE’.S LIVER RILLS in eases of AGLE AND I EVER, wlicn taken nit It Quinine, are productive of liftppy results. No better eatlnu tie can he used prepa* and :y to, or after taking Quinine. W c would advise all who nr.’ afflicted with the rliscn-e to **i \« 1 hem a trial. l>iß*«*<* j Tel.., two ol limn' Pills on ufoing t t ) bed, every second or third night. If Umy i!o not iniu two * e three tiuius next morning, take one or .two more; hut a slight break last should incari« I•! v follow their me. The Liver Pills maybe usejl where purging simply is - -yy \ anti bilious puryafivu, they an; iutcrioi* to none, ami in doftes of two or Hires, they giv4. a-luig-liiii': relief in sick HeadiHjic; also in slight dejangemeuts of the Stomach. UU. M J jANE’S AMERICAN WORM SPECIFIC OR VERMIFUGE. No <li- hit 1 , tin-, human body 1- liahh- ai e better 'entitled to the attention of the. phi I inthro[)i..i ;1o ii t l*4v. ..1 •■ . •4cll ti on 1114 -irritation ]»roiluc« <1 by \Y()RMB in the Stomach ant! BoweL M lull Mi- an Hi. rci- i.s an adult, Hie 01111-e is fretpicntly overlooked, and eonHvquentlv th. pi-y. , Mined-. -• t applied. But v\ hen the patient id animaiit, if the disease, i* not 4*o HreSv m-i-»’d t ii Lll t* » frupicntly asuribud, in whole or in pari, to aomc other cause. It oiiglit her- to «■ p.iit j,-ulmi*:-ivmofUd liipt id though butleyv worms may exiht in a child, rind iiov : fpiie.- *i*t they m y have imicu i'rcviously, no sooner is tiie constitution invaded by y any •/’ ihe unmerons t rain of disc:!.« to wide!) infancy is exposed, than it j» fearfully ang niuuiud by their imtution. Jlem -: il too frctnicjitly happens that a disease otherwise, caaily mr.iiiigni by proper rcmedii's. when tgewavated by that enure, bids defiance, judi t lons in other f.-.peels Imi wuichenlindy fails in Conbcqucm-c 4>f worms being overlook' and. And 4*veu in uas« of great viulema , it a potent and }*romp! rdmedy bo puksensM, so that they . mid !•• 1 •p* lud without I t-sa. of time, which is so precious in such cases, the ease might lie uttacked, by jriopn nno <li , eveuduuidud, and withsucccf s Syinpionis vvfj?<*Bs t amuH (»«* —'The countenance ia pah and leailen colored, with '•'•ea.-bomd flusli- , or a yireuiuscribcd apot over one or both cheeks, the eye - become (lull, 1 in* piipib dilate ; an i:zu!' *. nii cheli-runs along ?, v |„wir eyelid, the nose i.> irritated) swills arc] soiruHifi'- bleed", welling ol tli« (tpper lip; occasional hcadac lie, with bumming (i r Hnoutiine *d the t-ai- an unn.-ual hccrction <»f saline, slimy or furred tongue'; breath very louJ. panicularly in Hu morning-, appetite vnriabh-, «-omctinus vorm iou.% with a fgiiev.ii,,! HiisiiUon at- t x sloin.ieh, at oHier'timuf entirely gone ; fba tingpains iu thestomacli; [ t)Ccnstomii IUU.Ma vomiting; viol* lit ]»ams throughout the abdomen: bowel* irregular, at timeri cpstivu , .?tool.- limy, not uufrcqueiitiv tinged with bhuul: Body swollen and hard, uriiu turbid , n piratem c 4 asiomdly difiieult and nnompauied by hiccough; cough sonic tim< dry and convulsive, uneasy and dint urbed sleep, with grinding ol the teeth; temper varialile, but tfeneiwlly irritable, Jce. Win lien r the above sVfnptoms an found to cxit»t. DR McLANE'B VERMIFUGE MAY BE DEPENDED LEON TO EFFECT A CURE. The univirs;.. .-iiicecss v. di has Attended tlm udmini dratUm 4>f this preparation lifts been -in li 8s to warrant us in pb dg’mg our elv< to tlic.puldic to RF/H R\ TiIKMOMEf in evu-rr instanec where Hiprovcn incHeetunl, providing the symptorus attending the sickness ot the child or adult warrant the snppo"itioit of worms being the cause. In all eases the medicine ■dioukl be given hi strict accordance with the directions Wu pbalgc our.-.-lvcb to the. public that DK. M< VERMIFUGE DDKS NOT CON TAIN MERCURY IN ANY t’ORM; and that it is an innocent preparation, and not eapatdc of doing the. slighter * injury to the mod tender inhmt. IHreetionx. Hive a child. fn»m two to ton yuaja old, a teaspooufui in as much , wed«ned water every morning, farting; if it purges through the day, well; hut if not. repeat it in the evening. <>vr len. gnu a little more, under two, give less. To a jfull grown person, give t wo teaspoonfuls. Beware uH oiinterfeitN :iim! ;ill ,1 rtirlrs R'lirnortina tu hf |)r. 110 CnneN. The great popularity of DR M< LANE’S (iKNLi.NE Pick BA RATIONS has intlm cd unprincipled person-- to at tempi palming upon the jmblie counterfeit and luf'ciior articles, in donse'iueny' of wliicJi 1 1n• proprieturu have been forced to adopt every possible guard agniiut fraud Purr lingers please pay attrition to tbu following marks of gen uinc mcks : Ist. The External Wrapper i* a line Steel Engraving, with th**. signature of C. VfcLANE anil Fl.EMfNti BROS. M. The Pircctiom» arc printed 011 Fine Paper, with Wttoi Mark hh follow DK. M LANE’S UJ'.LFHEATED VERM IFUGK AND LIVER PILLS, FLEMING BROS . PROPRIETORS '' This Water Mark can be *ee» by bolding the paper up to the light Tbs LL\ ER PILLS have the name btampert on the lid of the box in red wax. : 7'KJb IA HKi) ONLY BY FLEMING BROTHERS, PITTSBURG, PA., Sj!( f’i '(|'i iefi 1 ..I i)r Mcl.ittc l.ivt'i Uill>. V'crmifMjro attii luting Syrti}*. MM.n Itv OKIMiRN nIK ST4 llllii:. Tin I’i'oiii ieffi) ■ fnnvai (1 j)c) ni.iil, |io 4)>aid, lo iiny ]»:n t <>t Uiiitcii Mates, (jiic li(>\ Lim i l'ili;-. ni one vial Vemiiltige, on tin* reeeijit ot forty cent* in Government stamps. ..ctso * ' h'